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The Knight

How to Win 1) Pick Up Hero Cubes tile, you could spend one Encounter to attack
the Dragon, pick up two Treasure tokens,
Kill the Dragon by reducing his Health Pick up all Hero cubes placed on your player or do both actions.)
to 0. If there is no Dragon, smash 5 Crystal board, except those on your Grit track and
tokens, then escape the Cave by entering those that have been discarded. (On your first Anything you attack or collect must be
the Entrance tile. turn, pick up the two cubes you set near your on your tile.
board during setup.) If you move onto a Dark tile, you must spend
an Encounter to reveal and resolve the tile,
and then you may take any of the other
Set your Health to 7 and Grit to 0. Set the
At any time during your turn, you may actions you wish.
Knight piece on the Entrance tile. Place
allocate your Hero cubes as you choose
the 3 Bomb tokens near your player board. R E V E A L I N G A N D R E S O LV I N G T I L E S
to increase your statistics (Movement,
Shuffle the Sidequest deck and place it Perception, and Strength), to use your When you enter a Dark tile, you must reveal
facedown near your board, then draw 3 equipment (Bomb, Bow, Ancient Map, it—flipping it to its Lit side—place it, and
Sidequest cards into your hand. and Shield), and to use any Treasure cards resolve it. After resolving the tile, gain 1 Grit.
you’ve acquired. You do not have to allocate When you place the revealed tile, you must
Place 2 Hero cubes near your player board.
all of your Hero cubes at the same time. connect it to the tile from which you moved.
(These tokens are the two shown on the “0”
space on your Grit track.) Place the remaining Allocating a Hero cube to a statistic track If you moved into the Dark tile through an
tokens on the white spaces on the Grit track increases that statistic to the number shown open side (no wall), you must place an open
(5, 11, 18, 26, and 35). on the space you placed the token. You must side of the revealed tile against the tile from
always place Hero cubes on these tracks from which you moved. The Cave then adds Dark

Turn Summary left to right, starting with the leftmost empty

space (the second space).
tiles to the board on the tile’s open sides.
(If there is no Cave player, you draw and place
During your turn, resolve the following the tiles instead.)
phases in order: Allocating a Hero cube to a piece of equipment
or a Treasure card allows you to use its effect. To resolve the tile, follow the tile’s
1. Pick Up Hero Cubes instructions below:
2. Move and Act A placed Hero cube remains placed until
your next Pick Up Hero Cubes phase. If you Event: The Cave plays an Event card
Your turn ends when you complete these are prompted to discard a Hero cube, place on you. (If there is no Cave player,
phases. You may choose to end your turn it on the Discarded Hero Cubes space of your you draw and resolve an Event card
without completing both phases. Before player board. You can recover discarded instead.) If you enter or begin your
ending your turn, you may assign any unused tokens through the Cave Bread Event card. turn on a tile with an Event token, you must
Hero cubes to any statistic or to equipment The Knight can never lose or discard her resolve it as if you had revealed an Event tile,
or Treasure cards that do not require starting two Hero cubes. then remove the Event token from the map.
Ambush: First, you may

2) Move and Act immediately assign more Hero
cubes to Strength. Then, the Goblins
The Knight has three statistics: During this phase, you can move a
may attack you with a hidden Goblin Tribe if
Movement, Perception, and Strength. number of adjacent tiles equal to your
its Strength is greater than your Strength. If a
Movement, and you can spend Encounters
Tribe attacks you, you lose 1 Health, the Tribe
Movement equals the distance, equal to your Perception. You can move
scatters, and the Goblins’ Rage decreases by 1.
measured in tiles, you can move on and spend Encounters in any order,
your turn. but you can only move while you have Treasure Room: Place a Treasure
any Encounters remaining. token on the tile. You may pick up the
Perception equals the number of
token as part of this Encounter or
Encounters you can have on your turn, Normally, you cannot move through walls.
ignore it.
and affects your interactions with However, each time you use your Ancient Map
the Thief. equipment, you can move through one wall. Crystal: Place a Crystal token on the
tile. You may smash it as part of this
Strength determines whether you can By spending an Encounter, you can take the
Encounter or ignore it.
make certain attacks, and helps you following actions in the following order:
defend against attacks outside your turn. Vault: Place a Vault token on the tile.
1. Reveal and Resolve Dark Tile
(Only used in games with the Thief.)
At the beginning of each turn, all of your (required)
statistics begin at 1, as shown by the 2. Resolve Attacks (any order): Crystals, MOVING TO THE DRAGON
leftmost space of each statistic track. Dragon, Goblins, Thief While the Dragon is underground, you can
3. Collect Treasures: Dragon Gems, enter his tile without spending an Encounter
Treasure Tokens if you do not attack him. Attacking him costs
By spending one Encounter, you can take any an Encounter, as normal.
or all of these actions. (For example, on a Lit

While the Dragon is on the surface and you Dragon Gem: Roll the Dragon die. If it affects
wish to enter his tile, your Strength must be the center tile, you lose 2 Grit. (It’s a trap!) If it EQUIPMENT
equal to or greater than his Armor, and you doesn’t, you gain 5 Grit. After adjusting Grit, Ancient Map: The Ancient Map allows you
to move through walls. If the edges of two
must then attack him (as an Encounter). return the Dragon Gem token to the Dragon. touching tiles both have walls, they count as a
single wall. Each placed Hero cube allows you
Treasure Token: The Cave draws 2 Treasure
AT TA C K I N G T H E D R A G O N to move through one wall. The Ancient Map
cards, chooses one to give to you, and returns does not affect Movement costs.
While the Dragon is underground and the other to the bottom of the Treasure deck. Bomb: The Bomb allows you to attack
the Collapse has not begun, you can attack (If there is no Cave player, draw the top card the Dragon (as an Encounter) while it is
him only if you use your Bomb equipment, from the Treasure deck.) underground before the Collapse begins.
and you can only attack him once per turn. Otherwise, you may activate the Bomb to
After viewing the Treasure card, you may place a Bomb token on a wall, removing it
If the Collapse has begun, you can attack him permanently.
keep it facedown near you, or you may decline
without using your Bomb, but you still can
it, removing it from the game, to gain 5 Grit. Attacking the Dragon with a Bomb does not
only attack him once per turn. use a Bomb token, and you may attack the
Facedown Treasure cards can be revealed later. Dragon with a Bomb even if you have no
If the Dragon is on the surface, you can attack tokens remaining.
If the Treasure deck has no cards left,
him without using your Bomb, and you can
you simply gain 5 Grit each time you collect If a tile with a Bomb token on its edge is rotated
attack him multiple times, each during a or affected by the Rockslide omen, remove the
a Treasure token.
separate Encounter, without moving. Bomb token from the game.

