Opposing Muscle Group Workout

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Opposing Muscle Group Workout

**Warm up with 5 minutes of low impact cardio while keeping heart rate at about 130 beats per minute (very fast walk) the
treadmill, using the elliptical or stationary bike is fine-COOL DOWN WITH 20 minutes of the same low impact cardio-This is a
must! Stretch ONLY AFTER WORKOUT NOT BEFORE! Follow stretching diagram. Do 1 set per exercise to complete failure
while remembering weight is not as important as the pump. I want you to only rest 45 seconds between sets while resting only 90
seconds between exercises. The purpose of this workout is to pump as much blood as possible into both sides of the muscle to force
the facia to expand and grow which means bigger muscles! Super set exercises in the same color as each super set is considered one

Day 1: Chest, Back, Calves

Incline dumbbell presses 5sets 15
Wide grip pull downs
Flat dumbbell press 4sets 15
Rear dumbbell laterals
Incline dumbbell fly 4sets 10 reps
Bent over barbell rows reverse grip
Cable cross overs 3sets 10 reps
Reverse grip pull downs
Cable Sweeps 3sets 15 reps
Standing calve raise 6sets of 30 reps

Day 2: Hams, Quads

Leg extension 4sets 20
Laying leg curl
Barbell squats 4sets 15 (careful first time/sets)
Dumbbell stiff deads
Leg press feet narrow 4sets 15 reps
Laying dumbbell leg curl
Walking lunge 3 sets 15 steps each leg (not super set)

Day 3: Cardio and abs

40 minutes of low impact cardio while keeping heart rate at about 130 beats per minute
Decline bench leg lifts 3 sets 30 reps (not super set)
Incline torso twist 3 sets 30 reps (not super set)
Bicycle crunch 3 sets 50 reps (not super set)

Day4: Arms, Calves

Seated dumbbell curl 4sets 15
Dumbbell skull Crushers
Barbell curl 4sets 15
Reverse grip cable pushdowns
Hammer Curl 4sets 15
Rope pushdowns
Seated calf raise 6 sets of 20

Day 5:Shoulders, abs

Seated military press (plate loaded shoulder press) 4sets 15
Dumbbell side laterals
Dumbbell front raises 4sets 15
Close grip grip upright rows
Dumbbell Arnold press 3sets 15 reps
Dumbbell shrugs
Smith machine shrugs (close grip-hands 3 inch apart) 3sets 15 reps
Floor crunch 4sets 50 reps
Decline leg lifts 3 sets 30 reps

Day 6: OFF

Day 7: OFF

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