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College of Engineering and

Department of Agricultural and
Biosystems Engineering
Visayas State University
Visca, Baybay City, Leyte, Philippines\
Email:; Website:

ABEn 131. Introduction to Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering

1st Semester, AY 2020-2021

Course Exercise No. 1

The Biofuel Act of 2006
A Reaction Paper

Name: Ma. Derlina P. Mora Date Submitted: September 6, 2021

Degree and Year BSABE 1


The Republic Act 9367, also known as “The Biofuel Act of 2006,” is an act to direct the
use of biofuels, establishing for this purpose, the biofuel program, appropriating funds
therefor, and for other purposes. Approved on January 12, 2007. This act shall be known
as the “The Biofuel Act of 2006,” and shall hereinafter be referred to as the “Act.” The
purpose of this act is to develop and use indigenous renewable energy to reduce
dependence on imported oil; reduce toxic emissions such as greenhouse gases (GHG);
and ensure the availability of alternative and renewable clean energy without causing
any harm to the natural ecosystem, biodiversity and food reserves of the country.


Hereof, presenting the three important contents of the law in my perspective: (1) Section
2. Declaration Policy; (2) Section 5. Mandatory Use of Biofuels; and, (3) Section 11.
Role of Government Agencies.

First, in Section 2. Declaration Policy, states that the policy of the State is to reduce
dependence on imported fuels with due regard to the protection of public health, the
environment, and the natural ecosystems consistent with the country’s sustainable
economic growth that would expand opportunities for livelihood by mandating the use of

Second, the Section 5. Mandatory Use of Biofuels, herein, mandated that all liquid
fuels for motors and engines sold in the Philippines shall contain locally-sourced biofuel
ABEn 147. Laboratory Exercise No. 2

Third, Section 11. Role of Government Agencies, to ensure effectiveness of the NBP
implementation, the agencies concerned such as the Department of Finance (DOF),
Department of Science and Technology (DOST), Department of Agriculture (DA),
Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), and the Tariff Commission shall perform
their designated tasks and functions.

Shown above are the three important contents of the law from my point-of-view. Under
Section 2. Declaration Policy, and Section 5. Mandatory Use of Biofuels, I agree that the
usage of imported fuels should be lessened. Why is that? Our economy needs to
expand and explore other opportunities concerning the use of biofuels. Biofuels are
important because it replaces petroleum fuels which are not ecosystem-friendly and is
harmful to our Planet. Biofuels are generally considered as offering many priorities,
including sustainability, reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, regional
development, social structure and agriculture, and security of supply (Reijnders, 2006).
Biofuels should be the future alternatives of all petroleum fuels in every vehicle.
Moreover, together with the innovations and modernizations of our world, biofuels shall
be included for a less harmful and eco-friendly environment.

Further, provided, in Section 11. The Rule of Government Agencies, I agree that the
Department of Finance (DOF), Department of Science and Technology (DOST),
Department of Agriculture (DA), Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), and the
Tariff Commission, and/or other agencies not mentioned above should perform their
duties in line with the National Biofuel Commission (NBP) implementation program. The
DOF shall monitor the production and importation of biofuels through the Bureau of
Internal Revenue (BIR) and the Bureau of Customs (BOC); The DOST and the DA shall
coordinate in identifying and developing viable feedstock for the production of biofuels;
The DOLE shall ensure increased productivity and sustainable supply of biofuel
feedstocks. They shall create a program that would guarantee that a sufficient and
reliable supply of feedstocks is allocated for biofuel production; The Tariff Commission,
in coordination with the appropriate government agencies, shall create and classify a
tariff line for biofuels and biofuel-blends in consideration of World Trade Organization
(WTO) and ASEAN Free Trade Agreement (AFTA) agreements; and, The local
government units (LGU) shall assist the DOE in monitoring the distribution sale in use of
biofuels and biofuel-blends. Through these concerned agencies, the NBP
implementation program can disseminate in a smooth-flowing manner.


In conclusion, the Republic Act 9367, also known as “The Biofuel Act of 2006,” (1)
focuses on developing and utilizing the indigenous renewable and sustainably-sourced
clean energy to reduce dependence on imported oil. Moreover, this act also mitigates
ABEn 147. Laboratory Exercise No. 2

toxic and greenhouse emissions. With this, lesser harmful substances are present in the
natural ecosystem and biodiversity, living into a greater eco-friendly and safer
environment. (2) An increase rural employment and income through the help of
concerned agencies especially the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) could
bring less conflicts, job opportunities, and livelihood; and lastly, (3) the availability
assurance to the renewable clean energy and alternatives without any detriment to the
natural environment certainly gives off a healthy and balance interconnectivity among
living things.


As an aspiring future AB engineer, don’t be too lazy like you used to when you were in
junior and senior high school years, be productive as much as possible. Your effort
today will be the foundation of your future. Take it slowly, but nicely.


Republic Act No. 9367. (2007, January 12). Official Gazette.

Corpuz, P. (n.d.). USDA Foreign Agricultural Service. GAIN Report.

03. Policies. (n.d.). Biodiesel - Securing The Future of Philippine Industries.

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