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ABSTRACT niques suboptimum. On the other hand, the

capability of tilting the transmit beam angle in
Spectrum efficiency has long been at the cen- the full 3D space will intuitively improve the
ter of mobile communication research, develop- overall system throughput and interference man-
ment, and operation. Today it is even more so agement, especially for scenarios where mobile
with the explosive popularity of the mobile Inter- users are distributed in a 3D space with distin-
net, social networks, and smart phones that are guishable elevation such as modern urban envi-
more powerful than our desktops used to be not ronments. The latter case is becoming increasingly
long ago. The discovery of spatial multiplexing important with the prevalence of the small cell
via multiple antennas in the mid-1990s has concept, in which the horizontal scale becomes
brought new hope to boosting data rates regard- more comparable with the vertical scale.
less of the limited bandwidth. To further realize Not surprisingly the 3D MIMO concept is
the potential of spatial multiplexing, the next embraced by various mainstream communica-
leap will be accounting for the three-dimensional tions systems (long term evolution (LTE), LTE-
real world in which electromagnetic waves prop- advanced and beyond) thanks to its potential to
agate. In this article we discuss fundamentals boost system capacity and alleviate interference,
and key technical issues in developing and realiz- both of which consist of the most important sys-
ing 3D multi-input multi-output technology for tem development objectives. One core enabling
next generation mobile communications. technology for 3D MIMO is the so called active
antenna system (AAS). The employment of AAS
INTRODUCTION at BSs was recently approved by the 3rd Genera-
tion Partnership Project (3GPP) at TSG RAN
“When you have a scarce resource, an industry run #53 in September 2011. AAS technology inte-
as an oligopoly and a population that can’t get grates radio frequency components (power
enough, you have all the ingredients for the first amplifiers and transceivers) with the antenna
new resource crisis of the millennium.” elements. In this manner the phase and ampli-
tude of the signals from each antenna element
No, not oil. This excerpt from a 2010 Time can be electronically controlled, thus facilitating
Magazine article is all about the wireless spec- more flexible and intelligent beamforming,
trum. With the explosive increase of data-hungry resulting in increased capacity and coverage.
services including Facebook and Twitter, as well With a 2D or 3D AAS array at the BS, the
as always-connected smart mobile devices, this antenna radiation pattern can be dynamically
statement is edging ever closer to reality. controlled in both horizontal and vertical dimen-
In the 1990s Foschini and Telatar first sions, thus enabling 3D MIMO as opposed to
revealed that the channel capacity of multi- the conventional 2D MIMO. The AAS-enabled
Xiang Cheng is with antenna systems increases linearly with the num- 3D MIMO is attracting significant attention
Peking University. ber of transmit/receive antennas, thus giving from academic researchers as well as industrial
hope to meeting the unlimited data demand of developers and operators. In this article we pro-
Bo Yu and Liuqing Yang the real world with the limited wireless spectrum vide the overview and perspective of 3D MIMO
is with Colorado State (e.g. [1, 2] and references therein). Today it has technology. We will start from fundamentals and
University. become standard to equip base stations (BSs) application scenarios, followed by discussions on
with antenna arrays that facilitate various multi- 3D MIMO channels and an overview of key
Jianhua Zhang is with input multi-output (MIMO) functionalities technological issues. We conclude the article
Beijing University of Posts including beamforming, multiplexing, diversity, with opportunities and challenges in 3D MIMO
and Telecommunications. and interference coordination, just to name a research and development.
few. In these existing cellular systems, however,
Guangyi Liu is with the BS antenna array has remained passive and
China Mobile Communi- can only adjust the beam in the horizontal FUNDAMENTALS AND
cations Corporation. dimension with fixed downtilt angle, based on APPLICATION SCENARIOS
the horizontal channel information.
Yong Wu and Lei Wan On the one hand the real-world channel fea- At conventional BSs linear (1D) antenna arrays
are with Huawei Tech- tures three-dimensional (3D) characteristics, with fixed radiation patterns in the vertical
nologies Company Ltd. rendering two-dimensional (2D) MIMO tech- domain are used. The transmitted beamwidth in

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the vertical dimension and the antenna downtilt

