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Hydralazine vs nifedipine for acute hypertensive emergency
in pregnancy: a randomized controlled trial
Chanderdeep Sharma, MD (OBG), DNB (OBG); Anjali Soni, MD (OBG); Amit Gupta, MD (OBG); Ashok Verma, MD (OBG);
Suresh Verma, MD (OBG)

BACKGROUND: There is a paucity of good quality evidence regarding RESULTS: From December 2014 through September 2015, we
the best therapeutic option for acute control of blood pressure during acute enrolled 60 patients. The median time to achieve target blood pressure
hypertensive emergency of pregnancy. was 40 minutes in both groups (intravenous hydralazine and oral nifedi-
OBJECTIVE: We sought to compare the efficacy of intravenously pine) (interquartile interval 5 and 40 minutes, respectively, P ¼ .809). The
administered hydralazine and oral nifedipine for acute blood pressure median dose requirement in both groups was 2 (intravenous hydralazine
control in acute hypertensive emergency of pregnancy. and oral nifedipine) (interquartile range 1 and 2 doses, respectively, P ¼
STUDY DESIGN: In this double-blind, randomized, controlled trial, .625). Intravenous hydralazine was associated with statistically signifi-
pregnant women (24 weeks period of gestation) with sustained increase cantly higher occurrence of vomiting (9/30 vs 2/30, respectively, P ¼
in systolic blood pressure of 160 mm Hg or diastolic blood pressure of .042). No serious adverse maternal or perinatal side effects were wit-
110 mm Hg were randomized to receive intravenous hydralazine in- nessed in either group.
jection in doses of 5, 10, 10, and 10 mg and a placebo tablet or oral CONCLUSION: Both intravenous hydralazine and oral nifedipine are
nifedipine (10 mg tablet up to 4 doses) and intravenous saline injection equally effective in lowering of blood pressure in acute hypertensive
every 20 minutes until the target blood pressure of 150 mm Hg systolic emergency of pregnancy.
and 100 mm Hg diastolic was achieved. Crossover treatment was
administered if the initial treatment failed. The primary outcome of the Key words: acute hypertensive emergency of pregnancy, blood
study was time necessary to achieve target blood pressure. The secondary pressure, critical care, double blind, hypertension, intravenous
outcomes were the number of dosages required, adverse maternal and hydralazine, maternal morbidity, maternal mortality, oral nifedipine,
neonatal effects, and perinatal outcome. preeclampsia

Introduction Increased BP is associated with pregnant women with severe sustained

Hypertension is one of the most common increased risk of morbidity and mortality hypertension has been implicated with
medical disorders during pregnancy.1 in preeclamptic women.2 ACOG Task increased risk of cesarean delivery,
Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy Force recommends use of antihyperten- placental abruption, maternal overshoot
constitute one of the major causes of sive therapy to lower severe hypertension hypotension, and low Apgar scores in ne-
maternal and fetal morbidity and mor- in preeclamptic women during preg- onates.4-6
tality worldwide.2 The American nancy.2 Cochrane meta-analysis on drugs Additionally, on detailed evaluation of
Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecol- for the treatment of very high BP during available evidence7-13 comparing hy-
ogists (ACOG) defines systolic blood pregnancy states that until better evidence dralazine with nifedipine for acute BP
pressure (BP) 160 mm Hg or diastolic is available, the choice of antihypertensive control in women with severe hyper-
BP 110 mm Hg as one of the severe should depend on clinician experience and tension during pregnancy, it is observed
features of preeclampsia. BP readings women’s preferences.3 Commonly used that the majority of these studies actually
should preferably be taken on 2 occasions agents for acute lowering of BP in pre- used short-acting sublingual nifedi-
with an interval of at least 4 hours be- eclamptic women with severe hyperten- pine,7,8,11,13 which was withdrawn
tween them. Nonetheless, diagnosis can sion in pregnancy are intravenous because of concerns of excessive cardio-
be confirmed within a shorter interval hydralazine, intravenous labetalol, and vascular morbidity and mortality.4 From
(even minutes) to facilitate timely anti- oral nifedipine.3,4 1995 through 2013 a PubMed database
hypertensive therapy. However, there is limited evidence with search for trials comparing hydralazine
respect to nature of drug to be used. and nifedipine BP control in pregnant
Cochrane meta-analysis found no signifi- preeclamptic women with severe hyper-
Cite this article as: Sharma C, Soni A, Gupta A, et al. cant difference regarding efficacy between tension using key words “severe hyper-
Hydralazine vs nifedipine for acute hypertensive emer- various agents (hydralazine, labetalol, or tension,” “pregnancy,” “nifedipine,” and
gency in pregnancy: a randomized controlled trial. Am J nifedipine). Recently there was concern “hydralazine” revealed only 1 random-
Obstet Gynecol 2017;volume:x.ex-x.ex.
regarding use of hydralazine for acute BP ized controlled trial10 that had compared
0002-9378/$36.00 control in preeclamptic women with se- nifedipine and intravenous hydralazine
ª 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
vere hypertension.1,4 Use of intravenous for the lowering of BP during hyper-
hydralazine for acute BP control in tensive emergency in pregnancy.