If you attack the Dragon, and your Strength is Sidequests Bow: The Bow allows you to shoot a visible
Goblin Tribe at unlimited range. Shooting a
greater than his Armor, your attack succeeds. Tribe with the Bow reduces its Population by
At any time during your turn, you may
If your Strength is equal, you must roll the your Strength – 1, but does not cause it to scatter.
reveal a Sidequest card from your hand if you The Bow may be used before, during, or after
Dragon die, and the attack succeeds only if the
satisfy the card’s requirements. If you reveal movement. Using it does not cost an Encounter.
die affects the center tile. A successful attack
a Sidequest card, remove it from the game and Shield: The Shield allows you to ignore other
causes the Dragon to lose 1 Health.
gain Grit equal to the number shown in the players’ effects that would move you. In
addition, each time you lose Grit, the Shield
If the Dragon’s Health is reduced to 0, card’s upper-right corner. Then draw a new
reduces the amount you lose to 1 Grit.
he dies and you win the game. Sidequest card if any remain in the deck.
To gain these benefits, you must have activated
When a Sidequest card refers to an “attack”, the Shield with a Hero cube before these effects
it must be an attack that you prompt on your
You may enter a tile with a revealed Goblin
turn, and it cannot come from using any Bow
Tribe only if your Strength is greater than
or revealing an Ambush tile.
the Tribe’s Strength. When you enter the
tile, you must then attack the Tribe (as an
Encounter), causing the Tribe to scatter.
Grit Elven Sword: Increases your Perception by 1, and
increases your Strength by 1 during your turn.
Grit is the experience the Knight gains as she
If you enter a tile with multiple Goblin Enchanted Bow: Allows you to shoot the
adventures through the Cave, by exploring Dragon or Thief from up to 5 tiles away in a
Tribes, you attack all of them during
new tiles, picking up treasures, smashing straight line, even if the Dragon is underground
the same Encounter. or if there are Dark tiles in between. The
crystals, and completing sidequests. Each
Enchanted Bow may be used before, during,
time you earn or lose Grit, track it by moving or after movement. Using it does not cost
the Grit marker along the Grit track. an Encounter.
You may enter the Thief’s tile without spending
an Encounter if you do not attack him. When your Grit marker reaches a space with When shot by the Enchanted Bow, the Thief is
killed, while the Dragon must discard Power
a Hero cube, take that cube. You can use this cards equal to your Strength – 1.
To attack the Thief (as an Encounter), your
cube during the same turn.
Perception must be greater than the Thief’s Javelin: When used, your next attack may
Stealth. If you attack the Thief, you kill him, If your Grit marker falls below a white space, target the Dragon while he is underground,
and you gain +1 Strength on your next attack.
and you gain Grit equal to his Loot Drop Level. immediately return a Hero cube to that space. You cannot use it to attack the Dragon on the
Return an unplaced cube if possible. If you same turn that you use a Bomb to attack him.
S M A S H I N G C R Y S TA L S must return a placed cube, your turn then Using the Javelin does not require a Hero cube,
If your Strength is 3 or higher, you may smash immediately ends. but still costs an Encounter to make the attack.
any Crystal tokens on your tile. When you After resolving the effects of the Javelin,
smash a Crystal token, place it on the Smashed You can never be reduced below 0 Grit. immediately remove it from the game.

Crystals space of your player board, and you Heroic Boots: Increases your Movement by 4.
gain 2 Grit.
GAIN GRIT LOSE GRIT Mighty Axe: Increases your Strength 
Reveal Backstab (Thief): 1–5 by 1 during your turn. If you successfully
In games without the Dragon, you win if a Cave Tile 1 attack the Dragon, and you already have a
Blob (Monster): 5
you smash 5 Crystal tokens and then escape Smash a Crystal: 2 Hero cube assigned to the Mighty Axe, you may
Flame Wall discard the cube to make the Dragon lose one
from the Cave. Decline Treasure: 5 (Dragon): 5 more Health (2 total).
Kill the Thief: 0–3 Hex (Goblins): 1–4 The Mighty Axe cannot be used with a Bomb
TREASURES AND GEMS Complete Rats (Event): 2 to attack the Dragon while it is underground.
When you collect a Treasure token or Dragon a Sidequest: 3–6
Scratch (Dragon): 5 Pixie Lantern: Increases your Movement
Gem token on your tile, resolve its effects as Get a and Perception by 1.
Soporific Spores
follows. If there are multiple tokens on your Dragon Gem: +5/–2
(Cave): 5 Potion Kit: If you remove the Potion Kit from
Cave tile, you may collect them all during the game, as well as discard the Hero cube
one Encounter, but each resolves separately, used to activate it, you regain 2 Health.
one at a time.