are usually fixed. Occasional adjustment of the
downtilt angle can be achieved physically by, for
example, Remote Electrical Tilt (RET) devices
to direct the main lobe of the antenna response
toward the ground. As a result the spatial free-
dom only lies in the azimuth dimension essen-
tially in terms of the horizontal radiation beam
pattern and width. With the deployment of 2D
or 3D AAS at the BS, the elevation and azimuth
steering angles, the beamwidth, and the radia- (a) 2D BF with fixed downtilt (b) 3D BF with dynamic downtilt
tion pattern can all be dynamically controlled in
full dimensions by adaptively weighting the ele- Figure 1. 2D vs 3D BF.
ments in the antenna array, potentially for each
individual user equipment (UE), thus facilitating
the so called 3D MIMO technology.
Fully utilizing both the horizontal and verti- main categories of such designs, namely single-
cal dimensions, 3D MIMO is particularly suit- user (SU-)MIMO and multi-user (MU-)MIMO.
able for scenarios with vertical user location For SU-MIMO, the optimal beam directions are
distributions. One example is the dense urban simply the channel eigen-directions. However,
area (including both residential areas and cen- MU-MIMO inherently accounts for multi-user
tral business districts) with many high-rise build- interference and is thus more suitable for cellu-
ings. There is usually a huge demand for mobile lar applications.
data capacity in these areas. Furthermore, the In addition to these multiplexing-oriented
indoor users in these areas are usually located techniques, 3D MIMO also has the potential to
on different floors of high-rise buildings and the facilitate enhanced spatial diversity via more
vertical user distribution is evident. Transmis- sophisticated antenna deployment. However, it
sions from outdoor BSs to users located on dif- has been long understood that exploiting diversi-
ferent floors can be better separated in their ty gains implies sacrificing multiplexing gains.
elevation angles. Hence, significant gain in sys- We will focus on multiplexing-oriented tech-
tem performance can be expected with 3D niques in this article.
MIMO. Another important scenario is the dense Interference coordination has been tradition-
population area where a huge number of users ally one main concern since the invention of the
are closely located with each other and connect- cellular concept in the last century. These vari-
ed to one BS in a limited area. Examples include ous 3D MIMO techniques pose unprecedented
transportation stations, shopping malls, stadi- opportunities as well as unique challenges to this
ums, and so on. In this scenario a great amount long-standing problem, hence stimulating
of traffic will be generated simultaneously and research and development innovations. Such
the data rate of each user will be degraded. 3D efforts inevitably call for 3D MIMO channel
MIMO will provide a good solution for this measurements and modeling. These measure-
problem. For suburban and rural scenarios, ele- ment-based channel models are not only indis-
vation beamforming can also be beneficial in pensable for the development and verification of
terms of the cell range expansion achieved by 3D MIMO technology, but also critical in justify-
vertical sectorization. ing the benefit of 3D MIMO with respect to its
To date 3D beamforming is by far the most 2D counterpart, because the propagation envi-
studied 3D MIMO technique, thanks to its rela- ronment in the real world is inherently 3D,
tive simplicity, flexibility, and effectiveness. An hence comparisons can only be fair using such
example is shown in Fig. 1, where a single wide channel models.
beam covering the entire cell with a fixed down-
tilt angle is replaced by multiple simultaneous
narrower beams sectoring the cell with dynamic CHANNEL MEASUREMENTS AND MODELING
downtilt angles. Essentially a kind of physical The complete process of channel measurements
beamforming technique without any channel and modeling includes the following steps:
state information (CSI), 3D beamforming comes 1) Channel measurement.
at low complexity. The granularity of the vertical 2) Raw data post-processing.
sectorization enabled by 3D beamforming can be 3) Channel modeling and simulation.
theoretically adjusted to different levels from These steps are intimately interlaced. For
very coarse (two to three sectors in the radial example, the last step consisting of data analysis
direction) to very fine UE-specific (e.g. [3]), and channel modeling may gain useful informa-
leading to maximized UE signal strength as well tion in revising measurement campaigns in the
as highly flexible interference management. first step. For raw data post-processing, spatial
Another potential technology is the extension alternating generalized expectation-maximization
of spatial multiplexing from 2D MIMO to the (SAGE) has been widely adopted as one of the
3D MIMO regime. Different from 3D beam- most popular channel estimation algorithms,
forming, spatial multiplexing requires instanta- thanks to its high accuracy, capability of estimat-
neous or statistical CSI at the Tx (CSIT), and is ing channel parameters, and applicability to
inherently UE-specific. Based on the CSIT, the almost every type of antenna array. In this sec-
spatial multiplexing gain is exploited to improve tion we will summarize and report some recent
the system performance by optimizing each UE’s 3D MIMO channel measurement and modeling
specific precoding coefficients. There are two efforts.

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(ODA) with 56 antennas was installed at the

mobile terminals as the Rx, as depicted in Fig. 2.
This measurement revealed that both EAOD
and EAOA distributions can be well fitted by
the Laplacian distribution [5].

