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He had accidentally hacked into his

company's server.
2. Despite multiple complications and her near-
death experience
3. Nobody loves a pig wearing lipstick.
4. You're unsure whether or not to trust him, but
very thankful that you wore a turtle neck.
5. 100 years old is such a young age if you
happen to be a bristlecone pine.
6. If I don’t like something, I’ll stay away from it.
7. his seven-layer cake only had six layers.
8. The tattered work gloves speak of the many
hours of hard labor he endured throughout his
9. Weather is not trivial - it's especially important
when you're standing in it.
10. Lets all be unique together until we realise we
are all the same.
11. He uses onomatopoeia as a weapon of mental
12. Toddlers feeding raccoons surprised even the
seasoned park ranger.
13. Carol drank the blood as if she were a
14. Nancy decided to make the porta-potty her
15. Erin accidentally created a new universe.
16. Written warnings in instruction manuals are
worthless since rabbits can't read.
17. Mom didn’t understand why no one else
wanted a hot tub full of jello.
18. The rusty nail stood erect, angled at a 45-
degree angle, just waiting for the perfect barefoot
to come along.
19. While all her friends were positive that Mary
had a sixth sense, she knew she actually had a
seventh sense.
20. The elderly neighborhood became enraged
over the coyotes who had been blamed for the
poodle’s disappearance.
21. I always dreamed about being stranded on a
desert island until it actually happened.
22. Last Friday I saw a spotted striped blue worm
shake hands with a legless lizard.
23. The small white buoys marked the location of
hundreds of crab pots.
24. Tom got a small piece of pie.
25. The knives were out and she was sharpening

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