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IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science


Salinity and Sulphate Concentration Mapping and Analysis: Sea Surface

at the Madura Island Context
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International Conference on Environment and Technology IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 469 (2020) 012105 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/469/1/012105

Salinity and Sulphate Concentration Mapping and Analysis: Sea

Surface at the Madura Island Context

Bakir Bakir1, Farah Adnia Zisykien2, Busro Akramul Umam3, & Abdul Munib4
Dept. of Information System. Islamic University of Madura, Pamekasan, 69317. Indonesia,
E-mail :
Dept. of Literature and Cultural Studies. Airlangga University, Surabaya, 60115. Indonesia.
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Dept. of Information Technology. Islamic University of Madura, Pamekasan, 69317. Indonesia
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Dept. of Islamic Education. Islamic University of Madura, Pamekasan, 69317. Indonesia
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Abstract: Seawater as the main raw material for making salt has the required chemical elements
and impurities. One of the elements that are needed such as chloride (Cl) and the impurity is
sulfate (SO4). In remote sensing the element of chloride can be analyzed through satellite imagery
by first estimating the salinity which is salts in sea water where there is chloride. Whereas
sulphate can also be analyzed through satellite imagery using the estimation model of the results
of previous studies. From the two data, seawater is mapped in the south and north side of Madura
Island to recommend better sea water based on chloride content and sulfate. The results of the
mapping obtained that the waters of the island of Madura better side than the waters of the North
side. Nevertheless waters of the north side is still quite good so it is still possible serve the
manufacture of salt.

Keyword: Mapping, Salt Pond, Remote sensing, Sulfate, Salinity, Madura Island, Landsat 8 OLI

1. Introduction
The main ingredient of salt manufacture most widely used by salt farmers is sea water [1]–[3] in
addition to the salty lake water, or soil deposits in the form of rock salt mine. The sea water is
evaporated using heat energy such as solar power, fuel, how to vacuum, sea water desalination either
by thermal energy or with a reverse osmosis membrane, electrodialysis (Ion exchange membrane)
[4]–[8]. The main element in seawater as salt forming is NaCl (Natrium Chloride). But there are other
compounds in seawater which has been classified as an impurity although relatively minor. Such
compounds include iron oxide (Fe2O3), calcium carbonate (CaCO3), calcium sulfate (CaSO4),
magnesium sulfate (MgSO4), magnesium chlorida (MgCl2) and potassium chloride (KCl). The
presence of these impurities will affect salt products, especially for high quality salt [6], [9]. Other
compounds have not been obtained in seawater other than NaCl (Natrium Chloride) as the main
compound in better salt. Even if there are salty and bitter tastes such as compounds of KCl (potassium
chloride) and MgCl2.

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International Conference on Environment and Technology IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 469 (2020) 012105 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/469/1/012105

Knowing the elements or compounds as raw materials for salt and impurity compounds in sea water is
very important. The information of these elements will be taken into consideration in determining the
sea water as a raw material for making salt so as to produce quality salt is good not only for household
salt but the salt industry [9]. Technique often used is through measurement in the laboratory by taking
samples of sea water. Samples were taken at some point as needed, the conditions of the area and the
resources available. So that for the needs of a very wide area sampling will be constrained by time and
resource efficiency. In this case there is a remote sensing technology capable of recording the earth's
surface with its variety of rides that one satellite [10]–[12]. Remote sensing techniques will record the
appearance of the object on the surface of the earth that will save the reflectance values or AOP data
(apparent optical properties) and absorption of the object or IOP (Inherent Optical Properties) data
[13]. Data recording results in the form of image which is processed and extracted into values as
needed [11].
The use of remote sensing techniques in mapping and estimating elements in seawater is very
effective [10], [14]. Besides, in the recording covering the wider region, with remote sensing will be
require less resources [12]. However, not all the elements in sea water may be estimated using remote
sensing techniques as it requires the signature value as a distinctive or unique value that represents the
value of the element [13]. The use of remote sensing techniques to estimate elements in seawater has
been implemented such as sea surface temperature [15], [16], sea surface salinity [17]–[20],
chlorophyll-a and TSS (Total suspended solid) [21]–[23] and sulfate at the sea surface [10], [24].
The purpose of this study is to map the waters on the island of Madura which is more suitable for salt
raw materials. The indicators used are sea surface salinity data which shows salts with the highest
salinity value, and sulfate data at sea surface as impurities. Both can be mapped using remote sensing
techniques [17], [19], [25]–[27], [10], [24], [28], [29].
2. Methodology
This study includes applied research. The process of estimation and mapping salinity and sulfate in
sea surface Madura Island performed by applying the algorithm model of previous research. Then
performed a descriptive analysis of the distribution of salinity and sulfate concentration as a raw
material recommendations which have better levels to less well.

