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Recommended English Vocabulary – Part 5

parking in the city centre is a hassle

在市区找停车位是一件麻烦事 they
1. hassle ˈhas(ə)l
were hassling him to pay up 他们纠缠

there had been a rash of petty thefts

and we were warned to be vigilant 最
2. vigilant ˈvɪʤɪlənt

they were worried by his eccentric

behaviour 他们对他古怪的行为很担
3. eccentric ɪkˈsɛntrɪk 忧 like all princes he was something
of an eccentric 像所有的王子一样,

cheap energy provided a major

stimulus to economic development in
4. stimulus ˈstɪmjʊləs
western Europe 低廉的能源是西欧发

he was speechless with rage 他气得

5. speechless ˈspiːʧlɪs

they inflicted serious injuries on

three other men 他们让其他三个男人
6. inflict ɪnˈflɪkt 遭受严重伤害 she is wrong to inflict
her beliefs on everyone else 她将自己

he accepted his increasing illness

7. fortitude ˈfɔːtɪtjuːd with fortitude 他坚韧地面对每况愈下

she watched him as he devoured his

meal 她看着他狼吞虎咽地吃着饭 we
watched in dismay as the flames
8. devour dɪˈvaʊə devoured the old house 我们沮丧地
看着大火吞噬了老屋 she spent her
evenings devouring the classics 她每

the club's brochure includes advice

9. etiquette ˈɛtɪkɛt on etiquette 俱乐部的宣传册里包含

by Carl Gene Fordham 傅君恺 1

Carl’s Recommended English Vocabulary – Part 5

would it be breaking with precedent

for the bride to make a speech? 让新
娘致辞会破坏惯例吗? the outcome
10. precedent ˈprɛsɪdənt
of the case will set a legal precedent

a hormone which regulates

metabolism 调节新陈代谢的激素 the
11. regulate ˈrɛgjʊleɪt Code regulates the takeovers of all
public companies 管理上市公司收购

fact and fiction are skilfully mingled

in his novels 他的小说巧妙地融合了
12. mingle ˈmɪŋgl 真实与虚构的成分 he mingled with
the other guests at the party 他和聚

adverse weather conditions 不利的天

气条件 adverse side effects 不良副作
13. adverse ˈædvɜːs
用 an adverse public response 负面的

without a wheelchair, she is a virtual

prisoner in her own home 没有轮
finding a cheap place to rent is a
14. virtual ˈvɜːtjʊəl
virtual impossibility in this area 在这
个区域找便宜的出租房基本不可能 a
virtual library 虚拟图书馆 virtual
learning 虚拟学习

there was a nasty smell in the kitchen

厨房里有一股臭味 the weather
turned nasty 天气变得恶劣
sometimes, she can be really nasty 她
有时很难相处 her father's had a nasty
accident 她父亲经历过一次严重事故
15. nasty ˈnɑːsti
she's got a nasty cut on her head 她头
上有一道严重的刀伤 she had a nasty
habit of staring at him 她有个总是爱
盯着他看的坏习惯 they got hold of
spray cans and wrote nasty things on
the back of the headstones 他们拿到

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Carl’s Recommended English Vocabulary – Part 5

容 he was a nasty piece of work and
got what was coming to him 他是个卑

garden implements 园艺工具 the cost

16. implement ˈɪmplɪmənt of implementing the new law 实施新

plain speaking was important to

17. hypocrisy hɪˈpɒkrəsi him—he hated hypocrisy 坦诚说话对

not all of us have a vocation to be

nurses or doctors 不是每个人都能以
18. vocation vɛʊˈkeɪʃən 护士或医生为职业 she struggled for
years to find her true vocation 她多年

it takes five years for a top amateur to

become a real Tour de France rider 一
正的环法自行车赛骑手 what a bunch
19. amateur ˈamətʃə of amateurs 真是一群门外汉 it is still
largely an amateur sport 这在很大程
度上仍然是一项业余的运动 they may
scoff at others' amateur efforts 他们

she tried to isolate herself from her

family 她想从她的家庭中独立出来
the area was evacuated and isolated
20. isolate ˈaɪsəleɪt
until the danger had passed 该地区被

the ending of the novel is too

21. contrived kənˈtraɪvd contrived to be convincing 这本小说

a culturally diverse population 一个

多元文化的人口 subjects as diverse
22. diverse daɪˈvɜːs as architecture, language teaching,
and the sciences 学科可分为建筑、语

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Carl’s Recommended English Vocabulary – Part 5

she collided with someone 她撞上了

某人 two suburban trains collided 两
辆市郊火车相撞 the interests of the
23. collide kəˈlaɪd two countries collide 两国的利益发生
冲突 they regularly collide over
policy decisions 他们经常在政治决策

the two men were wholly different in

character and outlook 这两人在性格
和观点上都完全不同 the house has a
lovely open outlook over the golf
24. outlook ˈaʊtlʊk course 该房子有漂亮的景色,可以看
到高尔夫球场 low interest rates had
improved the outlook for the
economy 低利率已经提高了经济的前

their drive to achieve makes them

25. diligent ˈdɪlɪʤənt extremely diligent workers 他们对成

with that cynical outlook, he doesn't

trust anyone 他那愤世嫉俗的观念使
他不相信任何人 I think she takes a
rather cynical view of men 我觉得她
26. cynical ˈsɪnɪkəl
对男人持有怀疑态度 the story
depicts the hero as a cynical
opportunist 故事将主人公描写为一

the new musical is having its world

27. premiere ˈprɛmɪeə premiere tonight 这场新音乐剧今晚

both women were understandably

28. ordeal ɔːˈdiːl shaken by their ordeal 在他们的折磨

fish and other organisms 鱼类和其他

生物 parliament is a complex political
29. organism ˈɔːgənɪzm
organism 议会是一个复杂的政治机

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Carl’s Recommended English Vocabulary – Part 5

