ICT-Pedagogy Integration in Learning Plans

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ICT- Pedagogy Integration in Learning Plans

Teaching has always been a challenging profession since knowledge has been expanding and
essential skills have been increasing and changing. With these challenges, teachers need to engage
educational technologies to assist them in the teaching-learning process. Engaging educational
technologies in teaching are founded on principles and philosophies. Understanding these will help you
successfully integrate technologies to allow your students to demonstrate the intended learning
outcomes of your field of specialization.

Integrating Technology in Instruction

1. John Pisapia (1994)

Integrating technology with teaching means the use of learning technologies to

introduce, reinforce, supplement, and extend skills.

2. International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)

Effective integration of technology is achieved when students can select

technology tools to help them obtain information and present it professionally. The

technology should become an integral part of how the classroom functions- as

accessible as all other classroom tools.

3. Margaret Lloyd (2005)

ICT integration encompasses an integral part of broader curriculum reforms

which include both infrastructural as well as pedagogical considerations that are

changing not only how learning occurs but what is learned.

4. Qiyun Wang and Huay Lit Woo (2007)

ICT integration can happen in three different areas: curriculum, topic, and


5. Bernard Bahati (2010)

The process of integrating ICT in teaching and learning must be done at both

pedagogical and technological levels with much emphasis of pedagogy.

6. UNESCO (2005)

ICT integration is not merely mastering the hardware and software skills.

Teachers need to realize how to organize the classroom to structure the learning tasks.

Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

The following are the definitions of ICT from various sources.

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