History of Western Music (Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque)

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History of Western Music

Music of the Medieval Period

The Medieval period is also known as the Middle Ages or Dark Ages that
started with the fall of the Roman Empire. Up to the start of the early
Renaissance in the 14th century.
The music of the medieval period, just like any other kind of music,
expressed feelings that were difficult to put into words, and words that
remained unspoken.
Europe after fall of Rome
• Different groups from the north and east moved into former roman
• Created their own states ruled by warlords who called named
themselves kings
• They fought amongst each other during the 500s
During this time the Church or the Christian Church influence Europe
Cultural and Political Affairs
The Church controlled much of the musical development of the period

Three types of music during the medieval period

1. Sacred vocal music
2. Secular vocal Music
3. Instrumental Music
Sacred Vocal Music
-Gregorian Chant is the most common type of plain chart named after
Pope Gregory the great, who made this the approved music of the Catholic
-it is sung by some monks, nun or religious member.

Characteristic of Gregorian Chants

 Monophonic
 Free meter
 Modal
 Based on Latin Liturgy
 Use of Neume Notation
mono= means one; phonic=means sounds
A musical texture consisting of one melodic line. This type of texture does
not have any harmony.

Free meter
- it has no rhythm.

-means music was not based on any key.

Based on Latin Liturgy

-Liturgical music, also called church music, music written for
performance in a religious rite of worship.

Use of Neume Notation

-a set of visual instructions for performance of music.
- it indicate the direction of pitch movement.

Secular Music
it is called non-religious or non-church music.

Troubadours- they go from one place to another and they perform on

It was during this time that secular music throughout Europe became
popular and was performed by the troubadours and trouveres of France.
The kind of music they played was secular music, or one that was not
bound by the traditions of the Church.
The monophonic melodies of these musicians were often rhythmically
lively and had themes about love, joy, and pain.

Adam De La Halle
• he is a French trouve’re, poet and musicians
whose literary works include chansons
• One of his surviving musical play is the Jue De
Robin Et Marion
• Adam’s themes usually revolved around the
concept of love and passion.

Instrumental Music
Travelling musicians like troubadours and Minstrels used musical
instruments as they performed on streets and on Royal Courts, The
Instruments they used includes fiddles, harps bagpipe, drums and lutes.
Music of the Renaissance Period
Means rebirth, rediscover and revival. For musicians, this is an era of
discovery innovation and exploration. It also included the intellectual and
economic changes that occurred in Europe during that time.
Characteristics of Renaissance Music
 Mostly Polyphonic
 Imitation among the voices is common
 Melodic lines move in a flowing manner
 Melodies are easier to perform because these move along a scale
with a few large leaps.
2 Vocal Music of the Renaissance Period
Is a form of sacred musical composition that sets texts of the Eucharistic
liturgy into music.
A secular vocal polyphonic music composition which originated from Italy. It
is written and expressed in a poetic text and sung during courtly social

Characteristics of Mass
 Polyphonic
 May be sung a cappella or with orchestral accompaniment
Characteristics of Madrigal
 Polyphonic
 Sung a-capella
 Thoroughly composed
 Frequently in 3 to 6 voices
Famous composer of the Renaissance Period
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
Rome, 1525-February 2, 1594

 He is said to be the greatest master of Roman Catholic Church music

during the Renaissance period. Majority of his compositions are sacred
music. He was committed to sacred music and has a keen interest in
satisfying the desires of church leaders in the sixteenth century.
 Composed more than 100 mass settings over 200 motets
 Famous composition: “Pope Marcellus Mass”

Thomas Morley
 Morley was born in Norwich, East England, the son of a brewer. He was
a singer in the local cathedral from his boyhood, and he became
master of choristers there in 1583. Thomas Morley was the most famous
composer of secular music in his time.
 Famous compositions: “Fire, Fire, My Heart”, “Sing and Chant it”,
“Fanties”, “April is in my Mistress Face”, “It was a Lover and His Last”
Music of Baroque Period

The word Baroque is derived from the Portuguese word “barroco”

which means “pearl of irregular shape”
The Baroque Period was generally a time of newfound ideas. The
music of Baroque Period was just as extreme as the new changes.

Characteristics of Baroque Period

 Melodies sound elaborate and are not easy to sing or remember
 Dynamic contrast-alternation between load and soft
 Harpsichord and organ are the keyboard instruments that are
commonly used.
Music Genre of Baroque Period
1. Opera- a dramatic work or genre of classical time.
2. Oratorio- a religious narrative large scale work for orchestra and
voices performed without costume scenery or action.
3. Suite- a set of instrumental compositions for dance style.
4. Concerto Grosso- instrumental form for small group of soloist and full
5. Fugue- a type of polyphonic compositional technique based on a
principal theme (subject) and melodic lines (counterpoint) that imitate
the principal theme.

Famous Composers of Baroque Period

Johann Sebastian Bach
 was a German Composer
 Played organ, harpsichord, viola, and violin
 Was the youngest child in the family of
 Is known as one of the best composers of all
George Frideric Handel (1685-1759)
 German-British composer, born in Germany
 Famous for his operas, and organ concertos.
 One of his famous piece is “La Rejouissance”

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