MONTH 2017 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 1.e1

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Original Research OBSTETRICS

Hence, in the present era of evidence-

based medicine there is a paucity of
CONSORT flowchart of the participants

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good-quality evidence on the better op-
tion between 2 commonly used agents,
Assessed for Eligibility
ie, intravenous hydralazine and oral (n = 132)
nifedipine, for the control of acute BP
control in women with severe pre-
eclampsia during pregnancy. Excluded
ENROLLMENT • Not meeting inclusion criteria(n=36)
With this objective in mind, we con-
• Declined to participate (n=46)
ducted this double-blind randomized
controlled trial to evaluate which of the 2
drugseintravenous hydralazine or oral RANDOMIZED (60)
nifedipineehas better efficacy in con-
trolling acute severe hypertension in
pregnant women with preeclampsia.
Materials and Methods
Allocated to intervention
We conducted this randomized, double- Allocated to intervention
blind, controlled trial for acute lowering HYDRALAZINE
of BP during hypertensive emergency of
pregnancy. The trial was conducted in
the labor ward of the Department of
Obstetrics and Gynecology of Dr
Rajendra Prasad Government Medical
College and Hospital, Tanda, India, a ANALYSED = 30 ANALYSED = 30
tertiary care teaching and referral hos- (LOST TO FOLLOW (LOST TO FOLLOW UP;
pital. The recruitment took place from UP;NONE) NONE)
December 2014 through September Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) flow chart of participants.
2015 after obtaining approval from the Sharma et al. Hypertensive emergency: hydralazine vs nifedipine. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2017.
institutional ethics committee. The trial
was also registered with the Trial Registry
of India (CTRI) (registration no. CTRI/ Trials (CONSORT) guidelines were identical in appearance. Each tablet
2014/12/005285). strictly followed throughout the trial. contained 10 mg nifedipine or placebo.
All pregnant women with sustained Written informed consent was ob- Colorless intravenous study solution
severe hypertension (defined as systolic tained from the participating women. (hydralazine or saline) was placed into a
BP 160 mm Hg or diastolic BP 110 The randomization sequence was 10-mL syringe by the investigator and
mm Hg on 2 separate occasions, at least computer-generated in blocks of 4 or 8. was labeled as “A,” then given to the
30 minutes apart) were approached for Study medications were placed in physician (resident doctor) for intrave-
enrollment. Women were eligible for sequentially numbered sealed envelopes. nous administration, along with 4 tablets
inclusion if they were between 18-45 Each envelope contained 2 packages. (nifedipine or placebo) from package A.
years of age, they were at 24 weeks of One was labeled as package A and the Intravenous study solution was admin-
gestation, their heart rate was between other was labeled as package B. istered through an intravenous line
60 and <120 beat/min, and they had a Package A contained either intrave- secured as soon as the women were
reassuring fetal heart rate (120-160 beat/ nous hydralazine vials (total 10 mL as enrolled in the trial. In case of crossover
min, with no abnormality detected on hydralazine, 5 mg/mL) (Dralgeen; to regimen B, the contents of package B
admission cardiotocography). Bharat Serums and Vaccines Ltd, were prepared in a manner similar as
The exclusion criteria were a known Maharashtra, India) and 4 placebo tab- described for regimen A, and the syringe
atrial-ventricular heart block or history lets or intravenous saline (10 mL as was labeled “B.” Thus, the physician and
of heart failure, moderate to severe 0.9%) and 4 10-mg nifedipine tablets the participant were blinded regarding
bronchial asthma provoked by either (Zydus Cadila, Gujarat, India). the treatment administered. The women
drug under study, exposure to any anti- Package B contained the opposite rested in bed in the semirecumbent po-
hypertensive medication within the past regimen if treatment crossover was sition. The physicians were instructed to
24 hours, and nonpregnancy-related required. These envelopes were opened administer 1 tablet to be swallowed from
hypertension (diagnosed cases of by an investigator, and package A was package A and to administer 1 mL
chronic or secondary hypertension). administered first to the participant. intravenously from syringe A over 1
Consolidated Standards of Reporting Oral nifedipine and placebo tablets were minute as the initial treatment (ie, 5 mg