The Goblins
How to Win 2) Populate Tribes TRIBES
Kill the Knight by reducing her Health to 0. If Look at the War card you chose, and add Goblin The Goblin Horde works together
there is no Knight, kill the Dragon. If there is discs under each Goblin Tribe piece as shown in three distinct Tribes.
no Knight or Dragon, smash 5 Crystal tokens. by the Tribe’s number on the War card.
The Fangs Tribe is known
(See the Role Variants chapter for more details.)
You can prevent adding any number of Goblin for its fierce warriors and
discs to any Tribe by spending 1 Rage per always fights with extra
Setup Tribe you affect. strength. This Tribe’s
special action increases its Rage,
Place the 3 Goblin pieces (1 for each Tribe) A Tribe cannot have more than 4 Goblin
and its Strength disc gives it a permanent
on your player board. discs. If the Population of one or multiple
+1 Strength.
Place the Goblin and Strength discs near your Tribes would increase beyond 4, this causes
overpopulation: scatter one revealed The Bones Tribe is known
board. Place 1 Strength disc on the Fangs
Tribe. If no Tribes are on the map, scatter a for training and controlling
Tribe space on your board.
hidden Tribe instead. The Tribe you scatter Monsters to aid in battle.
Shuffle the War, Monster, and Secrets decks does not have to be a Tribe that caused This Tribe’s special action
separately and place each near your board. overpopulation. summons new Monsters, and this Tribe
can control 2 Monsters at once.
Set your Rage to 1.
3) Assign Monsters The Eye Tribe is known for its
Turn Summary Draw Monster cards equal to the leadership skills and greater
intelligence. This Tribe’s
During your turn, resolve the following number shown on your chosen War card, and
special action draws Secrets
phases in order: assign the cards as you choose to the card slots
cards, and the Tribe’s Population has
of Tribes on your player board. The Fangs
1. Choose War Card Tribe and Eye Tribe can each hold 1 Monster, special interactions with certain cards.
2. Populate Tribes while the Bones Tribe can hold 2 Monsters.
3. Assign Monsters
4. Draw Secrets If a Tribe already has a Monster, you may keep
5. Activate Tribes it, or you may discard its current Monster RAGE & MALAISE
to assign a drawn Monster. Discard any Rage is the measure of the Goblin Horde’s
Your turn ends once you finish the Activate collective anger.
Monsters that you do not assign.
Tribes phase. When your turn ends,
immediately shuffle the entire War deck, The maximum number of Monsters you Your Rage increases by 1 when any
including the card you chose to resolve. can assign among all the Tribes equals the Tribe is:
Population of the Bones Tribe. • Attacked or shot by the Knight
T R I B E S TAT I S T I C S If the Population of the Bones Tribe is reduced or Dragon
The number of Goblin discs under a Tribe to less than the number of assigned Monster • Affected by the Dragon’s Hiss
piece is the Tribe’s Population. cards, the assigned Monsters remain. However, • Affected by the Cave’s Sopoforic Spores
new Monsters cannot be assigned while the
A Tribe’s Strength equals its Population. • Attacked by the Thief’s Pickpocket
number of assigned monsters is equal to or
Its Strength determines whether it can or Backstab
greater than the Bones Tribe’s Population.
move into tiles with certain players, and You may also increase Rage by using the
whether it can target or be targeted by If the Monster deck runs out of cards, shuffle Plunder action, using the Fangs Tribe’s
other players. the discarded cards to create a new deck. special action, or killing the Thief.
A Tribe’s Perception equals its (The Ambush text at the bottom of each Your Rage decreases by 1 when any Tribe
Population + 1. Its Perception determines Monster card is used only in games without successfully attacks another player. You
whether it can target the Thief. the Goblins. Read the Goblin Infestation may also spend Rage during the Populate
Variant card for details.) Tribes step to avoid adding Goblin discs.

If Rage is ever reduced to 0, it causes

1) Choose War Card STRENGTH DISCS
If a Monster provides a +1 Strength
malaise: all Tribes suffer -1 Strength.
The Goblins gather their forces, massing Malaise ends immediately when your
bonus (Flame Giant, Ogre, or Troll), add a Rage increases to 1 or higher.
in great numbers to battle the Knight.
Strength disc to the assigned Tribe’s token
If your Rage is 0, increase it to 1. Then, draw stack to indicate the increased Strength. Rage cannot be reduced below 0
War cards equal in number to your Rage. or increased above 3.
Strength discs never change a Tribe’s
Choose one to resolve, and discard the others.
Population. (It will not prevent placement
of Goblin discs, and will not cause

The Fangs Tribe’s Strength disc cannot

be lost or discarded.
4) Draw Secrets A Tribe may always enter a tile with the Thief.
To attack the Thief, the Tribe’s Perception S C AT T E R
Draw Secrets cards equal to the number must be greater than the Thief’s Stealth. When a Tribe attacks, gets attacked
shown on the chosen War card. (unless the attack states otherwise), or is
When the Tribe attacks the Thief, the Thief is reduced to 0 Population, it scatters.
Your hand limit is 5 cards. If you ever killed. Your Rage decreases by 1, but the Tribe
draw beyond your hand limit, you must does not scatter. Then, you choose whether to When a Tribe scatters, place it on your
immediately choose cards to discard until draw Secrets cards or gain Rage based on his player board, decrease its Population
you again hold 5 cards. (Face-up cards count Loot Drop Level. by 2, and discard its Monster card,
toward your hand limit.) if any.
Smashing a Crystal token requires a
You may play Secrets cards at any time combined attack by two Tribes, which must If the Bones Tribe scatters and has 2
during your turn. When you play one, each have a Strength of 3 or more. To make Monsters, discard one of your choice.
discard it unless the card states otherwise. this combined attack, two Tribes must each
If the Secrets deck runs out of cards, shuffle use the Attack action, attacking the Crystal
A lurking Tribe is still hidden. On any turn
the discarded cards to create a new deck. token, before your turn ends.
after a lurking Tribe is placed on the map, you
When your Tribes smash a Crystal token, may activate it to move it or to perform the
5) Activate Tribes give it to the Knight. If there is no Knight,
keep it on your player board. Also, scatter
Hide action. If you move a lurking Tribe, it can
move only from its open space to an adjacent
During this phase, you may activate each
both attacking Tribes, and decrease your tile of your choice, ending its movement there,
Goblin Tribe once. When you activate a Tribe,
Rage by 1. and it cannot perform an action after moving.
you may move it, and then you may perform
one action with it. PLUNDER If a tile is placed under a lurking Tribe,
A Tribe may plunder a Treasure token the Tribe becomes revealed.
You may activate Tribes in any order, but
you must finish activating one Tribe before or Dragon Gem token on its tile.
activating another. When a Tribe plunders a Treasure token, A Tribe on your player board is hidden.
An activated Tribe can move any number increase your Rage by 1, then return the token
To hide a Tribe, place its Goblin Tribe piece
of tiles. It can enter Lit and Dark tiles, but it to the Cave’s supply.
on your player board.
cannot move through walls. Additionally, When a Tribe plunders a Dragon Gem, roll
for every 2 Lit tiles that a Tribe exits during Hidden Tribes cannot be targeted by other
the Dragon die. If the roll affects the center
the same turn, it loses 1 Population. (Remove players, but they can attack the Knight if she
tile, the Tribe scatters. (It’s a trap!) If it does
a disc when leaving the second tile.) reveals an Ambush tile or Ambush Event card.
not, increase your Rage by 1. Then, return
After completing its movement, if any, an the Dragon Gem to the Dragon’s supply.
activated Tribe may perform one action of A Tribe may plunder a Dragon Gem from the Each Tribe has a special action that only
your choice: Attack, Plunder, Explore, Reveal, Dragon himself, but only if there are no Dragon it may perform. A hidden Tribe cannot use
Hide, or its special action. Gems on the map and if the Tribe’s Strength is its special action.
A Tribe on your player board cannot move. greater than the Dragon’s Armor.
Fangs Tribe:
A Tribe with 0 Population cannot perform Increase Rage by 1.
any actions.
A Goblin Tribe on a Dark tile can use this Bones Tribe:
AT TA C K action. Select an adjacent open space (no tile), Draw and assign 1 Monster card.
A Goblin Tribe may attack the Knight, Thief, and the Cave places a Cave tile there, Dark
Eye Tribe:
or Dragon (only with Ash Dragon Variant side up. (If there is no Cave player, draw a Cave
Draw 1 Secrets card.
card) on the same tile, and they may smash tile and place it there, Dark side up.) Then,
a Crystal token on the same tile with the help place the exploring Tribe on that tile.
of another Tribe.
To enter a tile with the Knight or Dragon, Any Tribe on the map is a revealed Tribe.
the Tribe’s Strength must be greater than
To reveal a hidden Tribe, move its Goblin
the Knight’s Strength or the Dragon’s Armor.
Tribe piece from your player board onto any
If the Tribe enters a tile with the Knight, it Dark tile showing that Tribe’s symbol.
attacks: the Knight loses 1 Health, the Tribe
If there are no such Dark tiles on the map, you
scatters, and your Rage decreases by 1.
may instead place the Tribe on an open space
(no tile) adjacent to any other tile. This Tribe
If the Knights’s Health is reduced to 0,
is lurking.
she dies and you win the game.

