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Pisces Sign: Personality Traits, Positives, Negatives & More

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The sign of Pisces, the last sign of Water in the zodiac series, evokes the end of winter, the need to enter a new cycle. Governed by
Neptune, star of spirituality and osmosis, Les Pisces is in analogy with House XII, concerning the places and situations where one must
surpass oneself.

Let us see the typical portrait of the natives of Pisces, the analogies of this sign, the psychology of its planet and a description of what
the sign can produce for better or worse. We will end with some examples of personalities strongly marked by Neptunian values.
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Table of Contents 

I. The sign of Pisces: portrait

Pisces are often said to live in their own world. It must be recognized that the older I get, the more I realize that I think differently from
ordinary people, that I perceive things my way …

The Pisces are said to lack realism, but we have to agree on a de nition of “realism” rst. Because, in the end, all perception of reality is
subjective and that of Pisces is perhaps even more. 

In fact, earthly, material life does not seem to be really made for us because  Pisces seem to be naturally predisposed to things of the
mind or the heart. It is in lyricism, music, concepts, beliefs, the arts that life has meaning for us. Also, it is common for some of us little
Pisces prisoners of the terrestrial jar to try escape from it by destructive means such as drugs or alcohol … It is so tempting to “free your
mind and forget your body”.

The sensitivity and the emotivity of  Pisces  are great and we live essentially in the mode of feeling and intuition unless – which
frequently happens – that our rst nature is thwarted by education and society: we then tend to be a “false Virgin”, that is to say to
develop ourselves in antithesis of our essence and to adopt the values of the sign opposite to  Pisces , the Virgin: we then become
excessively materialistic, picky, analytical to hang on to what we have, but we are no less unhappy.

The Pisces do not have the reputation of being very playful but I manage to not get depressed because I’m basically a pessimist. So I
often hide my melancholy, my sadness, my unhappiness in a nutshell, under a solid layer of humor or sociability. But those who know
intimately the representatives of the sign of  Pisces know that this is only a varnish because nothing leaves us indifferent: a constantly
scratched heart is a painful heart. 
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I believe that I deeply love others, sympathize with their distress and suffering and know how to listen to them. If my neighbor Aquarius
knows how to take a step back and act, I am the opposite: more passive, I completely drown in the ow of the world’s misery, I am the
witness and the necessary martyr.  No doubt the  Pisces make, for this reason, honest religious people, respectable sages, devoted
volunteers, inspired artists, “cursed” poets …

PRO TIP: Disover your TRUE sign based on the combination of East and West astrology with this simple astrology quiz.

I easily fall in love because it must be said that  Pisces lack discernment in human relationships: loving everyone a priori, Pisces nd it
dif cult to sort out people, including for their own comfort, and we are easily overwhelmed , parasitized on by people because we just
“go with the ow” and go where and with whom the wave carries us.

What good is it to ght anyway? The Pisces enerally believe in predestination and fate: it happens as it must happen. So we Pisces make
a lot of mistakes, because we tend to delude ourselves to compensate for the mediocrity of our relationships. I often think I see people
better than they are until everything plummets and I am then deeply upset. Because when Pisces love, they give everything and seek to
be one with the other.

We are zealous and attentive but we are also almost always disappointed because love seldom lives up to its reputation… I seek from my
friends the support, comfort, optimism and drive that are necessary for myself to advance, for lack of being naturally endowed with it.
The Pisces have a lot of relationships because we adapt very easily to others and know what to say when we have to; not for the sake of
manipulating others (because it is often the opposite!). But just to surf without being hit by the waves of humanity.

Besides, I must admit that I sometimes say one thing and its opposite, according to interpretations, because I do not really have an
opinion on everything or else I am aware that my opinion would not interest anyone and I prefer to conform to received ideas. In short, I
try to satisfy everyone and not have to choose between goat and cabbage …

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Money, power, success are of little interest to Pisces because our soul aspires more or less clearly to something else (which we generally
nd in meditation, prayer, creation or arti cial paradises).

