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FrameForge Demo FrameForge Demo

01 M.C.U. Following Mrs. Sandoval M.C.U. Opens door

We follow Mrs. Sandoval as she walks to Dave's Mrs. Sandoval opens the door

cam height: 5' 1" | focal len: 19.4mm | view: 57° cam height: 5' 1" | focal len: 19.4mm | view: 57°

FrameForge Demo FrameForge Demo

01 L.S. OTS- Mrs. Sandoval 02 M.S. Boys Ignoring mom

Mrs. Sandoval sees the boys playing Establishes the boys are playing a video game

cam height: 5' 1" | focal len: 19.4mm | view: 57° cam height: 3' 3" | focal len: 19.4mm | view: 57°

FrameForge Demo FrameForge Demo

03 M.C.U. OTS 04 M.S. Justin looks at Mrs. Sandoval

Mrs. Sandoval shakes her head. Justin stops playing real quick to say hi

Line: All you boys do is play video games

cam height: 5' 1" | focal len: 19.4mm | view: 57° cam height: 3' 3" | focal len: 19.4mm | view: 57°
FrameForge Demo FrameForge Demo

05 C.U. Justin greets Mrs.Sandoval 06 M.S. Mrs. Sandoval Speaks

Line: Hi, Mrs. Sandoval Line: Dave, I’m leaving to the groceries. Emma's
playing in her room. I'll be back, okay?

cam height: 4' 5" | focal len: 41.4mm | view: 28° cam height: 4' 1" | focal len: 24.4mm | view: 46°

FrameForge Demo FrameForge Demo

07 C.U. Dave responds 08 M.S. Justin looks at TV

Without looking at her, too focused in game The boys are still vigorously playing

Line: Yeah, sure thing.

cam height: 4' 1" | focal len: 36.4mm | view: 32° cam height: 3' 3" | focal len: 19.4mm | view: 57°

FrameForge Demo FrameForge Demo

09 M.S. Boys win 10 M.C.U. Mrs. Sandoval leaves

The boys jump up in excitement as they win a match The boys celebrate while Mrs. Sandoval exit

cam height: 4' 9" | focal len: 21.4mm | view: 52° cam height: 5' 6" | focal len: 36.4mm | view: 32°
FrameForge Demo FrameForge Demo

11 C.U. Dave asks Justin 12 C.U. Justin asks Dave

Line: New match? Line: You know it! Start it up!

cam height: 4' 2" | focal len: 41.4mm | view: 28° cam height: 3' 10" | focal len: 30.9mm | view: 37°

FrameForge Demo FrameForge Demo

13 M.S. They agree 14 C.U. Introducing Gunking

Dave: Okay! Okay! Line: Gunking? That's a stupid name

cam height: 3' 8" | focal len: 36.4mm | view: 32° cam height: 4' 2" | focal len: 41.4mm | view: 28°

FrameForge Demo FrameForge Demo

15 C.U. KD ratio 16 M.C.U. Fluke

Line: Dude! Look at his KD ratio! Dave: A 3.0?! I didn't even know that was possible on
this game...

Justin: Maybe it's just a fluke...

cam height: 4' 1" | focal len: 36.4mm | view: 32° cam height: 3' 8" | focal len: 36.4mm | view: 32°
FrameForge Demo FrameForge Demo

17 M.C.U. Losing Montage 18 M.C.U. Boys argue

Includes various shots of the boys losing and being Dave pushes Justin
Justin: Ow, what the hell, man!

Dave: I told you to cover me!

Justin: Oh, so now it's my fault you died camping?

cam height: 3' 8" | focal len: 36.4mm | view: 32° cam height: 3' 10" | focal len: 34.4mm | view: 34°

FrameForge Demo FrameForge Demo

18 Mrs. Sandoval texts 19 M.C.U. Dave looks at his phone

Dave is interrupted by a text message Line: Mom's back from the groceries we gotta go
help her.

cam height: 3' 10" | focal len: 34.4mm | view: 34° cam height: 2' 9" | focal len: 33.4mm | view: 35°

FrameForge Demo FrameForge Demo

20 L.S. Boys walk out of room 20 M.S. Dave goes to Emma's room
The boys head downstairs We follow Dave as he walks up to Emma's door

cam height: 5' 1" | focal len: 19.4mm | view: 57° cam height: 5' 1" | focal len: 19.4mm | view: 57°
FrameForge Demo FrameForge Demo

20 M.S. He knocks on the door 20 M.S. Emma opens door

Line: Emma! Come help with the groceries! Line: I'm coming!

cam height: 5' 1" | focal len: 19.4mm | view: 57° cam height: 4' 5" | focal len: 19.4mm | view: 57°

FrameForge Demo FrameForge Demo

20 M.S. Following emma 20 M.S. Following Emma

Emma turns into her room as camera follows her Follows Emma to her chair

cam height: 4' 5" | focal len: 19.4mm | view: 57° cam height: 4' 5" | focal len: 19.4mm | view: 57°

FrameForge Demo FrameForge Demo

20 C.U. The game 21 M.S. Emma says bye

The shot ends on the TV screen where we see Emma Line: I gotta go now, guys. I'll get back on after
is playing the same game as the boys dinner.

cam height: 3' 1" | focal len: 19.4mm | view: 57° cam height: 3' 9" | focal len: 19.4mm | view: 57°
FrameForge Demo FrameForge Demo

22 M.C.U. OTS Emma leaves 22 M.S. Emma leaves

Emma takes off her headset Emma walks off the shot as the camera zooms into
the TV

cam height: 3' 3" | focal len: 19.4mm | view: 57° cam height: 3' 3" | focal len: 19.4mm | view: 57°

FrameForge Demo

22 E.C.U. Big Reveal

We see Emma's gamer tag, which reads

The film fades to black

cam height: 3' 3" | focal len: 19.4mm | view: 57°

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