B Y PAT R I C K L E D E R & D AV I D S O M E R V I L L E 4
The Dragon
How to Win 1) Move and Use Powers If you pick up a Treasure token, give it to the
Cave to satisfy your Greed condition, which
Shake off your slumber and escape from During this phase, you may move 1 or 2 tiles moves a cube from your Greed track to your
the Cave. To do this, first move at least 11 Sloth in a straight line without spending any Power Wakefulness track.
cubes to your Wakefulness track, then move cards. You may perform this free movement
from the underground to the surface, once per turn, before or after using any of If you pick up multiple Treasure tokens,
and finally enter the Entrance tile. your powers. keep all of them beyond the first. You can
give these to the Cave during later turns,
During this phase, you may also use powers.
Setup To use a power, discard Power cards that
one token per turn.

Place the Sloth cubes in the Sloth boxes on show the Power symbols matching all those
shown for the power on your player board.
G E M S & O T H E R P L AY E R S
your player board. Place the Eaten Goblins When another player picks up a Gem,
marker on its track at “0”. You may use any powers you wish, each as
that player rolls the Dragon die and
many times as you wish, as long as you spend
Set your Health to 5. resolves it as follows:
the Power symbols required by each.
Shuffle the Power cards and then draw three. Knight: If the die affects the center tile,
(For example, to use the Burn power you must
the Knight loses 2 Grit. If it does not,
Place the Awakened Dragon piece near your discard a Flame card and a Wing card.)
the Knight gains 5 Grit.
board. You begin play underground. You may also spend Power symbols from
Goblins: If the die affects the center tile,
At the start of your first turn, place the Dragon Gems on the map. Each Gem’s Power
the Tribe scatters. If it does not, the Tribe
Sleeping Dragon piece on the same tile as the symbol can be spent only once per turn, and
may plunder the Gem. (See the Goblin’s
Knight. (If there is no Knight, place your piece spending a symbol does not remove its Gem
chapter for the Plunder action.)
on the Entrance tile instead.) from the map. (If desired, you can flip a Gem
facedown to indicate that its Power symbol has When the Knight or a Goblin Tribe picks

Turn Summary been spent this turn. Flip these Gems face-up
again at the end of your turn.)
up a Gem, after resolving these effects,
the Gem returns to your supply.
During your turn, resolve the following A cost of a question mark ( ) may be fulfilled Thief: If the die affects the center tile,
phases in order: by spending any symbol. the Thief is killed. (You do not gain a Loot
Drop when he is killed in this way.) If it
1. Move and Use Powers MOVEMENT RESTRICTIONS does not affect the center tile, or if the
2. Pick Up Treasure While underground, you can enter Dark Thief spends another Action cube
3. Place Dragon Gem tiles and can move through walls. Entering to avoid rolling the die, he takes it
4. Replace Hand a tile with another player does not prompt and can attempt to add it to his stash.
an attack from that player.
Your turn ends once you replace your hand.
Until the Thief stashes the Gem, you
While on the surface, you cannot enter can still use the Gem’s symbol for your
Dark tiles and cannot move through walls. powers. When he stashes the Gem, it
Entering a tile with the Knight or a Goblin returns to your supply. If the Thief is
Armor helps you defend against attacks
Tribe prompts an attack only if their Strength killed before stashing the Gem, place
and other effects outside your turn.
is high enough that they could attack you: it on the tile where he was killed.
Spirit equals the number of Power cards greater than your Armor for a Goblin Tribe;
you draw for your new hand at the end equal to or greater than your Armor for
of each turn. the Knight. If all four Sloth cubes on your Greed track
have been removed, return any Treasure
KILLING GOBLINS tokens you pick up to the Cave’s supply
Whenever you use your Claw, Scratch, or Hiss without effect.
power against the Goblins, increase your
Eaten Goblins track by the total Population
lost by the affected Goblin Tribes.
3) Place Dragon Gems
You may place a Dragon Gem of your choice,
KILLING THE THIEF if you have any, on your current Cave tile.
If you kill the Thief with your Claw or Scratch
power, draw Power cards equal in number
to his Loot Drop Level.
4) Replace Hand
Discard all remaining cards in your hand,

2) Pick Up Treasure shuffle all of the Power cards, and then draw
cards equal in number to your Spirit.
After completing all of your movement for the
turn, you may pick up any Treasure tokens on
your tile.

