By: George Orwell

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1984 ​By: George Orwell 

V: In that moment, it became real: the thing that he was about to do was begin a diary. If
detected, it would be punished by death. There was no way of knowing whether you were being
watched at any given moment. It was even conceivable that they watched everybody all the
time. Winston faltered for a second. He did not know with any certainty that this was 1984;
nowadays it was impossible to pin down the date. Whether he went on with his diary or not
made no difference. The thought police would get him. Thoughtcrime could not be concealed for
ever. Sooner or later they were bound to get you. He was writing the diary for the future. For the
unborn. For you all.

H: How can you communicate with the future? It was impossible. Either the future would
resemble the past or it would be different and his words would be meaningless. As his pen
touched the paper, he attempted to change the world. This account - its author - imagines a
future - imagines us and asks us to listen: But what is he trying to say?

F: I had this feeling while I was reading it

Man: I had all these ideas before i started and now i’m - I mean - how do you begin to talk about
one of the most significant things that has ever been put on paper?

H: Exactly

Mother: I really felt it. I mean, i'm not sure i always know exactly what it’s-

Man: That’s the point. It’s about uncertainty, the impossibility of truly knowing anything.

H: It asks us to question truth. It requires us to believe two contradictory things at once and
accept both of them. It’s always about more than one thing.

~oppression, revolution, freedom, the future, fake news, ignorance, love, hope

Man: How do you know anything in this world is real?

Martin: It changes everything and it will always be true. It’s a vision of the future no matter when
it’s being read.

F: He wants us to resist. To shut off the screens and take to the streets. To look at the world
and say this isn’t good enough. The infringements on our liberty. The corruption. The lies. He
wants us to do whatever it takes. Whatever it takes.

W: Yes! Yes!

Father: We are all winston. You are winston.

W: I’m - what’s going on?

F: It’s a mirror. Every age sees itself reflected. It’s changed the world.

Martin: How can you say that when the world is exactly the same as it was.

Man: It’s full of hallucinations.

Host: Written by someone who knew they’d be dead.

Father: How about you? Where are you?

O: Where do u think you are?

Father: Look, i'm just asking where you are ...on all of this?

O: Oh I-

Mother: I agree. But the action really begins with the arrival of…

Martin: (reading from book) A girl had stopped walking and was looking at him. He did not know
her name. This particular girl gave him the impression of being more dangerous than most. The
idea crossed his mind that she might be an agent of the thought police. A horrible pang of terror
went through him. Why was she watching him?

Waitress/Julia: Real coffee.

W: what did you say?

Martin: we see ourselves in it because it’s a mirror. Every age sees itself reflected.

Mother: What’s happening?

Father: Power.

Man: Gone.

H: Sorry everyone, remain still, stay in your seats, this has happened before, let me see if i can.
O: Winston Smith. where do u think you are?

W: Who is this? What’s happening to me?

O: We shall meet, Winston, in the place where there is no darkness.

C: Thought criminal! Remain still! You’re a traitor! You’re a thought criminal! She knows.

Mrs.P: I’m so sorry- it’s like you have no memory- Can you please stay in the apartment, i don’t
know how many times I have to-

W: Do you know me?

Mrs.P: You are winston. You work with my husband? We live next door?

W: How long have i lived here ?

Mrs.P: I just wanted to see if you’d had trouble with the power as well. Guess they’re expecting
some airstrikes or…

W: I don’t know what’s happening

Mrs.P: No. Right. Oh well.


Mrs.P: She’s a bit enthusiastic, I’m afraid! Hasn’t been out today. Youth league tomorrow- gives
them a chance to-

C: I want to watch the executions.

Mrs.P: Okay, I’m just-


Big Brother is watching you.

Charrington: You’ve got a good eye. I knew that straight away. I’ll sell it to you.

W: I don’t need a-

C: Not my business what you need it for.

W: where am i?

C: The one place in a world where the past still exist. My shop. Now this is what u want. They
never found it when they were in here. There’s another room in the back. Not even a telescreen
in there: never bothered
W: No telesc- It is a beautiful things (referencing painting)

C: There’s not many that’d say so these days. That building is a ruin now. Bombed years ago. It
was a church at one time, St Clement’s Danes it name was: “Oranges and lemons’, says the
bells of saint clement’s”

W: What's that?

C: That’s was a rhyme we had when i was little. Feels to me like it belongs to you.

