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Prepared by:
RCrim, BS.Crim, BS.Ed.(u), MA.Ed, MS.Crim., CSP, CST, CSMS, CII, CBIDA

1. R. A. 4864 was enacted on

A. Sept. 8, 1966 C. March 17, 1954
B. July 1, 1901 D. July 24, 1968

2. A personnel of the police department who has taken oath of office and possesses the power to arrest is called:
A. Arresting officer C. Commanding officer
B. Sworn officer D. Superior officer

3. Which of the following is not a commissioned officer?

A. Inspector C. Asst. chief
B. Senior superintendent D. Chief superintendent

4. All except one are the powers of the police officers

A. Prevent the commission of the crime
B Arrest criminal offenders
C to investigate the commission of the crime
D. to attain an acceptable degree of peace and order

5. Which of the following laws established the Police Organization under the DILG?
A. R.A. 5487 C. R.A. 1174
B. R.A. 8551 D. R.A. 6975

6. Who is the most important officer in the Police Organization?

A. general C. patrol
B. investigator D. The Chief of Police

7. What is the law provides the National Police Commission to conduct Police examination?
A. R.A. 2260 C. R. A. 4864
B. R.A. 6040 D. R.A. 6141

8. What is the maximum tenure of office of the Chief of PNP or the director General of the
A. 4 years C. 5 years
B. 6 years D. 7 years

9. If the CPNP assumes his office in July 7, 2005, his last day in office as the CPNP will be on
A. July 7, 2009 C. July 7, 2010
B. July 7, 2011 D. July 7, 2002

10. What is the principle of organization suggesting that communication should ordinarily go upward and downward
through establish channels in the hierarchy?
A. Chain of Command C. Unity of Command
B. Span of Control D. Delegation of Authority

11. What type of organizational structure in which quick decisions are made because of direct line authority and discipline
is easily administration and discipline is easily administered?
A. Line and Staff Organization
B. Functional Organization
C. Line Organization
D. Functional and Staff Organization

12. What is the term of office of the four regular and full-time commissioners of the NAPOLCOM?
A. 6 years C. 4 years
B. 5 years D. 9 years

13. Who is the ex-officio chairman of the NAPOLCOM?

A. Chief of PNP
B. secretary of Napolcom
C. Commissioner from the civilian sector
D. Secretary of DILG

14. The reorganization of the PNP is made by the NAPOLCOM who shall conduct management audit, and prepare a
proposed reorganization plan. Who shall approve the said plan?
A. DILG secretary C. C/PNP
B. Congress D. President

15. What is the required age for the grant of age requirement for initial appointment in the PNP?
A. not below 25 nor over 35 years of age
B. not below 21 nor over 30 years of age
C. less than 25 not more than 32 years of age
D. more than 22 but less than 32 years of age

16. What is the equivalent rank of a Senior police officer IV in AFP?

A. Master Sergeant C. Lieutenant
B. Captain D. Technical Sergeant

17. As provided by the Phil. Constitution of 1987, the PNP shall be

A. Absorbed by the former PC and shall become a national police
B. National in character and civilian in scope.
C. National in scope and civilian in character.
D. The leading law enforcement agency in the country.

18. He is considered as the Father of Police Organization

A. August Vollmer C. Henry Fayol
B. Robert Peel D. Cesar Nazareno

19. What month of the year we celebrate the Crime Prevention Month?
A. January C. August
B. September D. November

20. When we say that a commander is directly responsible for any act or omission of his subordinates in relation to the
performance of their official duties, we are referring to?
A. Unity of Command C. Span of Control
B. Command Responsibility D. Delegation of Authority

21. It is one of the principles of police organization that is adopted when the organization is too big and elements are
scattered in different areas.
A. Unity of Command B. Command Responsibility. C. Span of Control D. Delegation of Authority

22. What particular agency administers the entrance and promotional examination in Philippine National Police?
A. Civil Service Commission C. NAPOLCOM
B. DILG D. Philippine Public Safety College

23. In police parlance, SOP in relation to police operation and/or field procedure means?
A. Standard Operation Procedure C. Standard Operating Procedure
B. Special Operation Procedure D. Special Operating Procedure
24. While patrolling, PO2 Astig observed the following: a. a young good looking man stalking a lady who seems
unknown to him, b. an unknown old man watching a parked car inside a carpark, c. a man wearing torn clothing while
selling balut, d. an unknown person walking while window shopping. If you are PO2 Astig, who among the stated persons
whom you are going to be considered suspicious?
A. D B. C C. B D. all of them

