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Schools Division Office

School Name
School ID
School Type o Elementary School
o Junior High School
o Senior High School (Stand Alone)
o Integrated (Elementary to Junior High School)
o Integrated (Elementary to Senior High School)
o Integrated (Junior High to Senior High School)
o Annexed/ Extension School
o Main School
Name of School Head
Enrollees (2021-2022)
No. of Teachers o 40 and below
o 41- 80
o 81- 120
o 121 and above
No. of Non-teaching personnel
No. of Classrooms ready for o Sanitized and well-maintained
instructional purposes o With adequate lighting and ventilation
o With clean water provisions
o With ready wi-fi or cellular internet provisions
o With appropriate digital tools*
No. of Classrooms used for Please note all the conversions made.
support to operations purposes o Classrooms to Principal’s Office
(ancillary) o Classrooms to Visitors Lounge
o Classrooms to Canteens
o Classrooms to Laboratories
o Classrooms to Libraries
o Classrooms to Clinics and Guidance Services
o Classrooms to Social Halls/Conference
o Classrooms to Organization Headquarters,
DRRM Office
Provision for internet/data a. None
connections b. Prepaid
c. Post paid
Internet Service Provider o OUA issued SIM
o School procured
o Division procured
o LGU procured
o NGO-CSO procured
Internet Speed (average)
Digital Tools o OUA issued digital tools
(Desktops, Laptops, Phones, o School procured
Phone-tabs, Illustrators, web- o Division procured
broadcasting tools) o LGU procured
o NGO-CSO procured
Number of Barangays where is
school is under judicial entity


Listed below are the basic principles and minimum health standards recommended for safe school
environment, mitigating possible negative effects of spread of Covid – 19 in the schools to students,
school personnel and parents, while continuously working to curtail distresses to protect the school
community and all its vital stakeholders, as a whole.

In cases where the plan has been conceptualized, but has not been completed, please provide specific
target completion date.



