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Christopher Wenger

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Christopher Wenger
Christopher Wenger

CONNECTED-SB2-FM-200301.indd 1 3/1/20 4:04 PM

Director of Product Marketing: Brian Romeo
Managing Editor: Karen Clevidence
Copyright © 2020 Green Mountain Education

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Original edition published in 2015 as Connected A2 Student Book by

Knowledge Transmission Ltd. Adapted with permission.

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ISBN: 978-1-64763-003-4

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CONNECTED-SB2-FM-200301.indd 2 3/1/20 4:04 PM

SCOPE & SEQUENCE..........................................................................................................................................ii
TO THE STUDENT................................................................................................................................................. vi
UNIT 1 PERSONAL INFORMATION....................................................................................... 1
UNIT 2 PEOPLE..................................................................................................................................... 11
UNIT 3 THINGS I LIKE.................................................................................................................... 21
UNIT 4 INDOORS AND OUTDOORS.................................................................................. 31
UNIT 5 MOVIES.................................................................................................................................... 41
UNITS 1–5 REVIEW, ASSESSMENT, CONNECT & EXTEND.................................... 51
UNIT 6 MUSIC......................................................................................................................................53
UNIT 7 GROCERIES.........................................................................................................................63
UNIT 8 GETTING A JOB................................................................................................................73
UNIT 9 THIS WEEKEND...............................................................................................................83
UNIT 10 VACATION TIME...............................................................................................................93
UNITS 6–10 REVIEW, ASSESSMENT, CONNECT & EXTEND.................................103
UNIT 11 FEELING AWFUL...........................................................................................................105
UNIT 12 OBLIGATIONS.................................................................................................................. 115
UNIT 13 DAILY ACTIVITIES......................................................................................................... 125
UNIT 14 EDUCATION...................................................................................................................... 135
UNIT 15 TECHNOLOGY................................................................................................................ 145
UNITS 11–15 REVIEW, ASSESSMENT, CONNECT & EXTEND................................. 155
UNIT 16 THE BEST SIGHTS........................................................................................................157
UNIT 17 HOW DOES IT LOOK?...............................................................................................167
UNIT 18 HOW I GOT HERE.........................................................................................................177
UNIT 19 PERSONAL GOALS......................................................................................................187
UNIT 20 THE WORLD WE'LL LIVE IN.................................................................................197
UNITS 16–20 REVIEW, ASSESSMENT, CONNECT & EXTEND.................................207

CONNECTED-SB2-FM-200301.indd 3 3/1/20 4:04 PM


1 PERSONAL Personal information Meeting people Question intonation Simple present: Yes/
INFORMATION no questions and
short answers
Simple present: Wh-
Moving back home People introducing Talking about where Writing about a
themselves you live or what you person you spend a
do in your free time lot of time with

Personal descriptions Describing someone Contrastive stress Adjectives for
to a friend describing people
Negative questions
for confirmation


Identical problems People describing Describing your Describing a family
people they know appearance and member or friend

Hobbies and Discovering common Reduction of to Verb + infinitive and
THINGS I LIKE interests interests gerund with like, love,


Hobbies People talking about Describing what you Comparing your
things they like to do like to do or find hard interests with
in their free time to do someone else’s

4 INDOORS AND Weather/ Talking about what to Reduction of would Would like + infinitive
OUTDOORS Temperature words do on a nice day you


Freezing fun People talking about Talking about the Writing a message
activities with the weather and different inviting a friend to do
weather activities something

Types of movies Discussing what type Emphatic stress on Adverbs of intensity
MOVIES Adjectives to of movie to watch intensifiers
describe movies


Love movies? People talking about Talking about movies Writing a review
the movies about a movie you



CONNECTED-SB2-FM-200301.indd 2 3/1/20 4:05 PM


Music types Discussing music Reduction of of Quantifiers: (almost)
How people listen to in quantifying all, most, a lot of,
music expressions some, a few, none


Musical habits People talking about Talking about your Writing about how
music favorite music and different people listen
listening habits to music

Food/Drinks/ Discussing a Reduction of /t/ Questions with How
Groceries shopping list before unstressed many/much
syllables Count and non-count
nouns with many, a
lot, a few, a little
Superfoods are super People talking about Talking about what Writing about a
good for you what they normally you eat/drink favorite dish that you
eat every week like to make

Interview terms Interviewing for a job R-controlled vowels Questions with How
+ adverbs (often/far/
Questions with know
how + infinitive
Things you need to People talking about Talking about what Writing about what
know to get a job their work skills makes you a good makes you a good
student or employee job candidate

Weekend activities Talking about Final -ing Review of present
weekend plans continuous: Questions
and statements
Future with present
Social media and People talking about Talking about Writing about
being social their plans for the your plans for this someone's plans for
weekend weekend the weekend

Types of vacations Two people talking W-glide between Possibility with may
about potential words and might
vacation plans


Fun in the sun People talking about Talking about plans Writing about
plans for their next for an upcoming your plans for the
big vacation vacation upcoming weekend



CONNECTED-SB2-FM-200301.indd 3 3/1/20 4:05 PM


Parts of the body Discussing feeling /ʊ/ and /uː/ Giving advice with
Health problems awful with a friend should/shouldn’t


Want to feel better? People discussing Talking about health Writing an advice
aches and pains problems email to a sick friend


Chores/Errands Talking about what Reduction of have to Have to for obligation
needs to be done and has to


Everybody has Talking about plans Talking about Writing about what
chores! and what things obligations or you need to do
need to get done first weekend preparations before bed

Workplace verbs Talking about being Simple past -ed Simple past of
late endings regular verbs: Yes/no
questions and short
Statements and ago
Texting and walking People talking about Talking about texting Writing an apology
a recent phone call, and phone use for being late
email, or text

Fields of study Talking to a college- Syllable stress in Past continuous
Milestones age child about his longer words Before, after, while,
education when


Studying abroad: Is it People talking about Talking about your Writing about what
for you? important influences education and career you were doing at
and decisions goals `this time last year

Gadgets Trying to impress Different ways to Comparative
Describing gadgets someone with a new pronounce vowel adjectives with -er
gadget combinations Comparative
adjectives with more


Technology: Good or People comparing Talking about Writing about how
bad? their new gadget replacing an older your life changed
with an older version item with a new one because of technology



CONNECTED-SB2-FM-200301.indd 4 3/1/20 4:05 PM


Tourist attractions Giving Words with silent Superlative adjectives
recommendations letters with -est
to a person visiting a Superlative adjectives
different city with the most


The most interesting People talking about Talking about Writing about why
places places that are interesting places you would like to visit
interesting to them different places

17 HOW DOES IT Clothing Talking about which Vowel sounds with Adjectives with
LOOK? Describing clothing clothing item to buy different spellings adverbs of degree:
(not) very, (not)
enough, and too
Order of adjectives
Dress for success People having a Describing what you Writing a description
conversation while like to wear of how you dress for
shopping for clothes different occasions

Biographies Talking about one's Reduction of /d/ Because and so
life before certain
consonant sounds


Making a difference People talking about Talking about Writing about the life
important life events important life events of someone in your

Personal goals Talking about New Pronouncing x Infinitives of purpose
Year’s resolutions


Keeping up with People talking about Talking about your Writing about your
resolutions their personal goals personal goals goals for the next five

20 THE WORLD WE'LL Environment Discussing life in the Pronouncing y Future with will for
LIVE IN future predictions


The future of People talking about Talking about what Writing about how
medicine is tiny how life will be in the life will be like in the the world will change
future future in 100 years



CONNECTED-SB2-FM-200301.indd 5 3/1/20 4:05 PM

Welcome to the CONNECTED Community!
My name is Christopher Wenger. I’m the author of CONNECTED. Like you, I’m
a language learner. I have studied Spanish, French, Japanese, Korean, German,
Portuguese, Tagalog, and American Sign Language. I want to study even
more languages. I love languages. I know that learning a new language can
sometimes be difficult. But it can also be very exciting. For me, these are the
keys to learning a foreign language:

You need to read and listen to the language. You need useful vocabulary and expressions. You
need to both learn and notice how the language is used. The more the better! In CONNECTED,
you can find great language input in the Student Book and Workbook, as well as text, audio, and
videos on the CONNECTED website.

You need to practice the language. Learn and practice vocabulary and grammar. Practice
pronunciation. Practice the skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Many learners have
studied English for years, but can’t speak it. CONNECTED gives you many chances to practice
using new language in a clear, easy way.

It is easier to learn a language when you can talk about things that are interesting to you or
useful in reaching your goals. Whenever you see the icon in CONNECTED, this is a chance
for you to give information about yourself or things that you are interested in. In the RACE units,
the icon provides opportunities to practice language for academic situations, and the
icon is for using language in workplace contexts.

This is perhaps the most important tool for language learning. Understanding your own goals
and checking your progress are essential to keeping you motivated in your language learning.
The CONNECTED site provides Personal Path tools for you to assess yourself and opportunities
to connect with me and with other learners using the series.
To see this information in other languages, visit the CONNECTED site.

Para ver esta información en otros idiomas, visite el sitio web de Connected.
Para ver essas informações em outros idiomas, visite o site do Connected.
이 정보를 다른 언어로 보려면 Connected 웹 사이트를 방문하십시오.
Connected Webサイトにアクセスしてください。


CONNECTED-SB2-FM-200301.indd 6 3/1/20 4:05 PM


In this unit, you will practice the following:
Vocabulary Reading
Personal information Moving back home
Conversation Listening
Meeting people People introducing themselves
Pronunciation Speaking
Question intonation Talking about where you live or what you do in
Grammar your free time
Simple present: Yes/no questions and Writing
short answers Writing about a person you spend a lot of
Simple present: Wh- questions time with

CONNECTED-SB2-U1-200301.indd 1 3/1/20 4:12 PM

Vocabulary  |  Personal information
A| Read. Make notes to understand the meanings. Then listen and practice.

live at home
live in a college dorm
live in a condo
share an apartment
in a relationship
study on a tablet
relax at home
go out with friends
play sports with other people
clean my house

B | Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.

1 2 3

Nihar is married / single / Ian, Julio, and Gregor share an Rebecca and Vanessa live at
in a relationship, but he hopes to apartment / live in a college home / share an apartment /
meet someone. dorm / live in a condo to save live in a college dorm at their
money. school.

4 51 6 7

Jack and Shonna are Koji, his wife, and their Monica and Ivan bought Carla and Rohan are
living at home / single children live at home / a college dorm / condo single / married /
/ married and have two live in a college dorm / relationship with a in a relationship and
children. / are in a relationship great view of downtown. plan to get married soon.
with Koji’s father-in-law.

2  UNIT 1

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C | Look at the pictures. Choose the correct words to complete each sentence.
1 2 3

She studies English ___ that she I ___ on Saturday so I can relax on On weekends, I like to go outside
can carry anywhere. Sunday. and ___ from my neighborhood.
a with friends a clean my house a clean my house
b at home b play sports with other people b play sports with other people
c on a tablet c go out with friends c go out with friends

4 5

My favorite way to spend a Saturday is I usually ___ on Sunday because I am

to ___ and have fun. tired!
a clean my house a clean my house
b go out with friends b go out with friends
c relax at home c relax at home

D| Listen and practice saying the sentences in B and C.

I live in an apartment. I live

E| Where do you live? Who do you live with? Tell a partner. with my mother, father, and


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A| Read and listen to the conversation.
Edson Excuse me. Aren’t you in my English class?

Lisa Yes, I am. My name is Lisa. What’s your name?

Edson I’m Edson. I work at this café part-time. Are you new in town?

Lisa Yes, I am. I’m from Mexico City. I live at home right now with my family. Where do you live?

Edson I share an apartment with my brother. What do you do on weekends?

Lisa I work at the new hotel on the beach.

Edson That’s exciting! Don’t you need to speak English really well to work at that hotel?

Lisa Yes, you do. I have to study English all the time.

Edson How do you study English?

Lisa I study lots at home with my father. And I study English on my phone, too.

Edson Does your father speak English well?

Lisa Yes, he does. In fact, you know my father.

Edson Really? Who’s your father?

Lisa Mr. Vasquez, our English teacher!

B | Choose the correct answers.

1 Is Lisa in Edson’s English class? a Yes, she is. b No, she isn’t.
2 Does Edson share an apartment with his cousin? a Yes, he does. b No, he doesn’t.
3 Who is Mr. Vasquez? a He is Lisa and Edson’s English teacher. b He is Lisa’s boss.

C | Practice the conversation with a partner.

Pronunciation  |  Question intonation
A| Listen. Notice the rising intonation. Then practice.

Are you married? Do you work part-time? Does she live in a condo? Is he in our English class?

B| Listen. Notice the rising-falling intonation. Then practice.

Who do you live with? What does he study? When is your English class? How do they get to work?
C | Find more questions with each of these types of intonation. Practice.
4  UNIT 1

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Grammar  |  Simple present: Yes/no questions and short answers
A| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.

Questions Answers
Do you live downtown? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. TIP
Does he work from home? Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t. do not don’t
does not doesn’t
Are you married? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. are not aren’t
is not isn’t / ’s not
Are they students? Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.
Is she in your English class? Yes, she is. / No, she’s not.

B | Match the questions and answers.

1 ____ Tina, are you in a relationship? a Yes, we are.
2 ____ Do you work on campus? b No, he’s not.
3 ____ Does he play soccer? c No, I don’t.
4 ____ Am I in your English class? d Yes, he does.
5 ____ Is he single? e Yes, I am.
6 ____ Do Sonja and Beatrice share an apartment? f No, you’re not.
7 ____ Do you and I like the same music? g No, we don’t.
8 ____ Are we friends on Facebook? h Yes, they do.

C| Complete the questions. Then ask a partner.

1 Do you__________________________________________________________________________ ?

2 Does your family _________________________________________________________________ ?

3 Are you _________________________________________________________________________ ?

4 Is your best friend _________________________________________________________________ ?


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Simple present: Wh- questions

D| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.

Questions Answers
Who do you live with? I live with my brother.
What does she do for a living? She’s an architect. TIP
Who people
When’s your English class? It’s every Monday and Wednesday. What information
Where are your parents from? They’re from Korea. When time
Where place
Why are you in this class? I need to improve my English. Why reason
How manner, way
How do they get to work? They take the bus.

E | Choose the correct word to complete the questions.

1 2 3

What / Where do they do after Who / How are your favorite When / Where is her apartment?
class? teachers? It’s close to campus.
They go to dinner. They are Mr. Roberts and
Ms. Taber.

4 5

Where / When is the party? How / Why does he get to class?

It’s this weekend. He drives.

F| Complete the questions. Then ask a partner.

1 Who ___________________________________________________________________________ ?
2 What ___________________________________________________________________________ ?
3 When __________________________________________________________________________ ?
4 Where __________________________________________________________________________ ?
5 Why ___________________________________________________________________________ ?
6 How ___________________________________________________________________________ ?

6  UNIT 1

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A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
costs less pay off
debt recent
graduate rent
have trouble skills
internships spend time (with)
move back home take care of
move out (of) well-paying

B | Read the article.

Moving back home

When did you move out of your parents’ house? Sometimes
people move out right after high school or college and never
live at home again. Some people never leave home. Recent
studies show that many young adults are choosing to move
back home after they graduate from college.
Why is this happening? There are a lot of reasons. Living at
home costs less. Often, young adults graduate from college
with a lot of debt. They can have trouble finding well-paying
jobs, and in many places rent is very expensive.
Many young adults try to pay off debt while they live at home. Sometimes they can take jobs or internships that
pay less. Others try to learn new skills or spend more time with their parents. Sadly, some young people who move
home let their parents take care of them and do all the work.
Moving back home can be a great idea! But young people have to do what they can instead of just letting Mom and
Dad take care of everything.

C | Read the sentences. Write T (true) or F (false).

1 ___ Studies show that many young adults are not moving back home after they graduate.
2 ___ Often, young adults move home because they have a lot of debt.
3 ___ Living at home costs more.
4 ___ Young adults often take internships or low-paying jobs while they live with their parents.


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A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
business administration grade papers
community college major
demanding part-time
fitness instructor prepare
focus (on) save money
full-time tutor

B| Listen. Write the number of the conversation next to the correct picture. One is

not used.
a ______ b ______

c ______ d ______

C| Listen again. Choose the correct answers.

1 Does Filbert work full-time?
a Yes, he does. b No, he doesn’t.
2 Does Filbert live at home?
a Yes, he does. b No, he doesn’t.
3 Is Karen a full-time student?
a Yes, she is. b No, she takes courses part-time.
4 Where does Karen live?
a She lives in the dorm with a roommate. b She lives downtown with her cousin.
5 What’s Monica’s job?
a She’s a teacher. b She’s a tutor.
6 What does Monica do on the weekend?
a She rests and goes to the movies. b She corrects papers and tests.
8  UNIT 1

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Choose one of the topics. Prepare notes for your answer. Use the information in
EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you prepare.

Talk about where you live. OR Talk about what you do in your free time.


I share a condo with my sister.

I live alone in a one-bedroom
We don’t have a car, but I live
apartment. Sometimes I feel
close to my job, so I walk to
lonely, but mostly I like it. When
work. My sister’s classes are on
I want company, I just invite a
the other side of town, so she
few friends over.
rides the bus to school.

Most of my free time is on the I have a very busy life, so when

weekend. I play tennis with I have free time, I try to relax. I
friends every Saturday morning. usually just stay home and read
Afterwards, we go out to eat. On and watch TV. Sometimes I
Sundays, I spend the day with cook myself a nice meal. I enjoy
my family. my time alone.

B| Talk about your topic with a partner. Ask your partner questions to get

more information.

Where is your
Do you like living with apartment? What do you like to
your sister? cook?


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A | Read the example. Answer the questions that follow. Tell a partner.

I spend a lot of time with my cousin Rayyan. He

moved to Chicago last summer, so we started doing
things together. He’s so fun to be around. He and
I like to go out at night. And on Sundays, we go
to our aunt’s house for dinner. She lives near his

• Who does the writer spend time with?

• What do the writer and his cousin do together?
• Who do you spend a lot of time with? What do you do together?

B|  Write about a person you spend a lot of time with. Use the information in

We like to…
play video games.
my friend ___ go out to eat.
school go to the movies.
my soccer team

She is…

10  UNIT 1

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In this unit, you will practice the following:
Vocabulary Reading
Personal descriptions Identical problems
Conversation Listening
Describing someone to a friend People describing people they know
Pronunciation Speaking
Contrastive stress Describing your appearance and personality
Grammar Writing
Adjectives for describing people Describing a family member or friend
Negative questions for confirmation


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Vocabulary  |  Personal descriptions
A| Read. Make notes to understand the meanings. Then listen and practice.

black curly hair

blond/blonde spiky hair
blue straight hair
brown wavy hair
brunette long hair
green short hair

B | Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.

1 2 3

Alana has blue / brown / green / Brian’s eyes are light blue / Lila has blue / brown / green /
hazel eyes. brown / green / hazel. hazel eyes.

4 5 6

He has blue / brown / green / She has black / blonde / Bo’s moustache is black / blonde
hazel eyes. They are not exactly brunette / gray / red hair. / brunette / gray / red.
green and not exactly brown.

7 8 9

My daughter has black / blonde Kyla is a black / blonde / Jan has light hair. She is a black /
/ brunette / gray / red hair, like brunette / gray / red. Her hair is blonde / brunette / gray / red.
her dad. dark brown.
12  UNIT 2

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C | Look at the pictures. Choose the correct words to complete each sentence.
curly long short spiky straight wavy

1 2 3

The new guy at work has short, Letty has _____________ hair. Raj has long, _____________ hair.
_____________ hair.

4 5 6

He has medium-length, My grandmother has My brother wears his hair very

___________ hair. ____________, gray hair. _____________.

D| Listen and practice saying the sentences in B and C.

E| Read. Make notes to understand the meanings. Then listen and practice.

medium-length hair tall

shoulder-length hair short
bald friendly
wears glasses funny
has a beard popular
has a moustache shy


CONNECTED-SB2-U2-200301.indd 13 3/1/20 4:14 PM

F | Look at the pictures. Choose the correct word(s) to complete each sentence.

1 2 3 4

He is average / tall / Mr. Singh wears Ida likes her medium- My father has medium-
short and she is short. glasses / has a beard length / beard / long length hair / has
/ has a moustache. hair. shoulder-length hair /
is bald.

5 6 7 8

Jake wears glasses / My uncle has a long Kirsten has medium- Uncle Allen is bald /
is bald / has spiky glasses / beard / bald. length / shoulder- tall / short, but his son
hair. length / short hair. Brad is tall.

G | Look at the pictures. Choose the correct words to complete each sentence.
friendly funny popular shy smart

1 2 3 4 5

My boss has My brother has She’s very The salesperson Even though my
a great deal of many friends on __________. She is so __________. brother is funny,
experience and is Facebook and is always makes me She smiles and he can be very
very ___________. very ___________. laugh! says hello when I ________ around
walk in. people he doesn’t
know well.

H| Listen and practice saying the sentences in F and G.

I’m not tall. I have short, spiky
hair. I think I’m friendly.
I| Describe yourself to a partner.
14  UNIT 2

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A| Read and listen to the conversation.
Mark Pamela, what does Krista Jones look like?

Pamela Krista Jones? Well, she’s tall. She has straight black hair. She has brown eyes.

Mark Doesn’t she wear glasses?

Pamela Yes, she does.

Mark Okay. Isn't she in my English class?

Pamela No. She’s not in your English class. Her sister, Karen, is in your English class.

Mark Really? Well, what’s Krista like?

Pamela She’s shy, but she’s friendly.

Mark Isn’t she funny, too?

Pamela No, Mark. Krista's popular. You’re funny!

Mark You’re right. I am funny. And I’m nice…and smart…and…

B | Choose the correct answers.

1 Is Krista Jones tall? a Yes, she is. b No, she isn’t.

2 Who is Karen? a She is Krista’s cousin. b She is Krista’s sister.

3 What’s Krista like? a She’s friendly. b She’s funny.

C | Practice the conversation with a partner.

Pronunciation  |  Contrastive stress

A| Listen. Notice the stress in the words in bold. Then practice.

Doesn’t she have black hair? No, she has blonde hair.
Doesn’t Sara have green eyes? No, she has brown eyes.
Isn’t Adam tall? No, Adam is short.
Doesn’t John have brown hair? No, he’s bald.

B | Find other sentences with this type of stress. Practice.


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Grammar  |  Adjectives for describing people
A| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.

Questions Answers
What is Sara like? She’s friendly.
What does Sara look like? She’s tall and she has blonde hair. What is Sara like? a sking about her
What are you like? I’m shy. What does Sara asking about her
What do you look like? I’m short and I wear glasses. look like? appearance

B | Match the questions and answers.

1 What is Susan like? a George is shy. He doesn’t like to talk in front of many people.
2 What does Mei look like? b Susan is very tall. She has long wavy hair.
3 What does Susan look like? c Mei is intelligent. She always gets good grades.
4 What does George look like? d George has short spiky hair.
5 What is Mei like? e Susan is very popular. She has many friends.
6 What is George like? f Mei is slim. She has brown eyes.

Negative questions for confirmations

C| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.

Questions Answers
Doesn’t Sara wear glasses? No, she doesn’t.
Don’t you have black hair? Yes, I do.
Isn’t she tall? Yes, she is.
Aren’t you shy? No, I’m not.

D | Choose the correct word to complete the questions. You can use words more than once.
Aren't Isn't Don't Doesn't

1 ________ Abdul have really 2 ________ you have a 3 ________ Jennifer and
short hair? younger brother? Megan really tall?
5 ________ they live in 6 ________ he popular in
4 ________ she smart?
Madrid? school?

F| Take turns asking and answering Sometimes he’s

funny. Sometimes

about your classmates.

What’s Greg like? he’s not.

16  UNIT 2

CONNECTED-SB2-U2-200301.indd 16 3/1/20 4:14 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
adopted identical twin
birth posted
exactly social media site
find out starred in
get in touch wonder

B | Read the article.

Identical problems
Have you ever wondered what it would be like if you had an identical twin out there somewhere? One girl
in New Hampshire, USA, got the chance to find out.
Amy was adopted when she was a baby. She lived a nice life with her adopted parents. However, she didn’t know
anything about her birth mother or family. Then, in college, Amy
starred in a video project for her friend. Her friend posted the
video online. A few days later, someone named Suzie emailed
Amy’s friend asking about Amy. Suzie saw the video and
thought that Amy might be her twin sister.
Amy got in touch with Suzie on a social media site. They
found out they had both been born in New Hampshire
and were both adopted by families. But Suzie had
been adopted by a family in Hawaii.
The girls emailed for a while. Later, they set up
a video call. That’s when they saw each other
for the first time. They had the same curly hair
and brown eyes. They looked almost exactly the
same! Now Suzie and Amy video chat all the time
and visit each other a few times a year.

C | Read the sentences. Write T (true) or F (false).

1 ___ Amy grew up in New Hampshire.

2 ___ Amy and Suzie were both adopted.

3 ___ Amy found Suzie online by contacting her friend.

4 ___ The girls set up a video call right away.

5 ___ Suzie and Amy video chat all the time.


CONNECTED-SB2-U2-200301.indd 17 3/1/20 4:14 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
appointment immediately
attention lost
business partner stubborn
by any chance suit
front desk tie

B| Listen. Check (√) the correct person described in each conversation.

1 2

   

3 4

   

C| Listen again. Choose the correct words or phrases to complete the sentences.
1 Sandra is about 25 / 35 years old.

2 Sandra doesn’t have glasses / an appointment.

3 Malcolm is wearing a blue suit / tie.

4 Malcolm has short hair / is bald.

5 Celine is very smart and friendly / popular.

6 Celine’s hair is short and spiky / beautiful.

7 Tito has black / brown hair and brown eyes.

8 Tito is very funny / shy.

18  UNIT 2

CONNECTED-SB2-U2-200301.indd 18 3/1/20 4:14 PM

Choose one of the topics. Prepare notes for your answer. Use the information in
EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you prepare.