Based on the understanding of 3D MIMO prop-
agation characteristics via either theoretical
analyses and/or channel measurements, one can
develop accurate yet easy-to-use cannel models.
We classify existing 3D MIMO channel models
(a) (b)
(b) in terms of their respective modeling approach-
Item Value es. As summarized in Fig. 3 the two basic cate-
gories are deterministic versus stochastic models.
Antenna type UPA ODA
Deterministic channel models characterize 3D
Element number 32 56 MIMO channel parameters in a purely determin-
Polarization +–45 degree +–45 degree istic manner. This category can be further classi-
Spacing 0.5 wavelength 0.5 wavelength fied into the geometry-based deterministic model
Arrangement of elements Planar Cylinder (GBDM) and the finite-difference time-domain
(FDTD) model. Both methods need an accurate
Azimuth –70°~70° –180°~180°
Angle range database, high computation time, and use approx-
Elevation –70°~70° –55°~90° imations of Maxwell’s equation for their solution,
while the former is in general based on ray-trac-
Figure 2. Details of (a) UPA antenna and (b) ODA antenna. ing, which exploits the high-frequency approxi-
mation of Maxwell’s equation, and thus needs a
detailed and time-consuming description of the
CHANNEL MEASUREMENTS site-specific propagation scenarios. Therefore the
deterministic channel model typically has high
Unlike the 2D MIMO, 3D MIMO channel mea- complexity and cannot be easily generalized.
surement is still at a very early stage due to the Stochastic channel models determine the
elevated requirement on the measurement physical parameters in a stochastic manner with
equipment. Currently only a few qualified chan- or without presuming any underlying geometry
nel sounders are available, for example, the and thus can be easily used to deal with various
PropSound channel sounder by Elektrobit and scenarios. These models can be further classified
the RUSK MIMO channel sounder by Medav. into the correlation-based model (CBM), the
More recently one of the leading mobile device geometry-based stochastic model (GBSM), and
manufacturers, Huawei, plans to design and pro- the measurement-based pseudo-geometric model
duce their own channel sounder for 3D MIMO (MBPGM). The CBM characterizes the 3D
measurements. In the meantime several 3D MIMO channel matrix statistically in terms of the
MIMO measurement campaigns have been correlation among the matrix elements. There-
recently conducted and others are on the way to fore the CBM aims at obtaining the spatial chan-
investigate the 3D MIMO propagation channels nel correlation function and then generates the
for various application scenarios (e.g. [4, 5] and channel response or some statistical properties of
the references therein). These mostly focus on the channel based on such correlation function.
the elevation related channel parameters, for Popular correlation-based analytical channel
example, elevation angles of departure (EAOD) models are the Kronecker model and the Weich-
and elevation angles of arrival (EAOA), whereas selberger model. It is an analytical model and
their impact on other important parameters, for thus comes with low complexity and could be
example, polarization, Doppler, and power delay readily used in theoretical analysis as well as sys-
profile, have not yet received much attention. tematic design of the 3D MIMO technology.
These recent measurement campaigns use 2, The GBSM is derived from some predefined
3.5, and 5 GHz as carrier frequencies, near-static stochastic distribution of the scatterers/clusters by
scenarios including outdoor and outdoor-to- applying the fundamental laws of wave propagation
indoor (O2I) environments with both line-of- [6]. Such models can be easily adapted to diverse
sight (LoS) and non-LoS conditions, and are scenarios by modifying the stochastic distribution
typically wideband from 30 to 100 MHz. Recent- and properties of scatterers/clusters and the shape
ly, led by China Mobile Communications Corpo- of the scattering region. GBSMs can be further
ration (CMCC) and Beijing University of Posts classified into regular-shaped GBSMs (RS-GBSMs)
and Telecommunications (BUPT), a new 3D and irregular-shaped GBSMs (IS-GBSMs) depend-
MIMO measurement campaign based on Prop- ing on whether scatterers/clusters are placed on
Sound channel sounder at 3.5 GHz with 100 regular shapes, for example, two-sphere and two-
MHz bandwidth has been conducted for typical cylinder, or irregular shapes, as illustrated in Fig. 3.
Urban Macro (UMa), Urban Micro (UMi), and Its direct involvement of scatterers/clusters renders
O2I scenarios in Beijing, China [4]. To collect GBSM one of the most promising candidates for
data with accurate 3D spatial information, spe- 3D MIMO channel modeling.
cially designed Tx and Rx antennas are needed. The MBPGM is entirely based on channel
In this measurement a uniform planner array measurements. Examples of MBPGM include
(UPA) with 32 elements was used at the BS Tx, the widely used SCM and WINNER models [7],
while a three dimensional omni-directional array though both are often mistakenly referred to as

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3D MIMO channel model linder


Deterministic Stochastic Two-sp SM
model model RS-GB


thod inner Directly

cing me High com ker,
Kronec erger SCM, w scatterersdeal with
Ray-tra complexity plexity lb IS-GBSM
high Weichse /clusters

Figure 3. Classification of 3D MIMO channel models.

