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Commercial Law

VI. BANKING 2. Distinction of banks from quasi-banks

and trust entities
3. Bank powers and liabilities
b. Banking and incidental powers
VI. BANKING 4. Diligence required of banks in view of
A. THE NEW CENTRAL BANK ACT fiduciary nature of banking
1. State Policies 5. Nature of bank funds and bank
2. Creation of the Bangko Sentral ng deposits
Pilipinas 6. Grant of loans and security
3. Responsibility and primary objective requirements
4. Corporate powers a. Ratio of new worth to total risk
5. Operations of the Bangko Sentral ng assets
Pilipinas b. Single borrower’s limit
a. Authority to obtain data and c. Restrictions on bank exposure
information to directors, officers,
b. Supervision and examination stockholders, and their related
c. Bank deposits and investments interests
d. Prohibitions d. Prohibited acts of borrowers
e. Examination and fees e. Floating interest rates and
6. Monetary Board; powers and escalation clauses
functions 7. Penalties for violations
7. How the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas a. Fine, imprisonment
handles banks in distress b. Suspension or removal of
a. Conservatorship director or officer
b. Closure c. Dissolution of bank
c. Receivership
8. Administrative sanctions on CORPORATION ACT
supervised entities 1. Basic Policy
9. Rules on bank deposits and 2. Powers and functions of the Philippine
investments by directors, officers, Deposit Insurance Corporation;
stockholders and their related prohibitions
interests 3. Concept of insured deposits
10. Supervision and regulation of bank 4. Liability to depositors
operations a. Deposit liabilities required to be
a. Loans and other credit insured with Philippine Deposit
accommodations Insurance Corporation
b. Selective regulation b. Commencement of liability
i. Margin requirements c. Deposit accounts not entitled to
against letters of credit payment
ii. Required security against d. Extent of liability
bank loans e. Determination of insured
iii. Portfolio ceilings deposits
iv. Minimum capital ratios f. Calculation of liability
11. Rate of exchange i. Per depositor, per capacity
B. LAW ON SECRECY OF BANK ii. Joint accounts
DEPOSITS iii. Mode of payment
1. Purpose iv. Effect of payment of
2. Prohibited acts insured deposits
3. Deposits covered v. Payment of insured
4. Exceptions deposits as preferred credit
5. Garnishment of deposits, including vi. Failure to settle claim of
foreign deposits insured depositor
6. Penalties for violation vii. Failure of depositor to claim
insured deposits
C. GENERAL BANKING ACT (a) Examination of banks
1. Definition and classification of banks and deposit accounts

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(b) Prohibition against A. THE NEW CENTRAL BANK ACT

splitting of deposits
(c) Prohibition against 1. STATE POLICIES
issuances of
temporary restraining The State shall maintain a central monetary
orders authority that shall function and operate as an
5. Concept of bank resolution
independent and accountable body corporate in
6. Role of the Philippine Deposit
the discharge of its mandated responsibilities
Insurance Corporation in relation to
banks in distress concerning money, banking, and credit. In line
a. Closure and takeover with this policy, and considering its unique
b. Conservatorship functions and responsibilities, the central
c. Receivership monetary authority established under this Act,
d. Liquidation while being a government-owned corporation,
shall enjoy fiscal and administrative autonomy.
(New Central Bank Act [hereinafter “NCBA”], Sec



There is hereby established an independent

central monetary authority, which shall be a body
corporate known as the BSP. (NCBA, Sec. 2)

The BSP is a Constitutionally mandated (not

created) authority. (1987 Constitution, Article XII,
Sec. 20)

The State’s central monetary authority is charged

with the responsibility of administering the
monetary, banking, and credit system of the
country and is granted the power of supervision
and examination over bank and non-bank
financial institutions performing quasi-banking
functions, including savings and loan
associations. (Busuego v. Court of Appeals [CA],
G.R. No. 95326, 1999)



Responsibilities of the BSP

a. Banker of Government. The
government’s political subdivisions and
instrumentalities (Sec. 110), and their
cash balances should be deposited with
the BSP, with only minimum working
balances to be held by government-
owned banks, and such other banks
incorporated in the Philippines as the
Monetary Board may designate. (Sec.
b. Representation with the International
Monetary Board. The BSP shall
represent the government in all dealings,

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negotiations, and transactions with the 4. CORPORATE POWERS

IMF, and shall carry such accounts as
may result from the Philippine Corporate powers of the BSP
membership in, or operations with IMF. a. To adopt, alter, and use a corporate seal
(Sec. 111) which shall be judicially noticed;
c. Representation with other financial b. To enter into contracts;
institutions. The BSP may represent the c. To own, lease, sell or dispose real and
government in dealings, negotiations, or personal property;
transactions with the World Bank and d. To sue and be sued;
with other foreign or international e. To acquire and hold assets and incur
financial institutions or agencies. (Sec. liabilities essential to the proper conduct
112) of its operations;
d. Fiscal operations. The BSP shall open f. To compromise, condone, or release any
a general cash account for the Treasurer claim or settled liability to the BSP
of the Philippines, in which the liquid regardless of the amount, and
funds of the Government shall be g. To do and perform such other necessary
deposited, and the transfer of funds from or proper powers to carry out the
this account to be made only upon the purposes of the Act. (Sec. 5)
order of the Philippine Treasurer. (Sec.
Primary Objectives of the BSP
a. To provide policy directions in areas of A. Authority to obtain data and information
money, banking, and credit, with
supervision over operations of banks, BSP’s has power to require any data:
and with regulatory and examination a. Collective or aggregate data may be
powers over money service businesses, released to any interested person
credit granting businesses, and payment b. Disaggregated data (i.e. data of individuals
system operators. (Sec. 3) and firms).
b. To maintain price stability conducive to a 1. Subject to confidentiality laws;
balanced and sustainable growth of the 2. Cannot be made available to the
economy and employment (Id.) public except upon court order or
c. To promote and maintain the monetary directive of the Monetary Board;
stability and convertibility of the peso. 3. Data on banks are secured
(Id.) pursuant to BSP’s banking
supervision powers and are
Monetary stability pertains to confidential. Its release is subject
preservation of the international value of to conditions imposed by the
the Philippine currency. (Commissioner Monetary Board, government
of Customs v. Eastern Sea Trading, GR agencies authorized by law, orders
No. L-14279, 1961) of the court, or Congress. (Sec. 27)
4. Can be secured from any person
Note: Promotion of financial stability is a or entity, including government
shared mandate with the National entities.
Government i.e., DOF, SEC, IC, and 5. Limited for statistical and policy
PDIC. development purposes.
d. To promote broad and convenient access BSP has the power to issue subpoena for the
to high quality financial services. (Sec. 3) production of books and records, and refusal
e. To oversee the payments and settlement shall be subject to punishment for contempt
systems. (R.A. No. 11127 - National under the Rules of Court. (Sec. 23)
Payment Systems Act, Sec. 3)
B. Supervision and examination

Supervision is a broad term, which includes

examination and investigation. Supervision also

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includes issuance of rules of conduct and Prohibition on issuance of injunction

standards, overseeing that laws and regulations No restraining order or injunction shall be issued
are complied with and enforcing prompt by the court enjoining the BSP from examining
corrective actions. (General Banking Law any institution subject to its supervision or
[hereinafter “GBL”], Sec. 4) examination powers except when the action of
the BSP is plainly arbitrary and made in bad faith.
Supervision includes audit. The Commission on (Id.)
Audit (COA) and the BSP have concurrent
jurisdiction to audit government banks. (DBP v. C. Authority to approve transfer of shares
COA, GR. No. 88435, 2002)
Transfers or acquisitions, or a series thereof, of at
Coverage of BSP’s supervision and least ten percent (10%) of the voting shares in
examination powers banks or quasi-banks shall require the prior
a. Banks approval of the BSP. The BSP shall consider the
b. Quasi-banks fitness of the incoming stockholders as may be
c. Subsidiaries (ownership of more than indicated in their integrity, reputation, and
50% of the voting stock) and affiliates financial capacity. (Sec. 25-A)
(ownership of 50% or less) of banks and
quasi-banks engaged in allied activities. Effect of lack of BSP approval
The transfer or acquisition shall have no legal
Note: BSP is also granted the authority to effect and cannot be recognized in the books of
conduct examination of a wholly or the institution or by any government agency. The
majority owned or controlled enterprise transferor-stockholders shall remain accountable
by a bank, not necessarily engaged in and responsible. (Sec. 25-A)
allied activities. (GBL, Sec. 7)
Transfer of actual control or management shall
d. Other institutions performing similar make the transferor, the transferee, and any
functions as provided for by special laws person responsible liable. (Id.)
i.e., non-stock savings and loan
association (R.A. No. 8367), pawnshops D. Prohibitions
(P.D. No. 114), stand-alone trust entities
(GBL, Sec. 79). Personnel of the BSP are hereby prohibited from:
e. Money service businesses i.e., foreign a. Being an officer, director, lawyer or
exchange dealers, money changers and agent, employee, consultant, or
remittance agents stockholder, directly or indirectly, of any
f. Credit granting businesses institution subject to supervision or
g. Payment system operators (Sec. 25) examination by the BSP; (Sec. 27[a])
h. Trust entities (GBL, Sec.4, 79) b. Directly or indirectly requesting or
i. Pawnshops (PD 114, Sec. 17) receiving any gift, present or pecuniary or
j. Non-stock savings and loan associations material benefit for himself or another,
(R.A. No. 8367, Sec. 22) from any institution subject to supervision
or examination by the BSP; (Sec. 27 [b])
Resolution of examination issues c. Revealing, in any manner, information
BSP is required to establish a mechanism for relating to the condition or business of
resolving issues pertaining to bank examination. any such institution unless:
The resolution “body” shall be independent and 1. Under orders of the court, the
report directly to the Monetary Board. (Sec. 25) Congress or any government
office or agency authorized by
Authority of bank examiners law, or under such conditions as
BSP bank examiners are authorized to administer may be prescribed by the
oaths and compel the presentation of documents Monetary Board; and
of institutions under examination. This authority is 2. The information is to be given to
subject to the confidentiality of bank deposits and the Monetary Board or the
government debt securities. (Id.) Governor of the BSP, or to any
person authorized by either of

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them, in writing, to receive such

information. (Sec. 27 [c]) While Sec. 6(a) of the NCBA requires that the
d. Borrowing from any institution subject to Governor be subject to confirmation by the
supervision or examination by Commission on Appointments, he is not among
the BSP unless: government officials expressly mentioned in Sec.
1. It is transacted on an arm's 16, Article VII of the Constitution who should be
length basis; confirmed. (Tarrosa vs. Singson, G.R. No.
2. It is fully disclosed to the 111243, 1994)
Monetary Board; and
3. It shall be subject to such rules Vacancies
and regulations as the Monetary Any vacancy in the Monetary Board created by
Board may prescribe. (Sec. the death, resignation, or removal of any member
27[d]) shall be filled by the appointment of a new
member to complete the unexpired period of the
E. Examination and Fees term of the member concerned. (Sec. 7)

Banks, quasi-banks, and other BSP-supervised Qualifications

entities shall be examined by BSP examiners in a. Natural-born citizens of the Philippines;
accordance with guidelines, taking into b. At least 35 years of age; (except the
consideration sound and prudent practices. Governor, who should be at least 40
a. There shall be an interval of at least years of age)
twelve (12) months between regular bank c. Of good moral character;
examinations. It is no longer annual. d. Of unquestionable integrity;
b. Special examinations need at least five e. Of known probity and patriotism; and
(5) votes of the members of the Monetary f. With recognized competence in social
Board. and economic disciplines (Sec. 8)
c. The supervised institution shall afford
BSP examiners full opportunity to Disqualifications
examine its books and records, assets, a. Disqualifications imposed by R.A. No.
and general condition, and review its 6713 – Code of Conduct and Ethical
systems and procedures. Standards for Public Officials;
d. Reports and papers are confidential and b. Disqualified from being a director, officer,
not open to the public, except when employee, consultant, lawyer, agent or
incidental to examination proceedings stockholder of any bank, quasi-bank or
and when necessary for the prosecution any other institution which is subject to
of violations. supervision or examination by the BSP;
e. There is an annual supervision fee based c. Members coming from the private sector
on cost of supervision. (Sec. 28) shall not hold any other public office or
public employment during their tenure.
6. MONETARY BOARD, POWERS AND d. Person who has been connected directly
FUNCTIONS with any multilateral banking or financial
institution or has a substantial interest in
The Monetary Board is a seven (7) man body any private bank in the Philippines, within
appointed by the President through which the 1 year prior to his appointment;
powers and functions of the BSP are exercised. e. No member shall be employed in any
Its members shall serve a term of six (6) years, such institution within 2 years after the
and no member shall be reappointed more than expiration of his term except when he
once. (Sec. 6) serves as an official representative of the
Philippine Government to such
Composition institution; and
a. Chairman who is the BSP Governor; f. Person who has substantial interest in
b. A cabinet member to be designated by any private bank in the Philippines, within
the President of the Philippines; 1 year prior to his appointment. (Sec. 9)
c. 5 Members who shall come from the
private sector, all of whom shall serve full
time (Id.)

