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This Collection brings together three of my lecture books, namely



If you wish you can read through the contents of the books in sequence, but
the great advantage of having the books in digital format is that you can use
the Bookmark tab (sited top left on your screen) to jump to any individual
routine which you wish to read. Just click on the relevant book title and then
click on the trick you require.

You can also click on the trick titles shown on Contents page of the
individual books and this too will take you straight to the relevant effect.

Having the three books together in this format makes them far more
affordable and I hope you will find the material interesting and of use. Some
of my best ideas are contained in this collection and I am convinced that you
will soon find several items that you want to work on.

So read on and enjoy!

Mark Leveridge

The Lecture Collection

is copyright Mark Leveridge Magic, Exeter, January 2006

Private Eye
Paper Money
Countdown Prediction
Cards And Coins
The Sensitive Queen
The Magic Ring
The Blankey-Blank Pack
Loop It
The Invisible Deck Routine
The Wristwatch Coin Vanish
The Magic Square Prediction
It Pays To Be A Lady
Flick Book
Pools Winner
A Key Routine
The Fastest 4 Ace Trick In The World
The Thought Indicator Cards
Coin Vanisher
No Palm Card To Pocket
The Melting Coin
The Bionic Card
New Aces Through Newspaper
The Slap Coin Vanish
Transpo Card
Devil’s Island
The Detective Coin
Transparent Switch
The Homing Coin
The Right Wrong Prediction
Confusing Chips
I f irst began gl.log CID"" up lectu~es 10 the appea rance of t l!E LOW
OO'fiN O!I C!.OSE ur. Bet .."en th~t dau and 1982 total Of four differen t
leetures, thI"e belng on general dose up ( and tHE IIAGIC OF
belog the "ther tll'C ) end One belog a to card .agJe
:,;,;;;;;; TUE DffEptlVE DECI\. The one thing tlley ~ was that e il the
" presented was practlcal "nd requlred lew speclallsed props.
I heve " hiey. tele(! 10 ... ~e IIY clou up entenain l ng end as easy 10 010 8$
posslble. AJthough I alI not ave r ~ .. 10 so. slelght of hand. it Is never Uaed just
to r tlte sake 01 H. n I a. 110'" In t ereoted In lrying 10 hlpreas peopJe wlth . y
ski!1 lllan I aM wlth Irylng 10 a. uSe end entertaln them.
Thi& t>ook coar>lnes In on" vol ..... IlUch 01 t he IMtetlal presented In IlIMe four
lectures. All the dfects heve been "lther revlo .. d. up-dated or in s.,., cages.
changed entlrely in order to .ef!eet the OIethods end pr"sentatlon whleh I now
prete<. ~.ost of the efleets the_sehe. appeared In the original leetule books. ~ut
elght of thc ite.llS whieh were In the lectures but not In the bookS Ue appeulng In
prlnt here for tM flI8t ti.e.

On the 8UIC !lne 8S Mch trick tltle you will see so ... l e tten in bnckets.
These letters are a eode to tell you In whleh leeture the itea otlglna!ly appea red.
So (LD) • Low Down On Close Up. (CUE) = Close Up Encounters. (/ICU) • llagle Of Clou
Up and (00) • the Deceptive Deck . lf there ia an • after the letters. it .eanS t haI
thlS Ite~ was not In the original leetere bock.

I sincerely hope you .. njoy this sdeCllen and that If YOli have not seen the
... terlal before that it w!ll provido inspiration Bnd praet1eal effeeu whleh YOU
will ese . Those whe had the original bocks will I aa . e.e find the up-dated versions
of IntHest Bnd will hOpefully Hk!! the extra II<Itetial f rOOl thf> leetures whieh wele
not orlqlnally Inc l uded.



18 copyright to ~.ARK LEVERIDGE I'IAGIC • Exeter. Devon fron J8nuary 1990. No part of
thl~ pUblLcation ... y 1>& ropmdueed. stored In any retrleval systeJI . or tranSIIlltted.
in any fe r. or by any .eanl. eleetlonic. !ll!chanieal. photocopying. reeording or
otherwise. wlthout permission of MARK LEVERlOGE ~GtC.


Thil boOk is dedleated to .y fliend eaRlS PAYN ~ whose help. cncouragement and
kno,,\ .. dqe helped to gH lIe start .. d ~nd who stili eontinues to prov!de ... with
Invaluable enthuslasa and asslstanee In all aspects of my -agle business .
Havlng 5.... n Mar~ Leverldge lecture and Pf'rtor. DOst of the effects desc r ibed
In the f01l0 .. 101/ pages, It h a pleasur" to .... He r his Foreword to so-e [nlly
entertalnlng end prlell<:al elose up .agle .
There are lhose who say tha t lhere ia nathlng ue" In magie, that everything ia
!lerely a va r iation On that whlelt MS gone bl!fore . We i l, tO a C<!rtain utenl l hl s 18
true , but l here a r e alBa those "M. belog blesse<! wlUI a .. tud t hat can thlnk
differently. constantly strlve to produce oe .. eHeets end I1etllods, and Mark is one
of these. I >iODid think his Nin strenllth ia his ability 10 achleve a dlreclness of
_thod. oalng subtleties [ather than a leights whenever posslble, so that e"err
attention can be given to presentat lon. There are slelghts, of course, hot nevor for
thelr """ saU. A 9000 uampl", of this 15 In tlle ' P<iva t e Eye ' rout i ne. in whlch a
ca~d .ust appear reversed . TIIe proble. Is overea.e not by fl ndlng yot anotller wav of
revers lng a cerd. bot by a far ~ro subtle approaCh.

You will not find in t his book the Ullpteenth variation o f the ' Grl .. ble Slip ' .
whatever that lIay be!! What rOH will find are tho rouqhly pnetlcal rIOves that M ve
been t ried and tested In worklng conditions. and only retalned lOhen ther have passed
that test.

In April 1989 I'Iark presented the first e ver Britlsh Close Up Hagle Syap<>silllO .
I was pr lvil eged to be present and feit that the large attendance On that day was a
mess ure of the e.tee. In wh leh Hark Is held by tlle elose up f <aternlty . He loves hi s
subjeet end I t shows.

I 0Jl sure that this collection of pracUcal eflects will prove a "",st usdul
souree of fllaterlal lor the work lnq perionier. end hope that a !urther eollection
w!ll follow.


Janu~<)' 199D.

EfrECT;- A cud h s eleeted and returned to t he dec k whlch Js shuffled. The

perlo r.., r then Int roduces his own personal Private Ey<! . Thh turns out to be a
plcture of an eye .. hieh is Inside a transpuent plastlc key fob . The Private Ere I.
going to look at the cards and reveal to the perforller whlch one bas been chosen.
The deck 15 fanned and the Private Eye looks along the cuds. \/nfo<tunately he h a
bit .hort slght ed (I) and so has to have the ai<! of a ~gnlfylng glass in orde r to
see the eards propedy! After a lew IIO!&E! Rt s he reveals to the p<>rlorae r the Ra"", cf
the seleetion. Not only that, but when the dec~ h spraad agaln. the selection has
turned hee up ... plus. the Private E}'1! luelf I. turned over t" reveal naw Inside
t he p<>rspex fob a a inlature dupllcate of the "elected card .

Thl. 15 quite an unusual little ef fect whlch wa. in Th .. Law Down On Close
;.,_;.;WhICh I dld not Include In the o r iginal notes. Thera is quH .. a lot
gags and puns here, but I will spare yau the ones I use sinee they
very original and you prob~bly know a lew 'eve' 10~ eS yaursell already!

You< ..ain nlquüe .... nt here 18 a set of tW<l sull transparent key
sectlon 16 belo~J. The ones I have are shown in fig.l.

1'hese are usually supplied w!th ca< ~eys.

They have the ca r manuhcturer's
""-, logo inside . Yon will need to reDOve the
ca< logo frOll bo t h t ~e fob. and ~lso
reaove the key rings thellsehes 1 0 that
you are lust lett ..!th t he t<ansparent

2. YOU will need 2 pieces of square white eard .. hleh can be fitted inside the lobs.

3 . lf rou look thraugh soae aaga~jnes yoc will be able to find same plctures of
eyes! You need to fi nd tW<l identieal eyes ...hlch you cau cut out and whl eh will fit
Inside the partlcul!r fobs you are u5lng.

4. A "tnleture card. fhese au the sort you soaetlllleS get In Christaas cucker. or
you can usually buy t~ In toy shops .

5. A pack of cards .

6 . One duplleate eard to aatch the mlnlature ea rd you are ualng . Let's aasu .... the 60
18 being used 85 the lIi n lature card. Get an extra 60 froll ! deck ... hleh aatches the
pack you are golng t o use tn the t rick.

7 . A packet ugnllylng glass .

B. SOlle paper g lue.

SI:,'T-UP;- Stick an eye on t o each of the piece, of card. a ttachl nq the lIi n iatu .. e cud
to the back o f one o f theII. Insert the cards Int" the fobl and then replace the snap
In piece of plastie to seal the c ards on the Inside. The fobs ahould lOOk Identlcal
e~cept that one haa a II lnlature ca rd on Its rear, the other does not.

Put the tob w!t h the cUd on HK r ea r In t o your rl'1ht jacket packet. and then
Slip the aagnitying glass luto YOUI' l eft jae~et packet.
TO set up th~ deck all you ne .. d t o do Is put the 60 on the t op .. nd t tlen .Hp
the e .. tu 60 fACE UP "bOut three cards UP frooo the botte. Qf th~ face d""" deCk .
Kav& thB dack end the lob with just the eye In I t to hand .

I. Bring out the deck end rebOve It fron the box nelng ca refu l not to
up 6D as you do so. Ycu Cen fon the dRCk face up to show the cards as
thc botte. lew tcgether .

2 . Square the deCk and hold it hea down In the l ett hand. Cut the deC k l< eeplng a
left litti .. finge r break In the centrR afte r you have comp let ed the cut .

3 . Riffle force the cnd h""edhte ly below the finger bren {the onglnal top card.
the 60). Ir you are not familier wlth thi" force here 18 e brief descrlptlon.
4. With t he deck held in the !ett hand .. nd tM break Nlnt .. ined by U.e left IIttie
finger in the centre, ralse the face of the paCk towa rds the spectators and wHh the
right hand rllfle fra. front to back along the top short odges of the c~rd •.
5. Agk a spectator to call 'stop'. When he does so. yoo hold the pack open with the
rlght Iingers at th~ 5el ~cted spot. then lowcr both hands to a hori~ontal position.
a t tlte lUA tl ... cutti ng tfte deck, H01' .. t the chosen spot. b\l t actua lly at the
breek. Cc.plete the cut and pUsh off thB top card .

6. Get the spectator to lock at and r""" .. ber hiS Chosen end, tlte 60 . Spread tlte
deck between tM hands and have hili inse rt hl. c ard anywheu he lI ke. back In too
dOCk. Shuffle keeplng the bottem tew cards In piece. Thl. will retale the face up 60
In position and unseen.

1. Bring cut your Private Eye end f.eely display it, Nklng sure that the reer Is
Soen to be blank. Pick up the deck and fan It tace down. agaln keeplng t he bott"'"
few cards together .

8. Plc~ up the Private Eye end run it elong the underslde of the fan as if you 4<e
trying to give hl. a vlew of eil tbe cUds. Bring hl . out .. nd hold hl .. up to YOUl
ear as tt ycu expect hl. to "hIsper the n&/Oe of the selected card (I told YOU
la an unuaual trlck!l.
9. Ko""ver, a proble .. Ms arlsen. Unfortu nately your Private Ere has ere trouble(!)
and neods glasses (or in thl5 case 'glan'. as he only has one eye!) to .ee the
cards properly .

10 . Square the deck end place it dOMn. You. two hands gc to thelr respectlve ~kets too Private Eye stil i belng retalned in the light hand . !he left
Mnd e'."'ges flu t dlsplaylng the ugnlf ylng glan end attention 18 turned t o this
.. s the rlght hand C~5 out havlng l eft the o r iginal private Ere behlnd .. nd brlnging
out the other one wlth the card Inside.

11. Place the aagnl fying glass and Privat. Eye down for a .oment. Fan the dec~ ag~in
aod theo p l act the ... gnHylng glass on top of the eye and 11ft both In th~ rlght
hand. Run them a round the UnderBide of the fan .

12. Place tM ere !nd glus down and then square thR dec~, cuuaUy cut t ing it in
the proceSB. Thl8 sends the face up 60 to the cent re of the pack.
13 . ! he Private Eye now apparently whlsperB to ycu the name cf t he selec t ed card aod
you revul that he uys the spectator choso the 6D. That ts the first surprise to
the aodle nce!
14. l'hen you exphin that in ord~ [ to p[OV~ that h~ reelly dld know whlch one It
was, [he Private Eye has done B""",thln!l to the selectlon. Ribbcn spread the deck
face down to reveal the 6D now face up in the dec k !

15 . flnally , just in case ther .. an tlles .. wlle dcubt all this, the Privete Eye has
aade a predicticn - and YCII tum hili over 10 reveal the lIiniatnre 6D sea l ed Inside
Ih~ fob 810ng with the eye.

H . Jt you wish to dispense with thn sw\tching cf Ihe eye I see no renon why the
whole thing could not just be don .. wi th on~ fob already set wlth the card i nside. At
the s tart of the Irick. sillply do nOl Show Ihe other slde of the fOb! Thi. would
also OIean yon did not have to aake t wo e ye tobs!

EFFEC! ; - " blank piece of pape~ 10 freely shown, folded and wtlen unfolded Inst~ntly
changea into a bank note which c~n bio e..zanined or spent fit ~nyone wi ll t~ ke lt oH
youl) •
OOHMKNTS;- Thls quick ItftD 10 ~Qally e.cellent for carrying around In your wallet 80
that 10u are re~dy to aake IIOney a t any tiMe. After alL one of the things lay
people olten as k "hen they diocovet you are a ..... glchn i. "can you .... ko IIOney?".
Weil. now you Can . Thls effect haS been copled a couple of tilOl!S by others who have
.... rhted thei r 'il1prOvellll!nts'. But thls original version SCOtes In that H ia
aagl",,1 rather t han joSl a paper !oldlng novolty and the ~ney produced at the
finish can be e s a-Ined .

REQUIREHENTS;- I . A new fist bank note of the largest deno.ln~tion yoo Can afford!

2 . A piece of "hite opaque paper cu t to exactly the same sl.e as the bank note.

3. A 8mall piece of Bio Tack.

SET-ijP;- ~ay the bank note on the table. Fold ~. ohown in Flg.l .

Fold the piece of paper in euctly the sa..e "ay. Io'hen FIg .l d 10 reached,
a ttach two very small piece. of Blu Tack to the paper edges . Fig . 2 .

Tutn the folded I>IInk note .over, top to bottOlI, so that the creased edge 1& 4t
the top. t...y i t caretully onto the fol<l.e<l. pape~ and pres s t he Blu 'l'ack to hold thell
together. FIg . 3 .

Open oot the piece of paper Md the bank note will be folded and attacOOd to
the rlght hand square at one en<l. of the pape r .
l. Hold tOO unfOlded paper

,'.;?";,;".~~~": CQverlng
the thu ..the
b on folded
note. Flg. 4. CUMlly show It blick
~nd front.

2 . W\th the lett band. fold the paper in

half tcwuds yoo along the cent re cruso.
TOOn the left hand grips the leU slde of
t he paper "hlle the fingers fold the paper
In half agaln.
J. At the saae tl8e as thc paPO~ Is folded
by the rl!lht hand. the paper 1& twis t ed 90
de!l~ee9 to the fl!lht. Pig.5.

4. The <I!lht hand !I<IPB the <ear <Ight

slde of tM pape < lind t he le ft fln!lers
feld the front portion blick ento the <ear
half. All feld. ha.e Ileen lUde a10ng the
edsttng c<eases. sc the paper Slwuld fold
ea511y and i n tlu! correCI dlrectlon.

5. \11th the p.1per held In the rl!lht lingers. Ihe Jett hand turns pal. down and
passes "C<on tM folded p.1per . obscu~ln!l It and t he ~I!1ht Unger tlps OIOIDentarily
trOll vlew.

6. Sl~ltaneously. the rlgh t fin!le r s turn the "hole packet over end for end. so that
as sonn as the left hand .oves aslde part of the folded ban~ note will be on top and
lß v'ew.

7 . l_dl8tely, Ihe lett hand folds the top half of tl\e note {o,,"uds and continues
to unfold the note to Ihe lett untll tM cemplete note 15 on vle". The r lght hand Is
holding the bIIn~ note lind cover!n!l Ihe paper at the rear .

8. AR the leU hand pulls the noU away. lhe rlgM lingers secretly poil the paper
off Ihe no t e, thus Jesv\n!! 11 In a condition to Ile e x... l~ed or spant.
A deck ts slluHled and a SpeCutOT gives any nUllbe r fr Oll 10 - 20 . The
nUllber of cards are counted off tM deck. The reJlaininq cards UD shown to
.. l ud and placed aside. 6y ellllinati ng cards on" at a tin, One ca rd is
eventually a rrlved at . The other cards ar~ shown and discarded. The selected card
lurns oul to b8 the salle as a Jumbo Card wllich has bcen on view from llle beqin nl ng.

~:::'::':';'\:'~;ffectuses the one-on - the - Iabl e-one-underneath (Ihe Au~trallan
in such a " ay that wlt h lhe correc! presentatlon, a really
produeed . NQt a sllo"y effect, IIOre Qt a thlnklng ban's tric~

FEOUIR~ENTS; - I . Seven Identleal C!l rds, s ay Ihe QD .

2, A .atchl ny pack.

3. A Jumbo card o f the 00.

find the QD frOll the deck and add I I tQ Ihe Qther s"ven oe ca rds . Now
the OUeens at 2nd, Hh, 6th , 8th, 10th, 12th, 14th and 16th positions frO b
of IM dee~ . Dlscard any other seven cards from tho pack 10 bring lt back t o

\. Show Ihe JUIIbo Cnd w!thonl revea llng j ts face and phce it dQwrl
YOU e:oplaln, Is you < pT"diction .

2 . Pick up the dec~ a nd turn It face up. Run I hrough Ihe botloll two thlr ds ol tM
pac~ c~sually showing the heu of the c a rds. Vou stress n yeu do so that there are
lI illiOllS Qf penible cQ4blnatlons In whieh 52 cards can arrange t hemselves .. nd that
It Is Ihere!ore llIposslble 10 know where any card i a al a ny given time .

3 . Square the dec~ and turn It face down. False shuttle. 1'hls can si .. p i y be a eaee
of oveThand shulfling llIe lower half of Ihe deck , ... king Sure that Ihe top 16 cards
are always dropped back on top in orde r.

4 . M k a Bpectator to call out any nUllber bet"" ... n 10 ami 20 Inc1u s lve. Count ttlat
nU4be r of cards frOlll. the top of the de ck WlIHOUT reversing thel r Qrder.

S. Hand Ihe eards to the spectatpr to hold face down .

6. TuTO the reooainder of the deck face up and spre ad the battOlll. I hree qua<lers o f
the pack 10 show Iho randOll lIiKing of the cuds, Erophasise that even a sligllt
difference in the .hufne would have changed the ca rds Ihe spec t a to< no.. holds.
Square Ihe deck and place I I asidc.

1, So that neHMr t he asslsting spectator nor anyoO\> else can posslbly know whlch
cud will be ChOsen, you inatruct your helpe r 10 place the top cord cf hla pih on
the table, the next under the packet, Ihe next on t he table, lhe ne~ t under Ihe
packet aod to CQntlnue in this way untll only One card rellalns In his hands .

8 . Th ... seloctlon c~pleted, piCk up lhe dlacarded pile, turn i l face up and ca.ually
SpreRd the botto. lew cards to show Indifferent !aces. VO<J point oul lh.1 if a
different nUllber from ten to t""nty had becn chosen, a differenl card would have
been left In the spectalor'. hand. at the finish. In l a cI, thls Is not Une. NO
aat ter whlch nUllber trOll ten to twenty incluslve h chosen, if l he one on the table
and one undernealh sequence is lollowed through , the card l elt at tM end w,l1
al ways be a f orce cnd , and further-ore all the other torce cnds wHl bot collected
at the top of tne d lscarded pile. Thls DaanS you can atways fan the botte- fe~ cards
t o show Indifferent carda!

9 . Square the discnded pile e nd drop it back On top of rho dec k. All that nCIW
reaalns Is t o bund up the eltect by st re nlng tne rande- nature of tM selectlon.
an(! then turn round the selection and tha Jwnl>o predlction card to Show that t!>ey

EffECT ; - Two plece5 of white catd are freelr soown. Br uslng on" of tllese plece s a
copper coln a produced on the performer's band . Then B sUver eoln appeau between
t he two cards, The two eolns then .~gle~Hy change phce . ~ couple 01 OlleS, un tU
flna l ly a bank note audden ly appears under one of the c~rds .

routine is of the way .. y eUly tllink lng worke<!. Si .ple

~\:~~.::"~;':!),j'~:]::;fi:;:: aa
~ thlsslelgbt
SOAE! provldeofeSband
" uell coIIblne In a nlce
fun In d practlee as .,agica
they dal

IIEQU1RR1E11rs;- 1. two ,Il ver colns, I use 10p pieces, and on ~ copper cOin, I use ~

2. 3 p i~c e s of wh ite c~ rd, 7c. x IOCII approx lll4te ly. These can be -ade Irom blank

3. A bank note, I us e a (5.

SET-UP;- Stick t wo of the pleces of c~rd together to fora ~ poeket as SOOwn in
Flg .l.

/- \'
~~. '5""""
IL_I "_ J

You t""n ne<!<! to cut a "","-li opening fron one of tlle cards at the uns tuck
500rt end. Thl. I. so tllat you can 'unload' I te~s from the eard POCket .

Nu t, fold the l5 note twiee aCroU iU wldth and 11Ip it lnto t"" take card
POCket, sun tlult there Is SOlle. of the note showlng In tlle Cut out section.
otherwl s" you will not be abi" to Ilnload it! On top of the <lOte slip one of the IOp
colns . Fig.2.

Wlth this card packet openlng upwards, place the Ilnhked card on top of it .
H~ve tlte other IOp In your rlght packet and etasBle pal . tlte 2p In youe rlght h5nd.

I . Spread the two cards

thea In the l eft hand .
c8rds blick an<! front by
l ett wrl s t .

2. The right band than grips the top

unh~ed card at the top of th" rlght long
e<lge. thullb on top. fingen Ilnderneath ,
an<! both bands sillllitaneously turn the i<
c~rd s over, the right hand replaeing Its
card on top of tha lett ooe as before. Ha~1I lure that the left fingen ~eep the
pocket opening in the take card nearest you. Thls has apporently ahown both sides ol
both cards whlle keeping the pocket opening concealed.

3. All"" the palroed 2p to fall ento the

rlght fingers. and then ta ke hold of tM
top unfa ked card at Ha top ehort edge.
the flngers going under tne ca rd wlth the
, 2p seeretly held there. and the thulab
belng on top. fig.(.

FI6.4 (. fhe lett hand places the fa ke card onto

the lable .

5. Hold the left hand pal. up lind Uat. With the righ t hand. stroke t he eud lt
holds l)a,ck and forth in a sort ol ' painting brush ' JIOtlon along the length of tne
lett pal., releasing the lp eOln ento the lett hand on one of the {orward move&ents.
It should appear as i l the cotn haa be.en palnted onto the lelt hand.

6. Orop the card aalde lor a ...,..,nt and display the lp. Put the coln down on your

7 . The left hand picks up the take cllrd and the rlght hand puts the unhked card on
top of It in the tanned position as at the beginnlng.

6. The l e ft s ecend f inger .a kes sure that It ia restinq on the IOp concealed In the
ta ~ e card poc~et. After a IOOIIIent or SO, the rlgM hand COlleS ove r lind gr ips the
LOIriER take card at tne front short edge lind pulls it away hOl> the lett hand. Tlle
lett s .. ""nd finger. _ever, e xerts a little pressure on t he 10p coin so tha t it is
autOllitically draqqed out ot tu pocke t .. he ... it re&/l!ns conceal ed I)oneath t he
unfaked top card.

9 . The lett hand place. IU eard on top of the fake eud. the coin being secrelly
Int roduced between the two .

10. 80th ea rds are held aquared by the , -, ,

let t hand . Flg.5. ,,
11. SMP the cards and start 10 .pread -'
them, allowlng t hn lDp coln to .slide out
into view frOll between t he cards and by
tll t 1n9 the cards to sIlde onto the table.
Drop the two cacds aslde. and dl$play tl\e

12 . Plc~ up the IOp an<! pre t end to take 1t 1nto the lett hand. Vanlsh thc co;n and
.. ith the coln elasslc pal""'d In the rlght hand, ruch Into your . lgM pockn and
bring out the second IOp coin .

Il. rhe siddle seetion of the routine n"" begins. Those who do not ... ish 10 be
bothered "Ith SOlle slelght ol hand can junp thls bll and qo onto tlle finish .. hleh
starts a t sectlon 2B .

14. Position tlte lp to the lel t of your e10se up .. at, the IOp to the rlght. YOU
still have tlte original IOp classlc pal""'d In the rlght hand .
IS. Allow the pal ... d IOp to !dl onto the Incurled rlght fingers n the hand pleU
up the 2p. Pretend to th row thll 2p into ehe lell hand, really r&t~inlng H In the
rlght hand and threwlng the IOp instead. (The Bobo Coln Swltch)

16. Tbe closed le ft hand turns pa l .. down . Tm. 2p 1& elanie pal ... d in the right
hand. Use t he [Ight fingers to plc~ up the visible IOp on the right, baekpal lli ng It
u tlte hand eloses . I use thQ Goslulan Plnch. thh belng the grlp whlch holds the
cein bat~n the thlrd and li t tle fingers.

17 . Wlth both hands pal. down and closed. you n ... lnd t he spectators that the 2p is
In the lett h~nd and the 10p is in the right, l_dlately open both hands. t.<isUn"
the . pal. up to now display the lOp In the lett hand and tlle 2p In the r lg ht. The
e.t ra IOp I. s till back pailled behind the right fingers.

18. Orpp both colns onto the table. AI both hands turn p~l . down. secretJy pull the
backpal .... d coin Into the rlght [Inger pal • .

19. The l ett hand pleks UP the unfaked card and p~sse5 It tO the rlght hand whe re lt
will cover the coln .

20 . Havlng gestured vith t he card In tlte rlght hand, transfer both cnd ~nd coln to
the left hand . ____,
,~_--I -- ......- - ,
,, , '~i-o
~, ' . • 1' c'--
....'-~ _.1
',s 21. The rlgM hand plch up the 2p and
lIpparontl y places it under the card ...Iolch

.- \:o;b..>an is i~diately placed onto the table. What
! y.' 16t. on6t.o< really Mppens Is that the 2p h sllpped
- -- ,,"....
,'"""'"" bet""en the Jett first ~nd second Hngers
whero It Is plnched . It is coveIed by the

""" card. fig . 6.