W: The diary.

C: If you’re interested in anything else we could wrap them together.

W: Oranges and lemons…

Telescreen: Attention comrades! The ministry of peace has learnt that the Brotherhood is
plotting a major attack. Remain Vigilant. Brotherhood members could be undercover in your
building. Big Brother is watching you.

M: Victory Gin!

S: Newspeak is the only language in the world whose vocabulary gets smaller every year. It’s a
beautiful thing the destruction of words. Take “good”, for instance. If you have a word like “good”
what need is there for a word like “bad”? “Ungood” will do.

W: Execpt-

S: In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words to
express it. By 2050- earlier probably. Here’s Parsons.

P: Smith. Syme!

S: Parsons.

P: You know what that kid of mine did last saturday? Just fantastic. Her troops are on a hike.
two of her friends are with her and they all slip off- following this man- they keep on his tail for
two hours, through the woods, through the country side, and when they get into the town they
hand him right over to the authorities.

W: Why did-?

P: My kid found out he was some kind of enemy agent. But this is the part that’s really fantastic.
What put em onto him in the first place?

S: Shoes.

P: He was wearing a funny pair of shoes!

S: He told me before.

P: Pretty clever, right?

Enter julia
W: what happen to the man?

P: Couldn’t say. But wouldn't be surprised if it’s- (imaginary gun)

S: Good

P: I mean there is a war on. It’s first rate training they give them spies nowadays- better than in
my day. They’ve given them these devices for listening through keyholes! She brought one
home the other day - reckoned she could hear twice as much. Of course, it’s only a toy, still
gives ‘em the right idea eh? Thoughtpolice in the making.

Telescreen: Attention comrades! We have glorious news. Our armies have one a decisive
victory against our enemies. Big Brother has decided to raise the chocolate ration to twenty

S: well, you can’t complain when you’re given more chocolate.

Scene 5
O: Winston. Where do you think you are?

W: I’m at work. In the canteen.

O: Good. And?

W: Everyday the chocolate rations increase to twenty grams. It’s always twenty grams.
Everyone pretends they don’t see it.

O: Doublethink.

W: Is this how it feels to go mad? I’m writing a diary. (Lamp) Evidence - that in all this insanity
there was one person who held tight to the truth. I can see what the future will look like. A future
free of the party. People free to talk and think. It has to change. There is truth and there are
facts. Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two makes four. Because it does. I thought i
was writing for the future, the unborn. But now i think i'm writing for you.

O: We shall meet Winston…

W/O: the place where there is no darkness.

Scene 6
T:Attention comrades. The Two Minutes Hate will begin in ten second.
A member of the Brotherhood has confessed to conspiring to kill Big Brother and attack our

Thoughtcriminal: I am a thoughtcriminal.

J: (to winston) Thoughtcriminal

Thoughtcriminal: I have committed crimes against the party. I was brainwashed, but I see now
the enemy.

W: I’m not alone. The brotherhood exist. Resistance exist. Down with the Party! Down with Big
Brother. Down with Big Brother. (Crown shouts just BIG BROTHER)

T: What do you want to say to Big Brother now?

Throughtcriminal: I want to say… Thank you. Thank you.

(he’s shot)
T: Two Minutes Hate is over, comrades.
(Julia trips and collides with someone, scattering chairs)
W: You’re hurt?

J: It’s nothing. It’ll be alright. (slips note) Really. Thank you.

W: She’s Thought Police. She Knows.

Scene 7 Back to canteen

M: Victory gin!

S: You don’t really appreciate Newspeak, Winston. A beautiful thing, the destruction of words.

P: My kid made sure he was some kind of enemy agent. But this is the bit that’s really fantastic.
What put her onto him in the first place?

S: Shoes
P: He was wearing a funny pair of shoes!

S: He told us before.

P: So chances are he was a foreigner. Pretty clever right?

S: Good.

P: I mean there is a war on.

W: What happened to the man?

P: Couldn’t say, but wouldn’t be surprised if it’s-

(Plate drops, julia and winston help)
J: Sunday afternoon.

W: Yes?
Scene 8 Train time
J: At fifteen get on the train. Get off at the third station. Turn left, follow the path. Wait for me

W: we’re all right here?

J: Yes. We’re miles from anywhere. I’m Julia.* Hello, Julia, I’m Winston Smith.

W: How did you know that’s-

J: I’m careful. I’d be dead if I wasn’t.