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Degree of Diligence b. Direct the management, operations, and

The degree of diligence required of Monetary administration of the BSP;
Board Members, BSP Officials, and Employees, c. Establish a human resource
is now aligned with that required of public officers management system;
under Sec. 38 and 39 of Chapter 9, Book I of the d. Adopt its annual budget and authorize
Revised Administrative Code of 1987. They expenditures;
cannot be liable for acts done in the performance e. Indemnify its members and other officials
of their official duties “unless there is a clear of the BSP against all costs and
showing of bad faith, malice or gross negligence.” expenses reasonably incurred by such
(Sec. 16) The former requirement of persons by reason of the performance of
extraordinary diligence was already amended. their functions or duties in accordance
with the free and harmless, and
General Rule: indemnification clause. (Secs. 15 and 16)
Free and Harmless
BSP, members of the Monetary Board, and its Myriad of functions
other personnel, are held free and harmless to the BSP is an administrative agency which exercises
fullest extent permitted by law from any liability. "powers and/or functions which may be
(Sec. 16) characterized as administrative, investigatory,
regulatory, quasi-legislative, or quasi-judicial.”
Indemnification (Bank of Commerce v. Planter’s Development
They shall be indemnified for any and all Bank, G.R. Nos. 154470-71 and 154589-90,
liabilities, losses, claims, demands, damages, 2012)
deficiencies, costs and expenses of whatsoever
kind and nature that may arise in connection with The BSP Monetary Board is a quasi-judicial
the exercise of their powers and performance of agency exercising quasi-judicial powers or
their duties and functions. (Id.) functions. It has the power to issue subpoena, to
sue for contempt those refusing to obey the
Exception: Their actions or omissions are finally subpoena without justifiable reason, or administer
adjudged to be in willful violation of this Act, oaths and compel presentation of books, records,
performed in evident bad faith, or with gross and others, needed in its examination, to impose
negligence. (Id.) fines and other sanctions and to issue cease and
desist order. The BSP Monetary Board can
The legal obligations of diligence and good faith exercise discretion in determining whether
that BSP officials owe to the public start with the administrative sanctions should be imposed on
official acts of the Monetary Board which, rightly banks and quasi-banks. (UCPB v. Ganzon, G.R.
or wrongly, are the cause of loss or injury to third No. 168859, 2009; NCBA, Sec. 37)
parties, not any preparatory report or
recommendation. (Borlongan v. Reyes, G.R. No. Decisions appealable to the Court of Appeals
161726, 2005) Any petition for certiorari against an act or
omission of BSP, when it acts through the
Removal of Members of the Monetary Board Monetary Board, must be filed with the Court of
The President may remove any member of the Appeals. (Vivas vs. Monetary Board, G.R. No.
Monetary Board for any of the following reasons: 191424, 2013).
a. The member no longer possesses the
qualifications under NCBA, Sec. 8; Note: This is a petition for review on certiorari
b. The member is guilty of acts or over decisions of quasi-judicial bodies (Monetary
operations which are fraudulent or illegal; Board) under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court. This
c. The member is physically, or mentally is different from a special petition for certiorari for
incapacitated and such incapacity lasted bank closures under Sec. 30 of the NCBA.
for more than 6 months;
d. The member is subsequently disqualified
under NCBA, Sec. 9. (Sec. 10)

Powers and Functions of the Monetary Board

a. Issue rules and regulations;

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A conservator is appointed based on a report
Methods submitted to the Monetary Board by the
Conservatorship, Receivership, and Liquidation appropriate supervising or examining department
showing that the bank or quasi-bank is in a state
A bank placed under conservatorship remains of illiquidity which is not adequate to protect the
open but under the management and control of interest of depositors and creditors. (Id.)
the conservator. On the other hand, when a bank
is ordered closed by the Monetary Board, it is Qualifications of a Conservator
taken over by the PDIC as statutory “receiver”, The conservator should be competent and
and the PDIC is directed to proceed with the knowledgeable in bank operations and
liquidation. (Sec. 30(d); New PDIC Charter, Sec. management. (Id.)
The Monetary Board has exclusive power to
Before the amendments to the PDIC Charter and designate the conservator. (Koruga v. Arcenas,
NCBA by Sec. 12 of R.A. No. 10846 (2016), there G.R. Nos. 168332, 2009)
was a 90-day period of receivership after closure
and before a final order of liquidation by the Duration of Conservatorship
Monetary Board to determine whether the bank Shall not exceed 1 year. (Sec. 29)
can still be rehabilitated. This period was
removed by the amendment. PDIC now takes Powers of a Conservator:
over the assets of the closed bank for purposes a. To take charge of the assets, liabilities,
of liquidation and thereafter files a petition for and the management thereof;
court assisted liquidation. (A.M. No. 19-12-02-SC b. Reorganize the management;
Rules on Liquidation of Closed Banks, February c. Collect all monies and debts due said
18, 2020) institution;
d. Exercise all powers necessary to restore
Liquidity its viability;
Ability to pay off obligations when they fall due. e. Report and be responsible to the
Monetary Board; and
An institution which fails to pay its matured f. Where necessary, overrule or revoke the
obligations or meet the normal demands of actions of the previous management and
withdrawals for deposits due to insufficient cash, board of directors of the bank or quasi-
or resorts to intermittent/staggered payments or bank. (Id.)
withdrawals may be considered as suffering from
liquidity problems. A bank conservator appointed by the BSP has no
power to unilaterally rescind contracts entered
Insolvency into by the previous management. The power to
There are two tests for insolvency: revoke cannot extend to post-facto repudiation of
a. Balance sheet test. It is where the perfected transactions otherwise they would
realizable assets of the bank is infringe against the non-impairment clause of the
insufficient to meet its liabilities Constitution. The law merely gives the
(Sec.30[b]) conservator the power to file court actions to
b. Equity test. The bank’s inability to pay its revoke contracts that are defective – void,
liabilities as they become due in the voidable, unenforceable, or rescissible.
ordinary course of business (Sec. 30[a]) (Producers Bank v. NLRC, G.R. No. 118069,
1998; First Philippine International Bank v. CA,
Either is sufficient ground to close a bank. G.R. No. 115849, 1996)

A. Conservatorship Remuneration of a Conservator

A tool in restoring the viability of a bank or quasi- General Rule: The conservator shall receive
bank through measures to address its state of remuneration in an amount not to exceed 2/3 of
illiquidity. For this purpose, the Monetary Board the salary of the president of the institution (i.e.
may appoint a conservator. (Sec. 29)

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the bank under conservatorship) in 1 year, C. Receivership

payable in 12 equal monthly payments.
The PDIC manages the affairs of the closed bank
Exception: A conservator connected with the and preserves its assets for the benefit of
BSP, in which case said conservator shall not be creditors. (New PDIC Charter, Sec. 10[a][b])
entitled to receive any remuneration or
emolument. (Sec. 29) Note: The receiver also has the duty to continue
with the liquidation; thus, PDIC as receiver is also
Note: If at any time within one-year period, the the liquidator. (Id., Sec. 4[c])
conservatorship is terminated on the ground that
the institution can operate on its own, the The appointment of a receiver operates to
conservator shall receive the balance of the suspend the authority of the bank and of its
remuneration which he would have received up to directors and officers over its property and
the end of the year; but if the conservatorship is effects. (Villanueva v. CA, G.R. No. 114870,
terminated on other grounds, the conservator 1995)
shall not be entitled to such remaining balance.
(Id.) Requisites for Placement of a Bank under
Expenses 1. Report of the head of the supervising
The expenses attendant to the conservatorship department involving the bank;
shall be borne by the bank or quasi-bank 2. Finding of the Monetary Board of the
concerned. (Id.) existence of any of the grounds for
Termination of Conservatorship 3. Decision of the Monetary Board to forbid
a. When the Monetary Board is satisfied the institution from doing business which
that the institution can continue to decision may be done summarily and
operate on its own and the without need of prior hearing; and
conservatorship is no longer necessary; 4. Notice in writing to the Board of Directors
b. When the Monetary Board determines informing the institution of the Order of
that the continuance in business of the the Monetary Board.
institution would involve probable loss to
its depositors or creditors, in which case, Grounds for Receivership
proceedings for receivership and When the Monetary Board finds that a bank or
liquidation shall be pursued. (Id.) quasi-bank:
a. Notified the BSP or publicly announced
B. Closure a unilateral closure; (Sec. 30[a])
b. Has been dormant for at least sixty (60)
For banks, the Monetary Board may summarily days; (Id.)
and without need for prior hearing forbid the c. Suspended the payment of its deposit or
institution from doing business in the Philippines deposit substitute liabilities continuously
and designate the PDIC as receiver. The PDIC is for more than 30 days; (GBL, Sec 53)
directed to proceed with the liquidation of the d. Is unable to pay its liabilities as they
closed bank. become due in the ordinary course of
business (“Equity test”)
The Monetary Board shall notify in writing,
through the PDIC, the board of directors of the Exception: Inability to pay caused by
closed bank of its decision. (Sec. 30) extraordinary demands induced by
financial panic in the banking community
Note: Formerly, there was a 90-day period to (bank run). (Sec. 30[a])
determine whether the bank can still be
rehabilitated. e. Has insufficient realizable assets to
meet its liabilities (“Balance Sheet
Test”); (Sec. 30[b])
f. Cannot continue business without
involving probable losses to its
depositors and creditors; (Sec. 30[c])

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g. Has willfully violated a cease-and-desist b. Involuntary Liquidation (Sec. 30)

order under NCBA, Sec. 37
(Administrative Sanctions) that has Modes of Liquidation
become final and involves acts or a. Conventional liquidation.
transactions which amount to fraud or a b. Purchase of Assets and/or Assumption of
dissipation of assets; (Sec. 30[d]) Liabilities
h. If a bank persists in conducting its
business in an unsafe or unsound Note: This shall be further discussed under the
manner. (GBL, Sec. 56) topic on PDIC.

