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com J Tradit Chin Med 2016 February 15; 36(1): 1-13 ISSN 0255-2922
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Effectiveness of dry needling on reducing pain intensity in patients

with myofascial pain syndrome: a Meta-analysis

Juan Rodríguez-Mansilla, Blanca González-Sánchez, Álvaro De Toro García, Enrique Valera-Donoso, Elisa María
Garrido-Ardila, María Jiménez-Palomares, María Victoria González López-Arza
Juan Rodríguez-Mansilla, Blanca González Sánchez, Eli- ta-analysis. Regarding pain intensity reduction
sa María Garrido Ardila, María Jimenez Palomares, when measured before and immediately after the
María Victoria González López-Arza, Department of Medi- intervention, DN achieved improvement compared
cine and Surgery, University of Extremadura School of Medi-
with the placebo treatment [d = -0.49; 95% CI (-
cine, Adolor Research Group of the University of Extremadu-
ra, Badajoz 06006, Spain
3.21, 0.42)] and with the control group [d = -9.13;
Alvaro De Toro García, IMC Physiotherapy clinic, Depart- 95% CI (- 14.70, - 3.56)]. However, other treat-
ment of Physiotherapy. Cáceres 10001, Spain ments achieved better results on the same variable
Valera-Donoso Enrique, Physical and Rehabilitation Medi- compared with DN, considering the measurements
cine Department, Complutense University School of Medi- for pre-treatment and immediately after [d = 2.54;
cine, Madrid 28040, Spain 95% CI (-0.40, 5.48)], as well as the pre-treatment
Correspondence to: Juan Rodríguez-Mansilla, Depart- and after 3-4 weeks [d = 4.23; 95% CI (0.78, 7.68)].
ment of Medicine and Surgery, University of Extremadura
DN showed a significantly increased ROM when
School of Medicine, Adolor Research Group of the Universi-
ty of Extremadura, Badajoz 06006, Spain.
measured before the intervention and immediately
Telephone: +34-924-289466-86150 after, in comparison with the placebo [d = 2.00;
Accepted: May 16, 2015 95% CI (1.60, 2.41)]. However, other treatments
achieved a significant better result regarding ROM
when it was measured before the intervention and
immediately after, as compared with DN [d = -1.42;
95% CI (-1.84, -0.99)].
OBJECTIVE: To summarize the literature about the CONCLUSION: DN was less effective on decreasing
effectiveness of dry needling (DN) on relieving pain pain comparing to the placebo group. Other treat-
and increasing range of motion (ROM) in individu- ments were more effective than DN on reducing
als with myofascial pain syndrome (MPS). pain after 3-4 weeks. However, on increasing ROM,
DN was more effective comparing to that of place-
METHODS: Papers published from January 2000 to
bo group, but less than other treatments.
January 2013 were identified through an electronic
search in the databases MEDLINE, Dialnet, Co-
chrane Library Plus, Physiotherapy Evidence Data- © 2016 JTCM. All rights reserved.
base (PEDro) and Spanish Superior Council of Scien-
Key words: Dry needling; Myofascial pain syn-
tific Research (CSIC). The studies included were ran-
dromes; Rehabilitation; Meta-analysis
domized controlled trials written in English and/or
Spanish about the effectiveness of DN on pain and
ROM in individuals with MPS. INTRODUCTION
RESULTS: Out of 19 clinical trials that were poten- Myofascial pain syndrome (MPS) is one of the most
tially relevant, a total of 10 were included in the Me- frequent causes of musculoskeletal chronic pain. Myo-