22 . The right band now grips the cud "nd

Cf> <:oo~ ~\cJ 10p coln and lowers both to the table .
~~~ & I!ean ... hile tm. lett hand has concealed the
~. ,.e.' ca..-.!
~ 'n&..r.'
2p In the tinger pal .. .
23. As the rlght band goes to the t~ble wi th the c~Id and IOp. the lett hand pickS
up thtl take card, $Iipplng It. finger pal~ 2p under It.

2~. The rlght hand nOW plCk$ up the

visible IOp and displays it on the pal . up
rlgh t [ingers. Flg . 7 .

25. TIte lett hand coyer~ the 10p. thl.

coin baing backpaJ .... d und~ I cover ot the
cud and lett hand . Thts will lellve the
fight fingers !Tee to accept the 2p .. hich
i8 beneath the card and preventB the two
cotns 'tai k ing' .

26 . Afte r a """""nt. the lett hand sUdes the end oft tlle fight tingers. sl1pplng
the pal .... d 10p ot f the back ot tlte fight hand at the s ..... tille so that tlte cola ends
up concealed benea th the lake card . The 2p .. 111 now be seen pn the right fingors.

27 . PI~ce the coln down and tlip over the tabled card t o show the JOp undcrneath,
.__ __,,.'o ...t. , -,,
• • ~

~,<;;;-- . . .co '.), '- -' ~­

15 i. ..."",,,.,J ""''"'' """

~ "'<W>.
I;,.~u! 0l0"<I

2B . Place the untaxed eard On top of the faked one, aaklng sure that It la Injogged.
f1g . 8.

29. Position the Zp at tM tront ot your .... t. the IOp to the rear .

30 . TM rlght hand grips t he front short edge of the 10""[ fa k"d eard. the l1ngeu
golng underneath and also taklng OVBr hold of the I Op concealed there. A8 t he r igh t
hand draws thls IOWQr card away. the lett seeond finger contacts the exposed edge 01
the i5. so that It 15 re t ained below tM upper untaked tard. Flg.9.

ll. A\low the fight hand to lower Its card over the visible 2p at the tront of tlte
table. aaklng sure that !he IOp seeretly coneealed beneath tM card dces not 'talk'
a5 It Is PU! down .

32. Pick up tne visible 10p wlth the rlght hand and Jower the uofaked eard tow&rds
t he Uble top. apparently placlng the 10p underneath. In ru.lIty It ts seeretly
retained in the rlght hand .

33 . AHer a .... gle pass. Ilf t away the tront eard to show the two colns now together
beneath 11. Then for your surprise finish, f l ip over the other card to reveal the e5
whieh you open out quickly to aake it look as blg as pos. ihle!

EffECT;- A 'sensitive' OH la mi ~ ed up amongst soma ot~er 'Insensi t ive ' card5 and t~e
ca r da a re l~en spread face down 811 ove r t~e table top. ey pushlng on the bac ks ol
the carda the QH is located - because ~he make s an audible squeak!!

COKHD'TS; - ThiB ..,y not read as very "",ch but the audlble squeak la so unupected
that it usually produces a laugh. Not a world beatlng .Y5t~ry - jU5t fun!

REOijIREMENTS;- I . A deck of cards .

2. A small squeaker as used for the inside of $oft toys .

SET-UP: - Hark tM baCk of the OH BO that yoo will recognlse It {rom other eards when
It is face down . Have the squeaker In your righ t jacket POc ket .

Run throu ~h the deck an d drop out tM OH face up onto the table .
the QtI il a 'sens itive' card. tM only card which has redl

2. Drop out about adezen other cards and gath~r them up with t he OH . Hand the_ to a
spectate r to shuftl e and then aSk him to deal the cnds face down all over the

3 . lIhile he 18 shuf tling th~ cards. PUt the re_alnder of thR d.. c k baCk In tu bo.
and drop tlte 00% Inte your rl~ht jacht pocht, at the s ...... U .... secrßtly gettlng
tbe squeake r in the rlght finge r pal • .

4. As the spectator starts to deal tlte cnds over the table, look for the .... r . e<l
card so that you know where the QK iso

5 . You now extend YOIJr right forl!f inge r and In a falrly abrupt .anner. you start to
prod t be bac~ s of tbe cards in a rand,,", o rder . ""'en you eOlllO! t o the .a rk IKI card
wh tCh you know i8 tlte ON. sque ..... e the squeake r so that it e_IU iU nolse to
colncide wit h you proddl ng tlte back of tlte card . 1t sounds as if the end Ms
squ.. al .. d l u protest!

6. I_diately use tlte left hand to flip t he cnd over to reveal the Oll. At the s _
time the right band g0<l6 to the pocket, leaves the squeaker behlnd aod bring, out
the card case ready to retu~n the ca rdS to the re~t of the deck . 00 not
underestl .... t .. t he surprhe of this Iittle It .... - It 18 o ften the 5111y t~lngs that
people remember!
TH! !lAGle RI NG (CUE)

EfFECT:- An ex .... lned r ing is sltpped onto the perfor...,r's ring finger by a lady
speChtor who then hOlds the end of his finger to prevent the <Ing !>elng r....,ved.
Covering t!lel. !lands w!t h ~ hand~ erchlef. the pertor...,< places hts e:.pty f re .. hand
beneUh the hand~ercblef and removes tbe ring throuqh hh finger, luv!ng the lady
still grlpplng tlle end.

la a very strong effeet when done to a very s .... 1l g<oup of

original plot I read In ~n old llugar<1's )'.agic MOnthly . agnlne an4 I
"Oi,,,, •. "" handling <0 uke 1t clMner .
REOU1REMEMTS:- I . A si ngle band gold colou.ed ring (thi s can be a tor one as 10ng as
It looks rMsonable.)

2. A duplicate ring to tho above whlch has a "Ide split cut I n H. Tlle ahe of thls
spllt should be wlde enough so t hat tbe ring can be puslled down over the base of the
finger YOU Intend to put it on in tlle trick. but not so wld" that the spllt shows
when It la In position.

3. A handkercble f.
SI:.T- UP:_ One point to bear in aind whl!n buylng rings for thiS t rid 15 that they
aus< be blg enough for you to slip easJly on and off yout ring fi nger. When you are
hot. your fingers will s ..... l1 allghtly. so II<1ke sure t here ts a 11ttle utra space In
the rlng's 511e.

Have the hand kerehlef folded In a squar<l on th<l table alonq \11t h th" o rdlnary
ring. Hold the take ring In a loose rlght finger palm .

I. Glve the ordlne<y ring t o a l ady to be e XalIlncd end in the

out the handkerchlet and lay 1t ac.oss you< leU arJI. jus< above the

2 . Have the ring 8lipp@<! onto yonr leH thl rd finger. the hand being ha<l~o ntal and
pal a up. II the <log has Ileen pU~hed rlght to the very base of yaur finge r (as 1t
al...,.t CIIrtalnl y will 00) ease It forward s lightly wlth yOUf lett thw so that
the.e is a gap betwaen the base of your finger and the fing.

3 . Vou cORIIent to the lady that . the only wa y to get the <Ing oll the finger ls to
pul! it off the end.

4 . As you speak, sec retly grlp tlle spllt ring bet ..... en tha rlght thUJIb and Index
finger SO that the spllt 15 faclng downwards and &0 that the ring is stili concealed
by t he back of the rlght fingers.

S. Onee In position , t he rlght band ..,ves over the lett pal .. and under cover of the
hand, pushea the h l<e ring on t o th<l thlrn flnger bEit!!OO!l th .. real ring and th<l base
of the finger.

6 . Now, eS you patter. sUrt to Slip OOTH rings qulckly down tbe finger, a.s If to
illusttate how t he ring can be reaoved, bu t s t op about half way down.

7. l_dhtely silde both ri ngs back agaln. leave the split ring on tha finger and
w!tMra .. the genuine ring concealed In the rlght hand . ThlS is ove r In a spill
second and the fact tha t the re were two ring" on the finger fo r a IIOIIent is covered
by the bac k of tne [Ight hand.
8. You $~Y that yoo will de.ooonstute t .... ... ~Ical way to r$!lOve the ring . Wlth the
le H hand stili horhontal and pal. "Po uk the l ady to hold the end of your third
finger and not to release It.

9. With the genuine ring in the eurled rlght fingers. take rhe edge 01 the
handkerehlef nearest \'Our left pal. and pull It off your arll .. nd silde It forwards
over \'Our lett hand.

10. The ring 18 cllpped under the front edge of the handkerchiet "nd as H passes
over \'Our lef t pai D. dr op tho r ing sec retly onto your pale.

11. Your eapty right hand then goes under the handkerchlef a nd under t he p<etence of
pulling the ring through you< fi nger, actually, vi a the sllt. s lips IU of! and
pretends t o put It onto \'Our left pal .. .

12 . The rlght fingers sUde out to the edge cf the handkerchlef, and keepi ng t he
spllt ring still eoneeale<! under the cloth. the r i ght hand pulls the handkerchief
away to r .. veal tha lady still holding the end of yout fing .. ' and the real r ing left
ly1ng In vlew on your pal • .

IJ. lf you want to clean up eOilplata ly. a. yeu pull the handkerChle f a way !Io.. your
left hand ruck the corner of l t In t o your <Ight packet. dropping the take ring lnto
thQ pac ket ~t the Salle ti~. The e ~ p ty rl ght hand ean then pick up the ring ~"d hand
it out for eX&IIinatJon and can t hen pull the hand kerchl .. f out of the pocket and drop
it on the table.
EFFECI ; - A doub l e blank deck is dlsphyed and Shu Uled by a spectetor . Th r<!<! cards
are freely selected end pleced 'hce down' on the tabJe. One ar B ti ... the lIagic lan
ett ellpu to dlvi ne what the chosen cards are _ end when he turns thell over clelllS
that his asser tion. are co rrect - although as the cerda are ail Hili bl e nk It 1&
hard t c tell I However, taki ng the blank deck , the pertcnler ins t antly prlnt. back.
end fronts on ell of the cards. and when the tabled cards afe tutned over. each nOW
has & face peinred on it and 8ach la the co rrect val ue as clel-ed by thc magiClan !

In .OIM! ways thls 16 an early version 0[ IIY hlghly Hucces .tul ." rhted

\(:~t~'~~,;talthOU9h the II(!thod 1$ entirely dif ferent. I ha ve never IIked
Deck end thls routine was "'l' fint att...,pt e t achievlng a
the need to resort to roughed pairs of cerds . Perfo[Ded
properly, thls is both strong IlIlglc and also aarus lng end entertainlng . Deflnitely
worth getting the necessary cards togetherl

REQU IREHEN!S;- I . ~ ord l na ry pack , sey a blue bac ked one, plus !WO blue ca td cases.

2. One double blank deck

3. Three blank backed ca rds. These c an be o f an y value but try to ehoose eards abou t
wh lch yeu can eao lly patter, slnce these are the cerd values .. hlch you wHI try to
disclose by app.1rently ana lyslng the eharacte r s of the s pech to( . .. ho chose the., ! I
use t he AC, 95 and 7H .

Plae<:! the deuble blan k aeck. a i nus four o f Its cards, Into one ef t he blue
Ta ke the ordinary blue backed deck sud dlscard the cards whleh lIatch the
the three blan k becked cards (AC. 9S end 7H) along wlth a couple of others .

Take two of the four double blank eards yell re..,ved earlier and stic k the ..
together to llake a thlck cud . Whe n thls 15 dry. place 1t On top o f the face down
bloe bBcked deck . On top cf th is thkk cud place the t hree blan k backe d cards i n a
known order. faces uppe! ~st . I use the AC,9S a nd 7H I n that order readlng upwards.
On top o f these cards phce one of
thf> re""'lnin~ t wo doubl e blan); cards . TOO
las t doub l e blank goes on the bott"'" of
the pac k. So . readlng frOli the top down
you should have : - Double blank. 7H. 9S, AC
all face up. thick double blan); card. rest
of too blue deck face down. and a double
blank ca rd . Place thlo set UP Into the
othe r blue cerd eSse snd put 1t Into your
rlght jac ke t pocket.

N.B. ~ou need to be able to fa n thls

prepared pac ~ uoothly so you .... y need to
use seme fennlng powder on It.

'!!'1's, .•~' f [OllRe~ve the genuine

I ts
case. Hold I t
as In Fig.J.

FI6r.1 2. Fan the cards to the l e ft by "preadJn~

the cards round with the loft hand. 'l"hls
Is e reverse fan . You will be dol ng the
n .. e fan Iater w\th the prepared decl< sc
yeu de It thls tl.a wlth thls pack 90 that
It will lock the SaM. I'l g.2 . Show bac k
end f ron t .

1. Close the fan end have the cards

shuffled by a spec t a t or. ITMs deHroys
Ille idee that a 'special' pack of cards 18
b<!lng used) .

4 . Have three spectaton each sa!@ct a

card and piece t heir cards 'face down' end
'unseen' in a row en tha tabla.

S. fan tha pack agaln as descrl!>ed above

FIG.2 te .... pheslse the cards are diff erent end
weil .. l i ed (ll). Replace the cara. in the

6. The rlgh t hand takes the pack end goes to put It .. way In the rlght jacket pocket.
As soon as the pac k 1$ out cf 8lght, the r ight hand dreps It and grips the other
peck and coaes straight cut wlth It. Yeur patter is about I he cards en lila table and
you .Ight bQ saylng SO/Iethlng like , ·So. three people heve now selected unkn"""
cards frOlll this shuffled deck .. . , · "s yeu aentlon the deck agaln yeu raise tha
swltched deck up tr) Indleate lt end tlten luve H on the tallia. Preparly uaed lila
"wHch i6 not notlead. especlally as the pack ,,111 now not be touched fer a wh.le
and appears to oe lenger be requlred In the triCk.

7. Yeu now .. ogage In 5"'"" c .... lc 'analysis' cf the three spectaton whe chose tha
threa cards In an aHupt t o predlct tllll end .. thay have chosen. My approach 18
s~thing along these lioes.

a. TIte first spectator Is cle~rly ~ODeOOe who loves -aney and always wants to be top
cf tllll pile, so Ite 1& bound to haVB chesen the IIOney 5Uit. Clubs and the Ace to
signify tlte top .

9, TIte second spectator 19 easily influenced and seelng the first spectato< cnooslog
a Club ls drawn to a biBc k card toc . However, thete 1$ SOlle spark of IndJvlduality
hera beeause he has gooa for a Spada r~ther than a Club. His aspirations are not so
high a5 tlte first spectet"r. prefenlng the anonymlty cf an unlntrus lve 9. So tlla
10. The last specUtor Is a r ..... nHc. so has to chocse Hearu as his suH . He Is
also rather superstitiou" and so would '10 for a 'luCky ' oWlber, probllbly 0 7. His
selectlon 1$ ther@f"ra the 7M .

11. Having thus apparently sorted out the three selectionB you nOW turn the cards
e ve r one at a tlae and triu.phantly announCe that yen are COIlectl However, u the
cards e re all blank . lha spectaters asswmQ YCU a ra leadlng the~ up the garden pathl

12. Remove the set deck frc- I ts boI and put t he bo~ &way In yOUI LEFT pocket. Hold
tha deck in the deallng position In tlle left hand, the stack belng on toP.

lJ. Wlth the r l ght thU01b riffl e up the rear .hert edge o f the cards uoli\ you feel
the thlck card spring past. Get a Jeft llttle finger break above this thlck card.
14. PI.C. the thr.s labil<! cuda """ at • U .. onto UKI top of tlle !>IC_ In a
et&gqered line Ovar thl f ront lbort edg. of thl d&C~. FIg.l.

15. IIlth the rlght hand pull back tlle

'taggertd co rdl until tnay ar. , quar. _ lth
thl .nt or tlle deck and In I conUnulng
IIOtlcn poil d l t he cerd, lbov. th. break
baCk oll tlle raa r end cf tna diCk Ind turn
Ule. ove< .n bloc back Dnto tlle top ag.ln.

16. l-.llatel y ded tbl top thr.. cud.

In • row &galn trOll litt to r l, TIIII
thr. . b1..,k IIIIcked cardl 10111 no. be on
tM tabli.

17. Your pattu to cover t hil 11:·Oh. so

)'Ou OOn't believe III!! You r . . Uy do nOt
thlnk that tMa end h thl AC las you
pllCI tM flut end ttaggertd over the
tront of the dielt). lhat thlt lt the 95
(.1 yoo peiltIon the 5e<:ond) end that thlt
<KIll 11 tM 1H (as you _Itlon tl>e thi rd)?
Oll. let', turn thell feee down "!Ialn end I
wil l att_l to pr""e to yoo that I "al
rlght .•

18. VOll offer to lIII~e th, t r lc~ aasler to lollow. Turn the P4elt ovar Ind Ilold and
fan as In Figs I am! 2 lbove. If you da the reverse fan ca"fully. tlle "hIte right
hand edgft. of the fICI up o rdinary de c k wl\1 ,ho. end the pac~ will appaar blan k.

19. CIo" the tan. Turn tlle !>lek over and hold In the leU hand deallng poaltlon.
Ge t a left Iittl, t ln!!'r break above tbe botte- cerd ot the pact.

20. Snep your fingen over tlle dec_ end cut .way the top half of tM pock .. \th tbe
rlght h.and. IUpplng tlle cut belf under tbl dick. ttill <etlinlng the Ilttl. Hnger
b rsak. A cerd back _111 hlv, lppe8 r ed a. tbe ~ top ca rd.

21. TIIII r lght han<! now cuU ''''y .11 tlle cardl lbove the break and IlllU1taneOllsly
both handl tu rns tllelr pllet fece up. Thl cnde In the [Ight hand In pl.eed. on t<>p
ol tho •• In the lett band . Two card face. will been aeen.

22. l..-dlatlly Iprlld the dlc~ to the r lght bltween the handl ~howlng all the cards
llave taCet. Split tlle dIck It var i ou5 palnta In the ap and ualng the rlght hand
turn tlle eud. spllt ''''y Ove< to show tluo l r bac kt. Suddenly eil tM carda I re ~
to bI prlnted. \'CU k.. p t lle botte- lew togeUMH.

23. $qua .. tbe deck end hold fac. op In tlle 115ft I18nd. Get lieft IIttle f1I11lU
br.ak above the thlek card whlch 11 the UppetllOlt card or the 11_' on •• collectad at
thl botte- of the deck.

H. ~8k I speetator to turn ovar the tabltd "lleUona . 0\6 lIe doee 10. the three
e .. d, you sald were Chann _ill be revuled. Ind under cover ol t hi, Iltdlreetion.
the rlght hand c.... over the deck and gripl It !<OII abov8. "hili thO lett hand
coooel awar w!th all the endl below tlla break and go.e to the lett pcx;ket to r tlle
ea rd cale. fhe take clrdl arl lett hehlnd 'nd tl\e C." 1I brought out end dropped on
the tlbl •. The deck i, put down. Thh _anl tha t if anyene """ .. ltllet to uMine the
blue deck - tlley can!
!.QQP Ir ,~ ,

UUl.l ; - A I.ngtll of . _ hel! o r ,trlng lt ,hootn and tM centre IM id In , loop In

one IlaDd. Tbe otl>ll . lIand takes ho ld of 001 01 tlle UfO IInds of the laca I\Ino;Jlng <kMI
.. nd by pulling thi. PAS? t lHl loop. thol Iace h luMen l y I I!I!fI to be threaded THROUGII
tM loop!

Uttle nove lty "alt . hootn to _ .. hen I "as 11 Y&a n o ld and 11 band
R"...,,,,, <. I l\a.VG tldlec1 UP tbe ""ndUng to ... ~e I t II()U beffllng tban
tbul ... klng It 1111'0. . 1111. fot an onlookl!< to eopy " hat you b.".
I. ideal fo r tho ... oc;~. . lon. wha'l! you a rl! caugbt 'unprepued'
a Iittie soaethl ng to la t llf y your .. dmlrerSl
RBQUIREMEKTS; - I. A tllren foot lengtll of .hoI IICI!.
su=yP;- lIon.l
fRESEH!AT'OPj- I. Show the l a c. and for .. I t In to I lcop. oont r lvlng a t tM .... l i_
to .. Ind 1t onee ... ound the le tt tll....,. TM belt var to da tMI 11 to dllplay thol
1 _ betveen batll Indp finger. and tb ........ I n Flg.L Tbe 1'0'1_ , .. lllrned t""ardl
t"- ,UI1llnca.

2. Tllen tvllt thol ""I ... t""uda yourulf. It thol 1_ tiM relelling the lael v ltb
tlle 11ft hand 10 that It d rops down to tlll bate of the lett tbllllb . Flg. 2 .


I=\G3 •
l. Tbe llf l thuab .. nd fingen open apert allghtOy and the rlght band CONt ove. to
the left hand lind l akel I t l lae. 111' between tlle 11ft t~ and finge r • . Flg.3.

4. AI It doll 10 .. lcop oi 1a<;1! vlU be fo r -.4 Itblch Is then g . lppecI by tlla lett
finger. and thullb, t be right band tben r.lel.lng It. grtp. Fig.4.
5. 'l"bls wlll 18aV8 tbe laee "rapped Olle .. round the 18ft tbUllb but tbls 18 hldden
fro. view by the back 0 1 the left hand. In the original version, the lace "ould have
been wrapped several UMS round the thUllb and t hen t he 1001' .ade. '['his would have
been IlIIpOsslble to hlde. and so any spee t ator eould have copled your actlon$ and
aehl eved Ihe s ...... result. ,,!th thls Dethod, 1t just looks aS if you ude a 1001' of
the cRntt8 o f the lau and held It In the left hand. a nd if an onlooker trl e s to do
the sa~. what you are about to do will not work for hl_.

6. The rlght band nOW takes hold 01 the

left hand end o f the laCR I ' ,-\. ' In Flg.4)
and ulses It up untll lt Is leve l wlth
the 1001'. It tben openly threads the e nd
through the 1001' to show how no rJ:\llll y It
eould be threaded. Flg . 5 .

7. Vou then earefully unthread the end and

hold it aga ln In the ri\lht hand. "OW fo r
the ... gleal wav to thread the end through
the 1001'. HOlding the rlght hand stili.
bring the lett band baek tO"ards yOUI fac8
to biO" on the 1001'. If you do it light.
the lac8 ,,111 be pulied up past VOUI thuMb
and will end up through the 1001', at whieh
point yOlI s top t o dlsphy the lace
threaded. I f vou continue pulllng. the
whole t hing will cOllapse, so yOU nBed to
stop at tbo! rlght point.

8 ....11 that reNins Is to unthread It Md

band the laee out - or you .Ight want to
(10 the etfec t aga1n. because It all
happens so qulckly that !t 18 qulte bard
tc v1sually a ppreclate "hat has happened!
'HE INVlSIDUl m:c ~ !!O!/TI NE
EfFECT;- A speeutor Is glven an Invisible deck to shuUle and he then s~lects one
invisible end. Thls InvisIble card is placed Into an e%ulnecl snd InitlalIed
envelope. Holding up this real envelope, the .agleian 5'~S the speetator to
Milli! of hls card . He then reaches inside the envelope and pul I. out a
card whlch 16 the same aS that naaed by the spactator.

features of Alan Shaxon's lecture 1$ hl$ venion of the

~~:~~.;;:~~T';~ an invisible cnd is placed Into a small envelope which 18
a larger envelope. The f reely n...... d eard I. aetually found
InSIde thls nest of envelopes . Althaugh I Ilkecl the Idea of havlng the
card II!lterialise Inside an envelope, I fI, lt t hat thc use of two envelopes,
althongh necessary for the IKlthod, was not 100Icai In terms of pruentation. So I
set abaut devlslng . y own version whlch not only dld away wilh the envelope-wlthln-
cnvelope idea, but also allowed .... to have the n ..... d card appear inside an env"lepe
whlch had been Uallined snd Bignoo by a spectator! AlthOu~1I the preparatlon ta~es
same tllIEt do not let this pot you off - it <!oe. only have to be done once and then
the t e- set each tl.e 11 very quick.

I. Ahaut 150 sII511 I15nllla envelope5 . Mine Dl!aSure about 1e• • 12".
openJng at One end. Fig.l.

2. A full pack of cards incl ud Jng the

• ,-- EEt,l
Joke r .

3 . SOlI/! paper glue. a pair of schsou. a

aDa11 knlfe and a penell .
4. Four rubber bands.

5 . A pen .

-~ - -~ . -

......,. .

SE1'-!!P;- Wlth t he kn lfe sl1t thc bottoa of 53 of the envelopes. Hg.2. ihen cut a
saalL square shape sectlon fra. th" address tide of each one. fig.3 .

Ne~t, put a lina of glne across t ho inside cf the envelopes about Ic~ fro~ the
top opening . FJg . 4. ThJs eftecUvely seals off the i nside of the envelope fraa the
norDal top opening.

You nQw take the pack of carda and u8iny another 53 envelopes, bac~ cach cud
wlth a piece of envelope . Thls should be cut frc- t hc "ddres$ sido of the envelopes,
the shiny outside s ur face of too enve lope piece h.clng out warda . Although t his part
of t he prep~r~tlon la tl.., consualng, It Improvea too angles of t he trick enor-ansly
end Is there fore worth t he trouble.

!\S SOOn n all t he cards havo been covered on too blick w!t h pieces of
envelope, yo<> slip one card I nto e~ch of \'Out f ~ ked envelopes . The carda ere
inserted by pushlng thell up th rough the allt base s of t/le envelopes and when an
onvalope is held address slde down, the card inside should be FACE UP. FiS.5.

BecaUSQ of t he seal Ins off of the

top of tM envclope. the ca rd can onlr be
pnshed so tar inside and thanks to your
square shaped cut-out In the addreBS side.
part 0[ tho card back should still be
vlslbl .. . lf it iB not, en l uge the cut-ou t
until it is! fig.6 .

Wi t h the penel I, .. ti t e t he nUlil 0 1

the card Inside In slIall letters at the
bottOll loft hand corner of the thp slde
I 0 •• of each envelope. fig . 7 . This ~ k es
sorting the envelopes out lIuch easle< and
1t elso glve" yeu a Q ulc~ vlsu~1 Check
durlng tlte presentation of tlla tric k of
whether you h~ve got the CQrrect e nvelope
needed to revQ,,1 tha spechto r 'S chosen
, ~ ' Arrange ~ll the envelopcs In four
'~-I I -,' piles. so that the cnds Inside t he
envelopes li re all of t he S~e suit and tun
In nutlK!rlcal seq uence trOll Ace at the t op
to ~ I ng at the bottoll . The sldes w!t h tM
cut-out. a re underne~th lind the flap side s
are On top . Put t he envelope with the
Joker on the bot t on of the Clubs pile.

Put one unprepa red envelope on top

of e~ch ot tlte lour stacks and put 11
rubber band round each pi le .

The reuini ng enve l opes ~re \'Our

spares. Von wil l need one ne .. Olle aUer
each perforllllnco .

Pi ece the foor stacks of envelopes lnto \'Our case I n an order knewn to you. I
use the CH4SeO (Clubs . HearU. Spades. Dluond.l order. It Is possible to carry a
stack in e llc h of four different pockots as thl! stacks ere not very bull! y . but
obvious l y ha"ing thell in ~ case 18 ~ch bet t er. Have the pen to hand .

I. Bri ng out the Invhlble pac k of cardS and have lhe .. shuftl ed by a

the usual fun here of pretending the spectator 18
it out of t he bo~ first or that he has dropped Sa.>i cards
2 . "ave the Gpectator then fan the deck, reaove any card and hold I t up f or everyone
to seei Just t o ensure tllat tho"" at tha back know the nUle of tl>e c a rd. ask tOO
spectator to call alond i t s value.

3. Lat us a s .ume t hat he has chosen the 5S . Ask the spectstor to plsce the Invisible
pack dmm but to keep hold of his Invisible salectlon . Reach Into yeur eau and
bring out the envel ope stack whleh oontalns the snlt 0 1 Spados.

4 . Qulckly rellOve the rubber band and dlscard H. Spread the envelopes $lIghtiy t o
the right aud hold I n the left hand. With the rlght hand re<lOve the top unfaked
envelope snd hand it to the spec t a tor to exa-Ine .

5. Bring out the pen s ud glve thi s to hili as weil . Tell hi. to Initial the !lsp ol
the envelope snd dip hls invisible card inside. This 1$ so that he wJll not lose
his card. because j f he was to put It down s.,."he re . no one would be able to find
It sgsini

6. A~ he i~ doing thls. you uSe your lett thUlllb to t hUlib count down the left edges
of the envelopes untll you eOll6 to tbe Ufth one ItM Ona cen ta ining the ~S) .
Casually cut t he pHe of enveloPQs BI thl . point sending the 5S envelcpe to the
botte. of the pl1~. Hold t he pile nOW squared in the l ett hand. FIg . S.

7. If you now glance down at the top

e nve lope in t he s t sck ~nd loe a te the pl ace
.. here yen .. rote the card n ...... a In pencil.
yeu ~hould ~ee written On the t op envelope
the 6S Le . the nU t oße in the sequence.
lf so. yeu know you have Ihe torreet
cnvelope a t t he bottOlI of the pile. If
not. then cut to adjust aetordingly.

8. Take tbe initl~lled e nvelope back fre.

the $pectator and display I t to all .
placlnq lt back on top of the envel ope
pile in the left h;md . The fr<ted fight
hand ca" tben take back tM pen and place ~e<\~~
~ ... ....:ua, ~~ o.:..<:t. .
1t away . ThiB gives you the 10!I1c for
placing the envelope back on the pile for ALI.!lI~ rlGe)
a lIO..ent .
9 . Recap on what has happened 50 hr. A5
you du 50. bring the rlght hand pah, down
to the resr shor t end of t he enve!Ope
stack. Tbe fingen rest on Ihe top of the
lnitlalled enve lope. the thUllb goes
""derneath and rest. cn the ex pose d back
of t he card "hich 15 seceeUy Inside the
bottOlI enve lope. 15S)

10. Slide of! the top envelope Mck to"ards you. usi ng the r i9ht t hu.tb to s lip the
card out of iU envelope poc ~et and behlnd the InitlalIed envelope where It reM;ns
hldden trum v'ew.

11. Drop tbe rest cf the e nvelopes back into you. case .

12 . Transfer the envelope and card to the left band. The envelope 1& held .. !th the
flap a ide taelng the audlence< the flBP Itselt polntlng to the rlght. f ig . 9 .
13. Sec.use the card h~s ~n envelope back, even people who are Bittlng rather 10 One
Blde of yau ShOuld not notlen anythlng unusual. You ean, of course, use your body 10
shleld the rea r of thn envelope to a eertaln e1tent.
14. With the rlght fingers open the envelOpe fl~p . AlIk for the nalle of the card
agaln. The fingers then reach Into the envelope. the thuab golng on the outside and
the left and right bands pull smartly In OppoB!tc dlrnctions. The rlght thuRb pulls
the card aCroSS to the right sO that Ir ends up In the right hand and the Illusion
of It coalng out of the envelope Is per f ect.
15, As t he envelope ts unhked 1t can be glven back to the spechtor a. a souvenir,
and If you are publicity lIinde<!, you clm havc reur publicity stiCker on thc addrus
a ide so that he can r...~r who you were!
16. To re-set all you have to do is slip the SS back Into It . envelope, cut the pile
so that the Ace 15 l>ack on top, add a fruh ordlnary envelope to the top of Ihe
whole pile and put the band back around the lot.

EFfECT : - A coin . placed Into tM left hand, vanishes leavlng both hands completely
.... pty.

COHMENTS: - 1 have lost count of the nUllber of lOaglelan. 1 have fooled uslnq this
vIlni8h . and that Is Jus t the maglclan8! unll ke sleavlng. you do not have to
'retrleve' the co l n i_dlBtBly so both hands can stay e.pty tor as long 55 YOU
wl8h. Thl. Is ~rticulHly usetul If the vanlsh IR usea In the '"-Idd l e of s routine
whe re yau need to complHt& the routine betore you can unload.

Any coln. Vou . us t be wearlng a wrllt watch and it is best 11 t he


S[T-YP:- y ensure that tho w.tch is pushad a. near to your ~I .. as possible.

PR!lSENTATlot!: - l. Vou ue ready to vanah

the coin. Youe lett hand Is held wlth the
fingers paintlng to tha rlght. back of tha
band towards t he andienee . The r1ght hand
bolds t be col n a t the tlps of the vertieal F\G .j
thumb and finger •. Fig.l.

2 . The coln h plse&<! Into the le ft pal ..

and the lett fingers start to close rOllnd
It. the hand bending Inwards towards the
wrlst sllghtly .

3 . The right fingers tUt towards the

left. the Ind ... finger en d thuab eanylng
the eoln towarda the wateh .trap on the
left wrht. F1g . 2. This "'vellent Ja
largely coneealed by t he back of thu left
hand .

4. The e dge of t he coln h slipped under

the watcn strap and the right seeond
finger pushu It through untll no part of
the coln Is visible to the light of the
s tup . Fig . 3 .

S. AI the right ",eond finger fInishes

pushlng the co!n under the strap, the
r lght hand ..,ves dlag""ally up to the
rlght and into the top of the closing left
fist ai If depositlng the coln there .

6. The whole ..,ve h over In a .econd . the rlght hand Slllply appears to allow the
left to elose "raund the coin. the light hllnd t hen ellllrging e .. pty .. hile the left h
closed ... ell i ngly around the coln. Fra. your aide , the ..,ve looks open and obvioU9,
Done properly and seen frOll the front, there Is no clue to Indlcatc where the coln
rnllY!lees .

1. All that re .... ln. h to open the left hllJ\d to show the coln has vanished. and the
coln e an remaln under the .t r ap for a8 long as is necessary.

EffECT ; - Soa! cHds are shown on which are a rande. suple of tifO flgure nwaben .
One Is chosen and withou t t he nUl'lber be lng seen, 11 lett on the table . A 4 ~ 4
square is drawn and soae flgures entered In a hapha~a r d fa.hion In the squares . Fou r
n"",bers are chosen and adde<l. De5plte the freedOll of bo t h original card selaction
and o f nWDbers In the 5qua res. the two nUßbars 50Dehow ~teh\

Q;IIHENTS; - The s ag!e s quare here is not the lort o! .agic square whlch adds up to
the I""" nUdber In all dlre ctions. hot is In fact a nUllber forelng square.
orlglnally saw It In ~artln Garde ner's " Hagic and Mystery " wh"r" It wa s
rderr" d to In passlng. J took the .ath...... tlcal square and Changed It·s us .. s o that
it becau part cf a ..aglcal tric k. The sa.e square MS been used In a n,,",ber of
other aental effeets slnee by the Il kes of HaI Maven and others .

BWUIRElII!I!!S;- I. About 30 card. on each of wh lch I. a tWO figure nWlber . You Can
write sa-e nUl'lbers of your own wlth a peraanent . arker pen on blan~ faced cards . The
numbers can be anythlng f rom 10-99 . The only provlso 15 that One of the numbers DUst
be 58.

2. A piece of paper as large as 18 nece •• ary fo r good vl slbllit y for the a udlence.

3. A pen.
SIlT-UP ; - Draw the 4 • 4 squa re on the paper . thls will uve ti .... In performance.
Have the pil e of nUllber cards ready with the nUllber 58 On top. the re5t being in a
random order.

PRIlSEHTATION ; - I. Pick up the pile of cards aed show that each card has a different
nusber on it . ShufflH thec lf necess a ry. but . etain the 58 on top.

2. Force t he top caTd a nd place i t light unseen to one aide .

3. Clscard the rf!IM.lnder of the eard5 . You are now golng to flll In the square wi th
number. in an a Scending sequence ~ tartlng wlth the nUllber 1 . You can start In 80y of
the four rews, and you can fill In t he aquares In your chosen rew In any order. I da
a9 follows.

, , " .
4 . Then you can "",,ve to any of the reNining three rowS to continue the n\lJKlrical
sequence . However, havlng decldad on t he foraatlon of nUdbers WITHIN the row. this
pattern sust be adhe rHd to I n the othHr rows . e.g.

9 7 10 8

i3 11 14 12

5 . Contlnue untll the square Is filied eompletely -

, , "a




6. I preler to t11l tlle ~ .. rl
in In l<Oftt ot U" .. udienee es thi, Alh, It appear
JoO . I ...n&.. Y"" cov.ld. _ v l r. aieply produce tlle square .Inady tliled in. I
II.vI It up to you.

7. Hold up the cOllpieted "Iune Md aSk I lpeetator to elll out Iny ot thl nuabera.
Wlth tha p<!n put a ei r ele round the chosen n"",be. 10 that it CM be uooe..,.red. end
eroll out .. 11 tha nuaberl in tha • ..- row and t he .",.. coluan n tM ."Iaeted

8. Na.. bav. ""y ot tlllt r_l n lnv nu.Ghen choIen. Put I ei tele round thls nllllber Ind
eroll out .. 11 t _ In thll . _ ..,.. and colt.... ag .. in.

g. Re","" .. thlrd tI_. lIy thil tllere will be only one< unt"""lIed.
Ind becaUH ot thll IIIIthellatical way In whleh the lquare .... rtl, thil r_lnlng
n..-ber, when Idded to tlle other tllre. eholen onl. , will .lw"YI Idd up to 58.
HOWlvlr, to disgulta tM tlct thlt the Int nuaber iI not a frea eholcl, nk for ..
fourth nuabe r to be c.ll,d out. The hs t one will be nilJled and often aany people
wi l l not Ro t lce that I t wll th" only one le! t !

10. Get !rOll the ludlence to &dd up the lO\lr clrcle<! nuaben and Innounce
thl tOUI - 58. rOll Itrl.. he re t hat tour nwoboln ... ce eho ... n It rind"" I nd bave
t"UIl,d 58. (I . .rly. it another lour different IIUIIbIn hld been choHn. I different
toUI _Id hlwe Ileen rliChed. You tben ... Ind tl>o! lpech t on tllat • two flgure
n..... r _.. e _ n .. t [ ~ .. t the beglnnlng _ &/MI ""re you turn thlt nuooblr .ound
to .how that It too I, 58.
IT PArs TO BE A ! I nr (tuE. )

Th rH JUIIbo eudl Ue .1Iown.

1I Queen lind two Indifferent ell rdl. fliese ara
In .. hCI down row aC.o.. tlla tlble .... story 11 told of Ilow i con
AIIn was the thrle ee rd trick in the I treet lind hOW he IllOW(!d lila perlo .... r
to R1. and pillce thu out and how hl, Ihe con aan, Iried 10 guus where
the Queen bad been pieeed. Wlth the Ihres clIrd. flCR down on thl tabli, the con aan
IIllcU one an<! th" " liftld to lhow he " '" rlght • Ind undH tne cerd iI Ief!n to
bI I re.1 t 5 note. hll IIlnnl ngl!!

The JuabO Cirdl Ire ahed lind pilleed (MIt aglln. Orte • .,re the COOl aan cllr>oMl
I clrd lind _ 1I iI llrtld It 11 I"" Quun. and Iylng: unrIIr
notl whIeh he wen!
QuHn iI the HO

T'" perfo... r a lul Ihl cardl on.. 1"1 11 .. In<! In an atteapt to eonfUI lhe
con aan, lecretly Illps the lecond card In lila pLle down on to the table lIhead of
the other lWO. The con aan aslects a card. lInd the perlor.. r I r luaphantly lhows thil
the Queen 18 one of lbe othen! H""evar. thl con can ash MI "Iect!oo 10 be
Ilfled . Under 1t 11 now 1I nOrllll Ihe<! card fael down. ArId llhen thll card 1I turne<!
ovar. 1I turns out to bI. Queen, 10 tltere 11&1 I Queln llhere hol had uld aller III!

The pufo... r feell lIa Ilas been chelted .nd lel 11 the COtI aan that that h not
the real Queen. To Vhlch thol con aan repllel 'No, but thl, is" lind tbe pile of Juabo
cl rd, I' Ilfted 10 'lVIII • postcl rd ptclare of Ne' Kajesty Quef!n Elillbtth:

Thla rootlne vii one of tr•• eHlell whleh llelped ae 10 v ln thl IIIK e lose
In 1981 Ind for ..ny l"'''U It Wal • good uller 51 I .. rkete<l !tu.
no longer on "'I c urrent 1111. I declded that Ihls lIQuid be • gooc!
have thll !'1;)I!t!nl recorded for ponerlty lal wayl ' .. \IIIlng postru!ty
~ot thl triCk!). The Item 11 8tralg ht fo rward to la ke. bul pilase do
carefully. U.. Ih ls and yO\I will have an UIIU"..'l, c_rchl and

REQUIREMEHTS:- I. four Juabo e. rdl .... Queen and three indifferent cardl. ldelll'l II
1IIIt t-o of lhe Indifferent ClIrds .hould he the ..... but I trlcl l y lpelklng, I1 one
h.lf of lhe ea rd 11 ~wer I ..n. It dOll not reilly ... tter.

2. A no r .. 1 "hed queen lO lOlch tu Juabo one.

3 .... plctu re po.tCllrd of Hll r Maj".ty Queen EI/llheth.
• ,,
4. Tvo baok oote., .ay I f5 ,nd 1I tiO.
5. So.e glul and lharp Icl'lOrl or be t ter 1I ... 11 guillotine.

thol sclssou Or guillotine,
Indifferent Juabo eards in
Flg .1. Notl "here tlle
iI .. th il iI no t just ,
, /. ~
PIICI I thln line of glue 00 Ihe
rllvar.. sl de of the cu t ploce 01 J\IIlbo
clIrd around the two outlldll Kg .... Flg.2.
DO thla very clrlfu!ly, Irylng not to get
Iny glue on lhe fiCI of thol clrd piece. ~\G.2
Very earel ully stick th .. cut piee .. oI JUIlbo onto the r~ce of on .. of the other
Indifferent eards. ~ ~!ng sure 10u li ne up tn.. top and aide edges aeeurately. flg.3.
Allow thls to dry thoroug hly.



ORee it Is dry you will have a pOcket c~rd. Into
the following H .... ' In tn.. followlng order . flrS tl~
lnto the pocket . It th.. protrudes round tM Sldel
• •I:
:':;-~~:~:;t;:" ,:::! down
the po&tc~rd untll It I. &m~11 enongh to fit. Flg.4.

On top of the pOateard. slide the ordlnary shed Queen card. t~ee up. ng . 5 .
Then slip the <10 note np Into the poc ket ~s In Flg . 6 and end wlth the E5 on top of
the lot . Fig . '/ .

r-------·· --,.,
,...---- ---
'r;- ---. "
" ,
'1' ___ ,I
,' ,,
11i :' tlO

Von will have to experiment a IIt t 18 to judge just how ~eh np Into the c~rd's
pocket you need to puSh the ItemS. You want It to be !~r enough so th~t the Item& do
not f~11 out. but no t 10 t l ghtly fl ~ ed th~t when von try to silde one out. the whole
lot falls outl A cert~in <UIOunt of trial and error .hould produce the right amoun t
of tension for your pa r tlcu lar ca rd .

W"ith the pocket card thus loaded and face np. pl lee On top of it the Ju.IIIbo
Queen end Md then the other Indifferen t end. 'the suled end o f the pockat eard
should be faelng the audlenee.

PRESKNTATIQN;- I . Fan the three ear~8 to display them. ~~~Ing su r .. that the ope n end
of the poe~et raaalns h!dd.. n by the two eards above H. You can silde out tile Queen
to display 1t as yon taH about the th ree card t r ick . provlde<1 that your left thUllb
sildes the top Indifferent end ove r to the lett to malntaln the eovor for the
poc ket In the lo ~ er lndlff .. r~nt ear d.

2 . Slip the Queen l>ae~ Into the spr .. ad Ind elose th.. fan. Turn t he cards over F.IfI)
fOR END . Thls will put the sealed e nd of the fa ked card ne~rest 1On.
3 . You are now golng 10 apparently .i . up I~e eards. as you< story teils how YOU
were hMded IM e~rd. by the eon IIIU\ who Inv!ted you to .Ix thell up ~nd plaee the ..
out 50 that he could Quese whe<e the Oueen ..~s . Thls .,1 , Is not really a . 1. at all,
lt jusl looks lne one .. hen done at a reasonable pace. and Ihe .. h .. !lI be Ihe .......
eaCh tl.a. lt 15 pertormed as 'ollows ' ·

4 . The eards ar" hBld face down by the rlght hand holding Ihe .Iddle o( th<! right
long edges. The l"ft !Ingen puil out tlla BOT"l'OII eard of the thre" so th~t it Is
clear of Ihe pile .

5. Tho righ t fing"rs push out the ne .. bott.,. card 10 th<! left and th is eard 18 taken
UNDER tlte ooe alr"adY In the ldt hMd. both cards belng pUll"d clea r 01 t he one
re.alnlng In Ihe fight hand.

6. The I"ft thumb now pushe. off Its t op card On top of the card. s t ill OCing held by
the rlght hand (the pocket card) .. hleh grips and retains I t.

7 . The lett hand lhen deposit. Hs last card on top 01 the olher two and the cards
are squared .

8. Thll .. 111 give you th.. Onee n on top of tlte pile and the pocket c~rd on the
bottOOl. YOU are now golng to lay t he cards out and at the sue ti n load !he (5
unde r Ilte Queen.

9. The lett hand holds lhe cards along the lett long ~dge . The rlght thnnb pulls ott
the 10p eud (the Queen I to the rlgh t ....d sl.ult .... eously the rlght fingers, wh leh
are under the pile. contact the f5 .. hich ia pulled out ot tM pocket end sild off
onto the table at the {ar rlght slde covered Gt all tlmes by the CB<d.

10 . l ..... dlaUly tbo fight Ihumb pnll. oft the second eard and slides it ontc IhH
table to the left of the Queen. this tllllle ..!thon! .... y load, Md the last ca<d ia
placed down to the ... treme left . Thls laylng out of the eards Is don .... Itll the cards
held at all thles juS! above !able level so that lhere iS tM .ioilOll. drop tor t he
cards to go Irca your bands to the table top.

11. Your patter uplalns that Ilte eon tlBn bets f5 that the card et your exlr....,
r lght IR the Queen. lf he Is <Ight. yon heve to pay hl., ( 5, If he Is wrong, he .. 111
pay yOll f5. YOU 11ft the Queen. turn !t over to oh"" the card hce and use thc ca.d
to scoop up the f5 whlch has appea<l~d on Ihe labl e , aa you ""phin Ihal thet iB the
(5 YOU peld hlm .
12. Phce the t5 10 one 51de. LUt thR card et tlte eur....:: lett (the pocket Card)
and keeplng It tace down, drop I t on top of the face down card ne . t to It. Turn tlte
1010 cards over "nd for end end spread th".,. the pocket belng hldden agaln by the
face eard of Ihe lwo .

IJ. SlJp the Oueen face up between the two indlfh rent cards, aB you patter about
how YOU declded to try ag~ln.

H. Square IhH csrds and tum theJII over end tor end. IU . theIl es before. Lay tM
cards out as bet"re, " Keept thiS tt .... lay the .. tro. lett 10 rlght. the UO belng
l oaded unde< the One .. n at the e . tre .... left.

15. The con man bets H O that tlte cerd on }'Our tar I"ft Is t he Oueen. YOII 11ft end
turn over lhe card 10 show that he Is rlght. 5coop up tlte 00 and plaee lt .. !th the
16. Litt the pocke t card and put it on top of the other cud as betore. turn the ..
over end tor end. !an thell ~nd place the Queen face up between them again.

17 . The con .. an now " arns that this tille he w!ll bet !:2(} on the Queen . Turn the
cards face down. mi x aS betore .

"-.""'-.---'-" "~-"'-'-""--'­
and so you cheatedl lnatnd of deal1ng tlte top car<! to the t ar r!ght. you .ecretly
dealt the second car<! In the pile lnstead .

19. Suit your actlons t o your words by slldlnll the fl lddle ca<<! of the three out.
loading t he nOOlal ,hed Queen car d nnder It n yon place lt d<nm. TOOn deal the
other two out alongslde as nor~l.

20. The cOn ooan appears to be tooled and wagers on the tar rlgM car<! . Yon a re
del1ghte<1 and tnrn up tOO " IDOLE card to ShOw the Queen . As 500n as It has been
Shown. t urn It face d<nm. pick up tlte pocket card which Is at Ihe faT lett position.
and lay tha Queen face d<nm on top of It.

21. The con Mn. yeu< patter uplains. ls not et all r.tOrried. but just asks yeu to
lOOk nnder hi s chOsen card. You lift a nd t urn OveT the ca rd to reveal a face down
nor ... 1 slzed ca<d underneath.

22 . Place the Juabo card face down on top ot rhe two a1ready In the lett hand .
!lIIOE!dlately tlte IRtt hand poils out t he botto. card to the left. the r lght
finll.. rs ensurlng that the pOstcard 1s Hltained under the JUlIIbos. The poc~et cud is
casually placed on top of the pile and the t hree ca~ds placed down on the table wlth
the postca.d loaded undo< theD .

23. Yon now t urn over the normal shed cud and It Is seen to he a Queen. The COn
man was rlght aga! n! Her .. yon protested that lhal was not tha r .. al Qu .... n and the con
nan agrees . TOO real Queen l a over here - and yen turn the Jumbos over to ~eveal the
postea<d of the Queen underneath!
fL1CX BOOK (CU!!. )

A 8~11 boo k secured at tlte top by a bulldoq clIp Is used t o force numbers.
nalleS. plsylng eards. In fact anything .. hich can be .. ritten inside it.

COKMEN!S ; - flic k bocks !lave been around In a nUJIber 0 1 different gulses ove r tlte
YM U and so t he idu of S long/short page sr range .... nt to sHeet e change in the
boo~'s eontents h liardly ne .. . I .. anred a VelY s~ll ven lon .. hleh would be easy to
.ake end use Md cue up .. lth thls venloo ..hleh is very adaptable end .. hieh
i ncorporates. becan, .. 01 the .. ay It is ~de, a 8ubtle pIece of handling .. hich can be
used to dlsguise tlte .... thcd being used.
REQYlREHENTS; I . 50 pieces of .. hlte pape r, approxlaate aize 2" x 2~'.

2. Two pieces of eoloured eard of tlte sue si~e es the paper.

3 .... bulldoy clip. 2" slte. Fig.I.

Take 25 sheets of the paper and

off t he paper len9th, the l"n9th
being 2~" befo re yen start .

"'..ang" IIlJ the paper bac~ into a

pile. alte<natlng the tri _ d aheets .. ith
the otlter 25 full length 8heets in tlla
standard flick book a rrangement .

Square the paper Bo that the top

ahort edge s are all squared. thus ooaklng
sure t hat th .. other enda SIe nicely long
an~ s hort in alternatl~g aequence .

PI~ce 8 piece of coloured cnd top

and bot t Ont of the pile and the n secure
.. ith the bulldog clip . fl g. 2 .

You ~ r e nO'ol ready to I Jll the hook in .

Obvlously It will depend on .. hat you .. ant
to force. If It is 8 playing end. fo r
Instanee, you go thIOUgh the boqk one way
writ lng al l different pl~ylng card$ on one
aide of each of the long page • . Then you
turn the hook over Md .. rit e the naft of F'lG.2
tlla force playing card On the other side
o f every lang silan . 1 will now descrlbe
1\0.. the handling of the book werks.

With the .. ritlng showlng

playing cards uppe ..ast,
tlla book as In Fig.l I n the rlght

2. Vour r lght thua!> riffle, through

book fr~ front to bae~. s howlng
differen t pl aying eard names .
l. When lhe ri ffling is finished. ellow the book to fell flet onto lhe fight f ingers
end PlIl • . Flg.4 . Tilt the h&nd and ollow lhe book to 511d8 off onto l he table.
Flg . S.

4. ""'an you CIme to pic~ the IIook up agaln. the light hand Co.<JeS oVln the book pala
down and tha thWlb gr ips the open end of lhe IIook . end the fingen go the other end
e1ther side o f the clip. Fig.6.

S. The OOok Js gnspe<:! and pleKed up, lhe fight hand twisting pala UP In lhe
proc"s$. Thu$ the t.001< has Ileen turn<!<! over and so now when the [Ight thUllb ritlles
through tlte book . eil the $ ...... playing card will show . So. tllting the open end o f
the Il001< away frOll the andienee yon fiUh through the pages nnti l yon are tcld tc
stop. At whlch poin t yon hold tbe book open and t"lSt it towards the spectaton sO
that the 'chosen' pl ayi og card name can be read,

6. Sy plcHng lhe OOok up In thh way. the turnlng over of the OOok 18 dlsgulsed
aioce the hand 15 turned ov .. r rath.. r than the book ,

" ,saU book IS Sh""" and flic~ed through to rev ... ~! that th... r ... ue
comblnatlon. of football pools !orcasts wrltt~n on each page . The
perforner uphios that he haB had a great deal 01 SUCCUS in predicting the sl x
resulU on th8 pool. coupons because h8 has been uSlng thi ..... nlng lorcaster book.
To show """ ..... 11 It works, tlte. naglelan shows an envelope Inside wh ich i. a set 01
si , results Ind th.... e ar e glven to a spectator to hOld. The forCIster book 16 picke<!
up and r iffled th rough and ano t hH spectator <:alls stop It any tJIIB. He checks the
line of r ... sult. In the book Ind when lhe predlctlon Inside the envelope 16 read ou t,
lt Jlatches!

Thio 10 JUBt one 01 the ..any poasiblc appllcatJons for the Flick Sook
above. " si . ihr then would be to predlct a wlnnlng lottery mlllber .
. the football pools 1s the one I have nsed. so I will describe tMt one

FEQUIREMENTS;- I . "flick Sook .

2. " piece of ~per to wrlte a predlctlon on and an envelope to put It in .

SEI-I/P;- In the Flick Sook you need to write ! whole se r i", ot diffe rent 6 rnults.
For t!lose not totally !an ilin with ..hat I .... an. the Idu Is to plaee a 'I' for a
honII! tea. win, a 'Z' tor an away te .... wln and an ' X' fo r a draw . So yoo wrlte a
serles of different coabination. of 6 <eanlU, l.e . U HU or ZIZIXZ etc. On the
other aide of the long sheets in the book you write the u'"" 6 results. e.!I. ZlX 2Xl
and thls Is the SaDe line of results tha t you wIlte On you< predictlon paper be!ore
seallng It In the envelope.

aboot you< success on tlle pools IOd show the flick Sook
;,:;;,your forcaster book . Flick through to show all the dif ferent sets
.;;;;,,; ' tlle book down.

Z. Hand out the envelope which contains, yeu gay, a winning line of si. rasults.

3. Pick UP tlle book u per the handling de.cribed in the FliCk Sook arUcle Ibove.
and rilfle through ask lng a specta t or to call stop. Hold the bQok open at his chosen
spot (slnce all the forcasts are now tlle s~ It ~kes no difference) and get ht. to
read out hiS chosen 11ne.

4. The predictlon 15 opened and the line Seen to ~tch.

A Kfil I!OIIII ME (1.0. J

EFfECT;- TC a lIuOlClrCuS P) p~tt .. r IIne the 114giclan teils tne story C>f h()W lIe tried
to get a front door key cut In a Heel Bar. IInfortunately, althougll th8 key appeara
to be the correct one Mch tilH! he leaves the shop. It la seen to repeatadly change
to a c""pl~tely different ~ey. tM routine ending wlth tllo appearll/lce cf a padlock
a a th8 Heel Bar 'Ioc~a up' for the nlght!

COt\IIEHTS;- TMa routine wa5 ono cf tho three that 1 used in .y IBM Close Up
CompetiUon act in 1981 an'" It MI appeared in print in Abn 1704 an'" also was one
of the four routlneB featured In an early .anuscript series call&d 'Ouartet' whlen I
.... rketed for a whlle. I have always tho09ht that thls effeet rather eJIbodi~s thc
eSSenee of ay eS<ly work RS it 18 Blightly olf beat. uses ' i~ple obj ect s and a eorny
IIne of patteT - In fact it sounds rather IIko a"",e of .. y eore OIOdcrn .. aterial t",,!
11 YOU take the trouble to eolleet the necesury props and learn tho routine. you
will have an Interestlng and different effee t to add to yenr ooll eetion.

~IREMENTS:- I. Three Yale type Iront "'oor ~eys. preferably brass ooloured. Flg . I.

EG.2 "G3

2. A oliver coloured 'back door' key. Fi9.2.

l. A car key. Flg . 3.

4. A small padlock with ttl key. Fig.4.

5. Th re.. saal I pay envelopea.

6. A saall piece of Blu tack .

SET-UP ; - Cut tlte addrus slde c.u t of one

of the envelopes an'" slip thls piece Jnto

one cf t lte other envelopes thus creatlng a
partltioned envelope . Flg . 5.

Attach the ."",11 piece of Blu Taek

to tne top cf the address sldo of the
unprepared tltlrd envelope . Flg . 6

Tu e the SlUll padlock key end attach Jt to ttu> Blu lack on th" ."ar of thc
envelcpe . Inside thls envelope drop one of the front door ~eys and place thi.
envelope 10to your top rlght inside pocket. The a"'dress side with the key attached
to the Blu Ta ck on It should be faeing away frOß your bOdy.

Open the partltloned envelope and into the rear COlipart .... nt drop the car key
and into tlte front OOlIIPut .... nt slip another front dOOf k"y. This envelope goes into
your top inside packet on the left.
fhe padlock la dropped Into YO<lr rlgM jac ket pOcket. !he back door key 15
loosely finger palmed In t he rlght hand. fhe last tront door key can be out on view.

fRESEliTATlON : - l. Vou tell t he sto r y of how YOU wanted to ge t a n ut ra front doo r

key cut. Pick up the visi bl e front door koy In tlla right hand and apparently t06S It
Into the left hand whleh eloses ", . ound it, In reall t y, you allow the back door key
to drop Into the laft hand wh ile the rlght hand retalns the front door kay out ef
91qht. {Thl! 18 tha Bebe Coln Swltch done Mith keysl .

2. Although you appeared to have the fight key when YO<l left the lhop, by ttle time
yeu got ~ the key had chanqed. "nd that was not the key 10u wanted .t all. As 10u
uy thla 100 open your laft hand to reveal th~ back door key. Olaphy 1t 8nd place
It down on rhe tabl e ,

3. So 10u u plaln haw yeu went back to the shop to cooplaln. rha In the shop
loo ked et the key ",nd s eld:·J'. terrlbly soHy , slr. you appear to have the key to
the local <IOMst e ry - H's a IIOIlk-~ey . {groan! I Vour ~ey is hue In thls envelope."

4. fhe ,ight hand goes to the top I ... ide poc ket on the Jett. leaves the front door
key behind and comes out wlth the partitionH4 envelope. Hold It In the lett hand and
open the flap w!th the ri ght, Sli p you< right Indu finger Into the top of t he
envelope, .a ~ing sure t h~t lt pushas the partition to the re~r .

5. 11 the left hand now Ups the enve lope over the right hand, t he front doo r ~ey
will drop out and the Cat key .. ill he secreUy held up Inside ttle envelope by t he
partit ion. The envelope will theretore appear e~pt y "Ithout yeu having to .ay so.

6. 1"he man in the ShOP oUers to wr~p the key UP for you &0 that lt does not get
lost ag~ln. The key I. dropped carefully back into the envelope and the flap closed .

7. Yet, when you got hOM and opened the envelope t o tlp out the key. the ~ ey !lad
changed again. and that was not tha key yeu wanted elther! As you patter, open the
enve lope thls tille pulllng the parti ti on forwards . When yeu tip up the envelope the
car ~ ey will tall out Into the r lght ltand, the front doo r key beinq ret a lned by the
partition inside the envelope. Phce the ca< key on the able and put the envelope
"'way in YOu< lef t jacket POC ~ et .

8. Vou went l>ac ~ to the shop to co.plal n, The .a n in the shop looked at the key Md
said:·I'. ten lbl y SOHY. si r, bot you appear to have thQ kHY to the local
Unlve<slty, I t 's a don- key. (futlher qroM!) Your key Is here . In t h iB envelope . "

9. So saylng, you r left hand reaches Into the top rlgh t inside POC ke t and grips the
envelope there , ttle lett fingers conceallng t he key .tuck on the outside as It is
brought out Into vl ew.

10 . Open the envelope and tl p out the front door key inside . Olsplay It In the right
hand and then plaee i t down, As you do so, the le tt fingers pull the padlock key off
the Bio Tack and d rop the envelope on the table .

11. The shop assistent offen to wnp the key up for you agaln, but yau turn hili
down, 88ylnq that thls ti me , to he abßolu t ely Sure nothing happens to the ~ey, yoo
will carr y It ho.e . The fight hand picks up the front door ke y and appa r ently places
lt into the left hand which close8. Reall y, the rlght hand re tains the f ront door
kay leavlng the le f t ha nd just holdi ng tha padlocÄ key.

12. Nothinq could n"" go wrang - or could a? Because "hen you Qot home and opened
your hand the key had changed again, and that CERTA1 NLY was not the key yau w8nted.
13. Havlnq opened YOUT left Mnd to show the padloc~ 1< ey, place It down nut to the
ethen. use the fight hand to pick up the envelope whleh i5 on t he table and PU! It
away In '(OUT rlght jacket poe_et, r.eave the pal .... d front doo r key aod envel0P"l
behlnd and oo.e out ~ Ith the padlock finger

14. 8y this tiae you were furlous with the aan In t he shop and you raced back to let
hia kno .. what you thought. But by the t1ae YOU got back it .. as too Jat" - he had
'locked up' . .... '(OU "ay this yau bring your t wo hands together In a squeezing
.atlon, then 0P"ln th ... to reveal tM padlock.

EfF'ECl';- Four Aces are rUlOved frOlO a pack. oh",," and dropped hce down on tM
table . Three cards He phced "" top o f "ach. One by one tOO Aces vllnlsh In 11 very
clean .annor f rOlt thelr pUBS lind appear a11 togetOOr face up i n the centre of the

~::o::;.:':S" one of the f irs t card effect . lever devlsed. and It 18 .tl11 as
:::'::::;l a s 1t wa8 when I crlglnally routine<! H . Inspiration CallQ f roat 11
Ace routine uslng slmllar take Ac" • . His routine was. _ e ver.
; :i?;"~~d coaplex. 80 I took three of thc fa k" cards and produced thls ve r sion
.. hlc h 1. for lay people !>ecausg of Hs SI DpliCity (I! plot and III!thod . Those
who H ke direc t cud uglc .. !thout the oeed tor long lIours ot puttlc"
..111 enjoy

R!1O!!I REHEIfTS : - I . Thcee h k.. Ace. ftS Khown In Fig . I . These can he IIlIde uslng card
transfers On blank faced cards.

• .,
• .r. • +
., +
,• ... ,• + ,•
" F1G.I

2. An e I tra AS on whlch you position a .,.all piece of Slu Tack. Note the enct
position of the Blu r ack - it Is placed there so that when the "ard la held wlth the
Blu Tack end a t tM bottOJl In tOO r lght hand. the rlght thWlb will naturally COVer
the Blu Tack. fig . l. ag a ln .

3 . .0. matching dec~ .

SE[-UP ; - Position the AS ~ith the Blu Taek on It about thlrd or fourth card frOD tna
face of the deck. the Blu Tack jlnd at the bott".. Tnan Insert tM ot her three take
Jl,cea loto tOO pack so tbat they er .. spread out In t he lowe r half. The ta ke Ace