fumes from someone's central-

heating outlet 烟从某人的中央暖气出
口冒出来 ensuring that farmers have
an outlet for their crops 确保农民的
30. outlet ˈaʊtlɛt 农作物有个销售渠道 childless
women find an outlet for their
mothering instincts through other
channels 没有子女的女性通过其他渠

these buildings are part of our

national heritage 这些建筑是我们民
族遗产的一部分 they take great pride
31. heritage ˈhɛrɪtɪʤ
in their heritage 他们为他们的传统感
到自豪 Europe's varied cultural
heritage 欧洲多样的文化遗产

there is an ethical dilemma to be

faced 有一个伦理困境要需要去面对
32. ethical ˈɛθɪkəl
an ethical investment policy 一个道德

he swivelled his head to peer in our

direction 他转过他的头,凝视着我们
的方向 the quality of medical work
can only be reviewed by a doctor's
33. peer pɪə peers 医疗工作质量只能由与医生同
等的人评审 he looks older than his
peers 他看上去比同龄人老 the peer
pressure at the school is immense 在

other drugs can do much more

psychological damage 其他药物可能
造成更多的精神伤害 it was
34. psychological sʌɪkəˈlɒdʒɪk(ə)l
concluded that her pain was
psychological 得出的结论表明她的疼

a pernicious influence on society 对社

35. pernicious pɜːˈnɪʃəs

the job taught him a great deal about

36. finance faɪˈnæns finance 这项工作让他很会理财
companies seeking short-term

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Carl’s Recommended English Vocabulary – Part 5

finance 公司寻求短期融资 the project

was financed by grants 该项目获得补

we are at the initial stages 我们处在

初始阶段 the initials stand for the
State Earnings Related Pension 首字
母代表“国家收入相关养老金计划” he
37. initial ɪˈnɪʃəl initialled the three warrants 他在三
份逮捕令上签了名字的首字母 Greece
and the United States initialled a new
agreement 希腊和美国发起了一份新

some thirty or forty huts, inhabited

38. inhabit ɪnˈhæbɪt by 200 or 300 people 大约 30 或 40
个小屋,有 200 到 300 人居住

the firm has recently gained

39. prestige prɛsˈtiːʒ considerable prestige 这家公司近期

babies take longer to digest

(dʌɪˈdʒɛst) formula milk 婴儿需要更
长时间消化婴儿奶粉 they take ages
to digest (dʌɪˈdʒɛst) even simple facts
40. digest 多音词
的事实 a digest (ˈdʌɪdʒɛst) of current
world news is published monthly 世

they were able to acquire a 15-year

lease on a factory 他们在一家工厂取
得 15 年的租赁 the film crew leased a
large hangar and used it as their
41. lease liːs
headquarters 电影剧组租了一个宽敞
的飞机棚当做他们的总部 they leased
the mill to a reputable family 他们将

she wanted orchids for her bridal

bouquet 她想用兰花作为她婚礼手中
42. bouquet bu(ː)ˈkeɪ 的花束 the Chardonnay has a great
depth of flavour and bouquet 这款霞

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tales from Greek mythology 希腊神话

43. mythology mɪˈθɒləʤi

Jenks' term of office was cut short by

his premature death 詹克斯的任期由
于他过早离世而提前终止了 the child
was three weeks premature 这个孩子
早产了三周 it would be premature to
44. premature ˌprɛməˈtjʊə
draw any firm conclusions at this
stage 在现阶段作出任何明确的结论
还为时过早 exposure to the sun can
cause premature ageing 暴露在阳光

a walled garden ensures complete

45. privacy ˈprʌɪvəsi
privacy 有围墙的花园保障全面隐私

the growing rivalry between the two

46. rivalry ˈraɪvəlri
groups 两个团体之间日益增长的竞争

they are intelligent people with an

47. vocabulary vəʊˈkæbjʊləri extensive vocabulary 他们很聪慧,

the thought of what might happen

scared her 想到可能发生的事情让她
48. scare skeə 惊慌不已 you gave me a scare—how
did you get here? 你吓了我一跳,你

one glass of wine was enough to

intoxicate him 一杯葡萄酒就足以让
49. intoxicate ɪnˈtɒksɪkeɪt 他喝醉 he was intoxicated by cinema
from the start 他从一开始就为电影艺

a crafty crook faked an injury to

50. crafty ˈkrɑːfti escape from prison 一个狡猾的骗子

the manufacturer's wholesale price

这家厂商的批发价 bottles from this
51. wholesale ˈhəʊlseɪl region sell wholesale at about £72 a
case 这个地区的瓶子是批发出售,大
约 72 英镑一箱

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they omitted his name from the list 他

们把他的名字从名单上删除了 I am
52. omit əˈmɪt sorry I omitted to mention our guest
lecturer 很抱歉我漏提了我们的客座

are you familiar with the code of

ethics? 你对道德准则熟悉吗? many
53. ethics ˈɛθɪks scientists question the ethics of cruel
experiments 许多科学家质疑残忍实

the staff are trustworthy and hard-

54. trustworthy ˈtrʌstˌwɜːði
working 员工们值得信赖、工作勤勉

protestors had forced the legislative

session to be suspended for three
hours 抗议者强制议会会议中止了 3
个小时 the treasurer was suspended
from his duties pending an external
55. suspend səsˈpɛnd
investigation 该财务主管经勒令停
职,等待外部调查 two long
fluorescent tubes were suspended
from the ceiling 两长条日光灯管悬在

ancient fertility rituals 古老的生育仪

式 the role of ritual in religion 仪式在
56. ritual ˈrɪʧʊəl 宗教中的作用 her visits to Joy
became a ritual 她去拜访乔伊成了一

the pioneers of the Wild West 荒野西

部的拓荒者们 a pioneer of motoring
汽车业的先驱 he pioneered the sale
57. pioneer ˌpaɪəˈnɪə
of motor insurance through high-
street shops 他通过主要街道的商店

a sumptuous palace 华丽的宫殿 a

58. sumptuous ˈsʌmptjʊəs
sumptuous banquet 盛宴

she was now faced with an arduous

59. arduous ˈɑːdjʊəs journey into a remote country 她目前

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Carl’s Recommended English Vocabulary – Part 5

we were encouraged to be polite,

modest, and considerate towards
60. considerate kənˈsɪdərɪt
others 我们受到鼓励要有礼貌、谦

she wasn't about to revise her

opinion 她并没有改变观念的想法 the
61. revise rɪˈvaɪz editor has completely revised the text
编辑把原文全部修订了 revise your
lecture notes 复习你的课堂笔记

