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Neurocrit Care


Emergency Neurologic Life Support:

Meningitis and Encephalitis
Katharina M. Busl1*, Ricardo Hernandez2, William J. Meurer3, Sarah Peacock4 and Sandra D. W. Buttram5,6

© 2019 Neurocritical Care Society

Bacterial meningitis and viral encephalitis, particularly herpes simplex encephalitis, are severe central nervous system
(CNS) infections that, if not treated promptly and effectively, lead to poor neurological outcome or death. Because
of the impact of early recognition and treatment on outcomes, meningitis and encephalitis were chosen as one of
the Emergency Neurological Life Support protocols. This protocol provides a practical approach to recognition and
urgent treatment for meningitis and encephalitis. Appropriate imaging, spinal fluid analysis, and early empiric treat-
ment are discussed. The typical clinical triad of headache, fever, and neck stiffness, as well as partial manifestations of
the triad, should alert the practitioner to the possibility of a CNS infection. Early attention to airway protection and
maintenance of normotension are crucial steps in the treatment of these patients, as is rapid treatment with antimi-
crobial agents and, in some cases, corticosteroids. This module is meant to give a broad framework for the principles
of diagnosis and management of meningitis and encephalitis, which can be adapted to address global and regional
variations in prevalence and management of these infections based on availability of diagnostic tools, treatments, and
local guidelines.
Keywords:  Meningitis, Bacterial meningitis, Encephalitis, Herpes simplex encephalitis, Tuberculous meningitis

Introduction patients have a predominance of meningitis or encepha-

Meningitis and encephalitis are potentially life-threaten- litis, but many have features of a combined meningoen-
ing central nervous system (CNS) infections, which often cephalitis syndrome. The two CNS infections that are
present initially to the Emergency Department (ED). most important to recognize in the first hour are bacte-
Many of these patients are critically ill and are trans- rial meningitis and herpes simplex encephalitis (HSE), as
ported to the ED by Emergency Medical Services (EMS). these diseases produce significant morbidity and mortal-
Meningitis is defined as inflammation of the meninges, ity and have specific treatments that can improve patient
while encephalitis is defined as inflammation of the brain. outcome if administered quickly.
If both are inflamed, the patient has meningoencepha- An estimated 500,000 cases of bacterial meningitis
litis. Meningitis causes fever, meningismus, and pain occur worldwide each year, of which more than one-third
(e.g., headache and neck pain), but, other than depress- are fatal. A large number of survivors are left with neuro-
ing a patient’s mental status, does not affect cortical logic sequelae [1]. The incidence and common causative
brain functions (e.g., aphasia, seizure, and hemiparesis). agents have changed considerably in developed countries
Encephalitis typically causes cortical disturbance, par- since the introduction of conjugate vaccines for Hae-
ticularly altered level of consciousness and seizures. Most mophilus influenzae B (HiB) and meningococcus [2].
Because of poverty and poor healthcare infrastructure,
they remain significantly more common in developing
*Correspondence: countries [3]. The annual incidence of bacterial meningi-
Department of Neurology/Division of Neurocritical Care, College tis in the USA is approximately 3 cases per 100,000 [1],
of Medicine, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article and the highest incidence occurs in children under the
age of one [76.7/100,000] [1]. While accurate estimates meningitis is unknown. Therefore, the absence of these
of incidence are difficult to obtain, encephalitis is a less signs should not be used to rule out meningitis [6].
common disease than meningitis. The non-herpes varie- Another test that has been studied in patients suspected
ties display seasonal and geographic variation. of having meningitis is the jolt accentuation test. The
Bacterial meningitis and bacterial or viral encephalitis clinician instructs the patient to rotate their head hori-
are medical, neurologic, and, occasionally, neurosurgi- zontally at a frequency of two rotations per second. A
cal emergencies which carry substantial morbidity and positive jolt accentuation test produces exacerbation of
mortality despite modern medical management. Accord- the patient’s headache [5]. In a small study, this maneuver
ing to one study, 48% of patients with bacterial meningi- had a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 54% for iden-
tis present within 24 h of the onset of symptoms [4] and tification of meningitis.
hence present a unique opportunity to start treatment The Emergency Neurological Life Support (ENLS) sug-
early. Therefore, patients who have a hyper-acute (hours) gested algorithm for the initial diagnosis, and treatment
to acute (hours to days) onset of headache and altered for meningitis and encephalitis is shown in Fig. 1.
mental status should be considered as potentially having Suggested items to complete within the first hour of
meningitis or encephalitis. While children present simi- evaluating a patient with meningitis and encephalitis are
larly to adults, neonates are more likely to present with shown in Table 1.
nonspecific findings including decreased feeding, irrita-
bility, and lethargy [3]. Meningitis should be considered Management protocol
in the differential diagnosis of any lethargic, vomiting,  • Recognize key clinical features of brain infections and identify a pos-
irritable neonate. sible case of meningitis or encephalitis
Fever is a major feature of these infectious illnesses.  • Establish intravenous access, start initial fluid resuscitation, evaluate
Additional symptoms include stiff neck (typically elicited airway
by neck flexion), new rash, alterations in mental status,  • Initiate appropriate treatment based on clinical context
focal neurological findings, or new-onset seizures. In a  • Perform appropriate diagnostics (lumbar puncture, imaging) without
delaying treatment initiation
large series of 696 adult patients with bacterial menin-
gitis, the classic triad of fever, neck stiffness, and change
in mental status was present in only 44% of patients,
but 95% of patients had at least two symptoms when a Prehospital Considerations
fourth symptom—headache—was added to the classic In the prehospital setting, EMS personnel should
triad [4]. In contrast, another report pooling adult stud- approach the patient based upon the chief complaint,
ies of patients with meningitis demonstrated that 95% of assess the basic ABCs of resuscitation (i.e., airway, breath-
patients had at least two of the three elements of the clas- ing, and circulation), and begin management as appropri-
sic triad [5]. The absence of fever, altered mental status, ate for the severity of the patient’s presentation and the
and neck pain in an immunocompetent patient essen- training level of the EMS providers. This should include
tially eliminates the diagnosis of meningitis and suggests obtaining basic vital signs, formal assessment of mental
other diagnoses should be pursued [5]. status utilizing the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), measure-
A challenge in diagnosing meningitis or encephalitis ment of serum glucose levels, placement of intravenous
is that there is no single definitive clinical sign. A review (IV) access, initiation of IV fluid resuscitation, and airway
of papers on adult meningitis published between 1966 management. If IV access cannot be rapidly obtained in
and 1997 found that Kernig’s sign was the sign most fre- an unstable patient, placement of an intra-osseous (IO)
quently elicited when evaluating a patient for possible cannula should be considered (Table  2). Prehospital
meningitis. Kernig’s sign is elicited with the patient lying resuscitation of patients with life-threatening infections
supine and passively flexing the hips and knees to 90°. can expedite achievement of resuscitation goals includ-
The clinician then extends the patient’s knee, straight- ing achieving adequate mean arterial pressure (MAP) [7].
ening the leg (i.e., doing a straight leg raise test) [5]. A In a population-based retrospective study, prehospital IV
positive sign is present when extension of the leg at the placement and fluid administration were associated with
knee produces significant lower back or posterior thigh a decreased likelihood of in-hospital mortality [8].
discomfort due to meningeal irritation. Brudzinski’s sign,
in contrast, is elicited by placing the patient in a supine Initial Assessment in the Emergency Department
position and passively flexing the patient’s neck. The cli- As with all acute medical and neurological events, the
nician observes whether this action triggers flexion at the basic ABCs of resuscitation should be evaluated imme-
hips and knees. Despite the common teaching of these diately on presentation to the ED. Vital signs (includ-
maneuvers, their sensitivity and specificity for diagnosing ing temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, and
Fig. 1  ENLS meningitis and encephalitis algorithm

