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The following remarks by the Acting Chair were made at the conclusion of the Executive
Board’s discussion of the World Economic Outlook on March 23, 2005.

most Directors assessed the balance of risks to be

xecutive Directors noted that the global
expansion remains broadly on track, tilted to the downside. The key risks to the short-
underpinned by generally supportive term outlook include: (1) the increasingly unbal-
macroeconomic policies and notably anced nature of the expansion, with global
benign financial market conditions. Following growth significantly dependent on the United
last year’s performance—the strongest in three States and China; (2) a significant tightening of
decades—growth is expected to moderate to a financial market conditions, which can adversely
more sustainable pace in 2005. At the same time, affect domestic demand in the United States,
Directors observed that the expansion has prompt financial market deleveraging and asset
become less balanced. Growth has been strong price corrections more broadly, and lead to a
in the United States, China, and most emerging deterioration in emerging market financing con-
market and developing countries, and disap- ditions; and (3) a further sharp increase in oil
pointing in Europe and Japan. prices.
Globally, inflationary pressures remain rela- Directors welcomed the staff’s analysis of the
tively subdued. With monetary tightening cycles oil market. Noting that currently oil prices are
under way in most cyclically advanced already significantly higher than staff projec-
economies and generally moderate inflationary tions, Directors agreed that conditions in the oil
expectations, inflation should remain well con- market are likely to remain tight for the foresee-
tained. Directors considered that inflation risks able future, as demand continues to rise and
will nevertheless need careful monitoring, with non-OPEC oil production peaks. Directors
due regard to rising unit labor costs in many underlined the importance of stability in oil
industrial countries as labor markets tighten, markets, and considered that measures to pro-
and to monetary policy implementation in a mote stability should include steps to increase
number of emerging markets receiving strong transparency in oil markets; eliminate overly
external inflows that, in the absence of greater restrictive regulatory frameworks that impede
exchange rate flexibility, may lead to inflationary investment in the oil sector; promote energy sus-
pressures. tainability and efficiency; and enhance dialogue
Looking forward, Directors were of the view between oil producers and consumers.
that the slower but solid global growth in 2005 Directors expressed concern that global cur-
will be underpinned by still accommodative— rent account imbalances have widened further
albeit to a lesser degree—macroeconomic poli- over the past year. A number of Directors cau-
cies, improving corporate balance sheets, tioned that this may increase the risk of abrupt
supportive financial market conditions, a grad- movements in exchange rates. Directors noted
ual rise in employment, and continued strong that the strategy to support an orderly adjust-
growth in China. Given improving corporate ment in global imbalances has been broadly
and household balance sheets, a stronger cycli- agreed. Among the key elements of this strategy
cal rebound cannot be ruled out. Nevertheless, are fiscal consolidation in the United States;


steps toward greater exchange rate flexibility, rapid changes in global investor preferences for
supported by continued financial sector reform, U.S. dollar–denominated assets places an even
in emerging Asia; and continued structural greater premium on the adoption of sound
reforms to boost growth and domestic demand policies in all key industrial and emerging mar-
in Japan and Europe. Directors recognized that, ket countries to achieve internal and external
while these policies will have varying economic balance.
impacts in different countries and regions, the Directors identified a number of key medium-
pursuit of this agenda will lead to more sustain- term issues that in their view need to be
able external positions and stronger medium- addressed.
term growth. Several Directors noted that the • First, fiscal positions in many countries remain
euro area was in external balance, and that very difficult, particularly against the back-
structural reform was needed primarily for drop of global population aging, and pose a
exploiting euro area countries’ economic growth threat to medium-term macroeconomic stabil-
potential. Directors reiterated the collective ity. Directors noted that fiscal deficits remain
responsibility of the membership to ensure that high in the largest industrial countries—with
the strategy is implemented in a timely and the exception of Canada. Projected improve-
effective manner. Several Directors underlined ments are modest, and in many cases not
the key role of the Fund, through its multilateral underpinned by sufficiently ambitious consoli-
and bilateral surveillance, in monitoring and dation measures. In emerging markets, fiscal
encouraging the implementation of this strategy. indicators have generally improved, but many
Referring to risks of abrupt movements in countries still have a long way to go to bring
exchange rates, several Directors drew attention public debt ratios down to sustainable levels.
to the currency composition of official reserves • Second, structural reforms need to be
of member countries and the importance of ade- advanced to remove rigidities and enable
quate statistics in this area for the Fund to assess domestic economies to take full advantage of
those risks and possible policy implications. the opportunities provided by globalization.
Directors welcomed the staff’s analysis of glob- • Third, successful and appropriately ambitious
alization and external imbalances. They agreed trade liberalization on the part of all countries
that the evolving trends of financial and real under the Doha Round, including improved
globalization should ultimately facilitate global market access for developing countries, will be
rebalancing. At the same time, they stressed that critical to support medium-term global
the nature of adjustment, and the magnitudes growth. Directors noted that in agriculture,
involved, have not fundamentally changed key issues remain to be resolved, and faster
because of globalization—in particular, progress is needed in the area of services.
exchange rates and trade balances still need to They stressed that translating the mid-2004
adjust. Many Directors noted that, with investors framework agreements into a viable policy
now willing to hold larger shares of foreign package—to be taken up at the December
assets in their portfolios, globalization may have 2005 WTO Ministerial Conference—should be
contributed to the persistence of current a key priority for the coming months.
account imbalances, and in this sense, provided • Fourth, Directors noted that 2005 is a critical
policymakers with the option of more gradual year for the Millennium Development Goals
adjustment. Directors cautioned, however, that (MDGs). Despite the improved growth per-
the increased flexibility should not be an excuse formance of recent years, meeting the MDGs
to delay difficult policy actions, as continued will be an enormous challenge for most devel-
delays can sharply increase the risk of a sudden oping countries. Directors called on the devel-
and disorderly unwinding of global imbalances. oping countries to press ahead with policy and
In particular, it was suggested that the risk of governance reforms to strengthen the invest-