The Dragon has been asleep for hundreds A few of the Dragon’s powers reveal tiles, Your Claw, Flame, and Wrath
of years and must shake off the effects of his sometimes several at a time. When you powers, and various other
slumber before emerging from underground. reveal tiles, flip them over in the order effects, require you to roll the
you choose, rotating each so it forms an Dragon die to determine which
To awaken, you must remove Sloth cubes
unbroken path to the Entrance tile, if tiles they affect. The center space on the
from your Sloth tracks: Greed, Hunger, and
possible. When you are done, the Cave die represents the roller’s current tile,
Pride. During your turn, you may remove
adds Dark tiles to all open sides of tiles on while the other spaces represent the
Sloth cubes by fulfilling the conditions
the map. surrounding tiles. Whenever you roll
indicated on your player board, as follows.
the die, apply the effect to all white
If you reveal an Event tile, the Cave
spaces on the die face, except for open
Greed: Pick up a Treasure token and return places an Event token on the tile. The
spaces (with no tiles) on the map.
it to the Cave’s supply (4 cubes). Knight must spend an Encounter if she
enters one of these tiles.
Hunger: Decrease your Eaten Goblins track
by two (4 cubes). If you reveal an Ambush tile, the Goblins
do not attack you, and they do not attack
Pride: Reveal an Event tile (4 cubes), or don’t the Knight if she later moves onto it.
move for the turn (1 cube), or place a Dragon
Gem while at least 1 Gem is on the map (1 cube). If you reveal a Treasure
Room, place a Treasure
When you fulfill a Sloth condition, move token on it.
a Sloth cube on that Sloth track to your
Wakefulness track. You may move up to 3 If you reveal a
Sloth cubes per turn, but only 1 Sloth cube per Crystal tile, place a
Sloth track. (All three Pride conditions are part Crystal token on it.
of the Pride track.) If you reveal a Vault tile,
Once you have moved at least 11 Sloth cubes place a Vault token on it.
to your Wakefulness track, you awaken.
Replace the Slumbering Dragon piece with
the Awakened Dragon piece. (Once awake,
you cannot fall asleep again, even if your
Wakefulness falls below 11.)

Once you are awake, you can move from the
underground to the surface by ending your
turn on a Crystal tile. If there is a Crystal
token on the tile, it is smashed.

While on the surface, if you enter a tile with

another player, resolve an attack as if that
player attacked you. (Refer to the Attacking
the Dragon section in the Knight’s rules or the
Attack section in the Goblins’ rules.) This attack
does not affect your ability to move.

Once you come to the surface and then

move onto the Entrance tile, you win
the game.

While you are on the surface or if
the Collapse has begun, the Knight can
attack you without needing to use her
Bomb. Also, if you are on the surface,
the Knight can attack you multiple times
during her turn, each time during
a separate Encounter.

The Cave
How to Win 1) Collect Omen Tokens The Collapse
Collapse the Cave. To do so, you must first Collect a number of Omen tokens based on Once the Collapse has begun, during the Shape
place all of the Cave tiles, then destroy Cave the number of Treasure tokens plus Crystal the Cave phase of your turn you will remove
tiles until 5 Crystal tiles have collapsed. tokens on the map: tiles instead of placing them. Remove 3 tiles
each turn from the game. Keep track of the
number of Crystal tiles removed. (If there is
no Cave player, each player removes 3 tiles
If the Knight is not in the game, leave the at the end of their own turn instead.)
0 1
Treasure cards, Event cards, and Event
tokens in the box. Tiles that touch only one tile must be removed
1 2
first, then tiles that touch only two tiles must
TOKENS 2–3 3 be removed next. If a Dark tile is removed,
Put the Omen tokens in the draw bag. Place 10 reveal it to show whether it is a Crystal tile.
4–6 4
Treasure tokens on your player board. If there If a tile with any token is removed, return
is a Thief player, place 12 Treasure tokens 7–10 5
the token to its respective player’s supply.
instead of 10. 11+ 6
Place the Crystal, Event, and Rockslide tokens
If a revealed Crystal tile can be removed,
near your board. USING OMENS
it must be removed first. No matter what,
Any time on your turn, you may use an omen
CARDS the Entrance tile can never be removed.
by discarding Omen tokens equal to its cost
Shuffle the Treasure deck and the Event to the draw bag. To use an omen, you must
deck, then place them near your board. discard the number of Omen tokens it lists
Crystal tokens removed during the Collapse
(Read the Treasures section and Events to the draw bag.
do not count toward any victory conditions.
section for more details.)
Each omen shows which types of Omen
If a tile with a player piece on it is removed,
TILES tokens can be discarded to fulfill its cost. You
that player may first move to an adjacent tile
Draw a hand of 3 Cave tiles from the stack. may discard any combination of the symbols
in order to remain on the map. If there is no
shown, even the same symbol multiple times.
adjacent tile that would not prompt an attack,
Turn Summary You may use an omen any number of times,
paying its cost each time. You may save
that tile is ignored and a different one must
be chosen instead.
During your turn, resolve the following
unused Omen tokens for later turns.
phases in order: If 5 Crystal tiles have been removed, the
The three costs, from left to right, listed for Cave collapses and the game ends. The Cave
1. Collect Omen Tokens
the Hatred and Past Plunder omens are the (if present) wins and all other players lose!
2. Shape the Cave
costs for their first, second, and third uses on
3. Place Treasure O T H E R P L AY E R S
the same turn. Further uses on the same turn
Your turn ends after you complete these phases. cost the highest amount. The Dragon can use his Wrath power to
collapse tiles, and the Goblins can use their