We say  Pisces are predisposed to presentiments, to premonitory dreams and, in general, to commune with the so-called sensitive

Finally, let us specify that the key word de ning my personality is FUSION, it seems that Pisces are more than other signs in uenced by
their co-signs (ascending, dominant …) and that there are therefore many “sub- portraits”of the natives of the last sign.

II. The sign of Pisces: analog correspondences


Pisces sign: lexical eld

Philosophy and Religion Places Astrological analogy
The water
Mysticism The oceans House XII
Fatalism Prisons Neptune :
Monotheism Hospitals Home in Pisces
Zen Retirement homes Exaltation in Leo
Shamanism Asylums Exile in Virgo
Determinism The monasteries Fall in Aquarius
Professions Events Symbolism
Sea crafts Sublimation Poetry
Spy The tests The music
Preacher The dilemmas Psychology

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Medium, seer Loneliness Inner Peace
Swindler The cover-ups Meditation
Social professions Balance sheets The escape, the escape
Psychiatrist, psychologist Slander Tarot Blades :
Emergency room The secrets 5th blade: The Pope
Guardian The epidemics 12th blade: The Hanged Man
Body and Health Relationships and stereotypes Unconscious factors
The feet Hidden enemies The secrets
Ankles The insane Aura
Lymphs Prisoners Transcendence
The allergies The guides The contemplation
Mental illnesses Liars The inde nable
Drug addiction The illusionists Madness
Qualities Defaults Astronomical data for Neptune
Charitable Submitted Diameter: 49,248 km
Devoted Hesitant Zodiacal revolution :
Patient Hypersensitive 165 years
Complacent Ambivalent Speed: 4.74 km / s
Receptive Fatalist Wildlife
Tolerant Dreamer The whale
Compassionate Vulnerable The dolphin
Perceptive Indolent The star sh
Observer Resigned The seahorse
Modest Fleeing The Pelican
Metal and Stones Color and fragrance Flora
Vermeil Blue-green Seaweed
Zinc The White Poppy

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Aquamarine Lemongrass The fern
The coral Jasmine The lotus

Mythological analogies
Neptune is part of the triad of supreme gods of Greco-Roman mythology since it shares, with Pluto and Jupiter, the entire universe. If
Jupiter seems to reign on earth and in the heavens, thus planning the terrestrial life like celestial, and if Pluto reigns in the hells, it is to
say about it at the junction between two worlds, Neptune is the master of Waters.

The oceans and rivers because they share the world of men in continents and countries must be considered as barriers, barriers that
man by his ingenuity and collaboration can cross to discover a beyond , that is that is to say an unknown, different and probably enriching
world. In fact, the god of the sea must also be seen as the god of transitions from one state of consciousness to another, from one reality
to another.

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The best way to learn about magic in general or a specific
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Symbolic analogies
For the reasons mentioned above,  Neptune  governs all intermediate states, states of suffering (man is on the raging water, sailing
towards the unknown) such as disease, imprisonment, seclusion, madness, coma or drug addiction.  Neptune will also take care of the
intermediate states desired in the perspective of a personal evolution passing through an osmosis to the world: monastic retreat, trance,
meditation, artistic inspiration, enlightenment.

III. Portrait of the dominant Neptunian

You do not have to be Pisces to have all of its characteristics. Indeed, if in a natal chart , Neptune is the dominant planet (see the
calculation of the dominant in the lexicon), the native will naturally develop the qualities and defects of this planet traditionally master of
the sign of Pisces . However, the dominance of Neptune presents subtle character nuances compared to the dominance of the
sign Pisces .

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Here is the portrait of the Neptunian type:

The Neptunian has an essentially  psychic  nature  and a  spiritual approach to the world around him, which allows him to harness the
powers contained in beings and things.

Regardless of the education he receives in his childhood, the Neptunian is a being of  faith, a faith which is not based on any divine
support (belief in a God, for example) but which is rather based on what remains when there is nothing left: his faith is that of the poor,
the mad or the simple. He is also drawn to mysticism in all these forms.

His potential partners cannot remain insensitive to his charm, but few of them will manage to mobilize his attention in a lasting way. He
can, in fact, pass from the most total state of receptivity to that of the most unexpected disinterestedness.

