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Tak about sharing things on your phone Eom CT Pronunciation San Be Pekerd ever persona questions Questo oms Common acjectvesSylbls and word sss Serene tess Ta stout how rele communicate Present simie and Adverbs Long and shor vowels present continous | Geet ps and end comersatons Sentence sess Crean pool Ending comersater WD Vite pernal em j Review nd etensan Mor racice WOwueOWE ike [Ra Tel and Tae Sein stared Ta bout hoy actives 2A Take about post noleays Past sie Tour edendnes 28 _escibe ctiutourneys Post continuus Tavecolecatins Sentence tres: owe sounds 26 teklr imation ina pull place Jong words Asking for intrmaion auntie pace 2 cea rave bg Review nd eension More active WoRDRONER oF Dae Honey Seting stared Tak about sopoing BA Takatoutexperences oferty Present perectorpastmate/ do! ge sino colocatons 3B Tktoutspendingandsaving Present perfect with just Maney Sound and spain: i and money heady and yet 36 Toto pel in stoos Sentence sess Taking eon n shops Papa the 39 Wte an usdate ema Review nd enenson Mor race WoROPOWER ust De Sociale a Geting stared Tak about wodsngs 4A Tak stoutyourplons forcelbators Prcentconinwous -— 2a. Do you know any different ways to reply to each phrase in 2a? Work in pairs. Take turns saying the phrases in 2a and replying, CONVERSATION SKILLS Showing interest a ©) Listen and complete the conversations from Part 1 with the adjectives in the box. fantastic lovely good nice 1g time no see! How are 'm great, MIRSEREINSERBTGE! Great to see you. We live on Compton Road. 1) a 3. Mark's my husband! Husband — wow! ASS 4 Would you both like to core? Yeoh, Hacc Briliant Let's go. 1 Look at the conversations in 32, Do the [IGHIHEER| phrases give information or show interest? © What kind of word completes each phrase 1-4? Choose the correc form from the box. adjective + noun adjective 1 Whata+__! 3 That sounds + 2 How+—_! 4 Thats + + news, d Work in pairs. Take turns to tell your partner about yourself. Rep using the phrases in 3c. Tell your partner: where you ive something you did at the weekend ‘+ what job you do / wha you are studying these days unit 1° PRONUNCIATION Sentence stress IE USEFUL LANGUAGE Ending conversations ‘GiHA Listen to the sentences. Notice the a GEM Listen and complete the phrases for ending a words with stressed syllables. conversation. | think it was about six years ago! 1 We really must. |e on Hampton Street, 2 Itwas realy nice to My name's Mark, by the way. 3 Itwas great to you a e. Mark's my fussband! 4 Yeah! We must I'm going to the café down the street now. 5 £2. hello to Dan for met to meet Leo, my bovfriend. 1) Which phrase in 6a do you use when y 1b Look at the sentences in 4a, Which words to somebody you have just met? have stressed syllables ~ grammar words or words that give information? © Put the sentences in the correct order to make @ conversation: B [ZJOh, that’s fine. it was great to see you, EALISTENING : A E]Not far trom here. Look, I'm sory, but | really must go. Im late fr a meeting a QB Look at the picture from Part 2. Who is the A Gildan, is that you? fourth person at the café? Does he know Rachel ‘A [2 Yeaht | think | last saw you at John’s wedding, How are you? and Mark? i A E}You, io! give you a call B_[i]!'mfine. And you? Where are you living these days? 8 [Z]Hi Sarah! Longtime no see! SPEAKING 4 D Communication 1¢ Student A: go to 7b below. Student B: go to p.129. Student A b Read card 1. Think about what you want to say. © Start the conversation with Student B. Use your own name, G7) ou are walking down the street and you se your friend + sayhelo + give your news * you've gat anew job = your own ies + Isten to your friend's news and respond b @aBM What do you think they will talk about in the café? In pairs, think of three things. Then watch or listen to Part 2. Were you right? ¢ @EM Watch or listen again. Answer the questions. 1 Do Rachel and Mark have plans for nex'week? i J.» fl Slee neodd 2 What job does Rachel do? ec ‘ 3 Who helps Rachel at the shop? 7. reph 4 What does Anni say bout hero? ii Now ok seco stel cea Slee 5 What does Mark do? AL'S working in me =u & Whats Annie doing atthe ookend?Io 5 By vox meet coteague forte fst . 