GBSM. Such misunderstanding is largely due to larger ηD value implies richer scatterers in the
the fact that the main channel parameters are all 3D environment, and thus smaller spatial correla-
related to scatterers/clusters, for example, angle tion. Moreover, the channel capacity decreases
of arrival/departure and angle spread, as depict- with the increase of K, which is because larger K
ed in Fig. 3. However, notice that all these scat- values also lead to smaller spatial correlation. We
terer/cluster-related parameters are actually believe these results will provide guidance for
obtained solely based on measurements, instead future channel measurement campaigns.
of predefined stochastic distributions of the scat-
terers/clusters. Therefore, both SCM and WINNER KEY 3D MIMO TECHNOLOGIES
models are more properly classified as MBPGM,
and should be distinguished from GBSM. In this section we give an overview of the key 3D
So far MBPGMs, for example, SCM and WIN- MIMO technologies as briefly mentioned above,
NER models, are the most popular models for namely the CSI-independent 3D beamforming,
3D MIMO channels. After the elevation-related CSI-dependent spatial multiplexing including
parameters are obtained from measurements, for SU-MIMO and MU-MIMO techniques, as well
example, the Laplacian distribution parameters of as interference coordination techniques.
the elevation angle, 2D SCM and WINNER mod-
els can be readily extended to 3D models as dis- 3D BEAMFORMING
cussed in [7]. The extended 3D SCM model is To demonstrate the benefit of dynamic 3D beam-
used for beamforming simulations in the follow- forming let us start with a simple simulation. We
ing section using Huawei’s system-level simulator. consider a snapshot in the LTE small cell net-
Two-cylinder RS-GBSM is used to show the work scenario, in which the small cells are inde-
impact of some important parameters on 3D pendently deployed following a uniform
MIMO channel capacity. In these simulations we distribution, while the UEs are deployed non-
use a 5.25 GHz carrier frequency, 91 Hz maxi- uniformly in different hotspots. We consider
mum Doppler frequency, 104 Hz sampling rate. three different antenna tilting schemes: 2D
We consider two receive and two transmit anten- beamforming with fixed tilting at 6°, cell-specific
na elements with antenna element spacing of half 3D beamforming, and UE-specific 3D beam-
wavelength, SNR = 3 dB, and uniformly dis- forming. For cell-specific beamforming the anten-
tributed azimuth angle of arrival (AAOA) and na tilt angle for each BS is adjusted adaptively
azimuth angle of departure (AAOD). Both according to the specific cell coverage area, while
EAOA and EAOD follow Laplacian distributions for UE-specific beamforming the main lobe of
with variance 1. As shown in Fig. 4 this model the antenna beam is steered directly to the sched-
involves an LoS component with Ricean factor K, uled user location for each BS in each sub-frame.
single- and double-bounce components with ener- Note that in the majority of literature on this
gy-related parameters η S and η D that specify subject the weighting vectors used to achieve the
how much the single- and double-bounced rays desirable beamforming angles are obtained based
contribute to the total scattered power and thus on only the location of the UEs and no CSI is
η S + η D = 1. From Fig. 4 it is clear that the used (e.g. [3, 8].) The BS can determine the UE
increase of elevation angle spread results in an location by estimating the direction of arrival
increase of the channel capacity, which agrees (DoA) of the received uplink signal with some
with our intuition. Figure 4 also demonstrates specialized algorithms. The signal-to-interfer-
that the increase of ηD results in an increase of ence-and-noise ratio (SINR) and user throughput
3D MIMO channel capacity. This is because a comparisons are shown in Figs. 5a and 5b, respec-

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Double-bounce 2.59

Ergodic capacity
Single-bounce RXq 2.58
LoS 2.575
TXm Oi Or
Single-bounce 2.565 ηS=0, ηD=1, K=0
2.56 Azimuth distribution at Tx: Laplacian
Elevation distribution: Laplacian
2.555 Mean elevation=0

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Elevation spread

2.6 2.6
2.58 K=0, Elevation distribution: Laplacian
Azimuth distribution at Tx: Laplacian 2.5
2.56 Elevation spread=30°, mean elevation=0°

Ergodic capacity
Ergodic capacity

2.54 2.4
2.48 ηS=0, ηD=1, Elevation distribution: Laplacian
2.2 Azimuth distribution at Tx: Laplacian
2.46 Elevation spread=30°, mean elevation=0°
2.44 2.1
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
ηD K

Figure 4. Two-cylinder RS-GBSM and simulation results of the impact of key channel parameters on 3D MIMO channel capacity.

tively. It is observed that UE-specific 3D beam- pared to a system with fixed downtilt at the BSs.
forming tilting provides the best performance in A thorough comparison among various vertical
terms of both metrics. sectorization schemes and the UE-specific down-
With the capability of dynamic vertical beam tilt adaptation scheme has been conducted in [3].
adaptation, different kinds of 3D beamforming The results show that cell edge throughput bene-
can be realized to exploit the added degree of fits from vertical sectorization due to reduced
freedom, in contrast to the conventional 2D interference at the cell edge, whereas UE-specific
counterpart where the beamforming is done only downtilt adaptation with limitation of minimum
in the horizontal plane. Generally the vertical downtilt boosts spectral efficiency since the signal
beam adaptation schemes can be classified into power at the scheduled UE is always maximized.
two categories: one is cell splitting with vertical It is worth noting that for the added vertical-
sectorization, the other is UE-specific antenna dimension beamforming the adjustment range of
downtilt adaptation. An example of vertical sec- the vertical beam pattern is usually much less
torization is that a single cell can be split into than in the horizontal direction, and the vertical
two cells by generating two separated vertical beamwidth is also much narrower than the hori-
beams with different downtilts and beam width. zontal beamwidth. For example, in a typical
Each cell will be served by a vertical beam sepa- macro cell scenario (according to 3GPP case 1)
rately. The simulation results in [9] show that the antenna downtilt is 15° and the vertical half-
3 × 2 sectorization (three horizontal sectors, two power beamwidth (HPBW) is 10°, while the hor-
vertical sectors per horizontal sector) can pro- izontal HPBW is 70°. This means that much
vide significant capacity gain. finer and more accurate control of the vertical
For UE-specific antenna downtilt adaptation, beam pattern is highly preferred in order to
more complicated processing is required since improve vertical beam separation and achieve
the antenna downtilt is adjusted for each UE fine granularity UE-specific vertical beam adap-
such that the main lobe of the vertical beam is tation. The fine granularity beamforming can be
steered directly to the specific UE. In this case realized by employing an active 2D or 3D antenna
the received signal power at the scheduled UE is array with a large number of radiation elements.
maximized. However the interference generated
depends on the location of the UE and the SPATIAL MULTIPLEXING
beamwidth. The field trial in [10] considers a With the degrees of freedom provided in the
simple scenario with two BSs and five UEs. The spatial dimension of the MIMO channel, multi-
downtilts are adjusted according to the location ple data streams can be spatially multiplexed
of each UE, while the vertical half-power onto the MIMO channel for simultaneous trans-
beamwidth (HPBW) for the two BSs are 6.2° and mission, giving rise to the so called spatial multi-
7.5°, respectively. The measurement results show plexing gain. MIMO precoding is a transmit
that the UE-specific downtilt adaptation can processing technique that utilizes CSIT to exploit
increase the signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) at the spatial multiplexing gain for improved sys-
different UE locations by about 5-10 dB com- tem spectral efficiency. It can be regarded as a