JTCM | www. journaltcm. com 1 February 15, 2016 | Volume 36 | Issue 1 |

Rodríguez-Mansilla J et al. / Systematic Review

fascial trigger point (MTP) causes MPS due to the pres- and causing a local spasm response.5 The needling does
ence of hypersensitive nodules.1,2 not stay in place and it is removed once the MTP has
The MTP is a hyperirritable structure located in the been deactivated.13 After its deactivation, etiological
tense band of a muscle. After its stimulation, the MTP and disturbing factors of the MTP must be controlled
is responsible for referred pain (outside the area of the to avoid relapses.5,13 The dry needling action mecha-
MTP) and unspecific pain with a variable severity. nism is based on the gate control theory of pain devel-
These points are of unknown etiology and they are oped by Furlan et al.13 DN causes the inhibition of the
characterized by a motor alteration (resistant muscular C fibers that carry the MTP pain impulses. This inhibi-
band) and a sensitive alteration (numbness and re- tion is due to the activation of the A-delta fibers when
ferred pain).1 the needle perforates the skin and to the relaxation of
The most accepted theory regarding to the nature of the tense MTP muscle band.
the MTP, known as integrated hypothesis, was de- Recent investigations showed on conclusive results on
scribed by Simons2 in 1996 and subsequently expand- the effectiveness of DN to manage MTP. The system-
ed3 and updated.4 Although it needs to be fully consoli- atic review carried out by Cummings et al 14 in 2001
dated through experimentation, it provides answers to and other studies, such as the one from Kietrys et al 15
questions regarding what MTP is, where they are locat- in 2013, can be found in the literature. Despite con-
ed and what would be the best approaches for their cluding that DN decreased pain immediately after its
management.5 application when comparing with sham needle or pla-
According to this theory, the MTP constitute a neuro- cebo, their search was only done in very few databases.
muscular pathology initiated by a pre-synaptic dysfunc- In addition, Tough et al 16 published a systematic re-
tion of the motor plate characterized by an excessive re- view in 2009, where DN was compared with acupunc-
lease of acetylcholine (ACh) in the synaptic cleft that ture, standardized care and placebo.
causes a localized contracture of the sarcomere closest We summarized the literature about the effectiveness
to the motor plate. This contracture would cause the of dry needling on decreasing pain and increasing
increase of tension in the affected fibre, hypoxia due to range of motion (ROM) in individuals with MPS.
the vascular compression and accumulation of sensitiz-
ing substances which are responsible for the hyperalge-
sia of the MTP and a poor level of acetyl cholinester- METHODS
ase. This deficit could mean a synaptic dysfunction
that would add to the presynaptic problem of the ex- Search strategy
cess release of ACh and to any possible postsynaptic This study is a systematic review of randomized con-
conflict related to the amount of ACh receptors or trolled trails. The eligibility criteria were: articles pub-
their sensitivity. All this would close the cycle and lished from January 2000 to January 2013, written in
would explain the capacity of the MTP to self-perpetu- English and Spanish and studies where interventions
ate, as there are mechanisms that could continue the al- were applied on patients with MPS, whatever their lo-
terations even if the initial presynaptic dysfunction cation, intensity and duration and based on treatments
would resolve.5 with the DN technique.
The main characteristic of MTPs is that they cause re- The electronic databases MEDLINE, Dialnet, Co-
ferred pain with a specific pattern for each muscle, chrane Library Plus, "The Physiotherapy Evidence Da-
what favours the treatment approach through local in- tabase" PEDro and CSIC (IME, ISOC) were used. In
terventions. Besides, this symptomatology is repro- MEDLINE, "The Physiotherapy Evidence Database"
duced when pressure is being applied on that point PEDro, Cochrane Library Plus and CSIC databases,
and they are activated with overpressure, trauma, the same key words used were: "Dry needling AND
mood and/or reflex causes.6 myofascial pain syndromes AND Physiotherapy", "dry
There are many treatment techniques for the manage- needling AND trigger points", "myofascial pain syn-
ment of MTP and they include conservative and inva- drome AND trigger points AND physiotherapy". In
sive techniques. Scientific evidence shows that conser- Dialnet, the following Spanish key words were used:
vative techniques are the most applied treatments for "punción seca y dolor miofascial" (Dry needling AND
this syndrome, including physical therapy,7,8 stretching, myofascial pain), "Punción seca y puntos gatillo" (dry
massage and electrotherapy.9 However, invasive tech- needling AND trigger points), "Síndrome de dolor
niques, such as botulin toxin injections,10 acupuncture, miofascial y puntos gatillo y fisioterapia" (myofascial
electroacupunture12 and dry needling (DN), have pain syndrome AND trigger points AND physiothera-
been introduced recently. py).
One of the newest therapies used to treat MPS is DN. Afterwards, a manual search was done on all relevant
It is performed by inserting a needle at the MTP at journals available to the research group, which were
subcutaneous or muscle level. The mechanic stimulus not indexed on the searched electronic databases.
of the needle is used as a physical agent to remove the These included publications in all the pre-indexed is-
MTP without injection or extraction of any substance sues of Acupuncture in Medicine and Revista Interna-

JTCM | www. journaltcm. com 2 February 15, 2016 | Volume 36 | Issue 1 |

Rodríguez-Mansilla J et al. / Systematic Review

cional de Acupuntura, and in the research group's own Pain intensity and range of movement (ROM) were es-
files (excluding un-published studies). tablished as primary outcome measures. A Meta-analy-
Study selection and data extraction sis comparing the changes on the effect size was ap-
Two independent reviewers (Juan Rodríguez Mansilla plied to each of the subgroups (post and pre interven-
tion) between DN and its alternative. Therefore, two
and Blanca González Sánchez) did the search and anal-
ysed the articles found. In case of disagreement, data values were obtained: a value corresponding to the
changes achieved by DN (improvement or worsening)
sharing was done concluding in consensus between
and another value corresponding to the changes
both reviewers. As a general rule, a pre-selection of the
achieved by other treatments. The difference between
papers was done considering if they were within the
these values was then analysed.
proposed subject of the study. A selection of full arti-
As they were continuous variables, the difference of
cles was established followed by reading their abstract.
mean values and confidence intervals of 95% were
All those papers that did not meet the inclusion criteria
used. P < 0.5 was considered as significant level.
before mentioned were excluded. The studies that met
the inclusion criteria were read, analysed and included
in this systematic review. RESULTS
The following data were extracted from the studies in-
Once the characteristics of the studies identified were
cluded in the review: study design, objective of the analysed, a total of 9 studies1,18-25 were excluded from
study, description of the intervention of control and ex-
the Meta-analysis since they did not use the appropri-
perimental groups, follow up period and outcome mea-
ate measurements, the data was insufficient or they
sures. This data was compiled in a standard table (Ta-
were not comparable with other studies due to their na-
ble 1). The data extraction and the risk of bias assess-
ture. The results and conclusions of those studies were
ment were done by the two reviewers independently.
explained separately.
The analysis of the methodological quality of the stud-
The process of identifying eligible studies is outlined in
ies was done using the scale Physiotherapy Evidence
Figure 1 and the characteristics of each study included
Database (PEDro) 17 which indicates the quality of clin-
in the Meta-analysis are shown in Table 1. Out of 191
ical trials. It is made of 11 criteria with 'yes' (Y) or 'no'
studies found in the search, 19 articles (which included
(N) reply and a total range of score of 0 to 10 accord-
852 patients) were selected for the review based on the
ing to a low to excellent methodological quality.
inclusion and exclusion criteria previously described in
The 11 criteria that were assessed with the PEDro scale the Materials and Methods section. As explained in the
are: (a): Specificity of inclusion criteria; (b) Random al- Methods section, the characteristics of the 19 studies
location; (c) Concealed allocation; (d) Baseline similari-
considered potentially relevant were analysed. Those
ty; (e) Blinding of participants; (f ) Blinding of thera-
that did not have the appropriate outcome measures,
pists; (g) Blinding of assessor; (h) Measures of key out- had not enough data or were not comparable to other
comes from at least 85% of the participants; (i) Inten- studies were excluded from the Meta-analysis. A total
tion to treat analysis; (j) Between-groups statistical anal-
of 9 studies were not included in this Meta-analysis.1,
ysis; (k) Point measures and measures of variability. 18-25
These papers were not include in the Meta-analysis
The results obtained in the scale were considered as: for the following reasons: they did not give any effect
high quality, if the score is over 5 (6-8: good, 9-10 ex-
size which made the analysis difficult; the necessary in-
cellent); moderate quality, if the score between 4 and 5
formation for the Meta-analysis was not available (for
(fair quality study); low quality, if the score is under 4
example, results were described but not supported with
(poor quality study). numeric values); and it was not possible to compare
Statistical analysis them with the rest of selected papers.
The statistical analysis was carried out with the EPI- The 10 selected studies6,11,26-33 were distributed in 7 sub-
DAT 3.1 programme (Galician Public Health General groups of similar characteristics, intervention type and
Directorate, Galicia, Spain). The heterogeneity was de- period of the study. This allowed the establishment of
termined through the Dersimonian and Laird's test groups that were initially similar in order that the Me-
with the Cochran's Q statistic. When homogeneity was ta-analysis made sense. Some of the studies appeared in
observed, a fixed effect model was used. In case of het- more than one group and even more than once in the
erogeneity, a random effect model was used. This mod- same group when DN has been compared with more
el considers the variability of the results due to the dif- than one alternative.
ferences between studies. For all cases, forest plots were The pooled effect size of pain intensity and range of
drawn. The forest plots show the differences observed movement (ROM) were calculated. Pain intensity was
between the mean values of the two treatments that measured through the visual analogue scale (VAS) with
were considered as well as the overall measure, includ- scores between 0 (no pain) and 10 (the worst possible
ing all the corresponding confidence intervals. In addi- pain). The ROM was measured with a goniometer. All
tion, the publication bias was analysed thought the studies compared the application of DN with other
Begg (Z statistic) and Egger (t statistic) tests. treatment approach, including control group (partici-

