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Name: Manatiga, Jhade L.

Grade and Section: HUMSS 11A

1. What is information?
 In a broad sense, information is data that has been processed, organized, and structured. It
gives data context and allows for decision-making. It can also refer to knowledge gained by
research, study, or education. People also use information to confirm or verify something they
already know, to predict what might happen, and to build or sustain personal relationships.
Regardless of the labels used to describe the various applications to which information might
be put, it is evident that the possibilities are as numerous as the number of people who live in
unique circumstances and face unique questions, difficulties, or problems. Furthermore,
depending on personal circumstances, one person may use the same information in two
distinct ways.

2. What is communication?
 Giving, receiving, and exchanging information — in other words, talking, writing, and listening
or reading — is the act of communication. Good communicators pay close attention with what
others are saying, speak or write clearly, and respect differing viewpoints. It's a verb that
literally means 'to share.' It is the exchange of information between two or more people. It
entails the exchange of thoughts, concepts, imaginations, actions, and written material. The
transfer of information from one location to another is simply characterized as

3. What is technology?
 Technologies require all techniques, skills, methods, and processes used in the production of
goods or services, as well as the achievement of goals such as scientific research. Rather
than simply studying the workings of the natural world, which is the purpose of science, it is
about taking action to address a human need. It employs far more than scientific information,
incorporating values as well as facts, as well as practical craft knowledge and conceptual
understanding. It also involves the use of well-organized procedures. It includes both
intended and unintended interactions between products (machines, devices, and artifacts)
and the people and systems who create, utilize, or are influenced by them through various

4. What is ICT?
 ICT is a broader term for Information Technology (IT), which refers to all communication
technologies such as the internet, wireless networks, cell phones, computers, software,
middleware, video-conferencing, social networking, and other media applications and
services that allow users to access, retrieve, store, transmit, and manipulate information. ICT
can also refer to the integration of media technology, such as audio-visual and telephone
networks, with computer networks via a unified cabling system (including signal distribution
and management) or link system. However, because the concepts, methods, and tools
involved in ICT are constantly evolving on an almost daily basis, there is no universally
accepted definition of ICT.

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