Talk about your appearance. What do you Talk about your personality.
look like? What are you wearing today? What are you like?


I’m easy-going. I try not to I am a little shy, and I worry

let things bother me. I like a lot. But I’m also a friendly
to laugh. And I like to make and helpful person. People
people laugh. say I’m nice.

My hair is short and pink. I am bald but have a beard

I wear big black-rimmed and mustache. Today I’m
glasses. I’m wearing a short- wearing jeans and my blue
sleeved T-shirt and shorts jean jacket over a white
today. T-shirt.

B| Talk about your topic with a partner. Ask your partner questions to get

more information.

Didn't you have blue

What do you worry hair before? Doesn't your head get
about? cold?


CONNECTED-SB2-U2-200301.indd 19 3/1/20 4:14 PM

A | Read the example. Answer the questions that follow. Tell a partner.

My sister’s daughter is adorable. She has brown

eyes and dark, curly hair. She has a big smile but
she doesn’t have many teeth. She doesn’t like to
wear bows in her hair. She is just a baby, so she’s
not very tall.

• Who is the writer describing?

• What does the writer say the baby does not like?
• Think about a friend or family member. What is he or she like?

B|  Write about a friend or family member. Describe his or her appearance and personality.
Use the information in EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you.


with… funny
n eyes serious
blue/brow rly/straight/ friendly
short/long /brown/
spiky/blac air

jokes arou

20  UNIT 2

CONNECTED-SB2-U2-200301.indd 20 3/1/20 4:14 PM


In this unit, you will practice the following:
Vocabulary Reading
Hobbies and interests Hobbies
Conversation Listening
Discovering common interests People talking about things they like to do in their
Pronunciation free time
Reduction of to Speaking
Grammar Describing what you like to do or find hard to do
Verb + infinitive and gerund with like, love, enjoy Writing
Comparing your interests with someone else’s


CONNECTED-SB2-U3-200301.indd 21 3/1/20 4:15 PM

Vocabulary  |  Hobbies and interests
A| Read. Make notes to understand the meanings. Then listen and practice.

do karate
go hiking
go running
go shopping
go to concerts
go to museums
play basketball
play soccer
play the guitar
play the piano
practice yoga
read books
work out

B | Look at the pictures. Choose the correct words to complete each sentence.
go hiking go running go to concerts go to museums
play soccer read books sew sing

1 2

I like to ___________________________ You should _________________________

with my daughter. in the mountains near your house.

22  UNIT 3

CONNECTED-SB2-U3-200301.indd 22 3/1/20 4:15 PM

3 4

Shaun likes to _______________________ My grandmother loves to ______________

about the future. when she wants to relax.

5 6

In my neighborhood, we My sister likes to

___________________________ ___________________________
every Saturday. every morning.

7 8

They like to We always

___________________________ ___________________________
at home on Friday or Saturday nights.


CONNECTED-SB2-U3-200301.indd 23 3/1/20 4:15 PM

C | Look at the pictures. Choose the correct words to complete each sentence.
practice yoga play basketball plays piano play the guitar
does karate go shopping works out

Maura likes to He tries to They like to

___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________
at night after work. at least twice a week to relax. at lunchtime.

4 51 6 7

She He My aunt We love to

___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________
at a class every before school every day. every night after dinner. for food as a family.

D| Listen and practice saying the sentences in B and C.

E| How often do you do the things listed

in A? Take turns asking and answering with
a partner.

How often do you I sing in the shower

sing? every day.

24  UNIT 3

CONNECTED-SB2-U3-200301.indd 24 3/1/20 4:15 PM

A| Read and listen to the conversation.
Cathy I really enjoy hiking.

Toshiro I love to go to museums.

Cathy Do you like soccer? I love playing soccer.

Toshiro No, I don’t like to play soccer. I prefer playing the piano.

Cathy The piano? Hmmm. What about working out? I love to work out.

Toshiro Not me. But I do like reading books.

Cathy Toshiro, we don’t have anything in common!

Toshiro Yes, we do. We like to go shopping together.

Cathy That’s true. And I like going to museums, as long as I’m with you.

B | Choose the correct answers.

1 Who loves playing soccer? a Cathy b Toshiro

2 Who likes playing the piano? a Cathy b Toshiro

3 Who likes going to museums with Toshiro? a Cathy b Cathy's sister

C | Practice the conversation with a partner.

Pronunciation  |  Reduction of to
A| Listen. Notice the pronunciation of to. Then practice.

He likes to read books.

They love to sing at home.
He tries to practice yoga twice a week.
They like to play basketball at lunchtime.
I like to go to museums.
She loves to go to concerts on Friday nights.

B | Find more sentences with reduced pronunciation of to. Practice.


CONNECTED-SB2-U3-200301.indd 25 3/1/20 4:15 PM

Grammar  |  Verb + infinitive and gerund with like, love, enjoy
A| Read and listen to the grammar presentation .

Affirmative Negative
I like to play basketball. I don’t like to play baseball. TIP
Infinitive to play
I like playing basketball. I don’t like playing basketball. Gerund playing
He loves to go to museums. He doesn’t love to go to museums. The verb enjoy is used with a
gerund only.
He loves going to museums. He doesn’t love going to museums. Correct:
They enjoy doing yoga.
They enjoy doing yoga. They don’t enjoy doing yoga.
NOT correct:
They enjoy to do yoga.
B | Match the sentences.
1 ____ You have a nice camera! a Really? I love reading non-fiction.
2 ____ I read a lot of books. b Me too. I love to play classical music.
3 ____ Do you exercise? c Really? Do you like going to museums?
4 ____ I study art in college. d Yes, I enjoy working out at the gym.
5 ____ I play the piano. e Thanks. I like to take photos.
6 ____ How is your cooking class? f Good. I enjoy making Italian food.

C| Take turns asking and answering the questions with a partner.

1 What do you like to do in the evenings?

2 Where do you love to go on vacation? I enjoy reading

mystery novels.
3 Who do you enjoy spending time with?

4 What kinds of food do you love to eat?

5 When do you like to wake up on weekends?

6 What kinds of books do you enjoy reading?

26  UNIT 3

CONNECTED-SB2-U3-200301.indd 26 3/1/20 4:15 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
build kits
climb race
creation ropes
fold share
ground special
hobby square

B | Read the article.

Have you ever thought about starting a new hobby? Here are a few hobbies that you might like to try.
Remote control cars
Did you know that you can build remote control cars? There are kits to get
you started. If you enjoy building things, this is a great hobby. Many people
who build remote control cars also race them. People even travel across the
country to race remote control cars. It is a fun way to meet other people who
share your hobby.
Origami is the Japanese art of folding paper into shapes. This hobby doesn’t cost a lot of
money. You only need square paper. You can buy special paper or make your own. You can
make lots of different animals and shapes. You can keep your creations or give them to
your friends.
Rock climbing
You can climb inside a gym or outside. It is a good
way to get some exercise. You can climb close to the
ground, or you can use ropes to climb higher. Rock
climbing is a hobby you can do with your friends and
family. It is fun and good for you.

C | Read the sentences. Choose which hobby the sentence is describing.

1 You can build them. remote control cars origami rock climbing
2 You can make animals. remote control cars origami rock climbing
3 You need special paper. remote control cars origami rock climbing
4 You can do it in a gym. remote control cars origami rock climbing
5 You can meet new people. remote control cars origami rock climbing
6 You can do it with friends and family. remote control cars origami rock climbing


CONNECTED-SB2-U3-200301.indd 27 3/1/20 4:15 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
belt follow organize
boring form piano
compared to get tired of roommates
draw comics guitar struggle
encouragement karate tae kwon do
exciting martial art would rather

B| Listen. Write the number of the conversation next to the correct picture.

a ______ b ______

c ______ d ______

C| Listen again. Who said it? Write the number of the conversation next to each sentence.

1 ____ That's what I really love to do.

2 ____ Form is very important.

3 ____ Sports are boring.

4 ____ I know my roommates don’t like it.

5 ____ I work in an office.

6 ____ I’m not very good at it.

7 ____ I can watch with my friends.

8 ____ I practice every weekend.

28  UNIT 3

CONNECTED-SB2-U3-200301.indd 28 3/1/20 4:15 PM

Choose one of the topics. Prepare notes for your answer. Use the information in
EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you prepare.

Are some things hard for you to do?

Talk about things you do for fun. What
Is it because they’re too difficult or too
are your hobbies? What do you like to OR
boring? Talk about something that you
do in your free time?
find hard to do.


I enjoy gardening when

In my free time, I like to go
I have free time. It’s my
kayaking with my boyfriend.
favorite hobby. It gets me
It’s good exercise, and it’s
outside. I like being in

I find it hard to get my For me, it’s difficult to

homework done. It’s not that work in a group. I think it’s
it’s difficult or boring. I just because I don’t have much
always end up looking at my patience. I want to do things
phone or getting up to do my way and get things done
something else. quickly.

B| Talk about your topic with a partner. Ask your partner questions to get

more information.
What do you like to
Where do you enjoy grow? What do you find easy
going? to do?


CONNECTED-SB2-U3-200301.indd 29 3/1/20 4:15 PM

A | Read the example. Answer the questions that follow. Tell a partner.

I go to the park to play soccer. My wife likes going

to the park to relax and read. I love going to
concerts. My wife does too. We like the same music.
We are going to a concert next weekend. I also
enjoy going to movies when I can. I usually go alone
or with a friend. My wife does not like going to the
movies as much as I do.

• What things do both the writer and his wife like to do?
• What does the writer usually do without his wife?
• Who do you know that likes doing some things you like to do, but not all?

B|  Write about activities you like and the activities a friend or family member likes. Are
they the same or different? Use the information in EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you.


We both like the sa

’t) me/
I/We/He/S he (don’t/doesn different…
like to… places.
travel. stores.
go shopping. activities.
do yoga.

W e / H e / S he (don’t
doesn’t) e
p late.
staying u
to eat.
going out her with
in g t o g e t

30  UNIT 3

CONNECTED-SB2-U3-200301.indd 30 3/1/20 4:15 PM


In this unit, you will practice the following:
Vocabulary Reading
Weather/Temperature words Freezing fun
Indoor/Outdoor activities Listening
Conversation People talking about activities with the weather
Talking about what to do on a nice day Speaking
Pronunciation Talking about the weather and different activities
Reduction of would you Writing
Grammar Writing a message inviting a friend to do
Would like + infinitive something


CONNECTED-SB2-U4-200301.indd 31 3/1/20 4:16 PM

Vocabulary  |  Weather/Temperature words
A| Read. Make notes to understand the meanings. Then listen and practice.

hot cloudy
warm windy
cool rainy
cold snowy

B | Look at the pictures. Choose the word that best completes each sentence.

1 2 3

It’s cold / cool / sunny / warm Today it’s very hot / snowy / Look at those trees! It’s very
outside. Sam doesn’t need a sunny / warm. Let’s stay inside. windy / snowy / rainy / cloudy
jacket. today.

4 5 6

It’s a warm / rainy / hot / cool Bring your umbrella when it’s They’re at the beach because it’s
day, so she’s wearing a sweater. sunny / hot / cold / rainy. hot / cloudy / rainy / windy

7 8 9

I love a rainy / snowy / sunny / He’s wearing a hat because it’s It’s sunny / cloudy / warm / hot
cloudy day in the park. cloudy / cold / warm / hot outside, but it isn’t rainy.

C| Listen and practice saying the sentences in B.

32  UNIT 4

CONNECTED-SB2-U4-200301.indd 32 3/1/20 4:16 PM

Indoor/Outdoor activities

D| Read. Make notes to understand the meanings. Then listen and practice.

bake cookies go swimming

cook on the grill go to the beach
do some gardening have a picnic
do some home repairs play a board game
go camping play cards
go kayaking

E | Look at the pictures. Choose the correct answer to complete each sentence.

1 2 3

I’d like to stay inside today and They love to ___ in the summer. This weekend, Eileen is going to
___. a go camping stay home and ___.
a play cards b go kayaking a bake cookies
b play a board game c go swimming b do some gardening
c have a picnic c do some home repairs

4 5 6

I’m hungry, so I’m going to ___ as It’s very hot today, so we plan to It’s a perfect day for our family to
a treat. ___ and relax. ___ in the park.
a go swimming a go to the beach a go swimming
b bake cookies b have a picnic b play cards
c cook on the grill c go camping c have a picnic


CONNECTED-SB2-U4-200301.indd 33 3/1/20 4:16 PM

7 8 9

Would you like to ___ in the My father’s friends meet to ___ I like to ___ with my friends from
ocean? every afternoon. work because it’s good exercise.
a have a picnic a play cards a go to the beach
b go camping b go kayaking b go kayaking
c go swimming c play a board game c go swimming

10 11

It’s hot today, so we should ___for Are you going to help your father ___
dinner. this weekend?
a cook on the grill a do some home repairs
b bake cookies b do some gardening
c do some gardening c bake cookies

F| Listen and practice saying the sentences in E.

G| Ask other classmates what they like to do in different types of weather.

I like to stay inside

and drink hot tea.
What do you like to do
on cold, rainy days?

34  UNIT 4

CONNECTED-SB2-U4-200301.indd 34 3/1/20 4:16 PM

A| Read and listen to the conversation.
Adam It’s nice out today. What would you like to do?

Emily I need to do some home repairs. And I’d like to bake cookies.

Adam But it’s sunny and warm today. Wouldn’t you like to go to the beach?

Emily It’s windy at the beach.

Adam But it’s not cloudy or rainy or cold.

Emily Well, what would you like to do at the beach?

Adam I’d like to go swimming.

Lucas arrives.

Adam Hi, Lucas. Would you like to go to the beach with us today?

Lucas I’d really like to go to the beach, but….

Adam But?

Lucas My girlfriend Sarah would like to bake cookies instead. And I …

Adam I have an idea! Emily, would you like to bake cookies with Sarah today?

B | Read the sentences. Choose Yes or No.

1 Adam thinks it's good weather for the beach. Yes No

2 Adam would like to have a picnic at the beach. Yes No

3 Emily and Sarah would like to go to the beach. Yes No

C | Practice the conversation with a partner.

Pronunciation  |  Reduction of would you

A| Listen. Notice the pronunciation of would you. Then practice.

Would you like to have a picnic? Where would you like to go?
Would you like to go swimming? When would you like to meet?
What would you like to do?

B | Find more sentences with reduced would you. Practice.


CONNECTED-SB2-U4-200504.indd 35 5/4/20 11:26 AM

Grammar  |  Would like + infinitive
A| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.

Questions Answers
Would you like to go swimming / go I’d like to go swimming / go to the
to the beach / have a picnic? beach / have a picnic.
What would you like to do? I’d like to go camping. I would I'd
Where would you like to go? I’d like to go to the museum.

B | Match the questions and answers.

1 ____ What would you like to eat? a I’d like to have a picnic.
2 ____ Would you like to go to the gym? b I’d like to go somewhere warm.
3 ____ Where would you like to go? c I’d like to have some pasta.
4 ____ Would you like to go swimming? d Sure. I’d like to exercise.
5 ____ When would you like to meet? e How about Saturday at noon?
6 ____ What would you like to do at the park? f I’d like to, but I don’t know how to swim.

C| Unscramble the questions. Then take turns asking a partner.

1 you / after / like / to / would / class / where / go


2 like /dinner /to /you /for /what /eat /would


3 picnic / you / a /would /have / like / today / to


4 like / to / would / go / you / this / weekend / camping


36  UNIT 4

CONNECTED-SB2-U4-200301.indd 36 3/1/20 4:16 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
avoid plunge
bathing suits polar
belong to polar bear
costumes safe
hot tea temperatures

B | Read the article.

Freezing fun
Would you like to go to the beach in the winter time? Most people would say no. In the winter, people stay inside
and avoid the cold weather. Snow and cold temperatures make most people put on more clothes, light a fire, and
make some hot tea.
But all over the world, there are people who like to go swimming outside in cold weather. These people belong to
groups called polar bear clubs. Polar bear clubs are for people who like to go swimming during the winter as a
hobby. Since it isn’t safe to go swimming in the cold alone, people go in groups.
Some polar bear clubs go swimming all through the
winter. Many people dress up in costumes, but some
just wear bathing suits. They go once a week or more.
Almost all polar bear clubs do a big cold swim on New
Year’s Day. Some groups call the big swim on New Year’s
Day the “polar plunge.” People who aren’t even in the
polar bear clubs come and swim at these events. Would
you ever take the polar plunge? Or would you like to stay
inside during the winter and bake some cookies instead?

C | Read the sentences. Write T (true) or F (false).

1 ___ People normally spend all of their time outside in the winter.

2 ___ Some people like to go swimming in the winter time.

3 ___ There are polar bear clubs all over the world.

4 ___ There is a big cold swim on February 1st.

D| Would you like to join a polar bear club?

I would not like to

Why or why not? Tell a partner.

join a polar bear
club. I can’t swim!


CONNECTED-SB2-U4-200301.indd 37 3/1/20 4:16 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
raincoats balloons
ponchos stars
who cares jacket
perfect tent
cake trail
punch view

B| Listen. Write the number of the conversation next to the correct picture.

a ______ b ______

c ______ d ______

C| Listen again. Choose the correct words or phrases to complete each sentence.
1 ____ It’s rainy / sunny at the beach today. We can go swimming / for a walk.

2 ____ It’s not too hot / windy for a picnic. The children are / family is here now.

3 ____ The trees / stars are beautiful. It gets cold / rains in the mountains at night.

4 ____ It’s cloudy and cool / warm today. Let’s go kayaking / hiking.

38  UNIT 4

CONNECTED-SB2-U4-200301.indd 38 3/1/20 4:16 PM

Choose one of the topics. Prepare notes for your answer. Use the information in
EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you prepare.

What do you like to do on sunny days?

Talk about the weather today. On rainy days? Talk about your favorite
What’s it like outside?
OR activities to do in different kinds
of weather.


It’s warm and sunny today. Right now it’s cloudy and
It’s also a little windy. It’s a rainy. But I heard it’s going
good day to fly a kite. to clear up later today.

On sunny days I like going When it’s sunny out, I like

for a run on the beach with going rock climbing with
my dog. When it’s rainy, I my sister. On rainy days, we
prefer to stay home and usually go shopping at the
bake bread. mall.

B| Talk about your topic with a partner. Ask your partner questions to get

more information.
What else do you
Where do you go to fly like to do on rainy What’s your favorite
a kite? days? store at the mall?


CONNECTED-SB2-U4-200301.indd 39 3/1/20 4:16 PM

A | Read the example. Answer the questions that follow. Tell a partner.

It’s raining today. I think it will be cloudy all day.

Would you like to go to a movie? I’d like to see a
movie downtown. What time could you meet me?

• Why does the writer want to go see a movie today?

• Where does the writer want to see a movie?
• What do you invite your friends to do when it’s rainy outside?

B|  Invite a friend to do something today. Suggest an activity based on the weather.

Use the information in EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you.


Would you like to…

go shopping?
It’s ___ today. go for a hike?
rainy come over?

What tim

40  UNIT 4

CONNECTED-SB2-U4-200301.indd 40 3/1/20 4:16 PM


In this unit, you will practice the following:
Vocabulary Reading
Types of movies Love movies?
Adjectives to describe movies Listening
Conversation People talking about the movies
Discussing what type of movie to watch Speaking
Pronunciation Talking about movies
Emphatic stress on intensifiers Writing
Grammar Writing a review about a movie you saw
Adverbs of intensity


CONNECTED-SB2-U5-200301.indd 41 3/1/20 4:16 PM

Vocabulary  |  Types of movies
A| Read. Make notes to understand the meanings. Then listen and practice.

romantic comedy

B | Look at the pictures. Choose the word that best completes each sentence.
1 2

It's a ___ movie set in the future. I want to see a comedy, but my sister wants
a horror to see a ___.
b documentary a horror
c comedy b drama
d sci-fi c romantic
d film

3 4

They’re watching a(n) ___. I’d like something exciting, so let’s go see
a drama a(n) ___.
b action film a action movie
c comedy b animated movie
d horror movie c romantic comedy
d documentary

42  UNIT 5

CONNECTED-SB2-U5-200301.indd 42 3/1/20 4:16 PM

5 6

The movie is a ___ about real people who This ___ is about an escaped killer.
live in the desert. a animated movie
a thriller b romantic comedy
b comedy c science fiction
c documentary d thriller
d drama

7 8

My sister’s favorite movie is a(n) ___ about A really good ___ movie will scare you for
a group of dogs. days.
a action movie a action
b animated film b horror
c sci-fi film c sci-fi
d romantic comedy d animated

Two people fall in love in most ___.

a thrillers
b dramas
c romantic comedies
d action movies

C| Listen and practice saying the sentences in B.


CONNECTED-SB2-U5-200301.indd 43 3/1/20 4:16 PM

Adjectives to describe movies

D| Read. Make notes to understand the meanings. Then listen and practice.

boring funny
complicated romantic
entertaining sad
exciting scary

E | Look at the pictures. Choose the correct answer to complete each sentence.
1 21 3 4

They think the movie is That action film has a He’s crying because the If a movie is very ___,
long and ___. very ___ ending. movie is so ___. you might scream.
a sad a funny a sad a scary
b entertaining b exciting b funny b sad
c boring c sad c complicated c funny
d exciting d animated d scary d entertaining

5 61 7 8

They finally fall in love at That old movie is so ___. The story is very ___ That movie is so ___. I
the end of the movie. It’s I laugh every time I see because there are a lot can watch it again and
so ___! it. of people in it. again.
a funny a funny a complicated a animated
b sad b romantic b romantic b boring
c scary c scary c funny c entertaining
d romantic d sad d boring d sad

F| Listen and practice saying

I love dramas.

the sentences in E.
What kind of movies
do you like?
G| What kind of movies do you

like? Tell a partner.

44  UNIT 5

CONNECTED-SB2-U5-200301.indd 44 3/1/20 4:16 PM

A| Read and listen to the conversation.
Carla Let’s go see a romantic comedy! I love romantic comedies.

Tony Comedies are funny. Romantic comedies are really boring.

Alan That new horror movie is playing now.

Carla Alan, horror movies are so scary.

Alan This one isn’t extremely scary.

Carla Oh, yes, it is! It’s very scary. And it’s a little sad.

Tony I’d like to see a good action movie.

Alan Action movies aren’t very entertaining.

Tony Whatever. Action movies are really exciting.

Alan I have an idea. Carla and Tony, would you like to see a sci-fi movie?

Tony Well, sci-fi movies are really exciting.

Carla And they’re kind of romantic.

Alan Perfect. That was a little too complicated!

B | Choose the correct answers.

1 Who likes romantic comedies? a Tony b Carla c Alan
2 Who doesn’t like horror movies? a Tony b Carla c Alan
3 Who doesn’t like action movies? a Tony b Carla c Alan
4 What type of movie do they decide to see? a comedy b action c sci-fi

C | Practice the conversation with a partner.

Pronunciation  |  Emphatic stress on intensifiers

A| Listen. Notice the stress on the syllables in bold. Then practice.

The report is kind of complicated. The story is so sad.

Her new book is extremely funny. This movie isn’t very scary.
His music is really entertaining. The new apartments aren’t really big.

B | Find more sentences with this type of stress. Practice.


CONNECTED-SB2-U5-200301.indd 45 3/1/20 4:16 PM

Grammar  |  Adverbs of intensity: very, really, so, a little, kind of, extremely
A| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.

The movie is very funny.

His horror movies aren’t really scary.
This animated film is so realistic.
That new sci-fi movie is a little confusing.
The story is kind of complicated.
His movies are extremely boring.

B | Match the questions and answers.

1 ___ I don’t understand the movie. a It’s kind of complicated.
2 ___ Are you crying? b It’s a little boring.
3 ___ This movie is making me fall asleep. c The story is so sad.
4 ___ I can’t stop laughing. d It’s not very scary.
5 ___ Is this a horror movie? e This movie is extremely funny.
6 ___ I want to see that movie again. f It’s really entertaining.

C | Look at the conversation on page 45. Underline all the adverbs of intensity.

D| Take turns describing these items with a partner. Use adverbs of intensity.
1 A movie that you saw
Football is really
2 An actor that you like exciting!
3 A restaurant that you love Football is so
4 A sport or athlete that you like boring!
5 A kind of music or a song that you
don't like

46  UNIT 5

CONNECTED-SB2-U5-200301.indd 46 3/1/20 4:16 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
adorable recommend
credits robot
fight scenes sit still
halfway through upcoming
main character waste time
plot twist whales

B | Read the article.

Love movies?
Do you love movies? Here are some reviews of movies
coming to a theater near you!
Don't Do It
This action film is so exciting that you will have trouble sitting still.
The main character is very interesting. The fight scenes are really
fun, and the plot twist at the end is very surprising. Stay after the
credits if you want some scenes from another upcoming movie.
The Waves of Whales
This documentary is extremely boring. I love whales, but I wanted to leave about halfway through the movie. It was
also kind of sad. There is nothing exciting about this movie. I don’t recommend it.
This adorable animated film is fun for children and adults. The beginning of the story is very sad. But then it gets
really funny. The main character is an extremely cute robot. I highly recommend this very entertaining movie.
She's the Best
Even if you like romantic comedies, I don’t recommend this one. The plot is very complicated and kind of boring. It
isn’t very funny or romantic. I didn’t like any of the characters. Don’t waste your time seeing this movie.

C | Read the sentences. Write T (True) or F (False).

1 ___ Don’t Do It is a romantic comedy.

2 ___ The Waves of Whales is boring.

3 ___ Scatterbot is an animated film.

4 ___ The writer liked She’s the Best.


CONNECTED-SB2-U5-200301.indd 47 3/1/20 4:16 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
actress filmmaker
co-star good-looking
country road high-energy
director mysterious
environment nature
(6) feet tall secret

B| Listen. Write the number of the conversation next to the correct picture.

a ______ b ______

c ______ d ______

C| Listen again. Choose the correct answers to complete each sentence.

