Activity2 History Yap BSID3A

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Yap, Anne Ray C.


Filipino Grievances Against Governor Wood

In 1898, Filipinos demanded the Americans for their independence. Instead of giving

Filipinos the independence that they aspire, Americans selected Filipino politicians to have a

position in the government. In this way, Americans hope that Filipinos forget asking for

independence. In 1916, the Jones Law was passed, stating that Filipinos can acquire their

Independence once they have a stable government.

Many other positions in the government was offered to Filipinos except for some

sensitive positions. Filipinos showed to the Americans what they are capable of in governing

people. Filipinos are expecting that after all their competent in the government, Americans can

give them their independence, according to the requirements in Jones Law.

Leonard Wood and William Cameron Forbes was sent to the Philippines to check the

situation in the Philippines (Wood-Forbes mission). They visited provinces and municipalities

and investigate them. In their report, the corruption and other issues during the Harrison era

was exposed and are not favorable to the Filipino politicians. Because of this, Filipino politicians

were insulted implying that Filipino leaders are not capable to manage their own affairs and do

not deserve to have independence.

In 1921, Leonard Wood was appointed by President Harding to be the Governor General

of the Philippines. Filipino politicians didn’t oppose because they thought that Wood would go

back to the U.S. Wood stayed in the Philippines and his governance is not so good.

Ray Conley was suspected receiving money from gambling lords. Conley case was led by

the secretary of City Mayor, Mr. Almario. He presented a fake telephone conversation between

Conley and some gamblers. Manila Mayor Ramon Fernandez bring the case in court as advised

by Gov. Wood. Mayor Fernandez and Justice Secretary Laurel requests for investigation to

Conley after Conley being not guilty. Gov. Wood created a board instead of granting their

request. Still, the board found Conley not guilty and reinstate. After Conley being not guilty,

Gov. Wood found him guilty on having a mistress and making false statements.

Because of Ran Conley being acquitted by the Board of Wood, Ramon Fernandez

(Manila Mayor) and Jose P. Laurel (Justice Secretary) resigned with the support of Senate

President Quezon and Speaker Manuel Roxas. Conley was acquitted because he is American.

President Harding was informed in the reasons why Quezon and other Filipino

politicians resigned. Quezon and others plan to send a delegation to the U.S. explaining how

Wood’s disregard the rights and privileges of Filipinos.

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