Close Now-Hear Later Doctrine Judicial Remedy from the decision of the
Due process does not necessarily require prior Monetary Board of BSP placing a bank under
hearing; a hearing or an opportunity to be heard conservatorship, receivership, or liquidation
may be subsequent to closure. One can just
imagine the dire consequences of a prior hearing; Final and Executory. The action of the Monetary
bank runs would be the order of the day, resulting Board in placing a bank under conservatorship or
in panic and hysteria. In the process, fortunes placing it under receivership or liquidation shall
may be wiped out and disillusionment will run the be final and executory and, as a general rule, may
gamut of the entire banking community. (Rural not be restrained or set aside by the court.
Bank of Buhi, Inc. vs. CA, G.R. No. L-61689,
1988) Nature of Action
A petition for certiorari on the ground that the
The purpose is to prevent unwarranted action taken was in excess of jurisdiction or with
dissipation of the bank’s assets and as a valid such grave abuse of discretion as to amount to
exercise of the police power to protect the lack or excess of jurisdiction.
depositors, creditors, stockholders, and the
general public. (Central Bank of the Philippines v. Petitioner
CA, G.R. No. 72200, 1993) Petition is filed by the stockholders of record
representing the majority of the capital stock
D. Liquidation within ten (10) days from receipt by the board of
directors of the institution of the order directing
The recovery and conversion of assets into cash receivership, liquidation, or conservatorship.
for distribution to all creditors in accordance with (Sec. 30)
the rules on concurrence and preference of
credits. PDIC is the receiver and liquidator (AM Court of Appeals
No. 19-12-02-SC, Sec. 1 (m), Rule 2). The petition for certiorari must be filed with the
CA, not the SC, in accordance with Rule 65, since
Note: With the removal of the 90-day the Monetary Board is a quasi-judicial agency.
receivership to determine if the bank can still be (Vivas, et al. v. Monetary Board, G.R. No.
rehabilitated, a bank placed under receivership is 191424, 2013)
considered also as under liquidation.
Note: Other decisions of the Monetary Board
Types of Liquidation acting as a quasi-judicial body can be elevated to
a. Voluntary liquidation the Court of Appeals by way of a petition for
In case of the voluntary liquidation of any review under Rule 45.
bank organized under the laws of the
Philippines, or of any branch or office in Involuntary dissolution and liquidation
the Philippines of a foreign bank, written CORPORATION NCBA (MONETARY
notice of such liquidation shall be sent to CODE (SEC) BOARD, PDIC)
the Monetary Board before such Filing of Complaint
liquidation is undertaken, and the Requires filing of a Monetary Board may
Monetary Board shall have the right to verified complaint and summarily and without
intervene and take such steps as may be proper notice and need for prior hearing,
necessary to protect the interests of hearing forbid the bank from
creditors. (GBL, Sec. 68) doing business

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Clearance; SEC shall immediately gather
issue final order of and take charge of all The imposition of administrative sanctions shall
dissolution after its assets and be fair, consistent, and reasonable. (Sec. 37)
submission of tax liabilities
clearance Supervised entities
Authority of the corporation in the dissolution The Monetary Board may impose administrative
Corporation is allowed Bank is not given the sanctions upon: (1) its supervised entities i.e.,
to undertake its own option to undertake its those covered by BSPs supervision and
liquidation or at any own liquidation examination powers, and (2) their directors,
time during 3 years officers, or employees. (Sec. 37)
after its dissolution
(In re: Petition for Assistance in the Liquidation of Acts subject to administrative sanction
the Rural Bank of Bokod Benguet, Inc., PDIC v. a. Willful violation of its charter or by-laws;
BIR, G.R. No. 158261, 2006) b. Willful delay in the submission of reports
or publications thereof as required by
Exclusive jurisdiction of the Liquidation Court law, rules and regulations;
Liquidation court is a court where the PDIC as c. Refusal to permit examination into the
receiver files a petition for assistance in the affairs of the institution;
liquidation (judicial liquidation). d. Willful making of a false or misleading
statement to the Board or the appropriate
General Rule: In a judicial liquidation of an supervising and examining department or
insolvent bank, all claims against the bank should its examiners;
be filed in the liquidation proceeding. (In re: e. Willful failure or refusal to comply with, or
Petition for Assistance in the Liquidation of the violation of, any banking law or any order,
Rural Bank of Bokod Benguet, Inc., PDIC v. BIR, instruction or regulation issued by the
G.R. No. 158261, 2006) Monetary Board, or any order, instruction
or ruling by the Governor; or
Exceptions: f. Commission of irregularities, and/or
a. When re-filing and re-litigating the case conducting business in an unsafe or
before the liquidation court would be an unsound manner as may be determined
exercise in futility in view of the number by the Monetary Board. (Sec. 37)
of years the case has been on trial and
additional expenses to the party who is Administrative sanctions
living in poverty. (Valenzuela v. CA, G.R. Both the Monetary Board and the Governor
No. L-56168, 1988) have administrative disciplinary jurisdiction and
b. When more inconveniences would be authority to impose sanctions.
caused to the parties, entailing waste of
more money and precious time Monetary Board
(Carandang v. CA, G.R. No. L-44932, a. Fines
1988); and 1. Not to exceed P1,000,000 for each
c. When the issue is the validity of contracts transactional violation, or
upon which a claim is based. 2. P100,000 per calendar day for
violations of a continuing nature
Note: Even if the case falls within the exceptions, 3. Disgorgement. In case profit is
the claimant should still file the adjudicated claim gained or loss is avoided as a
with the liquidator or liquidation court for result of the violation, a fine no
processing of claims to determine the proper more than three (3) times the profit
concurrence and preference of credit among the gained, or loss avoided. (Sec.
different creditors of the bank. (Cudiamat v. 37(a))
Batangas Savings Bank, G.R. No. 182403, 2010)
b. Suspension of:
1. Rediscounting privileges or access
to BSP credit facilities; (Sec. 37(b))

Page 214 of 393


2. Lending or foreign exchange the commission of the prohibited practices or

operations or authority to violations. (Sec. 37)
accept new deposits or make new
investments; (Sec. 37(c)) Procedure on CDO
3. Interbank clearing privileges; This is in the nature of a reconsideration of the
and/or (Sec. 37(d)) order. The respondents shall be afforded an
4. Quasi-banking or other special opportunity to defend their action in a hearing
licenses, including its before the Monetary Board or any committee
revocation. (Sec. 37(e)) chaired by any Monetary Board member created
for the purpose, upon request made by the
Governor respondents within five (5) days from their receipt
Authorized to impose fines not in excess of of the order. Otherwise, the CDO shall become
P100,000 for each transactional violation or final. (Id.)
P30,000 per calendar day for violations of a
continuing nature. The imposition is final and Injunctions and/or restraining orders
executory until reversed, modified, or lifted by the No court, other than the Court of Appeals and the
Monetary Board on appeal. (Sec. 37) Supreme Court, shall issue any temporary
restraining order, preliminary injunction, or
Resignation or termination from office shall not preliminary mandatory injunction against the BSP
exempt such director, officer, or employee from for any action under the NCBA.
administrative or criminal sanctions. (Id.)
Any restraining order or injunction issued in
Administrative Due Process violation of this section is void and of no force and
The Monetary Board, as an administrative effect. (Sec. 38-a)
agency, is legally bound to observe due process,
although they are free from the rigidity of 9. SUPERVISION AND REGULATION OF
procedural requirements. The essence of due BANK OPERATIONS
process is to be afforded a reasonable
opportunity to be heard and to submit any A. Loans and other credit accommodations
evidence. Petitioners having availed of their
opportunity to present their position by letters- As the “lender of last resort” (LOL), the BSP is
explanation were not denied due process. authorized to extend rediscounts, discounts,
(Busuego, et al vs. CA, G.R. No. 95326, 1999) loans and advances to banking institutions
only. The purpose is limited to influencing the
Preventive suspension volume of credit consistent with the objective of
The Monetary Board has authority to issue price stability and maintenance of financial
preventive suspension orders for up to 120 days stability. (Sec. 81)
for bank officers, directors, and employees. After
the lapse of the said period, they can be Types of Credit Operations
reinstated unless delay is due to their fault.
Normal credit operations
When suspension is only preventive in nature, no a. Commercial Credits. With maturities of
notice or hearing is necessary. Until such time not more than 180 days related to:
that suspended directors have proved their 1. Importation, exportation, purchase
innocence, they may be preventively suspended or sale of readily saleable goods
from holding office so as not to influence the and products, or their
conduct of investigation, and to prevent the transportation within the
commission of further irregularities. (Busuego, et Philippines; or
al v. CA, G.R. No. 95326, 1999) 2. Storing of non-perishable goods
and products which are duly
Cease and desist order (CDO) insured and deposited in
A CDO, which is immediately executory, can be authorized bonded warehouses or
issued by the Monetary Board if the institution in other places approved by the
and/or the directors, officers or employees Monetary Board. (Sec. 82[a])
concerned continue with or otherwise persist in

Page 215 of 393


b. Production Credits. With maturities of e. Disbursed in 2 tranches:

not more than 360 days related to the 1. 1st tranche (25% of total deposits
production or processing of agricultural, secured by first class collaterals
animal, mineral, or industrial products. (government securities, secured
(Sec. 82(b)) government guarantees and other
c. Other Credit. Special credit instruments acceptable collaterals)
not otherwise re-discountable for 2. Subsequent tranches (vote of at
commercial and production credits. (Sec. least 5 members, the Monetary
82(c)) Board with indemnity undertaking
d. Advances. The BSP may grant and adequate security (Id.)
advances, not to exceed 80% of the
current market value, against the B. Selective regulation
following collaterals for fixed periods:
1. Gold coins or bullion Guiding principles of the Monetary Board
2. Securities issued by BSP and a. The supply, availability, and cost of
other recognized solvent domestic money are in accord with the needs of the
institutions; Philippine economy
3. Commercial and production credit b. Bank credit is not granted for speculative
instruments (maximum 180 days); purposes prejudicial to the national
4. Utilized portions of advances in interests, and,
overdraft commercial and c. Regulations shall be applied to all banks
production credit instruments; of the same category uniformly and
5. Government securities and without discrimination. (Sec. 104)
Negotiable bonds with maturity of
3 and 10 years, respectively. (Sec. i. Margin requirement against letters of credit
Margin is a deposit of money made by the
Special Credit Operations purchaser or seller of goods. A lower margin
Non collateralized but with maturity not to exceed means the importer will only deposit a small
7 days and limited to the purpose of providing amount to enable him to access bank credit.
liquidity to the banking system in times of need. Higher margin means the importer will carry a
(Sec. 83) higher financing burden of the importation.

Emergency Credit Operations The Monetary Board may at any time prescribe
This is granted only to banks under the following minimum cash margins (as a percentage) for the
circumstances: opening of letters of credit and may relate the size
a. In periods of national and/or local of the required margin to the nature of the
emergency or of imminent financial panic transaction to be financed. (Sec. 105)
– when these directly threaten monetary
and financial stability; and ii. Required security against bank loans
b. During normal periods - To assist a bank
in a precarious financial condition or To promote liquidity and solvency of the banking
under serious financial pressures brought system, BSP may issue regulations on the
by unforeseen events, or events which, following:
though foreseeable, could not be a. Maximum permissible maturities of loans
prevented by the bank concerned. (Sec. and investments (short, medium, or long
84) term, but BSP issuances are guidelines,
not fixed limits).
Subject to compliance with the following b. Kind and amount of security (real estate,
conditions: chattels, intangibles) to be required
a. Bank is not insolvent against the various credit operations of
b. Secured by first class or acceptable banks. (Sec. 106)
c. Limited to equivalent of 50% of deposits
d. Upon an affirmative vote of at least five
(5) Monetary Board members, and

Page 216 of 393


iii. Portfolio ceilings B. LAWS ON SECRECY OF BANK

To prevent or check an expansion of bank credit
(to prevent excessive credit risks concentration 1. PURPOSE
and diversify risks), an upper limit may be placed
on the following: R.A. No. 1405 (Bank Secrecy Law) covers
a. Amount of loans and investments which deposits in Peso while R.A. No. 6426 (Foreign
the banks may hold; or Currency Deposits Act) covers deposits in foreign
b. Rate of increase of such assets within currency. Its purpose is as follows:
specified periods of time. (Sec. 107) a. To give encouragement to the people to
deposit their money in banking
Note: Uniform application to all banks or specific institutions; and
categories without discrimination (NCBA, Sec. b. To discourage private hoarding so that
85, 84,96, 104 and 107). There is no retroactivity the same may be properly utilized by
– it can only be applied on the date of notification. banks in authorized loans to assist the
(Id.) economic development of the country.
(RA 1405, Sec. 1)
iv. Minimum capital ratios
State Policy
Monetary Board may (1) prescribe minimum risk- It is hereby declared the policy of the state to
based capital adequacy ratios based on protect and preserve the integrity and
internationally accepted standards and may alter confidentiality of bank accounts. (AMLA, Sec. 2)
said ratios whenever it deems necessary, and (2)
may require banks to hold capital beyond the Construction of confidentiality
minimum requirements commensurate to their If there are doubts in upholding the absolutely
risk profile. (Sec. 108) confidential nature of bank deposits against
affirming the authority to inquire into such
10. RATE OF EXCHANGE accounts, such doubt must be resolved in favor of
confidentiality. (Republic v. Eugenio, G.R. No.
Exchange rate. It is the price of a unit of foreign 174629, 2008)
exchange in terms of domestic currency (e.g., 1
US$ = Php 53).
The Monetary Board shall determine the
Peso Deposits
exchange rate policy of the country. (Sec. 74).
All deposits of whatever nature with the banks in
The present policy is a floating rate system, which
the Philippines, including investments in the
is market driven.
government bonds are considered absolutely
confidential and may not be examined, inquired,
or looked into by any person except as allowed
by law. (RA 1405, Sec. 2)

