Gen. Biology Ylarde

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Ylarde, Kim April Y.

General Biology 1

STEM 1108 Mrs. Mary Vienne Pascual

Lesson 1;

What’s more?

A. Try on

B. Deepen Up

1. When Hooke first used the term cell, did he intend it to apply to living material? Explain your
- Robert Hooke first used the term cell to refer these tiny unit of life was in 1665.he is the
one of the earliest scientists to study living things under the microscope.

2. What do you think were the evidences when Virchow postulated that all new
Cells arise from existing cells?
- Around 1855, Virchow wrote the declaration Omnis cellula e cellula, which states that
all cells come from pre-existing cells, based on his findings. Until Virchow's discovery, it
was thought that new cells were formed from a fluid called blastema.
3. How did technology impact the development of the cell theory?
-Technology like lenses, magnifying glasses and microscopes are really great help especially
to the scientist. If is not because of this technology, scientist would not be able to examine
living cells and other organism.

Lesson 2:

What’s more?

A. Feeling at home with the cell

Cell Organelles Parts/objects/people Analogous Function
of the house
Cell Wall Wall of the House The cell gives
protection, structural
support and maintains
the shape of the cell.
Just like the wall of
the house, it also
gives protection,
structural support and
maintains the shape of
the house.
Nucleus The whole house Nucleus is the house of DNA,
so basically the DNA lives in
the nucleus, whiles us; people,
we lived in the house.
Therefore, the nucleus and
the house are the same.
Vacuoles Trash bin The function of the vacuoles is
to handle waste products, so
goes with the trash bin that
can help also to handle the
waste product until it’s ready
to dispose.
Nucleoid Bedroom Nucleoid is the
location of DNA. But,
just like DNA, each
person has their own
location but we call it
Vesicle Car Vesicle’s function is to help
the materials to transport.
While on the other hand, the
cars are the one can help
people to transport from
different places to another.
Centrosome Cabinets Centrosome and cabinets
have the same function, they
help to organized things. It’s
just one of their differences is
the centrosome organized
cell, while the cabinets
organized things.
Endoplasmic Reticulum Hallway Endoplasmic reticulum
is like a hallway in
cell organelles because
before some cell goes
to other organelles,
they need to pass at
the endoplasmic
Flagella Window Flagella is like
window, it enables to
move just like window
and bacteria can have
one flagella or several
just like the house
with many window. Also,
flagella can be one or
several in one spot
just like window.
Chloroplast Stove The function of
chloroplast is to
convert energy light
into relatively stable
chemical energy via
photosynthetic process;
the stove can cook or
convert uncooked meals
to cooked meals via
heat process.
Mitochondria Solar panel Mitochondria and solar
panel has the same
function, they give

B. Deepen up

1. You already know that ribosome synthesize proteins and they are abundant in red blood
cells. In what other cells of the body would you find them in great abundance? Why?
-You can find ribosome in muscle cells because they are abundant. Muscle cells are
constructed of the protein made by the ribosome’s that why they are abundant.

2. What are structural and functional similarities between Mitochondria and Chloroplasts?
--Mitochondria and chloroplasts are both organelles found in the cell of plants, but only
mitochondria can found in animal cells. Thee both function of mitochondria and chloroplasts
are to generate energy for the cells in which they lived. The structure of both organelle
types are includes an inner and an outer membrane.

3. In your own opinion, is the nuclear membrane part of the endomembrane system? Why or
why not? Defend your answer.
-The nuclear membrane is not considered as part of the endomembrane because nucleus is
a separated organelle.

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