7 Why do Rachel and Mark leave? yl! x e ee eee + say who you are ‘= give some information «= your office isin building C + your own idea + listen to what your new colleague says and respond: say goodbye ¢ What suggestion does'Anrié ike Before they leave? Skills for Writing ye | UU Sn Cy TEE SPEAKING AND LISTENING Br > a CW Read the messages 1-3 and answer the questions. @ Simon is a student from England. Look 1 What co the FARE phrases mean? at his pictures from Salamanca in Sp 2 Do you ever send or receive these kinds of message? Who tofrom? Why? __-_‘What do you think he is doing there? C @ b Read the emails and check your ideas ean oem 0 Did you 30400 We in 2a, Which email is t his ».? aS wn ny lst nave tom Youcall me! ae framngtne | [fiend Blake uncie an au LE} younger sister Mika © Who does Simon write to about these ? b @HEA Listen to Nina and Chris talking about keeping in touch with _Sublects' friends and family. Who is better at keeping in touch: Nina or Chris? the weather + what he does in the evenings ¢ @MEA Listen again and answer the questions. ‘+ the family he is staying with 1 Why doesn’t Nina send many emails? fo) ern © speek Spanish + the other students 2 Why does Chris phone his mother so often? 3 How often does Nina phone her parents? é 4 When does Nina prefer to tell her friends her news? © Answer the questions about Simod 5 When does Chris send photos by email? Saas 1 What does he say about speaking Spania How often do you keep in touch with family 2 Why do you think he says diferent ngs and friends? Circle the correct adverb for you. about this to each person? always generally sometimes rarely Think about: 1 family member who lives in a different place 2. a fiend who you don't see very often Which of these do you do with each person? Write the first letter of their name. ‘= talk on the phone or Skype ( ‘send emails or messages # send pictures, video or web links * hardly ever keep in touch + meet fora chat @ C2 Work in pairs. Talk about your answers to 1d, | rarely keep in touch with people. Inever have time to... | generally keep in touch with my. family. | enjoy sending | sometimes send photos to my sister Jane. Usually pictures of. {send my friend Alex web links to) interesting articles. { CQ Which of these opinions do you agree with? 1 Ws rice to see photos of what your fiends are doing’ 2 "You don't have to Keep in touch with people alte time 3 tf your parents worry alt, you should phone them. Hoge you're both well and you're enjoying the summer, "'m in Salamanca, in Spain. This isa photo | took of te old centre. It's a beautiful old town, as you can see ‘As you know, 'm leaming Spanish at the moment. 'm doing a two- ‘month Spanish course here, so my Spanish is slowly improving. Th Classes are very good and we also watch Spanish films. It's pretty hot here, but is nice and coo! inthe evenings. Love to al, Simon iin? How’ it going? Are you having a good time in Ber . Here are some photos of my group on the Spanish course. We're al from different countries, sa we usually speak English when we're together = rot very good for my Spanish! Anyway, I'm having a great time here and ‘the time's going much too quickly. There are lots of good cafés here and we usualy all go out inthe evening together. ‘What's Berlin ike? Send me some photos! See you back at college next month. simon "Ym sending you some photos of the family I'm staying with in Salamanca, They've gota daughtor the same age as you (her name's Bianca). She ‘speaks English quite well, but we usually speak Spanish together. She inroduced me to some of her fiends and | speak Spanish to them, too ‘some of the time, not always! How's your job in the supermarket? Hope you're not working too hard and you're saving lots of money?! . ‘Soe you next week. "WRITING SKILLS Correcting mistakes Look at the pairs of sentences A-D. Which pair has mistakes in... ? [eremmar — ]punctuation marks Bspeting Ceepita eters 1 Hope youre both well and youre enjoying the 2. Ate you having a good time in Beri B 1 Jmin$alamanca, in Spain. 