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The future of structural data from boreholes

Felicia M. Weir*
This paper presents a review of both the advantages and the limitations associated with the
collection of structural data using borehole imaging techniques. Case studies from excavations in
hard rock in Australia and South East Asia are provided to compare with traditional methods of
collecting structural data. Borehole imaging is a geophysical logging technique that produces a
360u-oriented image of the borehole wall. Initially developed by the petroleum industry, it is rapidly
becoming a standard investigation tool for geological, hydrogeological, and geotechnical
investigations. Borehole imaging is widely used to obtain reliable structural data, detect bedding
orientation, for breakout analysis, for casing inspection, and for high-resolution caliper measure-
ments. In excavated slopes, the orientation and characteristics of structures play a crucial role in
slope stability. A significant advantage of borehole imaging is the ability to obtain reliable structural
data in zones of core loss or in poor rock masses where traditional orientation techniques are difficult.
While borehole imaging provides many advantages compared to traditional core orientation
techniques, it is not a ‘‘silver bullet’’ and like any method, in the hands of the inexperienced may be
Keywords: Structural data, Borehole imaging, Oriented core, Acoustic, Optical, Excavation design

Introduction with the more traditional oriented core (OC) methods of

obtaining structural data, such as reliable structural
Mobil first developed the borehole televiewer in the 1960s measurements, even in zones of core loss. While there
(Zemanak et al., 1970). However, the technique has only are a number of advantages for the borehole televiewer
become widely used outside of petroleum industry in the technique, the data collected are still subject to the data
last two decades, when significant technological improve- bias associated with linear sampling. There are also a
ments have seen both increased image resolution and the number of errors and limitations specific to televiewer,
development of tools directly compatible with other which are discussed in this paper.
common slim-hole geophysical logging systems. These
developments have made it a useful tool for other
purposes such as mining, geotechnical, and hydrological Borehole structural data – techniques
purposes (Prensky, 1999; Williams and Johnson, 2004). This section introduces the various techniques that may be
Recent technological developments have also seen an employed for collection of structural data from boreholes.
improved range of environments for application and tool These are categorized into traditional OC and borehole
durability, so that televiewer tools may be used in difficult imaging.
environments such as active geothermal areas.
Incorporating borehole imaging into exploration and Core orientation techniques
mining programs has multiple advantages, including the The aim of core orientation techniques is to recover the
ability to produce highly reliable structure orientations, core in a condition that allows it to be replicated in
particularly in areas of poor ground. Drilling is an three-dimensional space. Modern core orientation devices
expensive task and therefore maximizing the information commonly used in Australia include the digital Ezy-Mark
retrieved is essential. Borehole televiewer provides an or ACE tools. These units are placed within the drill tube
opportunity to improve information from these drill holes with the driller making the orientation mark at the top of
for a relatively small cost. This paper discusses the the core run after the core has been extracted. The position
advantages of the borehole televiewer technique compared of the orientation mark is based on the tool readout with a
reference line and then established along the core. Once a
reference line is established, the orientation of the structures
Pells Sullivan Meynink, G3 56 Delhi Rd, North Ryde, NSW 2113, Australia is typically undertaken through measurement of the a and
*Corresponding author, email b angles. This technique utilizes the known geometric

ß 2014 W. S. Maney & Son Ltd

Received 22 January 2014; accepted 24 January 2014 International Journal of
DOI 10.1179/1939787914Y.0000000049 Geotechnical Engineering 2014 VOL 000 NO 000 1
Weir Structural data from boreholes

1 The unrolled ellipse of a defect appears as a sine wave: a theoretical illustration; b actual sine wave of a joint in granite

