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May 2010

Pamphlets & Books


Holy Orthodox Metropolis of Boston

1476 Centre St.
Boston MA 02131-1417
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* * * New Items * * *

Awake Sleeper! ... See page 2.

Prayers on the Birth of a Child ... See page 7.
The Holy Service of The Slava ... See page 7.

Published in English:

1. A Brief Explanation A Former Antiochian Orthodox Priest examines

the heresy of ecumenism….$1.00
2. A General Rule for Distinguishing the Truth of the Catholic
Faith from the Falsehood of Heretical Pravity A text by St.
Vincent of Lerins on the importance of maintaining the faith unchanged
from generation to generation….$1.00
3. A Harlot Hath God Desired This short Homily by St. John
Chrysostom explains the depth of God’s love for man.…$1.00
4. A Pastoral Encyclical on Freemasonry Metropolitan Ephraim and
Metropolitan Markarios of HOCNA collaborate to produce an excellent
Encyclical on freemasonry.…$1.00
5. An Account of the Ineffable Miracle Wrought by the Holy and
August Icon of Our All-Holy Lady the Theotokos of Cassiope
for the Unjustly-Blinded Stephen Who Wondrously Received
Eyes Again “A certain woman seeth her son with eyes today, yet she
beheld him not with those eyes wherewith he saw before…”...$1.00
6. Articles of Faith (Part 1) Short, informal articles that appeal to a wide
range of readers, while, at the same time, informing them of complex
theological and spiritual issues….$2.00

7. Articles of Faith (Part 2) Short, informal articles that appeal to a wide
range of readers, while, at the same time, informing them of complex
theological and spiritual issues….$2.00
8. Articles of Faith (Part 3) Short, informal articles that appeal to a wide
range of readers, while, at the same time, informing them of complex
theological and spiritual issues….$2.00

9. New Awake, Sleeper! and Related Articles Can the non-Orthodox

be saved. The Church Fathers unanimously teach that one must be
Orthodox to be saved, but the answer that several Church Fathers give
may surprise many….$2.00
10. Canon of Ss Joachim and Anna with Life The Service of the
Supplicatory Canon to Saints Joachim and Anna, the Ancestors of God with
The Life of Saints Joachim and Anna.….$2.00
11. Concerning True and False Bishops and Councils,
According to Orthodox Christian Doctrine The dangers of false
bishops, “robber” councils and the unlearned flock…$1.00
12. Falling in Love With the Orthodox Church This small
leaflet is a first person account of a convert….Free
13. For What Purpose Am I Coming to Church Metropolitan
Moses of HOCNA shows that "reverence and the fear of God is an intrinsic
part of the Church's understanding." The Church is our Father's house, "let
us with fear of God, faith, and love draw nigh."….$1.00
14. Homily on the Myrrhbearing Women St. Gregory Palamas
uses Mark 15:43 – 16:8 as a basis for his homily on the Myrrhbearing
15. How to Raise a Juvenile Delinquent His Eminence Metropolitan
Ephraim shares his thoughts on “consecrated parenthood” contained in his
1996 sermon on the Feast of the Dormition of St. Anna, the mother of the
16. How To Save the Soul St. Theophan the Recluse lists nine things
necessary to walk in the path of the commandments unswervingly.
"Arrange your life in this manner, and with God's grace you will be saved."
17. In Defense of a Little Virginity (A message from Focus on the
Family) The statistics speak for themselves: a promiscuous lifestyle