W: you’ve done this before?

J: Hundreds of times.

W: with party members?

J: always.

W: I want the party to rot from the inside.

J: You’re going to love me. I’ve got a surprise.

W: Chocolate!

J: It’s real. Not like that crap that party rations out. This is the stuff they keep for themselves.

W: I’ve dreamt you. I’ve dreamt this.

J: How do you know your not dreaming now?

W: Being with you- i know who i am. I have memories. A past. The chocolate. It reminds me of-
somthing. I can’t remember.

J: You thought I was an agent of the thoughtpolice.

W: Yes. I hated the sight of you.

J: I’m a good liar. It’s the only way to be safe. There’s something in your eyes that betray you. I
knew you were against them.

W: You’d be useful to the thoughtpolice. They’ll kill us just for being her together. It’s inevitable

J: Nothings inevitable.

W: Do you think that they can be overthrown? That we can bring down the party?

J: We are.

W: I mean it.

J: So do I. This. Being here. It was a political act. We’re a threat to them. No love except love of
Big Brother. They keep everyone too miserable to notice what’s going on. The war, it's all made
up. The hardest thing during the two minute hate is not to laugh.

W: but you were screaming and shouting?

J: What you say or do doesn’t matter. This matters. Feelings.

W: It doesn’t make any difference. And just for being here were dead. We are the dead.

J: We’re not dead yet. I’m alive. This is me. I’m real. I exist. We destroy the party with tiny acts
of disobedience. It’s possible to feel something that’s just yours, even for just a second.
(smooch) simple as that, I just killed big brother.

W: Kill him again?

J: If you see me in the city don’t stare. Don’t smile. I won’t acknowledge you. I can’t protect you.
This never happened.

W: This is how it ends?

J: we can’t come her again.

W: And to be together in the city… we can’t.

J: We could

W: It’s suicide.

J: We are the dead. Find somewhere.

Scene 9Going to antique shop.
C: The one place in the world where the past still exist. My shop. There’s another room in the
back. Not even a telescreen in there.

W: No telescreen

C:There’s a little yard too. It’s discreet. Are you alright?

W: Yes. I’ve been here before.

C: I’ll rent it to you. The room. It’s a very valuable thing, privacy.

W: Yes. Yes i’d like that.

C: keep the key. You can come and go as it suits you.

W: Thank you.
W: No mics. No Telescreens!

J: Look at the bed. For two people at once! I’ve got a surprise. Real coffee from the inner party!
They’ve chewed right through the paper! The city’s swarming with rats!

W: Stop it

J: Rats can strip all the flesh from a human face in a matter of minuet​s

W: Stop it, please stop, please please- anything but rats. Anything.

J: what? Winston what?

They won’t come in here. We’re alone. We’re Safe. (starts to sing/hum) I’ve seen oranges. I
wonder what a lemon was?

W: How do you know that song?

J: My grandfather sang it to me.

W: What else did he-

J: He was unpersoned when I was eight-

W: He must have told you things- about how things were before the party took over

J: No

W: There must be somthing

J: We should have never trusted them. He said that over and over. I’m not the enemy, winston.
Go outside. Trust me. (winston leaves, helicopters pass)
(julia changes into red dress, hair down) Turn around. Here i can be a real woman. We can be
together. This is the place in the world where the past still exist. This is victory.
What’s the matter?

W: I Just.. I wish there were words. There used to be words for moments like this. For how i feel.
They’re changing words.

J: words don’t matter.

​ atters.
W: Words matter. Facts matter. The​ truth m

J: There’s nothing we can do, its not-

W: There is. I think i could have done somthing. This week they’re removing every scrap of
evidence that we were at war-

J: Who cares? (winston is frightened, he breaks away)

W: What did you say?

J:(julia shrugs) There’s nothing we can do so why waste our time talking about it?

W: You’re being ​lied​ to?

J: Well i can’t change anything. If i really let myself think about it- i’d go insane.

W: Don’t you understand? History has stopped. We have to do something. Even if it’s only for
the next generation.

J: I do not care about the next generation. I care about​ us​.

W: You’re only a rebel from the waist down. Nothing is ours.

J: where are you winston? This is ours.

W: It’s not enough.

(Juliia is hurt)
Scene 11
M: Victory gin!

P: What put him onto him in the first place? Shoes! So chances are-

W: Where’s-?