IndU e8 shQuld b<! at the t op. The four noreal Ace s fro .. tlte pack are all togetOOr
Md FACE UP about aQuar te. of the .. ay down tr". t he top of the rACE DOWN deck.
Flg . 2 . Drop the dec~ Dack In It8 case.

I. R~ve the pa~k fro. Its ~.SB and drop out the four fake Aces f ace
table. The AS with the Blu Tack will thus be the bottOOl card of tM
tace down pile. The balance of the card& run into the rlght hand durlng thls are cut
to the top of the pack. TIIl & positions t he tour ordlna ry face up Aces just below
centre position in the balance of the pack . Place the deck aslde.

2. Pick up the pile of Aces and turn the. taces towerds you. Spread the~ In a tan so
that the fake Index cernen o f the lower three ACes au reve.led "hUB thelr e xtra
pipS reDeln hidden. fhe AS will be the face card end YOUt rlght thunb covers the Blu
Tack as you lower t he fan to display the card taces.

3. Casu.Uy relll/lrk that YOU Mve reDOved the four Aces trOll tM deck. Wo need to a big thing of thls because e t thl5 stage the speeteton do not kno" "Ilat Is
gOing to heppen and so have no reason to doubt wh.t they thln k they can see!:

~. Close t he tan and turn the pUe ove r Ir"" slde to aide. Th ls Ml ntains the fake
indu corners Rt the top Md ef the cards. Deal the cnds tn a face down row frOOl
RIGIIT to LEFT. Thc AS wit h the Blu Tack will thus be the first ce rd on the far left
of the [cw.

5. Pick up the deck and as you 9lCplaln that you are golng to put thrBe cards on top
of each Ace. get a lett I!tUe finger break under the top two cards . Use your rlght
thUJlb to help .. ith thls . Then .. ith the rlght hand 1>1\1. down eve r the deck. lift oH
the top two cards aS one. the rlght thuDb holding the baCk Short edyes. the fingers
being along the front shert edges. The left t hunb pUSheB oft the new top card so
that it can be taken under the two already in tM r ight hand, yet still leaving it
stepped Over S l1ttle to tM left. Then take a t/llrd card frOl! the top and add that
under the ethers, thls too belng stepped over to the left . When the thueP] cuds
Mve been seen. square the .. up by knocking their left long edges agalnst the left
thUJlb. and drop the pile on top of the AS e t the f ar left end of tne rcw.

6. Apparently repeat thls handling three DOre tiDOlS except that you really do only
take three cardB on eaeh OeCa810n, and thus the three fake Aces will end up "ith
three cards on top 01 each. Flg.3.

7. Pick up the pile at the furthen RIGIfI' poSition in the rew and hold Ir face down
in the left hand deallng position. The right hand turns pall1 down and the left thuttb
sildes the top card of the pile slJghtly ovar to the rlght . The rlght hand gras","
thls top cud by the top RIGIIT corner. tbUlOb underne ath and finger. on top .

8 . Pivot the rlght hand pal . up and the card will be t urned ever to revesl the face.
Howaver. the right thunb will eulOllatlcally be coverlng the corner Index "'h lch a
bOttO-ll tigllt on tlte face up caro1. Aa soon u tlu! ind1fhrent cud face has bolen
seen, drop tlu! card face up On tlte table. Repeat wlth the next two cards.

g. Snap the re. alnlng caro1 and then turn

It over In the same way. Tlle fa~e Index
wil l be covered by the fight thu.b leavlng
tlle bei! of the card U M Indifferent
card. As soon as It has been seen. slide
thiB card under the long rlght edge5 of
tlu! three table<! cards. scooping then all
up into tlte tight hand. Ho"e to tlle top
left position on the table and spre ad the
cards trOll lelt to rlgllt. Th ls reveals
fou r Indifferent cuds and the t a ke Ace
lnde. ls weil hldden undH tlle botto_ of
tlle pile. fig.4.

10 . Repeat t ll is sequence fo r tha next two piles wor~ing fro~ rlgllt to left.

11 . At this point Y<lU s t op and ask If you are goln9 too fast! You offer to show the
las t Aee ac tual ly dlsappearlng . Pick up the last pile and t urn it face up . •akl ng
sure that your rig ht thumb covers tlle Blu Tack on the bOttoco AS card. 110101 tlte pile
In the lett hand and silde tlle AS off wlth tlle right hand.

12 . Insert the AS in ~aongst the ot her ca(ds In the left h~nd . I Usu81ly just use my
r lght second finger to openly silde the bottOJl ca (d of the face up plh back a
lIttle towards roe and tllen pus h the AS In right abOve tM protrudlng card . Re_ber
to PIISII the AS f lush before lif t ing yeur [Igllt thumb oft tlte alu Tack. otherwlse yoo
will reveal it tO the audlence.

13 . Square the cards Md glve a slJgllt squeeze on thell with the rlght hand as you
ta ke tlte pile and quie~ly flash the pile back and front. Thla "",kea the AS stick tO
the card above I t vi a tlle Blu Tack.

14. You now s nap the cards and In a ve ry cl e an wa y sillpl y count the cuds ac ross
f rom you r let t hand to your rlght . No s peci81 count. requlred. the Blu Tack doe5 the
vanlshlng trick for you. lThll tools I lot of "",gi elans tool)

15. Drop the cuds on top of the other tabled ones and collBct tlte~ all up into a
squared pile wh lch you placB face down to one side . All that then r~ins I. for you
to pic k up the balance of the deck and rlbbon spread It face down t o ,eveal tlte fou r
Aces face up and together In the centre!

16. One fiMI poin t conei!rnl ng tM reset of thls e f fect. lt. as you count tlte last
pile to stlow the AS MS van lshed. yau retain the order of the cards and then you
tw ist the pile round end tor end before dropplng il face up on top ot the other
car ds. the trick Can actually be reset autOllatically. Gather up all the hbled raei!
up cards and square the • . turnl ng thell over EliO fDR 1':110. This puU the lake Ace
Index corners bac~ at t lte t op. After spreadlng the ba hne<! of th<! dec k to show the
face up Aces. luve thell In the spread and square up the deck . Drop thls larger deck
portion On top of the othe r pile and t he t r ick Is now reset .
TUE tl!O!!G!!T IIiDICATQR C6RpS (!!CU. )

EFfECT ; - A c~rd I, chosen from a deck. Three double blank c~rds are dlsplayed Gn" at
a t1 . e and the perforlOll r uplain, t hat they are able to pick up a spect ~ tor's

HOldi ng the cards at his hngertlpa . tha perlor ..... asks tM spectator WM
chose the c~rd frOll the deCk to think of hiS end and to project his t hOughts
towards the blank cards. As he dees sc. the naylcl an shakes the c~ rds and the cen t re
one drops down Into vle .. fr ~ bet .. een the ot her tvo .. Ith a back prlntad on I ti

Ho~ver, .. lien thl$ card 15 tu r ned ovar. it has no hee. Trus t the spec ta tor
only to hava thought of the back of hi S 'eleetinn and not the front! !he bl~nk faeed
card 10 plaeed on t he spectator ' s pal_ and he 18 a8 ked to no .. think o f h1l seleeted
card face . He then nalleS his salectlon and turns over the card to revu l that it Is
now prlnted .. Ith the cor.eet card face.

' .•:.';"~ read Of t he .. aln little "",ve used In thls routine when I read
.1 DOck " Freneh Pasteboa rds " . I sall a sl . Jlar "",ve u8ed
In onn cf hi s end eUeets In hi s lecture. I took the "",vn an(!
created th15 nlce little prlnt/ng e f fec t whlch not only looks neat but whlch Seell.
t o be entlrely free of ' handling ' .

REQUlREMENfS;- I. Three douhle blank eards.

2. One ordlnary ca rd - .ay the 6S.

3. A matchlng ordlnary deck.

the ex tn 6S FACE UP,
the pi le of three double

Get the " tching 6S out of the deek

and plsce It on the top ready to fo rce It.

I. Bring out t he deek and force the t op cnd. lIave the 65 noted and
then returned to the deck .

2 . out t he Thought Ind l eator Cuds

squared and in the order shown in Hg.1.
With the rlght hand, grlp the pile I n the
botto. rlght corner. tha thu-h belng on
top cf the pJle. the Inde:. finger
underne~th. fiy . 2 .

3. Turn the pile so that the c a rd undcr

the thu-h 16 held flet facing the
audienee. The cards are he ld vert l cally t o
the flocr 80 that the full face of the tOP
eard ean bc seen.

( . Twist the fight .. rht t o show the

bott.,. of the plla and then retum it to
Its former position .
5. lIow give tho cuds a sllght sha ke
downwards. !t thls Is done wi t h the
correct UIOunt of l.1.9h.!. preuure trOll t M
right indu llnger and thUllb, the centre
two cards wil l dn.p out sli~htly togethH
and appear a~ one card. Fig.3 .

6 . YOU .ay !Jnd it Mlps to OIOlsten tM

rlgh t thu~b and Index finger very sllgh t ly
befo re trylng this .

1 . As soon as tI.e cent re cuds appear,

10l«\r tM rlght hand down to a IIOre
IIorlzon t ai plane and grlp lhe e . posed top
lett cOrners of tlte centre cards between
tM left thumb end base of lhe lett index
finger. snd draw the two cards aW8Y 8S 000
together. Flg.4.

8 . Beeaute ot tlte grlp tallen on tlte cards they will be Iylng deep in the left hand
and tlte fingers ean curl round tlte right lon9 slde to adjust any sllght spceadlng of
the two ea rds.

9. OIIee these card. have been dnwn away. tlte Idt hand returns and thwnbs off tlte
top card of the re ..'linlng two .i n the r ight hand onto t hose in t he left . betore
flnall y taklng the last one on top ot the lot . 1'hls litUe OO)ve (it !s the One
referre<! to In 'C~nts' a bove ) Is vuy disar. ing and crestes a clur I~p ress ion
t hat t here are only t hree C8 rds .

10. You explaln that the Thought Indlcator Card. are blank on all BideB but that
tltey are capabl e of reeelving tllought~ direeUd at th ..... '" you patte •. t he d!lht
hand t akes off the top eard, shows lt baCK and front 8ßd places It under the pile.

11. It t hell takes the second eard, and shows It l)a.ek and front. lhe Jett hand
sl.ultaneously turni ng the pile over to s how a blank surf aee there aa weil. 1'hC pile
I, turned l) agaln and the r ight hand repJaces Ito card On top of the pile.

12. TUrn the who l e pil e OVaL Gdp the bOttOlI d ght Corner as eacHer and IIold the
cards fselng t he aud lenee. Ask tha spectator to thin k cf hl$ Beleeted end. AftHr a
"","",nt or BO, shake down the .Jddle two cards as befor ... A end baC~ w{J1 suddenly
appear faeing tho audience.
ll. withdraw tlte two cards d5 one w!th the left hand. TIte right ltand drop. Jts two
eards on the tdble . Then use tM right hand t o grip tlte eard l a) held by the lett
hand. taklng thell with the hand pal. down, fingers dt the front short edge and thumb
at the rQar short edge .

14 . LI!t tlte face of the card(s) towards tlte audience as i [ you " ' peet the card face
to also be prlnted - oot It h blank! ScolO t he specUtor for only thlnklng of the
back 01 the card!

IS. W1th you r lett band pick up the two blank card ~ Ir". the table and loo ~ at the.
optllllstically hoplng the face of the selectlon .ight have appear"d on one of those.
But 00 Juck .

16. TIte Jett hand holM the two blank eards square<! and the light hand hys IU
cardls) face down on top of theII . You hoJd out the rlgh t hand t hen pal .. up to
Indicate ho" YOU would H ke the spectato r to hold hls hand. A& he does so. the ngM
haod lifts off tlte top card only of t he pile and places lt on the spectator's pal ...

17. The lett thulllb pushas off tlte top card of the three In its glUp amI the rlght
haod takes H. The two remalnln'l cards are held U onll In t he lett hand. rhll <;Brda
are shown both s'des and then "aved over t he one On the spectator'S hand as he Is
aSked to thlnk o f his selec t ed card face. When he turns his c&rd over It will now be

18. Therll are sevenl other effeets ponible uslng thls set up, "",ve and handling .
Fo r lnstance. you could prlnt aselected ESP symbol, or any other sort of plcture or
design or word whlch could be prlnted on a blan k faced card. Le t your imagioatlon '10
to work on It i

,, .
e@ "

(:g~ t@
,, ~
t0 )) /
00111 YAII ISHt:!! ( CU,,)

EffECT;- Another compl~te coln van lBh In the bands.

Thi~ I. a sl.,ple to Mxe fa ke which allows 10u to dwop any ' .... 11 object
1 use It wlth col n vanlshes.

I. 11. piece of stiff cudboard o. preferably plastlc. approxilOate ahe

2. 11. safety pin.

). Some scotch tape .

4. Sone Bl u Tack.
safety pin to the ce rd on ~O,":.C:~;;:~ Inch sldes lind .pread a
of Blu Tac k over one aide of the card . Flg.I.

U.l ng the ufe t y pln. attach the fake to t he inside I1nlng of YOU( jacket. st
4 plsce ""e«, the fingen of the rlght hand ...hen hanglng naturall y by your side.
curl round the bottos edge of the coat. The aide eoye.e d wlth Blu 1aek faces towards
the body .

One saall point here 15 thllt you will have to .enew the Blu TlIck trOll tI-a to
time as it tends to dry ou t and loo"e Its stlck lne, • .

rRESEllTATION;- L Apparently pillee a coln into yoor left hand. really retalnlng !t
In t he rlgh t .

2 . Allow jtQur rlght hand to enually drop to you. side. kee plng you< attention
meanwh l le on you r lett hand .

3. TOO left hand apparently throws tl\e coln Into tlte ai r where it vanlshe8 and at
the s _ ...ent . t he rlgM tlngera eurl round the bottOlI edge ot the jac ket and
press t he coin on t o the Blu flick on the f ake .

4. The col n 18 thus retal ned sa fe l y ou t of vle .. . If you aake sure to ooly .tlck half
cf tha coin's . urface ont o t he elu TaCk. you will be able to secretly unload It off
the l a ~ e lor a productlon of the coin later. Th ls wou l d also be a POs~lblllty I f rau
.. anted to start a routi ne clean lind theo needed 1I. coln .ON way through . Belng .bl@
tu use the fake to load as .. nil BS vanlsh .ake s It particulll.rly uselul .

Ef!'ECT; - ... card 1I Chosen end teturned to t he pack "hlch 10 shuffle<!. The. pack Is
put Into the ca.d case end glven to a specte t ot who 18 handed an elastic band enG
asked t o pu t It tound the case to seeure lt. The cese 15 then wrapped by the
speetator In e handke r ehlef ftnd held up by hili. Iflthout touchlng t he paCk, the
perforDer removel an Invisible card .nd p l Ice. It into his pU<:ket. iaten the
specta t or unwups the deck end eu.. tnes the cuds, he find. hls card 18 II lnlng.
Iflth his empty hand the. maglclan removeB one cerd fr~ hiS poc ke t and this proves to
be the selected card.

COKME:NT$; - Thl5 I. very strong maglc end ideal fot those who fight shy of pel.lng.
Sinee the AeUtO(\ really only requlres nerve and tllling it could weil find favout
with many. Co try it. you will be credl t ed '11th a IIlracle!

BEOUIREn~; I . A pack of ca<ds In ItR case .

2. A handkerchlef.
3. An elastlc band to go round the card Case lengthways.

SET-UP ; 'old the. handkerchlef Into a square end have the deck to hand . The .. lastic
band should be In the LEFT jacket pocket.

I. Renwe t he pac k and have I card freely chosen. 10u IIlght want to
slgned. Have It teturned to t he dec k and control it to the top ....
shuttle would achl~ve thls wlth the lI inlmua of fus$ .

2 . Slip the pack into the case face down, a nd es you tuck the f1ap In , Slip 1t
between the top card and the rest of t he pack. fig . !.

3. Hold the p~ck In tha rlght hand, the [Ight thumb coverlng the portion of the card
showlng in the V-cut ou t In tho front of tbe case . Flg . 2 .

4. Pick up the handkerchlef with the left hand and pass It to the right where i t 15
grlpped be t ween the rlght first and seconG fingers and coverlng the paCk Irell the
spectetors' vlew. /
Aw:!\~ 5 . Yeu as k a spech t or to help. Tha left
hand reaCheS behlnd the handkerchief and
pulls tlte !)OHoli ol the card CUe So that
It ls pulled down end out trOll bchlnd the
handkerchi<!f. HoweVH, pressure trOlO the
rlght thwob On the uposed card en.ures
th~t the selecte<! card Is sec r etly
f:\G.3 reUlne<! hldden behlnd the handkeTchlef.
Fig . 3 .

6. The pack 19 gently thrown to the 8sslstlng spectator who (hopefully: 1 ca t ches It.
Yon aay that the spectator needs an elastle band to seal the CaSe.

7. At thls point. both hands go si llultaneonsly to thßir rßspective pockeU, the

fight hand si""ly slipplng the ncreted card Into the pocket fn. behlnd the
hend~erchief I the handkerchlef Hselt does not actuall y go uno tM pocKet at al L
bot re...,lns outside. the flngnn dropplng tOO end Into t he PQckot frOli behind lt).
wh!le the left hand eAerges holding up the elaa l lc band .

8. lIand tM band t o the spectator who puts !t lengthwaya round the cau. Then glve
hl. the nandkclchlef and as); hl. to wrap the pack In It .

9 . Go through the IIOtlon s of appnently rellOvlng an inv iS ible c a rd and pl aclng !t

loto YOUI l ight pOcket.

10. Have the spectator uncover the pack end look through for hiS cnd. He wJlI. of
cou r se, not find It. lt only r ....... ins tor you to show your rlght hand eJ1pty and
preducR the .peclator ' s card froll your pocket.

EffECT;- 11 co t n p l ~ced on top of a playlng cud and covered hy a matc!lbox drawer

mel t8 rlght through the cud and ends up uoderoeath. The spectators suspect they
know the secret, but tltey are lu fo r a surprlse.

h~e colns. subtil' use of 8 shell here makeo thls

CQI1IIEI!IS;_ IIlthough I rareIy ose
very easy to perfOUI. This i s an ideal effect for very close up work. Oveneas
readers will be abl e to da the Sa.!! routioe uung their own colos, hut I will
describe thls using Brltlsh DOoey .

REQUIHEMEMTS ; - I . 11 IOp coln, a 2p coin and a IOp she l l (not an e I paoded ooe) .

2, " paCk o f cards.

3 . An QllPty .... tchOOx .

4. " saall piece ot Blu Tack .

SET-UP; lIttach the piece of Blu Tack to tlte uodenlde ot tlte card case, Stick tOO
o [ dl oary IOp to It . This removes the neild t o pal" the coln in tha early lUges of
the triCK. Put the IOp shell Over the 2p colo and pOsitloo It 00 YOUf close up -a t
ne xt to tOO _atchbox and tOO cards In their case,

1. Pick up the f ake coln . To do this withont the 2p ' talking' in the
canfnl handl1ng. TOO best way ja to place }'<lur lnde. finger on t op
,:,:,:~~. e xe<tiog a little downward pressure, and tlten slip your thUJlb under
• 11ft tt np so that the thUllb hold. t he 2p in place agains t the top
Inside of the shell. 11 close up llla t I. essential tor thio opera tion a5 it will 'live.
the necesSR<y Bpringiness Of lurtace reqnlred .

2. With the lOp tacing the audlence c asually display it and tlteo <eplace It On tM
table a~ you uy that you will show the audience soraethlng nslng thne obj ecU - a
IOp, a matchboz drawer and a pl~ylng card.

3. ~$ yeu patter, yon pic~ np tbe matchbox and allp out t he drawer placing i t on t he
lable and diBcardlng tbe COver . Then rerove the catds trOll tltel [ CaSe and have a
card lreely selected.

4. Ta~e tOO balance of the pacl!. back and <eplace i t in too case . As yen place tbe
001 down, allow the l e ft fingers to sec[e tly pull the real IOp of! the Blu t3ck so
that tlte coln 15 held In the 110ft finge < pal_ .

5. Take the aelected card back I nto the right haod and place it face down over the
coin in the l e l t hand .

6. The right hand then piCkS up the IOp ~hell and 2p es desc r ll>ed aOOve and slides
the. onto the back of the ca [ d where they rost on tbe cen t<e.

7. With the lett thull-b holding tlte coin(sl steady on top of tlte ca[d, place tM
whole set up onto t he table. TIte utra real IOp wOL o f course, be secretly left
under the ca<d on t he t ahle .

8. The .lItc!lbox drawe[ j8 placed lIOuth down over t he t ake coin. Ge ntly rob too back
of the d[awer statlng that thla action .. ill lieH the IOp so that it will pass right
tbrough the ca<d.
9. Arte l a .....ents dehy. 810Wly sUde tha c~rd to tlla lett until t M real lOp
appears at the $Ide. e..... 9in~ f<o. undernUth . When !t 1$ half In vi .." pause fOl a
no.Ient so tbat the spectators can appr eciate tM coln <UIlY ia be l ow the card. and
t hen push the card right off the coln.

10. You co~nt that many people thln~ YOU use two coi n~ end thet there t. stili one
unde< the du"" • . And you hue to SdDlt that thls h true . Bot, the on lr tlling Is,
the coln whlch I. left is e 2p.

11. AS you RaY tllia the light hand ruches over end grips the d r s""r by the Diddle
of Its t wo long ald.. s, plnches thea In sllqllt ly end lifts the dlawer awey. This will
MV" the effeet of seereUy grlpplng t he IOp shell e nd carrylng it 8"ey COnCi!aled
under the drawe r. TM 2p la left In vle .. snd Cleetes enough . lsdlrect!on !or you to
pal. off tM shell out ot the bo. If requlred .

EFfECT;- A t,eely sel@cted c~rd 1& put lnto ~n exulned envelope and cut in hall.
The eard 18 re/lOved .econd6 !ater restored. leav;ng the enveloPf,l 6tlll In t wo
Mlves .

Althaugh ba s ically an old IIIIthod . there are a few dillgulslng el ..... nu

the presentatlon to tnrow off even those whO think they mlght knowi When
was orlglnally publlshed In 1978. 'blon lc' .,n ~nd WOIlell were all the
rage Britein. hence the tlUe . Since M anr one tI.., there ere always
papular 'super-herO<!B ' wh<> are In vogue. n".,lng the eard after one 0 1 the current
batch would keep the patter reasonably up to date.

REQijI8EHSHts; - I. A pack of cards .

2. A lew s ~l l -anlIla par envelopes (4 " ~ 2\" would be a standard slze).
l. A pair 01 nall .cl.sors .

tut a .lIt across the back (address side) of one of the envelopes just
way down froG the flap end. flg.l.


Arrange the r .... ainlng enve loPf,ls In t o a pile. all the envelope. belng address
aide upwards. Turn the top three enveloPf,l6 Over sO that they are flap aide upwsrds.
Flip the cOMplete pi le over a nd add the sllt envelope to the top. Then tu,n the pile
ove' again so that the slit envelope becomes the bott~ envelope of the pile. fig.2.

Have the pile cf envelope. nady along wHh the deck 01 cards . The seluo rs
should be out of slght.

the pile of enveloPf,ls. re.ave the top one Md have lt

spectsto r who takes the envelope tO jU8t check that the
This is 80 lIIIeh better tban .sklng hl. tO check tha t
H i. envelope'. a! thl5 would sill\>ly lead hl. to question
the envelope the eflect.

2. Take the e%a.ined envelope back and place It on top of the pil e still held in the
lett hand. Pick up the deCk wHh the rlght hand and pass lt out for somon" to
select a end.

3. Und"r cover of thi s .isdirection. casually turn the envaloPf,l pIle over aa yau
place It down. This will. of course. leave the sllt envelope now On top.
4. Take. the pack bac k 'rOll the spectator and put !t away. Then take the aelected
ca rd I nd I<><>k It it Ind sho" H uound . Tell tlte ludience t hat by C,,",pleh chMce
(!) the chosen card happens to be I Bionic eud: To test IU qual! t1es
you ,,[lI put it to a tes t .

5. Lift off the top envelope f<OA the table<! pile and place the rest of the pile
aslde. The 8udlence will as .~ that thi . I 1 tha examined envelope, wherea. in fact
It i8 the silt one.

6. Holding t he envelope In the l eft hand, fiep towards the ludienee, insert tlte CUd
inside, really allding It rlght in M thls $tage Md avoldlng pushlng lt through the
slit in the <elr .

1. Raise the envelope to yOU[ ,""uth and

liek the fhp. Your left fingers Ict as a
cover for the allt across the envelope's
address slde. Lower the envelope Ind jost
before yon seal I t down, reach Inside and
pu!! out the cud to shOW It for One last
time. IIowQver. you do not pull Jt all t he
way out. jus t far enough so t hat the
eard's lower e nd go..s Just past the sllt .
ng . 3.

8. Once the Clrd haS been seen. use tite

right fingers to push !t hack into the
envelope, but thls U .......1<e sure that it
go..s t hrough the sllt. Fig.4. Seal the
Ihp down.

9 . Place the envelope On the Uble tor I

~\G .+ __ nt. bein~ careful not to flash the
half 01 the protruding card under the

10. Ilrlng out

w!th then .

11 . The loft hand picks up the envelope

and holds It aa I n Flg.5. The flap side 18
tilted sllgh t ly t""lrds the Iudienee.

12. Using the Jett little finger, litt up

the lower right corner of the envelope so
that you can see batween the e ~ posed lower
end of the eard and the envelope. FIg . 6.

\3. Slip the sciKsors lo t o thls gap snd .lide th .... up to about half way along t he
envelope's length. Slowly cut about three quarters of the wlY Icross the envelope.
Use the dght hand to 'cstch' the .. nvelope haiv ... as If you sre trylng to keep thell
together .

14. Regri p the e nvelope In tbe left hand near the envelope cen t re ,md then use the
figh t hand t o cut off thc end of tbe envelope and slowly slide thc card out still in
het .
15. The cafd I, seen to be unhar ... d and you ca" teaf the two halves "OW cOilpletely
al"lrt to sIlO .. tha t the envelopa itself re all y has been severed In tOlO . CroSh the
envelopa halves end drop them to the tabla .

• I


EfFECT;· A piece of aaqa~lne paper or ne~Bpaper ls lald out snd four Aces posltioned
at iU four cornerl. Two blank postcards, be t h only dlghtly h .ger tMn t he ends.
are shown aod an used to cover two of tha Aeeo. One at a time the Aces are t aken
snd slipped under the paper be low too AS. snd BOIIIehOw eaeh of t!>e Aeu penetrates
through the paper and appeara wlth the ~ beneath It8 po.teard cover . fhe last Ac •.
however. proves to be a 811ght proble•. until .uddenly lt i6 the other t hree Aces
whleh dlnppear and penetrate bo.e~ DOWII througn t08 pape r to eollaet all togetner
CQHHElITS ; - In Abn 1724 for t he I(lth feblua<y 1979 J had publistu!d a ne .. ha ndling
for the c l ani<: ACes fh rough N..... paper elhet ealled (imagl nat lvl!ly enough!!!
" illproved ACHS Through lIewspaper ' . Shor t1 y atte r that I urketed another version
cailed (even ""' re IlIaglnHlvely!) "llew Aces Through Nei<1lpaper" .. h leh alte<ed tOO
handli ng Md IInish to the one published In Abra aod whleh used speclally made
leathe< drink eoasten. file routine you <ead here 18 ttu! &a .... es the one .upplled
with the .... rketed eUeet. but uslng ttu! posteard fa kes orlglnally descrlbed In Abu
In.tead of the leather cOdsten! In fact when t he eOdsters wer" lIade we dld chanS"
the way tOO take was llade " nd thh I",prove.ent h <1eacrlbed her .. for you to up
in pos t ealds. \/hether 10u understand all that o r not does not really .. atter since
the Iinal product lIQan~ 10U get an unu&ual and any le proot vers ion of Aces fhrough
New.paper whleh rRqulre. no 81elght cf hand .nd whieh finiahes cn a surprise !

REQUIREHENTS;- I . fhree piece. of OOIIpletely blank postcard .

2. FOu( ordlnary Aces and three ""tching eI tra Aces. the AC,AM Bnd AS.

1 . A double shaet of ..agu l ne paper. The best si~e would be jUst a bit blgger than
the sl.e of you r elo ... up .. at.

4. Seme sel.sors and paper glue for the preparatton.

you need to IMke a poeket

an openlng on IU [I ght long
pocket should be blg enough to
tll<l playjng cards On top of eaeh
, other . fiy.1 snows how the cards are glued
tO\iether end hOw the lowe r of tOO t ll<l
I ca rds needs to have an openlng cut frOll

•0 ".
lIben the glu .. la dry, t urn the hke
eard over so that the open!ng to the
pocket is on top . Slip the utra All Into
the pocket face up, u king sure that 5nIIe
cf the eard is s ti ll vi sible th rough too
,", cut out at the pocket's entrance .
•• On top of thla card slip t he eHu
AC. alio face up. Turn Ihe ut over so
tM t the opening to the poeket i& on the
left hand slde underneat h. place t he
un faked eard on top of It .

Phee t he double sheet 01 paPllr on the tabi" unfclded. Fo ld the fight hand sheet
OY8. onte> the left hand one. Thon told tbe whole double shee t In Mi!. bottOlI up to
tho top.

The e ~ Ha AS is he ld face down under this rolded ~~r at the top l a ft

position . Wlth tbe postcards and other lour Aces to hend . you are ready .

L Hold the ,""gulne ~~r In the lett band at tho top Icft corner
AS hidden unde.neath and casually place it on the table .

2 . Untold It downwa rds and then oyer to t he rlgh t , so that It 19 fully .pread out.
Tha e ~ lra AS ,,111 be hldden unde. tha top left corner .

3 . Show the four Ace. and lay thea out as In flg.2 .


~ . Pick up the tw<! postcndS. the l e ft hand holding the lo""r lake one, thC rigM
hand the unta ked one . The postcar<!s are bei<! with the fingen undernea th and the
thwab8 on top es I:"~'~':'_.:':.-l~~~l


S. Held In thh Danne< t he left fingers "Ill in a natural way cover the cut out
o~nlng to the secret pocket . Cuually etww the postcud. I>&C~ and front and th<>n
piece the unf.ked one on top of the faked one and hold the4 both in the lef t hand.

6 . With the rlght hand, turn the four Aces face down. TM rl\lht hand cOW!s oyer to
the left end tim rlght fingers \10 under the posteard. and SUrt to sUde out the
lower laked one to the rlght. As thls hap~ns. tha l a ft finger . prass lightlyon the
part of the AC ezpo.ed In the take pocket so that 1t 16 retalned under the unhked
card as the fa ke pos t ee rd 18 dra~ rlght away. ~lg .4 shows an underneath vJew.

f:"1(;-. +

7 . The rl'l'ht hand placn the take pcstcard ovOr the "" po~!tloned top right, whlle
the left hand deposlU tlte Ullfaked postcard w!th the extra AC hldden bei"" it OVH
the AS top left.

8 . Plc~ up the visible AC fro. IU position lIottOil l eft . Show Its face and slip It
under the paper So that It i$ bolow where the AS i & covered by the pos t card.

9 . Leave the AC under the paper and wlthdraw you r lelt hand. rite AC will now be wlth
tlte e.tra ~S under the paper top left .

10 . rap tlte back of the postcard coverlng tlte AS .nd flip It over to the rlght .
Spread the two cards whlclt are reveal ed lind then flip tha hce up to reveal the AS
and AC togetlter. The AC has apparently penetrated up throu'l'h the paper .

11. Square the two Aces and turn them face down agaln leaving thea top left . Pick up
the untaked postcard and hold it by 1t& long left slde in t he lett hand. W"!th the
rlght hand pick up the take poste,ud and place it under the one already In the left
hand .

12. W"ith the freed right hand pick up the "" now reveal ed top rlght and turn lt face
up to show wh iclt Ace It Is . Drop It face up back on the table.

13. rite rlght hand tlten COlleS and talles tM lowe, fa ke postc~rd es betore. tM extra
AR belng unlOBded at tlte saDe tiDe under the unfaked postcard .
14. The r ight hand places the laked postca,d over the AD t>ott.,., dght. omlle the
left hand deposita iU postcard over the two black Aces top lelt . Thh l eaves the
extra AR On top of tlte black Aces ot course .

15. Take the AH oow f aoe down unde< tha paper to below ome,e the two black Aces a ra .
l.<!ave it tltere lind brin'l' out the lMt band . Tap the posteard and fl1~ 1t Over to
reveal oow three cards tltere. Turn th ... face up t o show tlte AR hat a r rived.

16. Square tlte three Ace. aod tu ro thu faoe down aga in . Pick up tlte untaked
posteard and place t he teke one ON TOP of H . Square tha eards cuefully, thumb. on
top, fingers on e!tlte r aide underne .. th .. nd lower the two posteards over the threa
Acu top left.

17 . rite AD Is turned face up. shown lind thon slipped face down under the paper where
lt lolns the others already le ft there . Tap the postcards and 11ft tlteA off as If
yeu an upectlng the AD to have IllIde the upward trip to joln tlte others . You a ra
apparently 8urprlsed wllen It has not appea red .

18. Casually ae Pflute the posteuda. placing tlte fa~e One nOw UIIDERllt:Arl! t he oth ....
The fake postcard la s t aggered 611ghtly t o the lef t .

19. Hold tlte two postcards aa desc r lbed In Bectlon 16 above and lower the. Over tlte
three Ace • . Kowever. the front shOrt edges of the postcards are angled down slightly
so thlt they touch the P'lper first and conceal the Aces 1r0il vlew . As soon as thls
happens, the fingers 01 lIoth hands secretl y pic k up tlte three .qu4led Ace s and hold
the_ agalnst the bott"" o[ the lower postcard.

20. I_diate ly tM righ t hand stops gripping tlte lower postcard and cards so tha t
the lett hand can silde the lower POstcard out and plaee lt on top of the other one .
tlte three Aces being lelt trapped between the two.
21. T~e IIODent tM 10W<! < po&te~rd is slid out, tha dght hand allows thc other
postcard to Ila flmt on t~e toble a s If It was covc r lnq the ~ c e s .

22 . You now tap t~e poatend. harder u if t his will ha l p to ... ~e the ~c e travel
npwards t~roug h the paper . Von then 11ft away the tOlO postcards together and the
~ee" IIa va d isappearedl l_di~ul y yon pul! back the Jeft hand .Ida of t he paper to
revaai the fou r cards ere nOw undorneath - YOU DUst have tapped the posteuds too

I (
"- A ~


.:. -

I '*'
IH~ SLAP COl" VAfflSH ,~,

coln place<1 into tM lef t han<1 v~nlshe, when slappe<1 by the right 116n<1.
are ~letely emptyl

countless mglclans willl thil vanls11 an<1 lt is. in "'l'

!. of a coln tll8 t it h worth the pnctlce to trr and
a ppeared In rhe original Magic Of Close U~ lecture notes.
a really f ull <1escrlptiOn of the u ~ct technlque hU been


2. A handkerch let .
3. You need to !Je wearlng a jac ket.
SET-UP ; - Fold tM handkerclliet Inte a tlght bundle and wedge It within the top
Inside pocket on tlla rlgllt. TM only purpose o f tlte h~ndkerchlef Js tO hold the top
lnzlds pocht open. If It hangs open norllllllly. yoo 010 not need tM handkerchlef.

at tM
pbce I t
steal tt
es in
2 . Torn the le ft hand. wllich 18 closed In
a fist apparently Mound the coln. pal ..
down and hold It at about wa lst level .

] . !he rlght hand 18 nOW goln9 to ralse

It.elf up to l ust below your chln an<1 COGe
down on the back of the left hand in a
aharp alBpping ~tlon. AB thls I. done.
the pal ... d coln is golng to be thrown In t o
tM top Insl<1e right han<1 pocket!

4. Thls Is how yeu should PRIICTISE the

action requlred. Turn yenr rlgh t shoulder
sl1ghtly towa rds the front and I .. an it
forwards a littl .. . !hls will cause tM
rlght slde ot your open jaCket to fall
aw~y a blt l eavl ng a viSible gap between
your body snd the C03 t .

5 . In slow .aUen. s t art to ralse lhe

light hand up. runnlng tlte rlght thumb up
the RIGIIT e<lge of the unbuttoned j edet.
F1g.2 .

~. TIte rlght fingers i n fact cau bend

round th.. edge of tha jacket taking th..
coln alllOst to a point where I t touches
the I nside jaCke t Ilnlng .
7 . When the rlght h~nd get. tc a point just above the level of th. In.lde pocht.
bend too rlght wrist 80 that the fingers can position the coln over tha open pcc~et
and can drop tOO coln Into the top .

8. As soon aB the coln has been dropped the rlght hand CODeS sharply down and olaps
the back ot tM lett fist .

9. 'rhe Idee ot prac t lsing t he ulslng of the hand and dropplng ol the coin In this
way h to accustOll l'Qu to the coln golng back into the right inside pccket .
SCßetl..,s maglcl s no trylng to learn thl 8 vonish have got confused snd have tried to
deposit tM coin In the LEFT slde inside pcc~ct In an action sl.llar to. but hlgher
up than. loadlng a Topplt.

10. On<: .. you have 'lot the Idea. you start to speed up the process until yOII get to
the point where the right hond actually thr""s tha COln 00 that It hlU the Inside
I l nlng ol lhe jacxet and tllen drops down Into tlle open POcket! Haxing sure the rlght
slde of the jacket hongs open slightly i. es~enti.l to sucCeSS here, 80 try to s tand
In 11 pos ition to encourage the jacket to behave hOw l'Qu want It to .

11. Parforlled "Ithoot e paufte and In a f10wlng IIOYeMnt. the coln 11 seen to
apparently go into tne lett hand and the rlght hand then ralsas up and slaps down on
the hack of the lett fist whlch opens to silo" the coin has vanished and BOTH yoor
hands are left ~ty .

12 . At flut you "ll1 Wldoubtedly make areal DeSS of this vaniah. but practlse It
regularlyand you wBl have a k iller vanish to add to your repertoire. And It "",ans
10u da not have to wear a Topplt to affect a really clean coin vanish .
tlW!sro CAJa) (CUKI

..... ..... Ij- A I&leete<! c u d h .arke<! ..!th a 'tiCker Inltlelled by I .peetltOr an<!
pllced Into • pay envelope ""ICh hal I bole cut rlght through IU centre, A '6ODnd
ce rd 1I eholen, and thll one . . . rk e<! "Ith I I tl cke r lnltlelled by the perfor-er, 1I
pl.eed up In the cent re o f lila faci down pack,

I n an Inltent thoe tIi'C cardl change plaeel, tl\e pe r forDl.r'a ... rglng trOll tM
Invalope. tha apectltor'a belnQ tlla only re v.rlld card In t he pack i

C9!!!!ENTS: - Thl anvllope princlpl. uu,d here 11, I thlnk, qultl I ngen loul. I firn
18" It when r",dlng an Old Abri ..guln, frOll the 19 40's I n wh leh .en S_II
dlle r lbad Ih, envelope fo r use w!th • Juabo cud efhet. He I n fact read aboot the
prlnclpll a vin further back. 10 I guell tlla orlglnator 11 los t In th. alltl of li ...
'I'lIIri . re ..ny o t her eUects penible .. lth thll kind of fakl, $0 even 1f you dO not
Hke tlll trick luelf. you een hu. _ !Im dtvlalng your """ routine. .. ith 11. I
!\ave publhhed I 001011 < changing Idea In .,. envelope bOOk "STILL F'LAI'PIIIG'
thll env,lope 1I .110 described.

2. A pick of ea rda.

3. On. • • tr. o rd lnary ca rd to .. teh tbe pack belog uled - aay tlla SC.

4. A double f.eed card wlt h diffe rent f.ce. on each lide, perhaps JH/IOS .

5. 5011 1.. 11 round ael f adhel lve wh lt' Itleke r l .

6 . A pen.
SE'!-UP:- eil t I Iquare hola OIIt of the
cltltre of tlll pay anvelope. TM hola g"'"

f ight through back and front. Flg.l.

Cut • lquart hol. OIIt of thll C<lntrl

o f )'OUr utra SC, Fl9.2, alapl r Nklng
lure tllat thl, hol. la luger tllan llll 1='Ie.,2
bole IQ tlll envelope. When thl cnd iI In
thl anvllope, 1>0 part of lt .. hould be
vl,lble th rOllgh the envelope', bo l a.

Plaee tlll 5C ,,/th tha hol. I n It hce up Intn the envelope. Phea the dOllble
taead eard on t he bot ta. of the paCk. tha J M lide facln9 the laae w~v ~I the reit of
the card f.cII.

Re.ove tlla J H. lOS end 5C fra. tlla deck. Dllcard the lOS . Onto the face of the
JM pl.ce • Itie~1t end then put your In Hla ll on lt. Place t hl l end cn top of tlMl
pack wlth the SC posltloned lamedlately below It.

Hua tlMl other ,t1c~erl to l\and and thl pen. 1"0 &ave ti M . •nd in order to
Nke IUrl It look. the laae •• the one airlldy on the JH, you could I n l t"l anotber
,tlcklr rlady tor u.. In tbe routine.

I, Pick up the pack and cut It. co.pletlng the CUt Ind holdIng 111ft
I n the C<lntre.
2. Riffl e force to the break Iter • brief ~escription cf the RUfI" Force See the
reutlne PRIVATE EYE). Havlng cut the ~eck apparently at the chosen posltien,
"""'pl e t e the cut .n~ ~euble lUt the tep two cards luvlng theJa face up and squared
en tep cf the ~ec k. The SC will shOw as the selected card .

3. ~ sk t he speetator te put his Initials en as t leker . Veu then peel the sticker eff
and attach I t te the cen t re cf the faca up sc thereby ~rklng his card .
4 . Double lt ft agaln. turning the eards fau down ente the top of tlte paCk and t hen
deal off the top card only face down onto the tnble. Place the deck down .

S. fick up the envelope In your left hand. the sealed end being held by the left
fingers and the address side belng held flat faelng the audienee . The openlng 10 Ihe
envelope 18 polntlng to the rlght. not upwa<ds.

6 . The right hand picks up the tabled eard and turns It face towards 10U and the end
of the card 15 pushed Into the envelopo. If you push the end of the card towards the
rear of t he envelope u 1t 15 Inser t ed, It will autollatically be sild BEHIND tho SC
already Inside.

7 . Because the envelepe has bee n held flat on to the audlence. they will be abl e to
s ee the apparent selected card (really it iB yonr Initlalled JH of coursei golng
lnto the envelope "nd 9liding past the c entral hole.

8. Onee the cnd Is Inside, yon Dention the hole i n the enve l ope . You e ~plaln that
i t has been cut 90 that tho bac~ of t he selected card can be seen through one side
and the face of the card through Ihe other.

q. M you say the last part. the left

finger s hold the envelope so that the hole
facing the audienee Is covered by the
fingers. and the rlght hand reaches into
the top of the envelope /lnd pulls the Z
out sllghtly. 'ig.3.

10. The left hand then lowers the envelope

SO that the audlence can see t he hee of
the SC prot rudiog frOll the top o f the
envelope. Because of the pesltlon ing of
the cnd, the hol e in ItR centre is hldden
by the top part of the envelope. and the
'0::\60.3 JH 1$ CQve red frc. vlcw by the lowor part
of the 5C.

11. Thls showing of tha apparent selecte d card is vital to tlte Btrength of tlte
trick, because tha andienee really belleves the selecUd SC Is in tn.. envelope . ArId
because you put tM spectator'S Inlthlled sticker on tlte cen t re of the card. lt
would naturally be nldden by the top part cf the envelope~

12. Push the SC back inside. turnlng the envelope over si " ultaneously. Leave lt on
the tabte.
13. Pic~ up tlte pack . Hold it in the overhand Shuffle position, faces of the ends
toward. the andlenee. By exe r ting a lIttie pressun wlth the lett fingers "nd thWlb
whiCh are hOlding the deck, the top and bottCII eardS cao be held baCk in the lett
hand as the rlght hand lifts all the cards ont frOOl between thell and shuttles the
balance on tep .
14. The bottOlI CHd, tha JH/IOS ,,111 thus have been f>\lshed onto th ... p"ctator·, SC
so that "t tlte end of t M shulU" tlte top UfO cards of tlte d"ck ,,111 be the chosen
SC tcll owed lIy tlla double facer.

IS . Unde rcut tlte ~ck . co_pleting tlte cut oot obt"l n lng a lett lIttle finger break
as befe,e In the centre above t he 5C .

16. DO tlte Riffle force "galn . Double 11ft the top two cards and turn thell face up
on top of the pack . The JH wi ll show.

11. TMB is yonr seleete<! card. so you pl"co tha inlUalle<! itJcker you slgned
beforehand onto the JH card face in the sam position as 11 was plaeed on the ~
JH taee In the envelope.

18 . Double lift tlte top two cards. flash the back and then slip thell slill face UP
Into the elddl .. of tlte pack. Place the deck down on tlte tablo .

19. TM spectator'S card has bean Been In tlte envelope, you recap. Vour ca Id has
been seHn face up In the centre of the pack. Now for the II!lhtnin~ transpoSition .

20 . A snap of tlte fingen and then lanedlately turn over tlte enve lope . Reachlng
inal(le. slide out the JH l eavlng the falte SC wHhln and invisIble betauae of 115
hole .

21. Turn the deck face up s nd rlbben .pread acroU the tabl e . Olle card ... HI be seen
fac .. down In tlte centre. SUde this card out. When lt IR turned OVe( It is seen to
be the spectator's own signed card!

EffECI;- A ~p Of ao laaglnary 10 shown on wh l~h are cle~rly aar ked and named
SI K different loeatlon •. A Bpeetator .en t ally seleets ooe of the locatlons at whlch
10 bury .0.... 't renure' aO(\ reco rds his cJ>olce 00 I eard "hich is sealed In an
envelope and ieft in vlew . Si x card., eaeh bearlng thn nafte of one of the l oea tion.,
are displayed Md shuHled by the speetetor wlto t hen deah Ih... In a faca dowo row
Oll the table. the auist/ng spectator slips one card It a tlooe in t o an enve lope and
hands l t to a ooember of the audlence of his cOoleR untll aix ~rs of the audience
are holding location ear d• . ApredietIon whleh has be<!n in vle .. and whieh has not
been touehad by the perforraer sinci the effect began, I. now pie~ed up by the
spectator, Despite the fact that the chosen loeatlon wa s the secret ~ntal salectlon
of one speetator, and desptte the tac t that not one of the si. speetators holding an
envelope has any Idea .. hleh lneatlon they have In thelr envelope, "hen the
predletlon I. lead out It leads slralght to the speelator who is holding the correet
loeatlon to find Ihe burled trea.ure,
Dependi ng on the she of props used In t hi. ethet, it ean be perforlOl!d
on thn cabaret noor or even on the stage I In spite of tbe batfli llg
plot, it h an easy eflaet to do .
REOUI~~ENTS: - I, A drawlng of an Island wlth si , lneatlons. Fig.l .






2. Sh cards , elch bQaring one of the nameS of the si . lneatlons, Elch h aarked on
th ... back 80 thnt you ean tell "hieh 18 wh ieh wben they are f ace down .
3. SI. envelope8. blg eoough to ta ke the cards and IIIIrked on thn add ress side wi t h
the nuabers 1-6 in bold numerals.
(. A eard On whleh YOu will wrlte your predletlon.

5. Another envelope. the $",""" .he as tho others. whleh has a large hole Cut ou t of
It. addres. ,Ide. Plg . 2.

6. A pilleo of opaque eard on one side of whleh ls a rough outl1ne of the .
rig.3. This eard has to be s~11 enough to fit in the enve lopes.

7. A pen.

SET-UP, - On the predietlon card wrlte the fOllowlng'-


Arrange the nuabe red envelopes in any order. bot enSUIe that the one n~bered
5 h on the bottoa o f the pile wtum they ue held flap slde "p. Phce the envelope
wlth the hole in the back on top of the pile . Have a ll the other props t o hand.

Show tlu! ""p and e/loose a SpeCUtOI to help. Ask hl .. to ...,ntally

sh locatlon,.

2. Hand hi s the piece of opaque card and the pen with the request that he record his
choice by writing It In the llttle outllne of the Island. Thls .akes hi s eentral l se
his wrltlng on the card.

3. Whlle he 15 writlng. pick UP Ihe top envelope frOlO tlu! pile (the one wUh t/le
hole In the Bddren IIl de) Bnd open the tlap. Take t he card fr OJl the speetator
writlnQ Slde down and slip It Into the envelope.

4. Seal It and as you hold It up to show that It Is sealed. you Can slght the n_
of the chosen location through the hole in the envelope. Place tha envel0p" down In

5 . Hand out the. sh locatlon cards Bnd have the .. looked at and shuffled. Get the
spectator to arrange t he cards In a face down row of slx.

6. Look aleng the row and spot. via the marklngs en the back. whleh eard satches the
chosen location and re~lIber It . position In the rOw.

1. Pick up the pile of envel0p'" and aTrange the. In a tan in the leH hand. [nvit e
t he aasl . Ung 'p"ctato r to pick up any of the tabled eards. Each rille. he picks up a
card whlch Is NOT the one nulng the chosen loc atlon. pass hl . an envelope frOll the
TOP ot the pile w!th the Instruetlon that he slip the card. wlthout lOOklng at !t.
lnto the envelope and hand It to any person in the a udlence.

8 . AS soon as he picks up the chosen locatlon eard. the rlght hand grips a1l t/le
enve lopes lett In the fan and the left hand passes his the BOTfOM envelope. Th'.
en.ur.. t""t thol co r reet loeatl on card h put lnto ennlo"" n _ r 5 ud U......111
~e yOU r pred 1ction cor rlCI .t thB f1nl.h.

~ . By the Ulle eil the cord. heve gone . • Ia IlU.bert of the OUdlence .. ill have been
glven a locat l on card.

]0. Point out the predlctlon cord and e.pl8ln tNot althougb no one cool d pouibly
know .. hlch 01 tbe .1. ]ocltlon. th. ,peet.tor hat ,"I"c ted. and elthou;h hl .huff]ed
tlMo locltlon cardl end hu. hl.elf • pllced tt_ lnto envelop. . . .nlch han beeIl
glven OIIt to ....w. .. 01 tlMo ludlence. the predlction .. ill Ictuilly lead t o tl\e
.~tltor wbo 11 holding the correct ]oc.tlen cl rd.

11. TtIe predletlon Cl rd 11 glven to t lMo Inllti", .pectator ..1>0 rllll. It I1000d. TM
. . . . r. of tb. ludi8JICI loo ~ 1I the nuooblrl on tlMll. envelopel. II'wobotr 5 takn hll
clrd OIIt and It I, lhown tO na.e the locetion c~en .t lhe begl nnlng.

]2. IncJdentally. 1t 11 pe rhepl I gOO<1 id... bllorl the predietJon I . rnd out, tO
tu. open the envalope conUlnJng the speet.t or'l elrd on wbi eh he .. rau hll chosen
loc.tlon, end to dilplly what hol wrote befere prOCMdlng to the end of the trick.
TM. confJrae t he .."tal cholet Ind ahe ' _ 1 that tM clrd VI I not IIc reUy
re.oved o r chanqecl In auy ... y.

EfFECf; - A card 15 s e l ected end <e t ur ned to tlte PlIC ~. A coin, whiclt i6 $upposed to
be a detectlve cOl n , Is s hown. The I. put bac ~ Into a drop lid card box and the
pa c~
coln placed on tlte top . a ft er whiCh tlte I1d 18 dropped on . ""'en t he box h opened.
the col n has gone h.,. the top of t he pacl< end Ja fou od nnr the centre t estlng on
t lte actual selected card.
Tltis Is one of . y all t i me fa voutite plots lind I have devised e nuabe r of
cf aehlevl ng tlte basic ef feet. TIte trick was orlginally brought tc .y
I re ad a aethod In Abre. T!tat v... slen requlred aagneUc colns, whtCh
I dld not ha ve, and thl. l a ck of a gi_lek e ncounged OIe te COOle up wlth thls very
5111ple .olution . [See Tll E IIRITI S H Cr.osE UP IIAGI C SYMPOS Hffl llOOK for a u.ble hoppinq
version of thls t rick) .

REQU1REHEHTS ; - I . A d rop lid ca <d box . Flg .I.

2. A pack of eards to f it in t he boll !!

J. Twg colns . I n"rnlly use IOp pl e ces .

4 . Solle Blu Tac ~ .

SET- UP ; - On rhe Inside of tlte card boI there hag t o bo! a piece "f thln rlbbon
attached to the cent <e of one l eng slde of t he box base. f he rlbbon 'hQuld be long
enouqh to stretch Bere u the botto. of t he boI when thete 1$ a dec ~ In81dQ and s.-
o f tlte rlbbon ahou l d prot rude out of the other aide. Fig.2. Many drcp lid cd,d bcIes
conoe wah this ,i bbon already i n place . If YOUtO does nc t ha ve i t , add a! TIte
rlbbon Is .t .. ply used as a nes t. way cf I1 tt lnq the ca r ds out of the box . beeausa
when the pr otrudl ng e nd cf t lte r lbbon Is 11fted up, It rsisu ene leng slde cf the
deck 6uf f iei e ntly out of t he box so that the dec k can be g r l pped.

Stick a piece of Blu Tack In the

cent<e of t he Inside of tlte end box lid.
rtg.3. Aho attach a 6l1li11 piece to the
reit of the ca<d boI base . ng . 4.

Attaeh one of t he colns to the Bl u

Tae k on the base ef the box . ThiS iR
s illpl y .0 tha t you do not have to pal .. an
ut ra coln durlng the fi r st part o f the
routine .
Put tM d~ck Into the 001 and th~n drop tM lid In pie"". Check t hat the top
cnd of the deck does NOT stic k to tM Blu Tack In the Ud . 11 It does. re!lOve ~nd
dlscard a few of rhe cards frOG the deck.
PIlESMJ,IlO" ;- 1. Sagln by dlsplaylng the "",cond coln and e1plain tltat tltls 1& a
detectlve ""In . You al. t o pu t (t to the test to 5"e wltetlter it can find a
'crl.l nal ' •
2 . Plsce the cOln down end pick up the card bo%. Rerove t he IId and place i t doom.
lIlakI ng sure that )'Ou da not turn it over so that tlte Inside af rite lid I. on show.
Tlte pre.ence of the Blu Tack . Ight c ause same comaent!

3 . Holding tlte base of the box on tlte lett pa) _ . use tlte rlgltt Itand ro IIIt the
rlbbon and t ltus raise tlte rlgltt edge of the dec k. Allow t lte righ t fingers and thumb
to grip tlte deck and 11ft I t clear o f tlte bo1.

4. Drop tlte lId back on the empty box and then phce 1t on tlte table. Display the
deck and have a 'cri.inal ' card f.e"ly chosen (and slgned 1f)'Ou feel it necessary.
I da not . )

5 . Spl l t tlte deck and bave the chosen card retu.ned to tlte top of the lower half. As
the rlght ltand place . ItB ha lf On top . get a lett Iittie IIng... break above the
selectiOJl . Having squared tM deck , cut at t he break and riffle shuffle the two
hahn together so that tlte sel e ctlo:>n Is the hst card to fall. The chose n card 1s
thus the new to:>p ca.d of t he deck. Place tlte deck down .

6. Vou nnw e i plaln that the detectlvo coln 15 In fact an undercover agent. and so In
orde r to make hl. fee l at ho .... you _111 place h1. unde. cove r. Pick up the bo1 wlth
your <Ight band and placa It on your loft hand. A. the dght hand re..oves the lid
and place. It down. tM lett fi ngers pull the extra coln held under rhe bo1 on the
Blu Tac k away so that It falls onto the fingers.

1 . A. tlte .Ight hand I!fts away the base of the box . tlte l eft fingen twist towudS
you to conceal the fact t hat t hey now hold a coln. fhe rlgltt hand places the base of
tlte bo1 on the table for a ~nt.

8 . The rlgltt ltand tlten piCkS up tlte ded and placu Jt Into the left hand and thus
ave. the coln s ecretly held t here. Spread the face down deck across Into:> tlte rlght
hand and spllt t he card. about hall way 50 tltat both hands hOld Sonoe spread cards .
Fl ash the fa ces of rhe cards by .t wlsting both hands pa l .. down. then piece the cards
lteld In the .Ight hand UNDER those In tlte left. ttapplng the coln betwe~n the two
halves 88 yau da so. Square tlte dec k.

9. You. patter to ""ver the aOOve iS t hat tlte 'crl",lnal' card hu been lost
sOIII!..hen. In IlJIOn!lst the other cards and the detectlve col n will now uy to find
hl •.

10 . As s ocn as t he deck Is squa red. drop It s t raight Into tlte card bo>. Try to
ensure that you r hands cover tlte dec k suf!lclently to the hct that there is a
coln a l ready In the deck centre.

LI . Fick up the bn1 base and place It in tlte left hand . Ta ke the detectJve coln and
position It On t op of the dec k In the centre . Pick up tlte Hd and push It doom on
top. Because there 15 a coln al re ady In the cenne of t lte dec ~ . tlte upper half is
Ilfted up sllghtly . Thls coupled witlt the thlckness of tlte coln pla~ed o:>n tlte top ot
the pack ~ lll .... an that I f yau Squee. e t lte box top ftnd botte. centre as you place it
down. rhe co:>ln will be stuck to the Blu Tack on tlte Inside o f the lid.
12. AftH a lew ""menu. 11ft off the lid to reveal that the co!n Ilas gone. Showlnq
both yonr h~nds empty. lift np the rlbbon rund a110w the spectators to see the gap In
the s lde 01 the pack wh~re the coin rest. In the mldd l e.

13. With the rlght fingers, litt o ff all the eard$ ABOVE the co!n and pllee thell to
one aide . Ti l t the box 90 tllat the au di enee clln now clearly see thR coin re sting on
the reaalning pertlon of the deck.
14. Lif t the coln off .. nd t hRn rellOve tlle card It was lylng on . Ask lor th~ n&4e 0 1
the chosen ·c r l . lna l · c .. rd . Snap the card a nd turn 1t over to show that another case
has been sncce s. ! ully solved!
TIle offers to 'explaln' how ...,glcl ans are ahl e to apparently
before t hey have actually IIlIppened . FrOD a 'D"ll envelope he retlOves
c","pletely transparent plutlc wall a t. Inaida whlch the baCK of " playlng card can
elearly oeen. The envelope l a shown to be otllerwi s e empty .
Thla card is to be the maglclan's predletlon and he even .hows the f ace of the
card to the audl .. nce. uplalnlng however that noraally the end', l den t lty would
reJIIIln undl s closed OJIltll the end . TM card, Inside IU wallet, Is left face down on
thc table.

A pae~ of eards h shuUled and .. end chosen end placed nexl to the
predlctlon . TM ""'gi clan confldontly explaln, that the predlctlon cnd will always
.... tch tlle selection. even though the spectator hu a eOOlee of 52 eards. A8 he uys
this, the II<Iglelan fans the balance of the dQc~ faees towards the .. udlenee end the
specteton wil l suddenly nottee that the eard utching the p .... dlctlon In lhe wallet
Is In fact ati l l on the bettoa of the deckl A .Istake appears to have been made. and
when the ,election 10 turned over, lt I, Indeed "n<>tller eard . Kowever, 811 ends weil
when t he Ilagician flips over the transparent wallet to show the predlctl"., card
inside ha ' changed to .atch the seleetlon.

~IT~:~,:'::'~;":';~'tfhct Is
In thiS "i .. ilarbutIntheplot
bOO~. to the
.... thod The Right
I , entlrely Wrong Predlctlon
different. The basic
transparent wallet to swlteh ends Can be used to change elther
of a eard plaeed Inside and thls lWIan& the r e are 5eve ral otller
effeets are j>Osslble wlth the set up described .

L '!'WO sllall cOOlPletely

wa llen. 51%e
Fig. I. Theoe ca o
luger statione<y
sold in packs of ~ .

2, ~ brown .unilla envelope, app<oxillate

sl.e 7;cm x 12cm .

3. ~ pack of eards .

4. 1'010 extra .... tehlng eards, uy the KS

an<! 41).

Sln-UP:- Cut out one coaplete s1de froll n I

the aecond " allet end insert lt Into the
fIrst wallet. Flg . 2.

Tbla create s a kind of Changing bag

walle t. Ln tM rear COIIlpart .... nt of the
wallet slip the duplica te KS face up. H O.
the di &carded &Ide of the aecond wallet,
cut 8 tongue of plasti<; about lCII long and
aUech lt w!th sellotape to the rear of
the 4D, Hg.l.

Feld ttu! tengue evor ento Ihe tac ..
o ! t he 40 ae that a ereaSe h termed in
the plastic level with the tep edge of the
eud .

, Unfold the tongue and Slip the 40

,< 0 face up Into the front cOIlpa rtllallt of tm.
wallet so that ttu! 40 ie euetly allgned
wlth the KS. fold the tongue down onto the
ouhide of the wallet. Thc cut OUt .. ay
have to be enl a rged sl1ghtly to do lhla.
00 , fig.4.

• Tc all ietents and purpesel !t now

looks as If there Is ene card Inside the
pl a stic wall e t. In reality there U e two
and they ue kept separate by the central
dlvlding piece of plastic .

Slip the wallet into ttu! envelope. The pack of cards la qulck l y set up by
plaeing ttu! KS on tOp of t he pack and then placing the 40 on top of the KS.