1.e2 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MONTH 2017

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of intravenous hydralazine or 1 mL sa-

line). After 20 minutes, if the systolic BP
Demographic characteristics of women in both groups
was >150 mm Hg or if the diastolic BP
was >100 mm Hg, the second tablet was Hydralazine, Nifedipine,
administered and 2 mL intravenous so- n ¼ 30 n ¼ 30 P value
lution from syringe A was administered a
Age, y 24.2  6.3 23.4  2.6 .163
over 1 minute (ie, 10 mg of intravenous b
Gravida 2 (1) 2 (1) .280
hydralazine or 2 mL of saline). If the
target BP was not achieved even after 1 16 22
another 20 minutes, the third tablet was 2 8 4
administered, along with intravenous 3 5 2
administration of 2 mL solution from
4 1 2
syringe A. This was repeated for 1 more
cycle of treatment if required to lower BP BMI,a kg/m2 21.8  3.2 22.5  2.8 .776
to the target range (ie, hydralazine in a
Heart rate, beat/min 78  7 86  6 .279
doses of 5 mg, 10 mg, 10 mg, and 10 mg POG, da
257  28 258  17 .856
and a flat dose of nifedipine 10 mg each
Systolic BP at enrollment, mm Hg a
177  18 168  6 .064
every 20 minutes to a maximum of 4
doses). Crossover to regimen B occurred Diastolic BP at enrollment, mm Hg a
109  11 107  8 .307
if target BP was not achieved after 4 cy- Mean arterial pressure at enrollment, 127  14 125  9 .492
cles of regimen A. Regimen B was mm Hga
administered in a fashion identical to Women with systolic BP 160 mm Hg, n 26 21 .209
that of regimen A. If the target BP was
Women with diastolic BP 110 mm Hg, n 19 18 .989
still not achieved, open-label treatment
was performed according to the prefer- Neonatal sex, n
ence of the provider. The BP was  Male 15 13 .605
measured with mercury sphygmoma-  Female 15 17
nometer as per standard recommenda-
Antenatal steroid given, n 4 3 .688
tions, using Korotkoff sound 5 for
BMI, body mass index; BP, blood pressure; POG, period of gestation.
diastolic BP. The BP was measured every a
Mean  SD; b Median (interquartile interval).
20 minutes for at least 100 minutes
Sharma et al. Hypertensive emergency: hydralazine vs nifedipine. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2017.
until the target BP of 150 mm Hg systolic
and 100 mm Hg diastolic was ach-
ieved. Once the target BP was achieved,
no further trial medication was admin- trial medication as per discretion of the mean time interval required to achieve
istered. During the course of treatment, provider. As per the standard protocol, target BP from nifedipine and hydral-
continuous electronic fetal heart moni- the delivery of the neonate was per- azine as 24.0  10 min and 34.8 
toring was performed. In the event of formed as a definite treatment for severe 18.8 min, respectively, assuming 2-sided
nonreassuring fetal or maternal status, pregnancy-induced hypertension. As per significance with a ¼ 0.05 and b ¼ 0.2,
the trial protocol was abandoned and the institutional protocol all women 28 women are required in each group.
appropriate measures such as open after admission received magnesium Statulator beta software was used to es-
antihypertensive treatment or expedited sulfate. The primary outcome measured timate the sample size (http://statulator.
delivery were instituted. If clinically sig- was time needed to achieve target sys- com/about.html). Giving due consider-
nificant maternal hypotension occurred, tolic BP of 150 mm Hg and diastolic ation for attrition and possible skewed
appropriate measures were suggested for BP of 100 mm Hg (both targets had to distributions that might require
the provider’s consideration. After be fulfilled). Secondary outcomes nonparametric testing, we randomized a
completion of the trial protocol, women included total number of antihyperten- total of 60 women (30 in each group).
were requested to complete a question- sive dosages required to achieve the The data were entered into software
naire regarding occurrence of side effects target BP (ie, systolic 150 mm Hg and (SPSS 17; IBM Corp, Armonk, NY). The
during the trial period (ie, nausea, diastolic 100 mm Hg), maternal heart analysis was based on the intention to
vomiting, headache, dizziness, urticaria, rate profile during the first 100 minutes, treat. One-sample Kolmogorov-Smir-
flushing, pruritus, nasal congestion, maternal hypotension (BP <90/60 mm nov test was used to check normal dis-
conjunctivitis, palpitations). Hg), side-effects profile, and perinatal tribution of continuous data. Student t
After successfully lowering the BP to outcome. test was used to analyze the normally
target range, further antihypertensive Sample size calculations are based on a distributed data and ordinal data were
therapy was started 2 hours after the last previous study by Rezaei et al.10 Taking analyzed by Mann-Whitney U test.