The following are liable under RA No. 1405:

a. Any person or government official who
examines, inquires, or looks into bank
deposits or government bond
investments in any instance not allowed
by law.
b. Any official or employee of the banking
institution who makes a disclosure
concerning bank deposits to another in
any instance not allowed by law (Id., Sec.
3); and
c. Any person who commits a violation of
any provision of this law. (Id., Sec. 5)

Page 217 of 393


Foreign Currency Deposits Note: Other funds or properties in the bank which
All foreign currency deposits are absolutely are not in the nature of deposits are still
confidential and cannot be examined, inquired, or confidential. No director, officer, employee, or
looked into by any person, government official, agent of any bank shall, without order of a court
bureau, or office, whether judicial or of competent jurisdiction, disclose to any
administrative or legislative, or any other private unauthorized person any information relative to
or public entity. (RA No. 6426, Sec. 8) the funds or properties in the custody of the bank
belonging to private individuals, corporations, or
The following are liable under RA No. 6426: any other entities. (GBL, Sec. 55(1)(b))
a. Any person or government official who
examines, inquires, or looks into foreign 4. EXCEPTIONS
currency deposits without written
permission of the depositor. (Id., Sec. 8) Grounds to allow examination of a bank
b. Anyone who shall attach, garnish, or account under Section 2 of RA No. 1405:
subject the foreign currency deposit to a. Where the depositor consents in
any other order or process of any court, writing.
legislative body, or other administrative
body. (Id.) Note: A waiver of rights (RA 1405) must
c. Any official or employee of the banking be voluntary, knowingly, intelligently, and
institution who makes a disclosure with sufficient awareness of the relevant
concerning bank deposits to another in circumstances and likely consequences.
any instance not allowed by law. (Id., There must be evidence to show an
Sec. 10) actual intention to relinquish the right.
d. Any person who commits a violation of Mere silence on the part of the holder of
any provision of this law as well as the right should not be construed as a
regulation of the Monetary Board surrender thereof. (Doña Adela Export
pursuant to this law. (Id.) International, Inc. v. TIDCORP, G.R. No.
201931, 2015)
Examples of waiver: Waiver in case of
Peso Deposits. All (peso) deposits of whatever DOSRI loans (NCBA, Sec. 26) and
nature with banks or banking institutions in the waiver of a taxpayer in case of
Philippines including trust accounts. (Ejercito v. compromise of tax liability. (Tax Code,
Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 157294-95, 2006) Sec. 6[f])

Deposits refer to money or funds placed in a b. Impeachment Cases. It is necessary

bank which can be withdrawn on depositor’s that there be an order issued by the
order or demand. It is characterized as being in impeachment court or by its authorized
the nature of a simple loan and creates a creditor- officer to allow examination.
debtor relationship between the depositor and the
bank. (NCC, Art. 1980) While trust funds are It is limited to Peso deposits, as it is not
different, by jurisprudence, this is included in the an exemption to the absolute
broad category of deposits under RA 1405. confidentiality of foreign currency
deposits under RA 6426. (Philippine
Investment in bonds issued by the Government Savings Bank v. Senate, G.R. No.
of the Philippines, its political subdivisions, and its 200238, 2012)
instrumentalities. (RA 1405, Sec. 2)
c. By Court Order in cases of;
Foreign currency deposits (RA No. 6426) and 1. Bribery
deposits in offshore banking units (PD No. 1246, 2. Dereliction of duty of public
Sec. 8) are considered as absolutely confidential. officials
RA No. 6426 only provided for written permission
of the depositor as an exception. However, other d. Money invested or deposited is
exceptions evolved by jurisprudence and subject of litigation (RA 1405 – An Act
statutes. Prohibiting Disclosure of or Inquiry into

Page 218 of 393


Deposits with any Banking Institution, 3. A taxpayer, information on whose

Sec. 2). account is requested by a foreign
tax authority. (NIRC, Sec. 6(f))
Fishing for information as to the amount of
damages it can recover does not fall within the c. Unclaimed balances. Disclosure to the
exception. Since the subject matter of the dispute Treasurer of the Philippines for dormant
is not the money deposited in the drawer's deposits for at least 10 years. (Act 3936,
account, it does not, by itself, warrant the Sec. 2)
examination of the bank deposits. (Union Bank
vs. CA, GR No. 134699, 1999) d. BSP periodic or special examination.
To ensure compliance of the covered
The subject matter of the action is to be institution with the Anti Money
determined from the indictment that charges Laundering Act. (NCBA, Sec. 25; RA
respondent with the offense, and not from the 9160 – Anti-Money Laundering Act
evidence sought. The information charges (AMLA), Sec. 11)
qualified theft. There was no mention of the
supposed bank account in which the funds Annual testing solely limited to the
represented by the checks have allegedly been determination of the existence and true
kept to allow testimony on the bank account. identity of the owners of the accounts.
(BSB Group vs. Go, GR No. 168644, 2010) (AMLA, Sec. 9[a])

e. Human Security Act (RA 9372). After

Inquiry into the whereabouts of the amount
determining existence of probable cause,
converted necessarily extends to whatever is
concealed (being in the name of persons other the Court of Appeals may authorize
than the one responsible for the illegal examination of and gathering of
information on deposits, placements,
acquisition) inasmuch as the case is aimed at
recovering the amount converted. (Mellon Bank trust accounts, assets, and records in a
v. Magsino, G.R. No. 71479, 1990) bank or financial institution; (RA 9372,
Sec. 27) of the following:
1. A person charged with or
Additional exceptions to the Secrecy of Bank suspected of the crime of terrorism
Deposits Act or conspiracy to commit terrorism;
a. Violations of Anti-Graft and Corrupt 2. Any judicially declared and
Practices Act. Section 8 of RA 3019 outlawed terrorist organizations,
directs that bank deposits shall be taken associations, or group of persons;
into consideration in its enforcement, or
notwithstanding any provision of the law 3. Any member of such organization,
to the contrary. (PNB v. Gancayco, GR. association, or group of persons in
No. L-18343, 1965) a bank or financial institution and
the gathering of any relevant
The Courts are authorized to examine information about the same from
bank deposits of spouses and unmarried said bank or financial institution.
children of government officials found to (RA 9372, Sec. 28)
have unexplained wealth under RA 3019
– Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act. f. Anti-Money Laundering Act (AMLA).
(RA 3019, Sec. 8) Upon order of a competent court in cases
of violation of the AMLA where there is
b. Commissioner of Internal Revenue probable cause of money laundering,
(CIR). The CIR can inquire into the bank except that no court order is required in
accounts of the following taxpayers: cases of:
1. A decedent to determine his gross 1. Kidnapping for ransom
estate; 2. Drug trafficking
2. Any taxpayer who has filed an 3. Hijacking, destructive arson, and
application for compromise of his murder including those
tax liability on the ground of perpetrated by terrorists against
financial incapacity; and

Page 219 of 393


non-combatants and similar and their subsidiaries and affiliates

targets. (AMLA, Sec. 11) concerning:
1. Any property or funds that are in
g. Plunder. Sec. 1(d) and 4 of the Plunder any way related to financing of
Law (RA 7080). terrorism or acts of terrorism; or
2. Any property or funds of any
Plunder (RA 7080, Sec. 2), which is person or persons in relation to
amassing or accumulating ill-gotten whom there is probable cause to
wealth by series of overt or criminal acts, believe that such person or
is also analogous to bribery. Therefore, persons are committing or
the exception to R.A. 1405 applicable in attempting or conspiring to commit
cases of bribery must also apply to cases or participating in or facilitating the
of plunder. (Ejercito v. Sandiganbayan, financing of terrorism or acts of
G.R. Nos. 157294-95, 2006) terrorism. (RA 10168, Sec. 10)

h. Unsafe and unsound banking k. Bank Resolution. When there is a failure

practices. BSP and PDIC may inquire of Prompt Corrective Action as declared
into bank deposits (both Peso and by the Monetary Board due to capital
Foreign Currency Deposits) and all deficiency, the PDIC or its duly
information related thereto if there is a authorized officers or employers may
finding of unsafe or unsound banking examine, inquire, or look at the deposit
practice. (New PDIC Charter, Sec. 9) records of the bank. (New PDIC Charter,
Sec. 11[c])
i. In-Camera Inspection. The
Ombudsman is granted the express The information cannot be shared by
powers to examine and have access to PDIC to other persons, including the
bank accounts and records. (RA 6770 – BSP.
Ombudsman Act, Sec. 15)
l. Presidential Commission on Good
Requisites: Governance (PCGG). Investigation by
1. Pending case before a court of the PCGG to recover ill-gotten wealth
competent jurisdiction; (EO 1, Sec. 3[e])
2. Account must be clearly identified;
3. The inspection is limited to the m. Commission on Audit (COA). Audit on
subject matter of the pending case; government deposits by the COA. (1987
4. The bank personnel and the Constitution, Art. IX (D), Sec. 2[1])
account holder must be notified to
be present during the inspection, Grounds for Disclosure of Foreign Currency
and such inspection may cover Deposits.
only the account identified in the a. Upon written permission of depositor
pending case. (Marquez v. b. Under Other Laws (as discussed)
Desierto, G.R. 135882, 2001) 1. CIR. (NIRC, Sec. 6[f])
2. AMLC – with our without a court
Note: An investigation by the Office of the order under the AMLA and
Ombudsman is not a pending litigation to Terrorism Financing Prevention
allow examination of a bank account. and Suppression Act. (AMLA,
(Marquez v. Desierto, G.R. No. 135882, Sec. 11; RA 10168, Sec. 10)
2001) 3. BSP in limited examination to
ensure compliance of supervised
j. Terrorism Financing Prevention and institutions to AMLA. (AMLA,
Suppression Act (RA 10168). The Anti- Sec. 11)
Money Laundering Council (AMLC), 4. PDIC in banking resolution when
without a court order, is authorized to there is failure of PCA. (New
inquire into or examine bank deposits PDIC Charter, Sec. 11[c])
and investments with any banking
institution or non-bank financial institution

Page 220 of 393


5. BSP and PDIC when there is a 6. PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION

finding of unsafe or unsound
banking practice. (Id., Sec. 8) Bank Secrecy Law
6. COA and PCGG. (1987 Imprisonment of not more than five (5) years, or
Constitution, Art. IX (D), Sec. a fine of not more than twenty thousand pesos
2(1); EO 1, Sec. 3[e]) (Php 20,000), or both, at the discretion of the
court. (RA 1405, Sec. 5)
c. Jurisprudence (equity). The following
exceptions are provided on grounds of Foreign Currency Deposits Act
equity. Imprisonment of not less than one (1) year but not
1. Account of non-resident alien more than five (5) years, or fine not less than five
found guilty of raping a minor thousand pesos (Php 5000) but not more than
was allowed on the basis of twenty five thousand pesos (Php 20,000.) or both.
equity. (Salvacion v. Central (RA 6426, Sec. 10)
Bank of the Philippines, G.R.
94723, 1997)
2. A co-payee of a check who filed
a suit for recovery of a sum of
money was considered as a
depositor because of the
distinctive circumstances of the
case. (China Banking
Corporation v. Court of Appeals,
G.R. 14068, 2006)


Peso deposits
RA 1405 does not preclude deposits from being
garnished to ensure satisfaction of a judgment.
There is no real inquiry in such a case, and if the
existence of the deposit is disclosed, the
disclosure is purely incidental to the execution
process. (China Bank v. Ortega, G.R. L-34964,

Foreign currency deposits

Anyone who shall attach, garnish, or subject this
to order or process of any court, legislative body,
government agency or other administrative body
shall be held liable. (RA 6426, Sec. 8)

Note: Jurisprudence created 2 exceptions on

ground of equity as discussed earlier.