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1 1
2D with fixed tilting at 6 degrees
0.9 3D cell-specific tilting 0.9
3D UE-specific tilting
0.8 0.8

0.7 0.7

0.6 0.6

0.5 0.5

0.4 0.4

0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2
2D with fixed tilting at 6 degrees
0.1 0.1 3D cell-specific tilting
3D UE-specific tilting
0 0
-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 0 1 2 3 4 5
SINR (dB) User throughput (bps/Hz)
(a) (b)

Figure 5. SINR and user throughput comparison between 2D vs 3D beamforming.

high resolution channel eigen-space beamform- desirable trade-offs between performance and
ing to each UE, in contrast to the 3D physical complexity. Theoretically, for SU-MIMO it is well
beamforming discussed in the last section. known that the optimal beam directions are the
A proof-of-concept dynamic system-level sim- channel eigen-directions given the perfect CSIT.
ulation is conducted and the evaluation results For MU-MIMO a number of precoding schemes
are shown in Fig. 6. The scenario follows 3GPP have also been proposed in the literature (e.g. [11]
case 1, where 19 cell sites (three sectors per cell and the references therein), including zero-forcing,
site) are deployed in a hexagon grid with an block diagonalization, and so on. Most precoding
average of 10 UEs per sector on the ground. schemes can achieve considerable spatial multi-
The fast fading channel is generated using the plexing gain even with imperfect CSIT, especially
3GPP 2D SCM model, with the elevation dimen- for MU-MIMO. A detailed description of the
sion taken into consideration. The BS side verti- main features of MU-MIMO techniques adopted
cal angle spread is 6°. A two-column ±45° in LTE and LTE-A standards is provided in [12].
linearly cross-polarized rectangular array is con- In the latest enhancement to MU-MIMO in LTE-
figured at the BSs with mechanical rotation of A a maximum of eight transmit antennas are
15°. A cross-polarized two-element array with allowed to support simultaneous transmission of
0°/90° polarization is configured at the UEs. All up to eight layers, and no more than four UEs can
antenna elements are separated by half wave- be co-scheduled considering the trade-off between
length. 2D MIMO and 3D MIMO are compared performance and signaling overhead.
in both SU and MU scenarios. For the MU These conventional 2D MIMO precoding
transmission, the maximum paired UE number schemes may be readily applicable to the 3D
is 4. For 2D MIMO only the linear four horizon- MIMO scenario, at least in theory. However,
tal ports are active and the antenna downtilt is unique features of 3D MIMO need to be taken
thus fixed and equal to the mechanical tilt. For into account when designing 3D MIMO precoding
3D MIMO the 4 × 8 rectangular array is active schemes for both optimality and complexity con-
and the antenna downtilt (as well as the shape of cerns. First, with an added dimension in vertical
the array pattern) is adjusted for each UE domain the 3D channel model is inherently differ-
according to the user channel condition. The ent from the conventional 2D channel model,
comparison results for cell average spectral effi- which may result in different precoding design prin-
ciency (SE) and cell edge SE are depicted in ciples. Second, the AAS-enabled 3D MIMO can
Figs. 6a and 6b, respectively. We can observe that potentially have very large size 2D or 3D antenna
for SU-MIMO a 12 percent gain is achieved for arrays at BSs, which will render signal processing
cell average SE, while the gain for cell edge SE on both Tx and Rx sides prohibitively complex.
is very limited. For MU-MIMO remarkable An additional concern for frequency division
gains are achieved for both cell average SE duplex (FDD) systems is the excess feedback
(43 percent) and cell edge SE (41 percent). overhead in obtaining the CSIT for such large-
Conventional 2D MIMO precoding has attract- scale antenna arrays. One approach to avoid the
ed much attention during the last decade and both feedback overhead is to design a codebook con-
linear and nonlinear precoding schemes based on taining all possible quantized beamforming vec-
different criteria have been proposed in the litera- tors. The codebook can be designed off-line and
ture (e.g. [1, 11] and the references therein). In is known to both the Tx and Rx. The Rx can then
particular, linear precoding schemes provide a sim- choose the best beamforming vector from the
ple and efficient way to utilize CSIT and achieve codebook with different selection criteria based

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6 0.2
2D 2D
3D 3D

Cell average SE (bps/Hz)

Cell edge SE (bps/Hz)


3 0.1

0.08 0.159
3.50 0.06
2.71 0.087
2.42 0.086

0 0
(a) (b)

