P.E. 101 Learning Module

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Liberal Arts Department

Learning Module
P.E. 101
Movement Enhancement (ME)
Prepared by: Sajid “Khan” S. Sahipa
Rhazzel Alan M. Asda


This course emphasizes the significance of physical fitness and body movement to the
Physical, Emotional, Mental growth og the students.
This course focuses on the fundamental components and principles of fitness, including
competency in motor skills, movement patterns, and strategies needed to perform a variety of
physical activities. Students will work towards achieving a level of physical fitness for health
and performance while demonstrating knowledge of fitness concepts, principles, and strategies.
Modular Objectives:

At the end of the course, the students are expected to:

1. Explain the health-related fitness components such as cardiovascular endurance,

flexibility, muscular strength, and muscular endurance.
2. Explain the skill-related components of balance, reaction time, power, agility,
coordination, and speed that enhance performance.
3. Explain the role of physical activity in the prevention of disease and the reduction of
health care costs.
4. Perform and enjoy a variety of physical activities with understanding
5. Participate in moderate to vigorous physical activity at least four days each week.
6. Participate in challenging physical fitness activities using the principles of exercise to
meet individual needs and interests.
7. Develop and maintain physical health and fitness through regular participation in physical
8. Develop and describe a physical fitness plan that enhances personal health and
performance in future leisure and workplace activities
9. Develop body coordination and apply postural principles on daily life activities.
10. Develop and implement an appropriate personal physical fitness program for a family or
community member.

Topic 1: Physical activity and Physical Exercise

I. Intended Learning Outcomes:

1 define what is physical activity;
2 appreciate the significance of physical activity;
4. define what is exercise;

5. explain, in writing, the difference between physical activity and physical exercise; and
6. identify the different types of physical exercise;

II. Time Frame: Class Schedule : August to September for the first quarter and October to
November, 2020 for the second quarter.

Date and Time Class Meeting Remarks

August and September, 2020 Self-study ( handout) Part of the module/flash drive
7:30 - 10:30 – M-S A synchronous reading of the The teacher is available online
1:30 - 4:30 - M-S learning materials and through messenger and face to
answering the activity face for clarifications and
prepared by the teacher questions.

III. Values Integrated:

 Respect
 Commitment
 Integrity

IV. Essential Ideas ( Knowledge to be imparted/shared to the students)

Physical Activity and Physical Exercise

This lesson provide a discussion on the important benefits of regular physical activity and
exercise, identification of the different categories/types of exercise and the major kinds of
physical activity that contribute to overall fitness.

What we learn from physical activity and physical exercise

 To appreciate the important beneifits of physical activity and exercise.
 To identify the three major kinds of physical activity.
 To identify the 5 types of activity to lose weight for good.

V. Learning Episodes:

Week 1

Instruction: From the handouts/reading materials given, Give atleast 7 benefits of regular
physical activity. Submit your answers in a hard copy and put inside the long brown envelop.
In front of the long brown envelop write your name, course, year, and section. Drop your long
brown envelop in the box located at the Liberal Arts and Criminology Department.

Name:______________________________________ Date__________
Teacher’s Name: ______________________________

7 benefits of regular physical activity:

1. ______________________________

2. ______________________________

3. ______________________________

4. ______________________________

5. ______________________________

6. ______________________________

7. ______________________________

VI. Processing of Understanding: (validating knowledge and concept learned)

1.Learning Journal Entry
Week 1 (continuation)
Instruction: Read and answer the following essential questions. Submit your answers in a hard
copy and put inside the long brown envelop. In front of the long brown envelop write your name,
course, year, and section. Drop your long brown envelop in the box located at the Liberal Arts
and Criminology Department.
Rubrics: Content - 6; Organization of Thoughts - 4; Grammar 3; Neatness – 2 = 15 points

Name:______________________________________ Date__________
Teacher’s Name: ______________________________

1.Which of the new information is most significant to you? Why?






2. Which part of the topic that is not clear to you?







VII. Elaboration (Synthesizing by means of relating lesson significance and values being

integrated to real life undertaking and endeavour.