1 Gina wants to live in Italy / be an actress. She’d like to be in a drama / marry a famous actor.

2 Martin is a filmmaker and director / local TV actor. He makes documentaries and TV comedies /
nature programs.

3 Mike is a costume designer / martial artist. His new movie is called Welcome to Chinatown /
Eyes of the Tiger.

4 The woman likes to see horror films and science fiction / thrillers. Her favorite movie is called The
Hotel / The Mysterious Secret.

48  UNIT 5

CONNECTED-SB2-U5-200301.indd 48 3/1/20 4:16 PM

Choose one of the topics. Prepare notes for your answer. Use the information in
EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you prepare.

What’s the name of a really good or really

What kind of movies do you like?
bad movie you remember seeing? What’s
Name a few examples. OR it about? Why do you (not) like it?


My favorite kind of movie is

I like to watch foreign films.
dramas. I really liked Moonlit.
They’re so interesting. And I like
I also like romantic comedies.
documentaries. I always learn
When Henry Met Sarah was
something new.
a good one. And I like action
movies like Gone in 30 Seconds.

One really good movie I saw was

The Queen’s Dog was a very
Rachel Gets Married. It’s about
bad movie. I can’t really say
what happens when a family
what it was about. I didn’t
gets together for a wedding.
understand it. It was so
I liked it because the family is
confusing and boring.
crazy, and mine is too.

B| Talk about your topic with a partner. Ask your partner questions to get

more information.
What’s one foreign
What kind of movies film you recently What happens at the
do you not like? watched? end of the movie?


CONNECTED-SB2-U5-200301.indd 49 3/1/20 4:16 PM

A | Read the example. Answer the questions that follow. Tell a partner.

The last movie I watched was Blue Jasmine. It’s a movie from 2013.
I watched it on TV. It was a great film. It was more of a drama than
a comedy. It had funny parts. But it was really sad too. It was also
so romantic. The main actress was wonderful. I looked her up on
the internet. She won an Oscar for her role in this movie!

• Did the writer like the movie?

• What type of movie was it?
• What was the last movie you saw? Did you like it? Why or why not?

B|  Write a review of the most recent movie you saw. Say the type of movie it was. Give
your opinion of the movie. Use the information in EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you.


I watched it…
on TV.
It’s a mov at a movie theater.
from 2017 rite actor on my computer.
with my f
by the film

s ( n o t ) r eally/ver
It wa

50  UNIT 5

CONNECTED-SB2-U5-200301.indd 50 3/1/20 4:16 PM



Vocabulary  |  Circle the word or phrase that doesn’t belong in each group.
1 college dorm board game condo apartment
2 green hazel brown blonde
3 friendly popular married shy
4 curly straight wavy rainy
5 bald yoga beard moustache
6 sunny cloudy spiky snowy
7 soccer cool guitar cards
8 baking camping kayaking hiking
9 comedy drama picnic horror
10 romantic scary entertaining relationship

Grammar  |  Find the error. Write the correct sentence.

1 Does they live downtown?
2 Is Jeff and Sarah married?
3 When your art class?
4 How Louise gets to work?
5 Isn’t Jason have black hair?
6 What is Kevin look like?
7 He enjoys to go hiking.
8 When you would like to meet?
9 I’d like go shopping this weekend.
10 This movie is kind complicated.

Check Yourself  |  How well do you know it? Circle the correct rating for yourself.
Units 1–5 Units 1–5
Vocabulary Grammar
RACE  51

Connected-SB2-RACE1-200301.indd 51 3/1/20 4:06 PM


Questions and answers

 ork with a partner. Choose one of the photos. Write five questions about it in a,
using the prompts below.

1 2

3 4

Is / Are Do / Does Would you like How Why

Who What Where When

B | Show your questions to another pair. They will make up answers to the questions.

Try it out

 rite an email to invite a classmate to  alk about your hobbies and interests
go see a movie. during a job interview.
I really like the outdoors.
I enjoy going hiking and
camping in my free time.

Hi Alex,
Would you like to go see a movie tonight?
There’s a new horror movie at the Apollo
Theater. It’s called Silent Danger. It sounds
really scary! Let me know.

52  RACE

Connected-SB2-RACE1-200301.indd 52 3/1/20 4:06 PM


In this unit, you will practice the following:
Vocabulary Reading
Music types Musical habits
How people listen to music Listening
Conversation People talking about music
Discussing music Speaking
Pronunciation Talking about your favorite music and listening
Reduction of of in quantifying expressions habits
Grammar Writing
Quantifiers: (almost) all, most, a lot of, some, Writing about how different people listen to music
a few, none


CONNECTED-SB2-U6-200301.indd 53 3/1/20 4:17 PM

Vocabulary  |  Music Types
A| Read. Make notes to understand the meanings. Then listen and practice.

heavy metal
movie soundtracks

B | Look at the pictures. Choose the answer that best completes each sentence.

1 2

My sister listens to a lot of ___. Most of the songs at the club are
a pop ___ music.
b heavy metal a dance
c jazz b movie soundtrack
c classical

My parents like a lot of ___

music from the 1990s.
a hip-hop
b rap
c rock

54  UNIT 6

CONNECTED-SB2-U6-200301.indd 54 3/1/20 4:17 PM

4 5

Most people know the words to the latest Her music collection has a lot of ___ from
___ songs. her favorite films.
a classical a rap
b pop b movie soundtracks
c heavy metal c dance

6 7

Almost none of my music is ___. Most of his favorite music is ___.

a rock a hip-hop
b rap b jazz
c classical c classical

8 9

I like listening to ___ music from the early I listen to a lot of ___ because I love
2000s. saxophones.
a classical a rap
b jazz b jazz
c rap c movie soundtrack

C| Listen and practice saying the sentences in B.


CONNECTED-SB2-U6-200301.indd 55 3/1/20 4:17 PM

How people listen to music

D| Read. Make notes to understand the meanings. Then listen and practice.

download music
go to concerts
use earbuds
stream music online
listen to the radio
use headphones

E | Look at the pictures. Choose the correct answer to complete each sentence

1 2 3

She ___ a lot of rock music online. Do you use ___ to listen to music? I ___ almost all of my music from
a download a a radio a classical music site.
b streams b earbuds a download
c radio c a computer b concerts
d headphones d concerts c online
d listen

4 5 6

My father loves to listen to the I like listening to music with my We enjoy going to ___ to hear
___ when he's driving. ___. some live music.
a headphones a radio a concerts
b download b online b earbuds
c earbuds c download c stream
d radio d headphones d online

F| Listen and practice saying the sentences in E.

I like listening to
G| What kinds of music do you enjoy listening to? Tell a partner.

56  UNIT 6

CONNECTED-SB2-U6-200301.indd 56 3/1/20 4:17 PM

A| Read and listen to the conversation.
Julie Gloria, what kind of music do you like?

Gloria I love movie soundtracks. All of the music I listen to is soundtracks.

Wow. Most people don’t listen to soundtracks all the time. I like dance
Julie music. I listen to it when I drive to work every morning.

Gloria Ricky, you like heavy metal music, don’t you?

Ricky Yes, I do. Most good heavy metal music is from the 1980s, I think.

Gloria Really?

Ricky Oh, yeah. My cousin gave me a lot of heavy metal CDs from the 80s.

Julie CDs? Wow. Does she still like heavy metal music?

Ricky She is 49 years old and she loves it. But now she only likes live music.

Julie Isn’t that expensive? Almost all live concerts cost a lot of money.

Ricky None of the concerts are expensive for her.

Gloria Why’s that?

Ricky She’s the singer in a heavy metal band.

B | Read the sentences. Write T (true) or F (false).

1 ____ Gloria only listens to movie soundtracks. 3 ____ Ricky listens to music online.
2 ____ Julie listens to music in her car. 4 ____ Ricky is in a heavy metal band.

C | Practice the conversation with a partner.

Pronunciation  |  Reduction of of in quantifying expressions

A| Listen. Notice the reduction of of. Then practice.

Most of them don’t listen to jazz. Some of my friends listen to rap music.
A lot of my friends like hip-hop music. All of the CDs that I have are really old.
None of the songs on the radio today are original. A few of the students like classical music.

B | Find more sentences with these kinds of expressions. Practice.


CONNECTED-SB2-U6-200301.indd 57 3/1/20 4:17 PM

Grammar  |  Quantifiers: (almost) all, most, a lot of, some, a few, none
A| Read and listen to the grammar presentation .

Almost all of the people like to listen to music.

Most people listen to music online.
A lot of radio stations play pop music.
A few stations play classical music.
None of my friends like rap music.

B | Match the sentences.

1 Most people don’t buy CDs anymore. a It started in the United States a long time ago.

2 A lot of my friends like dancing to hip-hop. b She says Lady Gaga puts on the best show.

3 None of the songs on the radio now are original. c They all sound the same to me.

4 Some jazz music is very old. d I don’t listen to new pop music at all.

5 Michelle goes to a few concerts a year. e They stream music online.

6 All of the music that I listen to is really old. f They play it at a lot of parties.

C | Look at the conversation on page 57. Underline all the quantifiers like the ones above.

D|  What do you think? Write quantifiers to complete the sentences. Then share with a
partner. Do you agree?

1 __________ people listen to music on their phones. A lot of people listen to

2 __________ my friends use portable CD players now.
music on their phones.

3 __________ my classmates know how to sing a

song in English.

4 __________ the people in my family like

classical music.

5 __________ people that I know use wireless

earbuds to listen to music.

58  UNIT 6

CONNECTED-SB2-U6-200301.indd 58 3/1/20 4:17 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
concentrate keep me awake
go back in time record player
habits satellite

B | Read the article.

Musical habits
How do you like to listen to music? We asked some people about their music habits.
I like to stream music while I work. It’s great because I can listen to it from my
phone or on my computer. It’s like the radio, but you can choose the types of
music you want to listen to. When I’m trying to concentrate, I like to listen to
movie soundtracks.
I almost always listen to music when I’m at home. I don’t really like listening
to music online. Most of the time, I listen to records. I have an old record
player that my grandfather used when he was younger. And he has hundreds
of records from the 1960s and 70s. When I listen to his records, I feel like I’m
going back in time.
I listen to a lot of music in my car. I drive as part of my job. I listen to satellite
radio. I have over 100 stations to choose from. When I’m in the car for a long
time, I listen to a lot of rock and dance music to keep me awake.

C | Read the sentences. Choose the correct person.

1 Kendall / Raymond / Cynthia listens to music during work.

2 Kendall / Raymond / Cynthia listens to music at home.

3 Kendall / Raymond / Cynthia listens to music in the car.

4 Kendall / Raymond / Cynthia doesn’t really like online music.

5 Kendall / Raymond / Cynthia likes streaming music.

6 Kendall / Raymond / Cynthia listens to satellite radio.

Most of the time, I listen

D| How do you usually listen to music? Tell a partner. to music on my phone.


CONNECTED-SB2-U6-200301.indd 59 3/1/20 4:17 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
act a little crazy join in
amazing know by heart
circle outdoor
classic rock playlist
drums take away my stress
festival thank goodness (for)
folk music tourists

B| Listen. Write the number of the conversation next to the correct picture.

a ______ b ______

c ______ d ______

C| Listen again. Choose the corrrect words or phrases to complete each sentence.

1 ___ We go downtown / to a café. Often many tourists / students come and listen.

2 ___ I go to concerts with my sisters / friends. In the spring / summer, there’s a music fesitval.

3 ___ I like music from Italy / India, Mexico, and Korea. I always listen to it at night / home.

4 ___ I like to listen to music when I drive / ride the train. I listen to classic rock and sing / dance.

60  UNIT 6

CONNECTED-SB2-U6-200301.indd 60 3/1/20 4:17 PM

Choose one of the topics. Prepare notes for your answer. Use the information in
EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you prepare.

What’s your favorite kind of music? Who When do you listen to music? Do you
are your favorite bands or artists? Why OR listen at home? On your way to work or
do you like them? school? Talk about your listening habits.


My favorite kind of music is I really like rock music.

reggae. The reggae artist My favorite band is Led
I like the best is Natty. I Zeppelin. Most of the songs
like reggae because it talks I like are from the 1970s, but
about hope for a better the music still sounds good
world. today.

I listen to music on my way I like to listen to music while

to school. I ride the bus, so doing chores at home.
it blocks out the noise and Sometimes I listen to hip-
gives me something to do hop, but most of the time I
on the long ride. listen to rap.

B| Talk about your topic with a partner. Ask your partner questions to get

more information.
What’s your favorite
What kind of music do song? Do you listen to music
you not like? any other time?


CONNECTED-SB2-U6-200301.indd 61 3/1/20 4:17 PM

A | Read the example. Answer the questions that follow. Tell a partner.

My parents listen to music on the radio in the car. In the

kitchen, they listen to music through a wireless speaker.
They also listen to CDs. My brother and I use headphones
on our smart phones. Sometimes, we play music through
the computer, too. My parents like music to play aloud
in the room they are in. I’d rather listen through
headphones on the bus or in my room. My dad says he’ll
never use headphones.

• Does the writer’s father listen to music on headphones?

• How does the writer like to listen to music?
• What about you? How do you listen to music?

B|  Write about how you and people you know listen to music. Explain why people use
different formats for listening. Use the information in EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you.


I use…
I listen to music… headphones.
on the radio. a music streaming se
in the kitchen. my tablet.
on my way to wor

I like to…
block out
t e n t o s o ngs with
friends. or
r c h t h e internet f
new songs

62  UNIT 6

CONNECTED-SB2-U6-200301.indd 62 3/1/20 4:17 PM


In this unit, you will practice the following:
Vocabulary Reading
Food/Drinks/Groceries Superfoods are super good for you
Conversation Listening
Discussing a shopping list People talking about what they normally eat
Pronunciation every week
Reduction of /t/ before unstressed syllables Speaking
Grammar Talking about what you eat/drink
Questions with How many/much Writing
Count and non-count nouns with many, a lot, Writing about a favorite dish that you like to make
a few, a little


CONNECTED-SB2-U7-200301.indd 63 3/1/20 4:18 PM

Vocabulary  |  Food/Drinks/Groceries
A| Read. Make notes to understand the meanings. Then listen and practice.

apple cereal onions

banana flour orange juice
beans grapes potatoes
butter jam rice
carrots noodles tea

B | Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.
apples bananas orange juice flour tea

1 2 3 4 5

How many I want some We have a few How much We don’t have a lot
______________ ______________. _______________. ____________ do of _____________
do we have? we need? at home.

C | Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.
carrots grapes butter potatoes noodles

1 2 3 4 5

Would you like Please put a little We have a lot of My son ate most of Would you like a
some __________? ____________ on _______________. the ___________ in few __________ for
my bread. his bowl. your salad?

64  UNIT 7

CONNECTED-SB2-U7-200301.indd 64 3/1/20 4:18 PM

D | Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.
beans rice cereal onions jam

1 2 3

He has some ________________ Please cut some of the There’s a lot of _______________
in a jar at work. ________________ for dinner. for breakfast.

4 5

Are there many ________________ in How much ________________ do we

his bowl? need?

E| Listen and practice saying the sentences in B, C, and D.

F| Which of the items in A do you have at home right now? Tell a partner.

I have some carrots,

apples, bread, and


CONNECTED-SB2-U7-200301.indd 65 3/1/20 4:18 PM

A| Read and listen to the conversation.
Dylan Would you go to the store? I need a few things to make dinner.

Ciara Sure. What do you need?

Dylan Here’s a list.

Ciara OK. You need flour and eggs. How many eggs do you need?

Dylan Ummm… I need a lot of eggs – maybe a dozen. I only have a few left.

Ciara And you need some bananas and milk. How many bananas do you need?

Dylan I only need a few bananas. But I need a lot of milk.

Ciara So two or three bananas and a gallon of milk.

Dylan Yes. And don’t forget butter.

Ciara Wait. How much butter do we have?

Dylan We don’t have any butter.

Ciara So how much butter do you need?

Dylan I don’t know exactly. A lot of butter.

Ciara OK. But what’s for dinner? It doesn’t sound very healthy.

Dylan A quiche.

Ciara That’s not healthy. Quiche has a lot of eggs, and a lot of milk, and a lot of butter, too.

Dylan Don’t be silly. It is healthy. It’s a vegetable quiche.

Ciara Then why do you need bananas?

Dylan I'm hungry. I need a snack while I'm cooking!

B | Choose the correct answers.

1 How many eggs does Dylan have? a a dozen b a few c a lot
2 How much butter does Dylan need? a a little b many c a lot
3 Why does Dylan need bananas? a for dessert b for the quiche c for a snack

C | Practice the conversation with a partner.

66  UNIT 7

CONNECTED-SB2-U7-200301.indd 66 3/1/20 4:18 PM

Pronunciation  |  Reduction of /t/ before unstressed syllables
A| Listen. Notice the sound of the letters in bold. Then practice.

a lot of buy some butter

a little tomatoes
go to the store potatoes

B | Find more words with these sounds. Practice.

Grammar  |  Questions with how many/how much

A| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.

How many eggs do we have? We have a dozen.

How much rice do we need? We need two cups.
How many carrots do we need
We need two carrots. Use How many for count nouns. (eggs,
to make the stew? carrots, apples)
How much milk do we have in Use How much for non-count nouns. (water,
We have a gallon. bread, rice)
the fridge?

B | Choose the correct phrase to complete each question.

1 2 3

How many / How much How many / How much sugar How many / How much juice do
potatoes do we have? do we need for the cake? we have left in the fridge?

4 5 6

How many / How much oranges How many / How much lemons How many / How much butter
do we have in the bag? do we need to buy? do we need for the recipe?


CONNECTED-SB2-U7-200301.indd 67 3/1/20 4:18 PM

Count and non-count nouns with many, a lot, a few, a little

C| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.

We have many eggs in the fridge. We don’t have many potatoes left. TIP
Many and a few are used for
We have a lot of butter. We don’t have a lot of pasta. count nouns.
We only have a few carrots. We have a little milk left in the carton. A little is used for non-count
A lot is used for count and
noncount nouns.
D | Choose the correct word(s) to complete each sentence.

1 2 3

There is only a lot / a few / a Don’t buy any onions. We have Can you pick up some eggs? We
little cereal in this box. much / a few / a little. don't have many / a few / a little
left in the fridge.

4 5 6

Can you buy some sugar at the I made a lot / a few / a little of The recipe says we only need
store? We don’t have many / a lot cookies for the party tomorrow. many / a few / a little milk.
/ a little left.

E| Take turns asking and answer the questions with a partner.

1 How much coffee do you drink every day?

I can eat three pieces
2 How many pieces of fruit do you eat every day? of pizza in one meal.
3 How much sugar do you have every day?

4 How many eggs do you eat every week?

5 How much soda do you drink every week?

6 How many pieces of pizza can you eat in one meal?

68  UNIT 7

CONNECTED-SB2-U7-200301.indd 68 3/1/20 4:18 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
blueberries healthy
calories high blood pressure
cholesterol kale
condition main dish
diet nutrition
eat out salmon
good/bad for you taste good

B | Read the article.

Superfoods are super good for you

Eating healthy can be hard. Food that tastes good isn’t always good for
you. Fast food tastes good and is easy, but it’s bad for you. It has a lot of
calories and cholesterol. One of the easiest ways to eat healthier is to cook
at home more and eat out less. Try to make your own lunch a few times a
week. You can make healthy lunches like salads or sandwiches with fresh
meats and veggies.
Another way to eat healthier is to try to add some so-called “superfoods”
into your diet. Superfoods, like kale, blueberries, yogurt, beans, eggs,
salmon, nuts, and green tea, are good for your health. They have a lot of
nutrition and they can help control conditions like high blood pressure and
high cholesterol. It’s easy to add some superfoods into your diet.
For breakfast, try having some eggs or a little yogurt with a few blueberries
instead of just cereal. At lunchtime, try a salad with some beans and kale.
Salmon is a good and healthy main dish to make for dinner. You only have
to make a few changes to eat healthier.

C | Read the sentences. Write T (true) or F (false).

1 ___ Fast food is good for you.

2 ___ You can eat healthier by cooking at home.

3 ___ Blueberries are a superfood.

4 ___ Superfoods don’t have a lot of nutrition.

5 ___ It is easy to add superfoods into your diet.

I eat fast food once
or twice a week.
D| How often do you eat fast food? Tell a partner.


CONNECTED-SB2-U7-200301.indd 69 3/1/20 4:18 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
almonds night shift
athlete on my feet
blender owner
competition professional
donuts protein shake
heavy raw
hungry solve problems
junk food steak
light training

B| Listen. Write the number of the conversation next to the correct picture.

a ______ b ______

c ______ d ______

C| Listen again. Who said it? Write the number of the conversation next to each sentence.
1 ____ Heavy food makes me tired.
2 ____ I tend to eat a lot of junk food.
3 ____ If I’m really hungry, I’ll have some fish and rice.
4 ____ I don’t eat any meat at all.
5 ____ I have to eat a lot of high-energy food.
6 ____ I drink lots of water every day.
7 ____ I also eat a lot of almonds and other nuts.
8 ____ It’s bad for me, I know.

70  UNIT 7

CONNECTED-SB2-U7-200301.indd 70 3/1/20 4:18 PM

Choose one of the topics. Prepare notes for your answer. Use the information in
EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you prepare.

What do you like to eat between meals? What’s your favorite restaurant? What do
Talk about your favorite snacks. they serve? Talk about your favorite dish.


I’m a very busy person. I’m We have a snack bar at

always on the go. So, I carry work. That’s where I go
snacks with me for when I when I’m hungry between
get hungry. My favorite on- meals. I usually get
the-go snack is a piece of something healthy, like a
fruit or a granola bar. smoothie.

Nancy’s Garden Patch is

My favorite restaurant is
my favorite restaurant. They
Botticelli’s. I love Italian food!
serve vegetarian dishes. My
I always get the lasagna and
favorite thing to order is a
a caesar salad.
rice bowl.

B| Talk about your topic with a partner. Ask your partner questions to get

more information.

What do you order

What other snacks do for dessert? What else do they
you carry? serve?


CONNECTED-SB2-U7-200301.indd 71 3/1/20 4:18 PM

A | Read the example. Answer the questions that follow. Tell a partner.

My favorite dish to make is black bean soup. It is

easy to make and only takes a few ingredients.
I always use beans, onions, and tomatoes. I
sometimes use dried beans and sometimes use
canned beans. The recipe can feed many people.
We eat it with chips, salsa, and cheese. I usually
make a lot of rice to eat with it, too.

• What does the writer always put in the soup?

• What does the writer serve with the soup?
• What is your favorite dish to make?

B| Write about a favorite dish that you like to make at home. What’s in it? What do you

serve with it? Use the information in EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you.


I (always) use…
e at
My favo rite dish to mak fresh herbs.
home is… my mom’s recipe.
spaghetti. organic ingredients.
a rice dish.

I serve it
a salad.
lime wed .
r e s h - b a k ed bread

72  UNIT 7

CONNECTED-SB2-U7-200301.indd 72 3/1/20 4:18 PM


In this unit, you will practice the following:
Vocabulary Reading
Interview terms Things you need to know to get a job
Conversation Listening
Interviewing for a job People talking about their work skills
Pronunciation Speaking
R-controlled vowels Talking about what makes you a good student
Grammar or employee
Questions with How + adverbs (often/far/well/fast) Writing
Questions with know how + infinitive Writing about what makes you a good
job candidate


CONNECTED-SB2-U8-200301.indd 73 3/1/20 4:19 PM

Vocabulary  |  Interview terms
A| Read. Make notes to understand the meanings. Then listen and practice.

it takes an hour to get here

speak English
use social networking sites
use this software
work alone
work in a group
work with customers
write emails in English
write reports

B | Look at the pictures. Choose the correct word(s) to complete each sentence.

1 2 3

How well do you work alone / Do you know how to use this I can write software / networks
with this software / in a group / software / work / group / / reports very well.
in English? customer?

4 5

How fast can he speak / network / All of our team can speak / work /
type / get to work? network English.

74  UNIT 8

CONNECTED-SB2-U8-200504.indd 74 5/4/20 11:27 AM

C | Look at the pictures. Choose the correct word(s) to complete each sentence.

1 2 3

Do you know how to use report / He likes to work with reports / It reports / takes an hour to get
customer / social networking / software / social networking / / networks here from home.
job sites? customers.

4 5

She works best in a network / alone / How often do you write emails / work
in a group. in a group / work with customers in

D| Listen and practice saying the sentences in B and C.

E| Which of the activities in A do you like to do? Tell a partner.

I like working
in a group.


CONNECTED-SB2-U8-200301.indd 75 3/1/20 4:19 PM

A| Read and listen to the conversation.
Ms. Chen Carlos, I like your résumé. You have some good skills!

Thank you, Ms. Chen. I would like to be one of your company’s customer
Carlos service representatives.

Ms. Chen We are the number one social networking site. Do you know how to use our site?

Carlos Yes, I do know how to use your site.

Ms. Chen How often do you use our site?

Carlos I use the site all the time. In fact, I use it to communicate with my family in Canada.

Ms. Chen Really? Do you know how to speak English?

Carlos I do. And I also know how to speak French. My mother is Canadian.

Ms. Chen Very good. How well do you write emails in English?

Carlos I know how to write excellent emails in English.

Ms. Chen We email and text often with our customers. How fast do you type?

Carlos I don’t know exactly, Ms. Chen.

Carlos gets a text message and starts to type an answer.

Ms. Chen Carlos! This is a job interview. It isn’t a good time for you to text.

Carlos But, look. This is how fast I type!

B | Read the sentences. Write T (true) or F (false).

1 ___ Carlos would like to work at a social 3 ___ Carlos doesn’t know how to write emails in
networking site. English.

2 ___ Carlos learned French from his mother. 4 ___ Ms. Chen wants to know how fast Carlos

C | Practice the conversation with a partner.

Pronunciation  |  R-controlled vowels

A| Listen. Notice the sounds in bold. Then practice.

far car work customers reports software hour here

B | Find more words with these sounds. Practice.