Table 1  Meningitis and encephalitis checklist for the first hour


☐ Vital signs, history, examination

☐ Contact and droplet precautions (until pathogen classified)
☐ IV access
☐ Labs: CBC, PT/PTT, chemistries, glucose, blood cultures, lactate
☐ IV fluids, treat shock
☐ Immediate administration of dexamethasone followed by appropriate antibiotics for presumptive bacterial meningitis
☐ Consider acyclovir (if herpes simplex virus is a concern)
☐ Head CT, if patient neurological exam abnormal
☐ Lumbar puncture (LP), if CT results available
☐ If meningococcus remember exposure prophylaxis for contacts

respiratory rate, along with peripheral oxygen satura- patients have taken antipyretics prior to ED arrival, they
tion), a pain scale, assessment of GCS, and a rapid check may be afebrile; their temperature should be rechecked
of the patient’s serum glucose level should be quickly during the ED stay. Immunocompromised patients,
obtained at triage and compared to those obtained by patients with viral meningitis, and even an occasional
prehospital personnel. patient with bacterial meningitis may present to the ED
In most instances, an oral temperature is adequate. without fever. In an evaluation of 696 patients with com-
Patients who are markedly tachypneic or shivering may munity-acquired acute bacterial meningitis, the mean
not be able to keep their mouths closed for oral tem- reported temperature was 38.8  °C, and 77% of patients
perature measurement and may require rectal or inva- were febrile. The evaluation did not report the number of
sive temperature measurement for accuracy. Both fever patients who were hypothermic [4].
(temperature  > 38.0  °C) and hypothermia (tempera- Patients with altered mental status are at risk of aspi-
ture < 36.0 °C) are compatible with CNS infection. ration, have decreased the ability to maintain a pat-
If the patient is normothermic, the pretest probability ent airway, and should be monitored for the need for
of bacterial meningitis or HSE is decreased. A caveat is if endotracheal intubation. Intubation should be considered
for any patient with a GCS ≤ 8 for airway protection. The optimal translation of resuscitation recommen-
Patients with bacterial meningitis are at risk of pneu- dations from sepsis to the management of patients with
monia and/or bacteremia with the same pathogen, fur- CNS infections is unclear, and, in particular, the relation-
ther reinforcing the need to closely monitor vital signs, ship between aggressive early volume resuscitation and
breathing, and hemodynamics. cerebral edema is yet to be systematically investigated.
Immediately after the initial assessment and triage, The results of the recently completed ProCESS, ProM-
patients at high risk of meningitis should be placed on ISe, and ARISE studies contribute little to this discussion
droplet precautions until further workup has been com- since less than 1% of the patients enrolled in ProCESS
pleted. Adequate IV access (i.e., a minimum of two 18 and < 2% of the patients enrolled in ARISE and ProMISe
gauge or larger peripheral IVs) should be placed, and trials had meningitis [11–16].
blood samples sent for laboratory analysis, including a
peripheral white blood cell (WBC) count and differen- Diagnostics
tial, basic metabolic panel, prothrombin time and par- CBC and Blood Culture
tial thromboplastin time (PT/PTT), serum lactate, and Peripheral WBC can be elevated or depressed in patients
blood cultures. If IV access cannot be obtained within a with CNS infection, and frequently increased immature
few minutes of presentation, IO access should be placed. forms of WBCs are seen in peripheral blood [17]. A nor-
An initial fluid bolus of 30 mL/kg of crystalloid solution mal WBC count does not rule out meningitis.
should be immediately infused over 20 to 30 min [9], and Two sets of blood cultures should always be obtained
the patient’s vital signs, mental status, and airway should with the initial laboratory draws prior to initiation of
be reassessed every 5  min during the initial phase of antimicrobial therapy. Among patients with bacterial
treatment (Table 2). meningitis, 25–90% will have positive blood cultures
Similar to patients with other bacterial infections, some (depending on the causative organism) [4, 18, 19], and
patients with bacterial meningitis will be hypotensive. these data will be very helpful in cases where a lumbar
This may result from sepsis or increased insensible fluid puncture (LP) cannot be obtained in a timely fashion or
losses from fever, tachypnea, diaphoresis, and vomiting. obtained at all.
In addition, bacterial meningitis, like other diseases caus- The remainder of the diagnostic workup such as neu-
ing septic shock, can trigger a pronounced inflammatory roimaging and LP should not delay initiation of empiric
response, leading to vasodilation, capillary leak, and, in antimicrobial therapy. Neuroimaging and LP are dis-
some cases, myocardial dysfunction. The initial resuscita- cussed after the section on antimicrobial treatment.
tion strategy in critically ill patients with suspected men-
ingitis or encephalitis that fulfill sepsis criteria should Management
be identical to that recommended for other sepsis and Initiation of Treatment: Start Antibiotics
septic shock patients. Surviving Sepsis Campaign recom- Appropriate antimicrobials should be started as soon as
mends beginning resuscitation immediately in patients possible after a patient with suspected CNS infection pre-
with hypotension (systolic blood pressure < 90  mmHg; sents for medical care. In patients with septic shock, each
MAP < 65 mmHg) or a serum lactate of ≥ 4 mmol/L with hour delay in antimicrobial administration after onset
an initial fluid challenge of 30  ml/kg of crystalloid over of hypotension increases mortality an average of 7.6%
20 to 30 min, in the first 3 h. These recommendations are [20]. This was confirmed in another study of 261 patients
in light of recent randomized trials of alternative resus- treated with a protocolized resuscitation strategy, which
citation strategies in patients with severe sepsis and sep- showed that mortality nearly doubled from 19.5 to 33.2%
tic shock, suggesting that early identification, rapid fluid when appropriate antimicrobials were delayed by more
resuscitation, timely antibiotic administration, and care- than one hour after triage [21].
ful monitoring may be more important than the specific
resuscitation algorithm and goals [9–13].
Table 2  Prehospital and ED considerations
One liter boluses of crystalloid over 20–30 min should
be given repeatedly until the resuscitation goals above • Early notification (including radio report to prepare and mobilize hospi-
