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Difference Between Demonology and Demonolatry

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You probably came across these two terms while exploring different books on magic. Perhaps like myself you thought that this was only
a difference in writing of the same thing. But it’s actually not. Demonology and demonolatry are two completely different approaches to
working with demons.

What is demonology
Demonology can symbolize two things:

The study of demons

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Ritual magic that involves demons

The study of demons is not very controversial. Demons have been studied for centuries. Even philosophers like Aristotle and St.
Augustine had a lot to say about daemons and demons respectively. Today there are many historians who study magic and its role in
historical processes.

However, demonology can also stand for demonic magic that is practiced by real magicians. This ritualistic or ceremonial magic today
typically involves demons known through old grimoires such as The Lesser Key of Solomon and Grimorium Verum. Some of the more
popular demons are:


… and there are many others. In fact, there are 72 in The Lesser Key of Solomon alone. Magicians summon these demons to help them
with certain goals. They might summon Lucifer to reach spiritual enlightenment, or perhaps they will summon Mammon to provide
nancial assistance. So we can conclude that demonology is either the study of demons or practical magic involving demonic forces.

What is demonolatry

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Demonolatry is the worship of demons. A demonolator is someone who worships one or multiple demons like deities. There have always
been demonolators, and today some of them are worshiping ancient deities that were transformed into demons through negative
cultural in uences.

For example, Astaroth is a demonic version of the ancient goddess of fertility and warfare known as Astarte. But demonolators typically
prefer the demon-version of deities due to an emotional or spiritual bond or an aesthetic preference. In either case, demonolators can
perform demonic magic, but then the correct label for that activity is demonology, not demonolatry.

However, a magician who is not a demonolator will never worship a demon, while a demonolator does worship a demon. He/she might
have an oltar dedicated to a demon like Paimon and pray to it. Some demonolators hold festivities that are very similar to pagan ones,
except that instead of Thor or Odin they worship Lucifer or a different demon.

To put it in as little words as possible: demonology is the study of demons and magic that involves demons, while demonolatry is the
religious worship of demons. This might not seem like a large distinction, but it can be a bit embarrassing not knowing the difference in a
social circle that is lled with members of either group. So I hope this clears things up at last.

Astennu Sever
Practicing occultist and writer with a particular interest in summoning magic. I conduct summoning rituals for
clients - https://occultist.net/request-a-ritual/ To learn more about practical magick, get my latest book "The
Psy-Mage Compendium" on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3ouvops
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Obtain a deeper knowledge of magic with my latest book The Psy-Mage Compendium. Now available on Amazon. 


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Occultist.net shares information on magic, witchcraft and alternative spirituality. Readers will also nd plenty of valuable book reviews
and courses which may prove to be helpful for obtaining greater knowledge. – Astennu Sever, Owner and Chief Editor

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