~~~,;';".:'0~;;:0.ffer to explai n how predletion eftecl8 are done. Holding up
that Indde 1K a preclietlon. Carefully relDOve the plastlc
eard ,hOUld be towards yourself. Show the envelope IUIIpty and

2. Ins i de tM ..allet ls you r predlctlon and sinee you ue onlr ·expla l nl ng· the
t r ick rather than POrfor.l ng It. yeu ue prepared to show the face of the end In

3 . Turn the ..allet round. u81ng the t!ngers or thUJ\b cf the hand holding the wallet
to eoneeal t he plastlc tongue tram vlew.

4. Onee the eud hce hn been seen, turn the wallet round agaln 80 that the caI"<!
face 1$ towards YOU .

5. Gr!p the ope n end of tlla wallet In the left hand, thuab on tlla plast l c tongue and
fingen on tha o t her slde. TM <ight hand grips ttu! 1)OttOll end of the wallet tor e
~nt to allow the left th .... b. to 8traJghten Out the plastlc tongu e 50 that It
protrudes above tlla top of the wallet . Flg . 5 .
6. The rlght hand tMn picks UP the envelopo! by IU fhp. TM flsp should be open
snd paintlng to the light. the address side of tM envelopo! belng flat on to the
al/dlenee .
1 . The lett hand places the wallet agatnst the l>ac~ of the envelope. so that lt is
partly hldQen fron t he audience's vlew. Flg .6.

8. "ot.. h<nf tha loft second. third and four t h fingen have gone onto the address
side of the enveiope so that it 18 helQ plnched bet""",n the left Index and seeond
Ungu •.

9 . The rlght hand. whleh ean now release It8 hold on tM envelope. take. ho l d of the
seale<! end o f the wallet end pull& It a"ay frOli the left hand. slidlng It along t he
back of the envelope. Flg.1.


10. All soon n the end of the utended plntic tongue la put the openlng of t OO
envelope. the "all"t t . pushed Inside. the tongu" r~lnjng eztended. fig.e.
11 . Vou r eovering patter for thia aet i"" i s tIIot nor""l1y the predietion wouid
re..ain hidden insida tlte envelope. but on this occasion that will no t t)e neceuary
Binte you have already shown the face of the ca rd.

12. So saying, the lelt thunb and lnde~ finger hold the very base of the envelepe al
the ex ect spot where the extended pla stlc tongue will be pOsitioned in the envelope.

~- -,,
~_-' 11
I I Ii
~L_-::.::::;- =..= ~

iJ. !ha right hand ruche. inside tlte envelope an<! GIDITLV grasps the bott.,. e<lge of
the ..allet and slOOOthly witltdraws H. Beeause the leH Mnd h holding the plastic
tongue through the envelope. tOO 40 wHI <ellain Inside the "nvelope and the wallet
will be slid oft It and out Into view again.

14 . Duo to the plutic central d lv id .. r between the 40 and !(S. the KS w1l1 be laU
unmoved inside the wallet and nothing will appear to have changed. The wallet i.
imnedlat e ly pllced wlth the card faea down on the table and the envelope Is casually
pUt a way .

15 . Pick llP the deck and shuttle keeping the top two card. In place . Get a break
below the top card w!th the l e tt l ittl e finger and transfer tOO break to the rlght
thuab ftS It holds tha deck fra. above. underC\lt the dee~ wlth t he left hand ftnd
place on top. keeplng t ha break. Regain tOO break w!th the lett 11 tUe floger as it
t akes hold of the pack agftln .

16. Riffle force the card helOt< the break . (For a b.lef descrlpt lon of this force,
see PRIVATE EYE.) After cOIIpl etlng the cut puih off the top 'selactad' card Ithe KS )
onto the table without showing I t s face, ne1t to the pred Jetlon .

17. Vou ß%pla.1n that although the spechtor could have chosen any one of the S2
eards. too Olle he haa chosen will always .atch the predletion. As you say thls. pick
up the deck and tum lng t he hees of tlte cards t""ards the audience. fan the deck.
The speetatots will See the 40 starlng at thell fro .. the bott01ll of tlte dec k and they
will assume that you have .ade a lIia takel

IS. Close the fan, apparently unaware of yOur a nor. and confidently flip the
selectlon over. Appear sOIIewhat confused tc find the KS on the table! Then turn ove <
tha wallet to reveal the predlction has changed also 10 the KS.
nIE !!OM I~ Cj COIN (eUE)

ErfEC'fö- A coln vanlslles and appears under tlle drawe.r or a lIatcllbox plac~d DOutll
down on tlla Uble. 111e coln t hen pe netr~tes tlle back of tM dra""r to appear onCe
IIOre underneath. 111e matellbos 18 put back together agaln and tlle COln dlsappears aad
r~appears wlthln thO! box. flnally tlle eJlpty box Is "upped In a handkerchief and
lleld by a .pectator. TIIe C<)ln vani5hes and 15 $upposed to end up In the box.
H""ever . ..lien tlle box 15 opened tha coln 1$ not found Inside. because the whole
ara"er 16 C<)npletely •• 1104 " Itn matclles!

COt?!OOS;- Thh routine started ,,!tll tlle Idea for a fake aatcllbox . I thin k the idH'
of a ~tcllbo . belng able 10 lood 0 coln iI one ..11Ich could be Inco r poraled Into
other routine • . lIen I havc used the special box plu' ...... slelghl cf hand Md nlce
routlnlng to creat .. " ple"sant sequence " hlcll I IIope you will Ilke!

~<oyIREMENIS ; I. fwo lIatcllboxes .

2 . fwo colns. I usa IOps .Ithough half dollars ,,111 fi t equally .. eIl In the bo •.

3. A cotton handkerchlef.
4. A 8IMll pi<lce of thln card . Thl 8 could be lUde !r01O t he duwer of a third
.a tcllbo •.

SET-UP ; -Re..,ve tlte dra"'"r fr"", one of tlle IIIl t cllboxes and. dtscard the .... telles. You
ne.. "eed to cut ond fit a flap ( ..11Ich )'Cu cut fr oa you r e%tr" piece of cardJ to the
Inside ef the ... tcllbox COVER. The flap Ilhould be Ulightly over half tlle lengtll of
tlte .atchbox and .hould be at t aehed with sellotape te the tep underslde cf the
cover . flg . l .


When tlla eover 15 stClOCl with end A on tlte table. tlte flap ,,!l I drop epen .
Flg.' .

Take the dnwer of the .atehbox and eut on eighth of an Inch eff all tM way
round. Flg.3. 'l'hU ansu res tM t tlte dUWilr Can be slid lnto the Cover dup lt e the
pre s ence o f tl\e flop .

Whe" lnse r tlng the tri _ d drawer Into tM C<lver, always ~ ke sure that t he
dra"e< enters end A lind la pulled out "t end B. lf YOU du lt the other way. YOU Wi ll
break tha fl ap Inside tha eovar!

fhe second Identica l IIatchbox Is fllled so COlllpl~tely w!th .ateltes. tllat when
the dUWilr is in the cover. the IMtelles a n j!lJllled "nd will not r attle . It is best
t o flll the dro"er w!th a f .....atche s at a tI .... and to shake tlle duwer tu ensure
that the aatcheR settle while you are dolng the I~dlng. otherwlse you ~a y find that
rOut ·ja..ed full ' box aay settle "nd r"ttle In perlorftanee.

fold the ItandJcerehlef Into a .quar... Put t ho full box of ftatches under the
[old .. d handkerehlef and place the two together In your lett jac ket POcJ< et. t he
handk .. rchlef nearest thR body .

Slip on .. cf the coln. Into the fa ke .atchbox end have thll on yon table. end
A u( LI,,, box (~~iu~ yu~. Tl!" uLh", u>i u h ~l~nlc I><'l_~ lu Ll!" .-J~hL hd"~ 41 LI",
beginning of t he routine.

PRESE!lTATIOt! ; - I. Pic~ up the vi si ble .atehbox and push ou t tM drawer 11<) that 1t
amerges at end S. Reroove the duwer completely w!th the <Ight hand and pllce tM
cov .. r down so that It stands upright on end A.

2. Tlp the co,n out of the dral<E!r and onto the table. Vou .av that thc coln is a
'holO lng coln' and the MtchboI is Hs hoq . No aatter "hcrc the coin goes. it always
returns to Its ~.

1. The left hand has hold of the drawer. The coln palud In th<! right hand Is
allowed to drop onto tho rlght fi ngers . The left hand invert. tile dUl<E!< IO(\Uth
do>mwards ove< the coln .. nd the righ t flngen place tha duwer onto the table wit h
the cOin seeretly undernea t h.

4. 'l'he <Ight hand plc~s up the viBible coln and prutands t o plsce lt into eilo Jcft
hand whleh eloses. The coln IB classic palmed In the rlght hand .

5. Vou ny th<! coin .. ill l eave the hand and ntu ro hoee under t he duwer . Thc rlght
hand reaches over .. nd plnchlng the two long sldeB of thR duwer. lifts It
lIO .... ntarilyoff the table as lt to show where tll& coln will arrlve. The plnciling of
the sldes of tho drawer meanS that the coln iB secretly plck<!d up under the ~a t chbO x
and re~alns out o f vle... Raplace the drawer on thc table .euth downwards .

6. The lMt hand 18 finally opene.1, the coln IR gone . The left hand Ups the dral<E!r
over bac k.. ards to reveal tM eoln underneath.

7 . Allew th<! palooed coln to tall onto the fight fingers agaln and picklng up the
drawer w!th tile lett han d. Invert it over ehe pal .... d coln as lKIfore. placlng both
do>m OIItO the table . So OIlce IIOn there ls .. coln secretly pOsitloned undcr the
dr awer on the table.

8 . Pla"" the cover of tile boI on top of

the drawer back. end A belng at the
bott",". F1g.4. fjc~ up the villble co,o
.. nd gently lower It loto the COver _here
It raBts Inside tho open flap.
" 0
re .\,
9 . The coin will spparently penetrate
th rough the drawer agaln . 'l'he rlght ltand
lifts tho cover away. t he coln belng
- ......,

oacretly held up In the cover by <Oeans of
tho flap. and tlle dra""r io pivoted over
bac kwards to reveal the coi o underneath.
'l<> +
10. Push tlle d r awer up loto e nd A of tile cover for halt i t B length. The co!n will be
trapped by tM pressure of the drawe< On the flap.
11. Once tM box MS been • ..en to be eltpty. push the drawer shut and p18ca tho box
on the table, e nd A neatest you.
12. Plc~ up the coln and apparently piece It agaln Into tM left hand . pallling It in
the right.

13 . The left hand gQeI beneath t he table top and appt rently Makes the coin pelletrate
up through Ihe tabla and back lo t o tM NtchboI. The left hand e .... rgas open and
e.pty f rOll below tM t able.

14 . Pick up tM Ntchbox snd rattle It. Push out the draW<lr end tha coln ... BI
&u t oraa tically be loaded loto the drawer trOll the flap. If you find thls does not
Mppen, it AaY be that tM length or perM"" tM wldth ot the flep need. to be
trl~d a Iittle .

15. illth tM drawer rl!llOved tr"", the cover. tip tM coln onto the table and replsce
the drawer back l oto t M Cover .

16 . You UY that I>lI5t cf dl ;s the '1011"1 range' fllght 01 the coln . 80th hands go
to thelr rnpective pocket. at the '1lDe tI_. The rlgh t hand simply releases ita
palmed coln end re..... rgeB e.pty . TM left hand COllIeS out "Ith the handkerchief end
the second aatchbox hidden undorneath .

17 . Open out tM halld);erchlef. keeplnq the

box still hiddell. The cloth Is held es In

16 . The right h.nd pickS up the visible

... pty lIa t chbox eod COllIeS l)ehiod thc c l oth
"here it takes the hlddeo full bol out of
/ ( \ tha left fingen end pushes it up to the
centre 01 tha hand);etchlef .

19 . The l e ft hand releases hold of tM
handkerchiel edge end grll'" the fuB bo ~
thtough the hand);erChleL The rillM ~and.
conceal1ng tM .... pt y 001. drops casually
down to your side .

20 . '['urn your left ,Ide towards t he audience a little and approach e spectator on
yaur ta < rlght. lIold up tM cloth coveted bol and ask if ha would hold it up In
vle" . ~, YOU do thl5. the <lght hand quietly ditches tM utra pal .... d box In the
right jac~et pOCket. This slde Is hidden by the body of course .

21. Pick UP the visible coin and apparently take it toto the left hand. In realHy
perfo .. tM IItlst lIatch COln Vanlsh or tM Sial' Coln Vanlsh or any othe r cOllplete
coin vaoish.

22. 10&. tM Invisible coin round the rOOll and ask the spectator whether he feit the
coin arr!ve. He will probably .ay 00 . Take the hendke rchlef covered box fr oa hili and
uncover It. Then pu,h open the drawer and I lowly tip the matches all over the table.
TUE FIGHT II/!O!i(j FRElllctlON ( HeU )

spec t ator Is golng to do s"",," .aglc. He freely selecU a JMbo end as ~

and it 1$ pheed Into an eU.lllned anvalope whleh ha. ~ large hole cut

does not .pectator chooses ~
card fro. a norml sl.Otd pack , but
~ppear tu etch the flut speetator's predlctlon . I!owev<>c.
changes to match the oelected card.
CC!!HENTS ; One of the c1asslc Btand up t r ickS sold by Ken Brocke " as Potty
Predictlon. I baught One and used It ..... ny tllII!S In IIr act . Unwever , I wanted to do a
si.Hu efleet i n close up and dec lded It would be nlce to change the plot so that
it was a spectator ,,1>0 apparently did tlu! ... glc rather than the per l or .... r belog
rattler . clever-clever' In changin~ the predlctlon ea rd. Thlo in turn l ed .... to
wonder Ir it "as passlble to have the en"elope conU.lnlng the pred lctlon exui ned
beforehand ..•. and so t he handling I a. abaut to deserlbe "as born.

REQUlREHEN!S;- I. A JUllbo deCk (Includi ng ths Joker) and a drop lid ea rd box . Flg.I.

2. Two ~illa envelopes (16cII x 23c. approxillately).

3. A pack of nOrllal sl.ed eard$ whlch has 26 dupllcat es and 26 Indifferen t cards.

4. For the set up you wil l need seme sclS60 r 9 .

FrQII the address eide of one of the en~elopes cut s rectanqular piece
lleq x 15cII. Dlscard the rest of the envetope. Flg.2.

_Iko> ......

~ ,t
~, j

The other envelope has a square hole cut out of Its address slde . The .I~e cf
the hole Shou l d be ?CII I 7"", and itB top edge should bc about 9cII IrOIl t he top cf
the envelope . Flg . 3.
The JUIlbo dec~ la now required . Flntly. reaovil the J....oo cilrd which ~tchea
the 26 dupUcates in your non,al shed pack. Le t us uy 1t 18 tha QII. Also take Out
tlui Jumbo Joker. FrOlO any other caro ..... ke iI 'ahort' card by trl_Ing Me or both of
the top and bo t taft short edges.

Replilce thls 8110r t card on the

bott.,. of t he pack. TMn on top of It put
the OH and on top of that laI' the piece of
envetope whlch yeu cut f ra. the first
","velope. The shlny outBide of the F\G4
envglope piece should Ile agalnst the face
of the QH. On top of thc lot phce the
Johr .

TM pac k should now read. f rOIl the

Ixottoa upwardS'- Joker. envelope piece. -'
QR. ,hort card. reGt of the p ac ~. Flg.4.

Drop the deck face up into the card box. Put the lid on. The nor ..... 1 sized deck
has 26 duplicates on top and the r andOll cards On the bottoll (face) of the deck.

It Is essontlal that yen work thls on a close up mat.

You 5ay that a apectator Is golng to atte~t a ~ nt al effacl. Open

;"; __,,,';',,;llfti n g off the Ild and piece lt aslde . Then ,,!th tM r/ght
~. of the bo~ and tllt 1t over to the left hand so that the
out face down ooto It. Hg.5. YOu SlIOuld find tha t the dec~ will
as yeu do thls .


2. Place the box down and then t ransfer the deck to the right hand. This hand Shouid
hold the pac~ by IU rlght slde ,,!th tM rlgh t thunb on top and the fingers
undern.... th.

l . The t eft thu.b now 9""s to the lett long slde o f the dock Md p""Js down t he
bottOillO card suUlclently fo r the l ett fingers to slip in above the Joker and grip
the pae); at the lef t long edge. Flg.6. 1he fac t t M t the pack spread a IIttle as it
was removed fraa the bo% aids thls peeling down of the Jo);e r .

4 . The left f ingers will be holding tM envelope piece now agains t t he bOt t Ob of the
pack and the l eft thumb ,,111 be resting On the top cf t he cards.
5. 'l'1te tw<> h~n~1 lower thtl ~ec k to the hble end just before tlte close up .at 15
re ~ched. the rlght hand alldes out tlte Jo~er, ieavinq the lett han~ to place the
deck down leavlng the envalope piece hldden under the wnole dec_ .

6. Tu rn the Johr cuually hce up end drop 1t Into the base of the case. 'l'he only
purpose of rhe Jo~e r ~a8 to keep the envelope piece hldden end In piece prior to the
deck heing pl~ced on the tabla. so ne., 1t can he re"",ved and dl8carded wlthont
arousing "uspiclons.
1 . Spread the pac~ acroSS your mat hOli lof t to rlght. Havc the spettator who h
golng t o do the trick touch the back of any card.

8. ReIIOve his .elcction and show 1t to everyone. Thi •• ycu explain. will be hls
predictlon. Transfer the cud hce down to tlte left hand and starting w!th the
bett"", tlght corner of the card, slip !t under the bettOlll of the pack e t the l eft
long slde. In a contlnnln,. scooplng up ""'tlon, colleet up the whole p.1ek lnto the
rlght hand. [f yeu do It rl,.ht, you will fInd that the chosen card will
au toaatlcally go under tlte envelope piece in tlte COurSe of this sctlon so that when
the dec~ h tlnally square<! again in the r1g11t hand, the anvalope p1<lC" ..111 be
trapped between the .eleetion snd the QH .

9. Ho l d tha deck fsce up and squared In the lelt hand, the left thUilb running along
the l<ln long edge. the fingers along the rlght. Flg.7. The speetator', fre ..
5RIRction will be In viaw on thR facR of tlte deck .

• •


10. O/lth YOUt free rlght hand ~S8 the sp(!ctator the envelope t o uamlne. 'l'a1< e It
hack and lay it hole tide up on the lable, the flap belng open and faclng towards

11. The fight hand now comes to the inner short end at the pac1< and the thu.,b gets
underneath the top two cud. of the decl< (I.e. the spectator's catd plus the OH) .
Fig.6. Thlo I easier by t he short card belng under the Oll .

12 . l/Ith the flngß<s on the face and the thwab underneath. lift off these two cuds
as One (" Ith the pieCe of envelope trappe<! between theoll and turn the.. baCl< t""uds
the audlence.

13. Put the JUIIbo deck down and Il<!IIediately URe t/le left hand to pick up the
envelope by sllpplng the tln,.ers Into tlle square hole st the top edge and seperatlng
the finger. insIde in order to open the top end ot the envelope.

14. flash tha ta<:<t of tho card(s) agaln and than smooth ly silde the .. hce down Into
the envelope, leaving the<a resting in a central pOsition so that t he .Idd l e of the
card back shows. As t~r as the audlen"" Js eoncerned, they have clenly seen YOU
take the fredy seleeted predicUon and slip 1t into the eU.IIlned envelope. All
looks fair and above bo~rd . Leave the envelope to one aide but in view.

15. Put the rest of tha dec); away and then !let oot the ordlnary sl~ed deck.
Fan t he bottOlI haU of this deck to sltow the cards ere ~11 different. fahe shuffle
maklng sure th~t the top 26 reaaln togother and unseen.

Ib. Turn the c~r~ taees tow~rds yOuueH ~n4 easualJy spllt the earns. HowevH,
ensure that ~ll thoso In lila left halid ara the 4uplleates and t lte rest are In the
rlgh t hand.

17 . A seeond speetator is invlted to point to one of the two halves. If he points to

the pile of duplicates, you keep that pile and dlseald t he other. The n, havlng split
the pile of duplleates In haU, yOu keep whlehever pile he po ints to thl. tiM and
continue l e thls way, on every aceasion KEEPI NC the pile he points to .

18. If he orlgln~lly polnu to the Indif ferent card pile. that h too one you still
diseard, but on each sUbs"'luent cholce you aake aure thaI you contJnue 10 PI SCARP
the pile he polnu to . The net result Is that YOU will al ways end up with a QH belng
left at the finIsh. Thi$ Is a subtle force because yoo are eOillpletely consJslenl in
the way rou handle tlte speetator', cholee each llme .

19 . The final end whieh reooains at the end of this selecUon process, Should. you
tell tOO audienee. aateh the speetator'$ predietlon eard I! he ha$ don .. It
correetly! Th .. norma l slled end is placed faeB down on the lable witllout its face
belng shown.

20. Pick up the envelope and hold 1t In

the l~ft hand as In Flg.9. Thc hole in the
envelope is faelng the a ud lenee .

2 1. SHp tlte rlght hand Into the top of

the envelope and Insert tOO fingers
bet .... en the front card I.e. tl\e eard
showing throogh the hole In the eRvelope,
and the loose piece of envelope.

n. Crlpping thls front cnd and holding

the envelope VE!!Y LIGllTLY wl th tOO left
hand. !lently ruove the front card. too
piece of envelope should reooaln In
poSition an<! theretore !lIve the I.presslon
that the envelope is now e ~ pty.
23. Phce the envelope to One slde. Turn round the li1ed card and IIct
surprlsed lhat it does nOt aateh the spectator's pre<iieUon eard chosen earlier.
However, yOU eOJlpli .... nt the speetator on his aagte powen beeaue" a' though he eould
not predlc t the ""lectIon correetly. he has aanaged to change hiS predletion to
ooateh tlte selectlon. And you turn round the J~ tu prove your warde.