Target Quality Indicators

PRINCIPLES EVIDENT Completion (Reach and
Date Responsiveness)
I. School Buildings and Facilities 10
Meeting Public Health Standards
1. School operations and management plans are
co-developed, studied and ready for
- Safety and Health Measures are in place
- Observance of safety and health protocols
during delivery of service during enrolment,
learning time, conferencing and teaching-
learning activities
(Development of Service Delivery Plan)
2. Provisions of markings indicating allowable
number of persons in one vicinity.
- Volunteer works
3. Provisions for maintenance of school buildings
and facilities
- Maintenance and Repair of doors/windows
for proper ventilation and adequate lighting
4. Provisions for Disaster proofing activities
- Schools undergo regular disinfection and
sanitation following set standards
5. Provisions for functional school clinics, special
areas for treatment and isolation
- Materials (IEC, Sanitation, Hygiene)
- Support Equipment
6. Provisions for appropriate school waste
management (materials and e-waste disposal)
- Basic Utilities such as Electricity, Water,
Internet services are continuous and un-
7. Hand washing stations with soap, water and/or
Alcohol – based hand rub (hand sanitizers) is
available in classrooms and offices
- Provisions for materials, equipment and
advocacy materials and events
- Proper and regular maintenance of toilets
and wash facilities
- Improvements in wash and hygiene facilities
(gender-appropriate and inclusive context of
II. Infection and Disease Control (LGU) 5
1. Implementation of Standard Precautions for
learners and school personnel
- Provisions for Testing, Isolation, Referral,
- Triage Management
2. Information and Communication Materials
regarding Transmission-based precautions
(handling, contact precautions, droplet
precautions, airborne precautions)
- Provision of proper visual reminders, ,
lectures from City Health Department for
safety policies around the school, workplace,
including educational and instructional
materials provided for learners, teachers and
3. Provisions for protective equipment for school’s
frontline personnel
4. Presence of school measures that ensure
observance of physical distancing, health
etiquettes and environmental hygiene within
school premises
- Target locations for drop off/pick up
- Disinfection of shoes and other materials
- Separate areas for unloading/loading of
materials/goods within school premises
- Maintenance of school grounds, food
sustenance and Nutrition Framework
(Gulayan, Gardening, etc)
III. School Operations 5
1. Provision of direct and indirect
telecommunications service
- Monitoring and Evaluation Plan of
Communication Usage
- Innovations on Learning Platforms and
Literacy Campaigns
- Innovations on Special Health Learning
2. Observance of safe virtual learning spaces
- Observance of Child Protection Policy during
partner-initiated events
- Convergence with Community on School’s
Child Protection Policies
3. Provision of parent conferences (With appropriate
administrative controls re: Management Plan for
school and community assemblies including
restrictions and regulations)
IV. Personnel Health 10
1. Awareness Measures for School Personnel on
Learning and Service Continuity Plan
- Provisions for Basic Occupational Health
and Safety Activities, Materials and Controls
- Development and adjustments based on
minimum requirements set by the agency
2. Orientation of School personnel and service
providers on safety and health protocols
- Personal Hygiene and Protection
- Follow respiratory hygiene / cough etiquette
- Hand hygiene
3. Provisions for face masks, tissue papers, for all
school personnel, including PPEs and thermal
4. Presence of Personnel Welfare Plan
- Provision of psychosocial activities that
promote physical and mental resilience, with
clear emphasis on health teachings and
practical knowledge during disasters
- Use of Health tracing / record of
immunization, comorbidity, and other
studies related to health risks of learners and
DepEd personnel
- Provision of ideal working conditions for
school personnel
5. Identified mechanisms for the prevention and
minimizing local infection spread through
screening, such as, but not limited to:
- Returning employees / workers for
influenza-like symptoms were tested and
- Provisions are installed for temperature
checks and proper disinfection of inbound
and outbound persons
- Contact tracing
- Implementation of simple isolation
6. Availability of health providers, DRRM officers
and public safety officers
- Posting and availability of Directory for
NGAs, hospitals, offices, barangays and
coordinating groups
- On-call transport support
7. Development of Partnership and Linkages for
Creation and Delivery of Support Packages for
- Provision of Monitoring and Evaluation on
performance targets
Resource Generated 30
1. Resource generated through vital and critical* Indicate amount
- Safety and Protective Equipment
- Vitamins and Health supplements
- Learning Packages (Virtual/Physical)
- Facilities, learning spaces (including
materials for construction)
* Partnerships that address and meet essential needs
(based on results of assessed targets)
2. Resource generated through Special Education Indicate amount
Fund/ Special Activities Fund (Local
- Safety and Protective Equipment
- Vitamins and Health supplements
- Learning Packages (Virtual/Physical)
- Facilities, learning spaces (including
materials for construction)
- Research grants
- Others
1. Provisions for support advocating observance of
Infection Prevention and minimizing local spread
through systematic screening, and isolation
2. Availability of aid and assistance for special
treatment rooms and isolation areas for
compromised learner health scenarios
3. Provision for Mental Health and Psychosocial
Support Interventions for learners at risk
4. Provisions for Health teachings and practical
knowledge on Resilience during disasters
5. Provision for health supplements and
supplemental feeding for marginalized learners
6. Participation in the critical Identified mechanisms
for the prevention and minimizing local infection
spread through screening, such as, but not limited
- Response to recording of cases re: influenza-
like symptoms
- Provisions and Installation of temperature
checks and proper disinfection of inbound and
outbound persons
- Assistance to Contact tracing and community
- Assistance to Implementation of simple
isolation procedures in cases such as, but not
limited to influenza-like symptoms
7. Co-developed Practical communications plan for
Parents and other school stakeholders regarding
learners needs and priorities
8. Delivery of co-curricular web-based activities for
- IEC Materials
- Resource Persons, Experts and Special
Advocacy Stakeholders
Community Action Council 30%
- Community efforts in maximizing awareness
for literacy programs
- Community programs for learner
- Community programs for parent development
and initiatives for home-school
- Community programs and ordinances for
learner readiness and protection


Available Means of Verification:

_____ Brigada Eskwela Plan of Action
_____ Donations Log (including DOD/DOA, MOA/MOU)
_____ Brigada Eskwela Accomplishment Reports
_____ Project Completion Reports

Prepared by

School Monitoring Team Evaluated by

Division Monitoring Team

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