Note: Deposits maintained by banks with the

BSP as part of their reserve requirements shall be
exempt from attachment, garnishments, or any
other order or process of any court, government
agency, or any other administrative body issued
to satisfy the claim of a party other than the
Government, or its political subdivisions, or
instrumentalities. (NCBA, Sec. 103)

Page 221 of 393


C. GENERAL BANKING ACT b. Discounting and negotiating promissory

notes, drafts, bills of exchange, and other
BANKS c. Accepting or creating demand deposits;
d. Receiving other types of deposits and
Banks deposit substitutes;
Entities engaged in the lending of funds obtained e. Buying and selling foreign exchange and
in the form of deposits. (GBL, Sec. 3.1) gold or silver bullion;
f. Acquiring marketable bonds and other
Note: Banks have a primary franchise from the debt securities; and
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and g. Extending credit, subject to such rules as
a secondary banking franchise from the BSP. Its the Monetary Board may promulgate.
corporate powers are exercised within its banking (Sec. 29)
Unlike Universal Banks, Commercial Banks can
Elements invest only in allied enterprises (bank-related
a. Engaged in lending of funds activities), which may be financial or non-
b. Obtained in the form of deposits financial. (Secs. 30, 31, and 32)
c. From the public, which shall mean 20 or
more persons Thrift Banks
They are organized for the purpose of, among
How Banks are Structured other things, accumulating savings of depositors
General Rule: Banks are corporations. (Sec. and investing them with capital loans, financing
8[a]) However, cooperative banks may also be homebuilding, providing short term capital,
formed under the Cooperative Code, but it has to medium and long term financing for small and
secure a secondary franchise from the BSP to medium enterprises and individuals engaged in
engage in banking. (RA 9520, Sec. 23[i]) agriculture, services, industry and housing. (RA
7906 - Thrift Banks Act, Sec. 3[a][1])
Classification of Banks
They include savings and mortgage banks,
Universal Banks private development banks, and stock savings
In addition to the powers authorized for a and loans associations organized under existing
commercial bank in Section 29, they shall have laws. (Id.)
the authority to exercise the powers of an
investment house as provided in existing laws Rural Banks
and the power to invest in non-allied enterprises Banks which are designed to make needed credit
as provided in this Act. (Sec. 23) available and readily accessible in the rural areas
on reasonable terms. (RA No. 7353 - Rural Act,
Investment House Sec. 2)
It is an intermediary between security issuers and
investors. It engages in underwriting of securities, Cooperative Banks
among other things. (PD 129, Sec. 2) Once organized, the majority shares of which is
owned and controlled by cooperatives, primarily
Non-allied enterprises to provide financial and credit services to
They are non-bank related activities (e.g., cooperatives and their members. (RA 9520 –
agriculture, mining, manufacturing, public utilities, Philippine Cooperative Code, Art. 2)
etc.). (MORB – Manual of Regulations for Banks,
Appendix 19) Islamic Banks
Created by Congress to promote and accelerate
Commercial Banks socio-economic development of the Autonomous
They shall have, in addition to the general powers Region by performing banking, financing, and
incident to corporations: investment operations and to establish and
a. All such powers as may be necessary to participate in agricultural, commercial, and
carry on the business of commercial industrial ventures based on the Islamic concept
banking such as accepting drafts and of banking. (RA 6848 – Charter of the Al-Amanah
issuing letters of credit;

Page 222 of 393


Islamic Investment Bank of the Philippines, Sec. for the borrower's own account, for the purpose
3) of relending or purchasing of receivables and
other obligations. (NCBA, Sec. 95)
Islamic banking is based on the Islamic concept
of banking: risk sharing rather than speculation. The phrase “obtaining funds from the public”
Essentially, this is based on basic principles and shall mean borrowing from twenty (20) or more
rulings of Sharia, or Islamic law. interest (riba) is lenders at any one time. (Id.)
prohibited. (RA 11439 – An Act Providing for the
Regulation and Organization of Islamic Banks, For this purpose, “lenders” shall refer to
Sec. 2[a][4]) individuals and corporate entities that are not
acting as financial intermediaries, subject to
Note: There are two existing laws on Islamic the safeguards and regulations issued by the
Banks, (1) RA No. 6848, and (2) R.A. No. 11439. Monetary Board. (Id.)
The latter law is a legal framework which allows
the creation of Islamic banks in the Philippines. Note: The definition of deposit substitutes in the
banking laws was brought about by an
Foreign Banks observation that banks and non-bank financial
A foreign bank is a banking corporation formed, intermediaries have increasingly resorted to
organized or existing under any law other than issuing a variety of debt instruments, other than
those of the Republic of the Philippines. (RA bank deposits, to obtain funds from the public.
11232 – Revised Corporation Code, Sec. 140) (BDO v. RCBC, G.R. No. 198756, 2016)

Foreign banks are allowed to enter the Philippine Under the NIRC, deposit substitutes include not
banking system under any of the following only the issuances and sales of banks and quasi-
modes: banks for relending or purchasing receivables
a. Acquiring, purchasing, or owning up to and other similar obligations, but also debt
100% of the voting stock of an existing instruments issued by commercial, industrial, and
bank; other non-financial companies to finance their
b. Investing in up to 100% of the voting own needs or the needs of their agents or
stock of a new banking subsidiary dealers. (Id.)
incorporated under the laws of the To determine whether the financial assets are
Philippines; or deposit substitutes, the “20 or more individual or
c. Establishing branches with full banking corporate lenders” rule must apply. (Id.)
authority. (RA 10641 – An Act Allowing
the Full Entry of Foreign Banks in the When the Government Securities Eligible Dealer
Philippines, Sec. 2) (GSED) sells the government securities to 20 or
more investors, the government securities are
Other Classification of Banks as determined deemed to be in the nature of a deposit substitute.
by the Monetary Board (Sec. 3) (BDO v. Republic, G.R. No. 198756, 2016)


BANKS AND TRUST ENTITIES A stock corporation, or a person duly authorized
by the Monetary Board to engage in trust
Quasi-Banks business, and act as a trustee, administer any
Refer to entities engaged in the borrowing of trust or hold property in trust or on deposit, for
funds through the issuance, endorsement, or use, benefit or behoof of another (GBL. Sec. 79)
assignment with recourse or acceptance of
deposit substitutes as defined in NCBA, Sec. 95 Bank, Quasi-Bank, and Trust Entity
for purposes of relending or purchasing of BANK QUASI-BANK TRUST
receivables and other receivables. (Sec. 4[3]) ENTITY
Entities Entities Entities
Deposit Substitutes engaged in engaged in the engaged in
An alternative form of obtaining funds from the the lending of borrowing of trust,
public, other than deposits, through the issuance, funds funds through investment
endorsement, or acceptance of debt instruments obtained in the issuance or management,
acceptance of and fiduciary

Page 223 of 393


the form of deposit business in aid of any political party or candidate or

deposits. substitutes for methodology. for purposes of partisan political activity;
the purpose of j. To establish pension, retirement, and
relending or other plans for the benefit of its directors,
purchasing trustees, officers, and employees; and
receivables or k. To exercise such other powers as may be
other essential or necessary to carry out its
obligations. purpose or purposes as stated in the
articles of incorporation. (RA 11232, Sec.

B. Banking and incidental powers

A. Corporate powers
Operations and activities of banks shall be
As banks are required to organize as stock
subject to BSP supervision, which shall include:
corporations, they shall have the powers
a. Issuance of rules of conduct or the
enumerated under Sec. 35 of the Revised
establishment of standards of operation
Corporation Code:
for uniform application to all institutions or
a. To sue and be sued in its corporate
functions covered;
b. Conduct of examination to determine
b. To have perpetual existence unless the
compliance with laws and regulations;
certificate of incorporation provides
c. Oversee compliance with laws and
c. To adopt and use a corporate seal;
d. Regular investigation (not oftener than
d. To amend its articles of incorporation in
once a year) to determine whether it is
accordance with the provisions of this
conducting its business on safe or sound
e. To adopt by-laws, not contrary to law,
e. Inquire into solvency and liquidity of the
morals, or public policy, and to amend or
institution; or
repeal the same in accordance with this
f. Enforce prompt corrective action. (Sec.
f. In case of stock corporations, to issue or
sell sticks to subscribers and to sell
Examination by BSP
treasury stocks in accordance with the
When examining a bank, BSP shall have the
provisions of this Code; and to admit
authority to examine an enterprise that is wholly
members to the corporation if it be a non-
or majority-owned or controlled by the bank. (Sec.
stock corporation;
g. To purchase, receive, take or grant, hold,
convey, sell, lease, pledge, mortgage
BSP Authority Over Quasi-Banks and Trust
and otherwise deal with such real and
personal property, including securities
The BSP shall also have supervision over the
and bonds of other corporations, as the
operations of and exercise regulatory powers
transaction of the lawful business of the
over quasi-banks, trust entities and other financial
corporation may reasonably and
institutions which under special laws are subject
necessarily require, subject to the
to BSP supervision. (Sec. 4)
limitations prescribed by law and the
BSP Powers Policy Direction; Ratios,
h. To enter into partnership, joint venture,
Ceilings, and Limitations
merger, consolidation, or any other
The BSP shall provide policy direction in the
commercial agreement with natural and
areas of money, banking, and credit. Thus, the
juridical persons;
Monetary Board may do the following:
i. To make reasonable donations, including
a. Prescribe ratios, ceilings, limitations, or
those for the public welfare or for hospital,
other forms of regulation on the different
charitable, cultural, scientific, civic, or
types of accounts and practices of banks
similar purposes: Provided, That no
and quasi-banks which shall, to the
foreign corporation shall give donations
extent feasible, conform to internationally

Page 224 of 393


accepted standards, including those of 5. NATURE OF BANK FUNDS AND BANK

b. Exempt particular categories of
transactions from such ratios, ceilings By the nature of its business, banks derive its
and limitations, but not limited to funds principally from its deposit taking or quasi-
exceptional cases or to enable a bank or banking operations. It also gets funds from the
quasi-bank under rehabilitation or during public when it acts as a trust entity under Chapter
a merger or consolidation to continue in IX of the GBL.
business with safety to its creditors,
depositors and the general public. (Sec. Nature of Bank Funds
5) The bank can make use as its own, the money
deposited. (Tan Tiong Tick v. American
4. DILIGENCE REQUIRED OF BANKS IN Apothecaries, G.R. No. L-43682, 1938)
BANKING Nature of Bank Deposits
Bank deposits are in the nature of irregular
Highest Degree of Diligence deposits. Fixed, savings, and current deposits of
The fiduciary nature of banking requires high money in banks and similar institutions shall be
standards of integrity and performance. (Sec. 2) governed by the provisions concerning simple
loans. (NCC, Art. 1980)
Fiduciary relationship
The bank’s obligation to observe high standards The fiduciary relationship does not "convert the
of integrity and performance is deemed written contract between the bank and its depositors
into every deposit agreement between a bank from a simple loan to a trust agreement, whether
and its depositor. (Philippine Banking Corp. v. express or implied." It simply means that the bank
CA, G.R. No. 127469, 2004) is obliged to observe "high standards of integrity
and performance" in complying with its
Banking is vested with public interest obligations under the contract of simple loan.
As a business affected with public interest and (Goyanko, Jr. v. UCPB, G.R. No. 179096, 2013)
because of the nature of its functions, the bank is
under obligation to treat the accounts of its Bank Deposit as a simple loan
depositors with meticulous care, always having in Bank acquires ownership of money deposited;
mind the fiduciary nature of their relationship. obligation to pay the amount, but no obligation to
(Simex International (Manila) Inc. v CA, G.R. No. return the same money. (Guingona, Jr. v. City
88013, 1990) Fiscal of Manila, G.R. No. L-60033, 1984)

Banks are expected to exercise the highest Payment to proper party-depositor (Fultron Iron
degree of diligence in the selection and Works Co. v. China Banking Corp., G.R. No.
supervision of their employees. By the very 32576, 1930)
nature of their work, the degree of responsibility,
care and trustworthiness expected of their Deposits are not preferred credits. (Central Bank
employees and officials is far greater than those v. Morfe, G.R. No. L-38427, 1975)
of ordinary clerks and employees. (Philippine
Commercial and International Bank v. CA, G.R. Bank has the right to set-off or compensation.
No. 121413, 2001) (Gullas v. Philippine National Bank, G.R. No.
4391, 1935)
Banking business is impressed with public
interest, of paramount importance thereto is the Kinds of Deposits
trust and confidence of the public in general, the a. Savings Deposits. They are interest
highest degree of diligence is expected, and high bearing deposits without a stated
standards of integrity and performance are even maturity.
required of it. (Bank of the Philippine Islands v. b. Negotiable Order of Withdrawal
Casa Montessori Internationale, G.R. No. (NOW). They are interest bearing deposit
149454, 2004) accounts that combine the payable on
demand feature and investment feature
of savings accounts.