62. prosper ˈprɒspə his business prospered 他的生意兴隆

a young physician was assigned the

task of solving this problem 一个年轻
内科医生经指派来解决该问题 he was
then assigned to another post 之后他
63. assign əˈsaɪn
受委任到另一个岗位工作 managers
happily assign large sums of money to
travel budgets 管理人员很乐意分配

Cara's instructions had been quite

64. explicit ɪksˈplɪsɪt explicit 卡拉的指示挺明确的 sexually
explicit material 色情内容

a time of great political turmoil 政治

动荡期 as he spoke, his mind was in
65. turmoil ˈtɜːmɔɪl
turmoil 当他发言时,他的脑子一片

bland, mass-produced pop music 毫

无特点、批量生产的流行音乐 a
bland and unadventurous vegetarian
66. bland blænd
dish 乏味无奇的素食 a very bland
general election campaign 非常平和

he's arrogant and opinionated 他刚愎

67. arrogant ˈærəʊgənt

ancient Greek myths 古希腊神话

there are still plenty of myths
68. myth mɪθ surrounding pregnancy and
childbirth 对妊娠和分娩还存在很多

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a curb on public spending 公共支出的

约束 he breathed deeply, trying to
69. curb kɜːb curb his temper 他深深吸气,试着抑
制怒火 their failure to curb inflation

legislation which made the wearing of

70. compulsory kəmˈpʌlsəri seat belts compulsory 规定必须系好

as a soldier, he was trained to be

wary 作为一名士兵,他受训保持警
71. wary ˈweəri 惕 we are wary of strangers in the
city these days 当下我们在城市里很

atrocious cruelties were committed in

72. atrocious əˈtrəʊʃəs the name of religion 以宗教的名义做

an auspicious day was chosen for the

73. auspicious ɔːsˈpɪʃəs
wedding 为婚礼选好了良辰吉日

a legacy from a great aunt had paid

for their house 从姑婆那里得到的遗
74. legacy ˈlɛgəsi 产为他们买了房子 the legacy of
centuries of neglect 被忽视几世纪的

we can classify the students into two

75. classify ˈklæsɪfaɪ distinct groups 我们可以将学生们分

he cannot discriminate right from

wrong 他无法辨别是非 she is able to
discriminate good books from bad 她
76. discriminate dɪsˈkrɪmɪnɪt 具有区分优秀图书与低劣图书的能力
existing employment policies
discriminate against women 现有的

he invested in a cotton mill 他投资了

一家棉纺厂 they invested £18 million
77. invest ɪnˈvɛst to redesign their retail outlets 他们投
资了 1800 万英镑重新设计零售商店
we have invested a considerable

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Carl’s Recommended English Vocabulary – Part 5

amount of time in demonstrating the

value of the system 我们耗费了相当

don't you find these long journeys a

nuisance? 你不觉得这些漫长的旅程
78. nuisance ˈnjuːsns 很无聊吗? I'm terribly sorry to be
such a nuisance 我很抱歉带来了这么

a policeman emerged from the alley

小巷子里出现了一个警察 the results
were collected and several
79. emerge ɪˈmɜːʤ
unexpected facts emerged 这些结果

a sponge absorbs water 海绵吸水 she

was absorbed in study 她专心学习
can your brain absorb all this
80. absorb əbˈsɔːb
information? 你的脑袋能吸收这全部
信息吗? the empire absorbed many
small nations 该帝国吞并了许多小国

the blaze of publicity surrounding

him vanished overnight 公众对他的
81. publicity pʌbˈlɪsɪti 关注一夜间消失了 clever publicity
has created a wave of enthusiasm 构

his whereabouts remain secret 他的

82. whereabouts ˈweərəbaʊts

the severe storm washed a man

overboard 猛烈的风暴把一个男人从
船上刮到海里 Chris has a bit of a
83. overboard ˈəʊvəbɔːd
temper and can sometimes go
overboard 克里斯有点脾气,有时会

the wilful destruction of property 肆

84. wilful ˈwɪlfʊl 意破坏财物 a spoiled and wilful child

they remain steadfast in the face of

85. adversity ədˈvɜːsɪti
adversity 遇到不幸他们仍然坚定不移

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it helps to laugh about life's

adversities 对人生对逆境坦然一笑是

the president dismissed five of his

ministers 总统解雇了五名部长 the
86. dismiss dɪsˈmɪs guards reported to HQ and were
dismissed 门卫被投诉到总部并开除

collective ownership of the means of

87. collective kɒˈlɛktɪv
production 生产方式的集体所有制

she had a bandage on her foot 她脚上

88. bandage ˌæprɪˈhɛnsɪv 扎了绷带 she bandaged my knee 她用

the A-level chemistry syllabus 高考化

89. syllabus ˈsɪləbəs

a spare set of keys 一套备用的钥匙

the company proposes to sell off
spare land 该公司建议出售闲置土地
what do you do in your spare time?
你在业余时间做什么? a spare,
90. spare spɛː
bearded figure 一位精瘦并留着胡子
的人 he could not spare any money
他一点钱都腾不出 animal lovers
launched an appeal to spare the dog

children should be taught to have

91. empathy ˈɛmpəθi empathy for those less fortunate 孩子

the mannequins were made of plastic

on a metal framework 人体模特是由
塑料加在金属骨架上做成的 the
92. framework ˈfreɪmwɜːk
changing framework of society 变化
中的的社会结构 a regulatory
framework 一个规章制度

his prestige and celebrity grew 他的

93. celebrity sɪˈlɛbrɪti 威望和名声大涨 she became a
sporting celebrity 她变成运动明星了

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his favourite pastimes were shooting