C AV E T I L E S 2) Shape the Cave Cave-In Secrets card to do so. Resolve such

collapses as follows.
Whenever you place a Cave tile, Choose a tile from your hand and place it,
immediately draw one to replace it. Before the Collapse: Any collapsed Crystal
Dark side up, adjacent to any tile on the map.
tiles are removed from the game and count
Whenever you place a Cave tile on your If you have any Crystal tiles in your hand,
toward the Cave’s victory condition. All other
turn, for any reason, you must place you must place them before placing any other
collapsed tiles are placed at the bottom
Crystal tiles, if you have any in your tiles. (Tiles placed during other players’ turns
of the Cave tile stack.
hand, before placing other tiles. (On other do not have to be Crystal tiles.)
players’ turns, you do not have to place If collapsing tiles divides the map,
Once the last tile in your hand has been
Crystal tiles first.) the player who caused the divide must
placed, the Collapse begins on your next turn.
slide the map together.
Whenever a tile has an open edge,
including when a tile is revealed, you
must place a Cave tile facedown from your
3) Place Treasure After collapsing tiles, place new Dark tiles
adjacent to any tiles with open edges.
Place a Treasure token on a Dark tile that
hand adjacent to each open edge. During the Collapse: All collapsed tiles are
does not contain a player piece or Treasure
When multiple Cave tiles are revealed at token. If there is no such tile, do not place removed from the game, and Crystal tiles
once, you can fill open edges in any order. the Treasure token. count toward the Cave’s victory condition.

You may examine Dark tiles on the map at

any time. Do not reveal them to anyone.

If the Knight claims a Treasure token, When the Knight reveals an Event tile When you use the Rockslide omen, place
you draw 2 Treasure cards, choose or enters a tile with an Event token, a Rockslide token on the border of two
one card to give to the Knight, and then draw 3 Event cards, choose one to play, adjacent Cave tiles. If all three tokens
place the other card on the bottom of the and place the others at the bottom of the have been placed, you may move one.
Treasure deck. The Knight may accept Event deck. All Events are resolved by Rockslide tokens are walls.
or decline the Treasure card. the Knight.
If either tile is rotated or removed, return
If the Knight declines, she gains 5 Grit Played Event cards are removed from the Rockslide token to your supply.
instead, and removes the Treasure card the game. If all of the Event cards have
from the game. If there are no Treasure been played, do not reshuffle them.
cards remaining, the Knight gains Grit Instead, ignore Event tiles and tokens
automatically. for the rest of the game.

If a Goblin Tribe claims a Treasure You may examine the top three cards
token, its Rage increases by 1. of the Event deck at any time.

If the Dragon ends movement on a

Treasure token, he may claim it to remove
a Sloth cube from his Greed track.

Treasure tokens claimed by the Knight,

Goblins, or Dragon are returned to you

If the Thief claims a Treasure token,

you still count it during the Collect Omen
Tokens phase to determine how many
Omen tokens you draw. If the Thief
stashes the token, placing it on his player
board, it is no longer counted during the
Collect Omen Tokens phase, and it cannot
be placed on the map for the remainder
of the game.

The Thief
How to Win You can take an action any number of times,
as long as you pay the required Action cubes.
When you pickpocket the Knight, you
may choose one Treasure card (revealed or
Acquire and stash 6 Treasure or Dragon Gem a random unrevealed) to move to the bottom
tokens to break your undying curse. You may enter Lit and Dark tiles as well
of its deck. If the Knight has no Treasures,
as tiles occupied by other players. However,
she cannot be targeted with this action.
Setup you cannot cross walls or impassable terrain
(see the Terrain Tiles chapter) unless you use When you pickpocket a Goblin Tribe, you
Place the Action die, Action cubes, and Stat the Climb action. may take 1 Secrets card. (You can take any
tokens, their light-gray sides showing, near unrevealed card. The only face-up card you can
If you have ended your movement for the turn
your player board. take is the Goblin Ruby.) If the Goblins have no
and you are on a Dark tile, you may peek at
Secret cards that you can take, they cannot be
Place the Loot Drop token on the “3” space it and you may reveal it, orienting it as you
targeted with this action.
of your Loot Drop Level chart. choose. (If you reveal an Ambush tile, the
Goblins do not attack you, and they do not When you pickpocket the Dragon, move 1
Before your first turn, place the Thief piece
attack the Knight if she later moves onto it.) Sloth cube from his Wakefulness track to his
on the Entrance tile.
Greed track. If there is no space available
You can only target each other player with
Place the Vault tokens near your board. on his Greed track, the Dragon cannot be
an action once per turn, and you can only
targeted with this action.
target another player with an action if
Turn Summary your Stealth is greater than that player’s PICK LOCK
Perception. (Read the Interacting with Others
During your turn, resolve the following Open a Vault token on your space.
section for more details.)
phases in order:
1 Cube: Roll the Action die. You succeed
1. Assign Stat Tokens LOOT by rolling a 4 or higher.
2. Move and Take Actions Collect one Treasure or Dragon Gem token 2 Cubes: Roll the Action die. You succeed
on your space. by rolling a 2 or higher.
Your turn ends when you run out of
3 Cubes: You succeed. (No roll required.)
Movement or Action cubes, or if you choose 1 Cube: Take the Treasure or Gem. If you
to do nothing else. At the end of your turn, collected a Dragon Gem, roll the Dragon die. Upgrade: Lock Picking Kit. Using the Lock
remove all Action cubes from your board. If the die affects the center space, you are Pick action costs 1 fewer Action cube.
killed. (It’s a trap!)
If this action succeeds, remove the Vault token
1) Assign Stat Tokens 2 Cubes: Take the Dragon Gem without
rolling the Dragon die. (You disarm the trap.)
and take a Treasure token from the Cave’s
supply. You may attempt to open each Vault
Pick up your 3 Stat tokens and assign one each
only once per turn.
to the Movement, Stealth, and Thievery CLIMB
spaces on your player board. Find new routes through the cave.
After assigning your Stat tokens, place Action 2 Cubes: Move through a wall. Attack to injure another player on your space.
cubes equal in number to your Thievery onto 3 Cubes: Move through impassable terrain,
1 Cube: Apply the Light Injury.
your board. Your Stat tokens remain placed without ending on it.
2 Cubes: Apply the Moderate Injury.
until you reassign them on your next turn.
Upgrade: Climbing Gear. Using the Climb 3 Cubes: Apply the Heavy Injury.
action costs 1 fewer Action cube.
Upgrade: Hand Crossbow. You may use
S TAT I S T I C S Using this action does not reduce your Backstab to attack a visible player up to
Movement equals the total number of Movement cost to make these moves. 3 spaces away.
tiles you can move onto during your turn.
Backstab Injuries
Stealth determines how well you can PICKPOCKET
Attack to steal treasure from another player KNIGHT GOBLINS DRAGON
avoid attacks from other players.
on your space. Light Lose 1 Grit Tribe loses 1 Discard 1
Thievery equals the number of Action Population Card
cubes you get on each turn. 1 Cube: Roll the Action die. You succeed
by rolling a 4 or higher. Moderate Lose 3 Grit Tribe loses 2 Discard 2
Population Cards
2 Cubes: Roll the Action die. You succeed

2) Move and Take Actions by rolling a 2 or higher.