2 "The classes are very goad and we also watch Spanish Films. © 1 having a great time here and the time Foing much too quick. 2. She speak English quite god, but we are usually speaking Spanish together. D 1 Herare some fotos of my group onthe , Spanish corse. 2 We'e al from diferent SUAS, so we usually speak English ‘D Match the rules with mistakes in five of the sentences in 3a (A1-D2). 1 The present continuous is formed be + verb + -ing. 2 When we leave aut a letter, we write an apostrophe ” 3. We use the present simple to talk about habits 4 Ifa word ends in -y, we change it to -ies in the plural 5 Place names start with a capital letter. © Correct all of the mistakes in the sentences. in 3a, Check your answers in Simon's emails. EAWRITING @ Write an email to a friend or family member who you don't see very often. Write about: + how you are «what's new for you (the place you'te lving or the people you're spending time with) + what you'e doing these days Work in pairs. Exchange emails and read your partner's email. Circle their mistakes and write these letters at the end of the line. grammar 6 * spelling Sp ‘© punctuation marks P © capital letters L © Work in pairs. Correct the mistakes in your ‘emails together. Read other students’ emails. Which email is fhe most interesting? Why? UNIT 1 Review and extension EE GRAMMAR Put the words in the correct order to make questions. 1 right / did / go / out / you f last? where / you / last / weekend / go/ did ? kind of / lke / you / what / do /TV programmes ? do /this school / know / wo / at / you ? you / how / play / sport / often / do ? you / do / what / at weekends / do / usually ? tired / you /are / today? b C® Ask and answer the questions in 1a, © Complete the conversation with the present simple or present continuous forms of the verbs. JACKIE. Hi Mur, MUM Oh, hi Jackie. Nice of you to call. You "(not eal) very often! JACKIE Oh come on, Mum! | 2 (work) really hard at University at the moment. | never 3___(have} time to call! And | “___ (send) you ernails all the time. MUM 1° (like) to speak to you and hear your voice, that al Your sister °__ (call me every weekend JACKIE Well, we ”. (speak) now. But the world © (change), Mum! Some of my friends never (phone) home. They just !°___ (email) or send a text | preferred how things were in the ast. MuM EAVOCABULARY @ Complete the sentences with the correct adjectives. 1 The flm was a—______ tat the beginning, but | didn't like the ending. 2 Weete some really d_______s food at the party. 3 They've got a nice house, but they ive in a really uy part of town. 4 Itwas @|________y day, so we decided to go to the beach. 5 Ibought a g— —_—_____s new dress to wear to my friend's wedding 6 He listens to really s__. any of the bands, 7 This summer, the weather here wash —— rained all the time, 8 Thisisap——— warm and sunny. ——e music ~ I don't know ——e-it _—t day for @ walk inthe park — it’s so Choose the correct answers. 1 | absolutely! fini love fotbal 2 My parents live abroad. | rarely / mainly see them. 3 I think American fms are absolutely/ realy good, but tey're rot brant - | normaly particulary go for a run ice or twice a week Urea fairly hate rock must love all spots, but tennis is especialy / normaly good. ¢ CQ Which sentences in 2b are true for you? "6 a Match sentences (1-4) with replies (ad) 1 Dive gota jecket ke yours. 2 (What was the film like? 3 Ll enioy visiting countries with a lot of history, like Si} 4 [We can go for a walk later if you lik Yes, that would be great. bb And Italy! Me too. © Yes, this style's popular at the mament, I thought it was alright, but my fiend hated i b Match the expressions in bold from 3a with t meanings (a-d). ‘2 what was your opinion of similar to © ifyou want d for example © Complete the sentences with the words in bold from 3a: 1A ts your university different from others in your Na, i's most of the others We can meet tomorrow (OK — come to my flat for a coffee. Do you want me to bring something to the dinner ost Yes. Bring something sweet, some ice cr==" ‘We went to that new restaurant yesterday. 