25. It is one of the principles in police organization which states that immediate commanders shall be responsible for the
effective supervision and control of their personnel and unit?
A. Unity of Command B.Command Responsibility. C. Span of Control D. Delegation of Authority

26. When police patrols are increases beyond normal levels. This is called ________.

A. directed deterrent patrol

B. reactive patrol
C. citizen patrol
D. proactive patrol

27. What is the method of collecting information wherein the investigator tails or shadows the persons or vehicles?

A. research C. surveillance
B. casing D. photography

28. Before a security expert can recommend what type of security will be needed by an industrial establishment. There is
a need for him to undertake a:

A. security training C. security check

B. security survey D. security education

29. When one procures information about subject surety, he is performing _______ collection method.

A. routine C. overt
B. active D. covert

30. Under this principle, each group reports to an individual who is part of a supervisory group that answers to a higher
supervisor and so on until a group of administrators report to the chief executive.

A. unity of command C. span of control

B. scalar principle D. aggregation principle

31. Which of the following statement is TRUE?

A. Performance evaluation measures credibility of the police personnel
B. Performance evaluation is not a basis for salary increases or promotion
C. Performance evaluation is done once a year among police personnel
D. Performance evaluation is implemented to determine the quality of work performance of personnel

32.Line units such as the patrol section or investigation section in police stations prepare their work programs which are
A. budget C. management plan
B. operational plan D. tactical plan

33. What is referred to as the knowledge pertaining to capabilities, vulnerabilities and probable course of actions of
foreign nations?
A. combat intelligence C. national intelligence
B. police intelligence D. strategic intelligence

34. How are coded message converted to intelligible language?

A. encoding C. processing
B. labeling D. decoding

35. This type of undercover operation wherein techniques are applied for a longer time and is considered as the most
different investigative activity yet the most rewarding.
A. casing C. undercover operation
B. penetration D. surveillance

36. As security director of Company B, you should know how many beds are normally available in a multiple injury
situation and how many ______ patients can be processed at a single time.
A. wounded C. emergency
B. female D. male
37. A persons suitability to be given a security clearance is determined through a process called _______.
A. security training C. security education
B. security promotion D. security investigation

38. This patrol method utilizes disguise, deception and lying in wait rather than upon high visibility patrol techniques?
A. high visibility patrol
B. low visibility patrol
C. directed patrol
D. decoy patrol

39. What police plans refer to actions taken at a designated location and under specific circumstances?
A. management plan C. tactical plan
B. operating plan D. procedural plan

40. The importance of the firm or installation with reference to the national economy or security:
A. relative vulnerability C. relative necessity
B. relative criticality D. relative security

41. These are major course of action that the organization plans to take in order to achieve its objectives.
A. procedures C. strategies
B. plans D. objectives

42. In this form of authority, personnel do not give orders but they offer advice. Frequently, this advice is based on a high
level of expertise but the advice carries no formal requirement for acceptance.
A. democracy C. functional authority
B. line authority D. line and staff

43. ______ means controlling the direction and flow of decisions through unity of command from top to bottom of
A. audit C. coordination
B. monitoring D. authority

44. PO3 Peter Factor is assigned to collect available information concerning the activities of the Red Scorpion Group
(RSG). He is with what unit of the police?
A. anti- juvenile delinquency
B. criminal investigation
C. intelligence
D. patrol

45. Intelligence can and should do nothing more than:

A. promote better police- citizen interaction
B. enhance the probability of accuracy in report writing
C. improve administrative efficiency particularly in recruitment and selection
D. increase the number of arrests of criminal syndicate members

46. PO3 Mike Tangkong submitted an intelligence report evaluated as B-5. What does that mean?
A. information is usually from a reliable source and is possibly true
B. information is usually from a reliable source and is improbable
C. information is usually from a reliable source and is probably true
D. information is usually from a reliable source and is doubtfully true

47. These are work programs of line divisions which relate to the nature and extent of the workload and the availability of
A. administrative plan C. strategic plan
B. operational plan D. tactical plan

48. It is the premier educational institution for the police, fire and jail personnel.
A. Philippine Military Academy
B. Development academy of the Philippines
C. Philippine Science Academy
D. Philippine Public Safety College

49. A crew which is assigned to a mobile car usually consist of _______.

A. a driver and intelligence agent
B. a driver and traffic man
C. a driver and a recorder
D. a driver, recorder and supervisor
50. Police officers must develop the ______ of recording the facts as they are learned and as the evidence is obtained.
A. obligation C. perspective
B. habit D. duty

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