Week 2
Instruction: Read and answer substantially the essential question below. Submit your answers in
a hard copy and put inside the long brown envelop. In front of the long brown envelop write your
name, course, year, and section. Drop your long brown envelop in the box located at the Liberal
Arts and Criminology Department.
Rubrics: Content - 6; Organization of Thoughts - 4; Grammar 3; Neatness – 2 = 15 points

Name:______________________________________ Date__________
Teacher’s Name: ______________________________

1. In your own words what does physical exercise mean?






2. In your own understanding what is the difference between physical activity and exercise?




___________________________________________________________________ __


VIII. Deepening: (moving forward and additional performance task)

Week 2 ( continuation)
Instruction: Read and answer substantially the essential questions below. Submit your answers in
a hard copy and put inside the long brown envelop. In front of the long brown envelop write your
name, course, year, and section. Drop your long brown envelop in the box located at the Liberal
Arts and Criminology Department.
Rubrics: Content - 6; Organization of Thoughts - 4; Grammar 3; Neatness – 2 = 15 points

Name:______________________________________ Date__________
Teacher’s Name: ______________________________

1. Give the four types of exercise and describe each?











Topic 2: Health-Related Fitness Components

Cardiovascular Endurance and Flexibility

1. Intended Learning Outcomes:

1. Discuss the importance of cardiovascular endurance.
2. Identify the significance benefits of carddiovascular endurance training.
3. Identify the cardiovascular exercises.
4. Familiarize the different types of stretching to improve flexibility.
5. Define flexibility.
6. Determine the best exercise to increase flixibility.
7. Recognize the keys of flexibility.

II. Time Frame: Class Schedule : August to September for the first quarter and October to
November, 2020 for the second quarter.
Date and Time Class Meeting Remarks
August and September, 2020  A synchronous/self  Part of the module
7:30 - 10:30 - M-S study reading learning are available in
1:30 - 4:30 - M-S materials and other the/flash drive
supplemental reading  The teacher is
articles available online
 Synchronous class through messenger
meeting using social and face to face for
media accounts : clarifications and
messenger questions.

III. Values Integrated:

 Integrity
 Collaborative
 Respect
 Service Oriented

IV. Essential Ideas: (knowledge to be imparted /shared to the students)

Cardiovascular Endurance and Flexibilty
To appreciate and understand the significance of cardiovascular endurance and flexibility, the
importants benefits of cardiovascular endurance training, and to familiarize the different
cardiovascular exercise. It also determine the best benefits of having good flexibility, the
different types of stretching to improve flexibility. and the best exercises to increase flexibility.
V. Learning Episodes:
week 3
Instruction: Read and answer the following essential questions. Submit your answers in a hard
copy and put inside the long brown envelop. In front of the long brown envelop write your name,
course, year, and section. Drop your long brown envelop in the box located at the Liberal Arts
and Criminology Department.
Rubrics: Content - 6; Organization of Thoughts - 4; Grammar 3; Neatness – 2 = 15 points

Name:______________________________________ Date__________
Teacher’s Name: ______________________________

1. In your own ideas what does the term cardiovascular endurance mean?











2. List down at least 10 cardiovascular exercise.

1. ____________________________________

2. ____________________________________

3. ____________________________________

4. ____________________________________

5. ____________________________________

6. ____________________________________

7. ____________________________________

8. ____________________________________

9. ____________________________________

10. ___________________________________

VI. Processing of Understanding: (validating knowledge and concept learned)

1. Learning Journal Entry
Week 4
Instruction: Read and answer the following essential questions. Submit your answers in a hard
copy and put inside the long brown envelop. In front of the long brown envelop write your name,
course, year, and section. Drop your long brown envelop in the box located at the Liberal Arts
and Criminology Department.
Rubrics: Content - 6; Organization of Thoughts - 4; Grammar 3; Neatness – 2 = 15 points

Name:______________________________________ Date__________
Teacher’s Name: ______________________________

1. How does cardiovascular endurance benefit you?






2. Does flexibilty exercise considered an exercise?






VII. Elaboration (Synthesizing by means of relating lesson significance and values being

integrated to real life undertaking and endeavour.

Week 5
Instruction: Read and answer substantially the essential question below. Submit your answers in
a hard copy and put inside the long brown envelop. In front of the long brown envelop write your
name, course, year, and section. Drop your long brown envelop in the box located at the Liberal
Arts and Criminology Department.
Rubrics: Content - 6; Organization of Thoughts - 4; Grammar 3; Neatness – 2 = 15 points
Name:______________________________________ Date__________
Teacher’s Name: ______________________________

1. What is the best way to improve flexibility?







2. Why do you need flexibility exercises?






VIII. Deepening: (moving forward and additional performance task)

Week 6

Video Presentation

Instruction: From the Video clips and reading materials given, you are given 5 days to make
video presentation performing at least five cardiovaccular exercise and five flexibility exercise.
In your video you need first to name the exercise and then demonstrate how to do it correctly and
properly. Submit your USB/OTG to your P.E. teacher.

Rubrics for the video presentation.

Criteria Excellent – 20 pts. Very Good – 15 pts. Good- 10 pts. Poor – 5 pts.
Completeness of All exercises are 9-8 of 10 exercises 7-5 of 10 4-1 of 10
the exercises performed are performed exercises exercises
correctly and correctly and performed performed
properly. properly. correctly and correctly and
properly. properly.

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