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A. The Background of Study

The COVID-19 pandemic took the world surprised. Everything has

stopped. Projects have been delayed, workplaces closed and schools shut
down. The world seems to have ground to a halt because of the coronavirus.
However, students continue their education through online learning and
via video call with their teachers, the online learning was confusing to adjust
to as the students had not been prepared through simulations or practice
beforehand. Students reported the online learning program to be even more
stressful than regular classrooms. Some of the common reasons for this went
along the lines of: “Normal classes may have been difficult, but having
friends makes it so much more manageable and less stressful”.
WhatsApp has over one billion users, so it is impossible for such a reach
not to reach the educational arena. It is up to teachers and institutions to take
advantage of this for the benefit of educational process. WhatsApp allows
smartphone users to quickly exchange texts, audio messages, make a call and
video call for free.
WhatsApp is cost-effective and easy to use, giving it competitive
advantage over the other social network platforms. WhatsApp in education is
a reality. Educators see the benefits of the WhatsApp application in the
educational process. Specialist advise the use of chat groups in order to share
classes with students in virtual mode, Many interesting material of the study
can be done with the messaging application. For example, allowing the users
to share the materials through whatsapp video calls.
In learning English, the students must capable or master not only the four
skills, those are speaking, listening, reading, and writing, but also language
components, such as grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary.
Structure is important part of language components. The structure of a
language sometimes refers to as grammar. Learning English grammatically
enable students’ language to use linguistic form accurately, meaningfully, and
Grammar consists of many parts that should be learned by the students.
One of the important one is tense. Tense has fundamental role in English, so
the inappropriate uses of tenses may obscure the meaning. The students know
when the action occurs, and understand or know the correspondence between
the form of the verb and their concept of time.
The students are extended to learn some tenses including simple past
tense. The simple past indicates that an activity or situation began and ended
at a particular time in the past. The simple past tense is related to narrative
and recount text. The students must study simple past tense because
mastering simple past tense would help the foreign language learners to better
understanding in using English.
However, after the writer observed teaching and learning grammar at
Intensive English Class University of Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin, the
writer found that in learning and teaching process, the students have low
score in grammar, the method in learning simple past tense makes the students
less of motivation or interest, some students think that grammar a boring
subject, and the students got difficulty in memorizing form of regular and
irregular verbs.
Teaching method in explaining the materials could cause students
difficulties in using the correct structure of simple past tense. In other words,
the Indonesian students may find difficulties in memorizing irregular verbs.
This might be because the students are influenced by teaching method.
Based on the situation of learning simple past tense in that University, the
writer thinks that it is important to create suitable techniques related to
students’ condition. The teacher have to make the correct way for students to
make them not only get the material, but also can appropriate method. The
students need to be delivered a technique that makes them intended to learn
actively in learning simple past tense. In this research, the writer will use
jigsaw technique in online learning by using whatsapp video call as an
alternative way in teaching simple past tense.
Cooperative Learning is not a new idea in education. There are a few
teachers use this method. In cooperative learning, students make a small
group and work together to meet common goals. The students can interact
with each other to acquire and practice a subject. Cooperative learning
principles and techniques are tools which instructor uses to encourage mutual
helpfulness in the groups and the active participation of all members.
There are many techniques in Cooperative Learning but the writer
chooses jigsaw technique in teaching simple past tense. In jigsaw technique,
students are assigned to five or six member study teams. Materials are
presented to the students in text form, and each student is responsible for
learning the material. Then, when the students finish learning material in
expert team, they have to return to their home teams and teach other members
what they have learned.
The writer assumes that jigsaw technique is one of the technique which
can improve the students’ achievement and will enable students to
comprehend the material more easily, because the students in jigsaw
technique work collaboratively. Hopefully, by using jigsaw technique in
online learning, the students will enjoy online learning activities.
Based on the explanation above, the writer will do a research at Intensive
English Class University of Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin. The writer uses
jigsaw technique in online learning to teach simple past tense. The title of this
research is “The Effectiveness of Jigsaw Technique in Online Learning by
Using WhatsApp Video Call on Teaching Simple Past Tense at Intensive
English Class University of Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin”

B. Identification of Problems
Based on the background of the study about the effectiveness of jigsaw
technique in teaching simple past tense, the writer identify some condition
that promote the research problems these are:

1. The students have low score in grammar.

2. Teacher’s method in learning simple past tense makes the students less of
motivation or interest.
3. Some students think of grammar as boring subject.
4. The students difficult in memorizing form of regular and irregular verbs.