relationship between the defect and angle to core and borehole wall is rolled out flat. Planar structural and
reference line to calculate the true orientation of a defect. lithological features intersect the borehole wall along an
ellipse. Figure 1 shows that when the great circle produced
Borehole imaging by the intersection of a dipping plane and the borehole is
Borehole imaging is a geophysical logging technique that ‘‘unrolled,’’ it appears as a sine wave in the televiewer
produces a 360u oriented image of the borehole wall. image. Sinusoidal traces may be fitted interactively and
Televiewer images are orientated and continuous and thus true dip and dip direction calculated from the sine wave
extremely helpful in borehole analysis for interpretation of amplitude and azimuth using analysis software such as
structural data. The two methods for collecting borehole WellCADH.
televiewer data are as follows: The software programs typically allow other geotechni-
N Optical televiewer (OTV) – a ring of lights and a CCD cally logged data to be displayed to aid interpretation, e.g.
(charged-coupled device) camera provide direct images lithology, structures logged in core (Fig. 2). The true
of the borehole wall. Optical televiewer can only be orientation features from borehole imaging are commonly
collected in air or clear water intervals. displayed in ‘‘tadpole’’ strip log format and on stereo-
N Acoustic televiewer (ATV) – a pseudo-image of the graphs (Fig. 2).
borehole wall is derived from a high-density grid of
ultrasonic acoustic measurements. The amplitude of the
reflected acoustic signal is recorded as photographic-like
Advantages of borehole televiewer
images, and the transit time is utilized to calculate detailed One of the most significant advantages of borehole imaging
caliper logs. Acoustic televiewer can only be collected in is the ability to obtain reliable structural data in zones of
borehole intervals where there is gas-free fluid. fractured or lost core, or in poor rock masses where
Televiewer images are typically presented for structural traditional orientation techniques are difficult. This enables
interpretation in 2D, such that the cylindrical image of the the collection of great volumes of data, particularly of

2 Example of defects in acoustic televiewer (ATV), interpretation layout including geotechnically logged data, sine wave log,
tadpole plot, and stereograph. Body of ‘‘tadpole’’ represents dip angle of structure, while tail represents dip direction with
north up the page. The use of core photos is crucial in identification of defects

2 International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering 2014 VOL 000 NO 000

Weir Structural data from boreholes

3 Comparison of stereographs of structural data from two boreholes using oriented core (OC) and acoustic televiewer (ATV).
Stereographs are all of equal area having lower hemisphere plots with no bias correction. Arrow indicates trend and
plunge of borehole

geotechnically significant structures such as faults. Another Papua New Guinea in 2010. The site is characterized by a
advantage of borehole imaging is that there are no low strength rock mass and the presence of large-scale
handling-induced breaks, as in OC, and drilling-induced faults. Oriented structural data were collected using
fractures do not typically form sine waves, instead they both traditional OC and ATV. Figure 3 compares the
typically appear as irregular fractures down the hole wall structural data obtained in two boreholes for each
(Lofts and Bourke, 1999). technique. The data are plotted as poles to planes to
Borehole imaging can serve a number of purposes allow identification of sets from clusters of poles,
simultaneously with the collection of structural data. For highlighted by contours. Both boreholes show a sig-
example, it is widely used to detect thin beds and map nificant increase in the number of structures able to be
bedding orientation, for borehole breakout analysis, for
oriented using ATV compared to OC. This is largely
casing inspection, and for high-resolution caliper measure-
attributed to the poor ground conditions resulting in
ments (Prensky, 1999).
regular core loss and loss of reference line. Of particular
Case Study 1 – Papua New Guinea importance for slope design is the large number of
A total of 19 geotechnical boreholes were drilled as part orientated faults in the ATV of Borehole B compared
of an expansion program for an existing open pit mine in with OC.

Table 1 Summary of issues with collection of structural data from boreholes

Relative importance Oriented Borehole imaging

Issue to hard rock design core (OC)a using ATV/OTV

1. Core loss (commonly in zones that are most High Issue No issue
important, e.g. around faults)
2. Accuracy of measurement High Issue No issue
3.Inexperienced personnel (misinterpretation) Medium Issue Issue
4. Lack of continuity of coverage (loss of reference Medium Issue No issue
line because of spun core in soft ground, malfunction)
5. Reference line error (in extrapolation) Medium Issue No issue
6. Orientation bias – hole parallel Low Issue Issue
7. Orientation bias – hole normal Low No issue Minor issueb
8. Classification (logging of geotechnically Medium No issue (except in Minor issueb (reduced by
insignificant structures) zones of core loss) logging of experienced geologist)
9. Magnetic effects Low No issue Minor issueb (high side of
hole may be used instead)
10. Image artifacts (borehole wall Low No issue Issueb
conditions, water clarity)
11. Defect visibility (tight joints, dark rocks) Low No issue Minor issueb
12. Depth of defect Low Minor issue Minor issue
13. Time effort of data collection Low Minor issue No issue (possibly twice
as fast as OC)
14. Data volume (low data volume Low Issue No issue
because of poor coverage)
ATV: acoustic televiewer; OTV: optical televiewer.
Assumption benchmarked against modern orientation tools, i.e. ACE, Ezy-Mark.
New issues specific to borehole imaging, not encountered in OC techniques.