3 Cubes: You succeed. (No roll required.)
Heavy Lose 5 Grit Tribe loses 3 Discard 3
Population Cards

You may, in any order, move by spending

Upgrade: Sticky Fingers. Once per turn,
Movement and take actions by spending If you ever need to take a Treasure token
you may reroll the Action die when using
Action cubes from your player board. from the Cave’s supply, but there are
the Pickpocket action.
Each action costs one or more Action cubes. none to take, you may take one from
If this action succeeds, take a Treasure token anywhere on the map.
Spending more Action cubes will improve the
from the Cave’s supply. Also, if you succeeded,
action’s effectiveness or its chance of success.
harm the target as follows:

HIDE LOOT If you stash 6 Treasure tokens, the curse OTHER UPGRADES
Make yourself less lucrative to kill. is broken and you win the game. In addition to the upgrades shown for each
action, you have the upgrades shown below.
X Cubes: Reduce your Loot Drop Level Stashed Treasure tokens cannot be lost.
by spaces equal in number to the Action Stat Boosts: The +1 Movement, +1 Stealth,
The symbols on unstashed Dragon Gems
cubes spent. and +1 Thievery upgrades each permanently
can still be spent by the Dragon to activate
increase the respective stat by one. (This adds
powers, and unstashed Treasure tokens
Interacting with Others still count for the Cave when drawing
to the value of the assigned Stat token, allowing
each stat to reach a maximum of 5.)
If you want to target another player with Omen tokens.
an action, or if another player wants to target Flip Stat Tokens: These upgrades increase
or attack you, you must first compare your
Stealth to their Perception.
Dying the values of your Stat tokens. You must place
Treasure tokens in this upgrade’s spaces from
When you are killed, drop all Treasure and left to right.
When the Knight or Goblins want to target Dragon Gem tokens you were carrying onto
you, that player’s Perception must be greater When you take the 2–> 3 upgrade, flip the “2”
your tile, and place your piece on your board.
than your Stealth. Stat token to its black side showing “3”.
You may recover dropped Treasure tokens
The Dragon and the Cave can always When you take the 3–> 4 upgrade, flip the “3”
and Gems by returning to the tile and using
target you. Stat token to its black side showing “4”.
a Loot action. Other players can pick them
up as normal. When you take the ALL 4 upgrade, treat all of
When you want to Pickpocket or Backstab
the Knight or Goblins, your Stealth must your Stat tokens as showing “4”. (Because all of
When you are killed, the player who killed
be greater than the target’s Perception. your Stat tokens are now worth the same, you
you also gains a bonus immediately. The
don’t need to assign them anymore.)
size of this bonus depends on your Loot Drop
When you want to Pickpocket or Backstab
Level, as shown below. Unnatural Evasion: The first time each
the Dragon, your Stealth must be greater
than the Dragon’s Armor. turn that you are attacked by another player,
roll the Action die. If you roll a 4 or higher,
If another player attacks you, you are killed. Level 3 Gain 3 Draw 3 Draw 3 the attack fails and you may immediately
Grit Secrets OR Cards move 1 space.
Gain 3 Rage
The Perception values of other players Level 2 Gain 2 Draw 2 Draw 2
Grit Secrets OR Cards
are determined in the following ways: Gain 2 Rage
Knight: Her Perception begins at 1. She Level 1 Gain 1 Draw 1 Draw 1
can increase it by assigning Hero cubes Grit Secret OR Card
to her Perception. Gain 1 Rage
Level 0 No Bonus No Bonus No Bonus
Goblins: A Tribe’s Perception is equal to
its Population + 1. At the beginning of your first turn after
you were killed, place the Thief piece on
Dragon: He does not have Perception.
the Entrance tile. (The Thief is cursed to be
Cave: It does not have Perception. undying, and must keep returning to gather
more treasure until the curse is lifted.)

Carrying and Stashing Upgrades

When you acquire a Treasure or Dragon Upgrades help the Thief to become faster,
Gem token, place it on your Unstashed Tokens more efficient, and better skilled.
space. You must carry it back to the Entrance
tile to stash it. Each carried Treasure or When you stash a Treasure token, you must
Dragon Gem token reduces your Stealth by 1. place it on an upgrade space, immediately
gaining that upgrade. An assigned token
If you enter the Entrance tile, after resolving cannot be reassigned.
any effects on it, you stash all your Treasure
and Dragon Gem tokens. If the Cave removes one of your upgrades with
its Soporific Spores omen, remove the Treasure
When you stash a Dragon Gem, return it to the token marking the upgrade, but keep it on
Dragon and take a Treasure token from the your player board. It still counts toward your
Cave’s supply, which you will stash. When you victory condition.
stash a Treasure token, place it on an upgrade
space on your board, and set the Loot Drop
Level on your player board to Level 3.

