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Polytechnic University of the Philippines

(Open University)
Quezon Branch
Lopez, Quezon

Harold R. Berana Prof. ISAIAS UBANA

Master in Public Administraion


Competence in an organization is the key in strategic management. Based

from the article of Sonny Nwanko and Bill Richardson “Organiztional Leaders as
Political Stategies : A Stakeholder, Management Perspective”, leaders posesses a
unique ability in managing people like the political one. This play an important role in
creation and integration and capacities of the transnational organization.

Different Stategies in management is best used in polutics. Essentially, 21st

Century leaders today have a multi-skilled, multi- styled and have strategic
leadership in response to a modern management and planning. Specifcally,
competent leaders can understand the status of their environment. They have a
clear sense of vision, socially and economically. They know the current and technical
trend. They also contribute and ensures that it is shared widely. They are the brain
of an organization. Political Leader develops strategies in order to turn personal
vission into a reality. They takes it into account in his/her action. They are the
influenced individual who can motivate his/ her subbordinates and promote vision,
insid and outside of the organization.

Aanother ability of a politixcal leaders are to design and employ poltical

bargaining and negoziations. Having double-sided political mind-set of a leader is
smart on the process of negotiations. Open times, leaders chose a strategic plan and
development. They seek a high level performances and didn’t settle for an average
outcome. They are intelligent enough in dealing situations.

Being a political leader, they accept the concept of change. Change is the
only constant in an organization. They are highly competent at manipulating
stakeholders to ensure the success in the stategic planning nd development. They
are very skillfull in gaining the trust of any stakeholders. Changes of a strategies
signifies theaten in the exixting and prefferd realities of many organizations
stakeholders. Stakeholders are very essential in the succes in any organization.
Enable the organization to function well, they must seek the help of any
stakeholders who wholeheartedly give supportto all aspirations and vision of the said
organization. Political leaders are ready to take a chance and can addapt easily.

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