International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering 2014 VOL 000 NO 000 3

Weir Structural data from boreholes

4 Sampling bias associated with linear sampling of boreholes: a Two defect sets relative to an inclined borehole; b stereo-
graphic projection showing blind zones for borehole parallel structures and an additional borehole perpendicular to blind
zone for borehole televiewer data

Issues associated with collection of Borehole imaging is not a ‘‘silver bullet’’ and in the
hands of the inexperienced may be misleading. The
structural data from boreholes following sections examine the limitations of sampling
Borehole imaging is a modern technique with clear from boreholes in general and specifically for both OC
advantages for collecting oriented structural data from and borehole imaging. Table 1 provides a summary of
boreholes. However, the general limitations associated the issues for the collection of structural data from
with structural sampling from boreholes still apply. boreholes.

5 Example of sampling bias from ATV data in a 2D drilling array, compared with neighboring underground mapping.
Stereographs are lower hemisphere, Schmidt equal area projections

4 International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering 2014 VOL 000 NO 000

Weir Structural data from boreholes

General issues
The following discussion highlights issues that are inherent
to the sampling of structures from boreholes, irrespective
of the technique by which the data are collected. For
example, the borehole scale of sampling fails to provide
information on the continuity and shape of defects at a
scale significant for most excavations in hard rock.
Sampling bias is also an important issue with significant
influence on structural orientation data and is inherent in
linear sampling techniques, such as boreholes or surface
line mapping (Terzaghi, 1965; Baecher, 1983; Priest, 1985;
Sullivan et al., 1992; Laing, 2005). Linear sampling
contains data bias, as the sampling line will preferentially
intersect discontinuities perpendicular to that line while
severely under sampling those that are sub parallel. This
concept is illustrated in Fig. 4a.
The term blind zone was coined by Terzaghi (1965) to
describe on a stereographic projection the locus of the
poles of the defects that are parallel to the drill hole. This
forms a great circle 90u from the axial point of the hole, as
shown in Fig. 4b. Any defect within 20u–30u of a borehole
plunge would be in the blind zone of that hole. Borehole
televiewer data show an additional blind zone, shown in
Fig. 4b, of structures highly perpendicular to the plunge of
the borehole. These structures appear as horizontal lines in
the image, such that a sine wave may be mistaken as a
software depth marker or tool synchronization error.
Case Study – Australia
This Australian case study site is characterized by a high
strength granite–hematite breccia uncomformably over-
lain by sedimentary rocks. Acoustic televiewer data were
collected from four boreholes, drilled from the surface,
approximately 750 m in length, and inclined northeast or
6 Sampling blind zones for three drilling array configura-
southwest in a 2D array. Figure 5 shows the faults and
tions (after Laing, 2005)
shears logged in the granite breccia from the ATV
compared with those mapped along neighboring under-
ground drives. The backs, walls, and faces were mapped in imprint of the core and interpretation of this onto a
the underground, minimizing any potential blind zone. reference line. The involvement of inexperienced personnel
While the data sets compare relatively well, the sampling can exacerbate this error.
bias from the borehole ATV data means that some sets are This suite of potential errors may lead to the collection
under sampled compared with underground. of a low volume of structural data and/or diverse pole
This case study emphasizes that even when using distributions with numerous low-density concentrations
borehole televiewer, the orientation of drill holes in a on a stereograph. Inexperienced geotechnical loggers may
program should still be carefully selected. The design of also contribute to the diverse pole distributions through
hole orientations should consider the type of structures misidentification of handling-induced fractures as defects.
that may be present, the likely failure mechanisms for an One of the most significant limitations associated with
excavation, and the potential sampling blind zones. OC is that in a large number of instances, major structures
Figure 6 shows the blind zones associated with different (such as large faults) are associated with zones of fractured
drilling arrays. core. The broken core means that orientation of these
structures, if possible, is difficult and likely associated with
Issues specific to OC a high margin of error. Unfortunately, it is these structures
Rarely, or in poor ground commonly, the reference line that are most likely to impact excavation designs in hard
cannot be extended for the full run of core. This may be rock.
because of the presence of natural features such as crush
zones and cavities. It may also be drilling related, for Issues specific to televiewer data
example, where the core has been ‘‘spun’’ or lost, or simply A detailed review of image artifacts (i.e. non-geological
where the mismatch of the reference line between features) present on acoustic borehole images is provided
successive runs is such that there is poor repeatability. by Lofts and Bourke (1999) and briefly summarized here.
For some core orientation techniques, an error occurs as a Image artifacts for modern acoustic tools are grouped into
combination of error in the repeatability of the mark/ three categories relating to (1) data acquisition (e.g. tool

International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering 2014 VOL 000 NO 000 5