P: I’m glad they watch us. I am. There are people out there who hate our way of life. And if
we’re being watched, so are they.
(references audience)

W: What happen to-?

P: Couldn’t say. But wouldn’t be surprised if it’s- (imaginary gunshot)

O: Winston Smith?

P: I mean there is a war on.

W: O’Brien?

O: You take a scholarly interest in Newspeak, I believe?

W: Hardly scholarly.

O: I was talking recently to a friend of yours. His name has slipped my memory for the moment.
I have an advanced copy of the 10th edition of the Newspeak Dictionary. It might interest you to
look at it?

W: Yes. It would.

O: You could pick it up at my apartment. Let me give you my address. My servant will get you a
Scene 12Gets invite
(winston comes back into the main room, a memory of holding the scrap of paper from julia)
(Julia wakes up alone in the antique shop)
J: Winston? Winston?

W: I finally remember. the chocolate. My mother.

(​Introduce mom dream sequence)
I was a boy. Ten or eleven. And I kept asking her - where’s father?

Mom: You know the answer to that winston. I don’t know why you torment me by asking it.

W: I was starving. My guts twisted.

M: Winston, You’ve had more than your share already.

C: Can i have some chocolate?

M: There isn’t any chocolate?

C: i know there is. I want it now.

M: Don’t be greedy.

C: I need to eat.

M: you can have mine.

C: And hers.

M: don’t be so greedy. You’re her big brother.

C: I want it. I need it.

M: Winston, I can’t do anything about it. There are 4 squares. You can have 3. You can have
mine. Leave on for-

W: I took all four. And I ran and hid.

M: Winston!

W: Mother was calling out for me.

J: You were her big brother.

W:My mother wasn’t extraordinary but she protected my sister-

J: Winston-

W: She was prepared to sacrifice herself for us. We were the future she was dead. And now its
my turn. I should go to O’brien. If anyone can change things, it someone with power. I’m going
to declare myself an enemy of the party. I hate big brother.

J: I think everyone feels like that.

W: If we act people will pick up where we left off and it will build and build until the people take
back the power. If there’s hope- real hope- it lies with them. We are the-

J: The dead. I know. I know. It’s madness but… I’m coming with you. Not for O’Brien or The
brotherhood. For you.

W: I love you.
Scene 12Transition into o'brien's apartment
O: Do you know where you are winston?

W: The apartments of the inner party? I’ve never been here before.

O: Yes. Well shall i say it or will you?

W: We believe that there is a secret organization working against the party and we want to join
it. We are enemies of the party. We are thought criminals. If you want to incriminate us then we
are ready.

O: Come in. Martin is one of us. It’s called wine. You might remember it. The brotherhood is

W: It’s real.

O: Time is agianst us. You will not see the brotherhood but know you are apart of it. Time is
against us. I must begin by asking specific questions. You’re prepared to sacrifice your lives?

W: Yes.

O: You’re prepared to commit acts which may cause thousands of innocent deaths ?

W: yes

O: You are prepared to do anything do anything that might weaken the party?

W: Yes

O: If for example it might serve our interest to throw acid in a childs face- are you prepared to do

W: Yes.

O: are you prepared to never see eachother again?

J: No.

W: No?

O: The brotherhood does not exist in the ordinary sense. Nothing holds it together except an
idea. Which is indestructible. An idea for, an a dream of ,​the future.​ I will send you the book in
which this idea is expressed. Which you will read and then destroy. You will then understand the
true reality of things.
(glasses filled)
O: we’ll winston, what shall it be? To death of big brother? To humanity? To the future?

W: To the past.

O: The past? Good. The past is more important. Now, you must leave separate. You first (to
julia). Winston, before you leave. Do you have any questions?

W: Did you ever hear of an old rhyme that begins “oranges and lemons says the bells of saint
clements, You owe me-

W/O- 3 farthings says the bells of st martins. When will you pay me says the bells of old bailey.
When I grow rich say the bells of shore ditch”.

W: You know how its ends.

O: I know how it ends. You must read to the end of the book. (​Page 61)
Winston where do you think you are?

W: I’m in a street.

O: Good. Someone will say:

O/M: I think you dropped your briefcase.

W: yes

O: in that briefcase will be the book.

M: It’s a vision of the future no matter when it’s being read.

W: We never forget that an idea is the only thing that has ever changed the world.

O: We shall meet again -

W: In the place where there is no darkness.