94. pastime ˈpɑːstaɪm and golf 他最爱的娱乐消遣是射击与

the search was carried out regardless

95. objection əbˈʤɛkʃən of her objections 尽管她有异议,这

I was rather dubious about the whole

idea 我对这整个概念很疑惑 a
96. dubious ˈdjuːbjəs dubious businessman 一个可疑的商
人 she gave him a dubious reply 她给

a leading French biblical scholar 一位

97. scholar ˈskɒlə

he needed a boost to his ego 他需要一

98. ego ˈɛgəʊ

metals expand when heated 金属材料

加热后会膨胀 the company is
expanding 这个公司正在扩张 the
99. expand ɪksˈpænd young leaves began to expand 这些嫩
叶开始展开 the minister expanded on
the government's proposals 部长详述

the opposition leader was expelled

from her party 反对派领导人从她的
100. expel ɪksˈpɛl 党派中被革职 he was released and
expelled from the country 他被释放

the process was remarkably

straightforward 这个过程是非常简明
101. straightforward streɪtˈfɔːwəd 扼要的 a straightforward man 一个很

how was it that she could tolerate

such noise? 她怎么能容忍这样的噪
102. tolerate ˈtɒləreɪt
音? his wife could not tolerate eggs

they disappeared through the gates of

103. disappear ˈsʌplɪmənt
the house 他们从房子的大门消失 this

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way of life has disappeared 这种生活

方式已不复存在 we had to change
the locks after the keys disappeared

their relentless pursuit of quality 他

们对品质坚持不懈的追求 he is a
104. relentless rɪˈlɛntlɪs
relentless taskmaster 他像工头一样

a tramp who had roamed the country

for nine years 在这个国家漫游九年了
105. roam rəʊm 的流浪者 fees for international
roaming can be expensive 国际漫游

once you find a job, you will no longer

be eligible for unemployment benefits
106. eligible ˈɛlɪʤəbl
贴 he was voted the country's most
eligible bachelor 他被选为这个国家

this kind of plant thrives in direct

sunlight 这种植物在直射阳光中会长
107. thrive θraɪv 的茂盛 we believe your child will
thrive in our school 我们相信你的孩

they stood aside to let a car pass 他们

站在一边让一辆车通过 that aside, he
seemed a nice man 撇开这些,他似
108. aside əˈsʌɪd 乎是个好人 aside from his London
office he has property in several
African capitals 除伦敦办公室外,他

paint won't adhere well to a greasy

surface 油漆不会沾在油性表面上 I do
109. adhere ədˈhɪə
not adhere to any organized religion

his comments seemed to be an

110. implicit ɪmˈplɪsɪt implicit criticism of the new policy 他

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Carl’s Recommended English Vocabulary – Part 5

he was a ruthless killer 他是一个无情

的杀手 he was utterly ruthless in his
111. ruthless ˈruːθlɪs
determination to succeed 他为了成功

a discussion with a colleague resolved

112. dilemma dɪˈlɛmə her dilemma 与同事的讨论解决了她

students waved banners and chanted

113. banner ˈbænə
slogans 学生挥动条幅,高呼口号

nowadays, it seems as if everyone is

114. nowadays ˈnaʊədeɪz obsessed with staying young 现在,

the movie bored us 这部电影让我们

觉得无聊 he bored a hole in the wall
115. bore bɔː to pass the cable through 他在墙上钻
了一个洞以便安装电缆 you can be
such a bore 你竟然这么无聊

he was a notorious drinker and

womanizer 他曾是一个臭名昭著的酒
116. notorious nəʊˈtɔːrɪəs 鬼和好色之徒 Los Angeles is
notorious for its smog 洛杉矶因它的

his name is difficult to pronounce 他

117. pronounce prəˈnaʊns 的名字很难发音 she was pronounced
dead at the scene 她被当场宣称死亡

do you agree with this statement? 你

同意这种说法吗? the ministers
issued a joint statement calling for
negotiations 部长们发表一份联合声
118. statement ˈsteɪtm(ə)nt 明,提倡谈判 she made a statement
to the police 她向警方作了陈述 you'll
have your own account with a
monthly statement 你将有你自己的

her voice trembled with outrage 她的

119. outrage ˈaʊtreɪʤ 声音因愤怒而颤抖 some of the worst
terrorist outrages 一些最严重的恐怖

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主义暴行 the public were outraged at

the brutality involved 公众对所涉及
的暴行感到愤怒 their behaviour
outraged all civilized standards 他们

the island dialect was influenced by

the Spanish in the sixteenth century
120. dialect ˈdʌɪəlɛkt
岛上的方言受 16 世纪西班牙语的影

an atmosphere full of menace 一种充

满威胁的气氛 a menace to urban
society 一种对城市社会的威胁 that
dog is a menace 那只狗是一种威胁
121. menace ˈmɛnəs
gorillas are still menaced by poaching
大猩猩仍然受到偷猎的威胁 a gang of
youths menaced local residents 一群

the children's choir sang at our

122. choir ˈkwaɪə wedding 儿童合唱团在我们的婚礼上

an oak bureau 一个橡木办公桌

123. bureau ˈbjʊərəʊ (英)/抽屉柜(美) the tourism
bureau 旅游局

she shifted her position 她调换了她

的位置 the cargo has shifted 货物已
被转移 the southward shift of people
124. shift ʃɪft
人群的南迁 a shift in public opinion
舆论的转变 he has to work the night
shift on Friday 他星期五必须上夜班

she wanted to reconcile with her

father 她想和父亲和解 we need
125. reconcile ˈrɛkənsaɪl
advice on how to reconcile the
conflict 我们需要解决冲突的建议

the passengers were not allowed to

embark until 4:30 乘客在 4 点 30 以
126. embark ɪmˈbɑːk 前不允许登机(或登船) they will
embark on their journey tomorrow
morning 他们明早出发 he embarked