Weir Structural data from boreholes

centralization issues), (2) borehole wall condition (e.g. mud Conclusion

caking, drilling-induced fractures), and (3) post-processing
of data (e.g. incorrect hole diameter). The recognition of Incorporating borehole imaging into drilling programs has
artifacts before interpretation is necessary to ensure high- multiple advantages, including the ability to produce
quality structural data acquisition. Acoustic televiewer highly reliable structure orientations, particularly in areas
loggers and interpreters should be aware of these features of poor ground. It has considerable advantages compared
and will require experience to minimize effects. to traditional OC techniques, and considering the expenses
Not all geotechnical defects may be apparent in a associated with drilling, maximizing the information
borehole image. For example, foliation, bedding planes, retrieved is important. Although borehole imaging is a
and tight joints in a high strength rock mass may not be valuable tool, it is not a ‘‘silver bullet.’’ It still suffers from
evident in acoustic images if they are not associated with two fundamental problems associated with boreholes.
sufficient borehole relief or acoustic contrast. While for First, it is still a linear sampling technique, which suffers
OTV, fractures in dark colored rocks may be difficult to from sampling bias and second, the continuity and large-
distinguish. Experience has found that fractures are scale shape of structures cannot be assessed. Borehole
typically more clearly defined under a wider range of imaging also suffers from a number of potential issues
conditions in ATV compared to OTV. specific to televiewer, such as image artifacts and defect
It is important to recognize that not all sine waves in visibility. All the benefits of borehole televiewer can be lost
an image log are geotechnically significant defects. The through the interpretation of inexperienced personnel.
logging of all sine waves introduces significant noise to the Televiewer interpretation by an experienced geologist with
data set and creates difficulty in identifying defect sets. core photos and geotechnical logs will circumvent most
Televiewer logging procedures, including the use of core issues and serve as a valuable tool for providing reliable
photos and geotechnical logs, and geological experience structural data.
reduce the likelihood of this issue. Geophysical logging
service providers commonly offer televiewer interpretation
as an additional service. Geotechnically relevant codes are References
typically not used, and caution must be applied to data Baecher, G. B. 1983. Statistical analysis of rock mass fracturing, J. Int.
interpreted by a technician with limited engineering Assoc. Mathematical Geology, 15, (2), 329–348.
geology background, as large volumes of noisy data, with Laing, W. P. 2005. The data gap in geology and its implications for
resource modelling, AIG Bulletin, 42, 37–53.
little geotechnical significance, are created. An experienced
Lofts, J. C. and Bourke, L. T. 1999. The recognition of artefacts from
geologist who has seen the rocks being logged is acoustic and resistivity borehole imaging devices, in Borehole
invaluable. imaging: applications and case histories, (eds. M. A. Lovell, G.
Standard acoustic scanner tools utilize a three-axis Williamson and P. K Harvey), 59–76, London, Geological Society,
magnetometer and three accelerometers for orientation. In Special Publication 159.
geological environments with magnetic anomalies, images Prensky, S. E. 1999. Advances in borehole imaging technology and
applications, in Borehole imaging: applications and case histories,
oriented using the magnetometer are unreliable. To (eds. M.A. Lovell, G. Williamson and P.K. Harvey), 1–43, London,
address this issue, several tools have been developed that Geological Society, Special Publication 159.
allow the image to be oriented to the high side of the tool. Priest, S. D. 1985. Hemispherical projection methods in rock mechanics,
Magnetic anomalies can still be a significant issue with London, George Allen & Unwin.
vertical boreholes, as high side cannot be utilized. For Sullivan, T. D., Duran, A. and Eggers, M. J. 1992. The use and abuse of
oriented core in open pit mine design, Proc. 3rd Large Open Pit
Greenfield sites, it is recommended that drill holes Mining Conference, Mackay, 30 August-3 September, AusIMM,
intended for acoustic imaging be at least 3u–5u from 387–395.
vertical. Terzaghi, R. D. 1965. Sources of error in joint surveys, Geotechnique, 15,
It is highly important that appropriate procedures are 287–304.
documented, and a rigorous quality control program Williams, J. H. and Johnson, C. D. 2004. Acoustic and optical borehole-
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followed to ensure that televiewer processing is accurate.
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For example, the conversion from apparent to true dip Zemanak, J. R., Glrenn, E. E., Norton, L. J. and Caldwell, R. L. 1970.
and dip direction can be erroneous if the image orientation Formation evaluation by inspection with the borehole televiewer,
is selected incorrectly (magnetic north v. high side). Geophysics, 35, (2), 254–269.

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