Figure 6. Cell average and cell edge SE comparison between 2D and 3D MIMO.

on the instantaneous channel knowledge and send dynamically adjusted to maximize the received
the index back to the BS via a limited feedback signal power for each UE. However, this also
channel. In this case the system performance confines most of the interference from leaking
depends heavily on the codebook quantization to the neighboring cells. On the other hand, with
error, which is caused by the mismatch between the capability of vertical beamsteering 3D beam-
the codebook space and the actual channel space. forming can dynamically adjust the beam direc-
To a large extent the actual channel space tion according to the location of each UE such
depends on the antenna response of the antenna that the received signal power for each UE can
arrays. In the conventional 2D scenario the code- be maximized. However, the generated inter-cell
book that is designed based on linear antenna interference can be very complicated. Therefore
arrays thus cannot be directly adopted in the 3D it is not straightforward whether the overall sys-
scenario with 2D or 3D antenna arrays. In addi- tem performance (spectral efficiency as well as
tion the large-scale antenna arrays may result in cell edge user throughput) can be improved.
high dimensionality of the channel eigen-space, In the existing literature there is a lack of
which in turn results in a large codebook size and solid analytical study on this problem. The simu-
further increases the feedback overhead. lated study in [3] shows that 3D beamforming
On the other hand, for time division duplex with direct steering of the vertical beam toward
(TDD) systems no feedback is needed since the the UE without any downtilt limitation performs
CSIT can be obtained by channel reciprocity. better than fixed downtilt beamforming in terms
However, the pilot contamination problem of cell edge user throughput, but worse in terms
emerges and the effect is especially significant of the overall spectral efficiency. Hence a more
for 3D MIMO with the incorporation of large- thorough investigation is needed to exploit the
scale 2D or 3D antenna arrays. Some suggest additional degree of freedom provided by the
that pilot contamination is the limiting factor in vertical dimension in order to manage the inter-
the asymptotic sense as the number of antennas ference more flexibly and effectively. For exam-
approaches infinity. The common understanding ple, advanced beam coordination methods may
is that some level of coordination accounting for be a good option. It is also possible to combine
this problem is a necessity to ensure reasonable 3D beamforming with existing interference man-
gain as the antenna array grows in size. For agement schemes in the literature, such as vari-
example, the optimal allocation and coordina- ous coordinated multipoint transmission/
tion of pilot sequences at the UE would be high- reception (CoMP) techniques [14] and inter-cell
ly desirable. An insightful survey on several interference coordination (ICIC) methods [15].
works proposed to deal with the pilot contami- For 3D MU-MIMO, coordination can even be
nation problem can be found in [13]. achieved at the precoding stage across BSs.


Interference is always a major obstacle in achiev-
ing higher spectral efficiency. With 3D beam- Still at the launching stage, 3D MIMO research
forming the situation becomes more complicated and development are not short of challenges and
in comparison with 2D beamforming. With the opportunities. Next we will discuss some of these
latter the vertical beam direction cannot be open issues from various perspectives.