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on a new career 他换份工作,半路出

the gazelle had strayed from the herd

那只瞪羚跟群体走散了 we strayed
from our original topic 我们偏离了原
来的话题 Sally divorced him after
finding out he had strayed 萨莉在发
127. stray streɪ
forgive me, Father, for I have strayed
神父,请您原谅我误入歧途 she
adopted a stray dog 她收养了一只流

a Memorial Day parade 纪念日游行

the teams paraded through the city 那
些队伍游行经过了城市 she paraded
128. parade pəˈreɪd
up and down 她招摇过街 he was
keen to parade his knowledge 他曾想

you're too stubborn to admit it 你太

129. stubborn ˈstʌbən 固执了所以不承认 stubborn stains 顽

a thick deposit of ash 这灰尘积得很厚

a copper deposit 铜矿沉积 they paid a
130. deposit dɪˈpɒzɪt deposit 他们付了订金 the money was
deposited at the bank 钱存到银行里

he dug into his food with relish 他狼

吞虎咽他的食物 a hot relish 一份热调
131. relish ˈrɛlɪʃ
料 she was relishing her moment of
glory 她很享受那时的风光荣耀

the land adjacent to the train station

132. adjacent əˈʤeɪsənt is up for sale 火车站旁边那块地在出

the use of computers to transmit

information 利用电脑来传输资料 the
133. transmit trænzˈmɪt
program will be transmitted on
Sunday 这节目会在周日播送

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a very persistent man 一个坚持不懈

134. persistent pəˈsɪstənt 的人 persistent rain 下不停的雨 a
persistent cough 止不住的咳嗽

Liam grinned at us 利亚姆对我们咧了

135. grin grɪn
嘴 a silly grin 一个傻笑

an objective report 一份客观的报告

136. objective əbˈʤɛktɪv we haven't achieved our objectives 我

a lump of coal 一块煤 a lump on his

137. lump lʌmp
head 他头上有个肿块

he is an anonymous donor 他是一位

匿名的捐献者 it was an anonymous
letter 它是一封匿名信 you can
138. anonymous əˈnɒnɪməs
choose to remain anonymous when
reporting to the police 报警时,可以

she was tall and slim 她以前又高又瘦

a slim chance of escape 逃跑的机会渺
139. slim slɪm
茫 I'm trying to slim down 我在努力

the cowards were the first to give up

140. coward ˈkaʊəd

land use is controlled by the

141. municipal mju(ː)ˈnɪsɪpəl municipal authorities 土地使用权由

these changes will give renewed

142. vitality vaɪˈtælɪti vitality to our democracy 这些变化会

a plea for aid 恳求帮助 he changed

143. plea pliː his plea to not guilty 他原来认罪,改

the teachers imparted a great deal of

knowledge to their pupils 老师向他们
144. impart ɪmˈpɑːt 的学生传授了大量知识 shiitake
mushrooms impart a wonderfully
woody flavour to the salad 香菇为这

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a cold buffet (ˈbʌfeɪ) lunch 一份冷餐

rough seas buffeted (ˈbʌfɪtɪd) the
145. buffet 多音词 coast 汹涌的波涛拍打着海岸 the
wind was buffeting (ˈbʌfɪtɪŋ) at their
bodies 风抽打着他们的身体

the president's attempts to dictate

policy 总统试图制定政策的这些尝试
you are in no position to dictate to me
146. dictate ˈdɪkteɪt
你没有资格向我发号施令 choice is
often dictated by availability 选择通

a shabby little bar 一家肮脏的小酒馆

a shabby gray coat 一件肮脏破旧的灰
147. shabby ˈʃæbi
色大衣 that's a shabby way to treat

the brink of the abyss 深渊的边缘

border disputes have brought both
148. brink brɪŋk
countries to the brink of war 边界争

this statement was contradicted by

the foreign minister 该陈述被外交部
长否认了 nobody dared to contradict
149. contradict ˌkɒntrəˈdɪkt
him 没人敢反驳他 this research
contradicts previous assertions 这项

a history tutor 一位历史助教 he was

150. tutor ˈtjuːtə
tutored at home 他在家辅导

the project was terminated 项目结束

了 ten employees were terminated 十
151. terminate ˈtɜːmɪneɪt 名雇员被解雇了 this bus terminates
at Granville Street 这趟公交车是到格

radical reform 激进的改革 radical

differences between the two theories
152. radical ˈrædɪkəl 两个理论存在本质的区别 a radical
political movement 重大的政治举措
the arrested man was a radical 被捕

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a kneeling posture 一种跪姿 good

posture 仪态优美 the unions adopted
a militant posture 工人们采取了激进
153. posture ˈpɒsʧə
的立场 a masking of fear with macho
posturing 用大男子的姿态作为胆怯

use your resources efficiently 用好你

的资源 your tutor is there as a
154. resource rɪˈsɔːs
resource 你的导师就是资源 natural
resources 自然资源

the inspection involved a lot of work

这次检查涉及到了很多工作 I try to
155. involve ɪnˈvɒlv involve everyone in key decisions 我

the membership application was

156. amend əˈmɛnd recently amended 关于会员的申请手

snow caused chaos in the region 积雪

157. chaos ˈkeɪɒs

a deliberate (dɪˈlɪbərət) attempt to

provoke him 一次蓄意激怒他的尝试
small, deliberate (dɪˈlɪbərət) steps 小
碎步 jurors deliberated (dɪˈlɪbəreɪtəd)
158. deliberate 多音词 the fate of those charged 陪审团成员
they deliberated (dɪˈlɪbəreɪtəd) what
they should do with him 他们认真讨

the sharp lingering sweetness of

incense (ˈɪnsɛns) 来自香烛的强烈又
持续的甜味 an incense (ˈɪnsɛns) stick
159. incense 多音词
一枝香 locals are incensed (ɪnˈsɛnst)
at the suggestion 当地人被那个建议