ment environment and private sector–led suggested that an easing of monetary policy
growth, and on the advanced economies to would need to be considered if downside risks to
support these efforts with substantially higher growth materialize or the euro further appreci-
assistance. A number of Directors considered ates significantly. Regarding fiscal policy,
that increased official development assistance Directors viewed existing policy settings as insuf-
will be most effective in support of countries ficient to deliver the budgetary adjustments
with the strongest policies and the most severe required to cope with the fiscal pressures of pop-
poverty. ulation aging. They emphasized that a faster
pace of fiscal consolidation is particularly
needed in countries with weak budgetary posi-
Industrial Countries tions. Underscoring that a strong fiscal frame-
Directors welcomed the continued strong per- work is an integral part of monetary union in
formance of the U.S. economy. With most for- Europe, Directors noted that reform of the
ward-looking indicators remaining solid, the Stability and Growth Pact should be imple-
expansion is set to continue in 2005. With mented in a way that does not lead to a weaken-
household saving close to zero, however, a ing of fiscal discipline. Directors also stressed the
retrenchment in private consumption remains a importance of making further progress in imple-
risk, particularly if house price increases are to menting structural reforms to improve the
slow. Against the background of relatively benign region’s growth performance, with a greater
inflationary pressures, Directors agreed that a focus on addressing distortions in labor markets
measured pace of monetary tightening remains and promoting competition in product markets.
appropriate, although incoming data will need In this connection, they looked forward to the
to be monitored carefully in view of possible revitalization of the Lisbon agenda, with a focus
upside risks to the inflation outlook from pres- on reforms to spur efficiency, flexibility, innova-
sures in the labor market or further oil price tion, and productivity. It was recognized that the
increases. Directors underscored the need for scope of required actions varies across countries,
significant fiscal consolidation, with a view to and that several countries have already made sig-
ensuring medium-term sustainability and facili- nificant headway on structural reforms.
tating an orderly unwinding of global current Directors noted that the Japanese economy
account imbalances. In this connection, stalled in the last three quarters of 2004—reflect-
Directors underscored the importance of fully ing weak global demand for IT products and a
achieving the expenditure restraint envisaged in decline in consumption spending—but that
the current budget proposal. Many Directors recent data have been more encouraging. With
were of the view that the Administration’s fiscal bank and corporate balance sheets now in better
plans remain insufficiently ambitious, and noted shape, Directors believed that growth should
that a number of likely future budgetary costs regain some momentum in 2005, although they
are not included in current fiscal projections. acknowledged the downside risks from high oil
Directors expressed disappointment that the prices and the possible adverse impact on
euro area economy lost momentum during the exports of a sharp appreciation of the yen. While
second half of 2004, although they expected a deflationary pressures have eased in recent
strengthening of growth in the period ahead. years, Directors urged the Bank of Japan to
Further appreciation of the euro and high and maintain a very accommodative monetary policy
volatile oil prices remain the key risks to the stance until deflation is decisively beaten.
regional outlook. With inflationary pressures Against the background of high public debt and
well contained, Directors agreed that monetary intensifying demographic pressures, Directors
policy should remain firmly on hold until a self- considered that fiscal consolidation remains a
sustaining recovery is in place. A few Directors priority. They also stressed the need to continue


