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Lesson title: Healthy interaction with others

1. The SELF and family

2. The SELF and friends

3. The SELF and “strangers”

Lesson Objectives: At the end of the lesson, Students are

expected to:

1. Identify the role of family and friends to a depressed person.

2. Recognize his/her own personal boundaries and understand the

importance of healthy interaction with others.

3. Understand the Self with strangers and detect who are safe

strangers and those who are not.



White Board Marker, White Board

Laptop, or Cellphone, Internet
















Friends! Friends! Anywhere we gain friends! But we should be selective in accepting friends, we might

a lot of them, but we should keep whose good, honest, loving and concern friends. It is not on quantity
but it

is on quality.


1) What a pleasant day to everyone! How are you? I hope that you’re doing well with your studies! Did

read something about our new lesson?

Are you friendly?

Do you stablish good and long lasting relationship with your friends?

Do you bring your friends at home to be acquainted with your family?

Our lesson for today is about friends, are you a good friend? How true are you to your friends? Today

you will know if your good enough to your friends.

Activity No 1: What I Know Chart, part 1 (3 minutes)

This is to measure your before and after knowledge about sociology. Answer the questions below by

writing your ideas under the first column What I Know. It’s okay if you write key words or phrases that

you think are related to the questions.

GEN 002 Understanding the Self (UTS)

Lesson #15

Name: _________________________________________________

Section: _______________________________________

Schedule: _____________________________________

Date: ______________

What I Know

Answer this now

Questions: What I Learned (Activity 4)

(Answer this after you learn

something in the lesson)

Do you need friend that is

always around?

Do physical appearance

important in selecting friends?

Does socio-economic status

matters to you in getting


Are more numbers of friends

better than of quality of friends?


The Self and the Family The Self with Friends The Self and Strangers

GEN 002 Understanding the Self (UTS)

Lesson #15

Name: _________________________________________________

Section: _______________________________________

Schedule: _____________________________________

Date: ______________

Social Needs – Our need for interaction and contact with friends

and family

All people have the need for emotional and interpersonal

relationships with other people. We were born to interact with

others – we are mammalian creatures. In order to avoid problems

such as loneliness, depression, and anxiety, it is important for

people to feel loved and accepted by other people. Personal

relationships with friends, family and our partners play an important

role in our day to day functioning. During this article I will talk about

our social needs and how the differences in our social needs can lead to all kinds of communication
Some of the things that can satisfy our social needs include romantic relationships, friendships and

I will start this article by talking about friendship. The word friendship can mean different things to

people. The number of friends and the number of interactions with these friends will also differ for each
of us.

Making friends is something that might come easy for some yet is quite difficult for others. Good friends

you and give you a platform to be yourself. The amount of social interaction you will need will depend

you. Once you enter into a relationship, your need for individuality and friendships will not just go away,

especially if you are a very social person. Locking yourself away from friends could do more harm to you

relationship than good.

One of the biggest challenges for couples is to determine how to spend their time. Because we are so

busy with work, we spend less and less time with our family and friends. I am of the opinion that you
need to

spend time with yourself, with your family and with your friends. Try to find a healthy balance. I believe

that as long as time apart from your partner does not surpass your time together, spending time with
friends is


During my work with couples, the first problem I encounter with regards to friends is a lack of good

boundaries. You should always remember that people don't have the same boundaries as you. Time
with your

friends is important but within acceptable boundaries. Never spend more time with your friends than
with your

family. Make sure that the boundaries are reasonable and clear.

The second problem that we encounter is when couples have friends of the opposite sex. It is not

recommended to spend time with friends who you know make your spouse feel uncomfortable –
especially if

you have friends of the opposite sex. There can be some high risk areas to avoid. Make sure that you put

clear boundaries with your friends of the opposite sex. Your number one priority is towards your family.
for your relationship is very important and should never take a back seat.

As a couple it is very important to spend time with each other – quality time. We live in very busy

times, and sometimes we put all our needs aside to take care of work, forgetting that we need to spend

time with our partner and children. When you feel that you and your partner spend enough time
together, time

spent with friends is more welcomed. You need to make social time for you and your partner to have
fun together.

You also need to make time to spend with your children and to have fun as a family. FUN is a very

part of social interaction and the value of fun should never be overlooked. Also make sure to spend the

amount of time with yourself.

GEN 002 Understanding the Self (UTS)

Lesson #15

Name: _________________________________________________

Section: _______________________________________

Schedule: _____________________________________

Date: ______________

Remember that as mammalian creatures we need to be part of a group. Isolation from family and

friends can cause harm to your relationship because we need interaction between us and society. With

boundaries, the interaction can be supportive and loving and it can aid to the happiness in your
relationship. A

word of caution: don’t let too many people have an impact on your relationship. Too many opinions can

make things more difficult.

