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- The fact that as close to five million people in our country only have a salary of 40
to 80 dollars a month; and thinking that this is not enough for them to survive in the
right conditions.
- With this project you can change the lives of people who are not lucky enough to
have enough economic possibilities, being a volunteer, packing food, or even
donating it can make us better people who not only see for their own well-being,
but also that of the rest.


- The main cause of the loss of trees is forest fires, mainly caused by hot climates,
objects that are flammable, and this turns the land into a portion that cannot be
- The goal of planting a million trees by 2022 is a very possible project when we
have the support of each one of us, use the advantages such as spreading this
campaign in news and networks such as journalism. With all this, saving the lungs
of the Earth is possible.


- This trend started with Steven Reinhold and just a photo of a before and after
picking up the trash, it became very popular reaching more than 74 publications
with the #trashtahg. Something that has helped a lot around the world to fight
- A fact that is associated with the psychology of how social networks affect people,
and if they are used in the correct way it can create a great impact on each of us,
since if it becomes popular, more people will join. to a good change for our world


- I was amazed at how a cup of coffee can contribute to society and make such a
difference in shelters that help people develop the skills necessary to fulfill the
American dream
- The fact that a career like journalism can help spread a news to such a level that
many people are aware of it, and become aware that just buying a cup of coffee
changes the lives of many people.


- I was surprised and at the same time saddened to know the fact that chimps are
seen only as an object of study, and people consider it normal.
Jane, who only at 26 years old created a foundation that helped chimps, and even
taught the world how we can learn from these animals, in her foundation she also
helped the natives who lived in the areas and taught them to live with these
animals in peace.


- The fact that 45 percent of the population of African women suffers from obesity, in
addition to the fact that they did not have the necessary tools to inform themselves
and do something about it; until the Girltreck program arrived.
- I am very interested that this program, in addition to helping African women, was
inspired by the steps of foremothers who walked for survival and liberation.


- I was inspired by the fact that a four-year-old child sets the example that no matter
how old we are, we can always do something for society, taking as an example
Austin who cares about people, and just with a sandwich makes the day of
unknown people
- The film fall can become a great support because it allows us to share real
situations with the world, such as the fact that a quarter of the population is
homeless all through movies.

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