with efforts to strengthen the bank and corpo- to the outlook—including unexpected increases
rate sectors and to accelerate structural in global interest rates or a prolonged slowdown
reforms—including measures to increase compe- in key export markets—they believed that the
tition and improve labor market flexibility—to region will continue to grow robustly this year.
pave the way for sustained medium-term Directors were encouraged by the improved fis-
growth. cal performance in many Latin American
economies, although they noted that public
debt, while declining, generally remains high.
Emerging Market and They therefore stressed the need for fiscal con-
Developing Countries solidation and more general measures to
Directors welcomed the strong economic per- improve public debt sustainability, including
formance in emerging Asia, although growth has structural reforms to boost growth. Directors
slowed noticeably in most countries during the agreed that the tightening of monetary policy in
course of last year—with the important excep- a number of countries in response to the recent
tion of China. In 2005, growth in the region is uptick in inflation has been appropriate, and
expected to be slightly weaker, with upside risks noted that exchange rate flexibility has played a
from higher-than-anticipated growth in China, key role in supporting monetary policy frame-
and downside risks from a more protracted cor- works and improving the region’s resilience to
rection in the IT sector or sluggish demand shocks.
from Japan and Europe. Directors expressed Directors noted that emerging Europe is experi-
their profound sympathy at the devastating loss encing its strongest growth since the beginning
of life and property from the recent catastrophic of transition—with the recovery broadening
tsunami. They noted that reconstruction costs— across the region and moving beyond consump-
and the impact on fiscal and external imbal- tion to the export sector—and welcomed the
ances—will be very substantial; however, in most expected moderation in the pace of activity to
cases, excepting the Maldives and Sri Lanka, more sustainable levels. Two key risks facing
GDP growth will be only modestly affected. emerging Europe are a prolonged slowdown in
Directors noted that policy challenges facing the western Europe and a further appreciation of
region vary. Monetary tightening cycles in most the euro. Many Directors observed that strong
countries—with the exception of Korea, where domestic demand has led to a general widening
domestic demand growth remains weak—are of current account deficits, a key regional vul-
already under way, and in the view of most nerability. They noted, however, that the policy
Directors further tightening will be facilitated in requirements to reduce these external deficits
many countries by greater exchange rate flexibil- vary across countries. In the Baltics and south-
ity. While budget positions have generally ern and southeastern Europe, containing credit
improved, public debt levels remain high in a growth and improving private saving will be key,
number of countries, and further fiscal consoli- while in central Europe ambitious fiscal consoli-
dation will be needed. In addition, structural dation and structural reforms will be needed,
reforms are required in several countries to particularly in those countries that aim to adopt
reduce vulnerabilities in the bank and corporate the euro in the relatively near future. In the view
sectors and to boost investment, which remains of many Directors, the rapid growth of credit in
unusually low. the region underscores the importance of
Growth in Latin America has exceeded expec- strengthening banking supervision.
tations. While the favorable external environ- In the Commonwealth of Independent States,
ment has supported activity, Directors observed growth has been buoyant on the back of strong
that domestic demand is now leading growth. domestic demand and high energy and metals
While Directors saw a number of downside risks prices. While growth is expected to moderate in


2005, Directors viewed the outlook as generally cautioned that there are a number of downside
favorable, but cautioned about the risks to infla- risks. A less benign global economy and a fur-
tion and growth from capacity constraints and ther sharp depreciation of the U.S. dollar would
inadequate investment in a number of countries. adversely affect a number of countries. While
Against the background of strong capital inflows, higher oil prices would be beneficial for some,
Directors were concerned that the pace of disin- they would not be so for other countries.
flation in the region may be slowing, and Moreover, many countries would need to adjust
stressed the need for policymakers to manage to the elimination of world textile trade quotas.
the revenue gains from oil and commodity To sustain the improved growth performance in
exports prudently, while also allowing greater sub-Saharan Africa, Directors urged govern-
flexibility in exchange rates. ments to further their reform efforts by pro-
Directors welcomed the strong growth in the moting private sector investment, developing
oil exporting countries of the Middle East, under- infrastructure, and strengthening institutions
pinned by increased export earnings from oil, (including better transparency, governance, and
sound financial policies, and progress with struc- property rights). They also called on the interna-
tural reforms. Directors urged policymakers to tional community to support these policies with
use the window of opportunity provided by high increased aid, debt relief, and improved market
oil prices to press ahead with the reforms that access.
are needed to boost medium-term growth and Directors welcomed the two staff essays on
employment prospects and reduce vulnerabili- output volatility and remittances in developing
ties, including from high public debt levels in countries. Directors agreed with the staff’s analy-
some countries. Directors noted that increased sis that output volatility has negative effects on
public spending on high-return human capital long-term economic growth, and encouraged
development and infrastructure outlays, accom- policymakers to address the sources of output
panied by an acceleration of structural reforms, volatility. In particular, they noted the contribu-
could help to place these economies on a higher tion that more stable fiscal policies and further
sustained growth path and, by creating jobs, steps to develop financial sectors and diversify
help improve social outcomes. Non-oil-produc- the production base can make to reduce output
ing countries in the region have also benefited volatility. Directors noted the positive impact
from the positive impact of domestic reforms, as that remittances have on recipient economies,
well as the strong growth in oil-exporting coun- particularly in terms of imparting macroeco-
tries in the region. nomic stability and helping reduce poverty. They
Directors were encouraged by the highest encouraged governments to enact policies to
growth seen in a decade in sub-Saharan Africa. increase remittance flows, particularly by reduc-
This was underpinned by the strength of the ing transactions costs and implementing policies
global economy, high commodity prices, to promote formal financial sector participation
improved macroeconomic policies, and progress in the remittance market. Several Directors
with structural reforms. Directors viewed the stressed that remittances should not be seen as a
prospects for growth as generally favorable, but substitute for aid flows.


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