160. daydream ˈdeɪdriːm she often daydreams in class 她上课

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a myth embodying the cycle of birth,

death, and rebirth 一个体现出生、死
161. cycle ˈsaɪkl
亡和重生这一循环的神话 she cycled
to work every day 她每天骑车去上班

the equity of Finnish society 芬兰社会

的平等性质 the builder owns 25% of
162. equity ˈɛkwɪti
the equity in the property 建造者拥有

the directive violates fundamental

human rights 该训令违反了基本的人
权 her daughter's tomb had been
violated 她女儿的坟墓已经被侵犯了
163. violate ˈvaɪəleɪt she did not like having her personal
space violated 她不喜欢她的私人空
间被妨碍 he drugged her and then
violated her 他对她下了麻醉药,并

he excelled at football 他擅长足球 she

164. excel ɪkˈsɛl excelled him in her command of the
language 她比他更擅长这语言

mental and physical well-being 身心

健康 hard physical work 辛苦的体力
活 our spiritual relationship affects
165. physical ˈfɪzɪk(ə)l our physical relationship 我们的灵魂
everything physical in the universe 宇

employers will have to make

166. childcare ˈʧaɪldˌkeə provisions for childcare 雇主以后不

a pensioner who does not qualify for

income support 不符合低收入补助金
的抚恤金领取者 England are in
167. qualify ˈkwɒlɪfaɪ danger of failing to qualify 英国陷入
了不能获得参赛资格的危险 he
qualifies as a genuine political
refugee 他获取了真正政治难民的资

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格 the training necessary to qualify as

a solicitor 取得具有事务律师资格的
培训 the courses qualify you as an
instructor of the sport 课程使你成为
运动教员 I'm not qualified to write on
the subject 我没有资格编写这个课题

there is widespread apathy amongst

168. apathy ˈæpəθi the electorate 选区内选民普遍态度冷

my contract expires at the end of the

season 我的合同在这个季末期满 a
169. expire ɪksˈpaɪə
plaque marks the spot where he
expired 一块匾标明了他死亡的地方

the safety of the staff is paramount 职

员的安全是首要的 children's needs
170. paramount ˈpærəmaʊnt
should be of paramount importance

we never thought that we might

aspire to those heights 我们从没想过
171. aspire əsˈpaɪə 会渴求那些高度 other people will
aspire to be like you 其他人会向往成

the company was declared bankrupt

172. bankrupt ˈbæŋkrʌpt

schools are a focus of community life

校园是社区生活的中心 the focus of
this criticism is on helping people
find solutions 指责的焦点是在于帮助
人们找到解决办法 the main focus of
this chapter is elected local
government 这个章节主要着眼于当
173. focus ˈfəʊkəs 地选举政府 why are some of the
shots out of focus? 为什么有些照片焦
点没有对准? he focused his
binoculars on the distant tower 他将
双通望远镜聚焦在远方的塔上 the
investigation will focus on areas of
social need 这项调查将集中在社会需

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the books are expected to fetch a six-

figure sum at tomorrow's auction 这
万的总额 the Ferrari sold at auction
174. auction ˈɔːkʃ(ə)n
for £10 million 这辆法拉利以 1 千万
英镑的拍卖价卖出 the painting was
auctioned at Christie's 这幅画在克里

draw up your own personal budget

for a typical week 起草你一周的个人
预算 the government announced cuts
in the defence budget 政府宣布国防
预算减少 the repayments will be the
175. budget ˈbʌʤɪt same for each month—this will help
you budget your finances 每个月的偿
的安排财务 there are many budget
hotels on this street 这条街上有很多

the tip of the spear 矛尖 the tips of

the Glencoe mountains 格伦科山的顶
峰 the hay caught fire when the
candle tipped over 蜡烛翻倒时,甘草
起火了 the boat tipped over 船翻了 a
whale could tip over a small boat 鲸
鱼能够打翻小船 she tipped the
contents of the bucket into the trough
她把桶里的东西倒入食槽 you will
176. tip tɪp
have to take your own rubbish to the
tip 你必须把你自己的垃圾拿去垃圾
场 he left the waiter a generous tip 他
给了服务员可观的小费 I can give you
some useful tips to help you make the
right choice 我可以给你一些多有用
的建议来帮你做出正确的选择 it was
customary to tip taxi drivers 给出租

she went to the market to buy some

peaches and pears 她去集市买了些桃
177. market ˈmɑːkɪt
和梨 there's no market for such
expensive goods 这么昂贵的商品没

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有销路 his car has been on the

market for three weeks, but no one
has expressed interest 他的车已经在
the product was marketed worldwide

they make highly durable carpets for

178. durable ˈdjʊərəbl hotels 他们生产酒店使用的很耐用的

she had dedicated her life to helping

people and animals 她奉献了自己的
一生来帮助人和动物 each book was
179. dedicate ˈdɛdɪkeɪt dedicated to a noblewoman 每本书是
献给女贵族 the chapel was dedicated
to the Virgin Mary 这个小教堂是奉献

he had a muscular physique 他有强健

的体格 they were much alike in
180. physique fɪˈziːk physique 他们体格上很相似 he goes
to the gym to build up his physique 他