are reached or the patient is stabilized, volume replete, tal resources)
and no longer fluid responsive. The rate of fluid infusion • Appropriate contact and isolation precautions for transport
should be reduced to a maintenance level once goals are • Assess airway
achieved or when the patient demonstrates no further • Trial of safety of supine position prior to transport
fluid responsiveness [2, 10]. Norepinephrine should be • Intravenous access with 2 large bore IV, or IO access
used for blood pressure support if the patient remains • Adequate fluid resuscitation to maintain hemodynamics
hypotensive despite initial resuscitation. • Adherence to guidelines for treatment of sepsis (where appropriate)
While the applicability of these findings from the sep- started on ampicillin, a third-generation cephalosporin,
sis literature to patients with bacterial meningitis is lim- and vancomycin at doses appropriate for CNS penetra-
ited by the small percentage of patients in each study tion and renal function [28]. In case of severe penicillin
who had primary CNS infections, less rigorous studies allergy, vancomycin can be used for Gram-positive with
have demonstrated an association between time to anti- moxifloxacin or levofloxacin for S. Pneumoniae, N. Men-
biotic administration and outcomes for bacterial men- ingitidis, H. influenzae. Trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole
ingitis, HSE, fungal CNS infections, and tuberculous is used when Listeria is suspected and aztreonam may be
(TB) meningitis [22–25]. However, delays in antibiotic used for Gram-negative coverage (Tables 3, 4).
administration are common. In a cohort of 122 patients
with documented bacterial meningitis, one study found a Adjunctive Treatment with Steroids
mean time from triage to antibiotics of 3 h (interquartile The value of adjunctive treatment with steroids in bac-
range, or IQR 1.6 to 4.3 h) with 90% of this delay occur- terial meningitis has long been a topic of debate, and
ring after the initial physician encounter [23]. In a study likely, the debate will continue until definitive data are
examining the impact of the 2009 changes in Swedish obtained. There is evidence supporting the use of dexa-
recommendations for meningitis, the relative increase in methasone in bacterial meningitis, particularly in CNS
mortality was 12.6% per hour of treatment delay in acute infections caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae [19, 29].
bacterial meningitis after adjusting for all confounding In a Cochrane systematic review and meta-analysis [29],
factors [26]. it was found that corticosteroids overall reduced the rate
The choice of empiric antimicrobials is based on sev- of any hearing loss, severe hearing loss, and neurological
eral factors, including the time course of symptom pro- sequelae. Subgroup analyses showed that corticosteroids
gression, patient age, and other infectious risk factors. (a) prevented hearing loss in children with bacterial men-
For suspected CNS infections that evolve over hours, ingitis, (b) reduced severe hearing loss only in children
bacterial meningitis, viral meningitis, and, less com- with meningitis due to H. influenzae, (c) reduced mortal-
monly, viral encephalitis should be considered. In select ity in Streptococcus pneumoniae but not for other bac-
cases especially of a more subacute onset over days or teria, and (d) protected against severe hearing loss and
weeks, fungal or TB CNS disease should be considered. short-term sequelae for children in high-income coun-
Empiric treatment regimens should be chosen to cover tries, but not for those in low-income countries. This
all etiologies that the clinical picture and limited initial may be due to a higher incidence of malnutrition, delays
diagnostic workup supports. This may include combi- in seeking treatment, as well as a much higher incidence
nations of antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal agents. of HIV in such countries because advanced HIV disease
Local patterns of antimicrobial prevalence and antibiotic attenuates host response and negate any additional ben-
resistance need to be considered [27]. efit of dexamethasone [30].
The Infectious Disease Society of America’s (IDSA)
Bacterial Meningitis practice guidelines from 2004 recommend discontinua-
Worldwide, Streptococcus pneumoniae and Neisseria tion of corticosteroids if it is clearly evident that Strep-
meningitidis account for the majority of acute bacterial tococcus pneumoniae is not the cause of the bacterial
meningitis. Neonates have a permeable blood–brain bar- meningitis [28]. However, based on the more recent data
rier and are at risk of infection caused by Group B strep- from the above meta-analysis [29], the 2016 European
tococcus (GBS), Listeria monocytogenes, and Escherichia Society for Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
coli. Empiric antibiotic therapy should include ampicil- (ESCMID) guidelines on diagnosis and treatment for
lin, gentamicin, and a third-generation cephalosporin acute bacterial meningitis [31], dexamethasone should
(ceftazidime or cefotaxime). Cefotaxime is currently not be stopped if the patient is discovered not to have bacte-
available in the USA. Infants, children, and young adults rial meningitis or if the bacterium causing the meningitis
with bacterial meningitis are at risk for Haemophilus is a species other than H. influenzae or S. pneumoniae,
influenzae (if not vaccinated), Neisseria meningitidis, and although some experts advise that adjunctive treatment
Streptococcus pneumoniae. Middle-aged adults are at should be continued irrespective of the causative bacte-
highest risk for Streptococcus pneumoniae. As such, both rium. Adjunctive corticosteroids are also recommended
groups should be started on a third-generation cepha- for TB meningitis regardless of disease severity [24].
losporin and vancomycin at doses appropriate for CNS Dexamethasone is the preferred corticosteroid, when
penetration and renal function. The elderly and immu- these agents are used, due to superior penetration into
nosuppressed population, including those with alcohol the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and a longer half-life [29].
dependence, are at risk for Streptococcus pneumoniae Corticosteroid should be given 10 to 20 min before anti-
and Listeria monocytogenes. As such, they should be biotics, or with the first dose of antibiotics until up to 4 h
Table 3  Dosing and target pathogens of antimicrobial therapy in adult/pediatric patients with normal renal and hepatic
Target Agent Children Adults