76  UNIT 8

CONNECTED-SB2-U8-200301.indd 76 3/1/20 4:19 PM

Grammar  |  Questions with How + adverbs (often/far/well/fast)
A| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.

Questions Answers
How often do you use social I always use social networking
networking sites? sites.
How far is your home from here? It’s about 30 minutes by train. How often = to ask about frequency
How well do you speak English? I speak fluently. How far = to ask about distance
How well = to ask about ability
I can type about 60 words per How fast = to ask about speed
How fast do you type?

B | Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.
far often (x2) well (x2) fast

1 2 3

a: How ________ do you write a: How ________ does Jack a: How ________ do they know
emails in English? speak Korean? this software?
b: Around two or three times a b: Not very fluently. b: They are not too familiar with
day. it.

4 5 6

a: How ________ does Liliana live a: How ________ do you run? a: How ________ does he have
from the office? b: I’m very slow. to write reports?
b: Not too far. About 10 minutes b: About once or twice a month.


CONNECTED-SB2-U8-200301.indd 77 3/1/20 4:19 PM

Questions with know how + infinitive

C| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.

Questions Answers
Do you know how to use this software? Yes, I do.
Does he know how to drive a car? No, he doesn't.
Does she know how to speak Chinese? Yes, she does.
Do they know how to use all kinds of design software? Yes, they do.

D | Match the question with the best answer.

1 ___ Do you know how to speak French? a No, he doesn’t. He only writes in English.

2 ___ Does Ming know how to use this software? b Of course! She’s a chef.
3 ___ Does Suzanna know how to cook really well? c No. I only work with them over the phone
or email.
4 ___ Do the students know how to write reports? d Yes. He uses it at his job.
5 ___ Do you work face-to-face with customers? e Yes, I can speak a little.
6 ___ Does he have to write emails in Japanese? f Yes, they do. They learned in class.

E| Take turns asking and answering the questions with a partner.

1 How fast do you type?
I type over 100 words
2 How often do you post on social media?
per minute.
3 How far is your English class from your home?

4 Do you know how to drive a car?

5 Do you know how to create a chart or graph on a computer?

6 Do you know how to use software to edit a photo?

78  UNIT 8

CONNECTED-SB2-U8-200301.indd 78 3/1/20 4:19 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
brand job market
executives multiple
expect skills
get in the door type
in common work contacts

B | Read the article.

Things you need to know to get a job

• Do you know how to use a computer?
• How good are you at using social networking for work?
• How fast can you learn a new language?
• How good are you at making work contacts at parties?
These questions all have one thing in common: they are all
things you might be asked at a job interview. Computer skills,
speaking multiple languages, and even being good with social
media are all necessary skills in today’s job market.
There aren’t many office jobs that you can do without a computer.
Just to get in the door at most companies you need to know how to
type and use most basic kinds of office software.
The better the job, the more skills they expect you to have. There
are many companies that expect all of their employees to speak
multiple languages. Some companies want all of their higher
executives to be good at using social media so that they can help
the brand online.

C | Read the sentences. Write T (true) or F (false).

1 ___ You don’t need to know how to use a computer to get an office job.

2 ___ Many companies want their employees to speak multiple languages.

I can learn a new
3 ___ Most companies expect you to be able to type. language in six months.

4 ___ You can’t get a job by being good with social media.

D| Take turns asking and answer the questions at the

beginning of the text in B with a partner.


CONNECTED-SB2-U8-200301.indd 79 3/1/20 4:19 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
human resource
application process
degree manuals
experience overseas
front desk clerk projects
hard worker qualifications
hospitality industry specialty
hotel technical writer

B| Listen. Who said it? Write the correct letter next to each picture.

1 ____ a I can type 65 words per minute.

2 ____ b Can you please tell me about the application process?

3 ____ c I’m really good with people, and I’m a hard worker.

4 ____ d I have ten years of experience.

C| Listen again. Choose the correct words to complete each sentence.

1 Miguel wants to work in the entertainment industry / a hotel or restaurant. He needs to practice
his interview skills / English skills.

2 Cindy is a website designer / technical writer. She specializes in computer manuals /

graphic design.

3 Bonnie is looking for a job in an office / as a police officer. She is good at learning languages /
dealing with problems.

4 Jamal wants to finish his degree / apply to the teacher-training program. He’d like to
teach English overseas / study English overseas.
80  UNIT 8

CONNECTED-SB2-U8-200301.indd 80 3/1/20 4:19 PM

Choose one of the topics. Prepare notes for your answer. Use the information in
EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you prepare.

What makes you a good student? Do

Do you have a job? What do you do? Talk
you know how to take good notes? Are OR about your duties and responsibilities.
you a fast learner? Talk about your skills.


I think I’m a pretty good

I love learning new things.
student. I know how to listen in
That’s what makes me a good
class, and I work well with other
student. I always do all of my
students. I’m good at managing
homework. And I’m good at
my time, so I always have time
asking questions in class.
to study.

I work in a bookstore. I’m I am a landscaper. I help clients

mainly responsible for helping plan their gardens and yards.
customers find what they are But I also order the plants and
looking for. I love reading and make sure they get put in the
people, so my job is a good fit. right place.

B| Talk about your topic with a partner. Ask your partner questions to get

more information.
What’s your
Is there anything favorite section of How did you get
about being a student the bookstore? started doing your
you find difficult? job?


CONNECTED-SB2-U8-200301.indd 81 3/1/20 4:19 PM

A | Read the job ads. Which job sounds like a good match for you? Tell a partner.
Hotel Front Desk Receptionist

Open position for a front desk receptionist at a luxury hotel. Candidate needs to be polite and friendly.
Work includes looking up hotel room reservations on the computer. Receptionist handles payments
and processes credit cards. We are looking for someone to work weekends and evenings.

Department Store Salesperson

A large department store is looking for more salespeople in several departments. Candidate must
be flexible. Job requires helping busy departments as needed. Salesperson must be courteous and
helpful with customer requests. It’s important to help sell clothing that must be sold before the next
Hospital Emergency Room Attendant

A local hospital is looking for an energetic candidate to help register emergency room patients. You
must be able to react quickly. Candidate should be able to help manage large groups of people. No
medical training needed. Some note keeping and typing required.

Restaurant Server

A small, busy, waterfront restaurant is looking for a server. Must be able to accurately take customers’
orders and describe menu items. Small space requires someone who can move quickly and carefully
while bringing drinks and food to the tables.

B|  Write a response to the ad. Write why you would be good at the job. Use the
information in EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you.

I’m good at…
making quick decis
I know how to… managing people.
be friendly. note-taking.
handle money.
make sales.

I can…
work weekends.
help as needed.
move quickly.

82  UNIT 8

CONNECTED-SB2-U8-200301.indd 82 3/1/20 4:19 PM


In this unit, you will practice the following:
Vocabulary Reading
Weekend activities Social media and being social
Conversation Listening
Talking about weekend plans People talking about their plans for the weekend
Pronunciation Speaking
Final -ing Talking about your plans for this weekend
Grammar Writing
Review of present continuous: Questions Writing about someone's plans for the weekend
and statements
Future with present continuous


CONNECTED-SB2-U9-200301.indd 83 3/1/20 4:20 PM

Vocabulary  |  Weekend activities
A| Read. Make notes to understand the meanings. Then listen and practice.

attend a festival
go dancing
have a barbecue
host a party
shop at the farmers’ market
sing karaoke
spend time online
take a nap
try out a new restaurant
visit some friends

B | Look at the pictures. Choose the correct answer to complete each sentence.

1 2 3

I’m spending ___ online later this We’re going ___ Saturday night. My grandmother is ___ some
afternoon. a riding friends tomorrow.
a shopping b hosting a visiting
b time c dancing b shopping
c friends c taking

4 5

Are you singing ___ at the party? We’re hosting a ___ at our home this
a karaoke weekend.
b festival a time
c market b party
c nap

84  UNIT 9

CONNECTED-SB2-U9-200301.indd 84 3/1/20 4:20 PM

C | Look at the pictures. Choose the correct answer to complete each sentence.

1 2 3

They’re ____ a new restaurant I’m definitely taking a ___ when I My family is shopping at the ___
downtown for lunch tomorrow. get home. tomorrow morning.
a trying out a barbecue a festival
b spending time b party b farmers’ market
c attending c nap c restaurant

4 5

My friends and I are ____ a music Are you having the ___ in your back
festival later this month. yard?
a showing a barbecue
b having b friends
c attending c karaoke

D| Listen and practice saying the sentences in B and C.

E| What are your classmates doing tonight? Say a sentence. Your classmates will

say True or False.

You are trying out You are hosting

a new restaurant. a party at your
True. False.


CONNECTED-SB2-U9-200301.indd 85 3/1/20 4:20 PM

A| Read and listen to the conversation.
What are you and John doing Saturday? Are you two
Tai able to attend the music festival with Sandy and me?
Rebecca We’re already doing a lot on Saturday. In the morning, we’re going to the farmer’s market.

Tai Are you cooking a big dinner tomorrow afternoon?

Rebecca No. I’m making sandwiches for a picnic with John’s family.

Tai Then do you have dinner plans? Sandy and I are trying out the new restaurant downtown.

Rebecca Saturday evening we’re going to a barbecue with some of John’s work friends.

Tai What are you doing Saturday night after the barbecue?

Hmmm. After the barbecue, I’m taking a nap! Then after that, we’re
Rebecca going dancing! Why don’t you and Sandy come with us?

Tai Thanks, but we’re singing karaoke in a competition Saturday night.

Rebecca That sounds fun! We all need to get together soon.

I have an idea. After karaoke, we’re going to the 24-hour coffee shop with
Tai some friends. What are you and John doing after you go dancing?
We’re going to the 24-hour coffee shop to celebrate the new karaoke
Rebecca champions of the city!

B | Choose the correct answers.

1 Where is Rebecca going Saturday morning?
a to work b to the farmers' market c to Tai’s house
2 What are Rebecca and John doing Saturday evening?
a going to a barbecue b going dancing c singing karaoke
3 Who are Rebecca and John meeting after a night of dancing?
a Tai b Sandy c Tai and Sandy

C | Practice the conversation with a partner.

Pronunciation  |  Final -ing

A| Listen. Notice the sounds of the letters in bold. Then practice.

going dancing having shopping

spending taking trying singing

B | Find more words with this sound. Practice.

86  UNIT 9

CONNECTED-SB2-U9-200301.indd 86 3/1/20 4:20 PM

Grammar  |  Review of present continuous: Questions and statements
A| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.

Questions Answers
What are you doing right now? I’m watching TV.
Who are you watching TV with? I’m watching TV with my cousins.
What is he eating? He’s eating a cheese sandwich.
Where are they studying now? They’re studying at their friend’s house.
Something smells good. Are you cooking breakfast? Yes, I am cooking.
Is she visiting some friends right now? No, she isn’t visiting any friends.

B | Write the verb in the correct form to complete each sentence. Use the present continuous.

1 2 3

a: What __________________ a: Where _______________ a: ______________________

__________________ (you do) _________________ (Tina have) _______________ (Samantha
right now? dinner? clean) her room now?
b: _____________________ b: _____________________ b: Yes, she is.
______________ (I watch) a _____________ (she eat) at her
movie with my family. friend’s house.

4 5 6

a: Who ___________________ a: ________________________ a: _________________________

_______________ (they have) a ________ (Joe and Kelley try out) _______ (you make) dinner at
picnic with? that new restaurant? home tonight?
b: With their friends from school. b: No, they aren’t. b: No,
___________(we order) a couple
of pizzas.


CONNECTED-SB2-U9-200301.indd 87 3/1/20 4:20 PM

Future with present continuous

C| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.

Affirmative Negative
I’m attending a festival in Brazil You’re not going to the farmer’s Future time expressions
the day after tomorrow. market next weekend. tonight
He’s going to a barbecue with his She isn’t seeing her friends the day after tomorrow
friends a week from today. tonight. this Saturday
next weekend
They’re not going hiking
We’re having a party next Saturday. a week from today
this Sunday.

Questions Answers
Is he playing basketball tomorrow morning? No, he isn’t.
Are they visiting some friends next weekend? Yes, they are.

D | Complete the sentences using the correct form of the words in the box. Use the present

go have play sing travel visit

1 Denise ________________________ her cousins the day after tomorrow.

2 Susan and Harvey ________________________ friends over tonight.
3 I ________________________ to a concert this weekend.
4 ________________ you ________________________ golf next weekend?
5 They ________________________ around Asia a week from tomorrow.
6 She ________________________ karaoke tonight.

E| Take turns asking and answering the questions with a partner.

1 Who are you having dinner with tonight?

2 What are you doing the day after tomorrow?

3 Where are you going tonight?

4 What time are you waking up tomorrow?

88  UNIT 9

CONNECTED-SB2-U9-200504.indd 88 5/4/20 11:27 AM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
allow make plans
close by offline
interests passions
keep in touch social

B | Read the article.

Social media and being social

Social media can be a good way to keep in touch with friends and
family who live far away. Social media allows people to be better
connected. It may be easier to keep in touch with some people
using social media because of where they live, or because of their
busy lives.
You can also use social media to make new friends. You can find
people all over the world who share your passions and interests.
Many people spend hours talking to their online friends.
There are a lot of good things about social media, but sometimes it
can make you forget to spend time with the people who live close
to you. Many people who have very active social lives online don’t
spend as much time with their offline friends. Some people only
use social media to contact their friends both near and far away.
This can be a problem.
You can make good friends on social media. You can even use it to make plans with people. Just make sure to
spend as much time with your friends who are close by as you do with your social media friends!

C | Read the sentences. Write T (true) or F (false).

1 ___ Social media is a good way to keep in touch with friends and family who live far away.

2 ___ You can’t really make new friends with social media.

3 ___ People don’t spend time talking to their friends online.

4 ___ Social media never takes up too much time.

5 ___ You need to make sure to spend time with your offline friends.

D| How much time do you spend on social media every day?

I spend about

Tell a partner.
three hours on social
media every day.


CONNECTED-SB2-U9-200301.indd 89 3/1/20 4:20 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
clown parade
event popular
kids put on a show
look forward to tour guide
music fest turning ten

B| Listen. Write the number of the conversation next to the correct picture.

a ______ b ______

c ______ d ______

C| Listen again. Write the number of the conversation where these activities are

mentioned. Two are not used.

1 ____ a local band is playing 6 ____ having cake and ice cream
2 ____ friend is visiting 7 ____ need to buy tickets right away
3 ____ go dancing with friends 8 ____ playing games
4 ____ going to Chinatown 9 ____ take a walk through the city
5 ____ having a barbecue at home 10 ____ watching a parade

90  UNIT 9

CONNECTED-SB2-U9-200301.indd 90 3/1/20 4:20 PM

Choose one of the topics. Prepare notes for your answer. Use the information in
EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you prepare.

Are any special events happening in

What are your plans for this weekend?
Are you doing anything special?
OR town this weekend? Choose one event
and talk about it.


This weekend I’m going out of

I’m not doing anything special
town. I’m going to visit a friend
this weekend. I’m just going
of mine in a nearby city. We
to my Saturday morning yoga
don’t have any special plans.
class. Then on Sunday, I’m
We just want to hang out and
having coffee with friends.
catch up.

This weekend is the Night

There’s a music festival Sky Festival. I’m going with
downtown this Saturday. I’m my brother. Astronomers are
going with my friends. bringing their telescopes for
We can’t wait! guests to look through. It’s
going to be so cool!

B| Talk about your topic with a partner. Ask your partner questions to get

more information.
What bands are
What else do you playing? What do you hope
have planned? to see?


CONNECTED-SB2-U9-200301.indd 91 3/1/20 4:20 PM

A | Read the example. Answer the questions that follow. Tell a partner.

My mom loves the weekends. She usually goes to

the park with our dog. Then she relaxes with a
cup of coffee and the magazines she didn’t get
to read all week. By noon, she will make a grocery
list and head to the store. This weekend she is
planning to bake a cake for my grandmother’s
birthday party. In the evening, my mom and dad
like to go to our neighbors’ house.

• What does the writer’s mom do before going to the store?

• Why is the writer’s mom baking a cake this weekend?
• What do you usually do on the weekend?

B|  Write about some friends or a family member. What are they doing this weekend? Use
the information in EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you.


He relaxes with…
a good book.
They usually… a nice cup of tea.
have friends ove a show on TV.
get outdoors.

She is planning to
go to the beach
e with
go out for coffe
catch up on hom

92  UNIT 9

CONNECTED-SB2-U9-200301.indd 92 3/1/20 4:20 PM


In this unit, you will practice the following:
Vocabulary Reading
Types of vacations Fun in the sun
Conversation Listening
Two people talking about potential vacation plans People talking about plans for their next
Pronunciation big vacation
W-glide between words Speaking
Grammar Talking about plans for an upcoming vacation
Possibility with may and might Writing
Writing about your plans for the upcoming


CONNECTED-SB2-U10-200301.indd 93 3/1/20 4:20 PM

Vocabulary  |  Types of vacations
A| Read. Make notes to understand the meanings. Then listen and practice.

climb Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania

go backpacking in Nepal
go on a cruise of the Greek islands
go on a bike tour of France
go on a walking tour in Vancouver, Canada
ride a bus across Australia
snorkel in Mexico
swim with dolphins in Hawaii
take a group tour of Japan
visit the rainforest in Brazil

B | Look at the pictures. Choose the answer that best completes each sentence.

1 2

I may ____ in Mexico next summer. We might go ____ in Nepal.

a snorkel a riding a bus
b bike b snorkeling
c backpack c backpacking
d hike d swimming

94  UNIT 10

CONNECTED-SB2-U10-200301.indd 94 3/1/20 4:20 PM

3 4

Would you like to ____ Japan? She might visit the ____ in Brazil.
a take a group tour of a dolphins
b go backpacking in b rainforest
c swim with the dolphins in c snorkeling
d go on a cruise of d bike tour

5 6

Might they go on a ____ of the Greek He might ____ a bus across Australia in the
islands in September? spring.
a snorkel a hike
b climb b climb
c hike c ride
d cruise d tour


CONNECTED-SB2-U10-200301.indd 95 3/1/20 4:20 PM

7 8

Would you like to ____ with dolphins in Next year, my family might ____ Mt.
Hawaii? Kilimanjaro in Tanzania.
a bike a swim
b hike b snorkel
c snorkel c tour
d swim d climb

9 10

We may go on a ____ in France. In July, my father wants to go on a ____ in

a bike tour Vancouver, Canada.
b cruise a group tour
c walking tour b walking tour
d bus trip c bike tour
d cruise

C| Listen and practice saying the sentences in B.

D| Take turns saying the activities in A with a group. Change the name of the place

each time.

I want to climb Mt.

Washington in New I want to climb Mt. Fuji
Hampshire, in the US. in Japan.

96  UNIT 10

CONNECTED-SB2-U10-200301.indd 96 3/1/20 4:21 PM

A| Read and listen to the conversation.
I love adventure vacations. Camping. Hiking. Rock climbing.
Alonso I may go on an adventure vacation this summer.

Miki Well, I may visit my grandparents in Japan this summer.

Alonso That’s a good vacation…for you.

Miki What do you mean for you?

Alonso Oh, nothing. I just like more excitement on my vacations.

Miki Where might you go then on this adventure vacation of yours?

Alonso I may go to France.

Miki To France?

Yes, I might spend a few days in Paris. Then I might go on a bike

Alonso tour in the south of France. I might go camping and hiking, too.
It sounds fun. It doesn’t sound very adventurous, Alonso.
Miki But it may be a good vacation…for you.

Alonso And visiting your grandparents is adventurous?

Miki That might be just the beginning of my vacation.

Alonso Oh, really?

Really. After that, I may go backpacking with my cousin…in Nepal.

Miki And that is a good vacation for me!

B | Read the sentences. Write T (true) or F (false).

1 ___ Miki may visit her grandmother and grandfather this summer.
2 ___ Alonso would like to go to France on vacation.
3 ___ Miki and Alonso decide to go to Nepal for vacation.

C | Practice the conversation with a partner.

Pronunciation  |  W-glide between words

A| Listen. Notice the w-glide sound between the letters in bold. Then practice.

Let’s go on a tour. It’s going to snow in London.

We need to wait. He has blue eyes.

B | Find more phrases with these sounds. Practice.


CONNECTED-SB2-U10-200301.indd 97 3/1/20 4:21 PM

Grammar  |  Possibility with may and might
A| Read and listen to the grammar presentation .

I might go on a group tour to Japan.

He might not go on a cruise in the summer.
She may go to Vancouver, Canada.
They may not go hiking.
We might go to Tanzania, but we might not climb Mt. Kilimanjaro.

B | Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

may go may not climb might visit might not eat may ride might not swim

1 Claudia ________________________ her family in Brazil next summer.

2 I ________________________ in Hawaii because I’m afraid of the water.
3 Henry ________________________ backpacking in Nepal with his brothers.
4 My sister and I ________________________ a helicopter in New York City.
5 Yoshi ________________________ Thai food because it’s too spicy.
6 Cathy likes to go hiking, but she ________________________ Mt. Fuji when she visits Japan.

C | Look at the conversation on page 97. Underline all the examples of may and might.

D|  Talk about your classmates using may and might. Say the sentences. Your classmates
will answer.

Yes, I might do that.

It sounds like fun.
You might learn to
scuba dive.

98  UNIT 10

CONNECTED-SB2-U10-200301.indd 98 3/1/20 4:21 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
coral romantic
exotic birds roses
lessons scuba dive
lounges spa
massage stocked with
private pool sun exposure
quiet surrounding
resort villa

B | Read the article.

Fun in the sun

Come visit our resort in lovely Islamorada, Florida.
Just a quick two-hour drive from Miami, our resort has something for everyone.
Want to enjoy some quiet time in the sun? You might want to book one of our
villas, with a private pool and lounges that have great sun exposure all day long.
You may wish to take a bike tour around the island and surrounding islands. See
the exotic birds and beautiful sights of the island and have a delicious picnic
Learn to scuba dive with our four-day course including pool time and plenty of
time enjoying colorful fish and coral in the ocean.
Want to relax? You might enjoy a massage at our world-famous spa.
Bringing the kids? They will love our family center, which includes games,
activities, and swim lessons.
Just the two of you? You might prefer our couple’s package. Your room will be
stocked with roses and chocolates and each package comes complete with a
romantic boat trip, and a sunset picnic on a tiny island.
Come and join us. It might be the best trip you ever take!

C | Read the sentences. Write T (true) or F (false).

1 ___ The resort is in Florida.

2 ___ There are private villas with their own docks and boats.

3 ___ The bike tour comes with a picnic lunch.

4 ___ Scuba diving features exotic birds.

5 ___ There is nowhere for kids to go.


CONNECTED-SB2-U10-200301.indd 99 3/1/20 4:21 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
active volcano leather jacket
bazaar modern art
bother national park
capital rug
eco-tour see a play
flight statue
lava flowing toucan

B| Listen. Write the number of the conversation next to the correct picture.

a ______ b ______

c ______ d ______

C| Listen again. Read the sentences. Write Yes, Maybe, or No.

1 a They are going to Mt. Kilauea. ___________

b They are going to see lava flowing into the ocean. ___________
2 a She’s going to Istanbul this year. ___________
b She’s going to buy a leather jacket. ___________
3 a They are going on an eco-tour in Costa Rica. ___________
b They are staying at a hotel in the mountains. ___________
4 a She is going to New York City for her next vacation. ___________
b She’s buying the ticket right away. ___________

100  UNIT 10

CONNECTED-SB2-U10-200301.indd 100 3/1/20 4:21 PM

Choose one of the topics. Prepare notes for your answer. Use the information in
EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you prepare.

Is a friend or family member going on a

Where are you going for your next
vacation? What might you do?
OR trip sometime soon? Talk about
his or her plans.


For my next vacation, I’m I’m planning a trip to the

going to New York City. I Grand Canyon in Arizona
plan to see the Statue of for my next vacation. We’re
Liberty. And I’m going to go going to camp there. We
to Central Park. I might go to might even hike to the
some museums too. bottom of the canyon.

My grandma is going to visit

My brother is going to go
my aunt in El Paso, Texas.
surfing in Oaxaca. He goes
They haven’t seen each
every year. He might also
other for over five years!
go on a tour of some nearby
They might also go see my
ancient monuments.
cousin in Austin.

B| Talk about your topic with a partner. Ask your partner questions to get

more information.
What does your
Which museums to cousin do in Austin? Is your brother going
you want to go to? alone?


CONNECTED-SB2-U10-200301.indd 101 3/1/20 4:21 PM

A | Read the example. Answer the questions that follow. Tell a partner.

This weekend I want to relax. I may do some shopping for

new clothes. But I may also clean out my closets. I will
probably order take-out food on Saturday night. I’d like
to watch movies on the couch. If the weather is nice on
Sunday, I might go to the park.

• What will the writer eat on Saturday?

• Is the writer planning to go to the movies?
• What will you do this weekend?

B|  Write about your possible plans for this weekend. Use the information in


I will probably…
I may… study a little.
go to a party. run some errands.
visit my mom and do some cooking.
do some shopping

I’d like to
go for a h TV.
watch so
o games.
play vide

102  UNIT 10

CONNECTED-SB2-U10-200301.indd 102 3/1/20 4:21 PM



Vocabulary  |  Complete the crossword puzzle. Use vocabulary from Units 6–10.
1 2 Across
3 4 Kim made burgers at her ___.
5 You look tired! Go take a ___.
6 I use ___ to listen to music when I exercise.
9 Taylor likes to work ___. He doesn’t like groups.
10 When I cut ___, I cry.

7 8
1 We usually eat ___ for breakfast.
2 I want to go ___ across Asia next summer.
3 Next month I’m going on a ___ to Mexico.
7 Miles Davis was a famous ___ musician.
8 Dave writes a ___ every week at work.

Grammar  |  Find the error. Write the correct sentence.