2.1. Study area

This research was conducted in the waters of Madura Island, especially the waters in Pamekasan and
Sampang Regencies. Both districts are contributors to salt productivity covered in one landscape of
Landsat imagery, on Path : 118, and row : 065.
2.2. Data
The primary data used in this study are Landsat 8 OLI / TIRS images as an implementation of
algorithms to obtain sulfate and salinity data in the waters of Madura Island. Landsat 8 imagery is
downloaded on the page has been ordered through the page at path : 118 and row : 065 Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS C1 Level-2 where
taken on July 26, 2018. While secondary data is in the form of Madura Island land area boundaries.
To get the value of sulfate and salinity through the image takes the value of Rrs (Reflectance remote
sensing). In this case the image that has been downloaded subsequently processed by a variety of

International Conference on Environment and Technology IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 469 (2020) 012105 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/469/1/012105

The process carried out is to crop the image for the study area only, namely the waters of Madura
island in Pamekasan and Sampang regencies. Digital numbers in pixel image cropping results
converted into RRS by dividing the DN to 10000 and PHI [30] as an input value estimation algorithm
sulfate and salinity. Furthermore algorithm implementation sulfate and salinity to produce sulfate and
salinity values at each pixel image. The algorithm for estimating sulfate in sea surface using the
research results Muhsi [10] using Rrs value of band 5 of Landsat 8 OLI (Formula 1).

sul = 3055.5RrsNIR0,049 (1)

Where sul is sulfate that estimate and Rrs NIR is Rrs value of band 5 (NIR) of Landsat 8 OLI image.
As for estimating sea surface salinity using the Muhsi algorithm [31] the results of the development of
the Son algorithm [20][19] (Formula 2).

sal=10-0.0092×log10Kd+1.4903 (2)
Where sal is sea surface salinity that estimate and Kd is attenuation coefficient. Kd value Kd value
obtained through the input value of the MNDCI algorithm (Formula 3)

MNDCI = nLw555-maxnLw412,nLw443,nLw(490)nLw555+maxnLw412,nLw443,nLw490

Where MNDCI is maximum normalized difference carbon index, and nLw is spectral normalized
water-leaving radiance. Whereas to determine the value of Kd is using the following model
(Formula 4) :

Kd=100.70xMNDCI3+0.96xMNDCI2+1,14xMNDCI-0.25 (4)

Where Kd is attenuation coefficient and MNDCI is maximum normalized difference carbon index.
The image of the results of the algorithm implementation is converted to vector data such as SHP
files. SHP of salinity, sulfate and boundaries area of Madura island are overlayed to get information
about the suitability of sea water as a raw material salt of the content aspects of salinity and sulfate as
raw material impurities salt. So that will be mapped in accordance with the provisions in Table 1.

Table 1. Rules and Recommendations

Rules Recommendations
Salinity Sulfate
High Low highly recommended
High High quite recommended
Low Low less recommended
Low High very less recommended

Where will be mapped with high salinity color gradation and low sulfate is highly recommended as
the raw material of salt. High salinity and high sulfate color gradations are quite recommended, low
salinity and low sulfate color gradations are less recommended and low salinity and high sulfate color
gradations are very less recommended.

