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Ma. Jemina Sarah P.

BSA – 3


It's all about entrepreneurship that I've learned today. Entrepreneurship is becoming
increasingly vital for businesses of all sizes all over the world, since it opens up new chances and
possibilities for businesses to create value for themselves and society as a whole.

We also look at a company's mission, vision, and goal. Mission is the reason for the company's
existence, Vision is what the company wants to become, and Goal is what the company intends to
achieve in a specific time frame or in the future.

We also discuss different sorts of entrepreneurship, achievement, technology, salesmen, and

managers. The achievement has the ability to take command. Technology has the ability to respond to
people's needs and desires. The salesman is usually the one who comes up with new ideas, while the
manager is the one who is in charge of the mission and is very competitive.
Ma. Jemina Sarah P. Tarasona
BSA – 3


We talked about the target market and the key value proposition, and discovered that a value
proposition is a promise made by a corporation to a consumer or market segment. This phrase is used
by companies to target customers who will profit the most from utilizing their products, which helps
them preserve their economic moat. A competitive advantage is an economic moat.

We looked at the business plan; an entrepreneur who wants to start a business needs a business
plan that will lead them through the entire process.

For entrepreneurs, a business plan is a critical and essential tool. A solid business plan not only
assists entrepreneurs in focusing on the particular procedures required to see their business ideas
through to completion, but it also assists them in achieving short- and long-term goals.
Ma. Jemina Sarah P. Tarasona
BSA – 3

ACTIVITY #3: How does your business plan look like?

1. What will be the contents of each section?

The overview, executive summary, general company description, opportunity, industry

and market, your strategy, the team, a marketing plan, operational plan, financial plan, and the
appendices provide context for each area of the business plan. However, context analysis
evaluates a company's complete environment, both internal and external. This is an essential
part of business planning. The basic purpose of a context analysis, whether SWOT or another, is
to examine the environment in order to establish a corporate strategy.

2. How extensive will each section be?

All of the information we require is provided in the business plan, but we may be able to
add some suggestions on how they might provide products and services. How do they ensure
that the product is of good quality?

3. Which audience will you prioritize in terms of customizing the contents of your business plan?

Everyone who is interested in your firm — from investors and lenders to employees,
consumers, and suppliers — is a separate audience for your business plan.

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