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5/8/2021 MyOpenMath

Practice test Nguyễn Lâm Tường Minh

Question 1 1/1 pt 996 998 1/23
5/8/2021 MyOpenMath

In R3 given the linear mapping f   be the orthogonal projection onto the plane  − 2x + 7y + 5z = 0  .
Find the image of the triangle with vertices A(9, 5, 7), B( − 9, − 7, 3), C( − 6, 6, − 1) .

The standard matrix of the f  is 

 Af  =

37 7 5
39 39 39

7 29
  − 35  
39 78 78

− 35 53
39 78 78

  (Input results as fraction)

Input the answer as the coordinates of image A'B'C' 


  10.3333 0.3333 3.6667  

(Round the results to 4 decimal digits.)


  −9.4103 −5.5641 4.0256  

  ( Round the results to 4 decimal digits.)

C'= 2/23
5/8/2021 MyOpenMath

−4.7436 1.6026 −4.141

  ( Round the results to 4 decimal digits.)

Question 2 1/1 pt 997 998

Given the linear mapping in R2   be the rotation about the origin an angle by countercclockwise

direction. Find the image of the vecto u = ( − 1, − 3)  

f (u )→ =

  2.0981 −2.366  

  (Round the result to 4 decimal digits)

Question 3 1/1 pt 997 998 3/23
5/8/2021 MyOpenMath

In R3 given the linear mapping be the reflection through the plane  5x + 1y ± 1z = 0  . Find the image of
the triangle with vertices A( − 3, − 2, 8), B(4, 10, 1), C( − 6, − 7, − 4) . Round the results to 4
decimal digits.

Input the answer as the coordinates of image A'B'C' 


  6.2593 −0.1481 6.1481  


  −6.7407 7.8519 3.1481  


  6.2222 −4.5556 −6.4444  

Question 4 1/1 pt 996 998 4/23
5/8/2021 MyOpenMath

In R2 given the linear mapping be the reflection through the line − 2x + − 1y = 0  . Find the image of
the triangle with vertices A(9, 3), B(8, 5), C( − 6, 1) .

The matrix representation A=

−0.6 −0.8
−0.8 0.6

Input the answer as the coordinates of image A'B'C' .


  −7.8 −5.4  


  −8.8 −3.4  


  2.8 5.4 5/23
5/8/2021 MyOpenMath

Question 5 0/1 pt 998-999 998

In   given the linear mapping f : R3 → R3   such that f (1, 26,

− 10) = (0, − 6, − 10) ,
f (0, 5, − 2) = ( 7, 2, − 9) , f (0, 13, − 5) = ( 6, − 9, 6) . 

Find the matrix representation in the basis E = {(1, 1, 2), (1, 2, 1), (1, 1, 1)}  . 

AE  =

1 2 3

  4 1 1  

1 1 1

Given that x = ( − 3, 6, − 5)  . Find[f (x)]E  

[f (x)]


Find the dimension of Kerf

dim Kerf=  

Question 6 0/1 pt 998-999 998 6/23
5/8/2021 MyOpenMath

In R   given the figure below

with A( − 2, 1), B( − 1, 3), C(0, 1), D(3, 1), E( − 2, − 1) . Find the image of this figure  of the
linear transformationf   by   performing two successive linear transformations f1 , f2 , wheref1  is the
rotation clockwise about origin angle 5   and f2   is the reflection across the line 5x + 6y = 0  .

The standard matrix of f (round the result to 2 decimal digits)=


The matrix image =


Question 7 0/1 pt 998-999 998 7/23
5/8/2021 MyOpenMath

Given E be a basis in R2 ,  two vectors u1 , u2 , [u1 ]
= [1 7] , [u2 ]
= [ −3 −7 ] . Letf   be a
linear mapping R
→ R
, and  [f (u1 )]E = [ −4 −9 ] , [f (u2 )]E = [ −4 −9 ] . 

a) Find the  matrix representation of f with respect to the basis E  . (Hint: use the formula
[f (u)] = AE [u]  )

AE =  


− 10
b) If E = {(0, 10) , ( − 5, − 2) } , find the f ([ ]) . 

− 10
 f ([ ]) =


Question 8 0/1 pt 998-999 998 8/23
5/8/2021 MyOpenMath

Suppose that the oldest age attained by the females in a certain animal population is 15 
years and we divide the population into three age classes with equal durations of five
0 4 3
⎡ ⎤

years. Let the Leslie matrix for this population be ⎢ 0.22 0 0⎥ . The vector of age distribution now
⎣ ⎦
0 0.51 0

⎡ ⎤

is⎢ 13 ⎥ .
⎣ ⎦

The probability for a 4-year-old animal to survive to the age of 8 is 1  


The number of animals whose age from 5 <= age <= 10 after 2 years:  

Question 9 0/1 pt 999 998 9/23
5/8/2021 MyOpenMath

6 0 0 −6 −7 3
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤

Given the equation AX + B

= 5X + 3C , whereA = ⎢3 0 2⎥  ,B = ⎢ −2 6 −1 ⎥  ,
⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦
3 −3 6 −5 4 10

5 8 1
⎡ ⎤

C = ⎢ −1 −5 6 ⎥  .
⎣ ⎦
−4 −3 −9

Find X.