I reckon that confirms my theory 我

猜那证实了我的推测 he knows a lot
181. theory ˈθɪəri
about the theory of quantum physics

the government announced a new

economic strategy 政府宣布了一项新
182. strategy ˈstrætɪʤi 的经济战略 the process could
revolutionize military strategy 这个

they split up to evade the border

guards 他们分头行动来避开边境警卫
183. evade ɪˈveɪd
he evaded the question 他逃避这个问

it is difficult to predict what the

184. predict prɪˈdɪkt outcome will be 预测这个结果是很难

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I set aside time every day to write and

meditate 我每天都腾出时间写作与冥
185. meditate ˈmɛdɪteɪt
想 he went off to meditate on the new
idea 他走开去思考这个新的想法

the union's efforts to promote

equality for women 这个协会对提高
186. equality ɪˈkwɒlɪti 女性平等所作的努力 an organization
aiming to promote racial equality 致

I must have misunderstood—I

187. misunderstand ˌmɪsʌndəˈstand thought you were anxious to leave 我

there is no equivalent for this

188. metaphor ˈmɛtəfə metaphor in English 英语中没有对应

the effect of these changes is hard to

assess 这些变化的影响很难评估 the
effect of this drug can be long-lasting
这个药的效力很持久 with effect from
tomorrow 明天开始生效 he said ‘See
you later’, or words to that effect 他说
再见,或同样作用的话 they went
through the dead man's effects 他们
清点了这个死人的财务 their
behaviour has an effect on others 他
189. effect ɪˈfɛkt
们的行为对别人造成影响 is this law
yet in effect? 这条法律生效中吗? the
plans have not yet been put into
effect 这些计划还未实施 these
measures will take effect on 23rd
November 这些措施将于 11 月 23 号
生效 the drug started to take effect 这
个药开始起作用了 the government
effected a good many changes 政府完

manual labour 体力劳动 management

and labour need to cooperate 管理人
190. labour ˈleɪbə
员与劳动人员需要合作 a difficult
labour 难产

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the unspoken threat terrified her 潜

191. terrify ˈtɛrɪfaɪ

a quarter of Galway's manufacturing

workforce are being put out of a job
192. workforce ˈwɜːkˌfɔːs

the exhibitions devoted to individual

artists were cancelled 献身于个体艺
术家的展览被取消了 he had his own
193. individual ɪndɪˈvɪdʒʊ(ə)l
individual style of music 他有自己的
音乐风格 Peter was a rather stuffy
individual 彼得是一个十分古板的人

I've got unlimited credit 我有无限期

信贷 the bank refused to extend their
credit 银行拒绝提供贷款 these men
are a credit to their country 这些人是
这个国家的荣耀 his theory has been
given very little credit 他的论述得到
了很低的赞颂 he purchased £300
194. credit ˈkrɛdɪt worth of goods on credit 他赊账买了
300 英镑的商品 the success of the
scheme can be credited to the team's
solidarity 这个计划的成功归功于团
队的团结 he was credited with
inventing the lyre 他被认为发明了七
弦竖琴 the closing credits finished
rolling 片尾字幕完成了翻滚

the effort had exhausted him 努力使

他精疲力尽 the country has
exhausted its treasury reserves 这个
195. exhaust ɪgˈzɔːst
国家已耗尽国库储备 I think we've
exhausted the subject 我想我们已经

all the doors looked alike 所有的门都

196. alike əˈlaɪk 很像 great minds think alike 英雄所

the play's impact inflames anti-

197. inflame ɪnˈfleɪm Semitism 该剧的影响激起反犹太主义
he made comments that inflamed

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what was already a sensitive

situation 他发表的评论加剧了已经敏
感的局势 his opinions so inflamed his
rival that they came to blows 他的意

savage dogs 野狗 a savage assault 一

198. savage ˈsævɪʤ 次野蛮的袭击 a savage race 一个野蛮

an army corps 一个军团 diplomatic

199. corps kɔː
corps 外交使团

she urged him to try again 她鞭策他

200. urge ɜːʤ

Elizabethan verse 伊丽莎白时代的诗

a verse he'd composed for our
201. verse vɜːs anniversary 他为我们周年纪念日作
的诗 a poem with sixty verses 一首有
60 节的诗

she declared her political principles

她声明了自己的政治原则 he declared
202. declare dɪˈkleə
that they were guilty 他宣称他们是有

the sense of touch 触觉 a sense of

guilt 犯罪感 a sense of humor 幽默感
203. sense sɛns I can't see the sense in this 我看不到
这件事的意义 she sensed their
hostility 她察觉到他们的敌意

there is little prospect of success 只有

一点成功的希望 her job prospects 她
204. prospect ˈprɒspɛkt
的工作前景 they are prospecting for
gold 他们正在寻找金子

profound relief 一口气 profound

silence 肃静 a profound change 一个
205. profound prəˈfaʊnd
深刻的变革 a profound analysis 一个

they derived great comfort from this

206. derive dɪˈraɪv
assurance 他们从保证中得到了许多

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安慰 "coffee" derives from the

Turkish "kahveh" and the Arabic
"qahwa" 咖啡一词来源于土耳其语
“kahveh”和阿拉伯语“qahwa” his
fortune derives from real estate 他的

City Council 市政厅 the Student

207. council ˈkaʊns(ə)l Council 学生会 a human rights
council 一个人权理事会

I immediately perceived the flaws in

her story 我立即发现了她故事中的缺
208. perceive pəˈsiːv
陷 she was perceived as too negative

an odd man 一个古怪的男人 quite a

209. odd ɒd few odd things had happened 发生很
多奇怪的事情 odd socks 落单的袜子

his death marked the end of an era 他

的离去标志着一个时代的结束 the
210. era ˈɪərə
dawn of the Christian era 基督教时代

the young student had a studious and

211. studious ˈstjuːdiəs enquiring nature 这位青年学生具有

the police can't reveal his

whereabouts 警察不能泄露他的下落
the screen moved back to reveal the
212. reveal rɪˈviːl new car 屏幕往回退露出了这辆新车
the data can reveal a good deal of
information 这些数据可以显示很多

clouds concealed the sun 乌云遮住了

213. conceal kənˈsiːl 太阳 he concealed his true feelings 他

they were confined in the house 他们

被监禁在这个房子里 he confined his
214. confine kənˈfaɪn
remarks to the weather 他把评论局

by Carl Gene Fordham 傅君恺 28

Carl’s Recommended English Vocabulary – Part 5

rows (rəʊs) of children 一排排的孩子

the middle row (rəʊ) of seats 座位的
215. row 多音词 中间行 three days in a row (rəʊ) 连续
三天 the brothers were having a row
(raʊ) 兄弟们正在吵架