1 A lot people like this new song.
2 How many rice do we need?
3 They drink a lot water in the summer.
4 We only have a little bananas.
5 How do you often go to the gym?
6 Do you know how speak Arabic?
7 What they are making for lunch?
8 We going to a barbecue tonight.
9 Is Sam play the guitar right now?
10 He might not to go to Peru next year.

Check Yourself  |  How well do you know it? Circle the correct rating for yourself.
Units 6–10 Units 6–10
Vocabulary Grammar
RACE  103

Connected-SB2-RACE2-200301.indd 103 3/1/20 4:07 PM


My dream vacation
 nswer the questions with information that is true for you.
1 What is the name of a famous museum? _______________________
2 What is something you like to do at the beach? _______________________
3 Who is your favorite actor? _______________________
4 What language do you want to learn to speak? _______________________
5 What is your favorite animal? _______________________
6 What’s your favorite kind of music? _______________________
7 What is the name of a tall building you know? _______________________
8 How many students are in your class? _______________________
9 What foreign city do you want to visit? _______________________
10 What is your favorite fruit? _______________________
B | Complete the email. Fill in the blanks (1–10) below with the words (1–10) you wrote
in A. Then read your email to a partner.

Next month I’m going on the vacation of my dreams! I’m flying to 9___________________ and
I’m staying there for 8______________ days. I’m traveling with my friend 3_______________.
It'll be my first time in 9_________________, and I’m a little nervous. I don’t know how to
speak 4____________________, but 3__________________ does.
There’s a special kind of food I want to try there. I don’t know the name of it, but it’s made with
5_________________ milk and lots of 10__________________. Doesn’t that sound delicious?
On our first day in 9_________________ we’re taking a tour of 1_______________. And the
day after that, we’re 2_________________. Oh, and there’s a 6___________________ festival
while I’m there. Can you believe it? You know I love 6___________________! After that, we
might climb 7____________________, but I’m not sure yet. We may be tired after having so
much fun. I’m going to take lots of pictures. I can’t wait to tell you all about my trip.

C | T ake turns asking and answering questions about your dream vacations.

Try it out
Interview a new roommate. Ask  ork in a group. Make a list of what
questions to find out what you have in you need to do and buy for an office
common. party.
I only listen to
I like classical music.
heavy metal.
What kind of music
do you like?

104  RACE

In this unit, you will practice the following:
Vocabulary Reading
Parts of the body Want to feel better?
Health problems Listening
Conversation People discussing aches and pains
Discussing feeling awful with a friend Speaking
Pronunciation Talking about health problems
/ʊ/ and /uː/ Writing
Grammar Writing an advice email to a sick friend
Giving advice with should/shouldn’t


CONNECTED-SB2-U11-200301.indd 105 3/1/20 4:21 PM

Vocabulary  |  Parts of the body
A| Read. Make notes to understand the meanings. Then listen and practice.

head legs
shoulders foot
back feet
stomach tooth
arms teeth
hands nose

B | Look at the pictures. Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.

1 2

Her body / head / shoulder / arm hurts This is the tooth / arm / foot / shoulder
today. that hurts.

3 4

His leg / foot / shoulder / arm is still sore My arms / hands / legs / head are tired
today. from running eight miles.

106  UNIT 11

CONNECTED-SB2-U11-200301.indd 106 3/1/20 4:21 PM

5 6

Does your left shoulder / body / leg / foot My brother’s tooth / arm / head / foot is in
hurt now? a cast.

7 8

His shoulder / hand / foot / back hurts. Raise your feet / teeth / hands /
shoulders above your head.

9 10

Show me your teeth / head / shoulder / Does your foot / shoulder / stomach /
back, please. head hurt?

11 12

She’s blowing her throat / head / Her arms / teeth / feet / shoulders are
shoulder / nose because she has a cold. sore from standing up all day.

C| Listen and practice saying the sentences in B.


CONNECTED-SB2-U11-200301.indd 107 3/1/20 4:21 PM

Health problems

D| Read. Make notes to understand the meanings. Then listen and practice.

feel nauseated have a sore throat

have a cold have a stomachache
have a cough have a toothache
have a fever have the flu
have a headache have a pain in my arm

E | Look at the pictures. Choose the correct answer to complete each sentence.
1 2 3

My boss has a bad toothache / Jed feels nauseated / pain in his My son has a toothache /
cough today. arm. stomachache.

4 5 6

Does she have the headache / I have a terrible cold / headache Does she have a fever /
flu? tonight. nauseated?

7 81 9 10

I have a cold / pain in My sister has He probably has a pain If you have a headache
my shoulder. a toothache / in his leg / cold. / sore throat, you
stomachache. should drink lemon tea.

F| Listen and practice saying the Right.

sentences in E. You have a

G| Act out a health problem. Your partner

will guess what it is.
108  UNIT 11

CONNECTED-SB2-U11-200301.indd 108 3/1/20 4:21 PM

A| Read and listen to the conversation.
Tonya Daniel, you look terrible.

Daniel I feel awful. I have a headache.

Tonya You can’t work with a headache. You should take an aspirin.

Daniel I have a stomachache, too.

Tonya That’s no fun. You shouldn’t eat lunch.

Daniel Ouch!

Tonya What’s the matter?

Daniel I have pain in my back…and ouch! I have pain in my legs, too.

Tonya You should go home and take a warm bath.

Daniel And look at my hands. They’re red.

Tonya Really? They don’t look red.

Daniel Yes, they do. And they burn a little, too.

Tonya You should put your hands in some cold water.

Daniel Oh, no. Now I have a sore throat.

Tonya I have an idea. You shouldn’t talk.

Very funny, Tonya. I’m serious. Is it cold in the office? I think I have a fever, too.
You should go to the doctor right now.
Are you serious?
Yes! If you have a fever… you’re contagious!

B | Read the sentences. Choose Yes or No.

1 Daniel should take an aspirin for his stomachache. Yes No
2 Daniel should take a warm bath for his backache. Yes No
3 Daniel should go to the doctor for his fever. Yes No
C | Practice the conversation with a partner.


CONNECTED-SB2-U11-200301.indd 109 3/1/20 4:21 PM

Pronunciation  |  /ʊ/ and /uː/
A| Listen. Notice the sounds of the letters in bold. Then practice.

/ʊ/ /uː/
foot book good should tooth food school group

B | Find more words with each of these sounds. Practice.

Grammar  |  Giving advice with should/shouldn’t

A| Read and listen to the grammar presentation .

You should stay home and rest.

You should take some cough medicine.
You should see a doctor.
You shouldn’t go to work.
You shouldn’t go outside.

B | Choose the correct advice for each problem.

1 ___ I have a headache. a She shouldn’t go to work.

2 ___ Lisa has a stomachache. b She shouldn’t eat any spicy food.

3 ___ Tom has a toothache. c You shouldn’t lift heavy things.

4 ___ He has a cut. d He should see a dentist.

5 ___ She has the flu. e You should take some aspirin.

6 ___ I have a pain in my back. f He should put on a bandage.

C| Take turns giving advice to a partner for the following problems.

1 I have a sore throat.

My shoulder
2 I have a bad cough. hurts.
3 I have a fever. You shouldn't
play tennis.
4 I feel nauseated.
5 My shoulder hurts.

110  UNIT 11

CONNECTED-SB2-U11-200301.indd 110 3/1/20 4:21 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
allergies peppermint
clear out pollen season
cornstarch sensitive
decongestant set a timer
dentist sinuses
deodorant soak
desensitize stinky
fluoride rinse sweat
home remedies toothpaste

B | Read the article.

Want to feel better?

Going to the doctor can be expensive, and sometimes there is nothing they can do to help. For some
things, you can try some home remedies to take care of the problem.
Sensitive teeth
A lot of things can make your teeth hurt. If you go to the dentist and they can’t find
anything wrong, try the following to help your achy teeth. Desensitizing toothpaste
can help. A fluoride rinse can also make your teeth less sensitive. Brushing your
teeth too hard and too long can make your teeth hurt. Try a soft toothbrush and set
a timer when you brush your teeth.
Foot odor
If your feet are stinky, try soaking them in salt water since the salt will help keep
your feet dry. Underarm deodorants can be used on your feet to stop the smell and
the sweating that causes the problem. You can also use cornstarch in your shoes to
help keep feet drier.
Use salt water to clear out your nose and sinuses. Wash off as soon as you come
inside during pollen season. Peppermint tea is good for so many things. The heat
of the tea makes your head and body feel better, and the peppermint is a natural

C | Read the sentences. Choose the correct health problem.

1 Use a fluoride rinse for sensitive teeth / foot odor / allergies.
2 Use salt water for sensitive teeth / foot odor / allergies.
3 Soak in salt water for sensitive teeth / foot odor / allergies.
4 Drink peppermint tea for sensitive teeth / foot odor / allergies.

CONNECTED-SB2-U11-200301.indd 111 3/1/20 4:21 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
all night long nothing
definitely not patient
get worse pills
go away right away
honey terrible
ignore turn off
immediately wonder

B| Listen. Write the number of the conversation next to the correct picture. One is

not used.

a ______ b ______

c ______ d ______

C| Listen again. What does Dr. Brown say? Write T (true) or F (false).

1 ____ Nothing stops the flu.

2 ____ Take pills for your sore throat.

3 ____ You should see a dentist immediately.

4 ____ Don’t forget to brush at least two times a day.

5 ____ There’s nothing wrong with you.

6 ____ Don’t text or do emails at night.

112  UNIT 11

CONNECTED-SB2-U11-200301.indd 112 3/1/20 4:21 PM

Choose one of the topics. Prepare notes for your answer. Use the information in
EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you prepare.

Your classmate has a headache every Your friend has some bad habits. He
day. She asks for your advice. What do OR smokes, and he drinks a lot of coffee.
you tell her? What’s your advice?


Maybe you should see a

You should probably slow
doctor. The doctor might
down. You’ve been doing a lot
be able to tell you what’s
lately. And you shouldn’t worry
causing the headaches. The
so much about everything.
doctor can also prescribe
Maybe that will help.
pain relief medication.

You shouldn’t drink so much

Smoking’s not good for you.
coffee, and you shouldn’t
You should try to quit. And I
smoke. Why don’t you try
think all the coffee you drink
drinking water instead? And
makes you more anxious.
you should get that gum that
You should try to cut back.
helps you quit smoking.

B| Talk about your topic with a partner. Ask your partner questions to get

more information.
Do you know a
good way to quit Do you need a
Do you know a good prescription for the
doctor? smoking?


CONNECTED-SB2-U11-200301.indd 113 3/1/20 4:21 PM

A | Read the example. Answer the questions that follow. Tell a partner.

Hi Sasha,
I am sorry to hear you sprained your ankle this weekend! You
shouldn’t try to take the bus to work in that condition. You
should stay home and put your ankle up on a pillow. You don’t
want to put pressure on the ankle. You should take some pain
reliever medicine and rest. If you need something from the
store, you shouldn’t walk there. Can I stop by later to see how
you are?
Take care,

• Why does Sofia think Sasha shouldn’t take the bus?

• What does Sofia think Sasha should do?
• Do you have any other advice for Sasha?

B|  Write an email to a friend or co-worker who’s sick, giving advice about what they
should/shouldn’t do today. Use the information in EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you.


You shouldn’t…
you… eat anything hard
I’m sorry to hear lift anything heavy
have a toothac .
make any plans for
have the flu. the
next few days.
broke your arm.

You should st.
get some in g f o r the pain
e t h
take som c tor’s orde
t h e d o

114  UNIT 11

CONNECTED-SB2-U11-200301.indd 114 3/1/20 4:21 PM


In this unit, you will practice the following:
Vocabulary Reading
Chores/Errands Everybody has chores!
Conversation Listening
Talking about what needs to be done Talking about plans and what things need to get
Pronunciation done first
Reduction of have to and has to Speaking
Grammar Talking about obligations or weekend preparations
Have to for obligation Writing
Writing about what you need to do before bed


CONNECTED-SB2-U12-200301.indd 115 3/1/20 4:22 PM

Vocabulary  |  Chores/Errands
A| Read. Make notes to understand the meanings. Then listen and practice.

buy groceries
drive the kids to school
finish my homework
get the mail
iron a shirt
pack my lunch
pay bills
return library books
take the dog for a walk
water the plants

B | Look at the pictures. Choose the answer that best completes each sentence.

1 2

He has to ___ the mail. Do you still have to ___ your homework?
a get a end
b make b stop
c have c finish
d find d find

116  UNIT 12

CONNECTED-SB2-U12-200301.indd 116 3/1/20 4:22 PM

3 4

He has to ___ the dog every day. Do you have to ___ a shirt for work?
a have a iron
b walk b wash
c take c fold
d make d clean

5 6

She has to pay ___ this weekend. Do we have to buy ___ for dinner?
a letters a plants
b emails b bills
c money c groceries
d bills d recipes


CONNECTED-SB2-U12-200301.indd 117 3/1/20 4:22 PM

7 8

I have to water the ___ in the morning. He has to return a ___ book.
a ground a homework
b groceries b library
c plants c bill
d shower d computer

9 10

Do you have to ___ your lunch? He has to ___ the kids to school.
a iron a make
b spend b go
c do c do
d pack d drive

C| Listen and practice saying the sentences in B.

D| What do you have to do every Every morning, I have to

take my cat for a walk.

morning? Take turns telling a partner.

118  UNIT 12

CONNECTED-SB2-U12-200301.indd 118 3/1/20 4:22 PM

A| Read and listen to the conversation.
Karl We have to hurry. The concert starts in one hour.

Patti We have plenty of time. I just have to go home first.

Karl Why? We don’t have time.

Patti I have to take the dog for a walk.

Karl Well, I have to go home, too. I have to iron a shirt for tomorrow.

Patti Wait. I have to return a library book, too.

Karl Patti!

Patti What? The book is due today. Oh, and I have to water the plants for my mother.

Karl My mom! I have to buy groceries for my mom.

Patti We really have to do a lot, don’t we?

Karl And I still have to finish my homework.

Patti Ouch! I do, too.

Karl Patti, there’s another thing we have to do.

Patti What?

Karl We have to…not go to the concert.

Patti You’re right. We’re just too busy!

B | Read the sentences. Write T (true) or F (false).

1 ___ Karl and Patti have to be at a movie in one hour.
2 ___ Karl has to take the dog for a walk.
3 ___ Karl and Patti have to finish their homework.

C | Practice the conversation with a partner.

Pronunciation  |  Reduction of have to and has to

A| Listen. Notice the sounds in the words in bold. Then practice.

I have to finish my homework. Do you have to water the plants? He has to pay bills.
They have to drive the kids to school. What do you have to do? She has to buy groceries.

B | Find more sentences with have to and has to. Practice.


CONNECTED-SB2-U12-200301.indd 119 3/1/20 4:22 PM

Grammar  |  Have to for obligation
A| Read and listen to the grammar presentation .

I have to finish my homework.

You have to take the dog for a walk.
He has to iron his shirt.
She has to buy groceries.
We have to pay bills.

Do you have to water the plants? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

What do you have to do? I have to clean the house.

B | Complete the sentences using the correct form of have to.

1 Maria ____________________ finish her homework before she can watch TV.
2 John and Michael ____________________ take the dog for a walk after school.
3 They ____________________ drive their kids to school every morning.
4 I ____________________ work on Saturdays.
5 We ____________________ buy food for tonight’s dinner.
6 a: ________________ we ________________ water the plants?
b: Yes, we do.
7 a: What ________________ you ________________ do after school today?
b: I ________________ go to piano class.
8 a: What ________________ Joanne ________________ do every morning?
b: She ________________ cook breakfast.

C | Look at the conversation on page 119. Underline all the examples of have to and has to.

D| Take turns asking and answering the

I have to buy a new

questions with a partner.

suitcase for my trip.
1 What do you have to do tomorrow?
2 What do you have to do before you go to bed at night?
3 What time do you have to get up in the mornings?
4 What do you have to buy this weekend?

120  UNIT 12

CONNECTED-SB2-U12-200301.indd 120 3/1/20 4:22 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
check on milking goats
farm pasture
farm hands pick up
let out potential
litter box run a cat shelter
medicine schedule

B | Read the article.

Everybody has chores!

Living on a farm is hard work. Every morning I have to wake up before it’s light out and
check on the chickens and make sure I find all of the eggs. After I get done milking the
goats, I have to feed the horses and let them out into the pasture. And after I do all of
that, I still have to make breakfast for all of the farm hands!
I’m a stay-at-home dad. I have to get up first in the morning and get all three kids dressed
and fed. Then I have to take our two older children to school. Our youngest stays with me
while I go to the grocery store, the bank, and the gym. Finally, I pick the girls up and go
home to make dinner.
I run a cat shelter out of my house. Every morning I have to
feed all the cats. Some of them need medicine, so I give them
that at the same time. To find them good homes, I have to
schedule visits for potential owners. I also have to clean the
litter boxes and make sure that all the cats get playtime. Then I
have to feed them again before I go to bed.

C | Read the sentences. Choose the correct person for each answer.
1 Fiona / Mike / Sam lives on a farm.

2 Fiona / Mike / Sam has three daughters.

3 Fiona / Mike / Sam has to take care of a lot of cats.

4 Fiona / Mike / Sam goes to the gym.

5 Fiona / Mike / Sam has to schedule visits.

6 Fiona / Mike / Sam has to make breakfast for a lot of people.


CONNECTED-SB2-U12-200301.indd 121 3/1/20 4:22 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
boogie board hang out
dirty mall
extra neighbors
feel like doing stay overnight
fill the tank stuff

B| Listen. Write the number of the conversation next to the correct picture. One is

not used.

a ______ b ______

c ______ d ______

C| Listen again. Who said it? Write the number of the person next to the sentence.
1 ____ I just want to have fun.

2 ____ I have to do my homework.

3 ____ I think I’ll call my friends.

4 ____ I guess she can stay with the neighbors.

5 ____ I have to wash it first.

6 ____ I want to visit my friends.

122  UNIT 12

CONNECTED-SB2-U12-200301.indd 122 3/1/20 4:22 PM

Choose one of the topics. Prepare notes for your answer. Use the information in
EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you prepare.

What are your plans for the weekend?

What kinds of chores do you have to
do every day? Talk about your daily
OR What do you have to do to get ready?
Talk about your plans and the things you
have to do first.


I have a roommate, so we
I still live with my parents, and
split the household chores.
there are chores they expect
One week I have to clean the
me to do every day. One thing
bathroom, then the next week
I have to do is feed the dog. I
my roommate does. It’s the
also have to do the dishes after
same with other chores like
taking out the trash.

I’m going hiking with friends

this weekend. I’m going to This weekend I plan to go visit
have to make sure my phone my parents. Before I leave, I
is charged. I’ll want to take have to do my laundry. Then I
pictures. And we might need to have to pack my suitcase.
use the GPS.

B| Talk about your topic with a partner. Ask your partner questions to get

more information.
Who’s better at
What else do you have getting the chores How will you get
to do? done? there?


CONNECTED-SB2-U12-200301.indd 123 3/1/20 4:22 PM

A | Read the example. Answer the questions that follow. Tell a partner.

Every night, I have to go to bed with my homework

finished and lunch made. In the morning, I have to
rush out of the house. So, it’s important that I pack
my backpack before bed. I also have to straighten up
the living room. I usually start the dishwasher and put
laundry away, too.

• Why does the writer have to get everything ready the night before?
• What are three things the writer does to get ready for the next day?
• What do you have to do every evening before going to bed? Why?

B|  Write about the things you have to do every evening before going to bed. Use the
information in EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you.


In the morning, I have

catch an early bus.
n ig h t , I have to… take my morning ru
Every do
a li s t o f things to check my work ema
make ils.
the next r the gym.
b a g f o
pack my t o s e e if she
o m
call my m
needs an

__, too.
I usually _ er
take a sh er bottle
m y w a t
fill up
e t t h e c offee pot

124  UNIT 12

CONNECTED-SB2-U12-200301.indd 124 3/1/20 4:22 PM


In this unit, you will practice the following:
Vocabulary Reading
Workplace verbs Texting and walking
Conversation Listening
Talking about being late People talking about a recent phone call, email
Pronunciation or text
Simple past -ed endings Speaking
Grammar Talking about texting and phone use
Simple past of regular verbs: Yes/no questions and Writing
short answers Writing an apology for being late
Simple past of regular verbs: Statements and ago


CONNECTED-SB2-U13-200301.indd 125 3/1/20 4:22 PM

Vocabulary  |  Workplace verbs
A| Read. Make notes to understand the meanings. Then listen and practice.

turn off
turn on

B | Look at the pictures. Choose the correct word(s) to complete each sentence.
check text die turn off turn on

1 2 3

I ____________________ my I ____________________ my My battery is low. My phone’s

friends every day. phone in the mornings. going to ___________________
in a few minutes.

4 5

I want to ____________________ my I always ____________________ my

messages before the meeting. phone before class.

126  UNIT 13

CONNECTED-SB2-U13-200301.indd 126 3/1/20 4:22 PM

C | Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

answer arrive email finish start

1 2 3

Our meetings Can you please I usually ____________________

____________________ at 9:00 ____________________ the my homework around 10:00 at
every morning. phone? I’m busy. night.

4 5

Our guests are going to In my job, I ____________________

____________________ tomorrow people around the world.

D| Listen and practice saying the sentences in B and C.

E| How often do you do the things in B and C? Ask and answer with a partner.

How often do you text I text my friends all

your friends? the time.


CONNECTED-SB2-U13-200301.indd 127 3/1/20 4:22 PM

A| Read and listen to the conversation.
Lara Where’s Diana? The meeting started five minutes ago.

Eddie I don’t know. I called her phone, but she didn’t answer.

Lara Did you text her?

Eddie Yes, I did. I texted her. I emailed her, too. Maybe she turned off her phone.

Lara She never turns off her phone…. Hey, there she is!

Diana walks in.

Diana Hi, guys. I’m sorry I’m late.

Lara What happened?

Diana My car didn’t start this morning, so I waited for the bus.

Lara Why didn’t you call us?

Diana I tried, but my phone battery died. What a morning!

Lara Don’t worry about it. Grab some coffee and join us in the meeting room. OK?

Diana OK. See you in five minutes.

B | Choose the correct answers.

1 Was Diana late? a Yes, she was. b No, she wasn’t.
2 Did Eddie text Diana? a Yes, he did. b No, he didn’t.
3 Why didn’t Diana call? a Her car didn’t start. b Her phone battery died.

C | Practice the conversation with a partner.

Pronunciation  |  Simple past -ed endings
A| Listen. Notice the sounds of the letters in bold. Then practice.

/d/ /t/ /ɪd/

called checked needed
emailed finished started
tried looked texted
turned watched waited

B | Find more words ending in -ed. Practice.

128  UNIT 13

CONNECTED-SB2-U13-200301.indd 128 3/1/20 4:22 PM

Grammar  |  Simple past of regular verbs: Yes/no questions and short answers
A| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.

Questions Short answers

Did you talk to your sister? Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.
Did he turn off his phone? Yes, he did. / No, he didn’t.
Did they arrive last night? Yes, they did. / No, they didn’t.

B | Complete the short answers.

1 2

a: Did you wait for Kevin? a: Did Martin study for the test?
b: Yes, _____________. b: No, _____________.

3 4

a: Did you and Tania watch the game a: Did Sylvia mail the letter?
last night? b: Yes, _____________.
b: No, _____________.

5 6

a: Did the meeting start at 9:30? a: Did they stay at your house?
b: Yes, _____________. b: No, _____________.


CONNECTED-SB2-U13-200301.indd 129 3/1/20 4:22 PM

Simple past of regular verbs: Statements and ago

C| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.

I talked to Paul before class.

We lived in Los Angeles in 2007.
Spelling hint
Susan tried the pizza, but she didn’t like it. talk talked
live lived
The train stopped at the station. try tried
They didn’t ask us about the meeting. stop stopped

When did the meeting start? It started ten minutes ago. TIP
When did the guests arrive? They arrived an hour ago. ago before now

D | Complete the sentences. Use the simple past of the verb in parentheses.
1 I ______________________ for a birthday card for Veronica. (look)

2 We ______________________ the party a month ago. (plan)

3 They ______________________ their homework last night. (finish)

4 Wayne ______________________ on the morning train. (arrive)

5 Abby ______________________ basketball after class. (play)

6 Yolanda ______________________ me five minutes ago. (text)

E | Look at the conversation on page 128. Underline all the verbs in the simple past.

F| Take turns asking and answering the questions with a partner.

1 Did you text anyone this morning?
I arrived a little late
2 Did you turn off your phone before class? today.
3 What time did you arrive to class?

4 Who did you talk to before class today?

130  UNIT 13

CONNECTED-SB2-U13-200504.indd 130 5/4/20 11:28 AM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
against pass laws
dozens screen
especially thousands
laws transparent

B | Read the article.

Texting and walking

Did you send any text messages today? For most people, the answer to
this question is yes. Studies around the world show that people send
dozens or even hundreds of text messages every day.
Many countries now have laws against texting while driving. Thousands of
people are hurt or even die every year because of driving and texting. But
now there is a new problem: texting while walking. More and more people
are getting hurt while walking and texting at the same time.
Should there be laws against texting while walking? Some cities are trying
to pass laws like this, but it is difficult. Many people don’t like this idea.
Maybe there is another answer. Some companies are now making apps especially for texting while walking. These
apps make the cell phone screen transparent, so you can see what is in front of you!

C | Read the sentences. Write T (true) or F (false).

1 ___ Many people are hurt every year because of texting while driving.

2 ___ Many countries have laws against texting while walking.

3 ___ Some companies are making apps to make it easier to text while walking.

D| What are some other ways you can be safe using your phone? Tell a partner.

You should never text

a friend when you’re


CONNECTED-SB2-U13-200301.indd 131 3/1/20 4:22 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
car didn’t start get ready
co-worker notes
don’t worry test

B| Listen. Write the number of the conversation next to the correct picture. One is

not used.

a ______ b ______

c ______ d ______

C| Listen again. Choose the correct answers for each speaker.

Who? Did what? Why?

