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(Asking (meminta) and Giving )


Verb : Regular (Perubahan katanya ga jauh beda, +d/ed)


V1 Give Ask sing destroy see

V2 Gave Asked sang destroyed saw

V3 Given Asked sung destroyed seen

V-ing Giving Asking singing destroying seeing

Kalimat Asking for Certainty

 Are you sure ? (apakah kamu yakin?)

 Are you absolutely sure ?  (apakah kamu benar-benar yakin?)
 Do you think so ? (apa kamu berpikir begitu?)
 Really? (sungguh?)
 Are you certain ?  (Apakah kamu yakin?)
 Are you really certain about that ? (apakah kamu benar-benar yakin dengan hal itu?)
 How do you sure? (bagaimana anda bisa yakin?)
 Is that so? (benarkah begitu?)
 Is it confirmed? (Apakah itu benar?) kon-fermd

Kalmiat Giving Certainty

 I’m quite sure. (aku cukup yakin) im kuaiyet syuer

 I’ve no doubt about ……… (aku tidak ragu tentang...)
 I’m positive / It’s possible (itu positif/ itu mungkin saja)
 Fine. Go ahead  (Tentu, silahkan)
 O.K… No problem (OK, tidak masalah)
 I’m definitely sure./ I’m absolutely certain. (aku sangat yakin/ aku tentu saja pasti)
 Sure. I’m certain / No doubt about it. / Without doubt. (Tentu, aku yakin / Tidak ada
yang harus diragukan/ tanpa keraguan)
 I’m sure of it (saya yakin akan itu)
 I’m certainty about that (saya benar tentang itu)
 I’m convinced of it (saya meyakini itu)
 I have no doubt about it (saya tidak ragu tentang itu)
 I’m positive (saya yakin)
 There’s no doubt about that  (tidak ada keraguan tentang hal itu)

Dialog 1

1 Ella : It's seven o'clock now. I have to pack.

2 Rudi : Remember your passport. You have to keep it well.
3 Ella : I needn't (need not) take it. I'm not going abroad. I'm just going to Manado.
Will you drive me to the airport?
(the elephant, the book, the air, the oreo, the laptop, the astronot
4 Rudi : Sure, what time is your flight?
5 Ella : Nine twenty.
6 Rudi : Are you sure about it?
7 Ella : Yes, I've (I have) checked it twice (once, twice) . Let's go.
8 Rudi : Okay. I'll prepare the car.

Dialog 2
1 Winny : Tya, do you know what time is Library closed?
2 Tya : It closed on 5 p.m. Is there any problem?
3 Winny : Yes, Are you certain that Library closed on 5 p.m?
Because I'm just go to the library and it's closed.
4 Tya : Maybe they're just take a break, just wait a while,
they will be open soon. son
5 Winny : What a relief (syukurlah), thanks Tya.
(meminta pengulangan)
V1 repeat
V2 repeated
V3 repeated

What? (Apa?) i

 Huh? (Hah?) i
 Pardon? (Maaf?) f
 Can you say that again?  (Bisakah kamu mengatakannya lagi?) i
 What was that? (Apa itu tadi?) i
 What did you say? (Apa yang kamu katakan?) i
 Again, please. (Ulangi, tolong) i
 Say that again. (Katakan lagi) i
 Sorry, I can't hear you (maaf aku tidak bisa mendengarmu) f/i
 Please speak louder (tolong bicara lebih keras lagi) i
 Would you mind repeating that? (Apakah kamu tidak keberatan untuk mengulanginya
lagi?) f
 Will/Would you mind saying that again? (Apakah kamu tidak keberatan untuk
mengatakannya lagi?) f
 Sorry, but I'm not sure I'm following you. (Maaf, tapi aku tidak mengikutimu) f/i
 I'm sorry, but what did you say about...? (Maafkan aku, tapi apa yang ingin kamu
katakan tentang...?) i/f
 Do you think you can/could repeat the part about...once again please? (Bisakah kamu
mengulangi bagian tentang... sekali lagi?) f
 I beg your pardon but I don't quite follow / understand. (Aku meminta maaf tapi aku
tidak benar benar mengikuti / mengerti) f
 I wonder if you could say that in a different way? (Apakah kamu bisa mengatakannya
dengan cara yang berbeda?) f

Contoh Dialog Asking for Repetition

Dialog 1
Gani : Since we are friends now, can I have your phone number please? 
Diana : Sure, My phone number is 081463782907
Gani : I'm sorry, can you say that again?
Diana : 0-8-1-4-6-3-7-8-2-9-0-7
Gani : Thank you Diana..
Diana : My pleasure.

Dialog 2
Mother : Tia, Could you buy some things in the supermarket?
Tia : Yes mom, what should I buy?
Mother : Please buy tissue, ketchup, instant noodles, soap, shampoo,
and toothbrush.
Tia : I don't get it, please say that again mom.
Tissue, ketchup, instant noodles, and what?
Mother : Soap, shampoo, and toothbrush. Here is the money.
Tia : Okay mom,
Dialog 3
Faiz : Hi Rizki. How are you?
Rizki : Hello Faiz, I'm doing fine thanks.
Faiz : Rizki, please come join us to play football in the school yard today at 4 pm.
Rizki : Excuse me, What time did you say?
Faiz : At 4 pm.
Rizki : Oh, okay. But I have to / must clean my class first.
Faiz : That's alright. We will wait for you.

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