Napoleon's Russian campaign 拿破仑

的俄罗斯战役 the campaign to reduce
vehicle emissions 汽车减排的活动
they are campaigning for political
reform 他们正为政治改革而积极活动
216. campaign kæmˈpeɪn she campaigned as a political outsider
她作为政治局外人参选 he was
campaigning for re-election 他积极竞
选以求连任 the company has
launched a new advertising campaign

they kicked a soccer ball around the

217. yard jɑːd
yard 他们在院子里踢球

pardon for your sins 原谅你的罪 he

offered them a full pardon 他彻底地
宽恕他们 I know she will pardon me
218. pardon ˈpɑːdn
我知道她会原谅我 they were
subsequently pardoned 随后他们被
赦免了 pardon? 请再说一遍

their passage through the country 他

们的越国之旅 the passage of time 时
光流逝 a passage to the kitchen 往厨
219. passage ˈpæsɪʤ
房的通道 the nasal passages 鼻道 a
passage from “Macbeth” 麦克白文中

the chairman accused the media of

bias 主席谴责媒体的偏见 witnesses'
recollections may be biased by
220. bias ˈbaɪəs
discussions with other people 目击者

the problem of obesity is haunting the

221. obesity ə(ʊ)ˈbiːsɪti
UK 肥胖问题目前正困扰着英国

by Carl Gene Fordham 傅君恺 29

Carl’s Recommended English Vocabulary – Part 5

he began yawning and looking at his

222. yawn jɔːn
watch 他开始打哈欠并看着表

she bought a fancy new canoe 她买了

一个又贵又新的独木舟 he had once
223. canoe kəˈnuː
canoed down the Nile 他曾经乘着独

there is widespread concern about

224. widespread ˈwaɪdsprɛd the outcome 人们对于这个结果有普

we went out onto the balcony 我们走

225. balcony ˈbælkəni

the social ills prevalent in society

226. prevalent ˈprɛvələnt
today 当今社会普遍存在不良风气

a police academy 一所警察学校 the

227. academy əˈkædəmi
Royal Academy of Arts 皇家艺术学院

are you allergic to pollen? 你对花粉过

228. pollen ˈpɒlən

villagers were forced to forage for

229. forage ˈfɒrɪʤ
food 乡民被迫觅食

dairy products 乳制品 a dairy farm 一

230. dairy ˈdeəri 所乳牛场 a dairy substitute 一种奶制

231. faux fəʊ faux fur 人造毛皮

232. lucrative ˈluːkrətɪv a lucrative business 一家赚钱的企业

even as a child he showed an unusual

233. aptitude ˈæptɪtjuːd aptitude for mathematics 甚至孩童时

234. contagious kənˈteɪʤəs a contagious disease 一种传染病

235. beverage ˈbɛvərɪʤ an alcoholic beverage 一种酒精饮料

Bob was not only her business

advisor, but her confidant as well 鲍
236. confidant ˈkɒnfɪdant

by Carl Gene Fordham 傅君恺 30

Carl’s Recommended English Vocabulary – Part 5

the indigenous peoples of Australia

澳洲原住民 the playpus is indigenous
237. indigenous ɪnˈdɪʤɪnəs
to Australia 鸭嘴兽是澳大利亚特有动

238. institute ˈɪnstɪtjuːt a research institute 一个研究所

a talkative cab driver 一个很健谈的出

239. talkative ˈtɔːkətɪv

he works in the retail industry 他在零

240. retail ˈriːteɪl 售业工作 these shoes retail for £60 这
种鞋子零售价是 60 英镑

my dad loves to read biographies 我

241. biography baɪˈɒgrəfi

there is only one feasible solution 只

242. feasible ˈfiːzəbl

he recited passages of Dante 他背诵

243. recite rɪˈsaɪt

the show will be broadcast on TV

worldwide 这场表演将会通过电视来
全球播放 the result of the match was
broadcast far and wide 比赛的结果广
244. broadcast ˈbrɔːdkɑːst
为人知,影响深远 he communicated
with the people via radio and
television broadcasts 他通过广播和

he confided his fears to his mother 他

向母亲倾诉了自己的恐惧 he confided
245. confide kənˈfaɪd in friends that he and his wife
planned to separate 他向朋友透露他

a spectacle fit for a monarch 适用于帝

王的排场 they were rather an odd
spectacle 他们看起来相当奇怪 don't
246. spectacle ˈspɛktəkl
make a spectacle of yourself 小心自
己出洋相 he lost his spectacles 他把

by Carl Gene Fordham 傅君恺 31

Carl’s Recommended English Vocabulary – Part 5

diplomacy has failed 外交已失败了

she was uncertain of how to combine
247. diplomacy dɪˈpləʊməsi honesty and diplomacy in her answer

I left school at 15 with no

qualifications 我 15 岁的时候辍学
了,一点儿学历都没有了 her
qualification as a barrister 她的辩护
律师资质 only one qualification
248. qualification ˌkwɒlɪfɪˈkeɪʃən
required—fabulous sense of humour
只有一个条件——富有幽默感 I
welcome without qualification the
Minister's statement 我绝对赞同部长

she was able to establish a good

rapport with the children 她能与孩子
249. rapport ræˈpɔː 们建立起融洽的关系 she had an
instant rapport with animals 她瞬间

her elderly parents can no longer

cope alone 她年迈的父母不再能独立
250. cope kəʊp 生活 the agency helps people to cope
with bereavement 该组织帮助人们从

by Carl Gene Fordham 傅君恺 32

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