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Name: Redmond Paul O.

Nacorda (BSN-1B)


1. Provide a concise answer to the following questions:

a. What is mathematics?

Mathematics is a branch of science dealing with structures, orders, patterns and relationships
that developed from primitive methods of counting, measuring, and describing object shapes. It
engages with logical thinking and quantitative calculations. And since it has progressed, its
subject matter has become increasingly idealized and abstracted.

b. Where is mathematics?

Mathematics is in everything and everywhere. Simply because math is the code of the universe.
In symmetries, in fractals, in rotations, any pattern we see, any shape we observe, every
structure we form mathematics will always be there.

c. How is mathematics done?

Answering or solving questions that occur when engaging with mathematical problems is how
Mathematics is done.

5. What role is played by mathematics in following areas?

b. Psychology

It will enable you to conduct your own research, which will include planning quantitative
research studies, analyzing and interpreting data, and reporting your findings in order to
enhance psychology theory and practice. The development of your analytical and critical
thinking skills is aided by statistical information.

d. Music

Music holds a major presence in music development, and musicians are usually doing
this subconsciously nowadays. Pattern recognitions and progressive symmetry is present in good
music. Take Johan Sebastian Bach for example, he was known to use fractals for his fugues,
showing an innate mastery of a musical style that was subconsciously brought forth by his
affinity to music. The fact that there are limitless combinations of notes considering counting
principles in math shows how music still has boundless possibilities as of now, even when we
have tinkered with it for more than 2000 years already. Music never dies, and we have
mathematics to thank for it.

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