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Dwarf Warband - Heroes Engineer is killed or taken Out of Action

during a game).
No Pain: (Treats Stunned as Knocked
1 Thaneson Down).
65gc to hire
Starting Experience: 20

Thanesons are minor Lords and sons of

0-2 Slayers
45gc to hire
Nobles of the various Dwarven holds of
Starting Experience: 4
the Old World. Many chasing their own
fortune or cast out on quests for being
Troll Slayers are members of the
rebellious, the Thanesons boistrously
morbid Dwarf
lead their warbands in to the ruins of
cult whose followers are obsessed with
Mordheim seeking fame, fortune and
an honourable death in combat. Having
committed some unforgivable crime or
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld been
5 5 5 3 4 1 2 1 9 dishonoured in an irredeemable way, a
SPECIAL RULES will forsake his home and wander off to
Leader (Friendly warriors within 6” die
may use his leadership instead of their fighting the enemies of Dwarfkind.
own.) Unyielding
No Pain: (Treats Stunned as Knocked desperados, these fanatically warriors
Down). are grim
adversaries indeed.

0-1 Engineer
50gc to hire Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Starting Experience: 8 5 5 --- 3 4 1 2 1 10

A Dwarven Engineer is considered one

of the most accomplished professionals SPECIAL RULES
in the Old World, highly regarded by Hates Monsters, Hates Goblins,
Dwarfs, Men, and even Elves (to an Hates Elves,
extent). Engineers have been sent to Immune to Fear, Immune to Panic,
temper the wayward Thanesons, No Pain:
ensuring their warband's equipment is (Treats Stunned as Knocked Down.)
in best working order. Oath: You may never use a Slayer's
leadership for Rout tests, nor may a
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Slayer ever become warband leader.
5 4 5 3 4 1 3 1 8

Customisation: (All ranged weapons
in a Dwarf warband add +6” to their
range whilst a Dwarf Engineer is in the
warband. This rule is lost if the
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
5 4 4 3 4 1 2 1 7

No Pain: (Treats Stunned as Knocked

Dwarf Warband -

Warriors 0-5 Beardlings

20gc to hire
30gc to hire Starting Experience: 0
Starting Experience: 0
As the Thanesons roused the Warriors
When the Thanesons left to seek their and Thunderers of the strongholds,
glory in the City of the Damned there many young beardlings also flocked to
were plenty of sworn clansmen ready the noble son's words. Although they
to swear their blades and hammers to have not yet taken their training
the Thaneson's cause. Already trained, towards becoming a full-fledged Dwarf
these warriors act as bodyguards to the Warrior, a Beardling soon learns to fight
Thaneson and Engineer. in the City of the Damned, or dies
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
5 4 4 3 4 1 2 1 7
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
5 3 3 3 4 1 2 1 6
No Pain: (Treats Stunned as Knocked SPECIAL RULES
Down). No Pain: (Treats Stunned as Knocked
0-5 Thunderers
30gc to hire
Starting Experience: 0

Whilst the Dwarf Warriors are sworn to

protect their nobleborn, it is the
Thunderers duty to rain death and
destruction upon their foes. Trained in a
wide variety of firearms, the
Thunderers art is made even more
deadly with the presence of a well-
educated Engineer.

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