Page 225 of 393


c. Time Deposits. They are issued for a

specific period of time (Sec. 216, MORB), In the exercise of this authority, the Monetary
and generally cannot legally be Board shall, to the extent feasible, conform to
withdrawn before maturity or within a internationally accepted standards, including
specified number of days. (BPI Family those of the Bank for International Settlements
Savings v. First Metro Investment, G.R. (BIS). (Sec. 34)
132390, 2004)
d. Demand Deposits. They are those B. Single borrower’s limit (SBL)
liabilities of the BSP and of other banks,
which are denominated in Philippine General Rule: The total amount of loans, credit
currency and are subject to payment in accommodations and guarantees that may be
legal tender upon demand by the extended by a bank to any person, partnership,
presentation of checks. Only banks duly association, corporation, or other entity shall not
authorized by the BSP may issue exceed 20% of the net worth of such bank. The
demand deposits. (NCBA, Sec. 59) basis for determining compliance with single
borrower limit is the total credit commitment of
Checks representing demand deposits do not the bank to the borrower. (Sec. 35.1)
have legal tender power and their acceptance in
the payment of debts, both public and private, is Exception: The SBL may be increased by an
at the option of the creditor. However, a check additional 10% of Net Worth of such bank
which has been cleared and credited to the provided the additional liabilities of any borrower
account of the creditor shall be equivalent to a are adequately secured by trust receipts,
delivery to the creditor of cash in an amount equal shipping documents, warehouse receipts, or
to the amount credited to his account. (NCBA, other similar documents transferring or securing
Sec. 60) title covering readily marketable, non-perishable
goods which must be fully covered by insurance.
6. GRANT OF LOANS AND SECURITY It shall include:
a. Direct liability of the maker or acceptor of
paper discounted with or sold to such
bank and the liability of a general
A. Ratio of net worth to total risk assets
endorser, drawer or guarantor who
obtains a loan or other credit
The Monetary Board shall prescribe the minimum
accommodation from or discounts paper
ratio which the net worth of a bank and its
with or sells papers to such bank;
subsidiaries must bear to its total risk assets
b. In the case of an individual who owns or
which may include contingent accounts. (Sec. 34)
controls a majority interest in a
corporation, partnership, association or
Risk-based Capital
any other entity, the liabilities of said
It is expressed as the percentage of qualifying
entities to such bank;
capital to risk-weighted assets.
c. In the case of a corporation, all liabilities
to such bank of all subsidiaries in which
Risk-weighted Assets
such corporation owns or controls a
These are assets of the bank weighted according
majority interest; and
to risks (e.g., cash is zero risk, while non-
d. In the case of a partnership, association,
performing loan is given a risk of 120%).
or other entity, the liabilities of the
members thereof to such bank. (Sec.
----------- = Ratio (CAR)
Note: The Monetary Board has set the SBL at
25% (Sec. 303, MORB, but temporarily increased
Note: The existing Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR)
to 30% for 6 months effective March 2020) of the
requirement is 10%. It is an indicator of a bank’s
net worth.
ability to absorb a reasonable amount of loss. The
minimum CAR requirement is a means to protect
bank’s depositors and promote stability in the
banking system at the same time.

Page 226 of 393


Exclusion from computation – non risk assets use the assets of the bank for their benefit. (Go v.
For purposes of SBL coverage, loans, and other BSP, G.R. No. 178429, 2009)
credit accommodations and guarantees shall
exclude those which are: General Prohibition: No director or officer of
a. Secured by obligations of the BSP or any bank shall, directly or indirectly, for himself
Philippine Government; or as the representative or agent of others:
b. Fully guaranteed by the Government as a. Borrow from such bank;
to the payment of principal and interest; b. Become a guarantor, endorser, or surety
c. Covered by assignment of deposits for loans from such bank to others; or
maintained in the lending bank and held c. Be an obligor or incur any contractual
in the Philippines; liability to the bank. (Sec. 36)
d. Under letters of credit, to the extent
covered by margin deposits; A stockholder to fall under this provision should
e. Those which the Monetary Board may, own at least 1% of the subscribed capital of the
from time to time, specify as non-risk bank. (MORB, Sec. 341[c])
items. (Sec. 35.5.)
An indirect borrowing includes one that is made
Inclusion of Parent Corporation by a third party, but the DOSRI has a stake in the
Even if a parent corporation, partnership, transaction; a case where the DOSRI acted for
association, entity, or an individual who owns or his own benefit, using the name of an
controls a majority interest in such entities has no unsuspecting person and using dummies to
liability to the bank, the Monetary Board may circumvent the requirements of the law. (Soriano
prescribe the combination of the liabilities of v. BSP, G.R. No. 162336, 2010)
subsidiary corporations or members of the
partnership, association, entity or such individual Related Interest is considered as indirect
under certain circumstances, including but not borrowing or the Directors, Officers and
limited to any of the following situations: Stockholders.
a. Parent corporation, partnership, a. Spouse or relative within the first degree
association, entity, or individual (including adoption)
guarantees the repayment of the b. Partnership where the spouse or relative
liabilities; is a general partner
b. Liabilities were incurred for the c. Co-ownership of the property mortgaged
accommodation of the parent corporation to secure the loan or other credit
or another subsidiary or of the accommodations
partnership, association, or entity or such d. Interlocking directorship or officership
individual; or between the bank and the borrower
c. Subsidiaries though separate entities e. Corporation at least 20% of the capital
operate merely as departments or stock or equity is owned by DOS of the
divisions of a single entity. (Sec. 35.4) lending bank. (MORB, Sec. 341[e])

C. Restrictions on bank exposure to Exception: The director or officer may do so,

directors, officers, stockholders, and their provided the following requirements are complied
related interests with:
a. Written approval of the majority of all the
Principles directors of the bank, excluding the
The Monetary Board is granted the authority to director borrowing and recorded in the
regulate the amount of loans and credit books of the bank. (Sec. 36)
accommodations extended to DOSRI. (Sec. 36) b. The reportorial requirement where
such approval should be entered upon
The prohibition on DOSRI loans is intended as a the records of the corporation, and a copy
protection against over-borrowing of bank funds of the entry be transmitted to the
by bank’s DOSRI, as such over-borrowings may appropriate supervising department of
lead to bank failures. (Soriano v. BSP, G.R. No. the BSP. (Id.; Go v. BSP, GR No.
162336, 2010) Banks are not created for the 178429, 2009)
benefit of their directors and officers, they cannot c. Ceiling requirement. The limit on the
amount of loans and credit

Page 227 of 393


accommodations that can be extended to The violation consists in the failure to observe and
the bank’s DOSRI is equivalent to their comply with procedural, reportorial, or ceiling
respective unencumbered deposits and requirements prescribed by law in the grant of a
book value of their paid-in capital loan to a director, officer, stockholder and other
contribution in the bank, excluding the related interests in the bank. The elements of
following: abuse of confidence, deceit, fraud or false
1. Secured by assets considered as pretenses, and damage, which are essential to
non-risk by the Monetary Board; the prosecution for estafa, are not elements of a
2. In the form of fringe benefits; or DOSRI violation. (Soriano vs BSP, G.R. Nos.
3. Extended by a cooperative bank to 159517-18, 2009)
its cooperative shareholders. (Id.)
Thus, a person be held liable both for estafa
d. Terms. Not less favorable to the bank through falsification of commercial documents
than those offered to others. (Id.) and violation of Sec. 83 of the GBL (DOSRI) for a
e. Waiver of Secrecy. DOSRI loans are single transaction.
also subject to the waiver of secrecy of
bank deposits. (NCBA, Sec. 26) Administrative: removal. After due notice to the
board of directors of the bank, the office of any
Requisites of a DOSRI loan: bank director or officer who violates the
a. Borrower is a director, officer or provisions of this Section may be declared
stockholder of a bank; vacant.
b. He contracts any loan or financial
accommodation; D. Prohibited acts of borrowers
c. Loan or financial accommodation is from:
1. his bank or No borrower of a bank shall engage in these
2. a bank that is a subsidiary of a prohibited transactions:
bank holding company of which a. Fraudulently overvalue property offered
both his bank and the lending bank as security for a loan or other credit
are subsidiaries or accommodation from the bank;
3. a bank in which a controlling b. Furnish false, make misrepresentation,
proportion of the shares is owned or suppress material facts in the loan
by the same interest that owns a application for the purpose of obtaining,
controlling proportion of the shares renewing, or increasing a loan or other
of his bank; and credit accommodation or extending its
d. The loan or financial accommodation of period;
the director, officer or stockholder, singly c. Attempt to defraud the bank in the event
or with that of his related interest, is in of a court action to recover a loan or other
excess of 5% of the capital and surplus of credit accommodation; or
the lending bank or in the maximum d. Offer any director, officer, employee, or
amount permitted by law (Sec. 36), agent of a bank any gift, fee, commission,
whichever is lower. or any other form of compensation in
order to influence them in approving a
Waiver of Secrecy of Bank Deposits loan or other credit accommodation.
If the loan is a DOSRI loan, the lending bank shall (Sec. 55.2
require the director, officer, or stockholder to
waive the secrecy or confidentiality of his E. Floating interest rates and escalation
deposits of whatever nature in all banks in the clauses
Philippines (NCBA, Sec. 26)
Floating Rate of Interest
Offenses While it may be acceptable, for practical reasons
Criminal. Failure to comply with each given the fluctuating economic conditions, for
requirement is already a violation of DOSRI Rules banks to stipulate that interest rates on a loan not
(prosecution of 3 offenses), and violation of each be fixed and instead be made dependent upon
requirement is an offense in itself. (Go v. BSP, prevailing market conditions, there should always
GR No. 178429, 2009) be a reference rate upon which to peg such
variable interest rates. (Consolidated Bank and

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Trust Corporation (Solid Bank) v. CA, G.R. No. False statement

114286, 2001) The willful making of a false or misleading
statement on a material fact to the Monetary
Note: Benchmark interest rates are the reference Board or to the examiners of the BSP shall be
rate to peg the rate (e.g. Interbank Call Loan punished by a fine of not less than P100,000 nor
Rate, BSP rates, Government securities rates, more than P2,000,000 or by imprisonment of not
treasury rate benchmark, PHP BVAL rates). more than five (5) years, or both, at the discretion
of the court. (NCBA, Sec. 35)
Escalation Clause
It refers to stipulations allowing an increase in the Violation of the NCBA and other banking laws,
interest rate agreed upon by the contracting rules, regulations, orders, or instructions
parties. They are valid stipulations in commercial
contracts to maintain fiscal stability and to retain The persons responsible for the following
the value of money in long term contracts. violations shall be punished by a fine of not less
than P50,000 nor more than P200,000 or by
It has to comply with the principles on mutuality of imprisonment of not less than two (2) years nor
contracts. The contract must bind both more than ten (10) years, or both, at the discretion
contracting parties; its validity or compliance of the court:
cannot be left to the will of one of them. (NCC, a. When a bank or quasi-bank, including
Art. 1308) their subsidiaries and affiliates, engages
in allied activities or other entity which
The bank cannot be given an unbridled right to under this Act or special laws is subject
adjust the interest independently and upwardly. to BSP supervision; or
Such would negate the mutuality of contracts. b. When any person or entity willfully
(Floirendo v. Metropolitan Bank, G.R. No. violates this Act or other pertinent
148325, 2007) banking laws being enforced or
implemented by the BSP or any order,
If a provision neither states an increase nor a instruction, rule, or regulation issued by
decrease in interest rate, but said clause simply the Monetary Board. (NCBA, Sec. 36)
states that the interest rate should be based on
the prevailing market rate, it violates the mutuality B. Suspension or removal of director or
of contracts. (Polotan Sr. v. Court of Appeals, officer
G.R. No. 119379, 1998)
If the offender is a director or officer of a bank,
7. PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS quasi-bank, or trust entity, the Monetary Board
may also suspend or remove such director or
A. Fine, imprisonment officer who violated the provisions of the GBL.
(Sec. 66)
Refusal to make reports or permit
examination C. Dissolution of bank
The willful refusal to file the required report or
permit any lawful examination into the affairs of If the violation is committed by a corporation, such
such institution, as required in writing by the corporation may be dissolved by quo warranto
Monetary Board or the head of the supervising proceedings instituted by the Solicitor General
and examining department, shall subject its (Id.)
officer, owner, agent, manager, director, or
officer-in-charge to a fine not less than P50,000
nor more than P2,000,000 or by imprisonment of
not less than one (1) year nor more than five (5)
years, or both, at the court’s discretion. (NCBA,
Sec. 34)