Group B Streptococci Ampicillin 0 to 7 days: 100 mg/kg/dose IV every 2 g IV every 4 h
Listeria 8–12 h
Gram-negative bacteria (E. coli) 8 to 28 days: 50–100 mg/kg/dose IV
every 6–8 h
> 28 days: 50 mg/kg/dose IV every
6 h (Maximum dose: 12 g/day)
H. influenzae Ceftazidime 0 to 7 days: 50 mg/kg/dose IV every 2 g IV every 8 h
N. meningitidis 8–12 h
P. aeruginosa > 7 days: 50 mg/kg/dose IV every 8 h
S. pneumoniae
H. influenzae Cefotaxime 0–7 days: 50 mg/kg/dose IV every 2 g IV every 4–6 h
N. meningitides 8–12 h
P. aeruginosa 8–28 days: 50 mg/kg/dose IV every
S. pneumoniae 6–8 h
>28 days: 75 mg/kg/dose IV every
6–8 h
H. influenzae Ceftriaxone Neonates 2 g IV every 12 h
N. meningitidis < 14 days: 50 mg/kg IV once daily
S. pneumoniae ≥ 14 days: 100 mg/kg X1, then
80–100 mg/kg/day IV once daily
80–100 mg/kg/day divided every
12–24 h
(Maximum dose: 4 g/day)
S. aureus Vancomycin 15 mg/kg/dose IV every 6 h 15–20 mg/kg/dose IV every 8 -12 h
S. pneumoniae
Enterococcus species Gentamicin Neonates: 4–5 mg/kg/dose IV every 5 mg/kg/day IV in divided doses every
Listeria monocytogenes 24–36 h 8 h
S. agalactiae Infants/children: 2.5 mg/kg/dose IV
P. aeruginosa every 8 h
H. influenzae Meropenem 40 mg/kg/dose IV every 8 h 2 g IV every 8 h
N. meningitidis
S. pneumoniae
Alternative in penicillin allergy Aztreonam 30 mg/kg/dose IV every 6–8 h (Maxi- 2 g IV every 6–8 h
H. influenzae mum dose: 8 g/day)
P. aeruginosa
Herpes simplex virus Acyclovir Birth to 12 years old: 20 mg/kg/dose 10 mg/kg/dose IV every 8 h
IV every 8 h
12 years or older: 10 mg/kg/dose IV
every 8 h
Varicella zoster virus Acyclovir Birth to 12 years old: 20 mg/kg/dose 10 mg/kg/dose IV every 8 h
Or IV every 8 h 5 mg/kg/dose IV every 12 h
Ganciclovir 12 years or older: 10 mg/kg/dose IV
every 8 h
5 mg/kg/dose every 12 h
Cytomegalovirus (in HIV-infected) Ganciclovir 5 mg/kg/dose every 12 h plus foscar- 5 mg/kg/dose every 12 h plus foscarnet
Off-label net until symptoms improve until symptoms improve
Candida species Amphotericin B lipid complex 5 mg/kg/dose IV daily (may premedi- 5 mg/kg/dose IV daily (may premedi-
Aspergillus species cate with acetaminophen + anti- cate with acetaminophen + antihista-
Mucorales histamine to prevent infusion mine to prevent infusion reactions)
Mycoses reactions)
Leishmania species
Table 3  (continued)
Target Agent Children Adults

Cryptococcus Liposomal amphotericin B 3–5 mg/kg/day IV daily (may 3–6 mg/kg/day IV daily (may premedi-
Empiric in febrile neutropenic premedicate with acetami- cate with acetaminophen + diphen-
patients nophen + diphenhydramine to hydramine to prevent infusion
prevent infusion reactions) reactions)
Mycobacterial Initial intensive phase
Empiric for strong suspicion of tuber- Ethambutol Weight-based: <15 years and ≤ 40 kg: 15 to 25 mg/
culous meningitis: combination 40–55 kg: 800 mg PO daily kg/day
regimen (4 drugs) 56–75 kg: 1200 mg PO daily 40–55 kg: 800 mg PO daily
76–90 kg: 1600 mg PO daily 56–75 kg: 1200 mg PO daily
76–90 kg: 1600 mg PO daily
Isoniazid 5 mg/kg/day < 15 years and ≤ 40 kg: 10–15 mg/kg/
day; maximum dose: 300 mg/dose
< 15 years and > 40 kg and ≥ 15 years:
5 mg/kg/day
Pyrazinamide < 40 kg: 35 mg/kg/day 40–55 kg: 1000 mg daily
40–55 kg: 1000 mg daily 56–75 kg: 1500 mg daily
56–75 kg: 1500 mg daily 76–90 kg: 2000 mg daily
76–90 kg: 2000 mg daily
Rifampin/rifampicin 10 mg/kg once daily (maximum: 10 to 20 mg/kg once daily (maximum:
600 mg/dose) 600 mg/dose)

after the first antibiotic dose [31]. Other corticosteroids Indications for neuroimaging prior to lumbar puncture
can be used in equivalent doses if dexamethasone is not
available. There are insufficient data to recommend start- • Patient is ≥ 60 years
ing corticosteroids in neonates [28, 31]. A recent study • History of CNS disease
evaluating delayed outcomes after treatment for bacterial • Immunocompromised state
meningitis in adults found that adverse clinical outcome • History of seizure (within 1 week of presentation)
was associated with the use of adjunctive steroids [32]. • Abnormal neurologic exam findings
The overall implication of this recent report is yet to be   ◦ Impaired level of consciousness
seen.   ◦ Abnormal language
  ◦ Cranial nerve findings
Neuroimaging in Suspected CNS Infection   ◦ Motor findings
In a patient with suspected CNS infection, the perfor-   ◦ Papilledema or loss of venous pulsations on fundoscopic examina-
mance of head CT and LP should not delay antimicrobial
treatment. Emergent imaging, especially in the first hour
Brain herniation after LP occurs in approximately 5%
of presentation with a suspected CNS infection, usually
of cases or less [35]. CT scan can detect brain shift and
starts with a CT scan of the head. In a study of the need
findings of impending herniation, contraindicating an LP.
for head CT prior to LP among 301 patients with sus-
However, CSF pressure may be elevated, even to levels
pected bacterial meningitis, 78% of patients had a head
where herniation may occur, in the absence of abnormali-
CT performed prior to LP [33]. Of these patients, 24%
ties on CT [34, 35]. Meningitis can be fulminant and char-
had an abnormality on the CT, and 5% had evidence of
acterized by progressive inflammation of the meninges
mass effect. Age > 60  years, immunocompromised state,
and brain swelling. Patients can herniate after LP because
history of CNS disease, altered level of consciousness,
of disease progression, or due to the inflammatory
and focal neurologic deficits were predictive of abnor-
response to bacterial proinflammatory substances liber-
mal CT findings. If CT scans were ordered only on those
ated after antibiotic administration (especially if steroids
individuals with a predictive sign of CT abnormality, the
are not given around the time of first antibiotic adminis-
rate of CT acquisition would have been decreased by 41%
tration), and not necessarily as a result of the LP [34, 35].
[33]. The IDSA Practice Guidelines for the Management
Vice versa, CSF pressure can be normal in patients with
of Bacterial Meningitis [28, 34–36] recommend that head
space-occupying lesions causing brain shift seen on CT
CT should be done prior to LP if certain features are pre-
scan, even in the stage of herniation, and the LP may lead
sent at baseline as they are likely to be associated with
to herniation even with the CSF having normal pressure
abnormal findings on a head CT (see box below).
Table 4  Empiric treatment for suspected bacterial meningitis in children and adults with normal renal and hepatic func-
Empiric treatment for suspected bacterial meningitis in children and adults
Neonate/infant Infants/children Adults—immunocom- Adults—immunocompro- Healthcare-associated
(< 2 months) (≥ 2 months) petent mised

