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Hungary and the Soviet Union[edit]

Main article: People's Republic of Hungary

Main article: Hungarian Revolution of 1956

Hungary–USSR relations

Hungary Soviet Union

In World War II Hungary was an ally of Germany. When Germany declared war on Russia in
1941, Hungary tried to remain neutral. When the controversial bombing of Kassa occurred, the
government quickly declared the state of war existed between Hungary and the USSR, without
receiving the consent of the Parliament.[4]
The People's Republic of Hungary (Magyar Népköztársaság) was the official state name of
Hungary from 1949 to 1989 during its Communist period under the control of the Soviet Union.
Following the Soviet occupation of Hungary after World War II, the Soviets set up a police
system that persecuted all opposition through direct force and propaganda, hoping this would
lead to a Communist victory in the elections of 1946 .[5] Despite these efforts, the Hungarian
Communist Party came in third place in the elections, prompting the Soviets to directly impose a
puppet government the following year. The next few years were spent consolidating power, using
the ÁVH secret police to suppress political opposition through intimidation, false accusations,
imprisonment and torture.[6] The worst of the repression came under the rule of Mátyás Rákosi. At
the height of his rule, Rákosi developed a strong cult of personality.[7] Dubbed the "bald
murderer", Rákosi imitated Stalinist political and economic programs, resulting in Hungary
experiencing one of the harshest dictatorships in Europe. [8][9] He described himself as "Stalin's
best Hungarian disciple"[7] and "Stalin's best pupil".[10] After Khrushchev's "Secret Speech"
denouncing Stalin's cult of personality, Rákosi was ultimately removed from power and replaced
by the reformist Imre Nagy, who attempted to take Hungary out of the Soviet bloc. This led to
the Hungarian Revolution of 1956, which was brutally crushed by the Soviets. Following the
crushing of the revolution, the Soviets instituted János Kádár as the leader of Hungary. After an
initial period of repressions against the revolutionaries, Kádár implemented a more moderate
form of communism, which he referred to as "Goulash Communism." He would rule until 1988,
when he was removed from power just before the "revolution" that ended Communism in

Hungary and the Russian Federation[edit]

Since 1991, Hungarian-Russian relations have improved constantly. This improvement has
increased in part due to the election of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán in 2010 and the
announcement of his foreign relations plan, the "Eastern Opening Policy." Created in opposition
to Hungary's Western coalitions such as the European Union, NATO, and the United Nations, the
Eastern Opening plan heavily prioritized Russia as a viable ally, and efforts were taken to secure
that tight relationship throughout 2013–2014. [11] One major proof of this is the bilateral agreement
signed by the two nations over the nuclear plant Paks in Hungary, which calls into the question
the risk of Hungary becoming financially dependent on Russia for more than a few decades. [11]
Following the Russian military intervention in Ukraine in 2014, Prime Minister Viktor
Orbán rejected the Russian sanctions despite European Union pressure. This has led outside
officials in the EU and NATO to accuse Hungary as a "Trojan Horse", acting ultimately in the
interests of Russia.The PACE (Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe) delegations of
both countries voiced a protest against Ukraine's "Indigenous law"(Russian delegation to PACE
voices protest over Ukraine law on indigenous peoples, 2021).
In 2017, Vladimir Putin visited Budapest to meet with Orbán to discuss bilateral ties.[12] As a
response to the reaction to the poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal in the United Kingdom, in
April 2018, one Hungarian embassy staffer was expelled from Russia. [13] In May 2019, concerned
over the tightening relations between Hungary, Russia, and also China, the Trump administration
hosted Orbán in D.C, raising criticism from the EU and UN.[14]

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