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Hannah Mae C.

AIS 21 (TTh 2:30- 4:00 PM)
BSA- 2- ABM- A

What are the 11 Data Processing Operations?

1. Recording 
 Recording refers to the transfer of data onto some form of documents. It relates to
the documentation of intermediate figures and facts and resulting from
2. Verifying 
 Since recording is usually a manual operation, it is important that recorded data be
carefully checked for any errors. This operation is called verifying. For example,
typed documents are reread for correctness.
3. Duplicating 
 This consists of reproducing data unto many forms or documents. Duplicating
may be done while the data are being recorded manually, or it may be done
afterwards, by some machine. For example, one may record sales on a sales
invoice by writing it, at the same time duplicating it using carbon paper.
4. Classifying
 This operation separates data into various categories. Identifying and arranging
items with like characteristics into groups or classes is called classifying.
Classifying is usually done by shortened, predetermined method of abbreviation
known as coding. The three types of codes used are: a) numeric — a person’s
social security number or student id number, b) alphabetic — grades as A, B, and
C or names of persons, and c) alphanumeric — automobile license plate or course
and year. For example, sales data taken from a sales ticket may be classified by
product sold, location of sales point, customer, sales clerk, or any other
classification that the processing cycle may require.
5. Sorting
 Sorting is a process of arranging data in a specific manner. After the data are
classified, it is usually necessary to arrange or rearrange them in a predetermined
sequence to facilitate processing. Sorting is done in an alphabetic or a numeric
order and the data item which determines the sorting is called the key. Numeric
sorting usually requires less time than alphabetic sorting in machine-based
processing systems and is therefore generally used.
6. Calculating
 Arithmetic manipulation of the data is known as calculating. It is a crucial phase
of data manipulation, because the outcome of this operation becomes part of the
output. In the calculation of an employee’s pay, for example, the total number of
hours worked multiplied by the hourly wage rate would give the taxable gross
earnings. Payroll deductions such as taxes, medicare, union dues and other
deductions are then computed and subtracted from gross earnings to leave net or
take-home earnings.
7. Summarizing and Reporting
 In this operation, a collection of data is condensed and certain conclusions from
the data are represented in a meaningful format. To be of value, data must often
be condensed or sifted so that the resulting output reports will be clear, concise
and effective wherein reducing masses of data to a more usable form is called
8. Merging
 This operation takes two or more sets of data, all sets having been sorted by the
same key, and puts then together to form a single sorted set of data. As an
example, sales reports from different store branches are merge to form an overall
sales report for the whole business establishment.
9. Storing
 Placing similar data into files for future references is storing. Storage is done by
any of the following methods: a) manual-such as in a ledger book, b)
electromechanical-in the form of punched cards, and c) electronic-by magnetic
tape, disk and main memory of the computer.
10. Retrieving
 Recovering stored data and/or information when needed is the retrieving step.
Retrieval methods range from searches made by file clerks to the use of quick-
responding inquiry terminals that are connected directly to a computer. The
computer, in turn, is connected directly to a mass-storage device that contains the
11. Feedback
 Feedback is the comparison of the output(s) and the goal set in advance; and
discrepancy is analysed, corrected, and fed back to the proper stage in the
processing operation. The feedback step permits businesspersons to follow up on
essential information and to attain worthwhile goals.

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