JTCM | www. journaltcm. com 3 February 15, 2016 | Volume 36 | Issue 1 |

Rodríguez-Mansilla J et al. / Systematic Review

Records identified through Additional records

database searching identified through other
(n = 188) sources (n = 3)

Records duplicates
(n = 52)
Records excluded on the basis
Records after duplicates of title and abstract (n = 73):
removed screened 7 literature reviews
(n = 139) 3 clinical cases
17 no needling intervention
46 no myofascial pain
Full-text articles
assessed for
eligibility (n = 66)
Full-text articles excluded
(n = 47):
45 no needling intervention
Studies included in
2 no myofascial pain syndrome
qualitative synthesis
(n = 19)

Studies included in
synthesis (meta-
analysis) (n = 10)
Figure 1 Study selection

pants did not receive any treatment), placebo (partici- group [95% CI (-14.70, -3.56)] (Groups A and B).
pants received a treatment with no specific effect) and However, a better effect on pain intensity was achieved
other treatments. The studies presented observations of by other treatments in contrast with DN when pre-
the effect size at different moments that were differenti- treatment and immediately after measurements were
ated in two time frames: (a) progress of the effect size considered [95% CI (-0.40, 5.48)], as well as pretreat-
measured before and immediately after the treatment ment and after 3-4 weeks [95% CI (0.78, 7.68)]
and (b) progress of the effect size measured before and (Groups C and D). We can highlight that, in groups A
between 3 and 4 weeks after the treatment. The pooled and C, the differences were not statistically significant
effect size was considered for all groups. There was no with 95% of confidence interval, although in group C
need to standardize any measures as all studies present- there was a statistically significant difference when con-
ed the same scale. However, it was not possible to com- sidering 90% of confidence level [Group C, 95% CI
pare all the treatment techniques at each assessment as (0.07, 5.01)].
not all studies did the measurements at the same mo-
ment of the study. In any case, the moment when the Range of movement
measurement was done, it was considered for the classi- Figure 3 shows a significant better effect of DN increas-
fication of the studies into the groups. ing ROM when measured before the intervention and
The studies included in the 7 subgroups, their charac- immediately after, in comparison with the placebo
teristics and the results of the heterogeneity and publi- [95% CI (1.60, 2.41)] (Group E). However, other
cation bias tests are shown in Table 2. A, B, C and D treatments achieved significant improvements in
subgroups are heterogeneous and E, F and G are homo- ROM, when it was measured before the intervention
geneous. On the other hand, the publication bias analy- and immediately after when compared with DN [95%
sis showed no statistical evidence of bias in any of the CI (-1.84, -0.99)] (Group F).
groups. The weighted estimate that group G obtained based on
the fixed effect model [95% CI (-0.45, 0.26)].
Pain intensity (VAS)
According to the forest plots (Figure 2), we can con- Studies not included in the Meta-analysis
clude that there is a better effect of the DN decreasing The characteristics of each study are shown in Table 1.
the intensity of the pain measured before the interven- Regarding the methodology used, the studies are very
tion and immediately after in comparison to the place- heterogeneous. The interventions were carried out with
bo treatment [95% CI (-3.21, 0.42)] and the control two experimental groups and a control group,18,21 two

JTCM | www. journaltcm. com 4 February 15, 2016 | Volume 36 | Issue 1 |

Table 1 Characteristics of the studies included
Muscle-region body
Author Objective Intervention Follow up Measure Outcome
Irnich et al To assess immediate effects of two dif- Myofascial neck pain All patients were treat- Duration of Intervention: VAS For motion-related pain, use of acupuncture
200211 ferent modes of acupuncture on mo- N=36 ed once with AC, one session ROM at non-local points reduced pain scores by
tion-related pain and cervical spine mo- Age=51.9 DN and AC-laser. Assessment: before and af- about a third (P=0.000 06) compared to
bility compared to a sham procedure. ter intervention DN and sham. ROM: non-local acupunc-
ture was significantly superior both to Sham
(P=0.0001) and DN (P=0.008)
Edwards To test the hypothesis that superficial Myofascial pain (mus- EG1 (14): DN and Duration of intervention: SFMPQ After intervention there were no significant
et al dry needling together with active cle not specified) stretching exercises 3 week PPT: An al- inter- EG1 and EG2.