142 IEEE Wireless Communications • August 2014

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MEASUREMENTS AND CHANNEL MODELING length, current densities, conductivity, and so on. the synchronization of
In addition, with the potential large size antenna
So far 3D MIMO channel measurements are arrays, signal processing complexity becomes very different transceiver and
mainly conducted for UMa, UMi, and O2I sce- high. The BS power consumption could also be a
narios; more measurement campaigns are need- major concern taking into account the cost of
antenna element chains
ed for indoor hotspot scenarios. Furthermore, heavy baseband signal processing. Therefore becomes complicated
more comprehensive 3D MIMO channel mea- optimized (real-time and low-complexity) dis-
surement campaigns are needed to investigate tributed signal processing algorithms need to be and is of great impor-
the impact of 3D spatial environments on a wide carefully designed and implemented. Furthermore, tance for the overall sys-
range of key channel characteristics, for example the synchronization of different transceiver and
time variation, stationarity, polarization, and so antenna element chains becomes complicated tem performance. Note
on, for various scenarios. and is of great importance for the overall system
Currently MBPGM has been widely used for performance. Note that the number of antennas
that the number of
analyzing and evaluating 3D MIMO technolo- at the UE does not need to be increased beyond antennas at UE does not
gies both in academia and industry. For exam- what is defined in LTE/LTE-Advanced.
ple, the 3D SCM model extended from the For cooperative 3D MIMO operations, where need to be increased
standardized 2D SCM model. However, current multiple BSs are clustered together to form a beyond what is defined
MBPGMs only take the elevation-related param- distributed antenna array and perform MU-
eters into consideration. While the impacts of MIMO operations, the overhead can be pro- in LTE/LTE-Advanced.
elevation angle on other important channel hibitive. First, the CSI acquisition overhead is
parameters, for example Doppler, non-stationar- very high, considering the large size of the anten-
ity, polarization, and so on, have not been con- na arrays. The effect of errors in CSI estimation,
sidered. Based on further channel measure- quantization, and feedback to the system perfor-
ments, these impacts should be modeled for mance also need to be investigated thoroughly.
future MBPGMs. In addition, in order to facilitate cooperation
On the other hand, considering that 3D among multiple BSs the backhaul is also a non-
MIMO technology will fully explore the 3D spa- negligible challenge.
tial environments that consist of scatterers, At the same time, as the granularity of 3D
GBSMs should be used for accurate modeling beamforming continues to be refined it is expect-
and thus facilitating improved designs of 3D ed that the number of BS antenna elements will
MIMO technology. Based on dedicated channel approach the level that is considered massive
measurements and analysis, placing scatterers/ MIMO (e.g. [13] and the references therein).
clusters with certain distributions around the Tx Though 3D MIMO with finite antenna elements
and Rx in the 3D environments, setting their can be considered as an intermediate stage
properties, and collecting all the received rays toward massive MIMO, the latter boasts drasti-
from greatly-simplified ray tracing to build real cally different (and likely simplified) signal pro-
3D MIMO GBSMs will be a future research cessing from conventional precoding. On both
direction for accurate 3D MIMO channel mod- the theoretical side and the operational side, it is
eling. In addition, CBMs will be useful to bring worth investigating when and whether such a
us insight on how the different spatial correla- transition will take place and how the 3D MIMO
tion characteristics between 3D MIMO and 2D community should prepare for that.
MIMO channels can be used for optimum design
of 3D MIMO precoding schemes. CONCLUSIONS
KEY 3D MIMO TECHNOLOGIES In this article we introduced the fundamentals
So far the effects of the 3D beamforming tech- and application scenarios of the emerging 3D
niques have been studied mainly by system-level MIMO technology and identified several key
simulations and field trial evaluations in very issues critical to the research and development of
simple scenarios. There is an urgent need for this technology. In terms of the channel measure-
analytical study of the 3D beamforming design, ments and modeling, we reported the recent mea-
in terms of how to optimally determine the cell surement campaign conducted by CMCC and
border for cell splitting, what would be the opti- BUPT. In addition we are the first to comprehen-
mal beam pattern and downtilt for each cell, and sively classify prevalent 3D MIMO channel mod-
so on. More rigorous formulation of the opti- els. In terms of the key 3D MIMO technologies,
mization problem, together with careful analysis we used proof-of-concept simulations based on
of the complexity-granularity trade-off, will sig- the system-level simulator provided by Huawei.
nificantly assist the massive deployment of 3D We then summarized existing work in terms of
MIMO technology. 3D beamforming, SU- and MU-MIMO, as well as
For 3D beamforming, in order to realize interference coordination. Last but not least, we
more fine granularity beamforming in the verti- delineated the opportunities and challenges on all
cal domain, the number of antenna elements these aspects, and laid out research issues togeth-
required can be very large, which will pose great er with possible directions of the next-phase 3D
challenges. First, the number of active antenna MIMO research and development.
array elements that can be equipped at a BS is
usually limited by the BS form factor. As a result, ACKNOWLEDGMENT
small-scale and more cost-efficient hardware This work was jointly supported by the National
design becomes challenging, especially for the Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.
electromagnetic elements, such as duplexers and 61101079, 61172105, and 61322110), the National
filters, which are very difficult to be miniaturized Science Foundation (Grant No. 5388740), the
due to the physical constraints, including wave- National 863 Project (Grant No. 2014AA01A706),

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Though 3D MIMO with the Important National Science & Technology academic excellence and outstanding performance. He has
served as Symposium Leading-Chair, Co-Chair, and a Mem-
Specific Project of China (Grant No.
finite antenna elements 2013ZX03003006), the Science Foundation for
ber of the Technical Program Committee for several inter-
national conferences. He is now an Associate Editor for
the Youth Scholar of Ministry of Education of
can be considered as an China (Grant No. 20110001120129), and the State
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.

intermediate stage Key Laboratory of Rail Traffic Control and Safe- BO YU [S’08] received a B.S. degree in electrical engineering
from Huazhong University of Science and Technology,
ty (RCS2014K008), Beijing Jiaotong University.
toward massive MIMO, Wuhan, China, in 2008, and an M.S. degree in electrical
engineering from the University of Florida, Gainesville, in
the latter boasts drasti- REFERENCES 2010. He is currently pursuing a Ph.D. degree with the
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became an Associate Professor in 2009. She is currently an
Associate Professor with the Department of Electrical and
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Computer Engineering at Colorado State University. Her
general interests are in the areas of communications and
and the operational Paris, France, April 1–4, 2012, pp. 294–99.
[4] 3GPP R1-132543, “UMa Channel Measurements Results
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Investigator Program (YIP) award in 2007, and the NSF Fac-
side, it is worth investi- on Elevation Related Parameters,” China Mobile, April
ulty Early Career Development (CAREER) award in 2009.
She is serving as an active reviewer for more than 10 jour-
gating when and [5] J. Zhang et al., “Three-Dimension Fading Channel Mod-
els: A Survey of Elevation Angle Research,” IEEE Com-
nals, as TPC chair/member for a number of conferences,
and has served on the editorial board for IEEE Transactions
whether such a transi- mun. Mag., accepted, 2013,
on Communications, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Commu-
nications, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation
tion will take place and [6] X. Cheng et al., “An Adaptive Geometry-Based Stochas-
tic Model for Non-Isotropic MIMO Mobile-to-Mobile
Systems, and Phycom: Physical Communication.

