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Subject: Apology cum request for late submission

Dear Sir,

Please accept my deepest apologies for my mistake in regard to late submission

of term work. It was inappropriate, disrespectful and lacked the professionalism
that you expect from a student. This medium of communication is new for me as I
have not recorded video presentations before and this was my first experience. I
was not able to face the camera for even 5 minutes. I lacked confidence and
fumbled a lot. I was not able to generate a satisfactory video by the time of
submission i.e 30 April, 2020. I had recorded a satisfactory video on 1 may, 2020
but to my disbelief the link for submission was closed. While I cannot alter what
has transpired, I have taken steps to ensure that similar incidents will not occur in
the future. Please, accept my term work.

I apologize again for the delay and thank you for your time and patience.


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