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200318 stretching is more effective than N=40 EG2 (13): stretching Assessment: before and after gometer At 3 weeks GE1 demonstrated significantly
stretching alone, 01' no treatment, in Age=55-57 exercises alone intervention and 3 weeks improved SFMPQ versus CG (P=0.043)
deactivating trigger points and reduc- CG (13): no after and EG2 (P=0.011).
ing myofascial pain. treatment control
Ilbuldu et al Assess the effectiveness of laser therapy MPS in upper EG1 (20): laser Duration of intervention: Nottingham Decrease in pain at rest and activity in G3.
200426 vs DN in the management of MPS. trapezius control 4 week Health Profile No significant differences at 6 months. La-
N=60 EG2 (20): DN Assessment: before and af- ROM VAS ser therapy can be useful to treat MPS due
EG3 (20): laser ter intervention to its non-invasive nature.
Follow up assessment: 6
months after treatment

Di Lorenzo The purpose of the trial was to assess Shoulder pain EG1: DN + RHB Duration of intervention: Motricity EG1, reported significantly less pain during
et al the efficacy of dry needling of N=101 EG2: RHB 4 sessions every 5/7 days Rivermead sleep and physiotherapy.
200427 myofascial pain syndrome trigger Age=42-86 EG 1. Total 21 days. Index
points to relieve the hemiparetic shoul- Assessment: VAS after day VAS
der pain resulting from a cerebrovascu- treatment EG1. VAS: EG2 Sleep Ques-
lar accident. after day treatment, day 9, tionnaire
15 and 21
Rodríguez-Mansilla J et al. / Systematic Review

Kamanli To compare the inactivation of trigger Cervical, back, or EG1 (10): DN Duration of intervention: ROM Pain pressure thresholds and PS significantly
et al points injection with botulinum toxin shoulder muscles EG2 (10): local anes- one session VAS improved in all three groups.
200528 type A to dry needling and lidocaine N=29 thetic lidocaine Assessment: before and 4 Hamilton de- VAS significantly decreased in the EG2 and
injection in MPS. Age=37.7 injection week after intervention pression scales EG1groups and did not significantly change
EG3 (9): local anes- Anxiety in the EG1.
thetic botulinum tox- rating scales
in injection NHP
Huguenin To establish the effect on straight leg Gluteal muscles EG1(30): placebo Duration of intervention: VAS Straight leg raise and hip internal rotation re-
et al raise, hip internal rotation, and muscle N=59 EG2 (29): DN one session mained unchanged in GE1 and GE2 at all
200519 pain of dry needling treatment to the Assessment: before and af- ROM times.
gluteal muscles in athletes with posteri- ter intervention VAS assessment of hamstring pain and tight-
or thigh pain referred from gluteal trig- At 24 and 72 h after inter- ness and gluteal tightness after running
ger points. vention showed improvements immediately after the
intervention in GE1 and GE2 (P=0.001),

February 15, 2016 | Volume 36 | Issue 1 |

which were maintained at 24 and 72 h.
Table 1 Characteristics of the studies included (continued)
Muscle-region body
Author Objective Intervention Follow up Measure Outcome
García et al To compare the efficacy and evolution- Trapezius and other EG1 (15): DN Duration of intervention: VAS EG1 and EG2 improved resting and active
200620 ary effects of two types of myofascial musclesa EG2 (9): local anes- one session Algometer: pain level (P<0.01). Pain threshold im-
treatment: dryneedling and local anaes- N=24 thetic injection Assessment: before and af- PPT proved more in EG1
thetic injection. Age=32-70 ter intervention (P=0.04).
At 20 min after interven-
Ga H et al To compare the efficacies of dry nee- Upper trapezius EG1 (18): DN Duration of intervention: GDS EG2 resulted in more continuous subjective
200729 dling of trigger points with and with- N=40 EG2 (22): paraspinal 4 weeks ROM pain reduction and improvements on the

JTCM | www. journaltcm. com

out paraspinal needling in myofascial Age=63-90 needles at days 0, 7 Assessment: VAS GDS that EG1.
pain syndrome of elderly patients. and 14 ROM, VAS Y FACES: be- FACES There was no difference in the l ROM im-
fore and after intervention provement between two groups.
and 0, 7, 14, 28 days
GDS: 0 and 28 days
Hsieh et al To investigate the changes in pressure Bilateral shoulder pain EG1: DN in infraspi- Duration of intervention: ROM Both active and passive ROM of shoulder
20076 pain threshold of the secondary (satel- and infraspinatus mus- natus muscle and the one session VAS internal rotation, and the pressure pain
lite) myofascial trigger points after dry cles myofascial trigger Assessment: before and af- Fischer threshold of myofascial trigger points on the
needling of a primary active myofascial N=14 points randomly ap- ter DN algometer: treated side, were significantly increased (P<
trigger points. Age=60.2±13.2 plied and in the con- PPT 0.01).