2 2 wraorara> =e We often use /ike with the verbs look and sounc Look at the examples. ‘= saying people or things are similar John looks like his brother — they're both tal wath. J think this new song sounds like The Beats, ‘+ saying what you think will happen il It fooks tke it might rain — is very cloudy. + ing your opinion from what you heard or read | spoke to Sare yesterday. It sounds ike she a 2 = 000 holiday. Complete the sentences with the correct forms = ook lke or sound lke 1 ft their ist album. eal ike it 2 Sam invites Tom tothe party. So it hell come 3 You don't your sister. She's very tal 4. That was the lst bus. it wel have to wall Bea Aaa tay unit? Write 3, 2 or 1 How well did you do in t for each objective. 3= very well 2=well ot so well 1 CAN ‘Ask and answer personal questions Talk about how you communicate Greet people and end conversations Write a personal email oooa ERIE eee ee easy cen foeateesy EE READING AND LISTENING @ CB Ask and answer the questions. 1 Where do you like to go on hl 2 Do you like to try new things on holiday? What? 3. Can you think of any kind of holiday you wouldn't enjoy? b Read Yes Man changed my life and answer the questions, 1 What is Danny Wallace's book, Yes Man about? 2 What did Richard do after he read Yes Man? © Read Day One and Day Two and then answer the questions, Day One 1 Why did Richard go into the travel agent's? 2 What holiday did he book? » 3 Did he book the kind of holiday he usually likes? | n 4 When was his fight? Day Two 1. Why did Richard go tothe beach? 2 How was the weather? 3. What did he buy at the beach? 4. What is he going to do on Day T }2e7 How does he feel about it? @ Ch Would you lke to try water skiing? Do you think Richard wil enjoy it? @ GEA Listen to Richard describing day three. Are sentences 1-5 true (7) or false (FY? Correct the false sentences. 1. The class began with lesson before they went out to 2. Richard fet fine when they went out on the boat 3 He found it ificut pon the water skis 4 He hated water skiing. 5 When he got back to the hotel, he went to bed: ( Clr Can you think of a time when you were surprised you enjoyed something? EX GRAMMAR Past simple: positive @ Underline the past simple form of these verbs in the article become feel decide start ask do change have want get see sleep go arrive give 1b Which verbs in 2a end in -ed in the past tense? How do the other verbs change? You can find a list of irregular verbs on p.176 © Complete the sentences with the past simple form of the verbs in brackets IatLe as a waiter for a day, forna money. (work) | Sper a day fishing with five Greek fishermen, (spend) | slag) at a beach party unti six in the morning, (stay) | usta dancing competion. (win) | 40k the same boat trip three times. (take) | scat) swimming at midnight. (go) 1 2 3 4 ere Ue age a SEE Soe A eg CUA eee eed Cue esa etn Sue aera Cee ee UL Le Cae ee ieee nie Ecsta It's fantastic story, When I fins Caen ke a Dee Te el Round Beant what happened. ELLISTENING a GABA Which of the activities in 2c do wih think Richard enjoyed? Tell a partner. List and check, b GIA Listen again. What is Richard question? Do you think he will say y no? Why? ¢ Clb Ask and answer the questions. 1 Do you ever say yes when you don't war’ When? 2. Would you like to be a ‘Yes Man’ for a w Why / Why not? Istarted,on Saturday moming. At 10 am, | Gol my frst question. |}, saw a poster inthe window of a travel agent’. It sai, “Tied?” (Yas =I slept badly the night before, so | was tired). Under ths, it said, ‘Do you need a holiday?” (Yes, definitely) So | went in. ‘The travel agent asked me where | wanted to go. But before | could answer, she said, “Somewhere hot?” | dont ike hot weather, but! sad, “Yes. ‘Abeach haliay? Maybe in Greece! don't ike the beach. | prefer cities. But I sad, “Yes.” “What kind of accommodation? A hote? Ora...” ‘hate hotels, but before she could continue, sad Yes” Five minutes later everything was read. My fight was the nextday. 