Gentamicin (4–5 mg/kg/ Ceftriaxone (80–100 mg/ Ceftriaxone (2 g IV every Cefepime (2 g IV every 8 h) Cefepime (2 g IV every 8 h)
dose IV every 24–36 h) kg/day IV divided every 12 h)
12–24 h; maximum dose:
4 g/day)
Or Or Or Or
Cefotaxime (75 mg/kg/dose Cefotaxime (2 g IV every Meropenem (2 g IV every Ceftazidime (2 g IV every 8 h)
IV q6–8 h)c 4–6 h) 8 h)
Plus Plus Plus Plus Or
Ampicillin (0–7 days: Vancomycin (15–20 mg/kg/ Vancomycin (15–20 mg/kg/ Vancomycin (15–20 mg/kg Meropenem (2 g IV every 8 h)
100 mg/kg/dose IV dose IV q6 h) dose IV every 8–12 h IV every 8–12 h)
every 8–12 h, 8–28 days:
50–100 mg/kg IV every
6–8 h)
Plus Plus (if > 50 yrs) Plus Plus
Cefotaxime (0–7 days: Ampicillin (2 g IV every 4 h) Ampicillin (2 g IV every 4 h) Vancomycin (15–20 mg/kg IV
50 mg/kg/dose IV every Q 8–12 h)
8–12 h, 8–28 days: 50 mg/
kg/dose IV every 6–8 h)
Ceftazidime (0–7 days:
50 mg/kg/dose IV every
8–12 h
> 7 d: 50 mg/kg/dose IV
every 8 h)
Dexamethasone (0.15 mg/ Dexamethasone (10 mg IV
kg IV q6 h)—give before every 6 h)—give before
or with first dose of or with first dose of
­antibioticab ­antibioticab
Vancomycin: not to exceed 2 g per dose or a total daily dose of 60 mg/kg; adjust dose to achieve vancomycin serum trough concentrations of 15 to 20 mcg/mL
If Beta lactam allergic
For Listeria: trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole—5 mg/kg (based on the trimethoprim component) IV every 6 to 12 h
For S. Pneumoniae, N. Meningitidis, H. influenzae: replace the beta lactam with moxifloxacin 400 mg po daily or levofloxacin 750 mg IV daily
Suspected healthcare-associated meningitis: replace beta lactam with aztreonam (2 g IV every 6 to 8 h) or ciprofloxacin (400 mg IV every 8 to 12 h)
  In patients with certain risk factors (e.g., unimmunized patients, young children (age ≥ 6 weeks to ≤ 5 years), children with sickle cell disease, asplenic patients) or if
there is known or suspected Haemophilus influenzae or S. pneumoniae infection (e.g., based on Gram-stain results)
  Dexamethasone, if given, should be administered before or immediately after the first dose of antibiotics. Duration of treatment: 2–4 days for adults and children
  Cefotaxime: currently not available in the USA

[34, 35]. Because of these findings, it has been suggested herniation, is not a contraindication to LP without head
that the terms “raised intracranial pressure (ICP)” and CT scan. In addition, new-onset seizures (if not ongo-
“intracranial hypertension” are ambiguous and should ing) and immunocompromised state did not appear to
be avoided. Instead, it should be specified whether brain be contraindications for LP before CT scan in the data
shift, or raised CSF pressure, or a combination of the two reviewed, as long as in both there were no focal neuro-
is present [34]. Ongoing leakage of CSF after LP has been logical signs or other findings indicating a space-occu-
suggested to be responsible for delayed herniation several pying lesion or signs of imminent herniation. These data
hours later (up to 12 h in one report) [35]. resulted in a revision of the Swedish guidelines on acute
Glimaker et  al. [36] reported on data showing that bacterial meningitis in 2009, in which new-onset seizures
moderately to severely impaired consciousness alone, in and immunocompromised state as contraindications to
the absence of focal neurological signs or other findings initial LP before head CT scan were removed [26, 36].
indicating a space-occupying lesion or signs of imminent Of note, the IDSA guidelines on meningitis were last
updated in 2004, without availability of a similar recent LP and CSF Analysis
update [28]. CSF analysis is essential for both establishing a diagno-
Importantly: obtaining a cranial CT and performing an sis and tailoring therapy. Informed consent should be
LP should never delay antibiotic administration and ini- obtained prior to obtaining CSF via LP, when possible,
tial resuscitation. With the most sensitive organisms, CSF and the clinical team should perform a “time-out” prior
sterilization occurs only after 4–6 h following the initia- to starting the procedure.
tion of antimicrobials [18]. Optimally the patient should be positioned in the left
In patients who do not present with the above-men- lateral decubitus position, as an opening pressure (OP)
tioned signs, have normal mental status, and have no cannot be measured if the patient is sitting up. After
focal neurologic deficits, a head CT is not always required prepping and draping the patient in the usual, sterile fash-
prior to LP. However, in most patients who have a clinical ion, and accessing the sub-arachnoid space with a spinal
presentation consistent with acute bacterial meningitis or needle, the OP should be measured with a manometer
encephalitis, there will be enough diagnostic uncertainty prior to the collection of CSF. An elevated OP is indica-
that CT may be advisable prior to LP to rule out other tive of elevated ICP. If the OP is found to be greatly ele-
etiologies. vated (e.g., > 400 mm H ­ 2O), expert opinion recommends
An LP is helpful in a patient without classic symptoms that the needle stylet should be left in place and mannitol
but suspicion for CNS infection, as it also serves the eval- administered. It may be prudent to recheck the pressure
uation of encephalitis. after a few minutes to confirm that the CSF pressure has
Known or suspected immunocompromised patients declined, before removing the needle. In order to avoid
may present with less classic signs of meningitis or CSF leakage and post-LP headache, the patient should
encephalitis. For such patients, the clinician should lower keep the head of bed less than 15° following the proce-
the pretest probability for these diagnoses and err on dure for 30 min.
the side of a more complete workup, including emergent CSF should be collected in a minimum of four tubes
brain imaging followed by LP as above. (Table  5). CSF should be sent for cell count and differ-
In cases of a normal head CT in the presence of fever, ential, protein, glucose, lactic acid (if available), Gram
abnormal WBC, headache, and altered mental status, stain and cultures, and specific testing for pathogens as
suspicion for meningitis or encephalitis should remain indicated (Table  5). Newer technologies such as multi-
moderate to high. If the head CT shows a condition, that plex polymerase chain reaction (PCR), proteomics, and
adequately explains the patient’s clinical presentation, genetic sequencing may be available and provide a faster
the evaluation of bacterial meningitis can be aborted or and more accurate diagnosis for bacterial meningitis
adjusted to the diagnostic findings (Fig. 2). compared to culture [27] (Table 6).