Question 10 0/1 pt 999 998 10/23
5/8/2021 MyOpenMath

Two competing companies(A,B) offer network service to a population of 118597 consumers. During any
month, company A consumer has a 20% probality of switching to company B and a 5% probability of not
using service of either company. A consumer of company B has a 15% probability of switching to company A
and a 10% probability of not using service. A nonuser has a 15% probabibility of purchasing company B and
10% using service of A. How many people will be in each group after 3 months? Knowing that at this month,
there are 18676 subscribers of A, 56340 subscribers of B. 

Matrix transition=




Question 11 0/1 pt 999 998 11/23
5/8/2021 MyOpenMath

A machine can be either working or broken down on any given day. If it is working, it will break down in the
next day with probability 19 %, and will continue working with probability 81 %. If it breaks down on a
given day, it will be repaired and be working in the next day with probability 80%, and will continue to be
broken down with probability 20%. Given that the probability that the machine works today is 41% .

1) The matrix transition in this model is: A=


2) The probability of working state on tomorrow of the machine is:


( The result in percentage form)

3) The probability of working state after 4 days of the machine is


Question 12 0/1 pt 999 998 12/23
5/8/2021 MyOpenMath

Find the matrix X that satisfies the matrix equation XB + 2XA

= C ,

−4 −1 9 6 −2 3
where A = [ ] , B = [ ] , C = [ ].
−3 −1 5 3 4 −3


X =


Question 13 0/1 pt 999 998

In R
  given inner product: < x, y > = 4x1 y1 + 5x2 y2 + 4x3 y3 − 1x2 y3 − 1x3 y2 and a subspace
F = span{(1, 2, 1), (2, − 1, 4), (18, − 4, 34)} .

Find  < x, y >   if  x = ( − 7, 6, − 9), y = (5, 7, − 9)  

Find the dimension and a basis of F


  < x, y >  =  

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Question 14 0/1 pt 999 998 13/23
5/8/2021 MyOpenMath

In R3   , given inner product:

  < x, y > = 4x1 y1 + 2x2 y2 + 8x3 y3 − x1 y3 − x3 y1  

Given F = span{(1, 3, 5), (2, 5, 7), (0, 1, 3), (3, 8, 12)} . Find orthogonal projection of vector x=
(-1,9,4) onto F. Round the result to 2 decimal digits.

P rojF x =


Find the dimension and a basis of F ⊥

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Question 15 0/1 pt 999 998 14/23
5/8/2021 MyOpenMath

Given inner product in R


< x, y > = 4x1 y1 + 2x2 y2 + 8x3 y3 − x1 y3 − x3 y1  

Given the subspace 3

F = {x = (x1 , x2 , x3 ) ∈ R , x1 − x2 + 7x3 = 0} .

Find orthogonal projection of vector x=(-9,-1,-2) onto F. Round the result to 2 decimal digits.

P rojF x =


Question 16 0/1 pt 999 998

In R
, given the inner product:

  < x, y > = 4x1 y1 + 2x2 y2 + 8x3 y3 − x1 y3 − x3 y1 .

Vector x = (3, − 4, − 4), y = ( − 4, 9, − 8) . Find the distace between x, y. Round to 4 decimal


d(x, y)  =  

Question 17 0/1 pt 999 998 15/23
5/8/2021 MyOpenMath

In R
 , given inner product:

  < x, y > = 4x1 y1 + 2x2 y2 + 8x3 y3 − x1 y3 − x3 y1  

Vector x = (8, − 9, 4), y = (2, 8, 2)  

Find < x, y >   , the distance between x, y and the angel between x and y.

<x, y> =  .

Distance=   (Round the result to 2 decgimal digits)

Angle=   (Round the result to 2 decimal digits)

Question 18 0/1 pt 999 998

2 −4
Find the eigenvalues of the matrix [ ] .
2 −4

The eigenvalues are λ = (enter the eigenvalues, separated by commas)

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Question 19 0/1 pt 999 998 16/23
5/8/2021 MyOpenMath

In a city , there are 3 supermarkets A; B and C. In

this month there are 21472    householders going to A , 41340     going to B and 52786  going to C. The
transition after each month as:

A − > B : 7.5 % , A − > C : 2.5 % , B − > A : 1.5 % , B − > C:5 % , C − > A : 10 % , C − > B : 7.5 %

What is the matrix transition P?