MONTH 2017 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 1.e3

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Original Research OBSTETRICS

treatment was 88 beat/min in the hy-

dralazine group and 86 beat/min in the
Outcomes of randomized trial comparing intravenous hydralazine with oral
nifedipine group (P ¼ .279). The corre-
nifedipine for acute blood pressure control in pregnancy
sponding values at the end of the treat-
Hydralazine, Nifedipine, ment were 78 and 88 beat/min in the
n ¼ 30 n ¼ 30 P value hydralazine and nifedipine groups,
Primary outcome respectively. Two women had tachy-
Time for BP control,a min 40 (5) 40 (40) .809
cardia (heart rate >90 beat/min), both in
the nifedipine group. Both of them were
Secondary outcomes managed conservatively without any
No. of doses,a n 2 (1) 2 (2) .625 additional treatment. Repeated measures
Maternal side effects analysis of variance of maternal heart
rate for the first 80 minutes revealed a
 Nausea 3 5 .706
significant increase with time in the
 Vomiting 9 2 .042 nifedipine group (P < .001). However,
 Overshoot hypotension 1 nil .998 there was no statistically significant dif-
 Tachycardia (>90 beat/min) nil 2 .491 ference in mean heart rate of women in
the hydralazine group. As shown in
Elective cesarean delivery, n 3 2 .986
Table 2, there was no statistically signif-
Induction of labor, n 27 28 .998 icant difference in maternal or neonatal
Emergency cesarean delivery 6 5 .898 outcomes in either group except for
Apgar score <7 maternal vomiting, which was signifi-
cantly more frequent in the hydralazine
 1 min 2 3 .640
group (hydralazine vs nifedipine 9 vs 2,
 5 min 1 2 .554 P ¼.042). There was 1 case of precipitous
NICU admission, n 1 2 .978 decrease in maternal BP during the trial
Neonatal birthweight, g 2280  628 2544  514 .079 period (although she did not meet the
initial defined criteria of hypotension, ie,
BP, blood pressure; NICU, neonatal intensive care unit.
BP <90 mm Hg). This woman was in the
Median (interquartile interval).
Sharma et al. Hypertensive emergency: hydralazine vs nifedipine. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2017.
hydralazine group. She received a second
dose of hydralazine when she developed
significant decrease in BP (systolic
BP 110 mm Hg). She reported uneasi-
Categorical data sets were analyzed with (intravenous hydralazine vs oral nifedi- ness. Intravenous fluids were adminis-
Fisher exact test. All tests were 2-sided pine; interquartile interval 5 and 40 tered and no fetal heart rate
and P < .05 was considered significant. minutes, respectively, P ¼ .809). All abnormality was detected. Her BP was
Participants were analyzed on the women in the study required a median of normalized in 20 minutes after intrave-
intention-to-treat basis. 2 doses for acute control of BP (intra- nous hydration with 0.9% normal
venous hydralazine and oral nifedipine; saline. Subsequently after induction of
Results interquartile range 1 and 2 doses, labor she had normal vaginal delivery of
Figure 1 shows the CONSORT flow respectively, P ¼ .625) (Table 2). No a healthy neonate.
chart of participants after enrollment. woman in the study required the cross- There was no maternal or fetal death
Sixty women were enrolled into the over treatment. Figure 2 shows a during the study.
study, and divided into 2 groups of decrease of BP in women during the
30 each. Each group of 30 was random- study period. In the first 80 minutes, Comment
ized to receive either intravenous 100% of women achieved the target BP. In this double-blinded, randomized
hydralazine or oral nifedipine. As shown Repeated measures analysis of the vari- controlled trial, we found intravenous
in Table 1, both groups were similar with ance of BP for the first 80 minutes hydralazine and oral nifedipine to have
respect to maternal age, gravidity, period indicated that both systolic and diastolic similar efficacy for acute BP control in
of gestation, systolic and diastolic BP at BP decreased significantly with the pas- pregnant women with severe sustained
enrollment, and use of antenatal sage of time in both groups (Figure 2). hypertension.
steroids. The Figure 3 shows the cumulative There is a paucity of literature with
Median time to achieve target BP percentage of patients who happened to respect to these 2 agents for acute
(defined as systolic BP <150 and dia- achieve the target BP in both groups over BP control in pregnant women with severe
stolic BP <100 mm Hg, both conditions the specified time. The mean maternal sustained hypertension. Several studies
fulfilled) was 40 minutes in both groups heart rate at the beginning of the compared sublingual nifedipine with