1 a Anna a emailed a is going to be late to work
b Peter b texted b wanted my notes from class
c Robert c called c wanted to go shopping

2 a Anna a emailed a is going to be late to work

b Peter b texted b wanted my notes from class
c Robert c called c wanted to go shopping

3 a Anna a emailed a is going to be late to work

b Peter b texted b wanted my notes from class
c Robert c called c wanted to go shopping

132  UNIT 13

CONNECTED-SB2-U13-200301.indd 132 3/1/20 4:23 PM

Choose one of the topics. Prepare notes for your answer. Use the information in
EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you prepare.

Talk about one person who texted you Do you ever turn off your phone?
yesterday. Why did the person text you? Why or why not?


My roommate texted me
Yesterday my sister texted
yesterday. He was locked
me. She wanted to remind
out of our apartment and
me about Mom’s birthday
wanted me to bring him the
dinner this weekend.

When I’m doing my I don’t usually turn off my

homework, I turn off my phone, but sometimes I do,
phone so that no one can like when I’m at the movie
interrupt me. theater.

B| Talk about your topic with a partner. Ask your partner questions to get

more information.

Were you able to Are there other times

Who else texted you bring him the key? you turn off your
yesterday? Why? phone? Why?


CONNECTED-SB2-U13-200301.indd 133 3/1/20 4:23 PM

A | Read the example. Answer the questions that follow. Tell a partner.

I’m sorry I missed the meeting this morning. Traffic

was terrible, and my bus was late. It won’t happen

• Why did the writer miss the meeting?

• What does the writer promise?
• What sometimes make you late for work / school?

B| You missed a meeting. Write a text to your boss to say you’re sorry. Say why you were

late. Use the information in EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you.


_____ missing the My alarm didn’t go

meeting. I had to do somethi
Please forgive me for ng for
my mom.
I apologize for My car wouldn’t sta
I am so sorry about rt.

it happen
I won’t let
again. .
e v e r h a ppen again
It will n

134  UNIT 13

CONNECTED-SB2-U13-200301.indd 134 3/1/20 4:23 PM


In this unit, you will practice the following:
Vocabulary Reading
Fields of study Studying abroad: Is it for you?
Milestones Listening
Conversation People talking about important influences and
Talking to a college-age child about his education decisions
Pronunciation Speaking
Syllable stress in longer words Talking about your education and career goals
Grammar Writing
Past continuous Writing about what you were doing at this time
Before, after, while, when last year


CONNECTED-SB2-U14-200301.indd 135 3/1/20 4:23 PM

Vocabulary  |  Fields of study
A| Read. Make notes to understand the meanings. Then listen and practice.

business administration
computer science
political science

B | Look at the pictures. Choose the correct answer to complete each sentence.

1 2 3

After he studied ____, he got a job My mother worked as a secretary When I studied ____, we learned
at a major corporation. while studying ____. about blood cells.
a engineering a political science a education
b biology b computer science b psychology
c economics c engineering c biology
d English d business administration d political science

4 5

While she studied ____ she worked at a Before I studied ____, I didn’t
television studio. understand the stock market.
a engineering a engineering
b communications b economics
c computer science c education
d education d environmental science

136  UNIT 14

CONNECTED-SB2-U14-200301.indd 136 3/1/20 4:23 PM

C | Look at the pictures. Choose the correct answer to complete each sentence.

1 2 3

We read Shakespeare’s plays After I studied ____, I could fix my She met many wonderful
while studying ____. laptop. students while she was studying
a engineering a political science ____.
b biology b computer science a education
c English c economics b psychology
d political scinece d business administration c biology
d political science

4 5

I never thought about dreams before I We learned about legal systems while
studied ____. studying ____.
a engineering a engineering
b political science b biology
c computer science c political science
d psychology d environmental science

D| Listen and practice saying the sentences in B and C.


E| Read. Make notes to understand the meanings. Then listen and practice.

graduate from (university)

look for a job
return to my hometown
study abroad
study for my final exams
travel around (Europe)


CONNECTED-SB2-U14-200301.indd 137 3/1/20 4:23 PM

F | Look at the pictures. Choose the correct answer to complete each sentence.

1 2 3

After I graduated from university, I I learned English when I studied Before I left Europe, I traveled
returned to my ____. _____. ____ by train.
a nationality a around a around
b final exams b round b inside
c hometown c abroad c outside
d education d broad d across

4 5 6

I began to ____ a job while He studied for his ____ after he She was living in Australia when
I was still studying business finished working at the restaurant. she ____ from university.
administration. a final exams a began
a finish b education b left
b study c university c finished
c look for d political science d graduated
d know about

G| Listen and practice saying the sentences in F.

H| Which of the fields of study in A are interesting to you? Tell a partner.

Engineering is really
interesting to me. I like to
see how things work.

138  UNIT 14

CONNECTED-SB2-U14-200301.indd 138 3/1/20 4:23 PM

A| Read and listen to the conversation.
While I was studying for my final exams last week, I decided
Carlos to take a year off from school and travel around Europe.

Mother Hmmm. When I was growing up, students graduated from university first.

Carlos Well, nowadays, after we graduate, we have to immediately look for a job.

Mother Why don’t you take a short trip after you graduate but before you look for a job?

Carlos Mom, my major is education. I should take a year off and travel around Europe.

Mother Why?

Carlos Think about it. After I live abroad for a year, I’m going to be a great teacher.

Mother When I was finishing university, we had programs to study abroad.

Carlos Hmm…study abroad.

While I was living in Mexico, I was part of a study abroad program. You
Mother could continue your studies while you travel around Europe.

Carlos I like that idea.

Mother That makes both of us!

B | Read the sentences. Choose the correct answers.

1 Where does Carlos want to travel? a South America b Asia c Europe
2 How long does Carlos want to travel? a one month b six months c 12 months
3 What is Carlos’s major? a education b economics c engineering
4 What does Carlos’s mother suggest? a look for a job b study abroad c study economics

C | Practice the conversation with a partner.

Pronunciation  |  Syllable stress in longer words

A| Listen. Notice the stressed syllables in bold. Then practice.

psychology education
engineering communications
economics administration

B | Find more long words. Practice.


CONNECTED-SB2-U14-200301.indd 139 3/1/20 4:23 PM

Grammar  |  Past continuous
A| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.

I was watching TV last night.

You were talking on the phone at 10:00.
He was getting ready for work in the morning.
She was studying at lunch time.
We were taking the bus to Boston.
They were looking for a job.

B | Complete the sentences. Use the past continuous form of the verb in the parentheses.
1 Maria ____________________________ dinner at 7:00. (eat)
2 Mark ____________________________ an exam when his phone rang. (take)
3 They ____________________________ their kids to school. (drive)
4 I ____________________________ my dog in the park. (walk)
5 We ____________________________ food at the grocery store. (buy)
6 Joanne and I ____________________________ for the final exam last night. (study)

Before, after, while, when

C| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.

Before I look for a job, I want to travel around Europe for a few months.
After I graduated from university, I returned to my hometown.
While I was studying for my final exams, I fell asleep.
He was talking on the phone when I arrived.

D | Match the two parts of the sentences.

1 ___ I was studying computer science a I’m going to celebrate.
2 ___ You should start looking for a job b you should think about what kind of job you want.
3 ___ After I get a job, c I traveled all over Europe.
4 ___ When I was a child, d before you graduate from college.
5 ___ While I was studying in France, e I wanted to be a police officer.
6 ___ Before you graduate from college, f while I was in school.

E|  Take turns asking and answering At 9:30 last night

the questions with a partner. I was watching a
sad show on TV.
1 What were you doing at 9:30 last night?
2 What do you want to do after you finish this class ?
3 What were you thinking about when you woke up today?
140  UNIT 14

CONNECTED-SB2-U14-200301.indd 140 3/1/20 4:23 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
benefits immersive
culture influence
expose intern
fluent opportunity
close reason
frustrated recognize
fulfilling semester
give an edge skills

B | Read the article.

Studying abroad: Is it for you?

Many people study abroad during high school or college. There are a lot of
benefits to studying abroad. You can learn a lot about yourself, and you can
learn skills that will help you later in life.
Wanting to become fluent in a language is a great reason to study abroad.
Many study abroad programs are immersive. You’ll get more out of it and
be less frustrated if you know some of the language before you go.
Studying abroad can help you learn more about your own culture as well
as learning to recognize the differences between cultures. It exposes you
to new cultures and lifestyles. Many people who study abroad form close
connections with students from their host country. These relationships can
turn into lifelong friendships.
Students who intern while studying abroad find that the internships influence future career paths. Many companies
are looking for graduates with international experience. It can really give you an edge when looking for jobs.
Studying abroad is a wonderful and fulfilling experience. If you have the opportunity, you should give it a try for a
semester. Who knows, you may fall in love with a whole new country!

C | Read the sentences. Write T (true) or F (false).

1 ___ Wanting to become fluent in another language is a bad reason to study abroad.

2 ___ Studying abroad teaches students nothing about other cultures.

3 ___ Students who worked at internships while studying abroad had better career prospects after

4 ___ Many people make lifelong friendships while studying abroad.

5 ___ It helps to know some of the language before you study in a foreign country.


CONNECTED-SB2-U14-200301.indd 141 3/1/20 4:23 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
advanced my own practice
bachelor’s degree recommend
bilingual responsibility
get a degree satisfied
get tired of take over
glad the same position
improve therapist
interpreter translator

B| Listen. Check (√) the terms you hear.

 biology  business administration  education  engineering

 English  language  political science  psychology

C| Listen again. Who said it? Write the number of the speaker next to each sentence.

1 ____ She made the class so interesting.

2 ____ Finally, I got tired of it.

3 ____ Now I’m a therapist with my own practice.

4 ____ I would recommend it to anybody.

5 ____ I’m taking over the business.

6 ____ Now I’m completely bilingual.

7 ____ Now I have a much better job.

8 ____ I really didn’t want to go.

142  UNIT 14

CONNECTED-SB2-U14-200301.indd 142 3/1/20 4:23 PM

Choose one of the topics. Prepare notes for your answer. Use the information in
EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you prepare.

Talk about what you’re studying now

OR Talk about your career plans and goals.
and why.


I’m taking psychology

classes right now because I love languages, so right
I’m interested in human now, I’m studying English.

I want to be a therapist I hope to someday be

someday. I want to help an English teacher. I will
people have fulfilling and continue to study English so
productive lives. that I can become fluent.

B| Talk about your topic with a partner. Ask your partner questions to get

more information.
Are there any other
What age group do languages you want Is there any other
you want to work with? to learn? Why? career you’re thinking
Why? about? Why?


CONNECTED-SB2-U14-200301.indd 143 3/1/20 4:23 PM

A | Read the example. Answer the questions that follow. Tell a partner.

Last year, I was living in a different apartment, and I had a different

job. When I first moved here to California, I didn’t know where nice
but affordable apartments were located. I picked something from
an online source. While I was living in my first apartment, I got to
know Los Angeles. I decided I wanted to live in a less crowded
area, so I moved again. Making a second move in one year was
significant because I was nervous about the effort and expense.
But after I moved again, I had a shorter commute to work. So, I had
enough time to meet friends and find a better paying job!

• Why did the writer move again?

• Why was the writer’s second move significant?
• What were you doing a year ago?

B| Write about what you were doing this time last year. How is your life different? Use the

information in EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you.

I decided…
it was time to go ba
ck to
Last year I… I needed a change.
wasn’t going to school. to become more
was dating someone independent.
was living with my

So I…
e d u p f o r this English
class. .
u p w it h m y boyfriend
got my own

144  UNIT 14

CONNECTED-SB2-U14-200301.indd 144 3/1/20 4:23 PM


In this unit, you will practice the following:
Vocabulary Reading
Gadgets Technology: Good or bad?
Describing gadgets Listening
Conversation People comparing their new gadget with an
Trying to impress someone with a new gadget older version
Pronunciation Speaking
Different ways to pronounce vowel combinations Talking about replacing an older item with a
Grammar new one
Comparative adjectives with -er Writing
Comparative adjectives with more Writing about how your life changed because
of technology

CONNECTED-SB2-U15-200301.indd 145 3/1/20 4:24 PM

Vocabulary  |  Gadgets
A| Read. Make notes to understand the meanings. Then listen and practice.

fitness tracker smartphone

smart speaker smartwatch
laptop tablet
camera video game system
portable speakers wireless earbuds

B | Look at the pictures. Choose the correct answer to complete each sentence.

1 2 3

My ____ is lighter than my laptop. Her ____ is newer than mine. That ____ sounds better than my
a laptop a smartwatch TV.
b smartwatch b portable speaker a video game system
c tablet c smartphone b portable speaker
d video game system d laptop c fitness tracker
d wireless earbuds

4 5 6

Her ____ are lighter than His ____ is smaller than a My ____ was less expensive than
headphones. smartphone. a computer.
a speakers a fitness tracker a tablet
b video game systems b laptop b camera
c cameras c camera c portable speaker
d wireless earbuds d smart speaker d smartwatch

146  UNIT 15

CONNECTED-SB2-U15-200301.indd 146 3/1/20 4:24 PM

7 81 9 10

His ____ is much Their ____ is older than I listen to the news on His ____ was cheaper
heavier than mine. ours. my ___ every day. than mine.
a camera a video game system a laptop a fitness tracker
b portable speaker b portable speaker b smart speaker b smartphone
c smartphone c smart speaker c wireless earbuds c laptop
d tablet d smartphone d video game system d smart speaker

C| Listen and practice saying the sentences in B.

Describing gadgets

D| Read. Make notes to understand the meanings. Then listen and practice.

cheap light
expensive powerful

E | Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.

1 2 3

Her tablet is very light / powerful My cell phone is light / powerful His new camera is cheap / light
/ cheap. The apps work a lot / heavy. I can hold it up easily for / expensive. This one cost over
faster than on my tablet. a long time. $1,000!

4 5

These portable speakers were heavy / That old computer is so expensive /

powerful / cheap. I only spent $20 on heavy / powerful. I like my laptop. It’s
them. so light!

F| Listen and practice saying the sentences in E.

My phone
G| What gadgets do you have? is heavy.

Take turns describing them with a partner.


CONNECTED-SB2-U15-200301.indd 147 3/1/20 4:24 PM

A| Read and listen to the conversation.
Todd I love these new laptops.

Jen They’re powerful. But my laptop is more powerful.

Todd Jen, don’t be silly. Your laptop isn’t more powerful than this new one.

Jen Whatever.

Todd Look at my smartphone, Jen. It’s newer than yours.

Jen So what?

It’s more powerful than yours….just like the new laptops here are
Todd more powerful than yours, too.

Jen Ha! Your phone is heavier than mine.

Todd No, it isn’t. It’s lighter and faster than yours.

Jen Mine has a great camera, Todd.

Todd Mine does, too. And my camera takes better pictures than yours.

Jen You’re crazy.

Todd And your phone was more expensive than mine.

Jen Wait. Is that really your new smartphone?

Todd Yes, it is.

Jen Todd… yours isn’t lighter or faster or cheaper than mine.

Todd Sure it is. What do you mean?

Jen Look! We have the same phone!

B | Read the sentences. Write T (true) or F (false).

1 ___ Todd and Jen are looking at laptops in the store.
2 ___ Jen’s smartphone doesn’t have a good camera.
3 ___ Jen’s smartphone is faster than Todd’s.
4 ___ Todd and Jen don’t have different smartphones.

C | Practice the conversation with a partner.

148  UNIT 15

CONNECTED-SB2-U15-200301.indd 148 3/1/20 4:24 PM

Pronunciation  |  Different ways to pronounce vowel combinations
A| Listen. Notice the sounds of the letters in bold. Then practice.

throat heavy group movie

abroad cheap out died

B | Find more words with these kinds of vowel combinations. Practice.

Grammar  |  Comparative adjectives with -er

A| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.
His smartphone is lighter than mine. It’s smaller, too. Spelling changes when adding -er
My tablet is bigger than his. It’s heavier, too. Base Comparative
-e nice nicer
The new laptop is cheaper at the other store.
Short vowel + one
I think the design of the new camera is better than the big bigger
older model. -y heavy heavier
The quality of my new phone’s functions is worse than good better
my old phone. Irregular
bad worse

B | Complete the sentences. Use the comparative form of the adjective in parentheses.

1 2 3

My new fitness tracker is The voice on Karen’s smart You should buy these
__________________ (small) and speaker is __________________ headphones. They’re
__________________ (light) than (friendly) than the one on my __________________ (cheap)
my old one. smart speaker. than wireless earbuds.

4 5 6

Connor’s new camera takes The screen of my new TV is much The quality of the picture on this
__________________ (good) __________________ (wide) than tablet is __________________
pictures than my camera. my old TV screen. (bad) than that one.


CONNECTED-SB2-U15-200301.indd 149 3/1/20 4:24 PM

Comparative adjectives with more

C| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.

These speakers are more powerful than the speakers in the TIP
other store, but they’re more expensive, too. Comparative adjectives with more
The video games these days are more interesting than the For most adjectives with two or more syllables
ones in the past. (except where the second syllable is -y), we
use more.
Technology makes our lives more convenient.

D | Complete the sentences. Use the comparative form of the adjective in parentheses.
1 I think computer games are ____________________________ (exciting) than video games.

2 Smart TVs are ____________________________ (expensive) than regular TVs.

3 These speakers are ____________________________ (powerful) than the ones I bought a few years

4 Computers these days are ____________________________ (advanced) than the ones I used when
I was a kid.

5 A smartwatch is ____________________________ (convenient) than a phone because you just wear

it everywhere you go.

E | Look at the conversation on page 148. Underline all the comparative adjectives.

F|  Compare different items you see in your class. Use the comparative forms of the
adjectives below.
These books are
heavy light heavier than that
interesting useful
small cheap
big expensive

150  UNIT 15

CONNECTED-SB2-U15-200301.indd 150 3/1/20 4:24 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
are not allowed miss
barely personal
chatting rules
concerned stay in touch
limit stay off of
local stick to

B | Read the article.

Technology: Good or bad?

Technology is everywhere. It makes our lives easier in many ways. Smartphones let us stay in touch with online
friends as easily as with local friends. However, technology can also be a problem. Some
people are concerned that technology can make it harder to connect.
We made some changes to the technology rules in our home recently. When everyone
comes home, they have to leave their phones by the front door. The kids aren’t allowed
to use them until after homework and dinner. My husband and I try to stick to that too.
We have a sit-down dinner every night with no television. We talk about our day. This has
helped our family feel more connected.
I had a problem with the internet. I spent more time online chatting with people, looking
at websites, and reading stories than I did with my family and friends. I couldn’t stay off
of social networking sites at work. I finally went to see a doctor about it. Now, I limit my
internet use to an hour a day. I get out of the house more often, and I don’t go online at
work for personal things. It’s working really well for me. I barely miss the internet.

C | Read the sentences. Write T (True) or F (False).

When we have meetings
1 ___ Technology is everywhere. at work, we all put our
2 ___ Smartphones keep us from staying in touch with people. smartphones in a basket.
3 ___ April’s family can’t use their phones until after dinner.
4 ___ April’s family eats dinner in front of the television.
5 ___ Kai had a problem with the internet.
6 ___ Now Kai only uses the internet at work.

D| What do you do when you want to take a break from

technology? Tell a partner.


CONNECTED-SB2-U15-200301.indd 151 3/1/20 4:24 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
aspect mixed opinions
cable service music stations
chores offer
complicated pocket
disappointing thin
drop calls user-friendly
fit versions
have a talk worth the money

B| Listen. Write the number of the conversation next to the correct picture.

a ______ b ______ c ______ d ______

C| Listen again. Who said it? Write the number of the person next to the sentence.
1 ____ I think he likes it a little too much.
2 ____ I have mixed opinions.
3 ____ But it’s worth the money.
4 ____ I don’t think it’s very user-friendly.
5 ____ It’s easier to use.
6 ____ Newer isn’t always better.
7 ____ I’m going to have a talk with him about it.
8 ____ Of course, it isn’t cheap.

152  UNIT 15

CONNECTED-SB2-U15-200301.indd 152 3/1/20 4:24 PM

Choose one of the topics. Prepare notes for your answer. Use the information in
EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you prepare.

Think about a new device you recently Talk about a new device you want.
bought. Compare it to the one you OR Explain why you want it. Talk about its
had before. pros and cons.


I just bought a new cell Recently, I bought a new

phone. It was more gaming system. The
expensive than my last graphics are way better
phone, but it takes clearer than my old system, and it
pictures, and it’s faster. has more game options.

The GPS I have now doesn’t I want a smart TV so

update regularly. There are I can enjoy music and
newer ones that update movie apps on it. The only
every day. However, I read problem is that I will have
that the battery on the to pay for Wi-Fi in my home
newer ones dies quickly. for those features to work.

B| Talk about your topic with a partner. Ask your partner questions to get

more information.

Why do you need a

How much does/did GPS device? You don’t have Wi-Fi
it cost? now?


CONNECTED-SB2-U15-200301.indd 153 3/1/20 4:24 PM

A | Read the example. Answer the questions that follow. Tell a partner.

I am so thrilled with our new smart TV. One cool thing is

we can save films from movie apps to watch later. That
way, when we have time to sit down and watch a movie,
we can go directly to either of our list of films that
we already decided we want to watch. And when we
want to go back to a TV series we're in the middle of
watching, it always knows where we are, so we can just
pick right back up where we left off. I love our new TV!

• What is one feature of the smart TV the writer likes?

• Why does the writer like that feature?
• What is one feature of a device you have that you really like? Why?

B| Write about a new device. How have its features made using it easier? Use the

information in EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you.


I can…
I love my new… navigate it easily.
laptop. get free customer
tablet. take it with me whe
wireless speaker. I go.

thing is…
One cool
h e b a t t ery stays
t .
h a r g e d for longer
it’s user-f xpensive.
o t v e r y e
it’s n

154  UNIT 15

CONNECTED-SB2-U15-200301.indd 154 3/1/20 4:24 PM



Vocabulary  |  Match the parts to make the correct words. Then complete the conversation.
ans bio ence eries fe fin groc ish logy ned
oat ret sci ted tex thr tur urn ver wer
A Hi, Paula. How are you? I called and 1________________ you at least ten times today. Why didn’t
you 2________________ your phone?
B Hi, Terry. I’m sorry. I 3______________ off my phone for a while. I was sleeping. I think I have the flu.
A Oh, no! I’m sorry to hear that. You weren’t in 4________________ class today, so I was surprised.
B I have a sore 5_______________, a headache, and a 6______________. I’m taking some medicine.
A I think you should see a doctor. And have some hot soup! I can bring you some.
B Oh, Paula, that’s very nice of you. I have to get up and 7________________ my homework for my
political 8________________ class anyway.
A OK. I have to buy 9________________ and 10________________ some library books. After I do that,
I can bring you some soup. See you soon!

Grammar  |  Find the error. Write the correct sentence.

1 You should to see a doctor.
2 He has get the mail.
3 What you do have to do?
4 I talk to Adam this morning.
5 When the meeting started?
6 They arrived in Paris ago three days.
7 We was studying at 9:00 last night.
8 After I graduated, I look for a job.
9 My new phone is good than my old one.
10 I think Paris is interesting than Rome.

Check Yourself  |  How well do you know it? Circle the correct rating for yourself.
Units 11–15 Units 11–15
Vocabulary Grammar
RACE  155

Connected-SB2-RACE3-200301.indd 155 3/1/20 4:08 PM


Find someone who…

A | Complete the questions using the prompts in parentheses.
Questions Names
1 Do you have a ____________________ right now?
(health problem)
2 Do you have to _______________________________ today?
3 Before you come to class, do you ____________________?
4 At 9:00 last night, were you _________________________?
5 Do you want to study _________________________?
(field of study)
6 Do you use ___________________________ every day?
7 Do you want to travel to _____________________ someday?
8 Did you text ___________________________ this morning?
9 Do you want to study abroad in _______________________?
10 Is your phone _______________ than mine?
(comparative adjective)

 sk your classmates the questions. Find someone who answers Do you have a
yes. Then write his or her name. headache right
Try it out

 ive a classmate advice about where

G  rite an email to your boss to say why
to eat something. Compare choices. you can’t come to work today.

For good pizza, you should try Café

Milano or Luigi’s. The pizza at Café
Milano is more delicious, but Luigi’s I’m really sorry I can’t
is cheaper and closer. come to work today. I
have a terrible headache
and a sore throat. Please
email or text me if you
need to contact me.

156  RACE

Connected-SB2-RACE3-200301.indd 156 3/1/20 4:08 PM


In this unit, you will practice the following:
Vocabulary Reading
Tourist attractions The most interesting places
Conversation Listening
Giving recommendations to a person visiting a People talking about places that are interesting to
different city them
Pronunciation Speaking
Words with silent letters Talking about interesting places
Grammar Writing
Superlative adjectives with -est Writing about why you would like to visit different
Superlative adjectives with the most places


CONNECTED-SB2-U16-200301.indd 157 3/1/20 4:25 PM

Vocabulary  |  Tourist attractions
A| Read. Make notes to understand the meanings. Then listen and practice.

historic district
national park
shopping center
sports arena

B | Look at the pictures. Choose the correct word(s) to complete each sentence.

1 2

My sister says the prettiest ____ are in This is the most expensive ____ in town.
Italy. a historic district
a historic districts b shopping center
b plazas c monument
c gardens d statue
d shopping centers

3 4

The oldest ____ we visited in Canada The most famous ____ we saw on our
was in Quebec. trip was The Thinker by Rodin.
a historic district a historic district
b monument b bridge
c statue c statue
d bridge d national park

158  UNIT 16

CONNECTED-SB2-U16-200301.indd 158 3/1/20 4:25 PM

5 6 7

No, I said Madrid has the flattest This ____ is the tallest building in I think Bryce Canyon is the most
____ I know, not the fattest! Washington, D.C. beautiful ____.
a plaza a plaza a sports arena
b statue b monument b garden
c monument c bridge c shopping center
d national park d historic district d national park

8 9 10

We visited the world’s largest That’s the longest ____ in the Have you seen the biggest ____
outdoor ____ in Kashgar, China. United States. in Mexico?
a statue a statue a sports arena
b monument b monument b historic district
c market c bridge c shopping center
d bridge d sports arena d garden

C| Listen and practice saying the sentences in B.