How many householders that go to A, B and C after 1 month?

The number of houslders going to A,B,C (Round the answer to the nearest integer)=


Find the number of houseloders in each group after 1 year?

The eigenvalues of P (input the answer from biggest to smallest value of eigenvalues)= 17/23
5/8/2021 MyOpenMath

The number of housholders A,B,C after 1 year (Round the answer to the nearest integer)=


Question 20 0/1 pt 999 998

6 −8 0
⎡ ⎤

Given the matrix A = ⎢1 −3 −6 ⎥ .  Find m such that λ = − 1 is an eigvenlue of A.

⎣ ⎦
5 3 m

Question 21 0/1 pt 999 998

25 − 42 − 10
⎡ ⎤

Given matrix A= ⎢ 24 − 41 − 10 ⎥ , find m such that vector X=(4, 3, − 3)   is an eigenvector of A.

⎣ ⎦
− 39 69 m


Question 22 0/1 pt 999 998 18/23
5/8/2021 MyOpenMath

Given two square matrices size 4 A  and B such that|A| = − 6, |B| = 4 . Applying 2 successive row
operations on A  to obtain A1  as the following: r1 ↔ r2 , (interchanging r1   and r2  ), r2 → − 2r2 + 3r3

(replacing r2   by multiplying row 2 by −2   and adding to row 3 time 3).  Compute ∣3A B − 1 ∣
∣ 1 ∣ .

Answer= .

Question 23 0/1 pt 999 998

Find all the unknown current on the circuit.(Round the result to 2 decimal digits).

I1  =

I2  =

I3  = 19/23
5/8/2021 MyOpenMath

Question 24 0/1 pt 999 998

In given the linear mapping f   be the reflection through the line − 5x − 2y = 0 and the triangle

ABC . We know that f (ABC) = A' B' C' , where A' (10, − 10),  B' (7, − 2) , C' ( − 2, − 1) .
Find the coordinates of the points A, B, C.  

The standard matrix representation A of f is =


Input the answer as the coordinates of A, , B, C  .







Question 25 0/1 pt 999 998 20/23
5/8/2021 MyOpenMath

A batch of 175 computers has 3 types of products: 9 millions VND computers, 6 millions VND computers
and 4 millions VND computers. If the value of the batch is 1044 millions VND and the total value of the 9
millions VND computers and 6 millions VND computers is twice of the value of 4 millions VND computers,
then how many of each type of computers are in the batch?


The number of 9 millions VND computers is

The number of 6 millions VND computers is

The number of 4 millions VND computers is

Question 26 0/1 pt 999 998

⎧ −z + 7y + x = 250

Find m such that the following system has a unique solution ⎨ − 3z + 2x = 350

z − 2y + mx = 300

Answer: m ?

Question 27 0/1 pt 999 998

1 6 −8
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤

Find all values of m ∈ R    such that the system of vectors ⎢ 6 ⎥, ⎢ m ⎥, ⎢ 7 ⎥   is linearly dependent.
⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦
1 1 2

Answer: m = . 

Question 28 0/1 pt 999 998 21/23
5/8/2021 MyOpenMath

In R
 , given 3 basesS1 , S2 , S3   such that the matrix change of bases are :
0 1 −2 7 − 18 −3
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤

PS1 − > S2 = ⎢ −1 1 − 2 ⎥, PS −
3 > S2 = ⎢2 −5 0 ⎥ , knowing that 
⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦
6 −3 7 0 0 1

⎡ ⎤

= ⎢ −4 ⎥  . Find [u]
⎣ ⎦




Question 29 0/1 pt 999 998

Given the system of vectors S:  [ 6 1 3 ], [ 2 1 1 ], [ x − 1 2x 3x ] . Find x ∈ R   such that S is a

spanning set of a two dimensional space. 

x  =   .s

Question 30 0/1 pt 999 998 22/23
5/8/2021 MyOpenMath

Given the set of vectors : S = {(5, 2, − 2), (3, 10, − 10)}   and let F be a subspae spanned by S, find all
values m ∈ R such that M = {(61, 86, − 86), (5, 6, m)} ∈ F .


m ?

Question 31 0/1 pt 999 998

8 0 0 8 − 10 4
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤

Given the equation AX + B

= 7X + 5C , where A = ⎢0 8 3⎥ , B = ⎢ −1 −9 1 ⎥  ,
⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦
0 −2 2 7 −2 −3

−5 10 7
⎡ ⎤

C = ⎢ −2 6 9 ⎥  .
⎣ ⎦
5 4 − 10

1) Find X.

2) Compute  E= ∣
∣2A C


1) X=


2) E=   (Let the result in decimal number with 2 decimal digits rounded) 23/23

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