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When I started to study the understanding the self subject in being first year college, I
frequently asked myself, "Do I really know myself?" Who am I? What type of personality do I
have, and what do people think of me? We have two types of selves that we display in certain
situations in our daily lives. The true and false self. True self, according to my understanding ,
is the self pertains to your real self whereas false self has a capacity to "hide" the real/true
self. I can describe my true and false self based on my personal experience and this
experience is between the love and the pride. There was a time when my best friend and I had
a little misunderstanding. We argue and hurt each other's feelings as a result. We decided not
to talk any more to each other after that. Since she really ignore me whenever I saw her, I have
done the same because I don’t want to show her that I am affected for what happened, even
though I miss her and desperately want to talk with her. My false self tells me to ignore her
because I don't want to compromise my pride, but my true self tells me to talk to her since I
care about her. So, my true self revealed the love within me by being a friend, and my false self
showed up when my pride caused me to refuse to speak to her because I respect her choices.
Napatunayan ko na talagang lahat tayo is may kanya kanyang tinatagong true and false self
na lumalabas sa ilang sitwasyon which happened everyday. Tama talaga yung sinabi ni
Donald Winnicott na we really try to impress people so that we tend to display our false self.
So, that’s mine, the true self of me is love and the false self is pride.

Which among the definitions of the 'self' hit you the most? Why? *

I just realized that being self-aware can help you to plan your personal development as a
human and make the best decisions for yourself also for others. After learning about the
various definitions of self, there is one that I always remember and consider to be one of the
finest for me. It is the "self is a thinking intelligent being who has the abilities to reflect and to
reason." This definition is based from philosopher John Locke. His idea of self relates with me
since, in my experience, being myself appears whenever I am reflecting and reasoning.
Reflection aids in the development of our personalities and the evaluation of their efficacy. It's
about positively examining what you do and why you do it, and then deciding if there's a better
or more effective way to do it in the future. Reasoning, on the other hand, is being yourself
because it includes testing for mental skills such as decision-making, analysis, and knowledge
of variables, all of which help you think more rationally, make better decisions, and have a
better understanding. In simple words, my reflection and reasons reflects myself. Diba kung
iisipin, bakit ka nagrereflect or nagrereason sa isang bagay? The answer, you are being
yourself. Pinapakita mo yung sarili mo in that process. Alam kong hindi lang ako, but I know
na marami sa atin na kapag once na magreflect and magreason, we are showing what our
inner self na siyang gumagawa ng decisions to dictate our actions. So once again I really love
that definition of self which is self is a thinking intelligent being who has the abilities to reflect
and to reason."
Among all the Philosophers who contributed in helping us understand ourselves, who of them
influenced you the most and why? Choose 3 Philosophers only. 

If you ask me who are my top three most influential philosophers who have contributed to
understanding the essence of self, I would choose Socrates, John Locke, and Rene Decartes,
who all relate the self in knowledge and mind of an individual. Socrates believed that self
knowledge is a perquisite to a happy and meaningful life. Also, he stated that UNEXAMINED
LIFE IS NOT WORTH LIVING. For me it is true because the real reason of being alive is when you
know your purpose in life and the meaning of your existence, this is when you are aware that
you need to build a meaningful self to have a meaningful life. So, before anything else, know
your purpose first. Another is John Locke who believed that self is consciousness which refers
to a person's consciousness of his or her own identity, which develops over time through
connection with others. We must all be aware of and possess sufficient knowledge in order to
construct and reflect ourselves. As I on the last video, we may found ourselves through thinking,
reflecting, and reasoning. Last but not the least is Rene Decartes who introduced that the proof
of self is when you think. So since he is pertaining to the inner self, yes it is true that self is when
you think. Why? Because I’ve learned that deep down, your self is your sense of who you are -
your identity. If the subject of your thoughts is you, you're thinking about your self. I am glad na
nakilala ko at naintroduce ng subject na UTS ang mga philosophers na yan though kilala ko na
yung iba before, because they really influence my perspective of self, their theories and
perception really caught my attention. Na oonga no? Self has different perceptions talaga. This
philosophers made me realized na hindi lang ako basta sarili ko, dahil sarili ko to, dapat aware
at alam ko kung sino ako at anong purpose ko. Because at the end, myself is the only one I can
rely on.

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