Remember that their opinions and advice can be very subjective and might not be best for you. I would

now like you to take a moment to think about your friends. What does the word friendship mean to
you? How

many friends do you have? Are they single or in relationships? Are you currently not spending time with

or are you still going out regularly? Do you go out as a couple or alone? You should also ask yourself

your current friendships are life giving or life taking to your romantic relationship. If it’s not life giving
you are

going to have to change it. Make sure that you and your partner talk about your social needs. Be sure
what you

and your partner need – if your needs are not the same, try to negotiate a midway so that both people’s

can be met.

Activity No 2.

Directions: Personal boundaries are rules or limits that a person creates for themselves. Boundaries are

reasonable and safe ways for other people to behave around you and serves as a guide on how you

should behave around others. Fill in the circles with the items on the list of personal boundaries?

My Personal Boundaries

Activity No 3.

GEN 002 Understanding the Self (UTS)

Lesson #15

Name: _________________________________________________

Section: _______________________________________

Schedule: _____________________________________

Date: ______________

Directions: You read from many Facebook posts or watch from news a lot of teenage suicides caused by

depression. Healthy social interactions play a vital role in helping someone experiencing depression.

1. Conceptualize a picture that shows the role of the family and friends to a depressed person to prevent

him/her to commit suicide through a poster.

2. Make an explanation of your poster below the drawing.










GEN 002 Understanding the Self (UTS)

Lesson #15

Name: _________________________________________________

Section: _______________________________________

Schedule: _____________________________________
Date: ______________

Exercise No 3

Directions: Below is a tree without leaves. Fill the tree with leaves and within the leaves write something

describes the role of your family in nurturing/influencing your personality/self. Make the tree as

colorful and creative as you want.

Exercise No 4

Directions: Read and do what is asked.

A stranger is somebody you don’t know at all or somebody you don’t know very well. If all strangers

look the same whether they are good people or bad people how can we stay safe? To stay safe we need

learn all about Safe Strangers, Safe Places, and warning signs, and how to react if we think that we are in

GEN 002 Understanding the Self (UTS)

Lesson #15

Name: _________________________________________________

Section: _______________________________________

Schedule: _____________________________________

Date: ______________

danger. Safe strangers are people who can be trusted to help us in a public place when they are at work
doing their job. You cannot tell if someone is a safe stranger just by the way that they are dressed, how

look, or how they talk to you.

A stranger might know your name, your address, your friends name, pet’s name or many other

personal things about you but that does not make them a safe stranger! Some people that we don’t
know very

well or have never met before can be trusted to help us. For example, we don’t know the firefighters or

officers that come to our aid but we can think of them as safe strangers.

Some people can be thought of as safe strangers even though we don’t know them very well or have

never met them before. Firefighters and Paramedics are examples of safe strangers. Try to think of some

good examples of safe strangers and draw pictures of them in the space below. Also, don’t forget to

the question below.

Describe what is meant by healthy interaction with strangers and what could be its impact in shaping









Activity 4: What I Know Chart, part 2 (2 mins)

It’s time to answer the questions in the What I Know chart in Activity 1. Log in your answers in the table.

GEN 002 Understanding the Self (UTS)

Lesson #15

Name: _________________________________________________

Section: _______________________________________

Schedule: _____________________________________

Date: ______________

Activity 5: Checking for Understanding

Explain the importance of healthy social interaction with others to avoid depression.







Congratulations for finishing this module! Shade the number of the module that you finished.

Thinking about your learning

Give three (3) positive things that you’ve learn from the lesson.

1. ________________________________________________________________________________


2. ________________________________________________________________________________


3. ________________________________________________________________________________


From the learning that you get, what are your plans to change for the better “YOU”?





What more do you want to know and learn?





1. Do you accept strangers in your house during calamities like (typhoons, flood)?

Ans. Certainly yes! It is just proper to show concern to our fellow human beings especially those who are

in need. However, there should be a separate place where your family will not be affected if anything

untoward behavior occurs.

GEN 002 Understanding the Self (UTS)

Lesson #15

Name: _________________________________________________

Section: _______________________________________

Schedule: _____________________________________

Date: ______________

2. Is it right to tolerate wrong doings of friend?

Ans. No! A true friend should know how to stop friends who commit mistakes. On the other hand, as a

friend, you should know to obey heartfelt advice and concerns.


All exercises are opinionated. Answers may vary from person to person.

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