EfFECT;- TIoIo different coloured chips u" eMwn and despite the perloraer openly
reJlOVlng ooe, there an Bl ways two l>&ck In hls Mod . JU8t when the audlence thlnk
they know what to ezpect. the two chips change colour completely!

One 01 "y aar ke t ed H ..... Ja called t"!IE C!.AUSE!! CHIPS and 8 vQ[~ion 01
appears in the book l e t ..hleh aecampanle~ t he suppl led brass chips. (See
..;.;;". Magie puee list tor aetUIB.1 tlllS, howe"er. Is tlle OrlglMI ' 10\1-
tech' of tM effect wh iCh was orlglnally Insplred by the silllla r Bob
Swadlinq using take colns. Th" chips requlred can e!ther be I\lIde by carefully
cutting requlred caloun fr.- coloured cardbeard, or yoo will find that
chlldren' . gaDeS often have coloured chips rou aay be a ble to .. dapt. The chipS whleh
I use COibe fram a g_ called Match-A-Balloon which is sold In Br ltaln In lhe Early
Learnlng Cent re toy shOps.

REO\JJRE!!EJ!tS ; I. 5 Chip!; In t he followi ng colour combination - 2 chips green on

beth sldes, 1 Chip red Of\ beth sldes. I chip yellow Of\ beth 8lde& and I chip red Of\
one Glde and yellow on t he other . (The colours cao be urled n 10nll u the
cOJlblnatlOQ of colours h .... l ntained . 1 Th<I sl.e of the Chip!; ShOuld be as luge es
yeu can coafortab ly classlc palm,

SET - YP; - Put t he all red chip In the rlght jacket packet. The red/yellow chip put in
the ticket packet In yeur rlght pocket, r ed .ide towards the body .

Cl a ulc pal. one of the all green chipS in yoor right hand . Have the other
green "nd a ll yellow Chips on v le ~ in yOU( left hand.

PHESEl!TbTiOt!;- J. Sl>ow the two chips 00 the left lingen. Vou tay that If YOU openly
reOlClve one - and 10u do ao - it would be easy to nalle lhe colour of ttu! Of\e wh ich
relilains, because It can bot ~een . But u soon as it cannot be seen, it beco»es .ore

2 . Replace ttu! Chip I n the left hand . The

ye llow chi p should be on top of the green
and staggered bac~ 5llghtly So that tlte
green Can be . een uoderneath . Hg.!. Both
Chips an restlng on the finge r s <ather
than on the pal •.

l. Cu r l your left hand Inward8 toward8

yOur8elf. helf cl081ng the hand . Allow the
pal.ed chip in the rlght hand t o fall on t o
the f lat of the flngerl .

4 . With the hac~ of the hand upperJlOst, t he r lght fingers enter the rear of the half
eloBed haod, leavlng the palo.ed green chip on top of the yellow one end opeoly
comlng awar wlth the green one whleh was underneath the yellow One.

5. Show thls rBllOved Chip beth sldes .nd place it in your rlght jacket t icl<e t
pocket. secret ly <"""",log tlla red/yellow chip 10 the fingers .. lt h the yellow 81de
rest l ng agalns t the llnger8 themsel"es.

6. The lett hand has .eanwhile elOsed . A spettator I. asked to n&ibe ttu! colour ot
the r~ining Chip In the l ett hand . Whatever he .ays. you open t he hand to ShOW the
green one hack on top of the yellow one.
7. Roop. .t tlle above sequence, tllli tI .. tM dl y.Uow chip beilIlI ._ed an<! the
rlCl/fellow chip belng lett on top ot tbe gr.... , .. ltb t hl yellow IloH 01 thl take
cblp Upper.olt.

8. Pla<;tt the all yellow chip. afhr sbQIIlng lt bolh eldu, In l O tbe flgbt t1e~et
pocket and cose out ~Ith tbe all . ed chip In lha r lght fingers .

9. \fIIen tlle lland "opened. tM green Md yellow chip, are seen welt togetMr again .

10. R.pu.t thh a thlrd 11", tbl1 ti.. r __ lng tha green chip. ,_Ing both lides
and depoaltlng .It In tM rlght lad".t pockU, tbe 111 red chip I.ulng ~n al ready
dePOllted In tbe lItt lland along v!th tha red/yellow falt •• TIte rlght hand ""9'"
! . o. thfl pocket .-pty.
11. At tbe let t lland I1 turntd ove' thl, tl .. , lila chlpt ere allowed to flip Ovlr so
thai wnen the fingers Irl opened lwo RED chips luddenly cOte loto vlew!

Magnetic Attraction
Three Card Tricky
Sili-Coin Chip
Diary Of A Nobody
Mint With The Hole
~ } ====='W
~;FFEcr ·. TM pufonncr borrows ".., credi, cardJ front IM mulienu und Ihen lays 0'" Jour
_.mall C()i~s in ,he Jour CO,ru:'3 of hi.. cl"...,-..p ",m . UJi..g rhc. crcdil caros os tempora,.., <,<>,-crS,
Ihe lIIagician co" .fes Ihe Jour CoillS 10 mlJgically oJ.<t!mbJc om: III a ,ime amil Ihe)' are nll
callee/ed under IM One credil cord. 'mmedial'!/)' Ihe cords Ore relUrned 10 Iheir o",ne,..
COMME NTS " Yes, i1 is that good old fallhful lhe matrix cffec\! Howcvcr. lhc uSC of ~rcdil
cards open. ur some palte •• ven .... (Ihe coins being anlaCted 10 lht OUlllJ'etic ,'rip on on<: or lhe
cards or that Vi.a cards an: wanh more 1hall Ma$lcrcards cle ClC) an<! also the facl thol Ihey Ire
borrowed eards SCcms 10 procludc 100 possihilily of Illere being any gimmicks.
REOUJREMENfS;· l. Fivc small coin •. [use tOp's, Amc'K:an readers would use quaners. 2.
A smallpiocc or BI .. Tack. J. For esse ofhandling, yoo should work on a dose-ur mal.
S R r . up: . To makc Ihili ~ffect JI<lICIical 100 nc<!d 10 be able 10 gel al IN.> Rlu Taek casily. I lend
10 k""l' nüne SI""k 10 one of Ihc: l~ coins. Tbi. coin is lhen Iccpl in my righl lrouser pockel
whil~ IM OIhcr four are k~pI in lhe loft.

rR fS EN [ATlON;- I. lmmodialdy prior 10 lhe Ifick casually f'U1 )'<)Uf hands in your pocke"
and use )'OIIr right fingers 10 puH Ihc: bio!! of Blu T""k ofT the coin 50 Ihal il is simply held
pinc:hcd betw""n Ihe index and sccood fingers. J\sk for lhe loan of two credil cards. idcally from
Iwo diff~",nl spedalors.
2. Bring IM hands OUI of the packCIS and approach Ih~ firsl spcclalor who is offering " cord, and
lake il in )'OUr kft hand. Look al Ik.Md and mal«: 1lOfl>C comment flOOut ;1 ( "Did yo u kno'"
Iltis card hilI u pind? .. .jusl kiddi ng!l and arrange il "" Ihal lhe card i, Ihe fight way round
as 100 Iook al il. This will pullhe mag"",ic >trip on lhe reverse of IM card 01 Ihe l<.>plong eOge.
3. Pass Ihe card 10 your right Iland "" Ihat Ih~ righl fingers grip
lhe tower underside St:CIion o( the card. thc Ihumb ""'Iing on
lop. l'ig.1. Attach lhe Blu Taek 10 thc: underside of the card by
pushing thc cord down wilh Ihe right Ihumb onlO lhe Bin Taek
held on IM right fingers. The c xact posilion of Ihe llIu Taek
does not maUer 100 much, but Iry not 10 slick it 10 the
n'8.JV"'tic Slrip of lhe card 10 ovoid .ny possible damage. A
centtal p"$iüon in Ihe I"wer half of Ihe cord is ahoul right. .L",",·,'-;c:::C;CC:;:--::-C:-::::-::::'
4. Now turn 10 the sccond spedator and lake hili cord wilh 100r Jeft hand. Look .1 il and pa,,>
some commenl (~Ah , you Ilr~ Mr.BarcltJy (ca /ling OUllh n llln~ of Ih ~ bank sh o ~'n on Ih~
c<lrd) ...didn'l Ihey nUmt U bank af ler you ?W) before laying ;1 on lop of the card held in the
right hand and placing Ihem bolh down on Ihe table,
5. BOlh hands oow &0 10 Ihei r rcspcc1ivc trOll""r pocke!.< .nd
thc: lcft hand cmcr&cs fin;1 with Ihc fOllr coin. Iying Oll the
fingen;. Fig.2. 'Ihe fighl hand emerges a moment laler w;lh its

,,' onc coin looscly finger palmed.

6. Having displaycd tM ruins in Ihe lefl hand, Ihey are
app3remly Ihrown into lhe fight. In rcality. Ihe lell Ihumb
l'ig.2 retmins Ire uppcmost coin or litt: ~I",k (thc onc which i.
@D LI--'-1A-G-::-N-K-n-=~:C~::·'~::: :I~"-~':'cIOr.:.:I'~:'::::"-O-" ,C"-
- m-'dC-.-•• _--,I [ ]
:::-----,nearest Hle [ef! fIßgc"ips) aod allows ,he mher Ihre<: l(> drop imo lhe
righl hond whc .... 'hey join ,he ono alre.dy held ,heN, 'n... risl" h~nd
lhcn pi"""" on<: coin in tach corner of lhe mal.
7. You explain ,hat lhe [wo ct«!it <:aru •• re going!O be uscd 10 cover
lhe coin. ror a momenl. As you sp<:ak, the ,igllt hand pick. up the 'op
credil tard and passes ;\ \0 lhe IcO hand SO thaI the top of lhe card i.
poiming 10 lhe ,ight an<!.., that lhc coin secrelly held in (he Icf! fingers
;$ CQVcrcd by th<: canl. Fig.3.
8. n.e ,igln hand tllen picks up [he other card (lhi, i. ,he onc wilh lhe
Fig.3 ßlu Tack on it) and hold, il 50 thaI lhe top cdgc is pOinting 10 the Icrt
l lc ,ight $<::OOI\d finger ;. light!y toochinl! Ihc Blu Taek.
;=====::':~==:'~"''''.:~~ 9.. lhalPlace lhc "aru held in lh<: lcfl hand over thc win top MI
Fill.4 leaving lhe OIher coin secretly undemealh. Make sure that lhc
lWQ ooins do no\lO\lch Of 'talk ' , Fig.4.
10. Wilh lhe right hand. 1010'10' its urd ove, the coin top righl.
using the ,ighl second finger 10 posilion Ihe Blu Tock oVer thc
coin onlhe labi". As 111<: card i. relcascd the ,ight lhumb p<lshes
down slighlly 10 ma](c lhe coin Slr;':k:,:oc'~",~B=I:'='=.OC~k.;'~'~'~h':.:ß~I'
Tock i. very ncw, )IOU do not
L - - - - -- -----'nced 10 pusl1100 hard OIherwisc
lhe coin will be too sirongly 8uached.
11. Snap 11>0 fi~ers over lhe 110'0 cards and bring 11>0 rißhI hond
palm down ovcr lhe card 10\1 ,ight and using the righl thumb and
S<ICOnd finger to grip lhe clUd 01
Fig.6 the lwo shor! edges. Fig.S. lift
lhe ean! straighl up oIT 100 labi<: L ____' - - '_____
! 10 reveal nothing undemeath.
lmmedialdy casually lh10w lhc card inl0 the left hand $0 lhal il
lands as in Fig.6.

l Straight 8way thc righl hand goes to lhe cord lop left
osing the same g,ip on cord there. lifts il up
111<: rcveal two
coins now undemealh. As lhe rigM hand docs Ihis. the Icft