tralateral side was not
applied (control).
Venâncio To assess if trigger point injections us- Myofascial pain pa- EG1: DN Duration of intervention: SSI Statistically, all three groups showed favor-
et al ing lidocaine associated with corticoid tients with headaches EG2: local anesthetic 12 weeks Daily Pain able results for the assessed requirements (P<
200821 would be better than lidocaine alone, N=45 lidocaine injection Assessment: before, 10 Palpation of 0.05), but only for post-injection sensitivity
as in comparison with DN in the man- Age=18-65 EG3: anesthetic lido- minutes after treatments. the trigger did the association of lidocaine with corti-
agement of local pain and associated caine injection + Cor- Follow up assessment: 1, point coid (EG3) present the best results and in-
headache management. ticosteroids 4, 12 weeks after injections gestion of rescue medication.
Rodríguez-Mansilla J et al. / Systematic Review

Bahadir et al To compare the effects of the Upper trapezius muscle EG1 (10): Threshold Duration of intervention: VAS Patients in the study EG1 reported signi fi
200922 high-power pain threshold ultrasound N=20 Ultrasound 3 sessions Cervical cantly more reduction in pain (P=0.009).
technique and needling on the sponta- Therapy + stretching Assessment: before and af- ROM There was no difference in the cervical
neous electrical activity of trigger exercises ter treatments. LTR ROM improvement between two groups
points, local twitch response, and clini- EG2 (10): DN + At finished study (after 5 (P =0.136).
cal improvement in myofascial pain stretching exercises days)
Ay S et al To compare the efficacy of local anes- Upper trapezius muscle EG1 (40): trigger Duration of intervention: VAS There were statistically significant improve-
201030 thetic injection and dry needling meth- N=80 point injection+ every day during 12 weeks ROM ments in VAS, cervical ROM, and BDI
ods on pain, cervical ROM, and de- Age=19-58 physical Assessment: after treat- BDI scores after 4 and 12 weeks in both groups
pression in patients MPS. treatment program ments and after 4, 12 weeks compared to pre-treatment results (P<0.05).
EG2 (40): DN+ No significant differences were observed be-
physical tween the groups (P>0.05).
Treatment program

February 15, 2016 | Volume 36 | Issue 1 |

Table 1 Characteristics of the studies included (continuted)
Muscle-region body
Author Objective Intervention Follow up Measure Outcome
Srbely et To test the hypothesis that dry needle Supraspinatus EG1 (20): DN. Duration of intervention: one ses- PPT Significant increases in PPT were observed
al stimulation of a myofascial trigger point N=40 CG(20): placebo sion in test subjects (EG1) at 3 (P=0.002) and 5
201023 (sensitive locus) evokes segmental anti-no- Age=46.8 Assessment: before and 1, 3, 5, 10, (P=0.015) min post-needling, compared
ciceptive effects. 15 min after intervention with control.
Tsai et al To investigate the remote effect of dry Upper trapezius EG (17): DN Duration of intervention: one ses- VAS Immediately after dry needling in the exper-
201031 needling on the irritability of a myofascial muscle CG (18): placebo sion ROM imental group, the mean pain intensity was
trigger point in the upper trapezius N=35 Assessment : before and after inter- PPT significantly reduced, but the mean pressure
muscle. vention threshold and the mean range of motion of

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cervical spine were significantly increased.
Fernández To investigate the effects of dry needling TMD All patients received Duration of intervention: two ses- PPT Subjects showed greater improvements in
et al over active trigger points in the masseter N=12 DN treatment and sions, two different days all the outcomes when receiving the deep
201024 muscle in patients with TMD. Age= 20-41 placebo treatment in Assessment: before and 5 min after dry needling compared to the sham dry nee-
two different days. sessions dling (P<0.001).
Huang To assess the outcomes in patients who Gluteal muscles All patients received Duration of intervention: Pain The proposed dry-needling protocol re-
et al have received dry needling treatments N=92 DN and stretching 8 months question- duced pain intensity and pain interference.
20111 and to identify predictors of pain and dis- Age=50.2 exercises. Assessments: before treatment and naire. Long duration of pain, high pain intensity,
ability. 2, 4, 8 months after treatment BPI-T poor quality of sleep, and repetitive stress
were associated with poor outcomes.

García et To compare the effects caused by a single The lateral epicon- EG1 (18): DN Duration of intervention: one ses- Algome- Post-hoc tests showed a significant decrease
al 201132 application of elbow manipulation, dry dyle musculature EG2 (17): elbow ma- sion ter: PPT of the PPT (P=0.02) 10 min after the inter-
needling and sham dry needling on PPT N=50 nipulation Assessment: before, after treatment VAS vention compared to the post-intervention
on subjects MTP in the lateral epicondyle Age=26.9 EG3 (15): sham dry and 10 min after treatment Hand dy- value for the manipulation group. It was
musculature. needling namome- not possible to demonstrate that manipula-
ter to mea- tion or dry needling are superior to placebo
sure maxi- puncture in bene fi ts on pain, PPT and
mum grip handgrip strength.
Rodríguez-Mansilla J et al. / Systematic Review