Fig. 2  Axial CT in a 64-year-old man presenting with headache, altered mental status, and fever. The CT shows multiple hypodense lesions (yellow
arrows) with surrounding edema (white arrows) bilaterally in the parasagittal frontal lobes and right temporal lobe. He was, on further workup with
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain, diagnosed to have multiple brain abscesses (Color figure online)
Table 5  Tubes for collection of CSF 24 h. Regimens for adults include either Rifampin 600 mg
Tube Test
orally every 12 h for 2 days, a single oral dose of Cipro-
floxacin 500  mg or single dose of intramuscular Ceftri-
1 (and 4) Cell count and differential (if axone 150  mg. Vaccination with meningococcal vaccine
tube 1 was turbid, and tube
4 is clear, this suggests a
to boost herd immunity and promote outbreak control is
traumatic tap) recommended when there is a meningococcal outbreak.
2 • Protein
• Glucose
• Lactic acid Encephalitis
3 • Gram stain and cultures Encephalitis is defined by the presence of an inflam-
• India ink if fungal infection matory process of the brain in association with clinical
suspected evidence of neurologic dysfunction. The majority of the
• Antigens (includes fungal)
• PCR (may also send in tube 2. pathogens that cause encephalitis are viruses. However,
For viruses: herpes simplex, other pathogens such as bacteria, mycobacteria (TB), spi-
enterovirus, etc.; Mycobac- rochetes, Rickettsia, Ehrlichia, fungi, and protozoa can
• IgM for viruses also cause encephalitis.
• Viral culture Despite extensive testing, the etiology of encephalitis
4 (and 1) Cell count and differential remains unknown in most patients [38]. In patients with
encephalitis, it may be difficult to determine the relevance
of an infectious agent identified outside of the CNS (e.g.,
Larger volumes of CSF increase the sensitivity of a from blood, stool, nasopharynx, or sputum), which may
Gram’s stain and culture and are also helpful for culture play a role in the neurologic manifestations of illness, but
when there is a suspicion of TB or fungal meningitis. not necessarily by directly invading the CNS [38]. Symp-
Clinicians should be aware of local laboratory policies toms and signs of encephalitis and meningitis are similar;
regarding minimum amounts of CSF required for Gram’s for example, decreased level of consciousness may be pre-
stain and culture. sent in meningitis due to inflammation of the brain tissue,
In patients with CSF findings suggesting bacterial but not necessarily due to direct infection of the brain tis-
meningitis, clinicians should continue antibiotics, stop sue. Noninfectious CNS diseases (e.g., vasculitis, collagen
acyclovir, and continue dexamethasone. Subsequently, vascular disorders, autoimmune and paraneoplastic syn-
they should adjust antibiotics, and either continue or dromes) may present in a similar way to infectious causes
stop dexamethasone based on final culture results, and of encephalitis and should be considered in the differential
sensitivities. diagnosis. Many cases of encephalitis do not have defini-
In addition to antibiotics and dexamethasone, sup- tive treatment, but specific agents should be sought and
portive care and management of other organ systems is identified, when possible, which is important for progno-
important in patients with bacterial meningitis. Some sis, potential prophylaxis, and counseling of patients and
patients may have a concomitant bacteremia with the family members, as well as public health interventions.
offending pathogen and may require focused resus- Diagnosis of encephalitis requires an LP, which may
citation and management of sepsis. If the LP demon- need to be delayed if the previously mentioned contrain-
strates an elevated OP, ICP monitoring and treatment dications are present. If encephalitis is being considered
of intracranial hypertension may be required. Details of in the differential diagnosis of CNS infection, then an
management of intracranial hypertension can be found MRI of the brain should be done within 24 to 48 h after
in the ENLS manuscript on the same topic and in the admission, as it is the most sensitive neuroimaging test
2019 Neurocritical Care Society Guidelines for Cerebral to evaluate patients with encephalitis. If MRI cannot be
Edema Management (to be published at the end of 2019). done, then CT with and without contrast enhancement
can be done instead [38]. If the MRI is being performed
before the LP, the initiation of appropriate antimicrobi-
Prophylaxis als should never be delayed until the imaging is done.
Close contacts of patients diagnosed with meningococ- Detection of IgM antibodies in CSF caused by numer-
cal infection are defined as those who have had > 8 h of ous viruses is considered to be diagnostic of neuroinva-
contact while in close proximity of < 3 feet, or have been sive disease. Cultures of the CSF are of limited value in
directly exposed to oral secretions within 7 days prior to determination of viral causes but are helpful in diagnos-
onset of symptoms or until 24  h after initiation of anti- ing bacterial and fungal infections. The PCR test greatly
microbials. For these close contacts, chemoprophylaxis increases the ability to diagnose infections of the CNS,
should be administered as early as possible, i.e., within especially viral infections caused by herpes viruses,
Table 6  CSF analysis
LP findings WBC RBC CSF glucose/ CSF protein Organisms
in meningitis serum glu-
cose ­ratiob

Normal ≤ 5 per high-powered field ≤ 5 per HPF > 0.6 < 50 mg/dL None
Bacterial 100’s to 1000’s per HPF, neu- Usually normal < 0.6 > 50 mg/dL Seen on Gram’s stain in
trophil predominance approximately 70% of cases
Non-herpes virus 10 to several 100 per HPF, None per HPF > 0.6 < 50 mg/dL usually. Absent on the Gram’s stain
lymphocyte predomi- If elevated it is usu- Despite these characteristics,
nance ally < 100 mg/dL continue antibiotics until
CSF culture results are nega-
tive and clinical improve-
ment is demonstrated
Herpes virus 100’s per HPF typically with 10–100 per HPF or > 0.6 Either < 50 mg/dL or Absent on the Gram’s stain
a lymphocytic predomi- higher mildly elevated, usu- The presence of seizures and
nance ally < 100 mg/dL findings of uni- or bilateral
hypodensities with or
without hemorrhage in the
temporal lobes on brain
MRI, and rarely on brain CT
scans, are also compatible
with this diagnosis
Fungal May be normal or Absent Decreased or > 50 mg/dL, often highly India ink stain can detect
If elevated it is usually 100 normal elevated Cryptococcus
to 400’s, lymphocyte
Tuberculosis Elevated, usually 100 to Absent < 0.6 > 50 mg/dL Acid-fast bacilli occasionally
400’s, with lymphocyte seen on smear with Kinyoun
predominance or Ziehl–Neelsen stains
 HPF = High power field
  An absolute normal range cannot be given for CSF glucose; it is usually considered to be normal when the CSF glucose/serum glucose ratio is > 0.6. The CSF glucose
levels generally do not rise above 300 mg/dL (16.7 mmol/L) regardless of serum levels, so the ratio may decrease with rising serum glucose level. In neonates, the CSF/
serum glucose ratio varies more than adults and is generally higher in normal CSF [37]. Elevated glucose level in the CSF only occurs with hyperglycemia, and not with
any other CNS pathologies