fingelS pull the co;n oIT th<: Bio "rock $0 Ihal it fall. 0010 the let) fingers 001 is ~till conc<:alcd
(rom view by the cord.
13. Th<: card juSl liftcd by the righl hand is 01$0 Ihmwn casuoJly imo Ihe Idl hand on top o( lh<:
On<: already lhere which thcn frccs lhe ,ighl hund 10 pick up and display Ihe IwO coins 0010 .1 I
time 10 cmphasisc thallhcre are now lWO Iop Jen.
14. Arrangc lhe 110'0 coin. top left $0 that .i<!c by .i<!c. Thc ,ighl hand Ihcn comes 10 the
crcdil cards und s lides OUI Ihe lowc, ooe and placcs il 0010 lhe coin bOI10m righl. u,ing Ihe
finGers 10 pos;lion the Bio Tack OVcr 111<: coin as berore. This will leavc lhc loose coin 51ill
I~ ILI_-M-A-GC:C-:N=K:[c": ~'-~::T=LI=~,-~.oC=1T:0:,-:=":'-, '-0-",-:-"-,,,-,.-:-.-.. ---,1 W
oov~red by [he OIher card, and lhe Icfl hand places this card
on'o (~C 'wo t<>p len teov",!: ,.,. ,hird coin .""",'ly on ,he
tablc top.Pig.7.
15. RL-pe3.1 stage [J.J3 'C> show lhal lile coin 11a~ vanishcd
[rum the bol10m .i&lll 000 thaI lhere ace now Ihrcc tOp lefl.
.. : ßcfore regripping lhe lower cred;, card uSO! lhe riglll
fingcrtips 10 ,lide lhe coin !:>on"", lef'! acr0:5. 10 Ihc boIlOm
.ighl position. "lnil; is to make il furthe, for lhis win [0 jump.
yoo explain. RcaJly il is juS! 10 make your handli!!/; a bit
16. Run lhrough [he Same n>ovC$ again and yw wi ll end up wilh [he [wO credit cards in thc Jen
hand witll a coin [oase below [!lern on Ihc len finge",.OO all four coins usembled top Icft.
17. To deAn up, lhc right hand comes over and takes bolh credil CArd~. 1'hc 1crl hand
immediately turns palm loward. your body 10 hide 1he co;n finger plamcd Ihere and then gocs
down 10 lhc lable lop .nd picks up lhe four co;ns, adding lhe e ~ tra one, and dumps lhemall in
lhe lef! trouser pocke!.
18. You Ihen ~pproach lhe sccond spoctal(>f who lent)'Oll his cord and the Icf! hand takes the lop
cord of lhe Iwo and hands ;1 back. As ;1 docs so, lhe righl fingers pul! Ihe Biu Tack off Ihe othcr
card. You Ihco So 10 Ihe firsl spectalO' and thc lef! hand takes Ihe cord ond relurns Ihis onc
le.ving the ßlu Tack Oll the right fmgers.
19. 1f)'Oll wish 10 re-SCI lhe Irick. simply dip thc Icf! hand inlO Ihe lrouscr pocket and bring 001
onc coin. Pass it 10 lhe righl hand whieh pockcl~ il in lhe righl pocke!. 01 Ihe same time
"'.llaChing Ihe Hlu Tad 10 Olle side of il ready fur lhe neXI lime. This casusl ",arrangement goes
tot"lIy unnoticcd and sets )'Oll up for s repeat perfonn~.
~~~~:ni'iiii ~
EFt' t:CJ:- Thret cord, Qr~ umoWld from a "nall ~n""lo~ which con be tXJ1/n;ned (Jnd art
düpla)'cd '" rc.-.::"I a Q/I and fW<I AC·~. TM fH"lo""" explains (>/x>ul Ih. !a/no... Ih,,,,, card
Iricl: in which a 5p«tarOr wculd be itlvit~d 10 beI mone)' on where Ihc QUetll is_ Tod"J.
ho .....'·u. the li/bits are aboU11O be lurned, oS ir ;$ I~ ",,'former, tw/ IM JpeC/(JiQr. ",Im ,,'111 /;Je
o,""d 10 gel lhe Queen.
A smlJlI /cmhu "",lit t is Ihen opened and is show" 10 be emply tsup! for" [olded [/0. This is
the pertonner', wagu. Oppruile IM pocke/ con/air.;"g Ik malM)'. lhert: Ü 11 pockel will! 0
lranspartntwinoow front in ",Meh can be .ua /"" p<!rJonnu-s business card. lIe explains Ihm ""
hll.J Ehis in thert 50 Ihm he con Uep an t~ on lhe Im>ney,' f[ Im: perfonner lails to gct {he
Q..I!<''', Iht _pecuuor ...11 bt: IM lII(»Ie)'. Tht: wallel is c/O.Jf!d and le// in view_
The Q/J is placed /)etwecn IM tw\> AC's (Illd the ca,d. ort slipptd bad imo Ihe enve/ope whieh
is ~a/ed OM morud bolh .ides ",ilh Ihe .""elalor. inilia/s. Th~ enve/ope is lhen gi"en lQ the
Sp«{Olor 10 hold.
The per{onru:r lhen gnt. Ihrough a pllll/()miru: o{ lrying /() eXlrac/ !he Queen {rom Ihe sea/t d
enve/ope held by Ihe J/lotef(l/()I". Ht Ihen laus the em'tl/ope, appeors fo ~,gh in Ms hand Md
claims that. yes. it {eel. Iighler and so fM Quun m'151 ~ ganef More difficu/I. hak'tlver . is 10
pullhe Queen bad ...
The J/I«I(IIors /001: JCeplicnJ. so lhe enve/o"" ,J
rip""d open and IM cards inside slid 001. Bm
",hen Ihey are {onned. Ihere a", Slill fhree cards Ihere. /lI1M'tl""r. the pile comüu o{ fh e
performer". business cord tfopped belWeen Ihe 11m Aces./1 The Queen is """'here lQ be ~en.
Immedime/y lhe wollet is opened 10 re~/Ihe QH IIOW fropped under Ihe /mnsparentwindow in
Ihe POCUI where IM buJineJS card had been o/lpos,le IM 1:10 /tOle!
COMM ENIS ,_ This lable hopping rouline i•• varialion of my own "ffeel CR EDIT SCt'RE
which is fealure<! in TUE ART OE " OffIN G Tt'''LES md whkh is also available u •
scp<lrate markelcd ilem. I "'anlcd a "Ihree eard trick' effCC1 which was easy 10 do and IC-!ieI and
which had • $II'1'ri.., finish md Ihis is too orte I carne up ",ilh. 11 i, quick and 10 100 poim and
magieaUy vcry effeetive!
I. A pile of ,mall m .. '~~. Mine are "wroximalc!y 2.5" x 4"'. 2. Four
;;";;;;"'"", hach and . 3. A small ,,,,iich walIei. I usc my
t.everidge Magie eatalogue or rree prke
list). 4. Two bank notes. [ use two J:\ O notes. 5. A pm. 6. Two of)'DUr business cards.
SET.I JP; . Fold 100 lWO bank not.". SO Ihaltooy Iook 100 same "nd will fit inl0 Ihe pocl<cts in I~
swilch walIei. Put one note in each ,ide of thc wallel. On on<: .ide of lhc wallet slip yoor
business end inl0 100 lr"",parenl window so Ihal the cord is foeing 111" flO. 111ell open Ihe
wallel Ihe olher side and slip one o f Ihc QII face up undcr 100 Iransparem window. Obvious[y
you would lcave Ihe white card olready in I~ transparent ecrural oe<:tion 10 creale a divider
belwccn IM business eard and IM Q H. Clou: 100 wallei. [1110 on<: of 100 ellvelop<:< slip 2 AC.
face down with YOllr Qlher business cord Irappcd belwcen them. 1' lftCC this envclope on lop of Ihc
envclopc pile. Nexl take lhe remaming lhrce c~,ds and s[ipping II~ QH bclwCCO 100 Iwo AC·s.
,lide IlIlhrce face down inlo anolher envclope. l' lace Ihis on IOp or too envclopc pile. I keep Ihe
I ~ ILI_-"-"-'1R- "-'E---'CS"A°'R'::~
: :':~":':I'C.IO
:.:K':: :':',: So':'-"'-in-"-'d-••-. _-,I ß
pile IOgeLhcr wilh a rubber 1»00. Have Ihc pell on lhe 10 one side.
PRESENTAIION:_ l. Slip [he bMd off lhe envdopcs and lin off llic top onc. rcmoving lhc
lh,ee cards rrom inside. Repl""" Ire envclope on lOp of Ihe p;le "nd pl.we the pile down QIl I""
2. Show the three cuds and e xpl,i" aboul lhe Ihre<: card trick. PUL LI><: cards race ur 00 lho: lable_
3. Bring 0111 the wallet and open i1 10 lhc side 10 show lhe .l: lO on '1& own in lhe wallel" pocke!.
Sl,dc Ihe 001<> 0111 and explain th'l lhis will "" lhe Sjm1alOr's if you do noI gel [he Queen.
Rcr1acc lhe lJOIe ;nto lhc wallet for safe kecpillJl and lhen
point 10 your WS;"<$< card saying thai thai i5 in Illere !\O
Ihal you ean keep an eye on lhe moncy. CIosc lhe wallet.
Ilcave il half Slicking out of my oU!$idc top pocket.
4. Pick up the cllvelope pile an<! 51ide off Ihe lop
cnvelopc. Have a spectalO, check lha1 the envelopc ;$
S. Take II>c cnve!ope back. and wilh Ihc ",.1 of It>c pile Fig.1
of envelopes still in )'OUT left band. hold il wilh your left L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-''---'
fingers and lImmb al an .ngle 10 It>c pile wilh It>c flop poinling away frorn you. Fig.l.
6. Pick up Ihe Ihre<: c8rd., wilh It>c QH in lhe ""Illre. ar.d &Iip lh<;m opcnly Fact: down imo lhc
r------:--------,7. Grip lt>c envelopc 81 ilS lower righl corner with lhc
riglll hand and lift il dcor oF the envelopc pile. At lhe
same lime lih tl>e lop of Ihe cnvelope stack toward!; )IOU
&. You oommcnl that you will mark It>c ""velope with
tt>c spt.etator·, initials. YOII ask him 10 pa.. you the ren

i& Iying in fronl of him on tll<: table.
9. Ni. r.: does 50. you havc 111<: rerfect mi&dirtttion 10
simply push Ir.: envelope held in the right hand omo lhe
top of tht pile. m"king sure Ihal 1m: top of Im: cnvelopc goes UN llER lhe n.p of Ihc currenl lop
cnveiope. Fig.2.

10. Square the envelopes. Thc left lhumb rests lighlly on

lop of IM cnvelope naps 10 hold Ihenl in pi""" os )IOU
Iowcr lhe !.lack 50 thai Ihe spcclalOrs can sec .. )IOU
wr;lc IM spcclalor's inilials on IM visible flop.
11. ßecause thc flap you are wriling on belongs 10 the
cnvclope below the top one, Ihcre will be a slighl gap
betwcen the long edgcs of Ihe flaps_ 1lte orte )IOU a",
wriling on will be slighlly slcpped back from 111<: Olle Fig.J
under il. Fig.3. You now "sc Ihi& 10 your advantage.
~LI----I-'-'-R-E-E~~~AO~R~~~~~R~~~~~~~:~~o-"t~"-'"-'d-.-.. ----I~
AgA 12. Tilling lhe <lad, loward. yourself again. lhe lefl
lhumb ..",t c. down ove, the long ""&"" of lh~ 'wo (Japo,
"llow;ng the 101' on<: (0 spring up while <Claining ltw.
Inwer on<: nal. Fig.4.
13. 'Il>e right h.nd grips lhc top loosc flap and .s the Jel"!
wris! turn, lhe whole stock over, the right fingers
,moothly ,lide IM cnvelope U1CY hold 001 or lhe pile and
straight 0010 IM toble top. This then allow. yoo 10 wrilc
______________-..J lhe sp<:<:tator's initial, Oll the IKId,ess sidc of 100 cnvcJopc
as weil.
14. PI""" lhe envclope pile "way in your pocke!. Pick up lhe inilialle<! cnve10pe and liek anr.t
süd the fl.p dQwn. Hand it 10 Lhe spcctalo, 10 look aner.
15. You cxplain thai you will now Iry 10 magically remove the QH from [he scaled cnvelope. GQ
through whatever pamomime you feel is juS/ ifio:.! (!I and the" claim il is done. Tal«: the cnvclope
from Ihe speClalor and secm 10 weigh il 00 yuur hand, saying thaI ;1 dclinilely (cels a bil lighler,
lhus provin& the card has gonel
16. More ooncrete proof, howevcr, is likcly 10 bc OlOOded' Ta ke lhc envelope and rip off thc end,
sliding OUt the thrce cards squared frorn inside. Scrcw up the envclor><: to indicalc ;1 ;s otherwisc
16. Fan lhc cords fae<: down and appear surpriscd that your business card has appeamJ bclw.:<:n
Ihc two Aces!
17. S wi flly lake lhc walle\. opetI ;t to lhc OIhcr sidc 10 reveal thc QI1 uoder thc transparent
window ra<:ing thc rnoney.
18. To restl. reach ;oto your pocket and bring OUI lhc envolope pile LEAV1NG TUE 1"01'
ßNVßUJPE still in thc pockd . This leave< lhe $Ia<:k clean if any spectalor wams 10 look at il
and also hclps with thc re5et. Square up lhc lWO tabled AC. Wilh the business tar<! hctween
thcm and slide lhem ra<:c down imo thc top cnvclope of lhc pile and thcn replace;t in lhe pockel
makin& sure thaI thc envelope len bchind ends up on top of lhe pile ag"in. The wallel is also pul
Iway. Yoo then apparenlly 'notioo· lhe robber band. bring 001 lhe t omnlc!c envelope pile agam
Ind ... ap lhe band "mund il and pul it .way. 1l1e stack is lhen re_s." in lhe righl order for lhe
next table.
\ !riE 1 ~=;;;;;;;;;:;~~~=~
1 M 1
t:FFECf ,. The performer displays Jive chips or roiIU eac/t o[ ..,hick /ras" colourt d l'tider
,,,,,,,,,Md on ballt ..;dc•. T Ac coJours (j'~ ,M. bluc, y<lIow. grun anJ ",h" • . A cloth bog i,
~Xilmined by (J speclalOr (IM (~ chips 11M dropptd info l/re !Jag. An Otllo 80_ ' I. 11(»0' bro"shl
out (1l1d sN»<'n I<> be emplJ. R~h;ng in/I) fhe bag. IM magician femo,-n one chip and wiThmJl
."""'inS i/, drops I1 ;1110 l/te OtilO 110;0;. T~ lid is pul on (lad IM box placed <km'n,
A sp«tolOr i. "ow mud 10 read l/re per/ormer's mind and Iry (md guess which colourcd chip Ihe
perfon"", !ws juSi pul in Im: OkilO Bo;<, Tm: spectotor calls out one o[ l/re colou' • . 0"" { / I "
time IM perfanner ,",,< l/re Jour remaining chips jrum Ihe bag 10 .<1><>." /M/ allthe mlrer
co/nursore Ihe,.... bul Ihe rwmed colour is mi.<3ing . The 008 can be examined again if desired und
1M performer's honds(m: gtnuindy emply.
T~ per!ormt:r I~n pico up Ihe OtilO Box, lifi. off I~ lid ond lurm Ihe inside lo....ard. Ihe
audiMe/!. Thue Iying inside is indud Ihe chip oJ Ihe seluled COIOUI. TAt cAip is "moved JOT
JUrlher dispJay · IAe OtilO Bor is OlAerwi$l! emply.
COMMENTS;· Prescmcd in Ihc COrrCC1 manncr aod handlcd smooIhly, Ihi~ i. a very Slrollll
efl'CC1. Remcmbcr. Ihc Spcc!alOr namcs O/IC 01 lhe 00100'" only AFTER one chip has been
removed frorn lhc bai an<! dropped inlO lhe Okilo Bo x. There is nO force ur ooloor al 311 .
Inlrigucd? Read on ...
BI;;QUIREMENIS;. l. five chips. 1 USl: live 'mo<.>Ih braSIl discs. 001 you could equally weil
usc five coin. (half doll~1ll rar instlncc)_ 01110 on. side or each coin you '-liek a diITcrcm
coloured rour>d slicl::er. The larger Ihc slicker you can USI: withoul il overlappinllthe edgcs of Ihe
coin. thc belle, ror visibilily. Thc coloors I u'i<: .re red. blue. green. yellow and whil •. H8ving
sluck the stickers on. tum all Ihc chips ovcr an<! allachcd a R ED sticker 10 the back or evcry
single Olle. 2. i\n Okito Bo. wilh lid 01 Ihe righl size 10 lit thc chips. 3. An opaque cloth or
paper bag. This is not a spe:<:ial bag. I USl: a coloored cloth Olle mcasurinll aboot 8 inch<:s "'lu~re.
SEI· IW;· Have Ihe Okilo Bo x wilh iu lid in plllCe eilher in your cosc or in )'QUI right trouscr or
jacket pockel. 'Ole chips ar<: SI8Ckcd with Ihc double red "" Ihe bol10m M<llhe oChers with lheir
va,ied coloors uppermosl in any order 011 top 01 ;t. You rnay wish 10 pul a rubber band round Ihc
stack 10 keep Ihcm lrom separating Md tuming over. ",. chips can Ihen be put inlo thc bag and
thc bag loldcd aroun<! l!>ern 10 keep thern in place: if)'Oll wim.
PR FSEmi\T!ON ;. I. Unfold lhe bag and reach inside t(> bring out the stack of chips. J' Iacc: the
bag down and removing thc rubber band spr<:ad Ihe chips out acrtl$S the table to show their
various colours.
2. Jlldicate the chips aOO casually pick up thc double red and show il boIh sides as yoo COIIHncnt
Un 100 Fact thal Ihc chips have colours fi xed on both sidcs. lf)'Oll wish you can hand the red chip
to a neamy speclalor 10 look al. VOll CQYld pick up O/IC ar Iwo of the Olhers Md usinll any olle <)/
a number or welllrnown moves. apparcmly show lhe same colour 011 boIh sidcs. Howcvcr. my
fe<:ling i.< Ihal Ihe ICSIl you make of il the better. Thc ludicncc do not koow what is going In
hippen and 80 00 rcason 10 doubt what you ... y. AOO if you show Or hand OOt onc ur the
chip< and act <asually. Iherc is 00 """d rar further proof 10 bc alleml~cd.
3. Have the bag ,Iso e •• rnincd ,00 lher! lake ;t back and place il on lhe lable. Slack the chips so
SII.I-COIN CHIP continu ed ...
thot lhe double red cn.ds up os the top chip. Hold 11", chip" on
~ the ,ight finge," .... j.h thc rit,h' .humb ..e>ling "" (he urp<:' .idc
, or the double rod chip. Fig.l.

4. With lhe Id! h.nd pick up Ihc bag by the upen end and hold
il open $(I Ih.l lhc ,;gilt hand can drop ils chips inW thc bag.
In doing so, 111<: right Ihumb ",tains 1he top double red chip

'\ and only allows lhc oll\/:. fout 10 rall imo IM bag.
S. Thc ,igln hand !Ums palln down and thcn withdlllws wllh
(he double rcd Ioosely finget palmcd and lhe len han<! pUl' Ihc
bat down.
6. YOlI. right hand oow gocs to lhe pocket where lh<: OkilO Box has boen .tu,cd and leaving lhe
double red chip behind, comes out wilh 100 bo~. Tlu: hd i. rcmQvoo .Ild placcd down. 'fhe inside
or 1he box is shown to be emply. You expl.;n you will oow removc one chip fron' lhe bag al
random and wilhoul showing .nyonc will isol'lc it in lhe O kilO Box.
7. PIKe lhc: bo x down on lhe lable and pick up Ihc bag "'hich i~ held open by Ihe !cf! hand.
Peering inside as if Irying 10 spot a pat\icular chip, rc.ach in with 100 fighl hand an<! tak~ out any
on<: of the four chips inside.

8. Keeping Ihc ch ip roneealed in the right fingers, pI""" lhe bag down. an<! then piek up the
OkilQ Box base w;th lhe 1cf! hand. Ti1ling the inside of the box tQwards yoursclf a linie. drop lhe
chip inside so thaI il ",ak", an 2udible chink.
9. Pick up the lid with thc right hand and u you appa~nt1y placc lhe lid 0/1 Ihe top al low thc
box 10 secretly lip ove< SO thaI thc lid <:mb up on lhe base inStead. This is particularly easy 10
achieve bc<:au..:: the 1'101 of lhe trick rcquin:s Ihal lhe andiencc do noI see the Chip you .re
removing and puuing in II1e box SO you can quite leg.ilimately hide the box from view by luming
your hand lowards your body during this pan ofthe handling.
10. "Thc box is now IT8nsferred to the fighl hand where il i. displayed Iying on Ihe nat of lhe
rmgers with the Ihumb resting on the lid and the hand ean shakt lhe bo x up an<! down so thaI I""
chip can bc helm to ranle apparenlly inside. nie right hand then places the box down on I""
table leaving I"" chip conccaled by Ihc box bm a.c1ually Iying on the table top surface.
11. Vou now iodieale • spedalor and ask him 10 try and work out whieh chip hu bo:en removed.
He can do this IwO ways _ either he can rcad yoor nliod .... or "" C3/1 juS! gu"",,! Either way he h..
10 Iry 10 work oul the oolour of Ihc chip in Ihe box. As you rncnlion thc chip again tlcre, yoor
right hand pich up lhe box, thc fingers soooping up the chip from thc lable lop at lhe same time,
and shake it to indicale lht chip inisde. 1ltc Icfl hand Ihcn takes thc box and phlccs it down
again, the chip Ihus ",maining hidden on thc irw:urlcd rigb l fingers. Lei US """um<: the .pectalo,
says GRE EN.
12. Cong,.tulatc the spectator on his clevemcss! Pick up the bag in Itlc lefl hand and put )'Oll'
right hand inside as if 10 bring out on<: of Ihe Chips. In rea!ity simply slart 10 emerge wilh Ihe
onc wh ich you had held in)'Oll' fingers..
I !
! _ _ _ _~~~~
S ILI-COIN CIIIl' cOlltinucd ...
13. Ai IhI: IIlnd gct5 near 10 tlle top of lhe NI, "",ke IlUIll you can see what lhe chip', colour i&.
If;, 1.0 11><: ,=n onc •• ;mply 'um ;t o~e, ond brin, i' 0<1' ",ith !he red lido .howinS ..,d pt.". ie
down on Ihe lable. Ir i\ is any of thc OIhcr oolooB. juS! bring;1 out and diilplay ;1 anti ktql doing
thi.! ",ilh lhe othcrJ umil the green ooc i. "'movcd, and &1 thi. point turn ;1 Over 10 make il
appelI' to be lhe red ooc. In Ihis w.y, r<>ur chips will hc removcd, and no maner whfch rolour i.
chosen. jl will .lwlYo bc the only ()IIe miuing. TIII' baß will bc OIherw;iIC clllply. (Ir red i.
cho6en. you simply bring, thc chips out wilhool luming lI1Y of lhern ovcr 10 md. of coo.-se),
14, Immedialely lhe chips are rwackc:d wilh lhe dlip whidl sIlows red (and whkh will h. ve lhe
chooc:n ooIour on jtl .",ene sWe) on top of lhe RKk. PIck lt.e $lack up so Ihal the Iowcrmosl
chip !las ilS under$l<k l1aI apinSl the fi"FI and lhe lh""'" rau ort top ot the red chip. 1'1,.1 (Ir the RE!) chip has bcm chosen, lhc dllps can be pickcd up in any order ., thcr _n
Mve red on lheir~)
L5. TIM: \co. hand pickJ UjI lhe bas lind lhe riahl hand IOIOCS ehe chips into ehe IM& "..U wa ehe
rishl Ihumb CO ruain ehe top chip .. iI did in SI. 4 o f Lhc r- - - - --------,
routine. This will luve th<: chost:n chip wich lhe sdtCled colour Fill.2
su.f..ce pressed ""i!liSt the rish l fingen. ,--:--;ji'""-::::--
16. 'The leo. hand pulS down Ihe ba, and inunedialtly picks up ~, 1 / -
lhe Okilo Box sm! pillces il inlO IhI: .ishl hand so Ihal 11'0: ,y
lnvene<! box i. posilioned rishl 0""," lhe finller palnlCd chip.11>c ~ ,., //
righl hand illUes lhe box UjI and down 10 make thc chip raule ~ , \
and Illen lhe right index finge.- and Ihumb """51' lhe lido Fig.2.

';;;'".3~~~:::'~117. 'The kR MIld IPPr'Oldles thc L _ __ _ _ _ _..J
ri&ht paJm up and appormlly
_0 thc

~ / box will be dumpcd lhe Ico. rmgen wilh lhe ri&ill indeJI
; ", \ finse, and Ihumb rcuinina ehe lido How""er, in ..,.Iily thc baM:
".c._ _ '/ of thc boJt will be allowed co lil' ewer as il falls 10 Ihat whtn il

lands 00 lhe Icn rll1&Cf1., il will have righled itsoelf. Fi,,3 $ho)ws
Ihis action hIppeni .... l'hoe rnovcmcnl is very quick .00 is
covercd mllnly by lhe backJ cf lhe righl (in", .. and 10 il apptars
Ille len fingers.
-'110$ if Ille lid Iw simply bc:cn rcrooved and thc box droppcd 0010

18. Thc .ighl hand placu Ihe lid down and lhe len hand pivots lhe ins ide of Ihe box lowlrd! lhe
JPOtlllors who will be able 10 sec lile chosen colou. fliCinll Ihcm 00 11>0: inside of lhe box. Once
Ihis has bcen seen. lhe: riglll hand comes ~ Ihc lop of Ihe box and Ihe chip is lipped OUI 100
lilen displaj<OO wilh lhe COI.OC1 siele low.,.ili 11'0: ludicncc 10 brinll lhe lrick 10 • si>CCCNful
~ '",====S=O=L=U=TI=O=~=S===='
Eff EO> A dia" ..hich h(n a playinll eard",rill~n "IIainSle«h <kUt in Ih~ ~'" IJ llanikd 10 "
'1)«f(Il<H ",/00 ü cuhd I<> lock ~p 10& bOnAd<Jy ,md hi$ 'binloday c",,,r . /w",." "" Ihat
dale. A th!d. 0/ taros Is Ihen Jhown mul ruaniag thr(X;8" Ilte ded face dO"'11 "Ted bad:ed card
IJ JUn amongs( (11/ Ihe bill' . This ellrd, Ihe per/onnu uplains. is! birrhday card, (lad /oe irQ)
/(Jun'" from (I red backed deck in order 10 maTt it apan[rom all lire Q/hUJ. The rcu "mi 11 lefi
In lltc b1~ lied and IIN! carosa" I~" shußlcd. TurniI" IM (lad/ace up IM p"'formu o;;f..J IM
oSJütin: 5"rc/(l/Or 10 ,,_ne<! his b""hda, dmt. Tali", IM da)' firSJ. ,he ~rlormtr rolmlJ off
IM """'" lIlIIItNr of CCU1bfrom ,"" /Op of IM !«e up Ikd. TMn, SJarling (11 January, "" IkaIs
(Mo!! Co.rd for '''''' m(Ullh "nlil "" r~heJ IM sP«/lIIor d,;Tllrday mom". TM sprc/a/Dr talls Oll/
Ais binMoy card r.nd Bmminilly ;, mtJICN!S lile 0tIe ",1Mc" WQS arri,wJ m in ,"" shuffled (kei!
HOl 0<11,. IMI. bu, " -Mn INS card is furned owr. if 11 _" 10 I:>e Q/JO IM pttjOnMr'1 ""'" 'rd
bocUd binltday rordl Q~ilt "coincitkitCt!
COMM ENTS: · I Mve had I racinalion rar Lhe 'dill")" lrict for man)' years. t hlve seen alt
mllMl."T of mdllods 10 Idtieve Lhe buk Danson ideI nIfIIi", from utra di.ariel. 10 gimmkkcd
dccu 10 envelopes arid .",ilCh "".l~ Thcre"ll:. number 01 rnartClcd versiom includi", 0IlC$
by Collcaors Worklhop. Malt,n Brc:csc ArId Roy Johnsoo, arid a number of olller nl,&ical
thinkers.weh ... Ton)' Oriffith arid Al Smilh It.ove Ilso publi$hed variations. Thc: mc:thod J offer
yntl h<:r<: ;s ulr<:mc:ly practlcaJ and manages 10 combine Itw: CSSIlr>CC or Itw: original diary "ffeet
wilh an exlr. kickcr 1I lhe end wilh Ihe red backcd prediction cord. The ge'l advantage 01 my
mdhod i, Ihll il onl)' uSCS: onc diU)', onc deck Md no ""Ira prop:s!
HEO IJ!K EMFXr S,. I. A diU)'. This should idelily be of. small ,iu with cilher one or bener
IW(! days LO. pa,e. 2. A deck of HLUE !lACKlm cardf. 3. From. s=Jnd matching RED dc:<:k
the foUowi", Lh= cords: AS. Je and 70. 4. Thc followi", 20 cards ITe needcd from • oecond
malchln& HEl> HA CKEO deck: AS, Je. 70, 1(1), SC, 3H, JS, 25. SO. AC, 6H, KH, 7S. 9H.
2C, lOS, QD, 41-1, 60, JC
l~c:. 1"hose wishina LO purdwc this effeet ready made wilh I """,wl)' primed dlary arid dc:<:k
ein do SO from Mark J..eyerid,c M",ic. Pleax""" wrrml cauloßuc or f= pricc: I~ for dcu.ils.l
SET.UP,. From lhe o:k(:k )'Oll need LO mnovt: Lhe lwaK)' carth whielt malch thc n:d backed
cords.. Oiocard Ihcsc bluc backed ards. Tho: red urds an: .....,....blcd in a FAC ~: UI' pile in lhe
otdcr lilled _bovc, lhe AS being lhe top Clrd of thc faee up pile arid lhe JC beins 11 lhe bol10m.
When il is ",ad)" lake off lhe AS arid plaa: i, lempora,il)' 10 onc $idt:.
NUI. wi lh eilher ,lue Or double ,idc:d t_pe:, I lhick card b)' slickin, onc or lhe bluc backcd
Jokers by ;11 flCe 10 lhe back of an)' of Ihc rtmain;ng cords lrom Ihe blue <.lock. U::I'J a.. urne
y<')lllIlick ;\10 lhe """ or lhc 90. TI)/; 90 w;1I1ooI< onI;nlry bul will ac:t as a Ihick cord for)'OO. now goin, 10 asscmblc Lhe dc:<:k FACE Ur> in. 'pc:cinc order. Place Ihis lhick Clrd r_
up on lhc: lable IOd deal 19 indifJcrell1 blllC backed cards. faee ur on lop of ic. Then, Ilke Ihe rod
backet! AS y<')II placc:d asidc aod pul lhal race up onlO Lhe pile. Fol low Lhi. by Lhe othcr bl ...
backed Joker and Lhcn Lhe re!l of lhe: bluc backed cuds. No..- pul thc exlra Lhn:c n:d backed
cart.k onlO lhe: pile in Lhe rollowin, order (readinl up)· 11>, Je arid AS. Fm'lI)' Ilke lhe ICI-Up
pile 01 red backet! cords and platt Ihcm on top of lhe Iot. Turn lhe deck face down. VOll $houkl
oow find lhe deck is lCI;n lhc followinlllCqU<:nCC. re"'ina rrum lhe top down:
DlAHr O F A NOBODY continucu ...
Thick 90. 19 ;ndifrcn:nl card~. (.11 bluc Inc~ed). i\S (red backed), Joker, remaining indirrcrcnt
ca"", (lolue back<>.!), 7D, Je. AS, Je, 60. 411, QD, lOS, 2C, 91 I, 7S. KI~. 6H, AC, SD. 25, JS,
3H. SC. IOD. 7D, 3e (all red backed).
The ""Xl job you lI.v<! 10 do lakes quilc a long (ime aOO has 10 be done vcry carofully. Yoo ,...'Cd
10 nll out a pl.ying card ncxl10 each dRY o( 1"" ye .. in lhe diary. The cxlICl cards for cach date
afe li.led t.::low 10 hclp you fill Illern 001. "fhe s.cqucnce in lhe diary i. IlClually madc up of 1""
20 red backed cants (rum [he deck repealoo in a pa"icul~r manOOr. '1'0 a casual gI8"':" no
"waren! onIcr can be Il0l00. Howcvcr. no maU.,,- which date in 1he diary is cl>o!;o:n, Ihe specl.tor
will only be able 10 "ver see OOC of Ihc 20 foroc cards.

IAISUARr 23RD, JOD 14TH - LOS 8'11-1 • 6H 31ST - 91'1 22ND·3H

1ST-3e 24TH - SC 15TH - QD 9TH - KH APRI!. 23RD· JS
2ND - 7D 25TH _ 311 16TH·4H 10TH -7S 1ST - SC 24T1I - 2S
3RO - IOD 2örH - JS 17TH _ 6D l1TH - 9H 2ND - 3H 25TH - 50
4TH - 8C 27nJ _ 2S 18TH _ JC lTrH _ 2C 3RD - JS 26TH - AC
5m - 3H 28TH - 50 19TH - AS 13TH-lOS 4TH _ 2S 27TH - 611
6TH - JS 29TH - AC 2(1rH _ 3C 14TII _ QD 5TH - 5D 28TH - KH
m 'l_ 2S 3arH - 6H 21ST -70 15TH - 41'1 6TH· AC 29TH -7S
8TH - SO 31ST - KH 22NO - l00 16m _ 6D 7TH·6H 30TH - 911
9TH - AC EEIlRUAIU' 23RD - 8C 17T~1 . JC 8TH - KH MAl'
10TH - 6H IST - 70 24TH - 3H 18TH - AS 9TH - 7S IST - 3H
IlTH-KH 2ND - 100 25TH - JS Igm _ 3C 10TH - 9H 2ND· JS
12TH _ 7S 3RD · SC 26TH - 2S 20TH - 7D IITH_2C 3RD - 2S
13TI1 - 9H 4TI'1 _ 311 27rH _ SD 21ST_IOD 12TH - lOS 4TH - 5D
14TH - 2C STil - JS 28TH - AC 22NO·8C 13TH - QO 5TH - AC
15TH - lOS 6TH - 2S MARC H 23RD - 3H 14TH - 4H 6TH" 6H
16TH - QD 7TH - SD IST -IO!) 24TH· JS 15TH - 60 7TH - KH
17TH _ 4!1 8TH - AC 2ND·8C 25TH - 2S 16TII-JC 8TH _7S
18TH - 60 9TH - 6H )RD - 31-1 26TH - SI) 17rH· AS 9TH -9H
19111-JC 1011-1 - KH 4TH · JS 27T11 _ AC 18TH - 3C 10TH - 2C
20TH· AS I1TH - 7S 5TH -2S 28TI'1 - 611 19TH _7D 11TH_lOS
21ST - 3C 12TH - 91-1 61'1-1 • 50 29TII _ KH 20TH - 100 12TH - Q O
221'10 _ 71) 13TH - 2C 7r1-l - AC 30TH - 7S 21ST - 8C 13TH - 4H
~I I~
OIAHY OE A NOnODY conlinued ...

14TH - 6D 13TH . 60 13TH - Je 1211-1 _ Je IITH·Je ] 1111 _ AS

ISTII • Je 14Tl! - Je 14-111 • AS I:JTH _ AS IrrH - AS 121'1-1 - Je
16f11 - AS ]$'111 • AS 15TH · Je 14Tlt • 3C 13TH·3C 13TH - 71)
17m . Je 16TH - Je 16TH -70 ISTH -70 14TH -70 14TH - 100
181l-l • 70 lm~ .7 D Iml · 100 16TH - 100 15TH - IOD ISTH _ sc
19'1tl • 100 18'1li - 100 Iml - sc lml-8C 16TH - sc I6fH - 3H
20'11-1 • sc I9TH- SC 19TH -3 H ISTII . 3!1 17m - 3H lT lll - JS
lIST - 3H 2CJI1i _ 31 1 20'n! · JS 19TH · JS 18TH - 15 lSTli _ 25
22ND· J5 21ST - JS 2IST · 2S WH! · 2S 19TH - 25 19TH - so
23RD - 25 22NO · 2S 221'10 _ 50 21ST _ so 20TH· so 20TH - AC
24ll-1 • SO 23RD - so 23RD - AC 221'10 - AC 21ST· AC 21ST _6H
2511-1 - AC 241'11 • AC 24TII . 6I1 23RI) _ 6H 221'10 - 6H 22N I> - KH
26fl 1 • 611 25TH · 6H 25TH - KH 24TH · KH 23RD _ K H 23RD · 7$
2n'H _ KI I 26TH _ KII 26TH · 7$ 25TH · 7S 24TH·7S 24TH · <)I !
23111 · 75 271"11 .75 27rH • 911 26TH - 9H 25TH·9H 2STI! . 2C
29TI1 • 91-1 28TH . 9H 28TI-1 • 2C 2nH - 2C 26TH - 2C 26TH - lOS
3«T11 _2C 29TH - 2C 29Tl r - lOS 21mi - lOS 27TH -]OS 27TH - QD
31ST - lOS 30TH - lOS 30TH - QD 29T1'I- QD 28TI-1- QD 28TH - 4H
.11& .I.IlLY J]ST - 411 J011-[ - 4H 2911-1- 4H 29T1 1- 60
IST - J5 1ST - 2S AI !GJJ:'T 3]ST - 60 "",,. '" 30TH - JC
2ND - 25 2ND - 50 IST - ~11 5J,::I~:':.EMDEB OCTQUEH 31ST - A5
3RD _ ~11 J8D - AC 2ND - AC ]ST - AC IST - 6H NOYEMBER
4TI-1 - AC 411 1_ 6H JRD _ 611 2ND - 611 2ND - KH 1ST - KII
511 1_611 STI I - KH 4T1I -KH JRD - KH 3RD - 7S 2ND -75
6TIi _ KH 6TIi - 75 5TH - 7S 4TII - 75 4TH - 911 38D-911
7TH - 75 TnJ - 9H 6111 . 9H ~111 - 9H 5TH - 2C 4TH - 2C
8'll 1 _ 91 1 STIl - 2C nE! - 2C 611-1 - 2C 61'11 - lOS 5TII - lOS
9l1~ - 2C 9TH . lOS STil - lOS mI- lOS ITH· QO 6TH - QD
IOTII _ lOS IOTII - QD 9T1I · QO STil - QD 81l-I - 4H m-l _ 411
11TH _ QO lITH . 4f1 10TH - 4H 9'1'11-411 'TIHO Ifnl - 60
12TII - 41 t 12TH - 60 111'11 - 60 10TH - 6D 10ll'1- JC 9T1t _ JC
mARY OE A NORony conti nucd .•.
10TH - AS 21ST - KH I!M'Utllll';S llT !~ _70 22ND _ 911

IITH-3e 22ND -7$ IST _ 75 12'1'11 • 100 23RD - 2C

12TH ·7D 23RD _ 9!l 2ND - 91-1 13TH - 8C 24TH-lOS
13TH - IOD 24TH·1C 3RD - 2C 14TH - 3H 25TH · QD
14TH · SC 25TH· lOS 4TH· lOS 15TH - J5 26TH · 41-1
15TH·3H 26TH - QD 5TH _ Q D 16TH·25 27TH·60
16TH · J5 27T1I _ 41-1 6'nr · 4H ITrH - 5D 28TH · Je
171"H - 2S 28TH - 6D TrI !.6D 18TH· AC 29TH· AS
ISTH - SD 29TH· Je 8TH - Je 19TH - 6H )(11'11 • 3C

Will - AC 30TH· AS 9TH· AS 20TH. KH 31ST -70

20TH·6H WHt . 3C 21ST · 7S

Wilh the di.'y duly foIled 0111 and lhc deck ready in ilS oox. yoo aro all sei 10 beg;n.
PRESENIA1'!ON ;_ !. Show the diatY BIld hand il 10 a spcclalor. Exp lain Ihal il is • special
diary in thai ;1 has a pllying card written "gainsl cvcry day of (he year. lllese cords will be
rcferrod 10 as 'birth<.!IY cards'. Wilh 365 day. in 100 YC" ;1 mcans, you explain , Ihal a deck of
cards hll$ beeil repealcd abool 7 limes in ~ ranOOm way Ihrougl>oul Ihe diary,
2, A:'lk the spectalor 10 turn 10 his birthdloy dalc. Ask hirn 10 oonfinn that !here ;. • cord on Ihal
dat<:, SIres.sing thai )'QU do not wish him 10 name any &CI<.>al cards, gCI hinll() contim, Ihat cach
of Ihe IwO er Ihre<: d.leS "ilhcr sidc of his birthday has a differenI can! wril1en againS! il. So
"ven a sJight change in his birthday dale wOllld Mve meatl1 an emirely different binhday cord
being chosen.
3. Rcqucst hirn 10 ignore al1l hc OIhcr cards and 10 juSi conccntrale on his own partieular binhday
card and 10 rcmember il. He lhen i< in<truetcd In shut lhe diary and hand il back 10 )'Ou. Pl ac.:
the diary away 0. 10 onc lide.
4. Bring 001 lhe deck. Cll$ually sprud il fac<: up 10 show Ihc faces berore squaring and luming il
fac<: down.
S. You Slalc thaI, .s w;lh evcryone (Isc in Ihe rOOl11, )'QU 100 MV" a binhday cord. In fllCl, )'Ou
have markcd )'QUr particular birthday card in lhe pack in • ralher obvioos maOOer. As you spea k,
you SI.rt 1(> run Ihc cards face down front lhe lef! hand 10 Ihc righ!. Evenlually you will COme 10
Ihe red backed AS near Ihc deck' , centre.
6. Whcn you reach Ihis card. lift away allthc blut cards .bove il and pi""" them face oown on
Ihe righl of Ihe I.bk. Thnmb off the red cord face down 0010 Ihe lable in front of)'On and Ihen
pi""" IM remainder of thc deck face down to the left.
7. Pick up Ihe red cord 10 display il, OOt do 001 show i!S face. Yoo thaI yeu hav"
n'ITKWoo Ihe blne bac ked vCt"$K>o of )'Our birtlldoy card from Ihc deck and rcplaccd il wilh thc
~ ,! 'I - - - SOLUTIONS
== =-----" I t f l,
'HARY OE A Nouony continucd... ),

&ame can! from a red deck .. n.e reason for Ihis wi!! bccome apparenl lalcr. you as-~ure Ihe
8. Drop Ihe red card f.ce down 0010 Ihe pile of canls Ofl Ihc righl side of your lable aod lne"
piek up Ihc cards on Ihe Icli and drop llIem ooto tlle Clhc:r half Ihus trapping thc red backcd ean!
in Ihc cenlre of the pack. YOIl lell 100 .udiene<: Ihal yOll will leavc )'Our binhday card in wilh Ihe
"",I for the time being.
9 . A card ili oow going 10 bc chosen from thc deck. To do Ihis. you will usc the ",sisting
spectator"s binhday date. You cxplain thaI whalever the day of his birthday iso you will deal that
many cards from tOO deck. So, if his date is the 16th. YOll will deal off 16 eanls. And then.
st"ning .1 Jonuary. YOll will onc can:! for "ach month umi! you reach 100 spcctator's month. and Ihe card on the &CI"a] nlOnth will be thc selcction. First, you will sh"me tIM:
deck <0 that no OIIC rould know 100 po<Iilion oC .ny card.
10. Hold Ihe deck in 100 leli hand with the backs (acing Ihe audiencc ready Car an overhand
shume. Bring YOllr righl hand to Ihc C.""of lhe deck, thumb al Ihe shon end nc.arcsl yOll. fingers
at Ihe OUter end. Wilh the right thumb rime down the rear shon edges unlil Ihe deck $plils al Ihc
Ihiek 9D. lmmediately lili away all 100 c.ards below the 9D. ·Ibis will be 100 19 iodifferent blue
backoo cords. TI>e 9D will be lell on 100 face of Ihe deck.
11. Bring lhe 19 clnIs 10 100 lop of the deck and usc lhe Icft Ihumb 10 drag Ihe lop card off Ihe
right hand', pile and onlO the lop of Ihe deck in lhe leli hand. As yOll do Ihis make s ure Ihal Ihis
firsl c.ard is injugged. Wilhoot a p.tusc ,Imme the remainder o( Ihc cards in the right hand onl0
Ihc injogged card in scveroJ small clumps unlil alJ tOO cards 8fe emausted.
12. TI>e tmpty fight hand oow approaches Ihe deck again and wim the thumb si 100 <Car shon
oog"S and Ihe fingers al tOO outer, the fight finge,.. and thumb start 10 square the cards. 1\. tOO
cards are pushed togclher, tOO fighl tllumb f'Ushes 10 the Idt on Ihe injugged card. This mearu;
that by the time the cards an: squared the right Ihumb win bc holding a !arge break al 100 inner
short end betwecn what was lhe injogged eard and lhc original top of tlte deck.
13. n..: right hand immedialely lifts up Ihe complclc deck and shumcs off in sm.1I ciumps alt
the canls abovc the brea)(. finany dropping Ihe ""'tainder of tOO deck "' on<: lump on top. This
false slluffle relains the set up portion of thc deck in orOOr and only shuffles thc bouon, 19
indifferent cards, Ihe order of wllkh is im:levanl. Re""'1 this false shume IWO or Ihre<: tintes and
it appcars to alt int""IS anti pUrposc& that lhe dcck has bccn weil mixed.
!Note:- i( during Ihe squaring of the canls hoJf way through Ihe shume you should aceidcntally
lose Ihe break. no nccd 10 panie! Ir you c",ually fan tOO lop ponion oC the deck faces towards
your:self and CUI tOO dock at 100 Joker luving thc Joker os the top card, yOll w;1I reSlor~ ttl<' deck
10 ils CQrrcct posilion. This is why thc: Joker is placed ,t the positiott that it i. in the dcck. TI>e
same applies al stage 6 abovc. Ir you drop OUI 100 red backed flS and forget IU kecp the Olhcr
t wo halvcs o( the deck sep.rate. simply split tOO deck ot tOO Joker aod pul an 100 eard, above thc:
Joker onlo the table, drop tOO red I\S on top and place tOO remainder of the deck on lop. This
pulS lhe deck il1to the CQrrccI onlcr.1
14. Hold thc deck square<! and facc down in 100 leO hand dealing po<Iition. '"Qr the firsl tintc ask
~he 'pcc1ator ror his binhd.y d.te. As 5000 as he giws It ~o )IQU. add together the day and the
monlh. 1'".. examplc, If hc "Y' the ')[h or July, you add 9 ond 7 (July I. the 7th month). Ir tht
number yoo end up wlth 1$ 21 <Ir more, you $imply lum the deck Immedlatdy f""" up. If the
number is any front 2-20 indusive. )'OUr right hand oome. over thc deck from .\>ove and the
Ihumb rimes up the rcar short edge or Ihc card$ untillhe Ihick card springs paSI. Immcdialcly 01
Ihis poinl al! lhe c.rds alxwe thc ~hick card arc Cllt and placed undcr lhe balance or thc deck.
Thi$ is a casual CUI, almost "" ir)'Oll arc ~oylng with lhe deck. fol1owing lhe cul the AS should
be lhe bot10m card or lhe deck. Thc deck is then IUmcd roce up.
l5. Yoo oow "an 10 deal cards off Ihc bot~om C>f lhe face up deck. f'irslly, deal One al • time
inlo a pile enough caros 10 malch lhe dlY or his binhday. So If Ihc binhday day i$ the HAh . )'Oll
deal off !O cants. You pau..,. and thcn stan 10 dcal cards slowly calling uut Ihc month$ as yoo
do so, one for each card st.rting with lanulry.
16. When )'<lu reach Ihc monlh II EFORK the binhday month, Ica~e Ihc card on thc Face or the
deck. Explain ~hat lhe card bdow lhis Face card will bo Ihc ..,Iected card. Yoo then Ittap by
slaling thai conside~ thaI no onc kncw thc SpeclatO"S birthday datc until a rcw moments ago
(and thus coold have no ldea of Ihe vatue of his binhday cartl) ...nd considcring lhal lhe deck has
been weil shumed. wouldn'l it bo 0 remarhble ooincideoce Ir lhe selected card lumcd OUI 10 bc
thc Speclalor's binhday card!
17. Ask lhe spectator 10 caU oot his binhday cant Then slow ly deat off the racc card or 100 deck
10 reveal the named cant undemcalht Thumb Ihi1 card 01110 ~he table 10 ooc side.
18. With ~he ,ight hand now pick up the deaJt pilc or canls. Ir 111 stage 14 )'<lu did NOT have 10
cut the deck, take the deal! cards and rcplace lhem UNDER the Face up deck. thus cuning the
deck. If)'Oll Dm have 10 cutlhc deck It slage 14. simply reptace lhe deah cards onto Ihc Face oF
Ihc face up d,:d. Tunt thc pack Face dowlI. Sy acling in Ihis way you will al wa)'$ cn<urc Ihat a
good proponion or thc ~op <Ir the race down deck will hove blue backs.
19. Whcn the applause has die.J down (whlt an optimist!!»)'011 stat~ Ihal .llhoogh yoo did not
know lhe Spcctalor'S blrthday dale in adVIU>Ce. and presumabJy he does not know yoors, )'<lU and
he have somclhing in comntOll. Yoo rcmind 100 spcctltOrs lhat you .oowcd thcJn althe "art or
lhc trick )'OIIr .<pr:eial red backed binhday end in lhc deck. Ir lhey were IQ look lhrough IIw:: deck
now, yOll say (and YOIl stan to casually spread lhc top caros of the fare down d~'C1:: 10 the fight to
reveal all blue backs before squaring lhc deck aga;n) . they woo ld not find your red backed
bi,lhday card. Hcre you pick up lhe tabled select ion. And lhe rcasort i. because lhe lhing )'<Xl and
the specwor in cornmon is Ihat Ihc ..,lccted card just happe"" 10 be also YOUR binhday
carolOO! And )'Oll slowly turn tre card over to revcal il$ red back!
~ ~====~~~~====~ ~
FFFE Cf;. A b<>nt lIOIe iJ oorT'rIM..,d from a Jp«/tJlfN' and!oJded in Mif. A Jmall l'oS/-/t Hou is
/oItkd t>IY)U...J 'Ju: """'''' ~rwM cf ,,,., ~ ""'" CO"""',,, IM mi4dk fH''' 0/ IM not. 1><" 1....,,"1;

cleor/y 0fI1 of IM bor.-d bant N.lfe. TM IIlf' /.. IM _t

~ililu end cltQrlJ in wew. TM perfOf1nf1r __ IMrI a ( llunt OUt of [Ire POOl·I, NOIt ond IlIuI
am N JUli di.urusiilg cl~(lT/J' /rom
(1// sidu! HUI<'f!'l'er, """""ftU /nur IIw borrot<wI baII.t ~~ U vi3iblJ' 0IId itlSlMI" "'storni 0IId
C/III be nlurMdw i/J uwmt:r /~Qvift' I~ Ptn/./I Nol~ st,1I ",,'//1 Q /oQk 1ft itl C~ftlr~,
COMME r\'IS :. In n,J' book Tbc Ar! ur " Qll o;ng T ab lCl I deI,iled my hmdlinl for lhc
Chanin 10m Md rulorcd bank DOle. Whilc the effcet i. vi,ual!y 'IronS. you rould 001 borrow lhc
OO1c 10 da lhe lrick or allow ;1 10 bc cxarnincd 1I Ihe finis/I. which [ fell was I sh SI'T'K!. So ror
many )'CI" I have becn 1/yioll In devise. way Ihal • ';milar cffecl could be;evcd wilh a
borrowoo noIe. and T E AKAWAY i. lhe met.hod I camo: up wilh. Origioolly I used simply I
srnall piece of paper u cover, 001 Chris Plyne hId the ideo of using I l'osI·h Note. Ihc ilickincss
p f .... him gives you !hat ulra bil pr help with the handlin&. J>raaisc Ibis up and you will have I
very' >lrong piece of viJull mI&k.

RfO Ui REM ENTS:' I. "blink note. 1 usc. (I n. Ho~, be Wlmed thal)'Oll will effectivcly
destroy Ihis notc in preparing far Ihc trick, SO choose ~ pr. vltuc you an ,ffnrd 10 lose!! 2. "
Post-I! Note pad l'T'K!osuring l.oS" x 2".
S ET. Ur;_ FOT Ihc PUJ']'lORl pfde5criplioo! will ."ume yoo In: I t: /O nOie for lhi. cffect.
Fpld IM bank nDIe in hilf wilh Ihe Qu<>:n', hud on Ihc inside Iod lum ;1 00 Ihll lhe ~nlre
cn:&Sc i5 faeing you anti Ihc: piclUIl: of CIwies Dickens on lhe l'IOle is
F;"l fael", upwards. Hg.\. Wilh. ih.rp pair of scisson ctln:fully cut 0011
piece 15 shown. Thls will ~ you wilh I IITIIII fplded picn
1T'IeMUrin& IIppI'Oximatcly Ihree qulncn of ... inch acmu IOd aboul Olle
inch in Icngth. To hc:tp lhi. picoc keep its
strength IOd shapo: I h.tve stock \10'0 IImln
f-;::::===:;-;:;;;:21R I.2
_-'======~Jpicc:cs or rigid \rlnSpln:m plwic on lhe
inside surfoces or lhe piece. This piece or
bank DOIC is now )'OUr gimmick.

RI·) Take lhc Post-li pad &111.1 "',OOVe lhc (op l~===::!,::=J
Ihffi. Wi!h Ihc lloCk)' cdgc: upwards and on
lhe .i,ln, 1I1aCh )'QU' &immick 10 lhe Ulretnc
cdJc ".,;tl)' in Ihe position shoooIn in F1&-2. Notlcc 1/u1 .he cruse in
Ihc &irnmick is a\ Ihe IOp. Now 1Q1ud! Ihc Post-tl NOle 10 Ihc pad.

~~;;;~~~;;7~Fi,.J. Thi. hokb your linunicl< in place ~ady fCf lhe dfea and lhe
1*1 can bio kepc with reasoolble ufcly in. poc....
P RI·;SENI'AT IONö· I. A.k (0 borrow a no. On reeei"ns il, raId i. in r
half!iO thaI (he Queen'li hcad i. on !hc inside anJ ploce i. down on (he Fig.4
(ahle wilh lhe I:IU$C IOwlrdlllhc ludience and Ihc Charla Dicken. ,ide _ __..
Oll ag.iru.l lhe üble.
2. Rcach ;n.IO your pocket ond 'I'UJ> Ihe P05I-1! HOle pod 10 ihR the
top JhceI is ßat apiMI the fin;<:B and lhe gimmick is hiddcn. F'i~.
TEARAWAV conti nued ... 11 ~\ 1

F'ig.5 , , ,i 3. Supponing the pad wilh thc [cO fingers from

right thumb lQ J0p lhe
,' , " undemeBlh. u.., ,~

undc"ide ur [he gimmick and pull off [hc top

,, ,
shCd or paper w;th 1he gimmick süll auachcd.
?' 0
, , Fig.5. PI""" the pad down.

-- - -
4. The ldl hand !hen picks up the folded bank nolc on<! hold,
it wilh 100 c = paiming upwards and {he Charl ... Dicken.
side n.l facing 100 audicn<:<:. 1l>e 'Kilt shoold bc: held at .boot '?
chcSl hcighl. Pig.6. Notice the exllCl position o r thc leO Ihumb
an<! fingers.

5. The righl hand brinJl,S the Posl·h NO!~

up 10 thc ,ight sidc or [hc [JO note 100
r \ V,.-l--I...; lines up Ihc rigllt edgc or thc gimmick
",ith lhe ,ight oogc of lhe noIc ;,,,,,I r.
'0' Fig.7. 11le !cfl finge,," slide Over slightly
-J:, (0 lhe fight and grip lhe ler, sille ur lhe

Posl-h NOIC 81 the fron! of lhc bank


- noIe. 1l>e ,ight fingers push the extreme

bot10m righl corner ur the PoSl-h Note
so thBl II>c ""all am<>unl or cxposed
slidy pa!"" whieh extcnd. bclow II>e
bonom wge of the gimmick i. auached
LO Ihe front of the bank OOle.
6. 1be len lhumb is po5;tioncd 8t the
rur of tl1<: bank OOle exactly by the len
0>" of '" Post·!1
cxten<b; up abo". lhe OOle·s top crellSC. " r \
, ,)" , ,
", ,,,,
Using thc fight Fingers .~ cover, thc ~ ~ /.,
right Ihumb OOI\t8CIS
corner of the .t:IO and rold. it <kIwn.
The len thumb aclS oS a fukrum point
00 Ihe ien 10 ma ko sure that the OOlC
<Iocs nOl becomc rolded pasl the len

Z ' ,, ---
.-.dgc of lhe POSI.-1I Note. Fig.8.
soon .. Ihc Ihumb has folded thc
corne, down the ,ighl finse", r"lcl
I half "f thc POSI-[I ""OIe back

;~:~~: flO as if it was being folded
,., tl1<: """tre crease of Ihc notc.
1kcausc of Ihc gimmick ;1 looks
111<: bank noIc cxtends a< "onn"1
1~:::~.lhC way across undcr the l>os.t-ll

8. Thc ,ight thumb OOVCl"$ the

i of Ihc fl O which fig.lO
"" 10 lhe ';ght and below
NOIe at thc reaf. w::;.~~;;~~
finger oovcrs lhe ~~
gimmick at the fronl of the
Fi8.10 shows. v;ew from bOIh "''''1
Hdd in this posilion, the noIc can
ve,y freely show" and
looks in order.
9. ROIlie the OOlc or>e quarter
fig.1I turn 10 thc right so thlll the [10
not<:'. creasc i5 now pointing 10
lhe ,i,;ht. Grip the nolC in tOO
left hand. F;g.11 shows a view
,., again from holh .ides. With the
thumb keepin, a light grip in
lbe posil;on shown in Fig.ll.
the ,i&bt hand COllIeS up the the
Post·[1 NOIe aOO tC3l"$ down an<!
L _______________________~lhen 3Cn>SIl to the ,ight. thus
",moving • ""Clion from Ihe I'OSI-lt NOIe but avo,ding Ibo: foldcd b3ck [10. Fig.12.
10. PI""" lhe 5lT1aU pi""," away in yoor fight
jacket pockel. Regrip the nolC in the riglll hand Fig.12
.. in Fig.IO again and di~lay the 10m nole from
bOIh sides. 11 really is a very convincing illusion,
",ainly because or lhe gimmick cl<teo<Jing 10 the
11. Rotate lhe notc back 10 thc ri&bl again an<!
"'grip in lhe lefl hand as berorc. Fi,.11.
Howcvcr. this time, before the ri,;hl hand ICls 80.
\ :/
I L I_ _ _ -"-
TEARAWAY continucd ••.
"----_ _ -'11 i,' I
Fig.l) 1he Ihumb and fingers srip lhe gimmick
$nd twist il off lh~ ]' 0<, lt Note. r:ig.13.
l'hc len liule finger movcs up 10 cover
where Ihc gimmick was $0 Ihal 1he IIok
"0" still be secn.
12. Thc righl hand goc-, t<> [I,., rigN
/; jac kd pocket and Icaving lhc gimmick
bchind, brings OU1 ,he SIllall piece ...
)'Oll cxplain thaI \0 res10re lhe not" )'QIl
oould <lick back lhc linie piece )'Oll
L _ ' - _'-'--_'---;-'--' -C-_c,-_-:---:-:--,-_ -,Jhavc 10m ou1 (ir)'Oll ean'\ quickly rmd
lhc piece, JUS! preu:lld 10 hold up lhe pi,,«) bul magie woold bc: beller. Immcdiatc!y lhc ,m.1I
piece;$ rctumcd 10 thc jackel pocket.
13. The righl hand now g,ip$ lhc UO SO lhal lhc fingers Fi&.14
cover lhc hole on Ihc riglU side. fig.14. The Icn fingers
________'--___:,then fold thc front
f'ig.15 piece of lhc 1101"
facing the audicnce
back in h.lf 10 thc
right, Fig.1S.
14. The left hand
lhen holds the rear L _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ ~

half of lhc bank not", lhc !hurnb gripping H>e IcO wgc of
Ihc ['ost- h NOie. while the ,ight ltand holds the ,ight edge
_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ Jof thc front half whi<:h i$ foldcd ove, to the r ight. l'ig .l6.
15. Wilh a dranulic snap you open OUllhe bM k
nOIe. lnslanlly Ihc note unfolds and is secn 10 Fig.16
have no hole. Tho: lefl hand lhen bring,; lhe
Post- I! NOle O<1t rrom behind Ihc ,[ 10 10 revcal I
large hole in ilS ""nIre .
16. Thc note can now be rctumed 10 ilS owner.
HOWEVEIt ... beuusc Ihe note has been
creascd. if Ihc spcctator refolds Ihe note h<: m~y _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _
weil be able 10 reconstruet how lbe note was
secrelly foldcd to avoid the le... To get round Ihi. )'Oll really n«,d 10 'deslroy Ihc cviden""·. Ir
you have another trick wilh which you can immcdialcly rollow T EARA WAY . (",-'C MINT
Wlnl TUE 11 01.1'; "oming up ""XI: in Ihis book) which rcsullS in you folding the !\OIe ."",in,
all weil and good. NOI only willlhc e~lra folds help 10 hide tbe one rOld used in thc first cffcct,
but also wilh another uick having ju$l been donc. tl1<: heat is off Ihe first "ffcet as Ihe immediate
momcnt has passcd. The bill swilch cffcet in which it is foldcd up and magitally changes (via.
Ihumb tip) inlo. notC of differenl value. would also be • good follow up. Thc choice is you ... !
oo rn~~~~ ~
Et't'EC'[,. A borrowrd JOp cojn is .m..1J and t:<urfwllJ ·.;rap~d in a borruwtd barrt 1tQ/~ .
"tU,. ..
SIl<I<k,,/y ,,.,. c<>in pcn<:"'lJ~J ,,,,= ".,.c <Md /all. 'f1'<C,a,or' J _itlng IoMd. Tb .. eoin attd
IIQ/f "rf I'I"'/Uldialfly rt!,urned 10 IMir QW"us.

COMM I·;rif S; . A simple plO!, • simple melhod, rK.> rc5CI, llO .ngles - thi. is fun!
RI;oUlR EM ENTS; . I. A ]~ ooin. 2. A ..".11 piece ofAlu l ack.
SET_W ':· Simply "ick (00 Blu Tack 10 ooe aide of 11>1: coin ond I\.tve ltw: coin in I ri&ht hand
pocke! whc:~ roo cln euily &el hold of 11.
"H ESENIAIION,· I. Ask 10 botrow • tOp ooin. lu • spc:dalor gru • (:()in OUt &Cl 11>1: nUll
coin fi~ palmtd in lhc righl hand. U.., BI.. T..:t sidc: IWI)' (rom 1110:: fingflS.
2. lhe offen:<.! win in lhc kfl hand. J*S illO lhc righllOld IIPPIlmlly pl~ iI on lM labk,
in ruHI)' IeIving Ir.. Blu Tack coin on lhe üble (alu TKk side down. of c:oun.e) lind Ibo
borrowcd roin l)'inS in the curled ri&hl fin&erl.
" ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , 3 . Ast for lhe Ioan or.
bank note (or U!C IM
RI-l .U O (rom T M HAWA Yl. !'old Ihc llOIe in
10 lhl\11w; CMlre creasc is on )'Oll' riglll. Unfold
( ;1 """in and pus lhe note 10 Ihe lell hand,
~Uy I•• raferring Ihc palrood l~ 10 Ihc left
fingcn undcr Ih~ noI~. Fig.1.
4. Pick up the coin from Ihc: tlblc md place it
on Iht r - - - - - -- -- '--- ,
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' i n , on Ihc: - =- 1:;..2

Icn rmaen in Ihc: PQ$ilion shown by 'X' in fi"l. tu)'OO'

PQ$ition il. push down on Ihc: rein SO Ihlt Ihc: BI .. Tack
sticks quitt finnly 10 Ihe bank notc:·lliUrface.
5.Slowly and
rokl Iht'i&hl L_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ --'
sidc or thc
noIC O"CT thc ooin. F.g.2. Thcn wing the fight
r,nge". rold the lop edges ove. Ihe coin, Fig.3. 100
Lhen lhe ball",n odg« np (IV. ' Ihc: coiR. 1"'18.4.

6. This dTc:di"cly wtapS Ihe rein inside Ihe blnk 1IOlC.

The Jen fin"," arc still holdin& Ihe;I c:oin
cooce.alod unckr lhe OOIC. Show boIh sm of lhe roldcd
tllpll5ing Ihe rein KId thcn Wr. I J{ltQIIIOf
IIOIc .. ilhDul
hold 001 his hu1d paJm up.
I'---_ _ 1[1]!,
---"--'=-=..=.:;..;c=.-_ _- '
MINT \VIIH THE I!OI ,E continucd ...

7. Hold Ih<: I'IOIC over his hand. " 1110<: time usina H>e Jef\ fingers lQ work 1M win up """rer
,hc end of thc: roklcd pe<:kqe. l'hcIl, with "'" r;gt.\ Ioand. n"'k tlIC '''I' of ,!wo roldqd p""kose
oownw...d:s SO thal lllc Ioose ""in is knockcd OUI oI 1110 Idl r.ngers and drops sudtlc:nly onto Ihe
SJICCIItOJ'. palm.
8. Irnmodiately IM rmlcn of both h.onds unrollt 'he I_lides or Ihe nOCc and IM 1ert hInd thcn
un(oIds Ihe !.QWER hilf ot Ihc lIQte $0 !hat the IIOIc ends up wrnplctcly opcncd up but upsidc
down. ".., <XIin rem.iM 5luck by the Bin TloCk 10 lhc undcrside of Ihe opened 001 IIOIc 10 Uuu
)'00' hands ClI1 $I.R.>li:c lllc IIOIc withollt h~vin, 10 hide MylhinS M you show thaI Ihc nlOnCy does
001 have a hole in il.
9. The .ight fingers occrelly pull off Ihc coin Wilh ;ti ßlu T""k as \hc noIc is hlndcd ba<k 10 ;'S
OWrlCr ond Ihe bomlwed I ~ is .Iso rdumed.
~ ~==~~~===:! ~
EO'ECf;- A farge tn\'elo~ W;flt "hol~ in /"" trom i. disployed und a Jumbo cardcan fH< .un
s.., "
,m ,/'" '-''''de. TI,~ " ",-d i5 retlto""d "lid ,/00",". LeI' J i. IM A.C. TM. caNi i. a prt:diction
and /"" magic;(1n in/end. ta Jhow ,"" diJJuence btlW«n a magicioQ and 0 mentaU., . Tlie AC ü
pul bad iMIO Iht tnvelope ",hielt is /cft in oiew. A nonnal siu duk is shufJIed "nd a euro
cho$l!n. lIoWl!vt!r, l/te M{«lloo is Ihe 5S ond w dots ttQl match rhe prediclion. '(Iri.• , lhe
~rfQrmer Hp/ai,,< , is wh)' he i. MX "menta/ist! !/owe'·"'. being a magie!"", lIe is (Me 10 u~
Iris magie 10 change things "mund. Turning /M jS face dawlI Ihe per!Q,mu rubs it againsllhc
card in Ihe errveloJJe. l'he JumbQ prt!dicrion is rt!moved aM /Umed Q''er and ,,,rprisingl)' I, kifS
chonged _ bul 10 litt Kill! The magician {<JOb 0 lillie 511t:epish . he o/JI-iOllsly is nOI thai hOl a. 0
magician eit/t",! However, lhe Jumbo KH is rubl;ed aga;"" rite selecled c(Ud ond when Inis 's
lumed over il has mogicolly cMnged 10 the KH os ~II, so Inol e verylhing ends up 0. it lhould

COMM EWS,- Shldes of Ihe Kcn ßrooke favourilc Pony Prcdietion wilh Ihis crre<;I, IIllhough
Ihe mclhod i, enlirely dirrerem, I al.o publish•.'d a similar errcct, bul Wilh again a vcry dirrerenl
melhod, in my book rii E MARK LEYERIIX:;!\ I ,t O'I 1RI,; EXI'EKIENCE. My main rcason
fOT including lhis Irick is 10 e~ pl~;n lhe ,wilching idea with the envelope, as Ihis is a princip!c
which oould be used in any errect which rtquires you 10 SWilCh a Jumbo caRI.

Rt'1)IJIREMEWS;- \. Two Jumbo cards of contrasling v,lues - say r~~===;2:;;~

lhe KH and AC. 2. A deck of nonnal ,izcd caNk 3. A large envelopc Fig.l

wilh a hole cul frum lhe front, Fig.1 show, Ihc size an<! type or
envelope thai r use. Thc only preparnlion of lhis envelopc is Ihal lhe
tower nap is only glucd acTOSS ror half of ill dcplh. Thi$ leaves on
un&luck channcl which}'Oll are going)o use, 4, ldcally)'Oll should also
have some SOTt of can! sland 10 enable }'Oll 10 leave lhe envdope on
0 l'
i .
view. AlIcmalivc!y you can lean the envelope againsI"""", prop )'OU

have on )'Oll' table.

SEI_u r ;_ Take thc Jumbo KH ..lid slip 11 inlo lhe unglucd channei in ,...-
lhe lowcr nap of lhe envclope.. Fig.2. '[his

~~~~;F\ig'2 will help 10 hold the cord agaimt thc rear of Ihc envelope. The card
race should he facing )'00. Slip lhc AC imo lhe cnvclopc so lhal Ihc
back .snows lhrough lhe envclopc's hole. Thc deck shoold have lhe
, can! malching lhe Jumbo held on the outside of lhe envelope (KH) on
lop wilh • oomraslinf, card undcr il, say Ihc !iS.
PRESI':t'{I'Al'ION:. I. Display lhe envelopc, fronl nal loward. lhe
audiencc so thai lhey can see lhe cord hack lhrough lhe hole. 'nle

_J~====~~JcnvClope i< held al lhe boilam cdgc in the left hand, ringers on lhc
fronl and Ihumb al lhc back. Yoo explain lhll lhe card is I prcdiction.
2. Till lhe lop of lhe cnvelopc lowards lhe right hand and use lhe fingers 10 open Ihe nap ~nd go
inside 10 cxtroct lhe cam. Freely display Ihc AC card f",,",
3. Yoo uplain Ihal )'OU are f,oing 10 dcmon&llllC lhe differencc bclwccn a magieian and a
mcnt.liSl. As}'Oll are speaking, lhe righl hand, which ;S gripping lhe AC now wilh lhe cord back
~I I~
S ~Y ITC:HRACK continued ...

.. IOward$ a~dicllCe. takes
","",nd ,h.e cnvelope and .Iips ;, under IM
KH. Fig.3.

(,; 9 I ~, y
4. As SQOfl as " is comp!eldy behind Ihc
envelope, the right Fing"r.; push ,he AC
down iotu ,he unglucd ~nvclope channei

~\ ..\ ,
and thc ,ight Ihumb tllcn grips the KH "nd
dli~ cart! is ,wiSled up and out ur it.
p<>silioo an<! is ,aken immcdialcly 10 100
open end ur ,Re envdope slipped
inside. !'igA. This .w;tch is done very calmly
and casually. The cord i. oul ur view (0. ooly a

splil ~ and 81 Ihis slage ur lhc dfec\. no
one knows uactly whal is going tu happen and
SO the sp<"".tors are noI looking for an)'1hing
S. Placc lh<: "n"clope imo your card sland wilh
Ihe envelope hole nal fscing the .udic~.
I .

6. Pick up ,he deck Md (alse shuffie jU&!
kecping the lop [WO cards in placc. Cut lhe deck '....,
and keep a !eflliulc rmger break. y"" an: nOw
going to <k> a riffle force. Brieny: Ihe Jen hand raiscs lhe face of lhe deck a linie 10wardS Ihc
audience. The righ.l fingers rime Ilte lop short edges of lhe d«k Fr"", thc botI"", upwards and a
sp<:CIalor;s .,ked 10 call "lop'. When he docs SO,)'DU hold lhe deck open 81 lhe fronl edge al lhe
scleCH,d poinl. slart 10 Iower Ihe dcck 10 a hori1.Onlai position. and as )'Oll do ,;0 use lhe righl
hand 10 CUI lhe deck AT TUE UITLE FINGER BREAK . Thi. brings Ihe KH 10 lhe lop.
while apparenlly cuning allhe selcclcd poinl.
1. Double lin Ihe lop IwO cards 10 show (he 5S. Since lhi, docs 001 malch Ihe AC prediclion
card )'DU shrog lltId ,ay Ihal lhal i. why you 3rc 001' mcn(ali$l! Flip Ihe Iwo card. back omo!hc:
deck Face down and Ihumb off lhe lop (KH) card. PUl lhe <leck down.
8. Becausc )'DU a magie;"", however, all can be ranedied. Take IN: KH (whieh lhe audiencc
belicvc 10 be (1\1: SS lhey MVC jlW seen) and rob il againsl thc cxposcd square of Jumbo card
seen II!rough lhe CIlvelope', hole. Placc lhe KH down on!hc lable face down.
9. Pick up lhe cnvelope and withdraw lhe car<! (rom inside. Howcver. whcn )'OIllum ;1 mund lhe
card face is SCCn 10 changed 10 l!>c wrong cor<!! Momenlary di~ppoinlmenl On your part.
bot a rub of IN: prediClioo cud on Ihe scleCIioo Ihen awarenlly changes lhe scleclion 10 malch
!hc predielion!
Et'FF.C l; _ A pur~ is o~ned Md thrte hol[ (follorsoft tipped out omo tM toble. Remnrl<ing Oll
Ihc diffcrcncc bc,...C<;" .1"'c,ic" " momry <>nd B,iti.h lI«>ney, tltt! pU/G,rne, taus o"e Coill "'"
filM "nd proc:u d. 10 cromble them owoy $0 thol/hey ,·onish. The pur~ Is then pickl!d up l1goin
lInd shoken ond the coins COn be he"rd rauling arm/nd Inside. 0" opening It the three co'ns are
tlpped OUI b<>ck OIIto the toble.
COMMENfS: · Thi. ;s I quick and magieally very sireng coin romine whieh relie. on •
combination of Ih= coin vanishes Md • small amo<Inl of subtle handling wilh the pursc. Those
readers who already do my rouliM T U E SEC!!RITY P f.N may li ke 10 Iry SK INT as an
alternat ive e ffcc\.
REO UI REMENJS:_ !. A purse with a IWi<l clasp opcning. The 0"'"' I use i. lhe olle .upplicd
wilh TU E SEqJ HITY r EN as Ihi. i. the lighl .iu: an<! Iyp<:. This purse ;s about 4.5 inches
&Cross 81 ils wides! poinl aOO is abaul 3.5 incl>cs from lhe top of Ihe clasp 10 lhe bollom. 2. Fivc
coms. I use half dollars.
SKI·_ IlP i_ Open lhe purse 000 laking 1"10 of Ihc coira. ploce Ih<.m r----------,
squared IOgelher light down in the lighl corner of Ihe pu=. Fig.l. Fig.1
Thc other Ihree coins are pl~d squared in lhe IcI'l corner. Shullhe
porse Md squeezc it nat SO that Ire coill< are discou,."gcd from
ehanging thei, posilions.
]' HESENTAT ION i_ l. Hold lhe purse by lhe com<:r conla;ning
lhe two coins and shake il so thaI Ihe other Ihrce roins jingle
inside. Thc len hand lakes over the grip on lhe corner COßlaining
lhe 1"10 coins while Ire tig:hl hand opens lhe pursc and lhe lef! L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~
hand shakes lhe porst: SO Ihallhe Ihrte coins are lippe<! 0111 imo lhe wailing righl hand.
2. Thc light hand drops Ihe colns onlO 100 lable and lhen shuU 100 purse. lkcause lhe pursc waS
upe!lded over lhe righl hand and Ihre<: coins dropped 0111, lhe inference is Ihal tOO pu'"" is
otherwise empty and does not rcquire
Fig.2 any further commcnl from you.
3. Thc pursc: i$ placaJ down CCtllre
right Oll your c10se up mal. Thc rigtn
00 o hand lhen places the thrce roins OUI in
• row across Ihe lable level wilh the
pursc. Fig.2.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ --'4. You e xplain 'haI you ha ...... discov-
ered Ih8t American coins do IlOl scem
10 be "s hardy os 1Iril;,;h OIlCS. (OOviously, American readers would do Ihis Irick wilh say.
Engiish pennies, if lhey wish to rctain lhe particular paUer angle). The righl hand comes acl"05S
palm down 10 lhe coin "",rest lhe purse and apparently picks il up. In reality. usmg 100 cover of
lhe rigin finge", as they rcach lhe toble lop in fronl of lhe coin, lhe right thumb kicks the coin 10
lhe tighl and under 100 purse posiliooed lhere.
5 . .1be righl hand inmlcd i.tely comes up from the table tOll and apparcndy places Ihe coin imo
I 1[1]
~ ! , L _ _~=="'-----_------'
SKINT conlinucd ...
the Jen hand which closcs imo a fist 'me len hand make~ a crombling nlotion and then opcrJs 10
rcvcal .he "",in h ... gODe. ßoth hand> can "" sh<>w ß cornpklely cmpl y.