González, To assess the usefulness of deep dry nee- Temporo- All patients DN in Duration of intervention: one ses- VAS ROM and VAS improvement in pain and
et al. dling in the treatment of mandibular join the external ptery- sion during 3 weeks ROM jaw movements, which continued up to 6
201234 temporomandibular myofascial pain. N=36 goid muscle. Assessment: before treatment, 2 months after treatment (P<0.01).
Age=27 week, 1, 2, 6 mnoths after treatment
Tekin To test the hypothesis that dry needling Trapezius muscle EG1 (22): DN Duration of intervention: VAS When VAS scores were compared between
et al is more effective than sham dry needling Supraspinatus EG2 (17): sham dry 4 weeks SF-36 the groups, the first assessment scores were
201233 in the treatment of myofascial pain syn- Deltoid muscle needling Assessment: before treatment found to be similar, but the second and
drome. N=39 VAS: after 1º, 6º session third assessment scores were found to be sig-
Age=24-65 nificantly lower in the dry needling group
(P=00.034 and P<0.001, respectively).
Notes: PPT: pain and grip strength threshold; MTP: myofascial trigger point. PPT: Pressure pain threshold. BPI-T: The Taiwan version of the Brief Pain Inventory; DN: dry needling; ROM: range of move-
ment; MPS: myofascial pain syndrome; BDI: Beck Depression Inventory; SSI: the modified Symptom Severity Index; GDS: Geriatric depression scale; NHP: Nottingham health profile; RHB: rehabilitation;
SFMPQ: Shor form MCGill pain questionnaire; TMD: temporomandibular disorders; VAS: visual analogue scale; LTR: local twitch response. aLevator scapulae muscle, Rhomboid muscle, Latissimus dorsi, Il-

February 15, 2016 | Volume 36 | Issue 1 |

iocostalis muscle, Extensor digitorum, Quadratus lumborum, Gluteus minimus, Pyramidalis, Fibularis longus muscles.
Table 2 Characteristics of the subgroups of studies included in the Meta-analysis
Subgroup Studies included Size effect Treatments compared Measurement Heterogeneity test Model type Publishing risk of biasb
Irnich D 200211
Non existent
Ilbuldu E 200426 Dry needling
Pain intensity Before the treatment and There is heterogeneity Random Z=0.7348; P=0.4624
A Tsai CT 201031 vs
(VAS) immediately after Q=114,9833; gl=4; P<0.001 effects t=-1.5488; md=3; P=
García R 201132 Placebo
Tekin L 200233
Dry needling
Di Lorenzo L 200427 Pain intensity Before the treatment and There is heterogeneity Random
B vs -
Hsieh YL 20076 (VAS) immediately after Q=10,6468; gl=1; P=0.0011 effects
Control group

JTCM | www. journaltcm. com

Irnich D 200211 Dry needling Non existent
Pain intensity Before the treatment and There is heterogeneity Random
C Ilbuldu E 200426 vs Z=1.0445; P=0.2963
(VAS) immediately after Q=75,5062; gl=2; P<0.001 effects
García R 201132 Other treatmenta t=1.0370; md=1; P=0.4884

Kamanli A 2005a28
Dry needling Non existent
Kamanli A2005b28 Pain intensity Before the treatment and There is heterogeneity Random
D vs Z=1.6984; P=0.0894
Ga H 200729 (VAS) 3 to 4 weeks after Q=109.3307; gl=3; P<0.001 effects
Other treatmenta t=2.2139; md=2; P=0.1573
Ay S 201030
Irnish D 200211 Range of Dry needling Non existent
Before the treatment and There is homogeneity

E Ilbuldu E 200426 movement vs Fixed effects Z=1.0445; P=0.2963
immediately after Q=2.8472; gl=2; P=0.2408
Tsai CT 201031 (ROM) Placebo t=2.1345; md=1; P=0.2789

Range of Dry needling

Irnich D 200211 Before the treatment and There is homogeneity
F movement vs Fixed effects -
Ilbuldu E 200426 immediately after Q=3,4550; gl=1; P=0.0631
(ROM) Other treatmenta
Range of Dry needling
Ga H 200729 Before the treatment and There is homogeneity
G 30 movement vs Fixed effects -
Ay S 2010 a 3 to 4 weeks after Q=0.6426; gl=1; P=0.4228
Rodríguez-Mansilla J et al. / Systematic Review

(ROM) Other treatment

Notes: the 10 selected studies were distributed in 7 subgroups of similar characteristics, intervention type and period of the study. A, B, C and D subgroups are heterogeneous and E, F and G are homogeneous.
VAS: visual analogue scale; ROM: range of motion. md: movement degrees. a: other treatment: Non Local Needle Acupuncture (Irnich 2002), Laser (Ilbuldu 2004), Manipulation (García 2011), Lidocaine in-
jection (Kamanli 2005a), BTX-A injection (Kamanli 2005b), Intramuscular stimulation (Ga 2007), Lidocaine injection+Exercise (Ay 2010); b: No resutls of this test are shown when a group is formed only by
two studies.




and corticoids.21


ular joint ROM.


February 15, 2016 | Volume 36 | Issue 1 |

the studies analysed in
ilar to those obtained in
etc.), the results are sim-
ing, ultrasound therapy,
tal technique (stretch-
with other experimen-
that compare the DN
in most of the studies
ness of the technique,
Regarding the effective-
of the temporo-mandib-
ed if there was an im-
Other authors 22,34 test-
ment of this variable.
gometer for the assess-
wards et al 18 used the al-
García et al and Ed-
ers such as Sberly et al,23
Besides, other research-
Huang et al 1 used the
ultrasound therapy,22 in-
stretching exercises,1,18

nique and the increase
between the DN tech-
statistical improvement
González et al 34 showed
er, the research done by
vention groups. Howev-
ment between the inter-
using DN. Bahardir et
provement of the ROM
They included active
ied were also diverse.
with the technique stud-
that were compared
ment of the MPS.33 The
to verify the improve-
was applied to subjects
group,1,19,24 or just DN
experimental groups,1,20,

al 21 did not find any

Brief Pain Inventory.
the modified symptom
the Pain questionnaire
Abreu et al 21 applied
assess pain.1,20,22,32,34 De
most studies as a tool to
The VAS was used in
sics20 or with lidocaine
jections with analge-
group and a placebo
Rodríguez-Mansilla J et al. / Systematic Review