Scene 14 (page 62)

W: Chapter 1. War is peace. the suppression of freedom of speech, the rejection of human
rights, torture and imprisonment without trial. War hysteria ,used to justify these practices,
gradually became continuous and universal in all countries. Im reading! There’s no telescreen.
No one is watching or listening, i don’t have to look over my shoulder. Chapter 3. Ignorance is
strength. Doublethink: Means to tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing them. Here we
reach the central secret. The original motive that led to the seizure of power and brought
doublethink, the thought police, continuous warfare into existence. The motive really consist…
(closes book) I’m not mad. Being a minority does not make you mad. There is truth and there
are lies. If you hold on to the truth, even if the whole world is shouting against you , you’re not
mad. Sanity is not statistical. (sleep) (sun rises, rumbling sound building until winston wakes)

W: (Winston tries to catch his breath) where am i?

J: Where do u think you are winston? Did you finish the book?

W: Nearly.

J: so what happens now?

W: We await our instructions.

J: I will never betray you.

W: I will never betray you.

J: Everybody always confesses.

W: Confession isn’t betrayal. What you say doesn’t matter, it's what you feel.

J: people haven’t learned to think, but their storing the power to in their hearts , one day. If
there's hope it lies with the people. That’s the message of the book.

J: You’ve not finished the book.

W: I don’t need to. Of course it is. If we protect the book, and one day topple the power of the
party, we’ll see the true reality of things:

J: Winston-

W: that 2 plus two makes four.

J: Winston-

W: julia.

J: I love you.

W: we are the dead.

J: We are the dead.

Voice: You are the dead. You are the dead

( countless men in uniform flood the room , dismantling, cameras reviled)
( a bag is put over julia's head and she is taken swiftly)
W: JULIA! (winston is restrained and forced into jail uniform)

C: and by the way, while we’re on the subject. “Here comes a candle to light you to bed, here
comes a chopper to chop off your head” (bag over winston's head)
Scene 15

O: where do you think you are winston?

W: I think i'm in the ministry.

O: How long have you been here?

W: I don’t know. Hours, days, weeks.

P: Winston. Is that you? (voice: REMAIN STILL) Its me parsons.

W: What are you here for?

P: Thoughtcrime. I never knew i had a bad thought in my head. I was sleep talking. I was talking
in my sleep. Down with big brother. Down with big brother. Down with big brother. (men in
uniform emerge and stand near by)

W: How did they know?

P: How do you think, my little girl, I’m so proud of her. You know what i’m going to say right at
the end? Last words? Thank you.

O: Room 101

W: No. Anything but that. I'll do anything. Anything but room 101.

W: What’s in room 101?

J: what is your name?

W: Smith

J: My name is smith too. I might be your mother. I’m trying to find my children. I had a son.
(laughs and point) ( child runs lap around stage)
W: What’s in room 101?

O: Now winston, you know that already. You’ve always known it.

W: Obrien, They’ve got you too?

O: They got me a long time ago.

W: Where am i?

O: where do you think you are?

W: I had a nightmare

O: I told you we would meet again in the place where there is no darkness, You know why you
are here, you suffer from a defective memory. Unable to remember real events and you
persuade yourself that you remember events which never happened. However, this is curable.
And once cured, you will feel better than you have ever felt . No false memories. You will love
big brother. You have chosen to be a mad man.

W: I am not insane.

O: i know your mind winston, I’ve watched you longer than you can imagine . Trust me winston,
i'm going to make you perfect. It’s time ( put in chair) I'm trying to help you winston to see the
truth. Does the past have real existence? Is there a place in the world in which the past exist?

W: The antique shop. The one place in the world the past still exist.

O: Teeth ( head pulled back, lights out , drills on, lights up) You are afraid that something will
break. Your particular fear is that it will be your backbone. You have a vivid mental picture of the
vertebrae snapping apart ( picks up hammer) and the spinal fluid dripping out. I am taking my
time with you winston, because you are worth time. What year is it?

W: Nineteen... Two thousand….

O: where does the past exist?

W: In records. In human memory.

O: Good. The part controls all records and all memories

W: You can’t stop people from remembering things! You can’t control memory!

O: No winston, You have not controlled yours. That’s why you are here. Reality exists only in
the mind. In the mind of the party. Power is power over people. Reality is inside the skull.
(toutures moves instruments) Do you remember writing that freedom is the freedom to say 2
plus 2 makes four. (wires attached to winston)

W: yes.