how the 3D MIMO Channels,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 8, no. 9,
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JIANHUA ZHANG received her Ph.D. degree in circuit and system
from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunication (BUPT)
community should [7] Y.-H. Nam et al., “Full-Dimension MIMO (FD-MIMO) for
Next Generation Cellular Technology,” IEEE Commun.
in 2003. She was an associate professor from 2005 and is now
professor of BUPT. She has published more than 100 articles in
prepare for that. Mag., vol. 51, no. 6, 2013, pp. 172–79.
[8] B. Yu et al., “Load Balancing with Antenna Tilt Control
refereed journals and conferences. She was awarded “2008
Best Paper” of the Journal of Communication and Network. In
in Enhanced Local Area Architecture,” Proc. IEEE 79th 2007 and 2013 she received two national novelty awards for
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[9] O. Yilmaz, S. Hamalainen, and J. Hamalainen, “System 1Gb/s@100MHz respectively. In 2009 she received the “second
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Proc. 6th International Symp. Wireless Communication Standards Association for her contributions to ITU-R and 3GPP
Systems (ISWCS), Siena-Tuscany, University of Siena, in IMT-Advanced channel model. Her current research interests
Italy, Sept. 7–10, 2009, pp. 453–57. include channel measurement and modeling for broadband
[10] M. Danneberg et al., “Field Trial Evaluation of UE Spe- multiple antenna system, transmission techniques for 4G and
cific Antenna Downtilt in an LTE Downlink,” Proc. Int’l 5G systems, channel emulator, OTA test, and and so on.
ITG Workshop on Smart Antennas (WSA), Dresden,
Germany, March 7-8, 2012, pp. 274–80. GUANGYI LIU [M] received his B.S. in physics from Chinese
[11] Q. Spencer, A. Swindlehurst, and M. Haardt, “Zero- Ocean University in 1997. He received his M.S. and Ph.D.
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Multiuser MIMO Channels,” IEEE Trans. Signal Process., Posts and Telecommunications in 2000 and 2006, respec-
vol. 52, no. 2, 2004, pp. 461–71. tively. Since 2006 he has been working for the Research
[12] C. Lim et al., “Recent Trend of Multiuser MIMO in LTE- Institute of China Mobile Communication Corporations. He
Advanced,” IEEE Commun. Mag., vol. 51, no. 3, 2013, is now chief technical officer of the Wireless Department of
pp. 127–35. the same institute. His research interests include LTE/LTE-
[13] E. G. Larsson et al., “Massive MIMO for Next Genera- Advanced/5G standardization and trial, system perfor-
tion Wireless Systems,” IEEE Commun. Mag., vol. 52, mance modeling and evaluation, channel measurement
no. 2, 2014, pp. 186–95. and modeling, and flexible spectrum usage.
[14] J. Lee et al., “Coordinated Multipoint Transmission
and Reception in LTE-Advanced Systems,” IEEE Com- YONG WU received the B.S. degree from Dalian University of
mun. Mag., vol. 50, no. 11, 2012, pp. 44–50. Technology, Dalian, China in 2003, and a Ph.D. degree
[15] G. Boudreau et al., “Interference Coordination and from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China in 2008, both in
Cancellation for 4G Networks,” IEEE Commun. Mag., electronics engineering. He is currently working at Huawei
vol. 47, no. 4, 2009, pp. 74–81. Technologies, Beijing. His research interests include multi-
ple antenna processing, interference suppression, and sys-
BIOGRAPHIES tem-level modeling and evaluation of wireless
X IANG C HENG [S’05-M’10-SM’13] received a Ph.D. degree communications.
from Heriot-Watt University and the University of Edin-
burgh, Edinburgh, U.K., in 2009, where he received the LEI WAN is a senior expert of Wireless Research and Standards
Postgraduate Research Thesis Prize. He has been with at Huawei, currently responsible of LTE-Advanced research
Peking University, Beijing, China, since 2010, first as a Lec- and 3GPP RAN standardization work in Huawei. Her main
turer, and then as an Associate Professor since 2012. He is focus areas are network topology and air-interface evolution.
also with the State Key Laboratory of Rail Traffic Control She is known as the expert on TDD and the system-level eval-
and Safety, Beijing Jiaotong University. His current research uation methodology in the industry, as the main driver of LTE
interests include mobile propagation channel modeling and TDD/FDD frame structure merging, CoMP, LTE-Hi (3GPP R12
simulation, next generation mobile cellular systems, intelli- small cell enhancement) and U-LTE (unlicensed LTE) research
gent transportation systems, and hardware prototype and standardization, and the inventor of the physical layer MI
development. He has published more than 80 research quality model that is widely used in system-level simulation.
papers in journals and conference proceedings. He received She has long experience in the wireless communication
the best paper award from the IEEE International Confer- industry, with the background of WCDMA, TD-SCDMA, LTE
ence on ITS Telecommunications (ITST 2012) and the IEEE and LTE-Advanced. Her research interests cover FDD and TDD
International Conference on Communications in China harmonization, network topology evolution as CoMP and
(ICCC 2013). He received the “2009 Chinese National HetNet, traffic adaptive system design, interference coordina-
Award for Outstanding Overseas Ph.D. Student” for his tion and the evaluation methodology.

144 IEEE Wireless Communications • August 2014

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