Subgroup Study n Mean difference (CI 95%) Weights (%) Forest plot
Irnich 2002 67 0.52 (-1.01, -0.04) 20.67 Mean difference CI (95.0%)
Study (Year) n
Ilbuldu 2004 40 1.44 (0.74, 2.13) 20.35
Tsai 2010 35 -3.93 (-5.06, -2.79) 20.36 Irnich (2002) 57
Garcia 2011 33 0.31 (-0.38, 1.00) 17.08 Ilbuldu (2004) 40
Tekin 2012 39 -4.60 (-5.80, -3.40) 19.22 Tsai (2010) 35
A Random effects 214 -0.49 (-3.21, 0.42)
Garcia (2011) 33
Tekin (2012) 39

Global (Random Eff.) 214

-4.6-3.5-2.3-1.2 0 1.2 2.3 3.5 4.6 5.6

Dry needling Placebo
Di Lorenzo 2004 101 -6.50 (-7.48, -5.53) 53.93 Mean difference CI (95.0%)
Hsieh 2007 28 -12.20 (-15.49, -8.92) Study (Year) n
Random effects 129 -9.13 (-14.70, -3.56)
Di Lorenzo(2004)101

Hsieh (2007) 28

Global (Random Eff.) 129

-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15
Dry needling Control group
Irnich 2002 67 3.31 (2.57, 4.05) 33.66 Mean difference CI (95.0%)
Ilbuldu 2004 40 4.66 (3.47, 5.86) 32.54 Study (Year) n
Garcia 2011 35 -0.28 (-0.94, 0.39) 33.80 Irnich (2002) 57
Random effects 142 2.54 (-0.40, 5.48)
Ilbuldu (2004) 40

Garcia (2011) 33

Global (Random Eff.) 142

-4.7-3.5-2.3-1.2 0 1.2 2.3 3.5 4.7 5.9

Dry needling Another treatment
Kamanli 2005a 20 4.22 (2.64, 5.79) 24.58 Mean difference CI (95.0%)
Kamanli 2005b 19 1.99 (0.89, 3.09) 25.24 Study (Year) n
Ga 2007 40 0.97 (0.31, 1.62) 25.66 Kamanli (a) (2005) 20
Ay 2010 80 9.98 (8.37, 11.58) 24.52 Kamanli (b) (2005) 19
Random effects 159 4.23 (0.78, 7.68)
D Ga (2007) 40
Ay (2010) 80

Global (Random Eff.) 159

-10 -5 0 5 10
Dry needling Another treatment

Figure 2 Results of the meta-analysis regarding the mean difference of pain intensity

the Meta-analysis. The intervention group that was during the revision of the full article, that requirement
compared showed a better significant improvement was not found in the main text but the lack of it can
than the DN in the management of MPS.18-22 However, not be guaranteed.
in the clinical trials where DN is not compared with Two studies 1,34 were not assessed due to the lack of
any other treatment technique but it is applied in an control group. Out of the remaining 17 studies, the
isolated manner or compared with a placebo treat- scores varied from 8, good 24 to 2, poor quality.22
ment, a better effect in the improvement of pain was The other studies obtained a score of 6-7 (good qual-
observed.1,23,24,34 In some cases, the improvement was on- ity)11,18,19,23,26,29-33 an 5-4 (fair quality).6,20,21,27,28 All studies
ly achieved after the needling and it was not main- did not have blinding of therapists who applied the
tained over time.23 treatment (criteria No. 6) and only two of them20,30
met the criteria No. 9, that is to say, the results of
Methodological quality assessment all subjects who received treatment or were assigned
In relation to the methodological quality, the variables to the control group. Two studies20,22 did not have a
were assessed with the rating "Y" or "N" according to random assignment which would guarantee the com-
the presence or absence of the criteria studied. This is parison of the intervention group versus the control
shown in Table 3. Giving the score "N" means that group.

JTCM | www. journaltcm. com 9 February 15, 2016 | Volume 36 | Issue 1 |

Rodríguez-Mansilla J et al. / Systematic Review

Subgroup Study n Mean difference (CI 95%) Weights (%) Forest plot
Irnich 2002 67 1.78 (1.22, 2.35) 51.22 Mean difference CI (95.0%)
Ilbuldu 2004 40 1.92 (1.77, 2.67) 9.22 Study (Year) n
Tsai 2010 35 -3.93 (-5.06, -2.79) 19.56
Irnich (2002) 67
Fixed effects 142 2.00 (1.60, 2.41)
Ilbuldu (2004) 40

Tsai (2010) 35

Global (Fixed Eff.) 142

-2.9-2.2-1.4-0.7 0 0.7 1.4 2.2 2.9 3.6

Placebo Dry needling

Irnich 2002 67 -1.14 (-1.66, -0.62) 51.22 Mean difference CI (95.0%)

Ilbuldu 2004 40 -2.01 (-2.77, -1.25) 31.55 Study (Year) n

Fixed effects 142 2.00 (1.60, 2.41)

Irnich (2002) 67

Ilbuldu (2004) 40

Global (Fixed Eff.) 107

-2.2-1.7-1.1-0.6 0 1.6 1.1 1.7 2.2 2.8

Another treatment Dry needling group

Ga 2007 40 -0.30 (-0.93, 0.32) 33.80 Mean difference CI (95.0%)

Ay 2010 80 0.01 (-0.43, 0.45) 66.92 Study (Year) n

Fixed effects 120 -0.09 (-0.45, 0.26)

Ga (2007) 40

Ay (2010) 80

Global (Fixed Eff.) 120

-0.9-0.7-0.6-0.4-0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.7 0.9

Another treatment Dry needling

Figure 3 Results of the meta-analysis regarding the mean difference of range of movement

