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Task 4 Designing a lesson plan

Luisa Fernanda Arias Güiza

Code. 1096238123

Tutor: Dina Esperanza Bonilla

Group: 551023_3


Course: Teacher development

May- 2021


a. How important do you think a lesson plan is to a successful lesson? What features do you

think a lesson plan should include?

A Lesson plan it is very important because give to the teacher the structure of the class, help to

organize the criteria, strategies, the time what is going to use and the goals that want to achieve

with the students. When you have a very organize and structure lesson the thing in the classroom

goes well and you can previews some situations and find the better ways to give a good learning


The Lesson plan should include resources, strategies to use in class, clear achievements, the time

of the lesson, the three steps: warm up, activities to carry on the topic and the assessment part.

b. Do you think it is a good idea to strictly follow a lesson plan? Why?

No, the lesson plan helps a teacher to organize the topics and class, but according of what you

see in your classroom, the pre-knowledge you know what to teach and in what way according to

the needs of the students. The ideal would be to follow the lesson plan, but it is a bit complicated,

since situations may arise in the classroom that force us to modify our plan.

c. Some people think that lesson plans severely restrict teachers’ creativity. Do you agree?

Explain your answer.

Sometimes we are severely restrict in time, resources and topics, according to the age or the

skills the students have. As teachers, sometime we need more time to do different activities but

it’s ok when this is restricted it give us a change to be more organize and have the control of each

activity. It don’t restrict our creativity, this give us another look to be creative in short time with

another materials and resources.

Lesson plan

Date: May 23rd

Background Course Level: 6° - A1

Time: 45 minutes

Standard: : I can understand basic information on topics related to my daily activities and my

I can extract general and specific information from a short text written in a simple language.

Main Aims: To ask and answer questions about your personal information and use the present simple to
describe dailies routines.

Materials: Worksheet, PPT, video projector

Stage time & Aim Procedure

(Teacher and student activity)

Warm To give the students Each students will pass and share his/her personal information answering to these questions:
Up/Review an idea about present What is your name? How old are you? What do you want to be? And asking to another
simple and built the classmate.

Presentation To know the use of Teacher will explain when we use Present tense. Will talk about habits, likes and dislikes
the present simple and give some examples with their daily routine.
and build knowledge
with students.
Practice To identify Activity one:
vocabulary related to
daily routine. Listen the next daily routine and organize the sequences of it. Write numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
and 6 inside the little squares.
Activity two:

To understand 1.Read the next short text about Carlo’s daily routine. Circle with red color the action
messages in short verbs you find there. Write (T) if is true or (F) if it’s false.
writings and texts.

a. He wakes up in the afternoon. __________

b. Carlos takes a shower at 8:00am. __________

c. He goes to the school at night. __________

d. He eats lunch with his friends. __________

e. In the evening, he plays soccer. __________

f. Carlos takes a shower and go to sleep in the morning. _________

2. Read the sentences and choose the correct verb for each one.

a. Pedro watch/watches TV all the afternoons.

b. I take/takes a shower every morning.

c. I goes/go to school at 8:00am.

d. Allisa play/ plays football every afternoon.

e. I eat/eats breakfast at 7:30am.

f. Clara and Marco drink/drinks coffee at 4pm.

g. Dorothy sleeps/sleep at 9:00pm

h. We studies/study in the morning

Activity three:

Write the correct verb in the missing gap. Use the verbs from the box

a. Diana __________ to the gym every Monday and Thursday.

To recognizes the b. I ____________ basketball with my friends on Saturdays.

subjects and rules of
simple present. c. Laura, Karina and Pau ___________ tea in the afternoon.

d. He ____________ at 10:00pm on Friday.

e. We ______________ the pink panther every Sunday morning.

f. They ____________ donuts after the lunch every day.


In pairs, each one is going to tell his/her own daily routine and the
Recognizes and use things that like or dislikes. Three pair of students are going to share
some verbs to with the class the daily routine of the other classmate.
complete the
activities in their
daily routine.

Assignment The student is going to choose one famous he/she likes. He is going to create a daily routine
according to what they knew about the famous. It’s going to write 10 sentences and it will
do a power presentation or use a cardboard to present it in from of the class.
Research reflection

Through the years the teachers were characterizers to give the knowledge to the students,

nowadays as teachers we have to investigate, do some research and with this it will

increase our skills as researchers, teachers and give us new approaches and new ways to

teach and learn.

When teachers do research the students and all of us learnt of imitation, this remind us

that we can provide to our community solutions about the problems it has. Teachers are

involve in more than the classroom, they are involve with the community and the

research give answer to all the people that is involve in the situation or problem. “It also

acts as a catalyst for analysis and reflection on how professional development and

enhanced practice connect with pupil learning experiences and outcomes” (Buckler et al.,

2009; Cordingley et al., 2007; Timperley, 2007).

At this days we have to teach how to do research because in this way is where the

knowledge develop and the contents and assessment seems easily. The teacher-learning

process becomes an integral way, the students is the researcher and he built his own

knowledge, but this only would happen if the teacher becomes in a reader, researcher and

improve his/her skill daily, if motivates students to change their thoughts.

With this strategy the teacher, develop leadership, proactivity and creativity. The teacher

role is more than that, and if it’s a research the role is bigger and it has to share their

knowledge about strategies, and give to the world another view about researching.

Cordingley, P. (2015). The contribution of research to teachers’ professional learning and
development. Oxford Review of Education, 41(2), pp. 234–252.

Ministerio de Educación Nacional. (2006). Estándares básicos de competencias en Lenguas

Extranjeras: Inglés - Formar en lenguas extranjeras, el reto - Serie Guía 22. [PDF File].

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