SCIENCE 7 - First Week

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Miss Ellaine Jennica B. Fantilanan

Dear Lord and Father of all,

Thank you for today. Thank you for ways in

which you provide for us all. For Your
protection and love we thank you. Help us to
focus our hearts and minds now on what we
are about to learn. Inspire us by Your Holy
Spirit as we listen and write. Guide us by your
eternal light as we discover more about the
world around us.

We ask all this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Explain the
Describe the importance of
scientific attitude exhibiting
practiced by scientific
identified Filipino attitude in
and Foreign carrying out
scientists investigation

From the Latin word

“SCIENTIA” – ‘to know’
Science is …

Knowledge from Study

Science is …

Knowledge from Experiment

Science is …

Knowledge from Observation


From the Latin word

“TECHNE” – ‘craft or skill’
“LOGIA” - ‘study’
Check this out!
Light Bulb
Thomas Edison
Nicolas-Jacques Conte
Karl Benz
Alexander Fleming
Charles Baggage

This is a quote. Words full of
wisdom that someone
important said and can make
the reader get inspired.”
—Someone Famous
Scientific Attitude
v its an attitude that Scientist
should possess.
v a set of attitude that
students study science
should possess.
v A scientist that asks personal questions,
observes, reads a lot, seeks information,
and carries out experiment to satisfy his
curiosity. This scientist continues to
search for answers to explain what was
observed to predict possible results.
Critical Mindedness
v A scientist that has a consideration on
the hypothesis of another scientist.
v A scientist must continue experiments
that may (take years to accomplish) not
be successful right away.
v A good scientist should not give up.
Intellectual Honesty
v A scientist that can recognize the
contributions made by others in the
final formulations of a product or a
process. This attitude is very important
especially in this present world where
information is easy to get.
v Do not accept things blindly without
questioning. Develop an doubting
attitude to unless presented with
reliable data.
What scientific attitude is being described from the given situations below:

a. After doing the experiment Mario have found out that the result does not
conform to what he expected but manage to communicate exactly what has
happened in the result.
b. While investigating the development of a butterfly, Maria records every details
of her observation in her journal and tries to ask several questions why such
phenomenon happens.
c. Mia is struggling to solve 3 the problem in her science project but she never
quits and she tried every possible solution until she succeeded.
d. When acquiring information from the internet, we should always check
whether the information is of truth or not.
e. We should not confine ourselves from our own views and opinion, sometimes
opinions coming from others would be of great help to improve the things we
Thank you!
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