DISCUSSION tensity in patients after the treatment with DN if com-

pared with control group. These results coincide with
As the evidence shows, MPS is one of the most treated those from previous systematic reviews such as the stud-
conditions in daily physical therapy clinical practice, ies of Kietrys et al 15 or Tough et al.16 Nevertheless, it
being MTP the cause of MPS.1,2 Nowadays, many ther- was observed in this study that the improvement is
apy approaches are applied to treat this pathology with more evident with the use of other treatment tech-
the aim to improve its symptoms and DN is one of them. niques versus DN when measured immediately after as
However, due to the heterogeneity of the studies, the well as in the following assessments. In addition, we have
limited number of interventions carried out (corticoste- observed that this fact is repeated when the improvement
roids injections, continuous ultrasound therapy, etc), of ROM has been assessed. This aspect was not reflected
the variability of the sample (N = 12, N = 40, N = 101, in previous systematic reviews as Tough et al.16
N = 80, N = 50)18,24,27,30,32 and the few studies included In this regard, some studies that compared the effective-
in this review, it is difficult to confirm that DN is an ef- ness of DN versus other treatments such as acupunc-
fective treatment in the management of MPS. ture,11 laser therapy,23 lidocaine and corticoids injec-
In this way, the results obtained in this review study in- tions21 or ultrasound therapy and stretching22 showed
dicate that there is an improvement of referred pain in- better results than DN in relation to pain and cervical

JTCM | www. journaltcm. com 10 February 15, 2016 | Volume 36 | Issue 1 |

Rodríguez-Mansilla J et al. / Systematic Review

Table 3 Methodological quality of the studies according to PEDro scale

Study 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Score
Irnich D et al 200211 Y Y Y N N N Y Y N Y Y 6 (Good)
Edwards J et al 2003 18
Y Y Y N N N Y Y N Y Y 6 (Good)
Ilbuldu E et al 2004 26
N Y N Y Y N Y N N Y Y 6 (Good)
Di Lorenzo L et al 2004 27
Y Y N Y N N N N N Y Y 4 (Fair)
Kamanli A et al 200528 Y Y N Y N N N N N Y Y 4 (Fair)
Huguenin L et al 2005 19
Y Y N Y Y N Y Y N Y Y 7 (Good)
García M et al 2006 20
Y N N Y N N N Y Y Y N 4 (Fair)
Ga H et al 2007 29
Y Y N Y Y N Y N N Y Y 6 (Good)
Hsieh YL et al 20076 Y Y N Y N N Y N N Y Y 5 (Fair)
Venâncio Rde A et al 2008 21
Y Y N Y N N N Y N N Y 4 (Fair)
Bahadir C et al 2009 22
Y N N N N N N Y N Y N 2 (Poor)
Ay S et al 2010 30
Y Y N Y N N N Y Y Y Y 6 ( Good)
Srbely JZ et al 201023 Y Y Y N Y N Y Y N Y Y 7 (Good)
Tsai CT et al 2010 31
Y Y N Y Y N Y Y N Y Y 7 (Good)
Fernández J et al 2010 24
Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y N Y Y 8 (Good)
García M et al 2011 20
Y Y N Y Y N Y Y N Y Y 7 (Good)
Tekin L et al 201233 N Y N Y Y N Y Y N Y Y 7 (Good)
Notes: Y: studied criteria present; N: studied criteria absent.

spine ROM. In other studies where DN was compared Currently, in 2013, the authors of this study still con-
with a control group based on a simulated DN or pla- sider the necessity that Tough et al 16 highlighted.
cebo,19,23,24,33 the results obtained were different. In There are very few randomized controlled trials on this
some studies the significant improvement of the pain is subject, especially on MPS, which is the focus of this
similar in both control and DN groups.19 In others, the review. Further studies are necessary in order to achieve
improvement was found to be statistically significant in more reliable results and therefore progress on pain
the experimental group.23-31 In other studies, the first management and ROM improvement and hence, the
measurements showed similar effects but there was a quality of life of patients.
decrease of pain in the experimental group after the The conclusions of this study have been made based
re-assessments.33 on the articles identified through the search strategy se-
Therefore, despite clinical practice showing that DN is lected and according to the inclusion and exclusion cri-
increasingly used nowadays and that this technique is teria established. However, the fact that there is the pos-
being applied with positive effects in rehabilitation sibility that studies may not have been included in this
medicine, especially for the management of MPS, we review due to indexing problems or search filters, must
can observe that the scientific evidence observed in the be considered. Further randomized controlled trials are
studies analysed do not have consistent results regard- needed in order to determine the effectiveness of this
ing its effectiveness. In some papers, no significant dif- technique in the management of MPS and consequent-
ferences were seen in the improvement of MPS be- ly, recommend or not its use in physical therapy, as oth-
tween the groups when DN was compared with a con- er treatment techniques have achieved better results than
trol group or a simulated DN group.19 The comparison DN improving pain and joint ROM in this condition.
of DN with other experimental groups showed that the Despite DN was more effective in decreasing pain
subjects treated with the alternative technique achieved comparing to no treatment, it was not significantly
better results than those treated with DN.11,21 different from placebo in decreasing pain. Other
Previous studies such as the systematic review carried treatments were more effective than DN on decreas-
out by Tough et al 16 in 2009, which analysed the effec- ing pain after 3-4 weeks. In increasing ROM DN
tiveness of acupuncture and dry needling in the treat- was more effective comparing to placebo, but less
ment of MTP, observed that treatments applied with than other treatments.
needles compared with placebo did not show statistical
significance in pain improvement. They concluded
that further research in this field is needed as well as an REFERENCES
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