International Conference on Environment and Technology IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 469 (2020) 012105 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/469/1/012105

3. Salt Land Suitability Analysis

Research on salt, especially the suitability of the salt field has been carried out. As research conducted
Muhsoni (2012) [2] in Sampang District using data on sea water content and pond land as criteria.
The content of the sea water is ammonia (mg/l), acid sulfate (mg/L) and pH. While the data of pond
land in the form of embankment, water level, distance from the beach and reservoir. Whereas
Muhsoni (2013) [3] also conducted research in the Pamekasan Regency area with the addition of
criteria in the socio-economic aspects of salt farmers. For criteria elements contained in sea water is
still the same as previous research but on the criterion of pond there are additional criteria such as
channel capacity, availability of water pumps, sludge precipitate capability, capacity and condition of
sewer disposal. While the criteria of social and economic aspects such as age, education level, capital
adequacy, capital and information access capabilities involvement in salt farmer groups. In another
study conducted by Efendy (2013) [1] more emphasis on natural conditions. The study was
conducted to describe the natural conditions of an area that allows the creating of salt ponds. Whereas
in this study more emphasis was placed on aspects of the content of supporting elements and
impurities in sea water as raw materials for making salt.

4. Result and Discussion

The image data used are band 2, band 3 and band 5 of Landsat 8 OLI imagery. The image cropping
conducted for the study areas, namely the water of Pamekasan and Sampang regency both the south
and north side. From the results of these cropping then the pixel value be converted into waters Rrs
value. The results are shown in Figure 1.

Fig. 1 Rrs distribution map of the study area

Based on Rrs data (Figure 1) further implementation of the algorithm for estimating sea surface
salinity (Formula 2) and sulphate estimation algorithm (Formula 1), the result as shown in Figure 2.

International Conference on Environment and Technology IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 469 (2020) 012105 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/469/1/012105

The distribution of salinity tend to be high in the outskirts of the waters near the coast. For in areas
farther from the coast of lower salinity values. Whereas the highest sulfate value is in the waters north
of Madura Island. Although on the outskirts of the southern side of the high waters but does not
exceed the value that is on the north side. Both of these maps (a) and (b) they are presented in the
form of raster. To perform overlay image as the process of mapping the waters that have potential as a
raw material salt, then created a vector map to then be overlaid as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. distribution map of the salinities and sulfate

In Figure 2 it is shown that there are four overlay between high salinity with low sulfate, high salinity
with high sulphate, low salinity with high and low salinity sulfate with low sulfate. Furthermore, it is
mapped as a waters area are recommended and not recommended as a raw material for making salt
based on the main elements (salinity) and impurity elements (sulfate) as shown in Figure 3.

Fig. 3. Map of sea water recommendation distribution for salting

International Conference on Environment and Technology IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 469 (2020) 012105 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/469/1/012105

In Figure 3 above shows that there are four recommendations sea water can be used as the raw
material of salt from the aspects of the content of salinity and sulfate. In this case the content of high
salinity and low sulphate (recommended 1) highly recommended to be used as the raw material of
salt, high salinity and high sulfate (recommended 2) quite recommended, low salinity and low sulfate
(recommended 3) less recommended then low salinity and high sulfate (recommended 4) very less
recommended. The map also shows that the waters on the southern side of the island of Madura have
a dominant value of recommended 1 compared to the waters of the north side, especially in the waters
of Pamekasan Regency. While the waters on the north side are dominated by waters of value
recommended 2 even though on the south side there are also but not too broad. For waters the value of
recommended 3 is only found in the waters of the north side due to the high sulfate content and low
salinity in the rather deep waters. As for the waters of the value of recommended 4 equally found in
the waters of the north and south, but the most widespread is in the waters south side.
5. Conclusions
Based on the recommendation map obtained that the waters of the south side of the waters of the
island of Madura have the best sea water as a raw material salt. Of both districts Pamekasan and
Sampang, Pamekasan regency waters have a wider range of recommendations. While the waters on
the north side of the island of Madura based on salinity and sulfate aspects are quite good.

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