TIle righl haod lhen picks up Lhc ccnlre coi" and I>olds ;1 up as yau
.ay thai perhaps ;1 i. lhe &elual alloy u&<:d in !he making o r thc coin
which makes ;1 disinlcgralc in Ihis way. With the will held 8' Im:
fight fingcnips .. in Fil.3, )'Oll are I10w going 10 do a iIt-'<XJnd vanish.
This ooe r firsl published in T U E MARK I , EY ERU>G I;; !.ECIU RE
E XI' E RIENC E and ;1 is callcd Tbc Wrislw!! lch Co; p """ ish . H"",
ort: thc detail.<.
7. Thc ooin is placed imo
the lef! pa!m with lhc Icf!
L - - - - -- ----' fingcrs poinling 10 lhc
right and lhe fingers slart 10 dose amund Ihc ooin.
100 hand bomding inwards [owan:l!;!he wrisl slighl ly.
8. The ,ight rIßge", liI! IOwards (he len. 100 index
nngcr and thumb carrying lhe co;n lowards (he wllch
strap on lhe lefl wrisl. l'ig.4. This movemcm is
largcly eon<:eolcd by too back of the lef! hand. Fig.4
9. TIle wge of lh<: half dollar is slil'J>Cd under 100 L _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
walch Slrap and 100 righl sccood ringer pus.hes il IhfOOgh unlil no part of tl>e coin is visible to lhe
- - - - - -- - - -------,righl of lhe Slr.p. Fig.S.
Fig.5 10. As tl>e righl seoond ringer finishcs pushing 100
coin undcr 100 strap, lhe right hand moves diagonally
up 10 the righl and into lhe top of lhe closing lefl fiSi
Il$ if depositing thc ooin Itlere.

1!. The wlwlc move is ()'Ier in a second. The righl

hand simply 10 0.I10w Ihe lefllo closc afOOnd
the coin, lhe righl hand then emerging cmpty whi1c
lhe 1.11 il; dose<! seemingly .mund lhe coin. From
_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _~)'OIlr side, Ire move looks open and obvioos. Oonc
properly and seen from tlle fronl, Illere is 00 due 10
indica!e whele 111<: coin rea1Jy gneo.
12. TItc: lell hand docs ilS crumbling molion again and openS!O reveal lhc SCCQnd coin has gonc.
ll«h once moro oomplclely empty.
13. You r\Ow pick up lhc final co;n. This lime yoo simply pwcnd 10 pllce il in yoo. lcf! hand,
really rcuining it in Ihe righl wOOre it is C\lenlually dassic palmed as lhe len hand sccms 10
crumble the final coin 10 ""... der lhe same as lhe res!.
14. You are now going to dilch Ihe p.almcd coin in. vcI)' bold manllCr! Yoo c xplain lhal wilh
lhc money melting .way so easily il is Igoo<l job )' not Amcrican. olherwisc)'Oll wO\lld bc
pcmtanenlly s kint! As yoo $ly Ihis. IhruSl bell! hands inlO yoor lfOOscr pockels and quiäly pull
L I_ _ _ -=S-=
TI:..:O:.:N.:::S'---_ _
SKlNT continued ...
-'11 ~ I
the pocke! lining.< right ou110 indicale tIO!l!ing in theIß. TI"", rum Ihc pockels straight back in
I_v;", .he cI_ie paImed coin behin<!. I have r<>und .hi. litti .. ",So 10 t><> ",,"~"'ably .. ((""'ivQ, ""
do 1ry ;1.
15. Vour right hand IIOW picks up lhe pIIlK and thus lhc coin sc.:rclly hidcJen below ;1. VOll say
lhal ;1 may soom $lrange [tuot ..0 many Amenc."< appear 10 be weH orr. blll Ih.:: rcason is,
bccausc lhere i •• lwI}'! morc money where lhe fim 101 carne from! 'rho:: right hand shakes lhe
pu'sc ~nd 100 LWO (:CI;"S inside Ire !haken ()\Il of lheir corner and jingle inside.
16. Oncc Ihis has bcen heard, lhe right hand, s.tilJ g.asping lhe coin in its fingers, opens lhe lop
c1asp of 111<: PUr«: and Ihe Jen hand shakes lhe [WO co;"< out frum inside imo Ihe tighl hand
wherc (hey join ihe Olle al,.",,<ly lhell'. fl ll ihroe coin ••", lhen srr,,"d out omo Ihe ,able IQ silo'"
1ha1 lhere are indeed Ihre<: apparenlly back in lhc ""rse.



Vlrltten IlIld lUuataa_ by

The Right Choice
The Side Steal Envelope
The Notecase
My Card, Sir
Pass The Parcel
Card In Mind
The Scrial Thriller Lecture Bool:

h 's. ~.I pIcasun: 10 wela)mc you ro tlE JIIF' cf RIY latQt 1eo;rure boIlk ~ I 00pc you will enjIly
tlE COOtenl$. Puuing 1<>jlCIher. lecture is 8Iw8)'1. uiek)' proa:u r.,.. me, I'm kd:i"l to provide
, ... 1)' w""hhl<'! m"llie whieh covers a reuonable .ana<: "" paformance situalions, and IIr\I3I lilal
wi!h !hil oolle<:tion of malerial [ ILavc mana&W ro do "" , ucccssfull)'. Ccn.oinl)' thcrc II'C dfco:.:l1
rar c lose up, 5lrolling, stand up, Irade sIlow wort anti child ..... '. sIlow., so tllere sbould be ""me-
thing or inte~s l fOf IM majoril)' or enlenalllcrs IOmewhcrc!

M081 or thc ilems included in Iltis boIlk aPf!earN fUSl in m)' ~ in Goodliffc'l A bntCadabra
ßII&al'1nc in lalc 1998 and carl)' 1999. Two of thc lricks hcre, M)' Card, Sir and In tui lion wen:
001 pul <Jllhat serics 001 w~ ideas 11La11ut~c been usefuJ 10 ,",,";001: lhat lime and 10 [ wan~

10 includc: them hcre.

Thc onc: IISpOCIlhll uniteS .."erythin! publWled hcre .. lhal ""1:1'}' rouline hu bcen '*"
by '"" rar
'ral', Ilmow IhM lbe ideas work rar me anti 10 the upcculion is lhat thc)' will wort rar you, I
havc dellcribed evcrylhing rully 10 you do 001 nmI ro Uvc.-n thc lOCIuoJ lecturc in order ro (01-
Iow thc cootellU of Ihc boIlk, so ",ithoul funhcr ado, read QII!

Mark Lcverldgc
lannary 2001


ja copyright Marie Lcvaidgc Mqie, ExCICr, Dc:vOß

The Seriat Thriller Lecture Book

The Right Choice

PR&-WOKIl: This ~;mplc piece or hand ling I have used for YC8rs in all 5Ort& or d iffc=1 ways.
11', parlicu larly useful in • II'IIdc show COOI""I, or any slrolling cvcnl wl>ere a oompany name or
proo;h><;1 noeds 10 I>e highligh led a lin ie. I h.ove w;ed ;1 wi!h shop names. cars. company namcs and
in sev ...... l othe.- ",I ~van l . ;I\".. io ... ,

Eft' ECf; Wo will ....nme. for lile sake or argumenI. Ihal IIw: performer is working wolling
magie al' car laullch for Vauxhall. He e~plain.< !h81 mal:ing Ihc ';ghl choice or car can be diffi-
cull IIS the specifICHlions. stylillg and general performanoe of cars IOOay "'" all so similar. So,
maybe il is best al limes 10 Icl instiOCl takc OVcr.
Tbc magician ",moves 6 cards from a small wal leI and spreads thcm face down. He lells tl>e on-
lookers!hal eICh of thcsc: cards has thc name of 3 csr manuf!lCtUn:r on it TIle caros are ,""umed
3nd fanned and a .specWor is as ~ed !O louch lhe bac~ of any car<!. He is given lhe chance !O
change his mind ifhe wishc:&. Tbc sclccred a.rd isopenly pt~ on the IxKrom of rhe pile.
A spec.. lOr i. now asked 10 hold 0111 his hand palm up. n.. perfOlTJlCJ e~plai"" Ihat il is I good
,;ob he cltose the card I><; did, becausc all 100 0Ihen1 would not have been any good at all. As this i.
being said, the IOp tive cuds are tumed face up one Bl a linl(: and pl~ 0010 tJl(: spec1alOl's
palrn _ eve'1' cMd ilI oornplelcly blank! Tbc final cMd, the one tooched al randorn. i$ rhen rumed
over 10 reveal !l1(: word VAUX Il ALL printed largo across iL.

REOUIREMI::NI S; 1.6 blank f~ cardi Wilh a permanenl mar1<er peo lO wrile on rhorn. 2. A
plaslic Can)' wal]"l.

S EI u r : Simply wnle rhe nll/Jle of IIw: company 0.. producl lhal you wanl 10 rorce on one blank
card face. Mari;; tbe back or lhe cilId in a way lhal is obv;<)O.U 10 yoo bol not 10 anyOlle clse!

PRESENIATlON, I. Slan your paller Iwisting il 10 whalcver lypC or cornpany or product you
wi,"" 10 promote. Bring 0111 LIte walIeI and removc the cards.
2. Fan LIte cards w;lhoul show ing lheir raoxs .. Id thcn ,""uffie litern bringing thc rnar1<cd tard 10
Ihc lop.
) . SI""OO LIte cilIds in • fan and ask a spe<:lalo.. 10 poinl 10 Olle. If hc ~ho<:o;es the top one. you've
gOl a rnirac1c ! If not, simpJy slide 0111 the ODe hc looclIes BOO placc il on thc lop or IIw: fa n.
4. Poinling 10 IIw: remaining caros in LIte fan. lISk if be wanl< 10 change the one on lop for any of
Lhe others ro.. any reason. Usually Ihcy say '00', bul if lhey do. thcn tal eoffthc top cMd and pU! il
back in Lhe pile and replace;1 on lop wilh Ilw:ir laleS! se!eclion, repealing Lhe orfer of a change.
5. Once Ilw:y 3re harry, &Qua", up tll(: fan and as yoo do so gel . 10ft lilUc rUlgt:r break under Ihe
top IWO caros. Openly lift offtlw: lop IwO caros as one in lile righl hand and place llw:rn uoo.r the
pile. You explain !hat you will pul Ihc seleclion al lhe botrOtn or lhc pile becausc yoo wom to
look al Ihosc cards not cho6cn firsl.
6, Gel a .spcctator 10 hold out his hand palrn up an<! one al a lime you dcal Ihc top tive cards onlo
his palrn to revcal any of\hose choica would ha~e resuhed in hirn dntwing a 'blank'! Finally. Ihc
IxKlorn card. his apparenl sc:icctiOIl, is shown 10 be lhe one Wilh thc cornpany/product name on ie

ANOIII ER PRES ENTATION ;· Anotller way lhat I hove used to perform a vcry sirnilar cffcel
in a commerdal environmem is 10 start by asking a speclalor ir 11(: is a 'Iucky' per!lOII. You lell
hirn thaI IIw: 6 cards each havo a pri'-< wrinen on thern arid whcn hc poinlll 10 one of thc cards Iw:
i50 st:1e<:1;ng a ,ift for hirnst:lf. Tbc chosen card is pul 10 Lhe IxKtom of IIw: pile Iod lilen IIw: OIhcr
caros are lumed race up onlo his hand one al a time. Each or Ihe firsl tive cards has a humorOlL'l
The Serial Thriller Lcc;:ture Book

'pri1.e' on ;1 (",Ili"", 5Iwe apartment in Siberia~, ~I ion of iron filing.s~, wNo!e'ia' yoo lhiN:
might be IOUoUy ißawopiaIel, and the final cant. bia xledion, lIas wriuen on il ~ Pfali,ious
item lOId by the "'* OJ\IIJ....dy of!he evenin&.
I '~ used thi. m CIJ launcbes lind the prize ;1 I top 0( lhe ""'ge Yenion o f what~ lhe nc:w
modeJ iL 1 usu.ooUy rU1;1h by ",Uin, tht1n 111.. if lhe)' eare 10 10 up 10 one of!he $.I.1esmen and teil
Ih,,", Ihcy ha'l! jlW woo the prizc. you're SW'I! !hey' lI be ooly 100 glad 10 ,i~ Illern OOI:! (Take
IhDl how you willl)
The Scrial Thriller Leclure Book

PRE-WORP; Thil; il; a terriflc routine rur use in reslaurants, panicularly whc:rc Illere are tobles
or 6 Of more pcople togetller. Family gmups. Of a col1cclion or friends make lhe !leS! aooiences
fOf t!til; ido •. I t!tink it werks SO welJ beeause it il; vCI)' penonal (il c-entres on a >peeIa!Of'S narne)
and ono or 100 aud ienoc mcmberc actuaUy appo"" 10 "" tho lrick ! At.hoOJlIh it i . very <impIe in
ooncept an<! WQt"\<.ing, don'l undeßell it. beeause I have foulld this le,wes quile alI impres.<ion on
those who ,.., il.

U · t·t:cri Thc perfonncr lalks abool intuition "nd how some people. panicul.rly l&dies. sotm 10
have plenly of il. A fcmale spcctator is selected 10 _ist. A pile or envelopcs is shown and 1he
magicialI explains thai each Olle OOI1.lains a blank piece of card. S lipping a card rront one of Ihe
enve~ the performer wrilcs the firSI narne of the lady !Jelper on the card and lhen slips il hack
into the envelupe which is dropped on to the Iable.
Countillg up the oumber or people sining round the table (exccpt for thc lady _istant) the per-
former drops enough enve lopes onlo lhe ODe cCKuaining thc spa;laIOf'S Mrne 1(1 ensure lhat lhere
wOllld be one fOf each person round lhe tobte. We will MSUmc lhat lhere are 5 people apan from
the lady _ istam.
n..: pile of five envelopes is then $Imme<! and an covcl""" pl !lCed al rart(i(lm in fronl of each or
the five people round the lable. Thc lady assistant c"QUld have 00 idca. who """ the envel<>pe coo·
taining ~IC card w;lh her name on. bot she ;. invile<! t(l use her inluilion. or fal[ing thaI tO juS!
gucs:;(!). and point 10 four (lfthe fell(lw diners ooe al a linIC by way or eliminaling lhem front the
As the lady pointS 10 variOlls people. the performer colJeclS up their envcl<>pCS unli l lhere Is just
ODe IeO on the Iable. That envel<>pe is slowly <>pencd and the card slid 001 fNO' inside. When il is
tumc:d ovcr. it IS 1.he one with lhc spe<;tatOf'S name on il !

REOUIREMENTS; I. A oumber (lf dauble blank pIaying cards Of yoo coold usc yoor btIsiness
cant if it """ a blank back "" yoo leave lhe card with the 5peClalon al lhe finish. Thc euet num·
her is hard 10 judge. becauoe it depends how often yoo intcnd da;ng the lrick in any ooc session.
bot I usuaUy carry abool Iwenty. 2. A permanent pen 10 wrilc on lhe cards wilh. 3.
Enoogh 8mal1 brown envelopcs I<> cootain all lhe cards yoo iotend I<> usc. 4. A rubber band.

SEI-U ri Slip ODe card into cach envcl<>pe and pop a rubber band roond the pile. Have the pile to
hand along with Ihc: pen.

PRESENTATlON; I. Talk aboo! inluition and s»-y that yoo ~rc going 1(1 sot whether one of the
people round 1.he !.able hall same! Select a su ilablc volunteer (I USUlIlly chooc<le. lady).
2. Bring 0011.he pile of enve~ and explain ~IBI each 0tJC contains R blank cord. Slip the rubber
band off the pile and lakc (lff the I"P envclope , placing the remainder of Ihc pile on 1!Je table for a

3. Slip the card 001 of the envcl<>pe and using the pell writc the [ady', nllme boldly across lhe
card. SIlde lhe card hack inl(l its envel<>pe WRrrING S IDE DOWN and drop the envcl<>pe flap
sidc: up onto the \.ioblc.
4. Pick up the pile of ""vdopes and deal ontO lhe envelope ronlaining tlIC ladY's narne elK)llgh
forther enve~ tO cnsun: Ihal evcryooc. exccpt YOOT llS:i;stanl. will he able 10 havc """ elICh.
Let', as.s.ume thaI there an: a total or 6 people 81 tlle table. [n Ihis case yoo would deal a furtller
fOOT envelopes onlO the I!lble<! 000.
5. Put the re!;t of thc envelopes on the lable fur a momeni in a square<! pile. PIck up lhe pile or S
lbe Serial Thriller Lecture Book
envclopcli aod Ilold tllern in the k(t hand lOS in FiS. I.
riS·! 6. n.e enve!ope whieh is reiling agairu;t thc Jefl fingen; is the Olle with
thc spcctator·s name in il. n.e fighl hand CO/'I'IC$ (W~ r Ib~ ~nvelopc$ as
jf il>ey wen: a JlllCk of canls and you WCn: going to do an overhand
shuffie. The rigllt fingen n:sI on il>e frQflt shon edges o( the enve!ope<
~ and the riglu thumb on il>e n:.a, shon cdge. nie len thumb and fingen

press IOWaru. cach other slightly SO that '" the ,ight hand lifts awsy the
middlc three envelopcs.. the lOp sild bot10m env~lopes n:main in lhe lef!
7. n.e n gllt hand ·shuffks off the thre<: cnvelopcs u hold. on 10p of th~ two n:nuumng Ln !he lef!
haod, and!hen lifts 001 !he ttntn: Ihrce again and repeats !he cyck. Da Ihis Ihre<: or four lime.•.
Thi. givcs the impression Ihal allll>e envek>pes an: weil and IrU ly milIed. oot in fllCl the OOtlOnl
cnvelope. the Olle Witll tlle l;pCCuuor·. 111m... in il. remains on the bottom Ihrooghout.
8. The :ijlCClalors now IIlve 00 idea in whiclt ~l1vclope the named card iso Yoo OOw walk. rouoo
!he table aOO diSlrioou: thc five envdopes in a ra..dom order, plileing them Oll tlle lable in fronl of
tlle speclators. All yoo bavc 10 do is remember which spectator r«eivcs il>e LA ST env~lope. Ac-
!uolly. to cut out al! mclllOl")' work I always give tOO last cnvelope 10 tlte person siuing two pI"""",
10 the kf! of!he llS$isting lady. Since yoo bavc been giving Ihr: ~nvck>pes oot in a random order.
it is ~a.y to cnginccr which spectator rcceivcs il>e all importanl bonom envdope.
9. Y00 llOW walk blICk 10 the pla<:e al tlte lable whert you started and yoo piet: up the pile of kf!
ov'" cnv~lopes, holding lhem in yoor len hand.
10. You ask the llS$isti ng lady to g~ at !he va,iaus pt:QP1e fOOOO tllC table and to try and use her
intuilioo 10 watt. oot wbo is k." l ik~ly 10 end up with the envelope with her name in it. As sbe
points to variou. pt:QP1e rauad the lablcone It a time. yoo wa lk round lhe lable and lake tI cn-
vdope away aad pla<:e it on the top of lhe pile. As soon lOS she se!cers the person wllo really does
have her named card inside. plaoe that envclopc UN I>ER the pile. You have plenlY of caver be-
cause yoo are walking mund the tab\c. and in any ca..e. all auemiOll is on !he lady as she makes
her clJo1ct:$.
11. EventualJy then: will be one envelope lef! on the table. Jf. by (."Oincidence, Ihis is Ihc one lbat
con1llin1l lhe name, thank yoor lueky stars and dramatically sllde!1>e cord 001 aod rum il ov"," w
reveal thc name. Jf tm, IIW ~"vek>pc cont.ains a blank canl a linie more watt. will be Taluired.
12. Quielty hlm tl>e pil~ of cnvelopes over in yoor len hand so thaI die
lop envclope will oow!Je the one cuntaining the narne. Using your Icft Fig.2
lhumb push this top <:nvelope a liule 0 ( ( to the right and slip)'OUf Icf! /-/
liule fmger in under the ~nv~ lope bef~ sliding it hack again. Fig.2.
13. As yoo da Ihis. rcach forward willl yoor righl hand ,.nd pick up tl>e
final envelope from the la-
bk. and openly
len band extending
dropyoot l...:=:::=:::=~J
envelope omo lhe lop of
tl>c pik:. With yoor fn:ed riJ!.ht hand yoo point 10 tl>e

, spe<:lator who hlld the Jast envelope and make same

, comment oboot IUm having an innoeent face 0.- SOllIe
such OIher n:mark as if to cxplain why he was \cf! uno
14. Stand Hext 10 lhe .ssisting lady 000 sl ip lhe righl
'=:-::-:_--,,--,--_,-,___,--,--_ fmge~ inlO the break held by the \cn Ijlll~ finger.
Fig.3. Immcdiately and in a 8mOOIh OOt unhurried rnovemenl. flip the IOJIIWO ~lIveiopes right
over "" one so that they fall back onto the pile again.
The ScriaJ Thriller Lecture Book
15. Ra:M· ... thew~1ope was 0.., siele down on Ibc top oIthe pile,
Ai·' il was Iogical m. you lud 10 lum j( ~ in Qrt\er 10 open the fIap.
1be ri&hI hand sildes the lopm!llll en~1opc fCln<'ards . liule. F......
md opens the Oap. imKle and .Iowly . Iide the <:an! 0111 from
inUde. After • short pawc 10 build the .• ensk>n. , I ~m the t ard (Wer

~- , ~- 10 ~tal the l1li"'" on 11.
16. Lead the IICClaim for I"" ..si5lin& lady who tw apparenlly ~
her intuilion 10 find her own name. u ave lhe cord and lhe ( llvelore
il carne from "" Ihe I.blc _ lhey will probablr want 10 1001< II lhe
envelope aflerwords in ""y cue 10 sali,fr them&etv~ lhal Ulere i~
':-.,.....,..,----,---,---1110 OIher cord inside and lhal Ihc envelope is nOI ~ial in""y war .
Rcbond the cn~1opcs (yoo c"" Jene lhc onc wltich i, Ihc wron& w-r round ... il III md u""' Ihat
onc fi'5I thc """I time you wad) and rOll lrC ready 10 10 apin.

The Setial Thriller Le<:ture Book

PRE-WOR D; NO! to be confuscd wilh Lapdancing, whieh i.s wmcthing 1OIa1ly differenl (so I've
heard!), I,APADANCE is based 00 something I &aw done st , bam d~ many yean ago and
whieb rve used aL ehildron's p3l1ies ever since. This w"",,", weil wilh chiklren of 7 years nf age
and 8bove and the OOly thing yoo noed, "pan rrorn "'" conn<leoce Lo .ing ~ liuk: in I"'~!i<:. i,
cnough space for the number of ehildren present tO stand in a eircle.

PR ESENTATION: I. GeI.lI tllc ~hiklren to ",an<! in. eircle holding hands (note: ir it·s. mixed
group of boy. and girls. you may have trouble gelting tbem tO hold hands. SO in lhese C8llCS I get
lhem 10 hnld tllc wriSI of the ~ on lheir righ1. This mcans that they will be holding tbe wrisl
of lhe person on tbeir righl end their !cft wrist will be hekl by lbe person 00 lbei. left. Oftetl I Te-
SU"ic1!bis octivily to.1I girl parlies or groups where tllCre an: predominanlly girls in attend~).
2. Y00 now ""plain that yOll an: going to sing to tbem (if they can stand tbe $lrain!) 8 simple soog
whi<;h tbey can pin in with when they get Ihe idea. and whilc YOll an: singing lhey llave 10 move
tbe eirele roond clockwise. [f\hey seern tO be confused aboot wh.t elockwise means, tben explain
thaL they will move off 10 tbeir !ef!.
3. To the lune or thc weil known old song "lIaH Yoa Su" Tlre Mlifflll Mu" ~ YOll . ing \he fol-
lowing wonls,

~Icun do lire u.padu ..ce, lire u.padlJnce, lire l..apadance, I can do Ihe IApadlJII",, IApa_
da"u. OIH!"

4. Y00 tell tlw:m that when YOll get 10 shouting "Oih". Illcy all !\ave 10 pin in and kiek their righl
leg intn tbe middle of lhe circlc st the same time.
S. Then the whole thing il; repealoo. but this time with thern walking round in tbe cirele unli-
clock",ju (10 lheir right). YOlI .ing tbe song. they movc rwnd and jain in with the "Oih" Bt tho
end al lhe same time kieklng thoir right leg inlO the middle of\he drele.
6. YOlI then say' "Righl. Ha ~ _ don' Ihe IApaoo" e, halding jumds (",rists)?" And because
YOll have YOll get lhem all 10 shoot back " f es!". Then YOlI continue:
" I/ave _ dUII' Ihe IApadIJ"ce ...uh (JlU hand. on peop/u' heaJ,1" To whieh Lhey an >lIout
back. "N()!". So YOll say: "OK. We'd befferdo Ihal lhen."
7. Alllhc ehildren reach up arid put their band. Oll lhe head. of lhe people on boIh sidcs or them.
In thi s posilion lbe circle has LO ",ove off elockwi.... YOll .ing tlle song again. 'lben thi.lis re·
pcated with I","rn going ami-<:Iockwise. At lhe end of this y"" say'
" Hare _ doll' Ih u.pad,mu holdillg hands? (YES) lIaH _ dolle Ihe IApadlJru:I .,..ilh oar
ha"ds Oll peoples' heads? (YES) lIaH 1<'# done Ihe Lapaoonu will< uur hand. 0 .. peop/es'
lummus? (NO) Oh, ",,'d bellerd<! Ihat IhM. Na fidlillg!"
8. Weil. of COUrse thCfe's alwaY$ plen\)' of liekling .. tlle)' attempiLO put their hands on LIJe storn-
lOCh or I"," person on ei!her .ide of them anti thi. ereiltes an enorrnous amount of fun and m.ay","m!

1be song is repeated IWice fTIOfe for the elockwise and anli-clockwise movement. and YOll will
often find that by this lime some or lbe ehildren "'" .inging tbe Lapadance song wilh you each

9. " Huve "'" tlane fh e Vlpada~ce holdi"g Irands? (YES) lIa", "'" dOlle the l .apadallce ",illr aur
halIds a~ peap/e" Ireads? (YES) lIaH _ da .. , Ihe u.padlJnce .,..illr au. hand, all peuples'
lum,"",? (YES) Have _ do", il ",illr aur ha",ts 0 .. peopl,.' b us? (NO) Oh, _'d beller du
Ihat fhM."
10. You really to sec lhis 10 appreciate how funny Ihis gers .. !hey aLtempt 10 move \he eir-
Thc Serial Thriller Lecture Book

cle round wMe hoIdina, the knec:s of Ibc peopIc Oll eilher lIide of Ihem and sing Ibc lOIli and kick
lhcir!ep in the midd!e wilb the "Oih!"!
11. " //aWo . . 110,,, Ille '4p"""1I« IIoldiltl lltuUb' (YES) lIaWo .... dou file l 0p *~"" wilil
Ollr lltuUb o~ pfOpIu' IIetJds? (YES) //0 ." .... do~, 'Ju ltlpO(k>-ce willl Ollr IIoItIIs Olt pfOpla'
/u • • Ißt (YES) 1111 .. "'" do_ il "';/'\ OIU" /roltb Oll fl'/}pkr btu~? (YES) 1/0" .... dtnt. I/
",I/Ir ollr /rollb 0 .. pcopkJ' fffl? (NO) Oll, .... 'd bett" /10 Ilr#llllu. "
12. This i1 re~Uy dirrlCult and they often collapse in fiü or JiUIcs uying 10 move and hold 0010
peoples' f~1 u the wn<: time. SUUUIe IhrOUih il11100gh ll1ey u$UIIlly do!
13. ~1I1l'" "'" doll' 'h, LoptJdonct 1",/(#", IIt",dst (YES) Ha". "'" don. fhe Lopoda"ct wlllI
Our hond. " n plople.' hlOds? (Yt;S) 11"", ..., do". Ih, l.tIpadllnct wlI4 " ur halid. Oll peoplu'
Iltm",I.,? (YES) 1111'" .... dolle I1 wilh Oltr '\OlldJ On ploplel' k_? (YES) lIa ." "'" /10". 11
w/lh Ollr II""dJ "" pcopkl' fett? (YES) lIa .. w/lh /10", It wIlII oll "IU" CIotIr'1 faktll oUIr"
1•. Shrith .. Ibis suu.estion. 10 which yoo quiekty reply. " Weil, ..'n NOT GO/HG TOI" And
the ICllvily is brou&ht 10 I dose.
The Serial Thriller Lecture Book

The Slde Steal Envelope

PRt:-WOKP: Thi. ( ",vdope, Illd Ihe rouline e.Ued Thc NOICCasc:, whieh r will be describing in
Ihc ne~t chapter, was ariginaJly published in my envclope book Porever Flapping.

r ....anled MI envel.,.,.. .. hi<h would tnabte rne 10 ...,.1 .way • fokJtod banl< lI<lfe .imply ~rWI <;on.
Yincin&ly. and of COUfIC. ehe normal WIY ;, 10 h,tve Illil lCrOU Ihe back of ehe envelope, 001 Ibis
ClUOCI IwIdlinIl problem$, in my (lJHnion. I wanu:d lOJIIethilll whcr'c I 00ll1d handle Ihe fate eil-
velope quill: eleanly while mixina il with • muple of QIben. and to I devi .... Ihe fiU I ~U Ihe
SiOc S~I Envelope. Heft: Is how 10 mlke onc.

PR EPAHATlON: Thc enyc1ope5 whieh you necd 10 J et 10 matt ttu. up orc Ihe . .... U brown .....
nil. wqe cnveiopes. Thcy rnell$UJC approxirnau:Jy J();m x 7ern and ILave I gurnmed n.p . 1 olle
n. rmw end. (11Jesc are tllc I>IImc envelopes whi"h Kre used far rny Inv isible Deck Rouline: ond
Thc CUI AI'" Re5Iorc<I Credol Card.. Pacu of SO of Iheoe enve lopes ean be OOullhl from Mark
l..cvcridge Magie. See our l1IuSlnled CaI. Jogue or tbe Spores page 00 our websilC.)

Es$cnLi.oJJy an tIw i. necdr:d is for • neu .iliI1O be nwIe up ooe of ehe CIlvelope WdcI lighl 00 tbe
actlllr envelope CfCtie. My flß! thoughl ..... 10 ~ ~ick I knife in and .sIil ;1 up. Bu. 00 maner
bow hard Ilried. and w;lh w.... lever Iype of knife. I j~ could 001 geI ... invisible, ReM .sIiL

Part of lhe probJcm lies in the dcsii" or tbe coyerope.. Thc 0fIC$ 1 have. which I _ urne are 1\arI-
dar<!, are foklcd llS in Plg. S. aod you e lnnot get. knife imo tbe fokled seam Illhe boItom comeT
wben: you nred ;1. So, Ihi. !cd me 10 fCCO(IUUCI an enlire cnvelope in Ille WIY J Mrn OOW going 10

R g. S R,. 6 Fig. 7 RIl· 8 Pi,. 9

r;; --.:Ji1
~ , ,, ,
,, I ,
" /

,,, ,, , • ,,
, , , ,
HWUJBEMENTS : I. Ale... of thc brown cove lopes.. 2. A pair of sIIarp sciWJR. 3. A bUk 4.
Som!: 8tick 111>C such u Pliu. Then phuxd U foJlowlJ:

I. Wilh Ille knife corcfully ~ lil Alon8 the base o rtlle cnvclope. Fig. 6.

2. Wilh the sc;sscn, cul down lhe fronl part of lhe: cnvclopo: roullhly in line wilb tbe widlh of Ille
IWO foklcd in side piec(:s, Pi,. 7 .
3. ~ ehe fronl!mall piece arid turn Ihe piece alACbed 10 thc nap so th.oI thc nap is l l lhe Iop.
The Serial Thriller Leclure ßook
Send tbe righl IlaOO s1ide piece 001 not .OO Ihen carefully cut euctly up tbe CI'WII: for Ilttgth ur
. boot 6cm. Fig. 8.

4. Cul 81raight across BI tM lop ur this cuning to rcmove the u"w~nted side piece. Fig.9.

~. TIkc • ...:ond envelopc and...., tM Imire to carefuUy Iilit down or the ~ _n .... Fig. 10.
Open 100 front paI1 0( Lhe envelopc: downwards and cut _ _ boot 2cm up from thc envelope',
,,",ina! boltoon F.,. 11 .

6. Snip IWO .ngled pitceI off thc ca "CIS .. in Fil- 12. foId thc link: l1ap thus fonneö inwanb
and topply glue ., shown.

Fig. 10 Fig. 11 Fig. 12 Fig. 13 Fi, . 14


7. Making sure boIh the im l1aps of thc fU"St cnvclope pico! an: upened oot l1al, . nach thc ICC-
ond piece onto thc fronl of thc fi rst piece, making illre tIW Ihc bonom cdge Iines up .,..;1ly with
thc boaom of tbe ori&inal rl11t
piece. Fig. 13.

~C·~·~o~·~''~"""",~',C·~'~~:·~'''':'.~_~"'~~OO;'I Mdc fIaps.. M,. 14. Turn t.he en·
r"0""' velope back (Wer agam, fokl in
l';g. 15 l'ig. 16 lhe . ide pin:es and fold up the
front piooe SO ~lal;' stick. to lhe
sitle pieces 10 crc:ate the enve-
Iope. Fig. l~.

If 100 hold thc enve • ., in

Fig. t6 and bow ;1 open •• opec-
wor can loot. ir1$idc and . U will
l___'===~_____________~ open
1IOmII1. yet the sXIc i$
for your lCCI'Cl U5e.

'[1I t: ~'TEA L: Fold up. bank note imo a $lIUIlI .sq uare and 10wer the front of lhe envetope down
so lhalthe spe<:t.tors can see thc ri&hl hand , Jiding lhe nou: gen uinely into Ibe ellvdope. Fig. 17.
Note lhe UICI position or the !tfl fingers in holding the euvdope.

AI thc rigllt fing.,... Slar\ 10 puAh t.he notc down inside nite the 1cft band up 10 \hat lhe IddI'C$l
Ade of the cnvtlope iI nll flCing thc .udicnoe.
'[he Serial Thriller Lecture Book

A. 1000 U )'Oll rc:ach this po6ilion. the riJhl

Fi&. 17 fingen pto~ downwards on Ihc nott thu. slid-
il1& il 0111 of the side openina . 00 bchiOO Ihc
lefl hand holding 100 enve lope. f'i~. 18.

Thc naht IWld COfnelI out of the envclopc and

gripl it It the point mar1<cd 'X' in Fi,. 18 and
rotaIeI the Olp rod of the mvclope 90 ~
10 the Jen so tIw the fbp en<h up pointi", up-
L_7 :-:-::-:--:-:---::--::_;::_ _-,'wards. This automatically ~ the es-.
cape of the rolded note r""" the side oe the en""lope without the JeR rmgers having 10 move.

A$ aoon as the 00Ie has clcal1.'d lhe slil, tbc IcR r::-----------------,
finl<'l11 slide up the back of the cllvelope so Pli· IM
!hal thc cnvclope OOVclll ll!e notc Iying ()fI the
lefl fingers. and the envelope u brought 10 the
mouth for you to moisIcn the ,urnmed 01lP
and 5ÜCk it down.

~ .....urat movemenUl of tW;M'", the flap

upwards aroI m.ins it to the mooth acruaIly
=Ite the $Iealing actio.. maid", il I vCf)' dc>- L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- '
tep!:ive move.
Thc Seda] Thriller Lcctun~ Book

The Notecase
PR E-WORP: Onc of lhe etassie plotS for Sland up won is !be 'lßlIgie ian·borrows·money·8!ld·
deslroys-il.accidenlally' 0 .... and lhere have Ileen mony greal <O\ltincs used hy perfnrme" Over
!be year.;, What follow, is a varialion on this standard iherne, lt was inspired by seeing ihe mini.·
lure bu$ines.s caro 'suitcases' which an: currently doing ihe rounds in slatiOl"'''' shops. Ir yOlllike
Ihis. 1 suggCSl you pop OI.It and get onc of the linie cases 5000 befon: lhey disappear from lhe

R:;tll':CT: The magiei"n borrow. a J:2O.00 noIe from an audienee member who first writes her
initials on il. nie note i. folded and cJcarly slipped imo • small envelopc whieh is sealed and
placed wi\h two olh<:r similar. but cmply. envelopes.

The magieian explains Ihat he is gaing ia miJc U..: cnvelapes and ask U", SpectalOf 10 selo:;l two.
The chosen 00<:8 will be destroyed! However. because of his expen (?) mind COJItrol, lhc per·
former says he w;lI menlally innuence die sp!':CtalOf 10 "'ISUre Ihal she does nOi choose the envc·
lopc thaI colltaillS her moocy.

Siocc !hislrick may ClIUse lhc Sp!':CtlIlor a cenain "mount of stress. the magieian seeb tO put her al
her eiSe by pUlling up i20.00 of his uwn as collatera L He bring. out. minialure suitcase, dieb
open ihe twO latches and opens illo reveaJ, locked in thc pocket on the inside of tlIC lid, a foklcd
i20.00. The muney is taken OI.It In display and is!bell dropped back inlO !be ease wtuch is shul
.nd 1ef1 in vicw.

The envclOJ>Cll Ire mixed and \WO chosen, balh of whicl! an: destroyed. Unfon unatcly, !be magi·
eian', mind con!rOl is noI as good "" he had hoped as 1hc: remaining en velopc is empty!

ReltIClandy. the magician. wi\h cmply hands. picks up ihc: case again alld opens it 10 remOVe the
!2O.00 from inside. The eiSe is othc:rwise empty. He says Ihal he is very reloctant 10 give bis nOie
.way because he hl$ had it fOf a Jong time and il is in fact unique. 1be rea:lOn 11 is unique is be-
cause;t is the only onc he h... ev~r found \hai has !be speclator's initials on il. And he opens ihc:
note to rev~al tJle speclator's inilials wrinen 00 the nOle whieh is I1!turoed.

RF.Q U !R EM~:NTS : I. A Side St~al Envclope. 2. Two funher malehing ordinary ellvelopes
whieh you simply seal. 1be gimmicked onc ;s lefl nnsealed, of course. 3. OIIC of!he littJc suit·
eases rneni;ooed above. Fig. 19. Tbey n:ally are lICal wtd nICasure awroxima!Cly l Ocm x 6cm and
come ill allumber of different colours. r::--C:-------------------,
They havc two nliniature catches whieh Fig. 19 Fig.20
actually wort! On the inside of Ihc: lid
!here is a pocke!. 4. A .1:20.00 nOle 5, A
pell. 6. A pair of scissocs.

St;r.UP : You nced 10 fold dlC J:20.00

in tJlC followillg way. Wi!h thc: QUCC1l'S
head &ldc of tllC noIc faeing you. fold
the lefl !lide of lhc nOte behind IM oote
until it is lined up with lhe right shon L ____________________~
edgc. Crease thc: oote in half. Fig. 20.
The Scrial Thriller Lceture Book
No. repeal
Fig.21 Fig.22 Fig,23
fold 10 fold it in
halfagain. Fig.21.

~ • Then fold the bot-

4 ~
'''''' ~ge of tlIe
OOIe up bc:hind 100
noIC 10 line up
Fig.22 ". top_

This leaves you wilh a :lquare of folderl bank OOIe will! Ihe number 20 clearly showing in lhe lop
righl corner

Open the linie suitease and insert 100 (20.00 nole wilh the number 20 facing oUlwards inlo the
pockel in the lid ofille case. Fig.23. Close lhe case lUId have Ibo sc~ in your righl pocke\.

