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Name-Pramit Mandal

Roll no-2020MSM018

Date of Submission-25/9/2021

Subject-Society,Ethics and Sustainability

Short Analysis

George had left El Paso,Texas and has moved to Honda with his family four years ago to take the lead Ardnak
Plastic INC.The plant produces plactic pieces for small tools and has several hundred employees from the
Honda town.For months George had received calls from his boss,Bill and those emissions from factory stacks
were consistently above the guidelines for the protection of the environment and if not addressed
immediately,will be paying fines.

1)Who are the stakeholders in this situation and what are their stakes?

Ans: The stakeholders are all of the employees of the plant , the boss of the plant as well . There is also the air
quality to consider and because of the emissions , we could actually say that everything in the area that lives ,
breathes and could be impacted by the air quality would be a stakeholder in the decision .

2)What social responsibility ,if any,does Ardnak Plastic Inc. have to the city Hondo?

Ans: Since the Ardnak plant utilizes a significant bit of Hondo's populace, it surely has an essential obligation to
Hondo. In the meantime, it has a duty not to dirty the town of Hondo. Ought to Ardnak choose to close the
Hondo plant, the organizations social duties would should be reflected by the way it closes, including the
planning of the end and proper admonishing to the city.

3)What are ethical issues in this case?

Ans: This case had a few are ethical issues . Making genetically engineered food and distributing to the public
without the publics knowledge is unethical . Another ethical issue is we do not know what side effects of the
engineered food will do to humans in long term . It is still not determined whether some of these GM foods
will cause health problems in humans . GM crops should be tested as if it were a new drug . It seems that the
government is not as strict on GM foods . Bayer hastily filed an application for approval by USDA ( Carroll ) .
For Bayer to file an application just shortly after a large shipment was denied raises ethical concerns . There is
a very small chance that Bayer could have possibly bribed the USDA especially since no other country
approved of LL601 and all of a sudden boom , it is approved . I thought that it was unethical for Monsanto to
donate sterile seeds to Haiti because from the outside it seems that Monsanto just wants them to be hooked
on their product at a time of venerability .

4)What should George do? Why?

Ans: In the event that George does nothing, the Hondo plant will presumably be shut and moved to Mexico.
George could build up a moral contention in light of utilitarian thinking that it is best to timetable substantial
discharges during the evening consequently keeping the plant open. At that point, he could search for a more
drawn out term arrangement. Be that as it may, it is hard to measure the constructive outcomes of keeping
the plant open in Hondo against the negative impacts of over contamination. Keeping the plant appears like a
smart thought.

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