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Manohar Suman

8084735253 ||

Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering And Technology Sangrur, Punjab
Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science and Engineering | CGPA : 8.17 | 2018 – 2021
Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering And Technology Sangrur, Punjab
Diploma in Computer Science and Engineering | CGPA : 7.75 | 2015 – 2018
Oxford Public School Muzaffarpur, Bihar
Matriculation | CGPA : 9.60 | 2014 – 2015

Employee Tracker Application || || Node.js, Express js, EJS, MongoDB
• Employee Tracker is a Node application developed using node.js, Express js, EJS and MongoDB. This application is

developed for a business person to be able to view and manage departments, roles and employees in their company
in order to organize and plan their business. This application allows the business owner to monitor their employee
day to day task and he/she can also give remark to their employee progress.

Quick Notes - Chrome Extension || || HTML, CSS, JavaScript

• Quick Notes is a chrome extension that will let us to create notes and save important points from any website in

just one click.When user select any line from website there are two button pop up: Add to file and Save file.Now
User can add any number of lines by just selecting the line they want and clicking on Add to file button. And after
completion they have to just click on Save file button and all the lines will be saved as a text file in their system.

Weather App || || Python, Tkinter

• It is a window application build using Python GUI library Tkinter which provide weather information of cities. In

this app API is called whose response is in Jason form which is parse in user understandable data with the help of
Beautiful Soup.

• Programming Language: Python
• Web Development: HTML , CSS , Bootstrap , JavaScript , Node.js
• Database Languages: MySQL , MongoDB
• Version Control: Git
• IT Constructs: DBMS
• Development tools: Visual Studio Code , PyCharm , Microsoft Office
• Soft Skills: Excellent Communication and Interpersonal skills


• Courses: A Complete Python Programming Course by Udemy
• Courses: Node.js and API Development by Udemy
• Certificates: JavaScript Developer Certificate by freeCodeCamp
• Certificates: Front-End Development Boot Camp by FACE Prep


• 6 Star (2600+ Points) in Problem Solving and 5 Star in Python on HackerRank.

• Solved 150+ Problem Solving Questions on GeeksforGeeks.
• Actively working for Indian society for technical education (ISTE).

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