C. Limitation of Problem
To avoid misunderstanding in interpreting the study, it is important to set
some limitation of the problems. The writer limits the study on the teaching
English that concerns on definition, positive sentence, negative sentence,
interrogative sentence, regular and irregular verbs of simple past tense by
using jigsaw technique in online learning at two classes at Intensive English
Class University of Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin
D. Formulation of Problem
The writer formulates the research question as follows: “Is the jigsaw
technique in online learning effective to improve students’ ability in simple
past tense?”

E. Objective of the Study

The objective of the study is to know whether or not jigsaw technique in
online learning is effective to improve students’ ability in simple past tense
based on their understanding of regular and irregular verbs.

F. Significance of the study

The writer hopes the research will be useful for teachers, students, and
for the writer. For teachers the result of this research will give contribution to
English teacher in teaching grammar especially in online learning, in this case
Simple Past Tense, particularly to give an alternative way in selecting
techniques will be used in online learning. For students, the writer hopes it
will make students know that study simple past tense is easy if the students
study simple past using jigsaw technique in online learning. And also the
writer hopes this study will be useful for him to know this technique in
teaching simple past by using jigsaw technique in online learning is effective
or not.

A. Place and Time of the Study

The research takes place at two classes of Intensive English Class
University of Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin, academic year 2020/2021.

B. Method and Design of the Study

In this research, the writer uses quantitative research using experimental
research design. McMillan and Schumacher state that quasi-experimental
research is a good design of the research because although it is not true
experiments, it provides reasonable controlled over most sources of invalidity
and it is usually stronger than the pre-experimental design. In this research the
writer conducts experimental research design by teaching two different
classes using two different techniques. The first class is an experimental class
that taught using jigsaw technique in online learning. The second class is a
control class that taught using regular online learning. This research begins by
administering the pre-test and closed by administering the post-test to the
students. Then the results of the two tests will be compared using the statistic
formula to determine the final calculation of the research.

C. Population and Sample

The subject of the study is students at two classes of Intensive English
Class University of Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin, academic year 2020/2021.
Population of students consists of 285 students. The sample of the research of
two classes that are Paris Class which consists of 25 students as experiment
class and Melbourne Class which consists of 25 students as control class.

D. Technique of Data Collecting

In collecting the data, the writer uses quantitative data. The writer
collects the data of the research by giving test to the students. The tests
consists of pre-test and post-test. The pre-test is given before the treatment
and the post-test is given after the treatment. From these data the writer
determines the result of the research. There are some steps in collecting the
1. The writer begins the research by observing the condition and population
of Intensive English Class University of Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin, the
writer also takes some supporting data for the research.
2. The writer takes the sample from the population of Intensive English Class
University of Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin. The samples are Paris
Class as experimental class and melbourne class as control class.
3. The writer takes the same instrument for the students (pre-test).
4. The next step is the treatment. The experimental class will be taught by
using jigsaw technique in online learning and the control class will be
taught by using regular online learning.
5. After the treatment consists of four meeting finish, the writer takes the test
to the students (post-test).

E. Instrument
The instrument of this research is test. The test is divided into pre-test
and post-test. The pre-test is conducted in the first meeting, before the
treatment and the post-test is conducted in the last meeting, after the
treatment. The test consists of 30 items of multiple choices.

F. Variable of the Study

In this research, there is an independent variable and two dependent

variables. The jigsaw technique in online learning as the independent variable
and teaching simple past tense as the dependent variable. This research aims to
investigate the effectivness of using jigsaw technique in online learning on
teaching simple past tense.

G. Validity and Reliability of The Instrument

1. Validity of the Instrument

To validate the instrument, the researcher uses the expert judgment to

make sure the items whether they represent the certain domain indicators by
asking the supervising lecturer from certain domain skills being measured.

