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Usage of public transportation should be encouraged

In 21st century, people use different type of transport on ground,

sea, and sky. Human had discovered a lot of different transport
vehicles like car, ship, and plane. Public transportation is one of the
transport systems and it should be encouraged. I totally agree with
this statement. I agree it with some reasonable viewpoints like price,
pollution, and risk.

First of all, prices of using public transport are one of the major
reasons. This is because not everyone will have the ability to afford
buying a vehicle. If owning a vehicle, we also need to pay a lot of
extra fees like road tax, petrol, and maintenance fee. The public
transport system in our country is above average level. We can use a
pretty cheap price to use public transport. For an example, Malaysian
only need to pay a few ringgits, then they can reach their
destination. Thus, prices of using public transport is one of the main
reason that affect people choices.

Furthermore, pollution cause by transportation is one the major

topic in our country during these few years. The government
encourage people to use public transportation instead of own
transport to reduce the pollution. Carbon monoxide that releases by
the vehicle will affect the amount of greenhouse gases, which are
linking to climate change and global warming. If people use public
transport as the major transportation, it will help a lot in reducing
the pollution cause by vehicle. Therefore, public transport should be
encouraged to solve the pollution issue.
Last but not least, risk is also one of the reasons of using public
transport. We just need to pay some money, then we reach our
destination. Compare to using own transport, people need to driving
themselves and increase the rate of facing accident. This is because
most of the vehicle accident is cause by personal factor. For instance,
Japan is country that have a very complete and developed public
transport system and they have lower risk of having a vehicle
accident. As a result, public transport should be encouraged to all
people because of it risk of having accident.

In a nutshell, public transport should be encouraged by these

reasonable viewpoints like price, pollution, and risk. Government
should put more effort on public transport in our country. This can
increase the economy in our country and solve a lot of problem that
is facing by our country right now.

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