Quick Tips
Easily Forgotten Rules • In games without the Goblins player, you
won’t be able to eat Goblins. Because of
• Dragon by picking up Dragon Gems,
using Hex, or attacking him (variants
GENERAL this, you will need to use Slither to move with the Ash Dragon card only).
• Prior to the Collapse, open edges on Lit tiles Sloth cubes from Hunger to Greed or Pride. • Cave by picking up Treasure tokens,
are always filled with Dark tiles, no matter smashing Crystals, using Hex, collapsing
how they are revealed or who revealed tiles with Cave-In, or revealing tiles
• When you are prompted to provide
them. Once the Collapse begins, open (variants with the Flare card only).
multiple Dark tiles, you always draw back
edges are never filled. • Thief by attacking him or using Hex.
up to 3 tiles in your hand after each tile
• When a Lit tile is revealed, it must be placement, not after placing all of them.
oriented to connect back to the Entrance THE DRAGON can affect the…
• During your turn, you must place Crystal • Knight by attacking her with Claw
tile through Lit tiles, if possible. If it has
tiles before placing any other types of tiles. or Scratch, or by moving her with Slap.
no way to connect back to the Entrance,
During other players’ turns, you are not
the player who revealed the tile may orient • Goblins by attacking them with Claw
required to place Crystal tiles first.
it to any legal orientation. or Scratch, using Hiss, or using Wrath.
THE THIEF • Cave by revealing tiles with Flame, Scorch,
THE KNIGHT • Treasure tokens and Dragon Gems that or Burn, by picking up Treasure tokens, by
• You must reveal Dark tiles that you enter.
you carry count as being on the map until moving Treasures with Swat, by smashing
• If you are out of Encounters, you cannot you stash them. Crystals, or by collapsing tiles with Wrath.
move (but you can still place cubes to do
• You can Pickpocket or Backstab each other • Thief by attacking him with Claw
things that do not require movement or
player piece only once per turn. or Scratch.
spending Encounters).
• Your Loot Drop Level resets to 3 only when • (All roles except the Cave) by placing Flame
• You cannot be reduced below 2 Hero cubes.
you stash Treasure, not when you pick up Walls to hinder movement.
If you have only 2 Hero cubes, ignore
Treasure or are killed.
effects that would remove or discard them. T H E C AV E can affect the…
• Using a Bomb allows you to attack the VA R I A N T S • Knight by choosing the Treasure
Dragon while he is underground, but it • In games without the Cave player, each and Event cards she receives, moving
does not prompt an attack on its own. player places 1 Dark tile at the end of their her with Giant Bats, or reducing her Grit
You must still have sufficient Strength own turn. When the Collapse begins, with Soporific Spores.
to attack him. each player removes 3 tiles instead.
• Goblins by moving them with Giant Bats
• Once the Collapse begins, you no longer • When playing a solo variant, place or reducing their Population with
need Bombs to attack the Dragon while or remove tiles at the end of your turn Soporific Spores.
he is underground. according to the Alone in the Dark variant
• Dragon by removing a Sloth cube from
card instead of the normal tile placement
• Once the Dragon is on the surface, you can Wakefulness with Soporific Spores.
or removal, not in addition to it.
attack him multiple times per turn, each • Thief by removing an upgrade with
as a separate Encounter, without needing
a Bomb. Player Interaction Guide Soporific Spores.
• (All roles) by controlling the placement
These are some of the main ways that each of tiles and the locations of Treasure
role can interact with the other roles. Indirect tokens, placing Rockslides, and rotating
• Shuffle the War deck every turn. Only
effects, such as collapsing a tile underneath tiles with Crystal Curse.
shuffle the Monster deck or Secrets deck
another player piece, are not included.
when it runs out.
THE THIEF can affect the…
• If multiple Tribes overpopulate during THE KNIGHT can affect the… • Knight by attacking her with Pickpocket
one turn, you still only need to scatter • Goblins by attacking them or shooting (to steal a Treasure) or with Backstab
one Tribe. them with her Bow. (to reduce Grit).
• If you draw a Monster card and do not • Dragon by attacking him, picking up • Goblins by attacking them with
assign it, you must discard it. You cannot Dragon Gems, or shooting him with the Pickpocket (to steal a Secrets) or with
keep it in your hand. Enchanted Bow. Backstab (to reduce Population).
THE DRAGON • Cave by revealing tiles, picking up • Dragon by attacking him with Pickpocket
• You can remove only one Sloth cube Treasure tokens, encountering Events, (to return a Sloth cube to Greed), attacking
from each Sloth track per turn. or smashing Crystal tokens. him with Backstab (to discard cards),
• Thief by attacking him or shooting him or looting Dragon Gems.
• The three Sloth tracks in the Pride
category are separate, and you cannot with the Enchanted Bow. • Cave by looting Treasure tokens, opening
move cubes between these tracks without Vault tokens, or revealing Dark tiles.
THE GOBLINS can affect the…
using Slither. You can remove up to four
• Knight by attacking her directly,
Sloth cubes by revealing Event tiles, and
ambushing her (Ambush tiles
you can remove only one each by placing
and Event cards), or using Hex.
a Dragon Gem or by not moving for a turn.

Example #1: S L I D I N G T I L E S T O G E T H E R W I T H T H E C AV E- I N C A R D

1. Here is the initial map state. 2. The Goblins use Cave-In to get rid of two 3. After the Goblins player moves the tiles
tiles, leaving open spaces (dashed red borders) left or up, the Cave player fills the open
and separating two tiles (green borders) from edges (yellow borders) with Dark tiles,
the rest of the map. The Goblins player must unless the Collapse has begun.
reconnect them.

Example #2: S L I D I N G T I L E S D R A G O N
1. Here is the initial map state.

5. In this case, the Dragon decides

to move the rightmost group one
2. The Dragon uses 3. This result means the Dragon 4. After the tiles are removed, space to the left, leaving an open
Wrath and rolls the affects all of the spaces with this is what the map looks like. edge (yellow border), which the Cave
Dragon die, yielding red borders. He does not affect The Dragon’s Wrath power left player must fill with a Dark tile,
this result. the other surrounding spaces many disconnected groups of unless the Collapse had begun.
because they are open spaces. tiles. To reconnect the map, the
Dragon could move any of the
three disconnected groups.
Example #3: F O R C E D M O V E M E N T
1. Here is the initial map state.
2. The Cave uses Giant Bats on the Knight.
The Cave can move the Knight to any
of the spaces with green borders.

She cannot be moved into the other spaces

Purple Border: She must stop
on the space below because it holds
an Event token.

Grey Border: She cannot be moved

into Dark tiles.

White Border: She cannot be moved

into Dark tiles.

Red Border: She cannot be moved into

the Dragon’s space or through walls.


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