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Design of tension-reinforced rectangular beams

• For reasons that were explained in Lecture 1, the present design of

reinforced concrete structures is based on the concept of
providing sufficient strength to resist hypothetical overloads. The
nominal strength of a proposed member is calculated based on
the best current knowledge of member and material behavior.
• That nominal strength is modified by a strength reduction factor
ϕ, less than unity, to obtain the design strength. The required
strength, is found by applying load factors, greater than unity, to
the loads actually expected. These expected service loads include
the calculated dead load, the calculated or legally specified live
load, and environmental loads such as those due to wind,
earthquake action, or temperature. Thus reinforced concrete
members are proportioned so that, as shown in Eq. 2 in Lec. 1,
Design of tension-reinforced rectangular beams
𝜙𝑀𝑛 ≥ 𝑀𝑢

𝜙𝑉𝑛 ≥ 𝑉𝑢

𝜙𝑃𝑛 ≥ 𝑃𝑢
where the subscripts 𝑛 denote the nominal strengths in flexure,
shear, and axial load, respectively, and the subscripts 𝑢 denote the
factored load moment, shear, and axial load.
The strength reduction factors ϕ normally differ, depending upon
the type of strength to be calculated, the importance of the
member in the structure, and other considerations discussed in
detail in Lecture 1.
Design of tension-reinforced rectangular beams
• After proportioning for adequate strength, deflections are
calculated and compared against limiting values (or otherwise
controlled), and crack widths limited by specific means.
• This approach to design is referred in Europe and U.S. as limit
states design and it is the basis of the ACI Code, and it is the
approach that will be followed in this and later chapters.

Reinforced Concrete Beam Behavior
Stresses Elastic and Stresses Elastic and Stresses in-Elastic and
Section Uncracked Section cracked Section cracked

Equivalent Rectangular Stress Distribution
• Previously presented method is based upon basic structural
mechanics. It can be used for shapes other than the rectangular
one and different conditions of loading (axial+bending).
• However, the equations for complex cases become increasingly
cumbersome and lengthy. This is not a practical solution for
• Fortunately, it is possible, essentially by a conceptual trick, to
formulate the strength analysis of reinforced concrete members in
a different manner, which gives the same answers as the general
analysis just developed but which is much more easily visualized
and much more easily applied to cases of greater complexity
than that of the simple rectangular beam.

Equivalent Rectangular Stress Distribution
• It was noted in the preceding section that
the actual geometric shape of the concrete
compressive stress distribution varies
considerably and that, in fact, one need not
know this shape exactly, provided one does
know two things:
1. The magnitude C of the resultant of the
concrete compressive stresses and
2. The location of this resultant.
• Information on these two quantities was
obtained from the results of experimental
research and expressed in the two
parameters α and β.
Equivalent Rectangular Stress Distribution
• One such simplification which can be
made is related to the shape of concrete
compressive stress block
• One can think of the actual compressive
stress distribution replaced by a fictitious
one of some simple geometric shape,
provided that this fictitious stress block
produces, same compressive force C
applied at the same location
• One of the most accepted and tested
distribution was proposed by C. S.
Whitney (Whitney Stress Block)

Equivalent Rectangular Stress Distribution

Equivalent Rectangular Stress Distribution

Equivalent Rectangular Stress Distribution
• It is seen that the actual stress distribution is replaced by an
equivalent one of simple rectangular outline. The intensity γfc′ of
this equivalent constant stress and its depth a = β1c are easily
calculated from the two conditions that
1. the total compression force C and
2. its location, that is, distance from the top fiber, must be the
same in the equivalent rectangular as in the actual stress
• From Fig. a and b the first condition gives
C = α fc′cb = γfc′ ab from which γ = α
with a = β1c, this gives
γ = α/β1

Equivalent Rectangular Stress Distribution
• The second condition simply requires that in the equivalent
rectangular stress block, the force C be located at the same
distance βc from the top fiber as in the actual distribution. So
βc (actual) = βc (rectangular)
βc = a/2
βc = β1c/2 (As a = β1c)
That gives β1 = 2β.
• See the next table for the values experimental values.