]' RF,sENTAI I01S: l. Borrow a (20,00 bnd have il inilialled boldl y on the reve rse sille 10 the
Queen's heOO using yoor pen, Take tM note .lId with the iIlitiab facing tbc audience. fold 1!Je nOIe
as iIl Figs. 20. 21 and 22. so lhal you end up with a package that will Jook 1!Je same as Ihe bank-
note in IM suitcase.
2. Place lhe OOIe Oll the IlIble fOT a momenl and pick up Ihe Ihree envelopes. H8ving di<pJ~yed
rhem briclly, pUl the IwO sealed oncs doWII ond rCllin 100 gimmicked Olle in your left hlllld.
3. Pick up lhe foldcd note in Ihe riglu haod and UlSCri il inlO the top of t!Je envelOpC affecling the
Steal as dcscribed on pages 11 and [2. You lhen [iek and..,.J the envelope aod Ihe OIher Iwo are
placed on top ofll in a fan wilh lhe folderl nole secrclly held in the lef! fingers undemealh.
4. Briefly explain 10 lhe Spect'IOß whal is going 10 happen IlCxt, and!hen offer 10 provide some
financial securily for Ihe speclalor who loanoxI you the money.
5. Tum to your righl slighdy and slide lhe envelopes away
Fig.24 from the lef! hand wilh the righl hlllld an<! plac. lhem down
on lhe labil'. The left ll!umb I1:$IS on lhe folde<! nOie in order
": \ I 10 keep il cooc'Caled in lhe left fingers.
6. The righl hand immediately picks up the . uilcase ,Ild
places it inlO the \eft hand and ll!us on lop of Ihe oole. Fis.. 24.
Twisl SO that the fronl of the ca ... whicll should be poinling
10w~rdS Ihe Icft fingcllips. is facing Ihc audicnce. Will! your
obviou'ly emply righl hand snap openlhe IWO catches on Ihe
7. Take hold of Ihe ease wilh lhe light hlllld, fingers under- r:::--::---------
neath holding lhe nole and lhe Ihumb O!$Iillg OIIlhe case han- Fig.25
dIe. Fig. 2S. The left hllIld is Ihcn frccd 10 ",ach Ovcr and (lOH
back on either sI>or1 side of IIIe lid to open il. The !cf! hlllld "
!bell grips the ease by Ihe lid al IM sides. Pig. 26.
8. The righl hand s[ides off the fronl of Oll' case taking Oll'
OOIc will! it. The !efl hand holds up the inside of the case for
all 10 see as you poim 0lI1 thai you have . (20.00 ofyour own
inside the case 10 use as coHalcral.
9. 1bc righl haod lums paLm down and approachcs IIIe inside
of thc CIlSC which is lumed so lhat lhe inside is now facing you and away from thc audicnce. The
The Scrial Thriller Lecturc Book
rig/lt fingers luve ll>e finger palmed nolC Iying in lhe main
tray of the case and then imrncdiatcly Come up and lift out the Fig. 26
nOle from 100 pockel in lhe lido Use your letl thumb 10 hold
the not" inside tbc case flat again~t tOO main tray of tbc ease.
10. Ilavins d Ihc foldcd nolC at your ris"t finserti""
turn your rig/ll hand so thai 11>0 b"",ks o( yoor fingers Face lhe
audicnce and lhen bring
Fig.21 your right hand dOW11 100-
ward, the inside of tl>o L _______--'____J
ease. Fig. 28.
11. A, soon .< the nolC i, o~ured from vicw by the lid of
thc CIllie. use your righllhumb 10 p11lIlhe not<: up ;nlO a fighl
ftllgcr palm. Fig.29 show,r:--:-:----------,
thc performer'~ vicw. Fig. 28~
12. hnrncdiately lhe ap-
L __-'-____ -,-__--' parently empty fight fin-
geR mOve up and away from tl>o suitcase and st thc same mo-
menllhe lcft hand twists the imide of the ease towards t!>e
audience so that they C8ll see lhe folded note Iying OIt the in-
side of thc case. lt 1<IOb I\S if i\ is Iho 1101C ~lal you havo jusl
r :bt\ '...---\

" /.

placcd inside wilh Ihc "ghl hand .

13. Uso your left thumb L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- '
Fig.29 10 push thc lid of thc ease sh UI and with your right index fin-
ger pIIs]l shul ~le IWO ealehe5.
14. Place tOO ease down in vicw. Your fight hand now goes
(ar !lle sd,sors lcaviug the palmed exlra notc bchind.
IS. All the ·won:· is IIOW done. Mix the onvelopes. gOllwo
chosen. destroy them by cuning thcm up with tM sciSSQrl;
(maldng sure 10 ,wggte a bil wilh Olle of Ihcm I\S if you "'"
cun ing Ihrough a bit more man just an ellvelope!).
L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- ' 16. Rip open lhc etwelope whieh is Ieft and 'discover' Ihal i\ is
cmpty. After ' uil.blc by-play. pick up tM easc and remove the note fTOm inside slowly opening i\
001 so that the iniliallcd , ide i, opencd OUlloward, Ihe 'pe\'\al.OT$to reveal!hat the one in lbe casc
is lhe ""'lu.l borrowed note.
17. To re-sel. all JOu notd 10 do is open the suitcase and pIIl the foldcd !20.00 in the pocket in 1M
lid. Closc theC8se, gel so"", ~ envel~ ready and yeu're away!
The Serial Thriller Lecture &oie

My Card, SIr!
PRf-WORD : Over lhe ycan: [ have devised a number o( different .... ays 10 producc: my busineso
card. My pc:rsooal card i, prlnlod on a regular Bicyc1e blank card facc. so I have been !lble 10 in-
<.:IJIlIOf1Ile lhc card in • number of differenI card dfoclI, ehe e.rd being lef! .... ilh ehe $f'CCe.lOrS al
LI", end öl thc cffoet (NAM E IlBQCCER whioh ja publishod in my book Th. M"Glc otn... Art
or 1I 0pping I a bln is. &ood eumple of !bis). n.e effca you an: .bool 10 ~ hen: is my _
rocent, an<! in many wl)'S. mo&I pnalcal of lhc wasioruJ 110 r.... 11'5 quicl: enou&h ror)'Oll 10 do
on !hole OCCMions .... het! IOOlIeOln,., IctuIlly asks ror)'OUr CIrd!

U ' fECT: On bcing asked for his bu.ineM card lhc mllie,an rclDOVejl • small w.llel from his
pockel. open.'! il anti removes I smaJl pile of cutis. SpreMlillj thrnl. he show. them bolh .ides \0
rcve~1 lhal there is noIhinS printod 00 any of lhem. n.e pile i. squared and the name of lhe person
who.skcd for lhe card is wrinen 00 lhe blMk SUrl"fICC 1)( lhe: lop ean!. This cutl is flipped I)\'er
a.nd the magician offen KI write his Own name 00 lhe: Qlhe:r Iidc. 001 Ihc:n dct:idco on • moo::
mlS!ca1 .~h. Thc card is p1aoed onto lhe &f!OC1/Itor'lhand .... jlh lhe ipttlator', name facing
upwards. n.e opectalOr" inviled 10 Wlve his lwId over lhe card anti then eurn iI <)Ver. Wben he
doc! .... Ihc: ocher Iidc is lIOW M:a"1 10 bo: priolCd with lhe rnap.:ian', detaib!

REOUIREMENTS: I. A ImIIl pile of}'QUl" ~ c.-da. 2. A simitar..,.11 pile of cuds

which mltch)'OUl" busineso cartls but which arc blanl: bolh Jidc:&. 3. A per! suie.hIe for wri1inS on
Ille CIrds. 4. A plastic .... alleIIO t:IrT)' lhc canis arouoo in.

SIlT_ur : In lhe ri&hl .We or lhe plaseic wallel place Ihe pi le of YOllr business cani~, blank back
sidc upwanis. In tbe k:f! siele of Ihe .... allel place Ihe pik: '" double blank card., ""vinl fil1\l plllCCd
onc of )'OUr prinlod business CIrds prinling siele downwanls Oll lhe top of the pile. Have lhe pen to
I'K &$ENTATI ON: I. On being asted for ) ' O l I r r = - - : = - - - - - - - - - - - ,
cani, brillj 0lI1 lhc wallet ond open i1, Slip out the FiI·3O
pile: 0( cards from lhc le:f! sidc: of the w.1Iet IOd pul
lhe wallet away.
2. Sprclld lhc pile or canis belwcc:n)'OUr IWO handl
~ ir loobng (.,.. • primod card. Whe:n YOll do Ihis
entIeavOlIr 10 teep Ihe lop IWO canis re ........ bly
3. Wben the cuds He 5pICI<I belwem lhc lWO
bands. splil the !WO hands apar1 lating half lhe: L,--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _J
spread in cllth hand, Fig. 30.
Fi,.31 4. Turn bolh hands palm down in 0Ider 10 display lhe ocher sieles of
lhe cant. lOS )'OU c~pl .;n !hat )'Oll appear 10 have no princed cards
~. T"m hotll hand$ palrn up ...ln and square alllhe canis logell1er
... in imo onc pile, maling sure !bal the cards in lhe ri~1l band are
rclumcd on IOJI of lhose in Ihe !cfl.
_--==::::::::::__J6. Hold lhe pile in lhc !cf! haod u in FiS, 3 I, Srin, out lhe pen aOO
l ask for Ihc: spocta\or', nanv::. Wrile il .:ross lhc '*'1: of lhe IOJI card
(Ihil being thc blank back o r)'OUr business c:an:I).
The SeriaJ Thriller Lecture ßook

7. Pulllle pell away and Ibcn double lift tbe IOJIIWO cards, fliwing
Fig.32 thl:m ripl 0Vft" ond tw:k on 10 the lop of the pile::. You expllin thll
you oould wrile your OWn do;lait.. on I"" other sidc of Ille ·cBTd. bm
pc:rbAp& UICIl: is a beuer wa)' .
11. A&k U.. specIal<>< 10 lIold 001 01" of his hand. paltn Up. A~ Ile
docs 10. Ium your 10ft hand paJm doWIL Fig. 32.
9. n.. righl hand comefi ova w lhe 10ft ond the fingen reach undcr
the pile. AI they do .00, Ihc)' IOCI'eIly push tw:k the botlOm CIII'd of
Ihe ptlc:: I liU): and Ilx:n $ÜdC 0111 Ihe kUNd 10 bouom CIII'd • if il
'::--:___-,,_--,_-''''ß the bot10m one. This ja I Glidc move. of coune.
10. AI sooa • Ihr: cBTd comes inlO view the IJ'N'!ltor', lW'I'If: will be ~ on Ihe~'" ....:Iso I1
IJlIIeaQ 10 Ix: lhc card jUR tec:n. Pl.acc tbe canl onto the opectaIor'. ouwreu:htd band.
11. A&k hirn 10 wavc his hand ovcr lhe canl and lhen 10 lurn ;1 ova. Whcn he docs !IO he w ill find
hlnuclf in possc:ssion o f your busirocM cant! I havc foolld Ihi. creates I .. ery good imllreMlon, .Je-
JPilC 11.. simplicily (or rnaybe HI>C A USE of Ihc .implici1y) of Ihc tiandling. h 's lhe rloCl Ula! lhe
iIflCC1alor'. n ..... i. on lhe tw:k of the canl whieh prinlll i~lf ",hieh makes Ihil !I(l cffcctive.
Wilhoul lhat, 1he spc:ctalor wOllId be lItCR liuly 10 come w Ihc (<XII,tCl) concluslon IIw YOII
IW'pped. coupie olcank.
12 To rr:seI.jul;I pul Ihe boI~oflhecards _IY in lhe Ion &ideof your walk:!;. and U1InSfcr onc
0( Ihc real bu.incsa card5 from the ril,hl side Oller on 10 Ihe lop of Ihe pile in Ihe le::fl siele::.
The Serial Thriller Lecture Book

PR E= WO KP : Ilhink this is, Ta!llcr unusuR! trick. !I's unuau.! boIh in coo!en! and also in thaI I
fed i! lIoedS !O be uscd only on !hose occasiofU whieh would be righl rar 11. Eucl1y when lhose
occ"ions mlghl. be,)'OO will h.ovC!O d.";d<: upon readlng I!, OO! In my ex~!Ix: ba.l ~'OI>di­
,Iono 10 WoR;' "'" ""- wherc 1I><-re i&. goup oIe<)Upleo ... ho oll lrnow.,....,
"'her, ..... h . . .. .
privlIe party, a wr:ddu.,
annivc:nuy PfII1Y or lOmelhinj similar, and ....hae Ihe audicnce is likely
10 be supportivc and • I~h indulgent! Tbc praetllalion 11 a bit 5a"I!imenul, WhKh wm) suit
many, 001 J havc fOllnd uu.
worb rully weil w",,",!he ",Ollle"l Q; right.

t: t' t'[CT: Tbc performer ock:<.:U, married rouplc frum hb .udience (if if s '" "IlniverMl)' JIII1)'
yoo ... ould cIIoooc!he host, of!he pan y) and 5.-)'$ 1I1at Ilc inlcnds to find out how ... clllhq llavc
IIOt 10 knQw each other ov"'" tbe ycars.. Tbc perf<lf1ller will uk parm.r Iwo ques.tiolls and
lhell give Ihern a random choke of foor poo;siblc answ",... Bued on lheir random s.elcclion of fC-
spomea • piel"fC wiJl btgln 10 emergc of how the)' migbl rupolld In • partieuI,.,. ~il"alion,

To lila! end, at this point, the performer produccs In ~Iopc, inoidc ....hich il I potted ~ of
wh.ol !he mag:;.:;.n thinb their rcspolISCS Me likcly In be.. 11IiI is haOOed 10 lIOOther ludico::e
member for safe kcepinJ.

Olle , I a lime !Ix: couple alt' uked • rbttoriclol q\lCSlion lind In: then rcad four potiiblc n:spon"""
.,...., of whieb is written on I eard. Tbc cards Me mixed and one ehoiscn at fIII1<Ionl u the 'reply'.
/1\8 lhe rcsponscs are oo ih up •• vcry di..:ouraginll picrun: app:on 10 be Cmefli"i, olicn 10 Ihe
arnuscmc:nl of lhe audicroc:e!

Howcver, whcß !he predio;tion is reIId 001 at Ihe filIiloh. 1101 on ly hllS lhe pcrfOlTT1a" COIm:tly In-
lieiparcd Ihc ~ 001 thosc rcsponscs Ihctruclv... .-e IICCII in . louJly different Ught whieh
then rdlccu wcU on thc rouple IhemlClves.

R EOUl R EMt:NIS: Tbii routinc i. dcsigned for cithcr • dose up 5bow or. una11 stand up
show. h i. best soited for an ludieooc of no man: tllan .bout 40. I. 16 blink flCed Bicycle cards
wil" • permanent marter pen to writc on Ihern. 2. A pica: ot paper on .... " ich \0 producc: • Iype.-
written pr<:diclion 8nd '" envclopc In pul it in. 3. r-or yoor own refC1t'1JCe you may wl>h 10 gCI I
pica: of AS sizc paper er card on whieh 10 wrile the fou r qucsllorus yoo ore &oin& 10 ast. 4. A
eard lland Of failing lila! fou r &las.!.e& which an: widc: cnougb 10 lake I pile of foor Ricyelc eMds
in "" uprlglu posllion.

SET. u r ; Hm: lre!he fOUl" quesliom. wtUc:h)'OO may c.-e In writc OUI on

QI . On your bMhIby would your pannc:r...

y<lUI" AS n:ference

Q2. On arriving homc late would your partner ...

Q3. If yoo'YC had )'001' llair done would your partner...
Q4. When )'OIl're tino:d docI your panncr upect)'OO !o,.,
Elch qlJCStlon has foo r pOllSible rcsponscs from whic" IIlc person wiU cl100SC each lime. llocsc
responses ore wril1en on Ihr: 16 blank flCed Bicyc lc cardl. Write lhe followlng thlnp Oll the
eanb, one 1UpOIIIlC on c..,h card.

Q I- A l - Forget it Ilt~her
Q l- A2 - EIoJot • candlel~ dil\flef
Thc Serial Thriller Lecl~ Book

QI-A3 - n.row I swprise party

QI-A4 - Be . way on boiiinea

Q2-A L - Be relievcd 10 see you homc:

Q2-A2 - lIave change<! Ihc lock,
Q2-A3 - l"reIend to be uleep
Q2-A4 - Have madc up I bell on!hc ..,rl

Ql-A I - Me.. 10 ooy you I bM

Ql-A2 - NOl noOec
Q3-A3 - Make poI,lc remarb
Q3-A4 - Ast whofs thc mauer wilh yoor hair

Q4-A I - ß.c: sociabJc lind Lalkllive

Q4-A2 - Soore loodly io (rom uf Ille TV
Q4-A3 - Slily up laIe IIlYWIY
Q4-A4 - Slill wash up!hc di!hel

Que$tioM I and 3 ~ _cd to !hc Lady_ quesliono 2 and 4 10 !hc man. Your """I job Is to pul •
smallmarli: 00 !hc bIdi: of one ~ to cach Yoo will be Ihose IhII QOfTe_
$pOlK! to your ptedictWn.- So marIt;!hc (oiLowini canls: QI -A4. Q2-A2. Ql-A I lI1d Q4-A3. Ar-
rBfl&C'!hc cards in fDUr pileland pul I .small bend roond eo.., lhaI thc:y don~ JCI mbod up.

NC~I you need 10 produce yoor pmlielion. The wOl'ding of lhe ptediction is IlUCh thai il mll/laies
to mAkc very discour.,in, individual respon"'" io(n IOl1'Ielhln, whieh hall. (ar more pleuant
rnellnlng. HeTe Os lhe prediction IbM I USC. NOIe 11..:: UM: of capiLal<, bold and underline 10 point up
lhoec pans of!hc pn:diction ..... hlch ~ to!hc rQPOIUoCI choIen by LI.:: oouple.

" !t'1 your birthday and you "-d hoped to "",Ietnte with yoor panner, 001 unforlul\IIely for!hc la$l
IWO ~Y5 be """ bcICn AWA)' ON BUS INESS.
Ilowcver, hc Is due back Ihil """"ins. but YOll h.avc 10 wail up for hirn btt." <c (oliowi", • ~
break-in'l yoo.rhome you h.oWljUS! C HANGED TUE I.ocKS lI1d hcdoeon'l hove I key yet.
YOll'V" been OUI lodoy lI1d hlld)'UUr done bol I1 didn11um oul quite lite yoo expocte<l, Wilh
hil usual greBl scnse nfhumour yoor partner will probably offer 10 Hll r rOU A HAI.
FinB!ly. your panne, onives, laie and very lired . Despile lh'l. bttause ir. yoor binhdlY, "C
STA\,S ur I.An; MVWA\,."

HaWl \hil prodiction in an envelopc.

fKESENTATION : I. Selecl I ooupk:, md explain wbat is aboul to happen. Hand OUI lhe pmLic:-
2, Addreuin&!hc lady flßl. uk lhe flßl qucslion. Then pick up ihc pile oe relevlm four answers
and displayin& LI.:: cards quiekJy reIId off lhe respOI1SC1. Wbt:n an ludiencc aLl know eac:h other,
lhe various respon_ c~n produce $QI1le laughlcr u you will un~oowingly hil upon Charac:lc,
Ini" ",hieh YOll don'l know _bool bu! whieh lhey oll dol
3. Havin& read OUI thc fQ\IT fQponse5, turn thc foor nnb facc da"", mix ihcm up n",ki", ......,
Ihat dlC marted card end" up on thc bot10m of LI.:: pile. JJokting ihc pile in lhe Glitlc JlO'ltion,
slide back thc botlOnt card ~U&hIJy and usin, the """I f"'gen -wuentJy pull OUI tbc bouom c.d.
in TeIII;ly ihc $l!CClnd 10 botlOOl card. IOd placc ;1 on Ihc top of!hc pile. Camin"" lIoinJ Ihis IOd
'rl!e $erial Thriller Lecrure Book

a;sk lhe lady 10 A'J SKJp 11 any I;me. The card.)'OO expllin. IIw cnds up on the bouom of the pik:
will bc: her ~ISC 10 thc qPCSIion ju51 asW;I.
4. When "'" call. Slop. )'00 !II'lu,", thc cards and turn thc pile ""er 10 revw lhe repl)'. HIV'IIg
reall ;t om. place the whole pile in the canJ stand or , Ius w;th thc Iqlly fac;ng oulwartlS.
~. Repeat lhe$aJt1C proceI!I with qucstion 2 whieh', ,I mcd lllhe man. and cont'nt>e wilh lhe final
two qucstions.
6. AI thc r",iJh ol Chis 51. lhe rupouses da not _ m vcry good! However. you lIl:e DICk the
procIic1ion and "';Ih Ihe couplc looIti", ""er)'OO. &houlder 10 confum what you an: readi"..)'OO
reY«lIlw thc rupouses MY<: bo:en UJi, .... tl)' prcdic1ed and IhM Ihcy are noI.o unrlvounobIc.
w .. rlnlt lhoughL
The Scrial Thriller Lecture Book

Pass The Parcel

PRE· WORP; In Iml was booLed 10 IeclUre and peTfurm al Abbous II1lIgic convenlion in Co-
lon. Michigan. USA, and ooe ofmy 1!ISh wllS 10 perform a stage spoI. Wen. ['m not re.lly astage
magician. ahhOllgh over UJe years I've had to corne
""" ... ion •• ao [ knew wl.." '0 e xp<>C'. F.,.. ~ Abbott. <:Onv.......... I .
up with sorrtelhing suillble on;;'ri".;m~
MO YE Al.O NG, the lalCSl version of which [ am going 10 dcscribe llere. G
su'-luendy publisbcd as pan of my scrics of ar1icles;n Abra Mag8l'lne in
Sinee 1998 I have coolinued 10 work on the routine and gradually adapl anti change il. anti fASS
T Ii E P ARC f:l. is lhe I.I~ version tod~tc.
1bo oo.ic conc.::pt ;s thaI used by T ony Griffit h in his cl""" up trick Penn y Mo .. ., \a routine
whieh in il5Clfwas, I believe, derivcd frorn"" item in J ohn F islter's book 'N,ver Gl ve A Sucte,
A ll Evell Bnt"k ? The original trick uses 8 number of small objects belonging .0 the performer
plus Olle penny borrowoo frnm a spectator. The ilems sre placed OUI in a random order in aline.
and following a series of pre-printcd instruclions. 'he penny is e:cchangcd w;th v.r iou. OIher
;tcm. whkh are then eliminaled. Strangely, no maller where the ooin ShIrts off, il is .Iways lhe
only ilem remaining on Ihe lahle at the f'mi$h.
My nriginal idca in thc early 9O's was inslcad of using object~. people were to be used, and
for the Abbous oonvention 'dcvised. hulTlOl'OlIS presenlation which, l"m glad 10 ....y. seemcd to
go down weU (dcspile lhe facl .hal Mike a""". David Will;amooo anti Jeff Hobson were .moog
Ihc scven specla\<JI"S who endcd up on slage with me! ).
Since Ihcn I have used thc ide. in va""", forms in my lay peoplc show$, both for ehildren and
adults. PA SS T U t: PA KeE! , is lhe la~ version of Ihi. rouline and il is equaUy suitable for an
audienee of chikbcn or adult$, or of course. a famHy audicr.ce compruing of both! If;1 is"" sll
children audicnce, i. is best .... i!ed 10 one where there is a wide age range or where .he ages are
predominanlly higher nuhcr lhan lower. FQr lhe JlulfIOSCS of these inslnlClions we will assunJe
Ihallhe muline i. being performcd for an audlenoe of children.

t:t' t't:CT: 7 chairs are IUl1lngcd in" row across the working are. anti. ebild from llle audicocc is
chosen 10 bc: Ihc magician's special helpcr. 7 laminatcd cank are $hown. 6 of Illern are blank.
while lhe 70. has. picture of presenll1 on il. Thc cords Hre mixed and placed. ~;ghllU1seen. Ullder
thc 7 ehairs. ExacOy whic:h card is Jllaced under which i. decidcd by the performer'. usi~

7 childre" lrom thc .udiencc arc now selected and askcd 10 sil on !he ehairs. The assisting ehild
horrows. ring or wau:h from an ar.lult prestnl or a!tematively fron. llflO{bcr audienc:c member. (lf
;1'. a birthday party Ibe birthday child oould give yoo Olle of his new presems!)

1bo borrowcd ilcm. le!"s assume il is a rillt:. il droppcd inlo a sm.1I bag aod 0", hell"'r is in-
SllUClcd 10 hand il 10 any of tl", seven peoplc sitting on U", chairs. He is wamcd 10 hand il 10
~meone who loob truslwonhy. because in I few moments lime. il ooukl be vital if he wants 10
gellhc ring back!

11", magician explain. thM during !he course of the trick lhe children on llJe chairs will bc: in_
, truclcd 10 return 10 thcir pIKeS in Ihe audicnce. E>:aclly who will be chosen to sit down will be
decidcd by following ~mc iruwuetions which are printcd in the large Pass The Pa r tei book. 001
if lhey are aclually holding the horrowcd ring wlJen!hey go back to thcir placc in 100 audience,
Oie)' will be allowcd 10 k""p it!
The Serial Thriller Lcclure ßook

Ir NOT hoIdill1llhe riOll whcn lhey ~ 10 si! down, !hey will be .1I0wctllO Ioot;: AI and
&how!lle cud oRder !hcir elLllir juS! chosen for!hem by!he assisting child , Ir !he pic!ure on
!br:ir un! is of!he pn:sents,!lley gel!O u,ke .w.y.nd keep !he ring in any c."'! So CV<:fYone h85
!WO chances 10 keep!lle riJ'i, lbc only way thai the child hclper will gel 10 main Ihc ring and
Ibus re!urn;! 10 ils ownc:r I~ ir IM very last person Ieft in lIia lIC8t oot ooIY;$ IIoldini lhe I'ini 001
alJo bu !he picture Df tJ'e prUelU on the cud untier his cllair!

Thc Pass Tbc !'arul book is now displayN and il is upl&ined thai on ea::h page are wrillen in-
S!fUCIions which will re<juire Ihe N& COIlcaining Ihe borrowctl ring 10 be passee! up and down Ihc
row '" 7 ~atctl chl\dml, EaclIlimo;:,!he aclual dircc1ion the bq; is passed will bc dcdded on by
the maaieian's hclper.

Thc book is now """ncd IOd Lhe first instll,lC\ion read OLl! .lId displayctl. After!hc bIoi tw been
passed from one child!o .oothct the corrccl number of linie'!, lhe ""~I page instructs !wo :specific
pcoplc on IM cluoirs 10 return 10 !heir place in Ihe . udience. Neilhcr ur thcm an: holding lhe ring,
\!ul bef.,.., tbey go !hey Cal' pick up Md show Ihe can! under lheir chair, 80th !Ire blank, 10 the taken from ihem and lhey go and sil down.

Thc pqc$ of the book are read OUI OPC aI • time and Ihc hc:lpcr iru.tructs the ring 10 be pa.ucd in
!he dira:tion lCCOrding 10 I\is whlm Md poople..., padually elirnillalc:d, until sln,ngdy, .1 Ille
rmWo, the only penor\ kft l iuing on I chaiJ is lhe penon holding Ihc ring! 1"101 only IILII[ but Ihc
can! untier hilI chair lIas lhe pieture '" the pn:sents on ill AI • conseql.lence, tlle hetpcr can rc-
lrievc!ht: ring and return il Wely [0 '" owner.

REOUIREMENJS: I. YOli nectl to ........ ücc an A4 comb boond r:::--:c,--------,

,~~ F·. 3J
book comiSling of. number of pqct printod on !hin CIfd. roach
page will bove • oet of instn.ocIions prinlctllatge on It. Sec bclow
far thc euct details of lhiA book. 2. A .v;t of 7 Iaminrotcd card&.
Mine ~ AS in w. Six of thc ards are blank, lßd !he lC\'enth
..... pict\IrC oe wr.pped pn::ICI'llS printed in coIotor 00 11. Rr;. 33.
3. A.....JJ bI& for plxinllhc borrowcd ilern inlO.

SET,lIP : YOll will nectl 10 picccs of !hin while A4 lize end in!-=--==;::!!~~~:':'J
ortk:r 10 m.oke lhe Pass The l'arcel book of ;nslnK:!io.a. On thc
rlfS! pic:cc YOLl c"","1<: a boot: I printcd Ehe wo<d~ ' PA SS T UE P ARCEI) Mild had M pie .....,
0( lhe pn:scnts &hown in RI. 33 1'0' i, in C<)!our lOS weil.

Then you prinl 0«9 pages of inwuctions. The rm.t pqc iI page nurnbered hoIdly "" ']' aI1d lIas
!he .......Js MPass The Pan:rl OnceM prinled lOS large lOS possible on 11.

Thc toeond page if, Ibo pqe numbcnd °1', bul .... the W(lJds MPa"s The Para:1 Twio;:eM printod
on il.

The thin! page is numbered °2' and 111)1 '1l1e Two ~Ie On Et<;h F.nd May Sil Down",
The Senal Thriller Lccture Book

1lIc ninth ~ u nun,bo:m;I 'S' ond $Iyl'"fhe Penon On Thc Left M~y Sil Down".

The neXI job il lo lake Ihc first page and lrim .bool 2mm off ils riglll loog edge in OI'der 10 m~ke
il inlo. ',horl' page. Tbco. pulting oll Ihc pageI inm onIer you have lhe !efl loI'g <:<Igel punched
in order 10 h1vc lhe book eomb booml. ( If .Ilthi~ is. bil mIlCh for y"" 10 mlkc Mark Levaidge
Mlgle can luWly Ihis lrick complele and ready 10 10. Sec 0Uf Latest lLlustr:oled Caulogue ar web-

Prior 10 you will need 10 MTallge. row cl7 chain 10 Ihli Olle sitIe cf your perfonnin,
at'CI.If pelfOl"ltlinJ !his rar childrm., you .... y ~ 10 da .w.y "';!h Ihc chairs lßd h1vc them AI
on ihI: noor. In !hol CU!: Ihc cuds will be pllccd f-.z <k>wn l1li Ihc ßoor in fronl cf cach ehild
nuller than uoder Ihcir cI\ain.. Hlve the book. lhe t..a and lhc pile cf lamina~ ccds 10 band.

PRt'S[N'fAT ION : I. 00005c a child 10 bcc_ your essis'anL SbMor Ihc 7 lami.w<:<l eardl and
mU Ihem. ,imply c ...... ing lhal ihI: ooe wi!h ihI: pielure on it ends up Oll ihI: boClom cf ihI: pile.
2. HuldillJl llle pile flCe down in your Ien ""nd. wand 11 Olle end of tlle row of chl;rs and l5k
your ISS;StanIIO se.nd behind lhc row, One: .' • lime he is 10 polnl . 1 the chan in • random erdet
and you will walk along and pllCe' card face down under tlte ,ndic.,M chair.
3. 'The ooly cllllir you have In Iool; OUI for i, lhe FWl'l t onc from lhe lefl (Ih" is len as lhe l udi-
ence l\eeS ;1). Fot any ur lhe OIhcr chairs. yOll slmpLy slip. cant off lhe Iop of !hc pile .nd place ,I
ullder lhe chair. M lIOOn U he indiCllcS Ille FWT II chair from the Ierl. yOllr light hand slips 0111
lhe BOlTOM can:l and places !hai down. The l1'I(lVe i$ done in • moment and oobody ever n<>-
lices lhe sliJlII ditcrcpancy. This will pLace lhe piclure card in lhc <Xli,tel pl..::e sinoc no miller
.... here the rin& iWtII.. it will olw.yscnd up held by the penoo silling in Ihe fUth lC8t from the Jen.
4. YOlI _..,Iect 1 chlldren 10 comc out lßd sil on ehe dtsi ..... 1bcn your essj ..· ru 10C5 off and
borrow5 _ ;lcm of ...Iue from an Midicnce member. I tmd 10...., this routine 11 I_acr oIM)w.
such • .:1I00I1 ele. Md 10 Ihere are adults pi_III from whom aomcthing soiuble ein be priscdl
We will _me he.:quirr:<. ring. 'Ibis j . d'Opptd inIO ~ ba&.-d "" li\U '110 any ofthe ~
pie litt,,,, on ihI: chai".. YOll !IIß:SS M can " ' - ..., ooe of ~ ";Iting thcrc, lHd thI1 his
docisio" may prove vitallalcr on ifhe w,shes 10 get lhe rina~c""'=-'c'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-,
$. YOII now brin, 0111 lhc Pass The PYTcrl bool:: !'Udy I
\0 revcallhe insIructioru!. lf lhc chiklboldin, lhe rinI i, Fit· 34
sIttin, at an 01)0 nllmber (i.c. c hair numben L. 3. S or
7 counl;ng from lhc LEFT as Ibe audicncc: vicwl ;1).
you bold IM book 80 thal Ihe "1'i... resel Krou yOllr
R IGIiT fingers. a"d tlte len thumb riffks Ihl'OUgh IM
N(:II from back 10 front umi1 ihI: very fronl of IM book
i. reachcd. Fig. 34. Th", will reweaJ lhc iMuuction _
6. If. 110_. ihI: ring holder is sil1;na aI an F.\lt:N
cluIir "umber (Le.. chair numben 2. 4 or 6). you hold 1111:
book in the U:vr hard • in Fig. 35. Md lhe ri&hll_ _ _
!humb pults on the middle oIlhc Iong unbound Mac of
100 Serial Thriller Leclure Book

Ihe book and allows Ihe lop Jla8C \0 spring open. 11lb;
Fig.3S will aUIOIl1lIlically open the book SO lhal Ihe fin>l page I
",IIUIins concealed and lhe sccond page I will be on
v~w and will w;<:al lhe fin>l instruClioo as - ' PASS
. " -
THB PANCEL TW1CE'. This usc: of lhe trimmed lop
slIcel of Ihe book makes opening Ihc book 10 llte C<lI"=t

page """m v~ ry narural.
7. Once lhe corm::t page of lhe IWO page I's has beeil
..,vealed, lhe helper docidcs which way IlIc parcel i ~ to

be pa$Sed. Once lhis is done. you lurn over eitber Ihe IOP

rc:ad. -
.. """"
Iwo pages oS one (if Ihe: firsl or Ihc pag~ I's was used)
or a single page (if the sec,," d of thc page: ) '$ was sc-
leel<:<l). Thb; ..,.,.cals instruclioll whieh

9. Ikcausc of lhe way thi. worts. ""i!her of lhe IwO end people will be lhe ring holder. 'The Iwo
youngstc:n oome 001 of lheir sealS. bUI befere !hey sit down. they pick up lhe card placed undcr
lhei. seal beferehand to rmd OUI ir thc:y Iuov~ Ihe one showing lhe prescnl,. If sn lhey woold be
entitl<:<l \0 lake lhe ring away lUIyway! However, bolh card5 lurn OUI \0 be blank, so Ihey relurn
lhe cards 10 you and lhen lake: Ihc:ir places back in thc aud~nce.
10. Thc IIC~I page in the book reads _ ' PA SS THE PARCEL THREE TIMES '. Thc helper <Je..
eides in wltich dire<:lion llIc ring mu S! be 1110\'<:<1 each lime umi11hc: pan:el has been passc:d a Iwd
of Ihrec limes.
11. The IleXt page say. _ "I'f1t ; TWO PEOPLE AT ErrIiEN. RND MAY s rr OOWN'. Thc: r ing
IIolde. will not bc e ilber of tbese Iwo. Before they go, lhey 100 show the cards undcr lheir seats.
and both will be blank.
12. 'The IleXI page in Ihe book reads _ ' PASS TUE PARCEL ONCE', Page 6 say. _ 'THE PEII._
SON ON TffE LEfoT MAY s rr OOWN ' (remember. that me8ß$ LIWT "" the audience sees 11).
The card under his ""al i. also blank.
13. You I\re OOW ldI wilh juS! two pe<>ple on chairs, one of whom i. the ring holder. Try 10 build
up the lension a liute _ IWQ instruclion. Jef!, will the ring wrvive or will il be payback time: with
Ihc ""XI ten year:s wonh of pockel money1
14. 'The seventh page read~ _ 'l'ASS TflE PARCEL ONCE' and tOO last page says - 'TUE PER.
SON ON THE LEFT MAY SIT DOWN'. J uSilally OOild up Ihc teIlSion agam hcre as J take the
canl from under his chair and I remind every<lOC bow my helJJer sc]eeted wlltre lhe canls ~ld
go 100al1y at random righl al lhe SUlr1 and with only Iwo cards lef!, IIUIybe Ihis OOIlld be Ihe OIIC
with the prescm. on il! BUlon lurn ing il over, il is seen IQ be blank!
15. So Ihc pcnoo Jeft in splendid isolalion 00 1he chairs IS holding the ring. dcspite all lhe ran_
<10m clloices of dirc:<:lioo when passi"g Ihc bag around. NO! only that, OOt when you quiekly pick
up the card from undcr his chair and show il, everyone can see Ihal ;1 is indeed also the prescms
card! T oI:e thc bag in order 10 rell1O\'e: lhe ring and hand i, back 10 lhe assisuml with thc instruc-
lioo Ihal he ,hould return ;1 10 ;18 owner with a big '!hank YOII' and to lhe accompanime:nl "r
n1uch applause for his anlazing fcat!
The Serial Thriller Lecture Book

Card In Mind
PRE.WORP : I originally worke<! this nick out whcn I Wal; as~ed 10 perfonn on thc elose up bill
ooe year bt lhe BrilWl Ring SurnlTlCT Soroery coovention. as Iwanted to do an t ITllCt which
would hopclu[[y JlUzzJe the magicians. Jt·s a good routine for a sland up ~w or a c10se up per.
f"""""",, ( .... ov.-ed tn table hopping),

EfFECT: A ded of cards is sltufflcd by a mcmber or lhe audieoce, boxed, and lcf! "" the table.
A speclalor is handed a square of paper and is asked 10 wrilt lhe name of 10Y t.nI on it in abbre·
vialed fonn (i.e. '4C' instead of 'Four of Clubsl. This donc. Ihc paper i. f"lded, lhe speclalor',
inilials pUl on il and lhcn Jefl in view on the table.

Taking allOlhcr piece of paper frorn his pocke! the magician .11tmpts 10 rcad lhe spect81or", rnind
alld 10 wriiC down the narnc of lhe mentally ..,leGled eard. NOi only thal, bm tbe rnagician adds a
number 10 his prodiclion to iodicaiC lhc exacl position of Ihal eard in lhe shuffied deck. The spec·
la((l(. slip is oow ope..ed and lhc narnc: of his menta[[y ..,Jected card read alooo.

Another member of the audier.::<: reads OUI lhc rnagician's predictioo and the card wriUcn down
by the IJIlTfonner is the very same one! Picking up lhe labled deck, lhe cards are dealt down 10 lhe
cord al the number sI>own on the perfonnet's prediclioo Slip. and il (ums 0111 10 bt: lhe very card
..,Iected by lhe spec1ator!

REOUIREMENTS: 1. T wo malching regular decks. 2. Two slips of paper approximrucly 3


square. 3. A pen.

S ET· u r: Arrange thc: foor SUilS of one of thc decks imo AfX through King order. reading frum
Ihe top down of the f""" down piles. Take lhe Clubs pile and reverse lbe order of lhc cuds so thai
(bey read King Ihrough Ace. AS>;Cmblc lhc da:k in Clubs, Hearts, Spa<Ies. Oiarnonds suit order.
Pu( the deck inlO its box and pla<:e lhc deck in lhe le(I jacke! pocke!.

Take Ule IWO slips o(paper and draw a smaU square in lhc <;enlre of t ach. This is where Ihc spec·
I.. ,or will wrilC his "", selecled can! namo. Fold cach piece o( paper in half Olle way alld
lhen in half ~gain the otber way. NeSi OOC slip i,,,ide lhe Oiher 30d place dlCll1 in your righl j lll'kel

Have the olhcr deck 0111 in view Bt the start aod have lhc pm in your righl jackel pockel along
will> lhe paper &lips.

PR ESE NTArlON: 1. Take lhc deck out uf too box aod han<! il 10 a spectalor 10 shuffle. Take
the mixed deck back aod slide il bac~ ;nto the box. Hold il in lhe lefl hand.
2. lnvilt a specl.tor 10 help YOll. If you are working 10 a group of special"", sining 8 link: dis·
Uu10Ce from you. you can inV;le Ihc assisling speclalor to lcave his seal and curne and join yoo out
the fronl. Under cover of !his dislraclion. pul both your hands imo YOIlr jackel pockeu. and lhe
righ. hand comes 0111 with 100 pen while lhe Jeft hand swilches dccks "lid comes OUI again si lhe
same lime as Ihc right hand. lf lhe spectalor is too clo:se 10 JIlO'(e, ao;k !tim if he has a pen and!hen
apparently YOllT own pockets .1 !he 5ll111C lime bdore 'finding' yours.
3. Plact lhe swilched deck down on the .able aod hall.J tltt pen to lhc assi$ling s"""lalor. 1be
righl II<ood JJ()W goe< infO lhe righl pockel and brings 0111 the IJeSled paper sliJl'!. 1be speclalors are
goh\& 10 be led 10 bel;eve lhal ther<: is ooly ooe folded slip here. so !Je careful how YOll handle
The Serial Thriller Lec~ Book

4. Unrold Ihc otIlef ~ip _ rold and pull iJ. ,war Ihc left hand, _ ty reuinin, Ihc still
folded inner ~jp in Ihc right rll1ge.s. Hand the OpUitd flip to Ihc spcctaIor aski"i him 10 00In-
plclCly unfold it IIId 10 ....niethe .bIJmoiattd name of any card in lhe square drawn 00 Ihc paper
ond 10 tlw:n ",rold;1 so \haJ.1he card name ~ hkkIco on the inside.
S. Eie hands you back Ihc n:-foldcd slip whieh your Jen hand pti<CS to )'our right, 1I Ihc wno:
lime neatins tlw: I lip back inside Ibc palmed _ . Thc Jeß hand is thm fn:c to take btlck Ibe pen.
6. Ulillg tbc pen. you now wrilc IM speclBtor'. Initials on _ outa surr_ or tlw: foldcd PlIper
alld Ihen ,lide lhe OUler"""'l o ff Bild SlIlIId;1 teut (_hio{l on lhe \.ablc wi!h the &pcclalor'. ;n;li.11
flCing lhe . ooiencc:.
7. Your right hand now goes 10 tbc righl .;.cke"! pocket appan:n tly to ge"! a scoond llip (Ir paper.
AI lOOn ulhc il 0lIl of .ighl, open oul Lhe palmed pic<.:e of paper and retnOYe il in thi1 un-
folded st.aLe from tlw: poeket. Thc reuon for unfoldin& iJ. i. so that il Ioob; different 10 Ihc specta-
tnr'a piece. •
8. Take Ihc pcn, pretend 10 ~ !he spe<;Ulor'l mind M1d mime Ihc writin, of tlw: c.-d in Ihc
1Iquate. AI tlw: ipeCIaIor'l own writint ja flCina )'Oll u)'OII da Ihis. )'ou have plemy of time 10
wort out how many c.ds down from thc top In thc IIICb:d dcd: Itis soelcctioo win tie. (Note:-
Tbc ~ for ~ Ihe Clubs ",il i. to hide Ihc stlCkin& ')'$Iern. Otherw;,e, Ihe 7e woold bc
tlw: 71h card down, tlw: IOC the 10th, and sooo). H.vJn& worttd OUI!he poo<ition of Lhe ao:la;tion,
....nielluol number oulSidc tbc square. Rcfold thc slip md hand it 1O.!C:COOd onlooker.
9. Rcap 01' ... hat has hsppencd. 'Ibon pick up Lhe 5peClltor'S sJip, open il OUI IOwanls yourxlf
IlIId apparemly read OUI Ihc: card. Onc small poinl here, 10 add • IOUCh of lulhcmicily. il 10 n:-
volvc thc paper end for end aßer)'Oll have opcntd ;t out IS if)'Oll had the wriling upside down
when you opcntd il and had 10 lurn il up lhe WfTCCt w.y 10 tcad il. Screw up Lhe paper . 11d lum
MUtntion 10 the 'pcclalor holding your predicl;OI'.
10. Tbc spocl'lOr lUIds OUI lhe card you apparenLly wrote and il mlILchcs Ille sp«:LMIOf"I !/luughl of
card. TIIttI he ",aOJS oullhc number)'Oll al!lO wrote on )'our paper. All thal< il to pick up
thc labIcd dcd:, remove Ihe cards From lhe box and dcal down La lhe qOOltd card and _cal!hat
!he ICIccted card iI indocd 1I thal posilioo

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