including herpes simplex, and should be done on all will have a significantly depressed level of conscious-
patients suspected of having meningitis/encephalitis. If ness, making close observation and airway management
a patient with encephalitis has a negative PCR and con- crucial. For West Nile virus, there is risk of respiratory
tinues to display symptoms despite adequate treatment, decompensation from neuromuscular weakness second-
consideration should be given to repeating the test after ary to spinal cord involvement and depression of con-
3 to 7  days, as the PCR can be false negative very early sciousness. Oxygen saturation may fall due to aspiration
in the disease. Despite a wide range of viruses that can or hypoventilation and ­CO2 may rise as an early indicator
cause encephalitis, specific antiviral therapy is gener- of ventilatory failure. Admission to the ICU for observa-
ally limited to herpes viruses (especially herpes simplex tion is frequently warranted.
virus) and HIV, treated with acyclovir and antiretrovirals, Other forms of viral encephalitis, such as those caused
respectively [38] (Fig. 3). by the Arboviruses, including West Nile virus, may also
For suspicion of viral encephalitis and, particularly, have a subacute presentation [39]. There are no pharma-
HSE, treatment should begin with IV acyclovir. Acyclovir cotherapeutic interventions for these encephalitides, but
needs to be adjusted in cases of impaired renal function. until exclusion of HSE can be verified, empiric acyclovir
Hydration should be sufficient to achieve normovolemia, is reasonable.
thereby avoiding the complication of acyclovir-associated
renal failure. For varicella zoster virus (VZV), acyclovir is Mycobacterial CNS Infection
recommended, but ganciclovir can be given alternatively. TB meningitis is another CNS infection to be consid-
For cytomegalovirus, the combination of ganciclovir plus ered in the early differential diagnosis, especially if
foscarnet is recommended (see Table 3). there has been a subacute and more protracted course
The treatment for non-herpetic viral encephalitis is of onset of illness: In a patient presenting with a symp-
primarily supportive in nature. Many of these patients tom duration of more than 5  days, particularly if the
hydrocephalus, tuberculomata, brain abscess forma-
tion, and disorders of sodium, and water metabolism
[42]. Demonstration of acid-fast bacilli in the CSF is the
gold standard of diagnosis. However, sensitivities vary
with technique and are at best 60%, and results take 2
to 6 weeks of incubation [43]. Therefore, in practice, a
combination of clinical presentation, CSF appearance,
imaging, and acid-fast bacilli at other sites is used to
make a provisional diagnosis. CSF OP is usually mod-
erately elevated (18–30 cm ­H2O), CSF glucose is often
depressed (< 40  mg/dL), and CSF protein is usually
elevated [41]. Acellular CSF profiles may occur [44].
PCR assays have improved the diagnostic process in TB
meningitis with sensitivity of 56–76% and specificity of
89–98%, depending on the assay [45, 46]. Imaging may
reveal hydrocephalus, tuberculomata, or meningeal
enhancement, seen best with MRI, as 25% of head CT
scans performed at the time of initial presentation are
normal [42].
Empiric treatment regimens are largely based on those
for pulmonary TB, with a staged combination regimen
(see Table 3). Treatment delay is to be avoided similar to
any other bacterial meningitis [47].

Fungal Meningitis or Encephalitis

Fungal CNS infections are highly variable in clinical pres-
entation and need to be considered in suspected CNS
infections that evolve over days in an immunosuppressed
patient. Prior history of CNS disease or systemic fungal
infections and rapid disease progression should raise the
index of suspicion for fungal meningitis.
As with other CNS infections, fast identification and
treatment initiation significantly affect the odds of a
better outcome [25]. Typical CSF findings include lym-
phocytic pleocytosis (few to several hundreds per HPF)
and for certain organisms also with eosinophilic pre-
Fig. 3  CT and MRI brain of herpes encephalitis. A 75-year-old male dominance. CSF glucose is decreased, and CSF protein
presenting with 2 days of altered mental status, low-grade fever and is generally elevated (up to 250  mg/dL or beyond). If
seizure. a CT scan of head shows extensive edema involving the right CSF acquisition via LP is difficult or impossible, it can
medial temporal lobe with hemorrhagic conversion. b MRI brain be an indicator of very high (> 1  gm/dL) CSF protein
(FLAIR sequence) shows extensive vasogenic edema involving the
and obstructive hydrocephalus. Empiric amphotericin B
right medial temporal and right medial orbitofrontal lobes suggestive
of herpes encephalitis should be administered during diagnostic testing.

Pediatric Considerations
patient is immunocompromised, the diagnosis of TB Bacterial meningitis is an important contributor to pedi-
meningitis should be considered [40]. Tuberculosis atric morbidity and mortality [48]. Diagnosis can be diffi-
is more prevalent in high-risk groups, including the cult in infants who often have nonspecific manifestations
homeless, nursing home residents, ethnic minorities, such as fever, hypothermia, lethargy, irritability, respira-
and persons infected with HIV [41]. Cranial nerves tory distress, poor feeding, vomiting, or seizures. In older
are affected in 20 to 30%, most commonly III, VI, VII, children, clinical manifestations include fever, headache,
and VIII [42]. TB meningitis can be complicated by photophobia, nausea, vomiting, and decreased mental
status [49]. The major pathogens involved are dependent An empiric antibiotic regimen (Table  4) for
on the age of the child [28, 48]: infants < 2 months of age should include ampicillin, gen-
tamicin, and cefotaxime [28]. In older infants, children,
•  Neonatal period—depending on early (within the first and adolescents, the appropriate empiric treatment
week of life) versus late onset (between the second and regimen should cover penicillin-resistant S. pneumo-
sixth weeks of life), most common pathogens GBS, E. niae and N. meningitidis [51]. Pneumococcus is the
coli, other Gram-negative bacilli [50]. most common cause of bacterial meningitis in pediatric
patients from ages 2  months to 11  years. Therefore, it
is important to consider in vitro susceptibility for Pneu-
• < 2 months—GBS, Listeria monocytogenes, Strepto- mococcus. In case of penicillin allergy, alternatives such
coccus pneumoniae, Neisseria meningitidis, Haemo- as aztreonam or levofloxacin (depending on organism
philus influenzae. targeted) should be considered. The empiric antibi-
•  2 to 23  months—Streptococcus pneumoniae, GBS, otic regimen should be broadened in infants and chil-
N. meningitidis, Haemophilus influenzae [28, 51]. dren with immune deficiency, penetrating head trauma,
•  2 to 10 years—Streptococcus pneumoniae, Neisseria other anatomic defects, or if the development of men-
meningitidis, Haemophilus influenzae. ingitis is healthcare-related [52]. The recommended
•  11 to 17  years—Neisseria meningitidis, Streptococ- empiric therapy for these patients is vancomycin plus
cus pneumoniae. an antipseudomonal beta lactam (such as cefepime, cef-
tazidime, or meropenem), per the practice guidelines of
Bacterial meningitis is a true pediatric medical emer- the IDSA [52].
gency, and immediate diagnostic and therapeutic steps Adjunctive therapy with dexamethasone has been
must be taken (Fig.  4). The initial management should discussed previously. The American Academy of Pedi-
include evaluation and restoration of normal oxygena- atrics Committee on Infectious Diseases suggests that
tion, ventilation, and perfusion. For children with a dexamethasone therapy may be beneficial in children
GCS ≤ 8 and/or lack of airway protective reflexes, intu- with HiB meningitis if given before or at the same
bation for airway protection is advised. Similar to adults, time as the first dose of antimicrobial therapy and that
pediatric patients with bacterial meningitis may also pre- it should be considered for infants and children with
sent with signs and symptoms of septic shock. Per the pneumococcal meningitis after weighing the potential
Pediatric Septic Shock Guidelines [28, 51] IV access with risks and benefits [53]. The 2016 ESCMID guidelines
rapid isotonic fluid resuscitation of 20–60  mL/kg in the [31] state that based on expert consensus, dexameth-
first hour should be administered with a goal to restore asone can still be started up to 4  h after initiation of
normal peripheral perfusion, heart rate, and blood pres- antibiotic treatment. Finally, there are insufficient data
sure for age. If shock is fluid refractory, epinephrine for to recommend starting corticosteroids in neonates [28,
cold shock or norepinephrine for warm shock should 29, 31].
be initiated. Supportive care should also include detec- Children with encephalitis present with symptoms
tion and management of hypoglycemia, acidosis, and of CNS dysfunction including alterations of conscious-
coagulopathy. ness, cortical dysfunction with focal neurologic signs,
LP and blood cultures should be performed without and ataxia. Additional signs and symptoms include fever,
delay, and empiric antibiotics should be given immedi- seizures, and abnormal neuroimaging [54]. As in the case
ately following its completion. If performance of blood of children with bacterial meningitis, the initial manage-
cultures or the LP is not possible or must be delayed ment includes restoration of normal oxygenation, ventila-
(i.e., due to the need to obtain brain imaging), initiation tion, and perfusion, as well as detection and management
of antibiotic therapy should not be postponed. Children of hypoglycemia, acidosis, and coagulopathy. Seizure
with mass effect on brain imaging or signs  of intracra- detection and treatment are also vital.
nial hypertension are at higher risk of cerebral herniation Acute flaccid myelitis (AFM) has emerged as a rare,
when a LP is performed. If signs of mass effect or intrac- but feared problem where previously healthy children
ranial hypertension are evident on neuroimaging (prior present with acute paralysis [51]. While encephalitis from
to LP), or the LP has an elevated OP, neurosurgery should enterovirus is relatively well known, there is emerging
be consulted for ICP monitoring. There is some evidence evidence that AFM may be a delayed response to respira-
to support that aggressive management of cerebral per- tory enterovirus infection, particularly Enterovirus D68.
fusion pressure improves outcome in pediatric patients Typically, children have a viral respiratory or less com-
with acute CNS infections [28]. monly gastrointestinal prodrome, with fever, headache,
neck stiffness, and myalgia in varying combinations. This
is followed by a rapidly progressive flaccid limb weakness
over hours to days (upper limbs, respiratory or quadri-
paresis) ± cranial nerve and bowel/bladder involvement.
CSF shows pleocytosis and elevated protein, but no virus
has been isolated in the CSF. MRI of the spinal cord
shows longitudinally extensive predominantly gray mat-
ter involvement. Treatment is supportive including res-
piratory support.
Finally, several infectious diseases previously thought
to be eradicated by immunizations have been increas-
ingly observed due to declining rates of vaccine use in
certain areas. Post-infectious measles encephalitis and
mumps-associated meningitis which can complicate up
to 10% of mumps cases are some examples. Mumps-asso-
ciated meningitis is generally benign, although long-term
sequelae from encephalitis are common.

