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Quiz No. 1:
On a short bond paper or through an e-file document, answer briefly the following questions. (20 pts)
a. Is there such thing as good design and bad design in architecture? Give an example for each. (10 pts)
In my opinion, there is such a thing as good and bad architecture. There are many variables to consider in terms of
designing a building/structure such as masses and voids, balance, proportion, rhythm, purpose, context, audience, and
durability. Now, a good architectural design considers most, if not all, of the mentioned variables above. Planned,
designed, and devised with great functionality, aesthetic, and durability.

If these conditions are not met, such as having no good purpose for a design, having weak structure, having no
consideration for the location and the audience’s convenience, etc. then can we call it bad architecture. Here are some
examples to show how bad it can get.

b. List down 3 reasons why design thinking in architecture is considered rigorous. (10 pts)

 Originality, a lot of people aim to have their own/unique kinds of design. Before we create designs we
think of certain inspirations and adaptations, some may think that your design is unique while others may
think that you copied them from other architects. Overthinking about having originality and uniqueness
will distract you from certain things you need to be aware of. There is no such thing as a perfect design, so
you just need to let your creativity flow while being aware of other concepts and variables
 Concepts and Variables, there are quite a number of certain concepts and variables to be mindful of such
as weather and time, location, balance, etc. that is why it requires deep thinking and understanding.
 Time management, according to the internet, students as well as other architectures themselves have a lot
of work to do. Heavy requirements takes quite a lot of time, so you’d have to either seek help in managing
your time or try to adapt, else, you’ll be left behind on deadlines, your work will pile up, sleepless nights
will continue, and your health will deteriorate.



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