2. Reliability of the Instrument

After doing instrument validation, the researcher tests the reliability of the
instrument. Reliability test is used to measure to what extent the indicators of
test items have consistent responses in two different times when it is given to
the similar subject. In this research, the researcher uses Cronbach’s Alpha to
calculate the reliability of the instrument.

H. Data Analysis Techniques

There are two kinds of data analysis technique used in this research;
descriptive and inferential statistics.

1. Descriptive Statistic
The descriptive statistic is used to describe the result of the data without
intending to generalize of the result. In descriptive statistics, the writer will
describe the results of means scores of pre-test and post-test of both groups.
The result calculation of means score is used to describe the improvement
score of students’ receptive skills before and after the given treatment.

2. Inferential Statistic

The inferential analysis will be used to analyze the obtained data from the
instruments statistically. This analysis has purpose to measure the effect among
variables. However, before testing the hypotheses of the research, there are two
steps must be accomplished, they are a) Instruments Try Out, and b) Pre-
Requirement Test.

a. Instruments Try Out

1) Validity

In this research, to measure the content validity of the instrument, the

researcher asks the expert of the certain areas (listening and reading lecturers)
to validate the content of test items being developed.
2) Reliability

After measuring the validity of the instruments, the writer measures the
reliability by using the formula of Cronbach’s Alpha. After getting the result
measurement, then the writer will interpret it by consulting the p-value to the
significant value of α = 0.05. If the p-value is higher than 0.05, it can be
considered that the instrument is reliable.

b. Pre-requirement Test

After doing test of validity and reliability of instruments, the writer will
analyze the pre-requirement test such as normality and homogeneity test.

1) Test of Normality

Test of normality is a test to find out the normality of data distribution. To

calculate the normality of the data, the writer uses formula of Kolmogorov
Smirnov with the significant level is 0.05. There are two hypotheses of
analyzing the normality as follows:

 Ho = the data is normally distributed

 Ha = the data is not normally distributed

Therefore, if the significant of p-value is higher than 0.05 (p-value > 0.05),
it can be considered that the data is normally distributed. In other words, the
null hypothesis (Ho) is accepted, and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is

2) Test of Homogeneity

The homogeneity test will be used to show two or more of sample group
of data from the population have the same variant. To calculate the
homogeneity test, the writer uses formula of Levene’s test with the significant
level is at 0.05. Similar with the normality test, in the homogeneity test, the
writer conducts two hypotheses as follows:

 Ho = the variance of the group is homogenous

 Ha = the variance of the group is not homogenous

If the significant of p-value is higher than 0.05 (p-value > 0.05), it can be
considered that Ho is accepted which means the group of data have the same
variant (homogeneous).
Meanwhile, the writer also tests the covariance of homogeneity by using
Box’s M formula which has the similar purpose with the homogeneity test in
which the dependent variables data have the same covariance variant. There are
two hypotheses of

 Ho: the variant of dependent variable covariance group is homogenous

 Ha: the variant of dependent variable covariance group is not homogenous

The covariance of dependent variable group can be considered as

homogeneous if the significant of p-value is higher than 0.05 (p-value > 0.05).

c. Hypotheses Test

After analyse the normality and the homogeneity of the data, the next step
is to test the conducted hypotheses of this research. The hypotheses which are
conducted within this research can be seen as follows:

 Ho (µ1 = µ2) = there is no significance different of using jigsaw technique in

online learning on teaching simple past tense.
 Ha (µ1 ≠ µ2) = there is a significant difference of using jigsaw technique in
online learning on teaching simple past tense.

To test the hypothesis, the writer uses the formula of MANCOVA because
there are two dependent variables within this research. In addition, the data will
be analysed the obtained data from the pre-test and post-test. The significant
level of MANCOVA is at 0.05. Therefore, if the significant of p-value is
higher than 0.05 (> 0.05), it means there is no significant difference of using
jigsaw tecnique in online learning on teaching simple past tense (Ho is
accepted). Meanwhile, if the significant of p-value is less than 0.05, it means
there is a significant the effectiveness of using jigsaw technique in online
learning on teaching simple past tense (Ha is accepted).

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