5 | arrived at my hotel on the island of Zante at lunchtime. It was, > very, very hot. | ust wanted to check in and unpack my suitcase, but the receptionist sad, "We have a minibus tothe beach in ten minutes. Do you want to go?” You know the answer | gave her. twas about 40°C at the beach, Luckily! brought suntan lotion. A man came towards me: “Sunglasses? Do you want sunglasses?” {had some in my bag, but said, “Yes.” Five minutes later, another man came: "Beautiful hat, sir?” | tried nat to look at him Three hours later, | had two pais of sunglasses, three hats. a watch and a woman's necklace. It was difficuit to cary all my new things back to the minibus, | decided: no trips tomorrow, just rest. When | got bak, the receptionist asked, “Did you like the beach?” | didn't, but I said, “Yes.” “Oh, there's a water skiing course tomorrow. Do you want me to book a place for you?" | can't swim very well anc I don't ke the sea. | wanted to cry GRAMMAR Past simple: negative and questions @ Complete the sentences with the words in the box. was didn't did weren't 1 Some of my experiences “195 very good, 2 | dite? ike the mosquitoes that bit me. 3 you have a good week? 4 What 22 your favourite thing? Look at the sentences in 4a and answer the questions about the past simple. 1 Which sentences include the verb be? 2 How do we make negatives and questions ‘with the verb be? © with other verbs? GB Now go to Grammar Focus 2A on p.i44 EXPRONUNCIATION -ed endings a @MAA Listen and tick (V) the verbs which have an extra syllable when we add -ed. change > changed play > played =) need > needed [) ask > asked decide > decided [] want > wanted [2] sat > stared b Complete the rule with two sounds. ed endings are pronounced with an extra syllable fi after and only : ¢ GEA Which of the verbs + -ed in the box have the extra /id/ syllable? Listen and check. waited included arrived looked watched shouted smiled stopped ended believed TA VOCABULARY Tourism a C2 What useful holiday items can you see on these pages? What else do people normally take? b B Now go to Vocabulary Focus 2A on p.133 SPEAKING @ Think of a holiday you enjoyed. Think about your answers to these questions, ‘= When did you go? ‘+ Where did you go? ‘+ Was it your first time? ‘+ How long did you go for? ‘+ Who did you go with? * What kind of accommodation did you stay in? * Did you do any sightseeing? * Who did you meet? * Did you bring back any souvenirs? b CX Tell your partner about your holiday. “s Listen to your partner and ask questions. | | Settee) ei o EN em a cy Veer y] CREE wri ait HE VOCABULARY Travel collocations a CB Look at the list of ways to travel. Which do you prefer? Why? © car © bus * train * plane» coach — «on foot b C2 Look at the travel problems in the pictures. Which situation do you dislike most? © D> Now go to Vocabulary Focus 2B on p.134 FALISTENING a C2 Look at the picture and the headline, What do you think happened? Woman angry after flight in toilet ‘(@IHEA Listen to the woman describing her experience. Were your ideas in 2a correct? DIE Listen again. What does the woman say about ... ? + her journey to the airport * boarding the plane * what the fight attendant said happened when she was inthe toilet ‘© how she feels about what happened now d CX Do you believe the woman's story? Why? / Why not? 20 unit 2° GRAMMAR Past continuous READING AND SPEAKING a @IEM Listen and complete the past continuous a © Read the headlines and look at the pictures. verbs in the sentences. What do you think happened to the travellers? 1 ft____ hen eft the house. 2 When I boarded the plane, all the olher passengers : j —— forme. Did you mean — 31 ‘my book, when one ofthe fight C *2) attendants spoke to me ae apri’ stared ate a ee Swedish tourists miss Underline the past simple verbs in sentences 1-4 in 3a, their destination € Look at the sentences in 3a again and answer the by 600 km questions. 4 1 Which action started first in every sentence? (past simple or past continuous?) 