Equivalent Rectangular Stress Distribution

Equivalent Rectangular Stress Distribution
• The lower two lines give the just-derived parameters β1 and γ for
the rectangular stress block. It is seen that the intensity factor for
compressive stress γ is essentially independent of fc′ and can be
taken as 0.85 throughout. Hence, regardless of fc′, the concrete
compression force at failure in a rectangular beam of width b is
C = 0.85fc′ab
• Also, for the common concretes with fc′ ≤ 4000 psi, the depth of
the rectangular stress block is a = 0.85c, with c being the distance
to the neutral axis. For higher-strength concretes, this distance is
a = β1c,
with the β1 values shown in the above Table.

Equivalent Rectangular Stress Distribution
This is expressed as follows:
• For fc′ between 2500 and 4000 psi, β1 shall be taken as 0.85;
• for fc′ above 4000 psi, β1 shall be reduced linearly at a rate of 0.05
for each 1000 psi of strength in excess of 4000 psi, but β1 shall not
be taken as less than 0.65.
• In mathematical terms, the relationship between β1 and fc′ can be
expressed as
fc′ − 4000
β1 = 0.85 - 0.05 1000
and 0.65 ≤ β1 ≤ 0.85
• Because the rectangular stress block is easily visualized and its
geometric properties are extremely simple, many calculations are
carried out directly without reference to formally derived

Balanced Strain Condition
• A reinforcement ratio ρb producing balanced strain conditions can be
established based on the condition that, at balanced failure, the steel
strain is exactly equal to ϵy when the strain in the concrete
simultaneously reaches the crushing strain of ϵu = 0.003.
c= d
Then from the equilibrium requirement that C = T
ρb fy bd = 0.85fc′ab = 0.85β1 fc′bc
fc′ 𝑐 fc′ ϵu 1
from which ρb = 0.85 β1 = 0.85 β1
fy 𝑑 fy ϵu+ϵy
This equation is equivalent to
αfc’ ϵu
fy ϵu+ϵy
Under-reinforced Beams
• A compression failure in flexure, gives little warning of distress,
while a tension failure, initiated by yielding of the steel, typically is
gradual. Distress is obvious from observing the large deflections
and widening of concrete cracks associated with yielding of the
steel reinforcement, and measures can be taken to avoid total
• Because of these differences in behavior, it is sensible to require
that beams be designed such that failure, if it occurs, will be by
yielding of the steel, not by crushing of the concrete. This can be
done, theoretically, by requiring that the reinforcement ratio ρ be
less than the balance ratio ρb given by Equation 1.

Under-reinforced Beams
• In actual practice, the upper limit on ρ should be below ρb for the
following reasons:
1. For a beam with ρ=ρb compressive strain limit of the concrete
would be reached, without significant yielding before failure.
2. Material properties are never known precisely.
3. Strain-hardening of the reinforcing steel, not accounted for in
design, may lead to a brittle concrete compression failure even
though ρ may be somewhat less than ρb.
4. The actual steel area provided, considering standard reinforcing
bar sizes, will always be equal to or larger than required, based
on selected reinforcement ratio ρ, tending toward over-
• For steels, the yield point is that stress at which the yield plateau
establishes itself. With further strains, the stress begins to increase again,
though at a slower rate, a process that is known as strain-hardening.
ACI Code Provisions for Under-reinforced Beams
• While the nominal strength of a member may be computed based
on principles of mechanics, the mechanics alone cannot establish
safe limits for maximum reinforcement ratios.
• These guidelines and limits are defined by the ACI Code after
significant experimental work.
fc′ ϵu 1
• As seen in equation 1 ρb = 0.85 β1
fy ϵu+ϵy
• In Eq. 1, ϵy is yield strain (0.002), but in reality, strain in steel
exceeds more than this value and can be written as ϵt
fc′ ϵu 2
ρ = 0.85 β1
fy ϵu+ϵt
• Where ϵt is the net tensile strain of the reinforcement farthest
from the compression face of the concrete at the depth 𝑑t
ACI Code Provisions for Under-reinforced Beams
• For tension controlled members, ACI states
fc′ ϵu 3
ρmax = 0.85 β1
fy ϵu+0.004
• The ACI Code further encourages to the use of lower ρ and
defines a tension controlled members as one with ϵt ≥ 0.005, as
• The ACI Code also defines the value of strength reduction factor 𝜙
for different values of ϵt
Others Spiral
If ϵt ≥ 0.005 𝜙 = 0.9 𝜙 = 0.9
If ϵt ≤ ϵy 𝜙 = 0.65 𝜙 = 0.75
If ϵy < ϵt < 0.005 From next figure (linear interpolation)
fc′ ϵu
ρ = 0.85 𝛽1
fy ϵu+ϵt