Note: This applies to affiliate companies whose

transactions are subject to examination under this

Page 229 of 393


D. PHILIPPINE DEPOSIT INSURANCE the privileges granted to it by law may be

CORPORATION ACT exercised and enjoyed;
g. To exercise all powers specifically
1. BASIC POLICY granted by the provisions of this Act, and
such incidental powers as shall be
The Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation necessary to carry on the powers so
(PDIC) shall promote and safeguard the interests granted;
of the depositing public by providing insurance h. To conduct examination of banks with
coverage on all insured deposits and helping prior approval of the Monetary Board;
maintain a sound and stable banking system. i. To act as receiver;
(New PDIC Charter, Sec. 1) j. To prescribe such rules and regulations
as it may deem necessary to carry out the
2. POWERS AND FUNCTIONS OF THE provisions of this Act;
k. The PDIC may establish its own
provident fund which shall consist of
CORPORATION; PROHIBITIONS contributions made by both by PDIC and
by its officers and employees to a
PDIC Board of Directors common fund for the payment of benefits
The powers and functions of the PDIC shall be to such officers or employees or their
vested in and exercised by a Board of Directors heirs;
which shall be composed of 7 members. (Sec. 3) l. To compromise, condone, or release, in
whole or in part, any claim or settled
Composition liability to the PDIC, regardless of the
7 members, appointed by the President of the amount involved, under such terms and
Philippines, for a term of 6 years with 1 conditions as may be imposed by the
reappointment: Board of Directors to protect the interest
a. Ex officio Chairman: Secretary of of PDIC, and to write off PDIC’s
Finance receivables and assets which are no
b. Ex officio Member: BSP Governor longer recoverable or receivable;
c. President and Vice Chairman: Appointed m. To determine qualified interested
by the President of the Philippines, to acquirers or investors for any of the
serve a full-time basis. modes of resolution or liquidation of
d. 4 Members from the private sector to be banks;
appointed by the President of the n. To determine the appropriate resolution
Philippines. (Id.) method and to implement the same for a
bank subject of resolution; and
Powers of PDIC o. To determine the appropriate mode of
The PDIC as a corporate body shall have the liquidation of a closed bank and to
following powers: implement the same. (Sec. 9)
a. To adopt and use a corporate seal;
b. To have succession until dissolved by an Prohibitions
Act of Congress; Personnel of the PDIC are prohibited from:
c. To make contracts; a. Being an officer, director, consultant,
d. To sue and be sued, complain, and employee or stockholder, directly or
defend, in any court of law in the indirectly, of any bank or banking
Philippines; institution except as otherwise provided
e. To appoint such officers and employees in this Act;
as are not otherwise provided for in this b. Receiving any gift or thing of value from
Act, to define their duties, fix their any officer, director or employee thereof:
compensation, require bonds, and fix c. Revealing in any manner, except under
penalty thereof, and to dismiss them for order of the court or authorized herein in
cause; such condition or business of any such
f. To prescribe by-laws consistent with law, institution. The prohibition shall not be
regulating the manner in which its held to apply to the giving of information
general business may be conducted, and to the Board of Directors or to any person

Page 230 of 393


authorized by either of them in writing to C. Deposit accounts not entitled to

receive such information. (Sec. 10[e]) payment
Borrowing from any bank or banking institution by PDIC shall not pay deposit insurance for the
examiners and other personnel of the following accounts or transactions, whether
examination departments of PDIC shall be denominated, documented, recorded, or booked
prohibited only with respect to the particular as deposit by the bank:
institution in which they are assigned or are a. Investment products such as bonds and
conducting an examination. (Sec. 9) securities, trust accounts, and other
similar instruments;
Borrowing from any bank or banking institution by b. Deposit accounts or transactions which
personnel of other departments, offices, or units are unfunded, fictitious or fraudulent;
of the PDIC shall be prohibited during the period c. Deposit accounts or transactions
that a transaction of such institution with the PDIC constituting, and/or emanating from,
is being evaluated, processed, or acted upon by unsafe and unsound banking practice/s,
such personnel. (Sec. 9) as determined by PDIC, in consultation
with the BSP, after due notice and
3. CONCEPT OF INSURED DEPOSITS hearing, and publication of a cease and
desist order issued by PDIC against such
Insured deposit deposit accounts or transactions; and
It is the amount due to any bona fide depositor for d. Deposits that are determined to be the
legitimate deposits in an insured bank as of the proceeds of an unlawful activity as
date of closure but not to exceed P500,000. (Sec. defined under AMLA. (Sec.5[g])
if such recognition would increase the aggregate
Note: This amount may be increased if there are amount of the insured deposits in such closed
conditions which threaten the monetary and bank, neither PDIC nor such other insured bank
financial stability of the banking system that may shall be required to recognize any person as the
have systemic consequences. There has to be a owner of any portion of a deposit whose name or
unanimous approval by the Board of Directors, interest is not disclosed on the records of the
chaired by the Secretary of Finance, and closed bank. (Sec. 21[c])
approved by the President of the Philippines. (Id.)
Pending the determination and payment of the
4. LIABILITY TO DEPOSITORS depositor’s liability as a stockholder of the closed
bank, or of any liability to said bank or its receiver
A. Deposit liabilities required to be insured which is not offset against a claim due from the
with Philippine Deposit Insurance bank, PDIC may withhold payment of a portion of
the insured deposit due to it as payment of such
Corporation liability. (Sec. 16[e])
The deposit liabilities of any bank, which is D. Extent of liability
engaged in the business of receiving deposits or
which thereafter may engage in the business of The maximum deposit insurance coverage is
receiving deposits, shall be insured with the P500,000.00 per depositor, per bank. (Sec. 3)
PDIC. (Sec. 6)
E. Determination of insured deposits
B. Commencement of liability
In determining such amount due to any depositor,
The PDIC shall commence the determination of there shall be added together all deposits in the
insured deposits due the depositors of a closed bank maintained in the same right and capacity
bank upon its actual takeover of the closed bank. for his or her benefit either in his or her own name
It shall give notice to the depositors of the closed or in the name of others. (Sec. 5[j])
bank of the insured deposits due them by
whatever means deemed appropriate by the
Board of Directors. (Sec. 21[a])

Page 231 of 393


F. Calculation of liability National Government in the order of preference

under Article 2244 of the NCC. (Id.)
i. Per depositor, per capacity rule
vi. Failure to settle claim of insured depositor
All deposit accounts by a depositor in a closed
bank maintained in the same right and capacity If there is failure to settle the claim for insured
shall be added together. (Id.) deposit within six (6) months from the date of filing
and such failure was due to grave abuse of
ii. Joint accounts discretion, gross negligence, bad faith, or malice,
the responsible PDIC directors, officers, or
A joint account, regardless of whether the employees shall, upon conviction, be subject to
conjunction ‘and’, ‘or’, ‘and/or’ is used, shall be imprisonment from six (6) months to one (1) year.
insured separately from any individually-owned (Sec. 19)
deposit account. (Id.)
Note: The period shall not apply if the validity of
If the account is held jointly by two or more natural the claim requires the resolution of issues of facts
persons, or by two or more juridical persons or and or law by another office, body, or agency, or
entities, the maximum insured deposit shall be by the PDIC together with such office, body, or
divided into as many equal shares as there are agency. (Id.)
individuals, juridical persons or entities, unless a
different sharing is stipulated in the document of vii. Failure of depositor to claim insured
deposit. deposits

If the account is held by a juridical person or entity Unless otherwise waived by PDIC, if the
jointly with one or more natural persons, the depositor of the closed bank shall fail to claim his
maximum insured shall be presumed to belong insured deposits within two (2) years from actual
entirely to such juridical person or entity. (Id.) takeover of the closed bank by the receiver or
does not enforce his claim within two (2) years, all
Note: The aggregate of the interest of each co- rights with respect to the insured deposit shall be
owner over several joint accounts, whether barred.
owned by the same or different combinations of (Sec. 21[e])
individuals, juridical persons, or entities, shall
likewise be subject to the maximum insured (a) Examination of banks and deposit
deposit of P500,000. (Id.) accounts

iii. Mode of payment The PDIC as a body corporate shall have the
power to conduct examination of banks with prior
It shall be paid either (1) by cash or (2) by making approval of the Monetary Board. (Sec. 9.8)
available to each depositor a transferred deposit
in another insured bank. (Sec. 19) Note: No examination can be conducted within
twelve (12) months from the last examination
iv. Effect of payment of insured deposits date.

The PDIC, upon payment of any depositor, shall The PDIC may, in coordination with the BSP,
be subrogated to all the rights of the depositor conduct a special examination as the Board of
against the closed bank to the extent of such Directors, by an affirmative vote of a majority of
payment. (Sec. 20) all of its members, if there is a threatened or
impending closure of a bank. (Id.)
v. Payment of insured deposits as preferred
credit Notwithstanding the provisions of RA 1405, as
amended, RA 6426, as amended, RA 8791, and
All payments by the PDIC of insured deposits in other laws, the PDIC and/or the BSP, may inquire
closed banks partake of the nature of public into or examine deposit accounts and all
funds, and as such, must be considered a information related thereto in case there is a
preferred credit similar to taxes due to the finding of unsafe or unsound banking practice.

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To avoid overlapping of efforts, the examination
shall maximize the efficient use of the relevant Resolution
reports, information, and findings of the BSP, Resolution refers to the actions undertaken by the
which it shall make available to the Corporation. PDIC to:
(Id.) a. Protect depositors, creditors, and the
Deposit Insurance Fund;
(b) Prohibition against splitting of deposits b. Safeguard the continuity of essential
banking services or maintain financial
Splitting of deposits occurs whenever a deposit stability; and
account with an outstanding balance of more than c. Prevent deterioration or dissipation of
the statutory maximum amount of insured deposit bank assets. (Sec. 5[s])
maintained under the name of natural or juridical
persons is broken down and transferred into 2 or Grounds for Resolution
more accounts in the name/s of natural or juridical The PDIC, in coordination with the BSP, may
persons or entities who have no beneficial commence the resolution of a bank upon:
ownership on transferred deposits in their names a. Failure of Prompt Corrective Action
within 120 days immediately preceding or during (PCA) as declared by the Monetary
a bank-declared bank holiday, or immediately Board; or
preceding a closure order issued by the Monetary b. Request by a bank to be placed under
Board. It is for the purpose of availing the resolution. (Sec. 11[a][1][2])
maximum deposit insurance coverage. (Sec.
26[e]) The PDIC shall inform the bank of its eligibility for
entry into resolution. (Sec. 11)
(c) Prohibition against issuances of
temporary restraining orders Obligations of stockholders, directors,
officers, or employees of the bank
No court, except the Court of Appeals, shall issue a. Ensure bank compliance with the terms
any temporary restraining order, preliminary and conditions prescribed by the PDIC
injunction, or preliminary mandatory injunction for resolution of the bank;
against the PDIC for any action under the PDIC b. With PDIC’s consent, engage an
Charter. (Sec. 27) independent appraiser or auditor to
determine the valuation of the bank
This prohibition shall apply in all cases, disputes consistent with generally accepted
or controversies instituted by a private party, the valuation standards;
insured bank, or any shareholder of the insured c. Ensure prudent management and
bank. (Id.) administration of the bank’s assets,
liabilities, and records; and
Supreme Court d. Cooperate with the PDIC in the conduct
The Supreme Court may issue a restraining order or exercise of any or all its authorities
or injunction when the matter is of extreme under this Act and honor in good faith its
urgency involving a constitutional issue, such that commitment or undertaking with the
unless a temporary restraining order is issued, PDIC on the resolution of the bank. (Sec.
grave injustice and irreparable injury will arise. 11[d])
The applicant shall file a bond in an amount to be
fixed by the Supreme Court and such bond shall Within a period of 180 days from a bank’s entry
accrue in favor of the PDIC if the court should into resolution, the PDIC, through the affirmative
finally decide that the applicant was not entitled to vote of at least 5 members of the board, shall
the relief sought. (Id.) determine whether the bank may be resolved
through (1) purchase of all its assets and
Any restraining order or injunction issued in assumption of all its liabilities, (2) merger or
violation of this Section is void and of no force and consolidation with, or (3) acquisition, by a
effect and any judge who has issued the same qualified investor. (Sec. 11[e])
shall suffer the penalty of suspension of at least
60 days without pay. (Id.) Upon a determination by the PDIC that the bank
may not be resolved, the Monetary Board may act

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in accordance with the receivership and bank in their possession, custody,

liquidation proceedings under NCBA, Sec. 30. administration, or management. (Id.)