2 Think about when and wy the past continuous See action stopped in each sentence. White the sentence Coach passengers asked to fe get out and push stopped because of the past simple action. — [J] stopped some time after the past simple action. [J] dB Now go to Grammar Focus 2B on p.144 @ @BBa Pronunciation Listen to the sentences. Notice which words are stressed. 1 Itwas ining 4 We were giving fat 2 temas raining 5 We weren't diving fast 3. Was't raining? 6 Were we criving fast? munication 2B. Student A: go to page p.127. { © Listen to the sentences in 3e again. Do the oo B: mn 128. eae vowel sounds in was and were sound the same in all the sentences? ¢ Caw Tell your partner your story. Use the questions to help you. g MEM Listen to five more sentences. Do you hear . es ‘were they going? was, wasn’t, were or weren't in each? aes ey tae Ee h Complete the sentences with the past continuous ee ae oa were on holiday in + Who helped sove the problem? How? Italy. They .. or past simple forms of the verbs in brackets. Raed neces ee 1 The train (leave) the station, when |__—(eealise) was on the wrong train. ¢ C@ Which journey do you think was worse for the 2 When |___(ravel) around Australia, travellers? | (lose) my passport. 3. |_(cun) for the bus when my bag (open) @ Think of a time you had a difficult journey. Think about ‘and al my things (aout your answers to these questions. 4 |__—_ (drive) toa family wedding when my + Where were you going? «What went wrong? ee (stop) working. + How were you travelling? «What happened in the end? 5 Someone (steal) ry bag when tap) In the dete tone chee { C2 Work in small groups. Tell the group about your journey. i Ca Have you had any similar experiences to those in 3h? When | was travelling to Florida, we ‘waited for ten hours in the airport Then they sent us to a hotel. Wosie g CW Who in your group has had the worst experience on ...? + apiane’ + attain» abusora coach a ta aa AAU What time’s the next train? Leam to ask for information in a public place eee Fer Oar Cc LISTENING ‘a CR What kind of information do people ask for in these places? Think of two kinds of information for each place. + train stations + tourist offices + airports b Cit Look at the picture. Where is Annie? What information do you think she is asking for? ¢ @IEM Watch or listen to Part 1 and check your ideas in 1b. d © Watch or listen to Part 1 again. Answer the questions. 1 When does the next train to Birmingham leave? How often do the trains leave? Which platform does the Birmingham train leave from? Which day will Annie come back? How much is Annie's ticket? £22.10 youre o What does Annie want to get from the ence newsagents? 9 Isp 99 EAUSEFUL LANGUAGE Asking for information in a public place a @iEA Match 1-6 with af to make questions from Annie's conversation. Then listen and check. 1 What time's a isa ticket? 2 [E}How often b pay by card? 3 [E]Could you tell me where c the ticket office is? 4 [g]How much d the next train? [can @ do the trains leave? 6 [E]where can f buya magazine? b Gila Listen and complete the questions the assistant asks. 1 Yes, how aa. help you? 2 Isthere can help you with? © Complete the dialogue with words from the box. what time where can! can! how much could you tell me a /.e where the museum is, please? B Yes, i's not far. It's by the river, Look on the map — here. A see. And ?_ute! 1s does it open? B_ From 8am til 4 pm. Ae isa ticket? B For adults, i's £14 ae buya ticket? B. | can sell you a ticket here, or you can buy one at the museum. A. Oh, I" buy one here. ©_“a_1_ pay by card? B_ Ofcourse ~ that's no problem: d @lmM Listen and check. Practise the dialogue, EX PRONUNCIATION Joining words a ©EA Listen to the questions and look at the letters in bold. ‘© Where can | buy a magazine? © How much Isa ticket? 1 Underline the correct word to complete the rule. There is/ isn'ta pause between words when a consonant sound comes before a vowel sound. 2. What sound exactly do the letters in bold in each question make? b Underline the letters and spaces where there isn’t a pause. 1 Isanyone siting here? 4 Doyou want a drink? 2 Could Isitnext to you? 5 Where do you get off? 3 What are you reading? 