ACI Code Provisions for Under-reinforced Beams
• Calculation of the nominal moment capacity 𝑀𝑛

Singly reinforced rectangular beam

ACI Code Provisions for Under-reinforced Beams
• The nominal flexural strength 𝑀𝑛 is obtained by summing
moments about the centroid of the compression force C.

𝑀𝑛 = 𝐴𝑠 𝑓𝑦 (𝑑 − ) 4

• Calculation of the nominal moment capacity frequently involves

determination of the depth of the equivalent rectangular stress
block a.

ACI Code Provisions for Under-reinforced Beams
• Calculation of the nominal moment capacity frequently involves
determination of the depth of the equivalent rectangular stress
block a.
• The depth of the equivalent stress block a can be found based on
equilibrium, i.e.,
Hence, 0.85 fc′ab = Asfy giving

𝐴𝑠 𝑓𝑦 5
0.85 𝑓𝑐′ 𝑏

ACI Code Provisions for Under-reinforced Beams
• Sometimes instead of computing 𝜌 or ϵt , it is more convenient to
compute 𝑐 𝑑𝑡 ratios
• 𝑑𝑡 is the distance of the reinforcement farthest from the
compression face of the concrete
• For beams with a single layer of reinforcement, the depth to the
centroid of the steel 𝑑 is the same as 𝑑𝑡 (𝑑 = 𝑑𝑡 )
• For beams with multiple layers of reinforcement, 𝑑𝑡 is greater than
the depth to the centroid of the reinforcement 𝑑 (𝑑𝑡 > 𝑑)

Example 1
Using the equivalent rectangular stress b = 10 in.
distribution, directly calculate the nominal
strength of the beam previously analyzed
in previous examples.
b = 10 in., h = 25 in., and d = 23 in. and is

d = 23 in.
h = 25 in.
reinforced with three No. 8 (No. 25) bars
so that 𝐴𝑠 = 2.37𝑖𝑛2 .
𝑓𝑐′ = 4000𝑝𝑠𝑖
𝑓𝑦 = 60000𝑝𝑠𝑖
𝛽1 = 0.85 3#8 bars

fc′ ϵu
ρ = 0.85 β1
fy ϵu+ϵt
4000 0.003
ρ0.005 = 0.85 x 0.85 x x
60000 0.003+0.005
ρ0.005 =0.0181

𝐴𝑠 2.37
Provided ρ = = = 0.0103
𝑏𝑑 10×23

As ρprovided < ρ0.005

So the member is tension controlled and it will fail by steel yielding.

• Alternatively, recalling that c= 4.94 in.,

• which is less than 0.375, the value of 𝑐

𝑑𝑡 corresponding to
ϵt = 0.005, also confirming that the member is under-reinforced.

𝑀𝑛 = 𝐴𝑠 𝑓𝑦 (𝑑 − )
𝐴𝑠 𝑓𝑦 2.37 × 60000
𝑎= ′ =
0.85 𝑓𝑐 𝑏 0.85 × 4000 × 10

𝑎 = 4.18“

𝑀𝑛 = 248 𝑓𝑡 − 𝑘
• The results of this simple and direct numerical analysis, based on
the equivalent rectangular stress distribution, are identical with
those previously determined from the general strength analysis
described previously.