6. ROLE OF THE PHILIPPINE DEPOSIT d. When the circumstances so warrant, the

INSURANCE CORPORATION IN RELATION local government unit and law
enforcement agencies concerned shall,
upon request, immediately provide
assistance to the receiver during the
A. Closure and takeover service of notice of closure and actual
takeover operations to ensure the orderly
Whenever a bank is ordered closed by the
conduct thereof. (Sec. 14[d])
Monetary Board, the PDIC shall be designated as
receiver and it shall proceed with the takeover B. Conservatorship
and liquidation of the closed bank in accordance
with the PDIC Charter. (Sec. 12[a]) A conservator is appointed by the Monetary
Board based on competence and knowledge in
Notice of Closure and Takeover Activities bank operations and management. (NCBA, Sec.
a. Upon the designation of the PDIC as 29) There is no express provision providing for
receiver, it shall serve a notice of closure the appointment of PDIC as conservator.
to the highest-ranking officer of the bank
present in the bank premise, or in the Banks closed by the Monetary Board shall no
absence of such officer, post the notice longer be rehabilitated. The PDIC, as receiver,
of closure in the bank premises of on its shall immediately proceed with the takeover and
main entrance. (New PDIC Charter, Sec. liquidation. (NCBA, Sec. 39; New PDIC Charter,
14[a]) Sec. 12[a])
Note: The closure of the bank shall be C. Receivership
deemed effective upon the service of the
notice of closure. Thereafter, the receiver Authorities of a Receiver
shall take over the bank and exercise the In addition to its powers as receiver under existing
powers of the receiver. (Sec. 14[a]) laws, the PDIC is also empowered to do the
b. The receiver shall have authority to use a. Represent and act for and on behalf of
reasonable force, including the authority the closed bank;
to force open the premises of the bank,
and exercise such acts necessary to take A closed bank under receivership can
actual physical possession and custody only sue or be sued through its receiver,
of the bank and all its assets, records, the Philippine Deposit Insurance
documents, and take charge of its affairs Corporation (PDIC). Thus, a bank under
upon the service of the notice of closure. receivership cannot file a case without
(Sec. 14[b]) PDIC’s authority. (Banco Filipino Savings
and Mortgage Bank v. BSP, G.R. No.
c. Directors, officers, employees, or agents 200678, 2018)
of a bank hold money and other assets of
the bank in trust or under administration b. Gather and take charge of all the assets,
or management by them for the bank in records, and affairs of the closed bank,
their fiduciary capacity. (Sec. 14[c]) and administer the same for the benefit
of the creditors;
Upon service of notice of closure to the c. Convert the assets of the closed bank to
bank, all directors, officers, employees, cash or other forms of liquid assets, as
or agents of the closed bank shall have far as practicable;
the duty to immediately account for, d. Bring suits to enforce liabilities of the
surrender, and turn over to the receiver, directors, officers, employees, agents of
and provide information relative to the the closed bank and other entities related
assets, records, and affairs of the closed or connected to the closed bank or to
collect, recover, and preserve all assets,

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including assets over which the bank has

equitable interest; Note: Payment of these fees, including
e. Appoint or hire persons or entities of any unpaid advances under the
recognized competence in banking, immediately preceding paragraph, shall
finance, asset management, or remedial be subject to approval by the liquidation
management, as its deputies, assistant, court.
or agents;
f. Appoint or hire persons or entities of n. Distribute the available assets of the
recognized competence in forensic and closed bank, in cash or in kind, to its
fraud investigations; creditors in accordance with the Rules on
g. Pay accrued utilities, rentals, and Concurrence and Preference of Credits
salaries of personnel of the closed bank under the NCC or other laws;
for a period not exceeding three (3) o. Dispose records of the closed bank that
months, from available funds of the are no longer needed in the liquidation in
closed bank; accordance with the guidelines set by the
h. Collect loans and other claims of the PDIC, notwithstanding the laws on
closed bank and modify, compromise, or archival period and disposal of records;
restructure the terms and conditions of and
such loans or claims as may be deemed p. Exercise inherent and necessary powers
advantageous to the interests of the for the effective discharge of its duties as
creditors of the closed bank; receiver. (Sec. 13[b])
i. Hire or retain private counsel;
j. Borrow or obtain a loan, or mortgage, Surplus Dividends
pledge, or encumber any asset of the After the payment of all liabilities and claims
closed bank, when necessary to (1) against the closed bank, the receiver shall pay
preserve or prevent dissipation of its surplus, if any, dividends at the legal rate of
assets, (2) redeem its foreclosed assets, interest from date of takeover to date of
or (3) minimize losses to its depositors distribution to creditors and claimants of the
and creditors; closed bank in accordance with the Rules on
k. If the stipulated interest rate on deposits Concurrence and Preference of Credits under the
is unusually high compared with Civil Code or other laws before distribution to the
prevailing applicable interest rates, the shareholders of the closed bank. (Sec. 13[c])
receiver may reduce the rate to a
reasonable rate; D. Liquidation

Note: Any modifications or reductions The PDIC, as receiver is also liquidator. PDIC is
shall apply only to earned or unpaid authorized to adopt and implement without need
interest. of consent of the stockholders, BOD, creditors,
and depositors of the closed bank, any or a
l. Utilize available funds of the bank, combination of the following modes of liquidation:
including funds generated by the receiver a. Conventional liquidation; and
from the conversion of assets to pay for b. Purchase of assets and/or liabilities (Sec.
reasonable costs and expenses incurred 13[a])
for the preservation of the assets and
liquidation of the closed bank, without Modes of liquidation under the New PDIC
need for approval of the liquidation court; Charter
a. Conventional Liquidation. The assets
Note: For banks with insufficient funds, gathered by the receiver shall be
the PDIC is authorized to advance the evaluated and verified as to their
foregoing costs and expenses, and existence, ownership, condition, and
collect payments, as and when funds other factors to determine their realizable
become available. value. (Sec. 16)

m. Charge reasonable fees for the b. Purchase of Assets and/or

liquidation of the bank from the assets of Assumption of Liabilities. The receiver
the bank; shall have the authority to facilitate and

Page 235 of 393


implement the purchase of the assets of The powers, voting rights, functions, and
the closed bank and the assumption of its duties, as well as the allowances,
liabilities by another insured bank, remuneration and perquisites of the
without need for approval of the directors, officers, or stockholders (DOS)
liquidation court. It shall be exercised in of such bank are terminated upon its
accordance with the Rules on closure.
Concurrence and Preference of Credits
under the NCC or other laws, subject to DOS shall be barred from interfering in
such terms and conditions as the PDIC any way with the assets, records, and
may prescribe. (Sec. 15) affairs of the bank. (Sec. 13[e][2])

The disposition of the branch licenses Note: The receiver shall exercise all
and other bank licenses of the closed authorities as may be required to
bank shall be subject to the approval of facilitate the liquidation of the closed
the BSP. (Id.) bank for the benefit of all its creditors.
Note: Such action of the receiver to
determine whether a bank may be c. On the assets. Upon service of closure,
subject of a purchase of assets and all the assets of the closed bank shall be
assumption of liabilities transactions shall deemed in custodia legis in the hands of
be final and executory and may not be set the receiver, and as such, these assets
aside by any court. may not be subject to attachment,
garnishment, execution, levy or any other
Effects of Bank Liquidation court processes.
The placement of a bank under liquidation shall
have the following effects: A judge, officer of the court or any person
a. On the corporate franchise or who shall issue, order, process or cause
existence. Upon placement by the the issuance or implementation of the
Monetary Board of a bank under garnishment order, levy, attachment, or
liquidation, it shall continue as a body execution, shall be liable
corporate until the termination of the
winding up period. (Sec. 13[e][1]) Provided: collaterals securing the loans
and advances granted by the BSP shall
Note: Winding up period is 6 months from not be included in the assets of the closed
the date of publication of notice of the bank for distribution to other creditors
approval by the court of the final asset
distribution plan of the closed bank. (Sec. Provided, further: the proceeds in excess
1[c]) of the amount secured shall be returned
by the BSP to the receiver. (Sec. 13[e][3])
Such continuation as a body corporate
shall only be for the purpose of Note: Any preliminary attachment or
liquidating, settling, and closing its garnishment on any of the assets of the
assets. closed bank existing at the time of closure
shall not give any preference to the
The receiver shall represent the closed attaching or garnishing party. Upon
bank in all cases by or against the closed motion of the receiver, the preliminary
bank and prosecute and defend suits by attachment or garnishment shall be lifted
or against it. (Sec. 13[e][1]) and/or discharged.

Note: In no case shall the bank be d. On labor relations. The employer-

reopened and permitted to resume employee relationship between the
baking business after being placed under closed bank and its employees shall be
liquidation. (Sec. 13[e][1]) deemed terminated upon service of the
notice of closure of the bank.
b. On the Powers and Functions of its
directors, officers, and stockholders.

Page 236 of 393


Payment of separation pay, or benefits

provided for by law shall be made from i. On actions pending for or against the
available assets of the bank in closed bank
accordance with the Rules on
Concurrence and Preference of Credits General Rule: Actions pending for or
under the Civil Code or other laws. (Sec. against the closed bank in any court or
13[e][4]) quasi-judicial body shall, upon motion of
the receiver, be suspended for a period
e. On contractual obligations. Receiver not exceeding 180 days and referred to
may cancel, terminate, rescind, or mandatory mediation.
repudiate any contract of the closed bank
that is not necessary for the orderly Exception: Actions pending before the
liquidation of the bank, or is grossly Supreme Court. (Sec. 13[e][9])
disadvantageous to the closed bank, or
for any ground provided by law. (Sec. j. On final decisions against the closed
13[e][5]) bank. Execution and enforcement of a
final decision of a court other than the
f. On interest payments. The liability of a liquidation court against the assets of a
bank to pay interest on deposits and all closed bank shall be stayed.
other obligations as of closure shall
cease upon its closure without prejudice Prevailing party shall file the final
to NCBA, Sec. 85. decision as a claim with the liquidation
court and settle in accordance with the
Provided: The receiver shall have the Rules on Concurrence and Preference of
authority, without need for approval of Credits under the Civil Code or other
the liquidation court, to assign, as laws. (Sec. 13[e][10])
payment to secured creditors, the bank
assets serving as collaterals to their k. On docket and other court fees.
respective loans up to the extent of the Payment of docket and other court fees
outstanding obligations including relating to all cases or actions filed by the
interests as of date of closure (valuation receiver with any judicial or quasi- judicial
based on the prevailing market value of bodies shall be deferred until the action is
the collaterals). (Sec. 13([e][6]) terminated with finality

Note: The BSP shall collect interest and Any such fees shall constitute as a first
other appropriate charges on all loans lien on any judgment in favor of the
and advances it extends, the closure, closed bank or in case of unfavorable
receivership, or liquidation of the debtor- judgment, such fees shall be paid in
institution notwithstanding. (NCBA, Sec. liquidation costs and expenses during the
85) distribution of the assets. (Sec. 13[e][11])

g. On liability for penalties and l. On assets, records, and documents of

surcharges for later payment and non- the bank. All assets, records, and
payment of taxes. From the time of documents in the possession of the
closure, the closed bank shall not be closed bank at the time of its closure are
liable for the payment of penalties and presumed held by the bank in the concept
surcharges arising from the late payment of an owner. (Sec. 13[e][12])
or non-payment of real property tax,
capital gains tax, transfer tax and similar Assets and documents of the closed
charges. (Sec. 13[e][7]) bank shall retain their private nature even
if administered by the receiver. (Sec.
h. On bank charges and fees on 13[e][14])
services. Receiver may impose charges
and fees for services rendered after bank ————- end of topic ————-
closure such as the execution of pertinent
deeds and certifications. (Sec. 13[e][8])

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