1.e4 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MONTH 2017

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achieved. Additionally, there is slight

variation in the target BP range in their
Profiles of systolic and diastolic blood pressure (mean – SD) during
study as they used systolic BP <150 mm
Hg and diastolic BP 90-100 mm Hg as the
web 4C=FPO

HYDRALAZINE SBP target. One major drawback of the study

NIFEDIPINE SBP by Rezaei et al10 was that there was no
blinding of patients or treating physicians.
Blood pressure in mm of Hg

160 Not doing so is a well-known confounding

140 factor in randomized trials and, as such,
has been mandated as an essential crite-
80 rion by CONSORT guidelines
60 worldwide.14
40 Nonetheless, they reported 100% ef-
ficacy of both drugs for achieving target
0 20 40 60 80 BP within the stipulated time period and
Time taken for blood pressure control (min) this finding is similar to our observation
as no woman required crossover treat-
Profiles of mean  SD systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) during ment in either group in our study.
None of the women had any major side
Sharma et al. Hypertensive emergency: hydralazine vs nifedipine. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2017.
effects in our study. However, intravenous
hydralazine was statistically more signifi-
cantly associated with vomiting as
intravenous hydralazine.7,8,11,13 However, oral nifedipine had better efficacy (mean compared to oral nifedipine (P ¼ .042).
the use of sublingual nifedipine has been time required for BP control oral nifedi- We did not observe any statistically sig-
abandoned due to serious associated car- pine vs intravenous hydralazine: 24 vs 35 nificant difference with respect to
diovascular complications.4 To our minutes, P ¼ .016). This could be due to maternal or neonatal effects in either
knowledge, only 1 study by Rezaei et al10 higher dose of nifedipine used, ie, initial 10 group. There has been much controversy
compared oral nifedipine with intrave- mg dose followed by 20 mg every 20 mi- regarding the use of intravenous hydral-
nous hydralazine and they observed that nutes to a total of 5 doses or target BP azine as first-line agent due to increased
need for cesarean delivery, placental
abruption, overshoot hypotension, and
FIGURE 3 low 5-minute Apgar scores.4-6
Cumulative percentage of women who achieved target blood pressure There has been some speculation
during study period regarding safety profile of oral nifedipine
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especially with respect to overshoot hy-

100 potension, synergistic effect with concur-
90 rent use of magnesium sulfate, and risk of
prolonged labor (as nifedipine has also
been used for tocolysis). Nonetheless,
70 these concerns have been satisfactorily
60 proven wrong by various trials15-22 and the
safety of nifedipine has been well docu-
Hydralazine mented as antihypertensive agent12,15,16 as
Nifedipine well as with respect to tocolysis17-21 or
30 synergistic action with magnesium sul-
fate.22 In our study, there was no case of
overshoot hypotension with use of oral
10 nifedipine. All women received magne-
0 sium sulfate and no case of neuromuscular
20 40 60 80 blockade was observed. The majority of
women required 2-4 doses of nifedipine to
(x-axis: Time taken for BP control, minutes, y-axis: Cumulative percentage of women who achieved target
achieve target BP and were exposed to
blood pressure of 150/100 mm Hg or less)
much lesser doses in comparison to what
Cumulative percentage of women who achieved target blood pressure (BP) during specified time is used for tocolysis.
The questions can, however, be raised
Sharma et al. Hypertensive emergency: hydralazine vs nifedipine. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2017.
regarding different dosing schedule of

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Original Research OBSTETRICS

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References 331-7. The authors report no conflict of interest.
1. Shekhar S, Sharma C, Thakur S, Verma S. 14. Schulz KF, Altman DG, Moher D; for the Corresponding author: Chanderdeep Sharma, MD
Oral nifedipine or intravenous labetalol for CONSORT Group. CONSORT 2010 statement: (OBG), DNB (OBG).

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