ACI Code Provisions for Under-reinforced Beams
𝐴𝑠 𝑓𝑦 𝜌𝑏𝑑𝑓𝑦 𝜌𝑓𝑦 𝑑
𝑎= ′ = ′ =
0.85 𝑓𝑐 𝑏 0.85 𝑓𝑐 𝑏 0.85 𝑓𝑐′

𝜌𝑓𝑦 𝑑
0.85 𝑓𝑐′ 2
𝜌𝑓𝑦 7
𝑀𝑛 = 𝜌𝑏𝑑𝑓𝑦 𝑑 − = 𝜌𝑏𝑑 𝑓𝑦 1 − 0.59 ′
2 𝑓𝑐
• which is identical to Eq. 7b in Chapter 2.

ACI Code Provisions for Under-reinforced Beams
𝜌𝑓𝑦 7
𝑀𝑛 = 𝜌𝑏𝑑 𝑓𝑦 1 − 0.59 ′
• This basic equation can be simplified further as follows:

𝑀𝑛 = 𝑅𝑏𝑑2 8
In which
𝑅 = 𝜌𝑓𝑦 1 − 0.59 ′ 9
𝑅 = flexural resistance factor
R depends only on the reinforcement ratio ( ρ ) and material
strengths and is easily tabulated.

ACI Code Provisions for Under-reinforced Beams
• In accordance with the safety provisions of the ACI Code, the
nominal flexural strength 𝑀𝑛 is reduced by imposing the strength
reduction factor 𝜙 to obtain the design strength 𝜙𝑀𝑛
𝜙𝑀𝑛 = 𝜙𝐴𝑠 𝑓𝑦 (𝑑 − ) 10
𝜌𝑓𝑦 11
𝜙𝑀𝑛 = 𝜙𝜌𝑏𝑑 𝑓𝑦 1 − 0.59 ′
𝜙𝑀𝑛 = 𝜙𝑅𝑏𝑑2 12

Example 2
• Calculate the design moment capacity 𝜙𝑀𝑛 for the beam analyzed
in the previous example

fc′ ϵu
ρ = 0.85 𝛽1
fy ϵu+ϵt

Minimum Reinforcement Ratio
• Another mode of failure may occur in very lightly reinforced beams. If
the flexural strength of the cracked section is less than the moment that
produced cracking of the previously un-cracked section, the beam will
fail immediately and without warning of distress upon formation of the
first flexural crack. To ensure against this type of failure, a lower limit can
be established for the reinforcement ratio.
• According to ACI Code 9.6.1, the area As provided must not be less than
3 𝑓𝑐′ 200 𝑏𝑤𝑑
As,min = bwd ≥
𝑓𝑦 𝑓𝑦
• By dividing both sides by bwd, above equation is conveniently expressed
3 𝑓𝑐′ 200
ρmin = ≥
𝑓𝑦 𝑓𝑦

Examples of Rectangular Beam Analysis and Design
• Flexural problems can be classified broadly as analysis problems
or design problems.
• In analysis problems, the section dimensions, reinforcement,
and material strengths are known, and the moment capacity is
• In the case of design problems, the required moment capacity
is given, as are the material strengths, and it is required to find
the section dimensions and reinforcement. Examples 3 and 4
illustrate analysis and design, respectively.

Example 3

Example 3

Example 3

Example 4

Example 4

fc′ ϵu
ρ = 0.85 𝛽1
fy ϵu+ϵt

Example 4

Example 4

Example 4

Example 4

Example 5

Example 6

Example 6

Example 6

Over-reinforced Beams
• According to the ACI Code, all beams are to be designed
for yielding of the tension steel with ϵt not less than 0.004
and thus ρ ≤ ρ0.004.
• Occasionally, however, such as when analyzing the
capacity of existing construction, it may be necessary to
calculate the flexural strength of an over-reinforced
compression-controlled member, for which fs is less than
fy at flexural failure.
• In this case, the steel strain, in the given Fig., will be less
than the yield strain, but can be expressed in terms of the
concrete strain ϵu and the still-unknown distance c to the
neutral axis:

Over-reinforced Beams
ϵs =ϵu
From the equilibrium requirement that C = T, one can write
0.85β1 fc’ bc =𝐴𝑠 𝑓𝑠
0.85β1 fc’ bc = ρ bd ϵsEs
Substituting the steel strain from above equation
0.85β1 fc’ c = ρ d Es (ϵu )
ϵ𝑢 𝑑
0.85β1 fc’ c = ρ d Es − ϵ𝑢
ϵ𝑢 𝑑
0.85β1 fc’ c = ρ d Es − ρ d Es ϵ𝑢
Esϵ𝑢 𝑑 Esϵ𝑢
c= ρ d . −ρd
0.85β1 fc’ 𝑐 0.85β1 fc’

Over-reinforced Beams
Esϵ𝑢 𝑑 Esϵ𝑢
c= ρ d . −ρd
0.85β1 fc’ 𝑐 0.85β1 fc’
Let = 𝑘𝑢 and
0.85β1 fc’
𝑐 =ρd −ρdm
𝑐=𝑑 − ρ𝑚
𝑐 ρ𝑚
= − ρ𝑚
𝑑 𝑘𝑢
𝑘𝑢 = − ρ𝑚

Over-reinforced Beams
𝑘𝑢2 = ρ 𝑚 − ρ 𝑚 𝑘𝑢
𝑘𝑢2 + ρ 𝑚 𝑘𝑢 − ρ 𝑚 = 0
ρ𝑚 2 ρ𝑚
𝑘𝑢 = ρ𝑚+ −
2 2
= 𝑘𝑢
c = kud
and 𝑎 = 𝛽1 𝑐
ϵs = ϵu
𝑓𝑠 = ϵsEs
𝑀𝑢 = 𝐴𝑠 𝑓𝑠 𝑑 −
Over-reinforced Beams
𝑀𝑛 = 𝐴𝑠 𝑓𝑦 𝑑 −
• The strength reduction factor ϕ will equal 0.65 for beams in this
range or slightly higher if the net tensile strain is in the transition

Design Aids
• For design purposes, where concrete dimensions and reinforcement are
to be found and the factored load moment Mu is to be resisted, there
are two possible approaches.
Approach 1
• One starts with selecting the optimum reinforcement ratio and then
calculating concrete dimensions, as follows:
1. Set the required strength Mu equal to the design strength ϕMn from
Mu= ϕRbd2
2. With the aid of Table A.4, select an appropriate reinforcement ratio
between ρ0.005 and ρmin. Often a ratio of about 0.60ρ0.005 will be an
economical and practical choice. Selection of ρ ≤ ρ0.005 (ϵt ≥ 0.005)
ensures that ϕ will remain equal to 0.90.
For ρ0.005 < ρ < ρ0.004, an iterative solution will be necessary.
Design Aids
3. For the specified material strengths and selected reinforcement
ratio, find the flexural resistance factor R. Then
bd =
4. Choose b and d to meet that requirement. Unless construction depth
must be limited or other constraints exist, an effective depth about 2 to 3
times the width is often appropriate.
5. Calculate the required steel area
As = ρbd
choose the size and number of bars, giving preference to the larger bar
sizes to minimize placement costs.

6. Ensure that the selected beam width will provide room for the bars
chosen, with adequate concrete cover and spacing(Refer to Table A.7).

Design Aids
Approach 2:
The alternative approach starts with selecting concrete dimensions, after which
the required reinforcement is found, as follows:
1. Select beam width b and effective depth d. Then calculate the required R:
R = 𝑢2
2. Using Table A.5 for specified material strengths, find the reinforcement ratio
ρ < ρ0.005 that will provide the required value of R and verify the selected value
of ϕ. Use ρ ≤ ρ0.004 if the beam size is limited.
3. Calculate the required steel area
As = ρbd
and from Table A.2 select the size and number of bars.
4. Using Table A.7, confirm that the beam width is sufficient to contain the
selected reinforcement.

Example 7

Example 7

Example 7

Example 7

Example 7

Example 8

Example 9


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