6 Can | have your email address? ¢ @IEA Listen and check. d Cm in pairs, ask the questions in 3b and answer with ° your own ideas. EA CONVERSATION SKILLS Asking for more information Look at the underlined phrases. Do the phrases show that the speaker wants to... ? 1 end the conversation 2 ask something else ANNIE Sorry just one more thing, ASSISTANT Yes, of course. ANNIE Could you tell me where the ticket office is? ASSISTANT Is there anything else I can help you with? ANNIE Actually there is one more thing, Where ccan | buy a magazine? b GE Listen to the phrases and repeat. ¢ CB Work in pairs. Student A: you are a tourist officer. Student B: you are a tourist in town. Use the dialogue below, and ask two more questions. A B How can help you? Can youtell me where) a Sebastain ease? J Of course. “ttsjustround |, ieee ‘And what time do the 2 buses to London leave? Every hour. Here's a timetable. Is thes > Sorry. just one more thing. When / Where / How much ... ? a ~, scavteciate a ‘More thing. What / How / wa) How often... ? d CW swap roles. Do the dialogue again. UNIT Ps EALISTENING a CB Look at the picture from Part 2. Why do you think Annie runs back to the assistant? b @imB Watch or listen to Part 2 and check your ideas. What mistake did Annie make? What is her last question? ¢ CB Have you ever made a silly mistake lke Annie? What happened? GISPEAKING a D Communication 2C Student A: go to 6b below. Student B: go to p.128. Student A 1b Look at Card 1. Think about what you want to ask. EF ou nee to book a train tet © @ =f into Manchest /in the mong? ew fen tains to Manchester? Sto adut cts? ; = pay by card? 1199092 - 9. ere lave luggage? + ete the wating oom? © Listen to Student B and reply. Find out the information you need. Now look at card 2. Start the conversation with Student B. Say ‘How can | help you” (2) vou are tourist guide in Warwick + castle i in the centre of town ‘+ opening hours 10 am-6 pm + prices: adult £30.60, child £25.80 ‘buy tickets atthe castle or online + tours every hour ‘visitors can bring food, but many places to buy food | acs AY CUES (mate Ce Ie CC a Rc ee KING AND LISTENING ¢ (MEG Listen again and answer the questions, - 1 How is Tim planning to get to his hostel? a CA Look at thé pictures of Indonesia. Ask and 2 What were the problems with Karen's flight to Jakarta? ‘ony answer the questions, 3. How does Karen describe Indonesian traffic jams? 1 What can you see in the photos? 4, How did Karen feel about the storms in Indonesia? 5 Why 2 What do you know about Indonesk Karen write 3. Have you been there? Would you lke ‘ to go there? Why / Why not? d (Ask and answer the questions. 1 Doyou write @ blog? 3g oF diary when you travel? Do you know b Listen to Karen talking to her nephew someone who does? Tim about Indonesia. Answer the questions 2 Do,you like reading blogs? Why / Why not? 1. Why i Tim phoning Karen? 2 When did she travel to Indonesia? READING 8: Which etre thngs inthe potogaprs@-o ina °° EAI READING me oon fo Tin? @ Read Tim's travel blog about arriving in Jakarta, Indonesia. Tick (7) the topic he does not write about, his Might to Jakarta the people * animals © food + the weather © tourist places + the traf Indonesian Adventure JAKARTA - EVENING | We've arrived and it’s really exciting! It was a long flight, but I slept most of the way, so I’m not tired, When I got off the plane, I noticed the heat first ~ 32 degrees! It’s really humid, because this is the rainy season. Everything they say about the roads in Jakarta is true! When we left the airport, there was a hiige traffic jam, Tttook a very long time to get to the cenire of town, We got a taxi to the hostel (where we're staying). The taxi driver was very friendly, but he didn’t speak much English. I just showed him the address of the hostel on a piece of paper and he brought us here. I think we paid him too much, because he seemed very happy when he drove away! ‘Sam's telling me to get ready to go and eat, so [have to finish now — more tomorrow.

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