D| Talk about famous attractions you know somewhere in the world. Take turns telling

a partner.

The Golden Gate Bridge

is a famous bridge in San
Francisco, California.


CONNECTED-SB2-U16-200301.indd 159 3/1/20 4:25 PM

A| Read and listen to the conversation.
Lucy Toshi, do you like my new sunglasses?

Toshi They look expensive.

Lucy Well, they aren’t. In fact, they’re the cheapest I found.

Toshi You certainly love to shop. Hey, didn’t you go to the U.S. last year?

Lucy Yes, I went to Savannah, Georgia. I had the best time there.

Toshi Savannah?

Yes, it’s on the coast near Florida. And it has the sunniest beaches and the
Lucy most beautiful historic district.

Toshi Sunny beaches are always good.

It has the prettiest squares downtown. They’re like little plazas. And the
Lucy oldest houses are on these squares.
That sounds nice, but it’s probably the most boring thing to do on
Toshi a vacation! What about restaurants?

Lucy Well, the busiest street in town is along the river.

Toshi Is that the most exciting place in Savannah?

Lucy Of course! The most interesting shopping area in town is on River Street.

Toshi Hmmm. It sounds popular with the tourists.

It’s probably the most popular place with the tourists in Savannah.
Lucy The biggest and most expensive hotels are there along the river, too.

Toshi Lucy, why do you always like the most crowded places in a town?

First look at these earrings. I bought them on River Street in Savannah.

Lucy They’re the cutest you’ve ever seen, aren’t they?
Toshi Of course…the cutest.

Lucy Second, it’s not about the crowds or the tourists, Toshi. It’s about…

Toshi Wait. I know…it’s about the shopping!

B | Read the sentences. Write T (true) or F (false)..

1 ___ Lucy went to the U.S. on vacation. 3 ___ Toshi likes to visit a city’s historic district.
2 ___ Toshi likes to go to the beach. 4 ___ Lucy likes to shop on vacation.

C | Practice the conversation with a partner.

160  UNIT 16

CONNECTED-SB2-U16-200301.indd 160 3/1/20 4:25 PM

Pronunciation  |  Words with silent letters
A| Listen. Notice that the underlined letters are silent. Then practice.

answer who
know hour
bridge listen
Wednesday write

B | Find more words with silent letters. Practice.

Grammar  |  Superlative adjectives with -est

A| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.

The historic district is the oldest part of the city. TIP

It’s the busiest, too. Spelling changes when adding -est

The Empire State Building is one of the tallest Base Superlative

buildings in New York City. -e nice nicest
Short vowel + one
Lake Superior is the largest lake in the United States. consonant
big biggest
I think New York City has the best pizza. -y heavy heaviest
San Francisco is the foggiest city in the United States. good best
bad worst
In my opinion, Los Angeles has the worst traffic.

B | Complete the sentences. Use the superlative form of the adjective in parentheses.
1 Seattle is ___________________________ (cloudy) city in the United States.
2 I love going to the Philippines. They have ___________________________ (good) beaches.
3 What is ___________________________ (big) shopping mall in Hawaii?
4 There’s so much pollution here! I think it has ___________________________ (bad) air quality in the
5 The Brooklyn Bridge in New York City is one of ___________________________ (old) suspension
bridges in the United States.
6 I know a website where we can find ___________________________ (cheap) hotels and flights.


CONNECTED-SB2-U16-200301.indd 161 3/1/20 4:25 PM

Superlative adjectives with the most

C| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.

The Getty Museum has the most beautiful gardens in

the world.
The Statue of Liberty is one of the most popular tourist
attractions in New York City.
Ginza in Tokyo is one of the most famous shopping
areas in Japan. TIP
Superlative adjectives with the most
Singapore is the the most expensive city to live in.
For most adjectives with two or more syllables
I think San Francisco has the most delicious seafood in (except where the second syllable is -y), we
the United States. use the most.

D | Complete the sentences. Use the superlative form of the adjective in parentheses.
1 I think Hong Kong is _____________________________ (exciting) city in Asia.
2 Hawaii has some of ____________________________ (beautiful) beaches in the world.
3 Times Square in New York City is one of ____________________________ (famous) tourist areas in
the United States.
4 I think Miami Beach’s historic district has _____________________________ (interesting)
architecture in Florida.
5 I think I live in _____________________________ (peaceful) neighborhood in my city.

E | Look at the conversation on page 160. Underline all the superlative adjectives.

F| Take turns asking and answering the questions with a partner.

1 What is the best restaurant in your city?
I think the best
2 What is the most exciting place to visit in
restaurant in my city is
your country?
La Tavola. They make the
3 Where is the tallest building your city? best pasta!

4 What is the most expensive food to eat in

your country?

162  UNIT 16

CONNECTED-SB2-U16-200301.indd 162 3/1/20 4:25 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
above freezing million
astronauts NASA
body passengers
dark quiet
desert shake
Earth silence
external space
get used to the sun sets
ground volatile

B | Read the article.

The most interesting places

The Danakil Desert in Eritrea is one of the most volatile places on the planet. This
desert is one of the hottest places on Earth. In addition, the place is also full of
volcanoes, which can cause the ground to shake all the time.
There is a room in Minnesota in the United States
that is so quiet that no one can stay in it for more
than 45 minutes. It is the quietest place in the
world. There is no external sound, so everything
you hear comes from your own body. Companies
test products in there, and NASA uses it to help
astronauts get used to the silence of space.
The Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport in
Atlanta in the United States is the busiest airport in
the world. More than 107 million passengers went
through it in 2018. That is one busy airport!
Barrow, Alaska is one of the coldest places on Earth. The temperature is only above
freezing for a few months a year. It is also one of the darkest places on Earth. The
sun sets at the end of November and doesn’t come back until the end of January.

C | Read the sentences. Choose the correct location.

1 The Danakil Desert / Barrow, Alaska / Minnesota / Atlanta is one of the coldest places on Earth.
2 There is a room in the Danakil Desert / Barrow, Alaska / Minnesota / Atlanta that is the quietest
place on Earth.
3 The airport in the Danakil Desert / Barrow, Alaska / Minnesota / Atlanta is the busiest in the world.
4 The Danakil Desert / Barrow, Alaska / Minnesota / Atlanta is hot and full of volcanoes.


CONNECTED-SB2-U16-200301.indd 163 3/1/20 4:25 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
ancient mysterious
bargain notice
coral reef outer space
covers price
fear of heights seafood
fresh skyscrapers
from miles away square kilometers
individual the sun rises
market tourist attraction

B| Listen. Write the number of the conversation next to the correct picture.
a ______ b ______

c ______ d ______

C| Listen again. Choose the correct answer to complete each sentence.

1 Tsukiji Fish Market is ____ seafood market a the oldest b the biggest
in Japan.
2 The market opens ____. a before the sun rises b after sunset
3 The Petronas Towers are ____ buildings in Kuala a the tallest b the most beautiful
4 The bridge between the towers is ____ bridge in a the most expensive b the highest
the world.
5 The Great Sphinx is one of ____ tourist a the most famous b the most popular
attractions in Egypt.
6 The Great Sphinx is ____ statue in the world. a the oldest b the heaviest
7 The Great Barrier Reef is ____ coral reef in the a the deepest b the biggest
8 It is made up of ____ individual reefs. a 900 b 3,000

164  UNIT 16

CONNECTED-SB2-U16-200301.indd 164 3/1/20 4:25 PM

Choose one of the topics. Prepare notes for your answer. Use the information in
EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you prepare.

In your opinion, what is the best city in

Think about the most popular tourist
the world? (It might be a place you have
attraction in your city or town. Explain OR
visited, but it doesn’t have to be.) Why do
why it’s so popular.
you think it’s the best?


I think Playa Zicatela is The most popular tourist

probably the most popular attraction where I live in
tourist attraction in Puerto Maine is Acadia National
Escondido. It’s a stretch of Park. I think it’s so popular
beach where all the surfers because there’s so much to
go, and there are lots of do both in and around the
restaurants and shops there. park. And it’s very beautiful.

In my opinion, New York City

I think Melbourne might be
is the best city in the world. It
the best city in the world.
has the best of everything —
There’s so much to see and
restaurants, theater, fashion.
do just by walking along the
And I just love walking around
pedestrian “laneways.”
Central Park!

B| Talk about your topic with a partner. Ask your partner questions to get

more information.

What all can you do

What else is popular there? So, there are no cars
there? in the laneways?


CONNECTED-SB2-U16-200301.indd 165 3/1/20 4:25 PM

A | Read the example. Answer the questions that follow. Tell a partner.

I think going to Hawaii would be the best trip because it is the

biggest island in the chain, and it has the best hiking. Hiking to a
volcano would be the most exciting part of the trip. And I heard
that the most delicious food is served at a traditional luau. I
would like to visit Honolulu, too. I read that you can do a lot of
interesting sightseeing there, like visiting a palace and going to
the aquarium.

• What does the writer think would be the best part of the trip?
• What else does the writer want to do in Hawaii?
• What is a place you would like to visit? Why?

B| Choose one or two places and write an email to a friend or family member about why

you would like to go there. Choose one of these locations, or one of your own:
• Taj Mahal • Paris, France • Egyptian Pyramids
• Mount Everest • Statue of Liberty • Antarctica
• Stonehenge • Hawaiian volcanoes • Great Barrier Reef
Use the information in EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you.


I want to go…
/ most scuba diving.
It has the best to the top and look
interesting… out.
on a safari.

You can…
go on a guided to
taste the local
e there.
see all the wildlif

166  UNIT 16

CONNECTED-SB2-U16-200301.indd 166 3/1/20 4:25 PM

17 LOOK?

In this unit, you will practice the following:
Vocabulary Reading
Clothing Dress for success
Describing clothing Listening
Conversation People having a conversation while shopping for
Talking about which clothing item to buy clothes
Pronunciation Speaking
Vowel sounds with different spellings Describing what you like to wear
Grammar Writing
Adjectives with adverbs of degree: (not) very, (not) Writing a description of how you dress for different
enough, and too occasions
Order of adjectives

CONNECTED-SB2-U17-200301.indd 167 3/1/20 4:26 PM

Vocabulary  |  Clothing
A| Read. Make notes to understand the meanings. Then listen and practice.


B | Look at the pictures. Choose the answer that best completes each sentence.

1 2 3

He’s wearing a striped skirt / I don’t like to wear plain sneakers That dress / skirt / jacket /
jacket / suit / sweater. / boots / shoes / socks. sweater is very loose on her.

168  UNIT 17

CONNECTED-SB2-U17-200301.indd 168 3/1/20 4:26 PM

4 5 6

Will this shirt / sweater / suit / I can't run in these heavy boots / Do these sneakers / boots /
dress be too loose on me? pants / jeans / shorts. jeans / shorts look too tight?

7 8 9

Would you like to try on these His sweater / clothes / suit / Will these jeans / shorts / pants
sneakers / shoes / pants / plain is formal, but it's also very / sneakers fit my wife?
socks? comfortable.

10 11 12

These boots / shorts / sneakers Those jeans / shirts / shorts / Which shoe / shirt / skirt / sock
/ pants look great, but they're too boots are bright and comfortable. do you prefer?

C| Listen and practice saying the sentences in B.


CONNECTED-SB2-U17-200301.indd 169 3/1/20 4:26 PM

Describing clothing

D| Read. Make notes to understand the meanings. Then listen and practice.

casual light
comfortable loose
dark plain
formal tight

E | Choose the answer that best completes each sentence.

1 21 3 4

Her shoes fit very well. We wear My sister always I like to wear dark /
They are not too plain uncomfortable / wears dark / formal / formal / light / tight
/ tight / comfortable / casual / formal / light / white clothes. clothes in the summer.
light. expensive clothes in
our office.

5 61 7 8

Wear formal / tight / His shirt isn’t plain / I like to wear my shirt Is this jacket sure /
light / comfortable casual / blue / angry. a little loose / dark / light / old / formal
boots to go walking. In fact, it’s very loud. short / tight. enough for the office?

F| Listen and practice saying the I’m wearing a white shirt,

sentences in E. dark blue jeans, and gray

G| What are you wearing right now?

Take turns telling a partner.

170  UNIT 17

CONNECTED-SB2-U17-200301.indd 170 3/1/20 4:26 PM

A| Read and listen to the conversation.
Li Josh, please stop texting. I need your help choosing a dress.

Josh Why? I’m not very good with fashion.

Li Don’t be silly. Look at what you’re wearing.

Josh It’s not very special. Old jeans and a shirt.

Li New dark blue jeans and a light blue casual shirt.

Josh And don’t forget my comfortable blue sneakers.

Li Exactly. You’re a smart, fashionable guy.

Yeah, right. I am a real fashionista. So which do you like better?

Josh The long red dress or the shorter green dress?

Li The long red dress looks too formal. And it’s not very comfortable.

Josh So you prefer the shorter green dress?

Li I like it, but it’s a little too plain. It’s not interesting enough.

Josh Really? It’s not too plain at all. It’s casual, and it looks awesome on you.

Li You’re right. I’m going to buy this awesome casual green dress right now.

B | Read the sentences. Choose Yes or No.

1 Josh is texting and wearing a suit. Yes No

2 Li loves the long red dress. Yes No

3 The green dress looks good on Li. Yes No

C | Practice the conversation with a partner.

Pronunciation  |  Vowel sounds with different spellings

A| Listen. Notice the sounds of the letters in bold. Then practice.

shoes sweater tight

loose dress white

B | Find more words with each of these sounds. Practice.


CONNECTED-SB2-U17-200301.indd 171 3/1/20 4:26 PM

Grammar  |  Adjectives with adverbs of degree: (not) very, (not) enough, and too
A| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.

I like these pants, but they are too small.

These shoes are comfortable enough to wear to work.
This bag is big enough to carry my laptop computer. TIP
Too and very come before an adjective.
That shirt is not very formal for the wedding. Enough comes after an adjective.
I like my pants very loose.

B | Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.

1 That shirt looks too / enough tight.
2 The clothes at this store are too / very beautiful.
3 I need a suitcase that’s big enough / very.
4 I think that sweater is not enough / very thick.
5 I don’t think that dress is formal enough / too for the party.
6 Those pants look too / enough loose. You need a belt.

Order of adjectives

C| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.

I just bought a beautiful red formal dress.

I really like your small black bag. TIP
Order of adjectives
I’m looking for a white casual shirt. 1 Opinion: nice, pretty, comfortable, etc.
2 Size/Length: big, small, long, etc.
Look at the nice blue shoes in the store.
3 Color: red, blue, black, etc.
I need to buy a big black bag to take to work. 4 Style: casual, formal, baggy, etc.

D | Choose the correct order of the adjectives for each sentence.

1 I have a blue pretty / pretty blue dress to wear to the party.
2 I like that big purple / purple big sweater.
3 I want nice comfortable / comfortable nice sneakers to wear to the gym.
4 I like to wear baggy big / big baggy jeans at home. They’re comfortable. My sweater is too
5 I’m looking for tall black / black tall boots. small.
6 I need a formal small / small formal purse to take to the wedding.

E|  Complete the sentences. Then tell a partner.

1 My ________________ is/are too ________________.
2 My ________________ isn’t/aren’t ________________ enough.
3 I like ________________ ________________ bags.
4 I don’t like ________________ ________________ shoes.
172  UNIT 17

CONNECTED-SB2-U17-200301.indd 172 3/1/20 4:26 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
be more likely to navy blue
bright colors neutral colors
calm on your own
choice smart
confidence stay away
convey stick with
dependability thoughtful
fit in trust
lonely unapproachable

B | Read the article.

Dress for success

It really makes a difference what you wear to an interview. Colors
can convey who you are and how you will fit in at a company.
It is better to stay away from brighter colors like yellow, purple,
orange, and green at an interview. These colors don’t convey
confidence or trust, so it’s better to just stick with neutrals.
Black is indeed neutral, but not always the best choice for an
interview. Black is a very powerful color, and may make you seem
unapproachable and unfriendly.
Blue is a great neutral color. Blues can convey feelings of calm and trust. It also makes people think that you are
confident. Studies show that people who wear navy blue are more likely to get the job than those wearing any
other color.
Gray is a good color for an interview suit because it conveys neutrality. It also makes you appear as a smart,
thoughtful person. Gray is also a lonely color, which can make interviewers feel that you are good at working on
your own.
Or you may want to try wearing brown. Brown conveys dependability and makes people calmer. It is a good neutral
color for an interview.

C | Read the sentences. Write T (true) or F (false).

1 ___ Black is a great color to wear at job interviews.
2 ___ Blue conveys feelings of calm and trust.
3 ___ Gray conveys neutrality.
4 ___ Brown makes people feel lonely.
5 ___ You should wear purple and green to interviews.
6 ___ People who wear navy blue are more likely to get the job.

CONNECTED-SB2-U17-200301.indd 173 3/1/20 4:26 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
come by perfectly
go with sleeves
not sure striped
on sale wrap it up

B| Listen. Write the number of the conversation next to the correct picture. One is

not used.
a ______ b ______

c ______ d ______

C| Listen again. Choose the answer that best completes each sentence.

1 What did the woman do to the man’s coat?

a She made the shoulders bigger. b She made the coat longer.
2 What is the woman going to do to the coat now?
a She’s going to iron it. b She’s going to make the sleeves shorter.
3 What size does she want the sweater in?
a She wants one in a bigger size. b She wants a medium.
4 Why isn’t she going to try on the sweater?
a She’s late for work. b It’s for her sister.
5 Why is it hard for the woman to choose a pair of shoes?
a She can’t find the right size. b She’s not sure about the color.
6 What’s good about the black shoes?
a You can wear them with almost anything. b They’re on sale.

174  UNIT 17

CONNECTED-SB2-U17-200301.indd 174 3/1/20 4:26 PM

Choose one of the topics. Prepare notes for your answer. Use the information in
EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you prepare.

What do you wear on the weekend?

What do you like to wear to school or
work? Describe your usual outfit.
OR Describe your favorite clothes and why
you like them.


I want to be comfortable I like to wear dresses to

when I’m at school, but I work. That way, I don’t have
also like to look stylish. I to think about matching
usually wear jeans with a pants or a skirt with a shirt.
belt and a cool shirt. It saves time in the morning.

When I go skateboarding on I do a lot of fitness activities

the weekends, I like to wear on the weekend, so I often
fun clothes like leggings have on sportswear like
with shorts and colorful sweatpants, a hoodie, and
shoes. tennis shoes.

B| Talk about your topic with a partner. Ask your partner questions to get

more information.
Do you wear high-
heeled shoes or What else do you
Do you have more than like to wear on the
one belt and jacket? flats?


CONNECTED-SB2-U17-200301.indd 175 3/1/20 4:26 PM

A | Read the example. Answer the questions that follow. Tell a partner.

I wear casual but professional clothing to work. I need

to wear comfortable shoes for walking to the train. I
usually bring a light sweater with me because the office
is chilly. I don’t like to be too casual, but I do sometimes
wear jeans. On the weekends for a night out, I mostly
wear skirts and dressy shoes. I like to be comfortable,
but I want to be colorful and fashionable, too.

• What does the writer do because the office is chilly?

• Does the writer always wear jeans to work?
• What do you like to wear to work and on the weekend? Why?

B| Write a description of how you dress for different occasions. Pick two or more

situations and write about what you wear.

• at work • in the office or at school • working in the garden

• at a family party • watching TV at home • for an interview

Use the information in EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you.

I usually wear…
ing to... a dress.
I wear __ cloth
a suit and tie.

I sometimes bring
__ with me.
a scarf
a jacket
a hat

176  UNIT 17

CONNECTED-SB2-U17-200301.indd 176 3/1/20 4:26 PM


In this unit, you will practice the following:
Vocabulary Reading
Biographies Making a difference
Conversation Listening
Talking about one's life People talking about important life events
Pronunciation Speaking
Reduction of /d/ before certain consonant sounds Talking about important life events
Grammar Writing
Because and so Writing about the life of someone in your family


CONNECTED-SB2-U18-200301.indd 177 3/1/20 4:26 PM

Vocabulary  |  Biographies
A| Read. Make notes to understand the meanings. Then listen and practice.

be born
grow up
graduate from high school
go to college
get a degree
get a job
get married
have kids
spend time with grandchildren

B | Look at the pictures. Choose the correct answer to complete each sentence.

1 2 3

She stopped / ended / left / They got graduated / married / I grew / retired / began /
graduated from high school last a job / a degree because they’re returned last year, so I have more
year. in love. free time now.

4 5

My grandmother was retired / grown Alice got a college / school /

/ born / beginning in Germany, so she graduation / degree in computer
speaks German. science, so she can program websites.

178  UNIT 18

CONNECTED-SB2-U18-200301.indd 178 3/1/20 4:27 PM

6 7 8

My wife spends / lives / got They’re retired, so now they can He went to college / graduate /
married / grew up in a small buy / spend / grow / reach get married / retire because he
town in Mexico. more time with their grandson. loves math.

9 10

We had two days / families / kids / She’s very smart, so she retired from
people when we lived in Thailand. / spends time at / got / graduated
from a job easily.

C| Listen and practice saying the sentences in B.

D| Take turns asking and answering questions with a partner using the vocabulary in A.

When did you

graduate from high Do you want to get
school? married someday?

I graduated Yes, I do.

two years


CONNECTED-SB2-U18-200301.indd 179 3/1/20 4:27 PM

A| Read and listen to the conversation.
Grandfather, we have to write a biography for history class.
Can we ask you some questions about your life?
Grandfather Sure. I’m afraid it’s not going to be very interesting because my life isn’t very exciting.

Sammy Weren’t you born in the 1940s?

Grandfather Yes, I was born in 1946.

Sammy Where did you grow up?

Grandfather I grew up in Texas, and we all lived on a big farm.

Sammy Where did you go to college?

Grandfather I never went to college because I never graduated high school.

Sammy Why didn’t you graduate?

Grandfather I didn’t graduate because I needed to make money.

Terri You chose not to finish your education, so you could make some money?

Grandfather That’s right. But you need to know why I made that choice.

Sammy Why did you?

Grandfather My father died, so I had to leave school and work on the farm.

Terri Was that a difficult choice for you?

Grandfather It was an easy choice because I loved my mother and little brothers.

Terri Wow! Grandfather, that’s a beautiful story.

Sammy And it’s a very interesting part of your biography!

B | Read the sentences. Write T (true) or F (false).

1 ___ Terri and Sammy's grandfather was born in 1940.
2 ___ Their grandfather lived on a farm when he was young.
3 ___ Their grandfather didn't graduate from high school.

C | Practice the conversation with a partner.

180  UNIT 18

CONNECTED-SB2-U18-200301.indd 180 3/1/20 4:27 PM

Pronunciation  |  Reduction of /d/ before certain consonant sounds
A| Listen. Notice the reduction of the /d/ sound. Then practice.

She studied German in college.

He got married to Elsa in 1978.
My grandmother retired before I was born.
I like to spend time with my grandchildren now.

B | Find more words or phrases with these sounds. Practice.

Grammar  |  Because and so

A| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.

I went to Central University because it was Central University was near my parents’ home, so
near my parents’ home. I went there.
I spend a lot of time with my grandchildren I retired in 2010, so I spend a lot of time with my
now because I retired in 2010. grandchildren now.
I decided to live in France because I studied I studied French in college, so I decided to live in
French in college. France.

B | Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.

1 2

Ezra couldn’t find a job, because / so Asha went to design school because
she decided to go back to school. / so she loved art and she was always
very creative.

3 4

Amy didn’t know what she wanted to do Ahmed was always good at math,
after she graduated, because / so she because / so he’s studying engineering
took a year off and traveled around Asia. in college now.


CONNECTED-SB2-U18-200301.indd 181 3/1/20 4:27 PM

5 6

Mike started his own business because I had an easy time finding a job
/ so he didn’t want to work for anyone. because / so I speak three languages.

7 8

I love to eat fresh pasta, because / so They had to sleep in the airport
I took a class to learn how to make it at because / so their flight was canceled.

C| Make up sentences of your own using because and so. Tell a partner. Your partner will

ask follow-up questions.
1 __________________________ because ______________________________________________ .
2 __________________________ because ______________________________________________ .
3 __________________________, so __________________________________________________ .
4 __________________________, so __________________________________________________ .

I’m tired because I Why did you stay up

stayed up late last night. late?

182  UNIT 18

CONNECTED-SB2-U18-200301.indd 182 3/1/20 4:27 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
conservation offer
construction organizations
dig wells participate
elephant sea turtle
focus on sign up for
gap year training
housing volunteer

B | Read the article.

Making a difference
Do you like to travel? Do you like to help others? You might be able to do
both of these at the same time. Many organizations offer volunteer programs
in countries around the world. Many of the people who sign up for these
programs are students who want to take a gap year before or in between
their college studies.
Volunteers have to pay to participate in these
programs, but the price includes housing,
food, and training for the work you need to do.
There are many different programs available,
but most of them focus on areas such as
conservation, construction, or education.
In a conservation program, you might go to Thailand to help take care of baby
elephants, or to Latin America to help sea turtles. For construction, volunteers help
dig wells or build houses for people in South Africa or Nepal. If you want to help with
education, you might consider teaching English in Bali, Indonesia.
The skills that volunteers get as part of their work can be helpful in getting
a good job after they graduate. And more importantly, the experience helps
volunteers see how people live in other parts of the world, and understand
how we are all the same.

C | Read the sentences. Write T (true) or F (false).

1 ___ Volunteer programs pay volunteers for their work.

2 ___ In conservation programs, volunteers help take care of animals.

3 ___ Construction projects can help bring water to people.

4 ___ Volunteers can sign up for classes to learn English.

5 ___ Participating in a volunteering program can make it harder to get a good job.