Nursing Considerations
The role of the nurse for a patient who presents with
suspected meningitis includes assisting the providers
with the initial examination, airway and hemodynamic
stabilization, obtaining intravenous assess, and prompt
administration of antibiotics. Nursing assessment
should include establishing an initial neurologic exami-
nation and baseline vital signs. Respiratory status can
be compromised due to a declining level of alertness
or from concomitant pneumonia. Close monitoring of
respiratory status including respiratory rate, ability to
clear secretions, pattern, depth of respiration, etc. is
important in identifying patients who need endotra-
cheal intubation. Hemodynamic compromise can occur
in patients with meningitis including sepsis and/or
septic shock. The bedside nurse should closely moni-
tor patient’s volume status and hemodynamics paying
particular attention to blood pressure and heart rate
trends. Hyperthermia can occur secondary to infection
[55]. Antipyretics and other measures of fever control
should be instituted promptly and as needed. Vigilant
monitoring for complications of meningitis and enceph-
alitis includes signs or symptoms of cerebral edema
(e.g., Cushing’s triad), increased ICP, hydrocephalus
and seizures with prompt notification to provider teams
with any change in status. Seizure precautions should
be in place for all patients with meningitis and enceph-
alitis including keeping the bed in low position with
Fig. 4  Approach to suspected CNS infection in infants and children padded side rails and suction and oral airway available
Table 7  Meningitis and encephalitis communication checklist
Communication sign out

☐ Presenting signs, symptoms, vital signs on admission and relevant past medical history
☐ Relevant laboratory results including white blood cell count, bicarbonate level, lactate level, and renal function
☐ Head CT and results if obtained
☐ IV fluid administered, input/output
☐ Antibiotics administered and time started; dexamethasone if given
☐ Results of LP, including opening pressure
☐ Current vital signs, pretransfer physical and neurological exam
☐ Ongoing concerns, active issues, outstanding studies/tests
☐ Infectious precautions applied/required

Table 8  Meningitis and encephalitis—sample structured communication

Communication—elements to include

☐ Age
☐ Airway status
☐ Hemodynamic condition
☐ Presumed pathogen (bacterial, viral, etc.)
☐ Imaging findings
☐ Antibiotics, steroids
☐ Precautions necessary
Sample sign-off narrative:
Prehospital provider to ED: This is Medic 2 calling for a destination request for a 24-year-old male with fever, headache, vomiting and altered mental
status. Concern for bacterial meningitis, droplet precautions in place. On arrival at the patient’s home, he was agitated but alert. 8 min into the trans-
port, he vomited and now is progressively lethargic. We are assisting oxygenation with a nasal cannula. On alert for intubation if further vomiting and
decline in mental status. Blood pressure is 100/60 mm Hg, tachycardic at 110 with a temperature of 101 F. He has received one liter of normal saline
and has one peripheral antecubital 18 g IV
ED handoff to ICU: 24-year-old male, with purulent discharge from right ear, ruptured tympanic membrane, fever of 101 F, headache and progressive
altered mental status, GCS 8 (E2 M4 V2), meningismus. Intubated in ED in one attempt with a size 6.5 ETT, concern for bacterial meningitis, on droplet
precautions. CT scan normal; LP with opening pressure 18, 5400 WBC, neutrophils 90%, protein 120, glucose 50. CSF Gram stain pending. Blood
cultures sent. Vancomycin, cefepime and dexamethasone 8 mg given. 2 lit NS given, BP 110/65 mm Hg

at bedside [55]. Finally, nurses should be vigilant about Most patients with bacterial meningitis and viral
enforcing droplet and isolation precautions to minimize encephalitis require the oversight and care that an ICU
spread of infection. can provide. Tables  7 and 8 outline information that
is important to pass along to the accepting healthcare
Communication team.
Transfer of care to the accepting healthcare team is an
important step to maintain continuity of management.
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