In his professional life, he is more attached to living and experiencing the world than carrying out any social ambition. But, the Neptunian,
master of the sign of  Pisces, has a double personality. Indeed, from this unique character, described so far, follows two very distinct
temperaments: the Neptunian who will be able to use the qualities of his intuitive spirit and the one who will be deprived of it.

In the rst case, the Neptunian knows how to highlight his  spirituality as well as his  clairvoyant perception of things, living through his
impressions, a bit like musicians or mediums, for example. His intuition is so strong that the Neptunian is sometimes unable to translate
what he feels into words or reasoned acts.

His conscience tends to recognize himself in a  collective  rather than individual  identity  , which often leads him to  devote
himself to humanitarian or universal causes . His greatness of soul makes him capable of great mobilizations for a community purpose ,
sometimes going as far as sacri cing his material security to relieve the most disadvantaged.  He has a more receptive sensitivity

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to generalities than to speci c cases, which in him promotes the development of a spirit of  compassion for the weak and all those who

This neptunian is gifted with a great natural magnetism , a powerful attractive personality which will not leave anyone indifferent. He also
knows how to show exaltation , capable of pouring out torrents of energy, ideas or actions in a great burst of enthusiasm .

In general life, but more particularly in his love life, the Neptunian feels an irresistible need to serve or to save. He tends to feel cramped
in his being: this is why he is often attracted by the distance , the broad horizons , the largest panoramas . It will naturally turn to activities
devoid of any con nement (trades related to the sea, for example).

For the second case, see the vitriol portrait below.

IV. The sign of Pisces: portrait in vitriol

If the human being can improve, evolve, erase his faults and highlight his qualities, it also happens on the contrary that he gets caught up
in his most negative impulses. This regression can for example be caused by alcoholism, by particularly dif cult life circumstances or by
the accumulation of neuroses.

The fact remains that the values speci c to its sign are then largely corrupted and that one can make a portrait “in vitriol”. So here is the
description of Pisces (or Neptunian) in what he can develop most negative and despicable. This portrait applies of course to both a man
and a woman.

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Negative Fish or Fried Merlans

Deprived of all clairvoyance, the Fried Merlans will try to take refuge in a life lled with mirages and illusions, revealing themselves to be
unstable and confused.

Secret individuals, seeking anonymity and the dissolution of their person, always elusive, negative Pisces can lock themselves in silence
and the deepest isolation, in silence and solitude. They tend to embellish all areas of their spooky life, to nd a happy (and ubiquitous)
end to any story, as they are dreamy and naive in nature. Self-illusion, sickly irresolution, ight from reality through arti cial paradises
characterize them.

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PRO TIP: Disover your TRUE sign based on the combination of East and West astrology with this simple astrology quiz.

The af icted neptunian is incapable of the least social ambition, he is content to be tossed about by events since his often powerful
fatalism paralyzes any hint of action or rebellion. He can then be tempted by the paths of illegality although he is not of a violent temper:
it is the path of the least effort, easy money. He will then be the swindler going up wacky tricks, the distracted counterfeiter publishing 1-
euro notes …

Always more or less paranoid or downright schizophrenic, social and romantic relationships are dif cult Negative  Pisces like to place
themselves as victims while playing the executioners by dint of swimming in troubled waters. Either way, the Fried Merlans seem to revel
in drama, tragedy and nebulous situations, so count on them to spoil everything if need be.

Divination course:
If you want to learn how to practice divination through tarot cards and more advanced magic techniques I recommend the Mastering
Divination online course from E.A. Koetting. In Mastering Divination, you will learn how to:

Awaken your clairvoyance and see spirits in the astral plane

Perform laser-accurate divination readings
Tap into your Godlike Omniscience
9+ hours of strategies, tips & techniques

Also check out my other recommended magick courses. Talk to you soon!

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Astennu Sever
Practicing occultist and writer with a particular interest in summoning magic. I conduct summoning rituals for
clients - To learn more about practical magick, get my latest book "The
Psy-Mage Compendium" on Amazon:

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