CONNECTED-SB2-U18-200301.indd 183 3/1/20 4:27 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
accomplishment mystery writer
be set (in) novel
childhood obviously
community period of time
farm the difference between
guest willpower

B| Listen. Choose the correct answer.

1 I was born on a farm / in a small town.

2 I got married in my 30s / at the age of 20.

3 I raised three children / my brothers and sisters.

4 I wrote full-time / at night.

C| Listen again. Choose the correct answers.

1. Why didn’t Marianne go to school as a child?
a She didn’t have time. b She lived too far
from town.
2. In the beginning, how much time did she spend
writing each night?
a one hour b two hours
3. Why does she have more free time now?
a She retired from her job. b Her children left.
4. How long does it take her to write a novel?
a six months b 16 months
5. Where is her next book set?
a Italy b India
6 What advice does Marianne give to new writers?
a read a lot b travel a lot

184  UNIT 18

CONNECTED-SB2-U18-200301.indd 184 3/1/20 4:27 PM

Choose one of the topics. Prepare notes for your answer. Use the information in
EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you prepare.

Tell about a key event in your Talk about the best decision you ever
life so far. OR made.


I was born in El Paso, Texas,

but when I was 10 years old, we
Last year, I got married. It was
moved to Chicago. I hated it at
the happiest day of my life. We
first. I didn’t have any friends,
just bought our first home last
and the winters were so long
month, and we’re expecting our
and cold. That was 10 years
first child this summer!
ago, and I still live in Chicago! It
is home to me now.

The best decision I ever made

was to take a year off from Moving out of my parents’
school. I traveled around, had house is the best decision
a lot of interesting experiences, I ever made. I needed my
and did a lot of thinking. It independence, and they
helped me realize what I really needed peace and quiet!
want to do.

B| Talk about your topic with a partner. Ask your partner questions to get

more information.

Do you know if it’s a

Why did your parents boy or a girl? So, what do you want
move to Chicago? to do?


CONNECTED-SB2-U18-200301.indd 185 3/1/20 4:27 PM

A | Read the example. Answer the questions that follow. Tell a partner.

When my great-grandmother finished high school, she had hopes

of being a teacher, so she enrolled in a teachers’ college to earn a
degree. When she graduated, she packed up her things and moved
away from her family because she knew she would have more
opportunities in a bigger city. Then she met my grandfather. He
asked her to marry him, and she accepted. When she got pregnant
with her first child, the school asked her to resign. Some schools did
that back in the day. It was hard for her to lose her teaching position.
She was so proud of her teaching days.

• Why did the writer’s great-grandmother move?

• Why did the school ask the writer’s great-grandmother to resign?
• Does someone in your family have a similar story?

B|  Write about the life of someone in your family. Talk about the important events in his/
her life. Use the information in EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you.


So he / she…
moved to Italy.
/ S h e wanted t e. went to cooking scho
H e
a n o t h e r languag bought a farm.
learn n a l chef.
o f e s s io
be a pr .
v e t o t h e country

/ S h e _ __ tha
He .
e in h is / her life
is proud o

186  UNIT 18

CONNECTED-SB2-U18-200301.indd 186 3/1/20 4:27 PM


In this unit, you will practice the following:
Vocabulary Reading
Personal goals Keeping up with resolutions
Conversation Listening
Talking about New Year’s resolutions People talking about their personal goals
Pronunciation Speaking
Pronouncing x Talking about your personal goals
Grammar Writing
Infinitives of purpose Writing about your goals for the next five years


CONNECTED-SB2-U19-200301.indd 187 3/1/20 4:27 PM

Vocabulary  |  Personal goals
A| Read. Make notes to understand the meanings. Then listen and practice.

exercise to get in shape

get an internship to get experience
go on a diet to lose weight
join a dating service to meet someone
learn yoga to help me relax
read more news to understand the world
save money to buy a car
study harder to get better grades
take a class to learn Italian
take lessons to learn how to swim

B | Look at the pictures. Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.

1 2

I’m going to sign / start / begin / join a My brother and I are going to exercise / eat /
dating service to meet someone. expand to get in shape.

188  UNIT 19

CONNECTED-SB2-U19-200301.indd 188 3/1/20 4:27 PM

3 4

Are you going to end / live / go on a diet to Our daughter is going to study / buy / get an
lose weight? internship to get experience.

5 6

We’re going to store / save / sell money to I’m going to read more news / fiction / signs
buy a car. to understand the world.

7 8

She’s learning yoga / to swim / to cook to He’s going to teach / give / take lessons to
help her relax. learn how to swim.


CONNECTED-SB2-U19-200301.indd 189 3/1/20 4:27 PM

9 10

My best friend is going to take classes to I’m going to study harder to get better
teach / learn / eat Russian. schools / grades / teachers / students.

C| Listen and practice saying the sentences in B.

D| Which of the goals in A are you hoping to reach in the next 12 months? Tell a partner.

I want to take lessons to I want to learn yoga to

learn how to swim. help me relax.

190  UNIT 19

CONNECTED-SB2-U19-200301.indd 190 3/1/20 4:27 PM

A| Read and listen to the conversation.
Leo I love New Year’s Day.

Rosa Why?

Leo I always make a New Year’s resolution to improve my life.

Rosa What’s your resolution this year?

Leo I’m going to study harder.

Rosa That’s curious. Why are you going to study harder?

Leo I’m going to study harder to get better grades.

Rosa You want better grades?

Leo Yes. I want better grades to get an internship.

Rosa Why are you going to get an internship?

Leo I’m going to get an internship to get experience and to get a good job.

That sounds complicated. I don’t like New Year’s resolutions. I can’t keep them.
Rosa But this year, I found the perfect resolution to solve that problem.

Leo Really? What’s your resolution?

Rosa I’m not going to make one.

Leo But that’s not a resolution.

Rosa Yes, it is. My resolution is not to make a resolution.

B | Read the sentences. Write T (true) or F (false).

1 ___ Leo never makes a New Year’s resolution. 3 ___ Rosa doesn’t like New Year’s resolutions.

2 ___ Leo never keeps his New Year’s resolutions. 4 ___ Rosa wants to get an internship this year.

C | Read the sentences. Choose the correct answer.

Pronunciation  |  Pronouncing x
A| Listen. Notice the sound of the letter x. Then practice.

experience exercise expensive excited Mexico

B | Find more words with this sound. Practice.


CONNECTED-SB2-U19-200301.indd 191 3/1/20 4:27 PM

Grammar  |  Infinitives of purpose
A| Read and listen to the grammar presentation .

I’m saving money to buy a car.

We’re going on a diet to lose weight.
He’s learning English to study abroad.
She is going to study harder to get better grades.
They go to the gym to stay in shape.

B | Choose the best word from the box and complete each sentence using an infinitive
of purpose.

stay meet get become buy learn

1 Hana is going to school ____________________ English.

2 They are studying very hard ____________________ good grades.
3 My brother joined an online dating service ____________________ someone.
4 My husband and I are saving our money ____________________ a house.
5 I go to the gym and swim every day ____________________ in shape.
6 James is taking a first aid class ____________________ a lifeguard.

C | Look at the conversation on page 191. Underline all the infinitives of purpose.

D|  Make up sentences of your own using infinitives of purpose. Tell a partner. Your partner
will ask follow-up questions.
I’m learning to knit to
1 I’m learning ________________________________ How long does
make my mother a
to _______________________________________ . scarf. it take to make a
2 I go to ____________________________________
to _______________________________________ .
3 I practice __________________________________
to _______________________________________ .
4 I want to __________________________________
to _______________________________________ .
192  UNIT 19

CONNECTED-SB2-U19-200301.indd 192 3/1/20 4:27 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
achieve motivation
attainable post pictures
discouraged prize
extra reach your goals
half resolution
keep up with strategies
make a commitment unrealistic

B | Read the article.

Keeping up with resolutions

Many people make New Year’s resolutions. They may make
resolutions to save money, lose weight, get in shape, meet
someone, or take lessons to learn all kinds of things. The
problem is that these things are all difficult. In fact, only about
half of the people who make New Year’s resolutions keep up
with them for more than a few months. But there are strategies
you can try to help reach your goals.
Make a plan for reaching your goal. Make a commitment to
yourself, and then come up with a plan to achieve it. This will
help you later when you are feeling discouraged.
Make your goal attainable. Losing 50 kilograms in a year may be
unrealistic, but losing 10 is an attainable goal. You can always make another goal later if you achieve the first one.
Motivate with a prize. Some people need something extra to help them find their motivation. Choose some kind of
prize for yourself, like a new phone or a vacation abroad if you reach your goal. Post pictures of your prize on your
fridge so you can see it every day.
Lastly, look for help from your friends and family. No one can do it alone. Ask for help if you need it.

C | Read the sentences. Write T (true) or F (false).

1 ___ You shouldn’t make a plan to reach your goal.

2 ___ People make resolutions to lose weight, get in shape, or meet someone.

3 ___ You should make an attainable goal.

4 ___ You can always make another goal.

5 ___ Choosing a prize for yourself is a bad idea.

6 ___ You can look for help from your friends and family.


CONNECTED-SB2-U19-200301.indd 193 3/1/20 4:27 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
attend a seminar junk food
bad habits nutritionist
community college presentation skills
computer firm required courses
expect satisfy a requirement
heart attack unemployed
improve my health update
in danger of workforce

B| Listen. Write the number of the conversation next to the correct picture. One is

not used.
a ______ b ______

c ______ d ______

C| Listen again. Who said it? Write the number of the person next to the sentence.
1 ____ First I have to take some required courses.

2 ____ I got some bad news.

3 ____ I’m a student at a community college.

4 ____ I’m well on my way to meeting my goal.

5 ____ I already feel a lot better.

6 ____ I was unemployed for a long time.

194  UNIT 19

CONNECTED-SB2-U19-200301.indd 194 3/1/20 4:27 PM

Choose one of the topics. Prepare notes for your answer. Use the information in
EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you prepare.

Talk about your educational goals. What Tell about a personal goal for the next
are your goals? How do you plan to OR year. What is your goal and how do you
reach them? plan to reach it?


I’m going to get a degree in

I plan to be an architect. I am
Environmental Studies. I’ll
working on my degree now. I’m
apply to the program next fall.
going to specialize in Urban
I plan to be an environmental

I want to improve my health. The most important personal

The first thing I plan to do is goal I have for the next year is
change my diet and start eating to change my attitude. I tend to
more healthily. I’m also going to be a negative person. I want to
start exercising more. live a happier life.

B| Talk about your topic with a partner. Ask your partner questions to get

more information.

What does an What else are you

going to do? How are you going to
environmental do that?
educator do?


CONNECTED-SB2-U19-200301.indd 195 3/1/20 4:27 PM

A | Read the example. Answer the questions that follow. Tell a partner.

I’d like to study for the firefighters’ exam next spring.

I have to attend classes and buy books to prepare. I
also need to begin training for the fitness requirements.
Before the exam, though, I want to complete more
language classes. I also need to take a driving exam
this summer. After the firefighters’ exam, I hope to earn
enough money to rent or buy a bigger apartment.

• What does the writer need to do to prepare for the firefighters’ exam?
• When will the writer take more language classes?
• What educational or work-related goals do you have?

B|  Write about your education or work goals for the next five years. Use the information
in EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you.


I have to / need to

… get my license.
I’d like to
el agent. take more classes.
be a trav r. become more fluent
be a tea in
ultant. English.
be a cons

a n t t o / hope to…
see the w ildren.
work with
help people

196  UNIT 19

CONNECTED-SB2-U19-200301.indd 196 3/1/20 4:27 PM


In this unit, you will practice the following:
Vocabulary Reading
Environment The future of medicine is tiny
Conversation Listening
Discussing life in the future People talking about how life will be in the future
Pronunciation Speaking
Pronouncing y Talking about what life will be like in the future
Grammar Writing
Future with will for predictions Writing about how the world will change in
100 years


CONNECTED-SB2-U20-200301.indd 197 3/1/20 4:28 PM

Vocabulary  |  Environment
A| Read. Make notes to understand the meanings. Then listen and practice.

continue to
glass bottles
metal cans
paper products
plastic bottles
take public transportation
take classes online
electronic goods

B | Look at the pictures. Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.

1 2

In the future, will people ____ to read Soda won’t come in ____ any more.
newspapers? a glass bottles
a online b oil
b continue c paper products
c recycle d electronic goods
d electronic

198  UNIT 20

CONNECTED-SB2-U20-200301.indd 198 3/1/20 4:28 PM

3 4

People will still ____ materials at home. What foods will come in ____ in one hundred
a continue years?
b take a plastic bottles
c recycle b glass bottles
d public c paper products
d metal cans

5 6

Most people will take ____ transportation. In the future, ____ goods will use less energy.
a oil a metal
b public b paper
c recycle c plastic
d online d electronic

7 8

People won’t use ____ very often. Do you think that ____ will be even more
a plastic bottles expensive?
b glass bottles a electronic goods
c metal cans b paper products
d paper products c oil
d recycling


CONNECTED-SB2-U20-200301.indd 199 3/1/20 4:28 PM

9 10

Many people will take classes ____. Will people continue to recycle ____?
a at school a oil
b in space b plastic bottles
c online c paper products
d inside d metal

C| Listen and practice saying the sentences in B.

D| What do you do to help the environment now? Tell a partner.

I try to ride my bike to I always carry a reusable

work most days. I don’t water bottle and a reusable
usually drive my car. shopping bag. I never buy
plastic water bottles.

200  UNIT 20

CONNECTED-SB2-U20-200301.indd 200 3/1/20 4:28 PM

A| Read and listen to the conversation.
Mark Listen to this! In 40 years, students will not go to school.

Beth What?
Mark They will take all their classes online.

Ivanna Where are you reading that?

It’s from this blog about the future. Also, there will be very little oil.
Mark So most people will take public transportation or ride bikes.
Ivanna It sounds like the environment will continue to be in danger.

Beth I’m not worried. We’ll recycle metal cans, plastic bottles, and paper products.

Mark Most people will use solar power in their homes.

Beth With solar power, we’ll have a cleaner environment in 40 years.

Ivanna What does the blog say about water?

Mark There won’t be enough clean water for the world. Water will become very expensive.

Beth I’m still not worried.

Ivanna Are you serious? Without water, there will be more deserts. The temperatures will rise.

Mark Now listen to this. People won’t send text messages. They’ll use video messages.

Beth What? Now that scares me!

Ivanna I don’t understand. That sounds cool.

Beth Video messages. Think about it. I look beautiful now. But in 40 years, I’ll look old!

B | Read the sentences. Choose the correct answers.

1 What is Mark reading? a a blog b a magazine c a newspaper
2 What won’t be recycled? a metal cans b plastic bottles c electronic goods
3 What will people use instead of text messages? a video messages b emails c letters
C | Read the sentences. Choose the correct answer.
Pronunciation  |  Pronouncing y
A| Listen. Notice the different sounds of y. Then practice.

recycle try system heavy study

B | Find more words with each of these sounds. Practice.


CONNECTED-SB2-U20-200301.indd 201 3/1/20 4:28 PM

Grammar  |  Future with will for predictions
A| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.

Most people will use solar energy in their homes.

Most people in big cities will ride a bicycle or take public transportation to work. TIP
Students will study and take classes online instead of going to school. I will I'll
you will you'll
There won’t be enough water. Water will become very expensive. he will he'll
Many people won’t know how to use a pen or pencil. she will she'll
we will we'll
People won’t send text messages. They’ll only send video messages. they will they'll

B | Complete the sentences using the future with will and the verbs in parentheses.
1 Robots ________________________ (do) most of the work that people do now.
2 All students ________________________ (use) tablets in class. They ________________________
(not use) pen and paper.
3 We ________________________ (see) mostly driverless cars on the roads.
4 People ________________________ (not go) shopping in stores. They ________________________
(shop) online only.
5 Space exploration ________________________ (be) available for everyone at an affordable cost.
6 People ______________________ (not buy) televisions anymore. They _________________ (watch)
TV shows on mobile devices.

C | Look at the conversation on page 201. Underline all examples of the future with will.

D|  Read aloud the sentences in B. Take turns giving your opinion about the statements
with a partner. Use the prompts below.

I agree completely.

I don’t think so.

I mostly agree.

I don’t agree at all.

I think so.

202  UNIT 20

CONNECTED-SB2-U20-200301.indd 202 3/1/20 4:28 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
cancer machine
cells measured
chemotherapy medicine
cure patients
destroy pill
discover radiation
distance structures
harm tiny
is equal to treatment

B | Read the article.

The future of medicine is tiny

Machines help us do many things. They can carry people long distances.
They can help us make dinner or take money out of the bank. But can they
help us cure cancer? They might someday.
Scientists are using nanotechnology to help them do things that they
could never do before. Nanotechnology is a field that includes building
and using structures that are measured in nanometers. A nanometer is
equal to one billionth of a meter, or 0.000000001 meters.
Nanobots are tiny robots that can carry medicines to individual cells in
the body. This can be very useful for people with cancer. Currently, many
cancer patients receive treatments such as radiation or chemotherapy.
These treatments destroy cancer cells, but many healthy cells can be destroyed at the same time. Nanobots help
treat cancer cells without harming healthy cells.
Other uses include “smart pills”—these pills send messages to doctors to tell them when a patient last took the pill.
This can be a useful tool for patients who often forget to take important medicines.
Scientists are only starting to discover what nanotechnology can do. Hopefully these tiny helpers will be able to
deliver big results for medicine in the future.

C | Read the sentences. Write T (true) or F (false).

1 ____ A nanometer is smaller than a meter.
2 ____ Nanobots are medicines for cancer patients.
3 ____ Nanobots help treat individual cancer cells.
4 ____ Smart pills tell patients when to call their doctor.
5 ____ Smart pills can help patients who forget to take their medication.


CONNECTED-SB2-U20-200301.indd 203 3/1/20 4:28 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
challenges on the rise
disappear opportunities
diseases pose a serious danger
do research predict
female leaders serious consequences
hurricanes solid ice
melt spread
North Pole storms
official language weather patterns

B| Listen. Write the number of the conversation next to the correct picture.
a ______ b ______

c ______ d ______

C| Listen again. Who said it? Write the number of the person next to the sentence.
1 ____ That’s going to have serious consequences.
2 ____ We need to continue doing research.
3 ____ But it’s hard to know exactly what will happen.
4 ____ In one way, that’s good news.
5 ____ I think people are ready.
6 ____ But there’s a bad side to it, too.
7 ____ New diseases are also on the rise.
8 ____ That’s changing, though.

204  UNIT 20

CONNECTED-SB2-U20-200301.indd 204 3/1/20 4:28 PM

Choose one of the topics. Prepare notes for your answer. Use the information in
EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you prepare.

Talk about something that you think will

What new inventions will we see in
the future?
OR be a problem in the future. How will we
solve it?


I think all gadgets will become I think there will be even more
wireless and will operate with inventions that can help people
voice commands, like many with handicaps, like the visually
do now. impaired, get around.

I think climate change is

I think homelessness might be
going to be a big problem.
an even bigger problem in the
People need to start thinking
future. We need to help people
about using alternative forms
who can’t work have a place to
of transportation and more
live and food to eat.
renewable energy.

B| Talk about your topic with a partner. Ask your partner questions to get

more information.

What type of invention What is a good

would help a visually alternative to a car? How can we help the
impaired person? homeless?


CONNECTED-SB2-U20-200301.indd 205 3/1/20 4:28 PM

A | Read the example. Answer the questions that follow. Tell a partner.

I predict that over the next 100 years we will start to treat our
planet better. We have to. There will be fewer recyclables and more
reusables, like reusable packaging. I also think there will be more
family and community farms and gardens and less large-scale
agriculture. It’s already starting to happen. As a result, the condition
of the soil will improve, and organically grown food will be more
available and cheaper. Hopefully, with better eating habits and
less pollution, people’s health will improve, and there will be fewer
diseases, and people will live longer. I feel hopeful for the future.

• What is one way the writer says people will be better to the Earth?
• How does the writer say people’s health will improve?
• What do you think will happen over the next 100 years?

B|  Write about how you think the world will change in the next 100 years. Consider the
topics below. Use the information in EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you.

• environment • communicating with others

• education • diseases
• technology • space exploration
• shopping • underwater exploration We will have…
more natural disast
robots in our homes.
rockets that go furt
that… get worse
I predict e n t w il l
onm the way
the envir l c h a n g e
y wil
we live.
w il l b e m ore space
there n.
_ about th
I feel __
206  UNIT 20

CONNECTED-SB2-U20-200301.indd 206 3/1/20 4:28 PM



Vocabulary  |  Complete the sentences. Circle the answers in the puzzle.
D M T T S S O K C O C 1 You watch a soccer match in a sports ___.
A S A R A D L L R O E 2 It’s cold. Don’t forget your ___.
T A N L A R L E M A E 3 You need to wear something ___ to the wedding.
E L J A C K E T A O A 4 I can’t wear these jeans. They’re too ___.
I E G C T O S N O T T 5 In a few years, I’ll have a ___ in engineering.
D R T L E I S C A A C 6 He wants to go on a ___ to lose weight.
E L B A T R O F M O C 7 They want to take ___ to learn to play tennis.
G S T M R G N N O L C 8 We always ___ our metal cans and plastic bottles.
R R O R Y L S C A E T 9 There’s a beautiful __ park about an hour from here.
E E E O R E C Y C L E 10 These shoes aren’t very ___. They’re too tight.

Grammar  |  Find the error. Write the correct sentence.

1 This is the most tall building in our city.
2 New York City is most expensive place in the U.S.
3 That shirt is very not formal for the party.
4 This bag is enough big to carry my laptop.
5 I have a blue big umbrella in my car.
6 Thomas has a red nice car.
7 I want to watch a cooking show so I love to cook.
8 We’re hungry, because we’re going out to eat.
9 She’s saving money buy a new phone.
10 Most people will to ride bikes to work in the future.

Check Yourself  |  How well do you know it? Circle the correct rating for yourself.
Units 16–20 Units 16–20
Vocabulary Grammar
RACE  207

Connected-SB2-RACE4-200301.indd 207 3/1/20 4:09 PM


Two truths and a lie

A | Complete the sentences based on the prompts in parentheses. Some information
should be true. Some information should be false (a lie).
1 My favorite piece of clothing is _____________________. (type of clothing)
2 I don’t like to wear _____________________. (type of clothing)
3 The most interesting place I know is _____________________. (place in or near your city)
4 I was born in _____________________. (year and/or place)
5 I graduated from high school in _____________________. (year)
6 I have _____________________ kid/kids. (number)
7 I want to get married in _____________________. (year)
8 I want to get a degree in _____________________. (field of study)
9 I want to take a class to learn _____________________. (subject or skill)
10 Someday I think all people will _____________________.
I don’t like to wear
11 I take public transporation _____________________ casual clothing .
times a week. (number)
12 I want to help the environment, so I always
_____________________. (activity)

B | Work in a group. Read two true statements and one

lie about yourself. Your classmates will guess which
statement is a lie.

Try it out

Write to a counselor at school about a  colleague is visiting your office from

class you want to take. Give reasons. another country. Say where you’ll take
him or her to show the best parts of
your city.

I want to take an art history class. I love First we’ll go to the historic
going to museums, and I want to study district. It has a lot of great
art history to understand art better. restaurants and shops. Then…

208  RACE

Connected-SB2-RACE4-200301.indd 208 3/1/20 4:09 PM

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Egor Tetiushev; (3) Iakov Filimonov; (4) Eugenio Marongiu; (5) Kzenon; 85 (1) KM-
Photography; (2) sunabesyou; (3) sunlover; (4) Josh Withers; (5) Corepics VOF; bl All other images are property of Green Mountain Education. All rights reserved.
SAHACHATZ; br LightField Studios; 86 GaudiLab; 87 (1) Monkey Business Images; (2) Just
Life; (3) Naty.M; (4) Ivanko80; (5) Prostock-studio; (6) nullplus; 88 left LightField Studios; center
Atstock Productions; right liza54500; bottom Nenad Aksic; 89 top fizkes; bottom Bill45; 90 (a)
Mihai_Andritoiu; (b) New Africa; (c) Shelli Jensen; (d) Franz Pfluegl; 91 TL Iakov Filimonov; TR; BL Monkey Business Images; BR AstroStar; 92 Top Africa Studio; (1) Syda
Productions; (2) Sasun Bughdaryan; (3) Diego Cervo; 93 Iryna Kalamurza; 94 (1) Damsea; (2)
Nicram Sabod; 95 (3) Tanakrid Prombut; (4) Camezi; (5) Verena Joy; (6) FiledIMAGE; 96 (7)
DementevaJulia; (8) Timaldo; (9) paul prescott; (10) sirtravelalot; Bottom Avatar_023; 97
takayuki; 98 left Galina Savina; center dade72; right 10 FACE; bottom Merla; 99 BlueOrange
Studio; 100 (1) Alexey Kamenskiy; (2) Rob van Esch; (3) DeLoyd Huenink; (4) shutterupeire; 101
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chainarong06; (2) StockLite; (3) dgmata; 104 Left Dmytro Zinkevych; Right Julia Khimich; 105
file404; 106 (1) MJTH; (2) Vladimir Gjorgiev; (3) Alice Day; (4) Blazej Lyjak; 107 (5) Rido; (6)

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CONNECTED is a six-level General English course taking young adult/adult learners from
Beginner to Advanced levels (CEFR: A1 to C1).
• Get motivated through frequent personalization of target language points, personal
learning paths, and self-assessment of progress toward your goals.
• Maximize your classroom time learning English with lexical support in your first
language and logs for you to record and build on the language you want to use.
• Join the community with the Connected online platform, an online community for you
to extend your practice of English and for instructors to develop and share their skills in
teaching with the series.

CONNECTED Components
• Student Book • Teacher's Guide with Assessment
• Workbook • Split Combo Editions
• Online Workbook Plus

Student Site Teacher Site
• Student Book Audio • Basecamp Training Videos and Blog
• Connected Videos and Scripts • Student Book and Assessment Audio
• Learner Motivation Survey
• Lexis Lists and Personal Path Logs
• RACE Self-Assessments

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