O: How many fingers winston?

W: four.

O: (winston is electrocuted)How many fingers winston?

W: four. What else can i say? Four!

O: ( electrocuted) And if the party says it is not four- but five. How many fingers?


O: Winston you are lying. You think there are four. How many fingers please.

W: four. Five . anything.

O: (electrocute) You are a slow learner wisnton.

W: How can i help but see what’s in front of my eyes? Two plus two is four!

O: Sometimes. Sometimes they are five. Sometimes they are three. Sometimes they are all of
them at once. Try harder. It is not easy to become sane. How many fingers winston?

W: I don’t know, I don’t know, you will kill me if you do that again. Four, five six, I don't know.

O: Better. The price of sanity is submission. We do not tolerate rebellion. Even if it exists only in
the brain awaiting a bullet. You still think you are the hero? You were writing for the unborn..
You hoped to inspire. To change them.

W: yes.

O: Then go ahead. Speak to us. We’re listening. We’re all watching. Tell us to defeat the party.

W: (winston is aware of the audience watching him) Brotherhood. Humanity. Love.

O: Brotherhood, Humanity, love? If you want a picture of the future. Imagine a boot stampong
on a human face. Forever. You have no past winston. You are deleted from history. This is the
same story that has happen for all of mankind. And it will continue to happen, generation after
generation and country after country. But you still consider yourself morally superior to us?

W: Yes. Yes. I consider myself morally superior.

O: What did you say when I asked if, you were prepared to commit murder?

W: yes

O: What did you say when asked if for example it would somehow serve our intrest to throw acid
into a childs face?

W: I said yes

O: tell us how the party will fall. What will defeat us?

W: Love

O:Love? Your love for julia? And her love for you will bring everything crashing down.

W: Yes

O: How can the love of two people destroy the system, which organizes the entire world?

W: ...I don’t know

O: The fact that you will never see Julia again does not change the world one iota. You are all
you care about. You thought big brother was watching you, but winston, big brother is you. If we
consider your mind, your longing to be important, to be a hero by writing for the distant future or
by changing the world as a member of the brotherhood- if we consider all of those things- not
one of them is about anything more than winston smith and his own selfish desire. Coffee,
Chocolate. Love. You're trapped in the center of yourself. We need to let you out winston. If you
have any questions u may ask them.

W: is it- (is telescreen off)

O: Switched off.

W: What have you done with julia?

O: She betrayed you.

W: Does big brother exist?

O: Of course.

W: I mean does he exist in the way I exist?

O: You do not exist.

W: i think i exist. I was born. I will die.

O: Big brother will never die.

W: but the book.

O: i wrote it winston. The people are not going to revolt. They will not look up from their screens
long enough to notice. The individual is dead.

W: one thing left. I never betrayed julia.

O: No-no that’s true. You have not betrayed Julia. The worst thing varies from individual to
individual. It may be burial alive, death by fire , drowning or impalement. Ask the question

W: where am i now?

O: where do you think you are?

W: I think this is room 101

O: room 101?

W: the thing thats in room 101 is the worst thing in the world.

O: In your case winston, the worst thing happens to be rats.

W: No.

O: The mask will fit over your head, the first gate will open, and the rats will come closer. You’ll
be able to smell them.

W:No i cant.

O: once the second gate is open, sometimes they attack the eyes first. Sometimes the tounge.

W: Please you can’t

O: You know what you need to do.

W: i don’t. What is it.

O: rats can strip all the flesh from a human face.

W: How can you just sit there. Get up , do somthing.

O: im going to open the first gate

W: stop it, please stop

O: i'm your friend winston. I'm trying to help you. I’m now going to open the second gate.


Scene 17
W: thank you.

( the child prances around singing the complete version of oranges and lemons around winston)
(o'brien sits with an umbrella open watching)
Oranges and lemons,
Say the bells of ​St. Clement's​.

You owe me five ​farthings​,

Say the bells of ​St. Martin's​.

When will you pay me?

Say the bells at ​Old Bailey​.

When I grow rich,

Say the bells at ​Shoreditch​.

When will that be?

Say the bells of ​Stepney​.

I do not know,
Says the great ​bell at Bow​.

Here comes a candle to light you to bed,

And here comes a chopper to chop off your head!
Chip chop chip chop the last man is dead


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