brings life-long and incurable diseases, increased domestic violence and a
sharply shortened life span….Free
18. Ladies! Dare to be Feminine! A thought-provoking article on
how advertising concedes the superiority of men by denying woman’s
femininity and the role God intended her to fill.…$1.00
19. Letter on the Calendar Issue In 1968, Monk Ephraim (now our
beloved Metropolitan Ephraim) wrote an informative letter on the course of
events that led to the establishment of the new calendar…$1.00
20. Life of the Holy Martyr Lucia A short description of the life and
martyrdom of St. Lucia.…$1.00
21. Material to Aid the Preparation For the Holy Mystery of
Repentance Fr. Michael Lightfoot has compiled information from
various sources concerning the Sacred Mystery of Repentance…$1.00
22. New Teaching on the Virgin Birth of St. Vladimir's Seminary
Father David Belden refutes the former Dean of St. Vladimir's Seminary,
who says there is no teaching that the Lord "came forth from His mother
without opening her womb." Other sources, including St. John of
Damascus, are quoted in support of the Virgin Birth….$1.00
23. On Commemorating False Shepherds In 1991 the Elder
Sabbas, an Athonite ascetic, wrote a letter concerning the error of
24. Prayer of the Heart (The Duty of Those Living in the World)
Bishop Theophan the Recluse stresses that prayer in the heart is the duty
of all lay people….$1.00
25. Praying to Saints / Intercession of the Saints Father
Panagiotes Carras and Father Michael Azkoul respectively present separate
articles concerning the Church’s living and reposed members
communicating each to another the bond of love which unites us within the
Body of Christ….$1.00
26. Preparation for the Mystery of Holy Confession In
preparation for this Holy Mystery, some questions are presented to the
27. Rationalism and Fundamentalism (The Two Banes of Western
Theology) Large format (8.5 x 11), A lot of information in 25 pages. This
booklet is a highly useful tool in catechizing converts to the Orthodox
Catholic faith. It answers the basic question: How should we read the Holy

28. Reasons for the Change of the Patristic Calendar
Archimandrite Nektarios Moulatsiotis of the new calendar Church of Greece
explains that "the issue of the calendar is, in essence, the uncovering of
our identity, that is, if we are pro-union or anti-union," i.e., ecumenists or
Orthodox Christians. Also included is an excerpt from “On the subject of
the Union of the Churches."...$1.00
29. Scandals in the Church This article containing numerous
quotations of the Church Fathers, Lives of the Saints and ancient Paterica,
examines how the faithful should deal with scandals…$2.00
30. Sister Churches (Five Hundred Years After Florence) A
collection of articles, primarily from Roman Catholic sources,
demonstrating the doctrinal and spiritual decline of the Papacy….$2.00
31. The Creed The history of the Creed…$3.00
32. The Chinese New Martyrs The mission history of the Orthodox
flock in Peking and their Martyrdom during the Boxer Rebellion.…$4.00
33. The Church’s Most Ascetical Book Metropolitan Ephraim in his
1994 Lenten Encyclical explains what the Church’s most ascetical book
teaches us….$1.00
34. The Cross in the Old Testament An article by Father Ambroise
Frontier relating the Tree of Life in the Old Testament to the Cross in the
New Testament…. $1.00
35. The Disconnect of World Orthodoxy From the Apostolic
Faith The chronological progression of the ecumenical movement in the
20th and early 21st centuries.…$2.00
36. The Divine Appearance of the Honoured Cross First-hand
accounts of the Divine appearance of the Honoured Cross in Greece,
September 14, 1925….$1.00
37. The Divine Services of Great and Holy Week in the Holy
Orthodox Church A description of the services before and during our
Saviour’s glorious Resurrection…$2.00
38. The Dormition (of Our Supremely Pure Lady Theotokos and
Ever-Virgin Mary) St. Gregory Palamas offers us a homily praising our
Supremely Pure Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary….$1.00
39. The Eastern Orthodox Church (Keeping Faith with Christ
yesterday, today, and unto the ages, One Lord, one Faith, one
Baptism, One God and Father of All) This article briefly describes the

fullness of the Eastern Orthodox Church’s ancient traditions, worship and
faith compared to the churches of the west.…$1.00
40. The Eucharist, the Word and the Bishop (A Patristic
Reflection upon Inter-Communion) Father Michael Azkoul emphasizes
that "the Eucharist, the Word and the Bishop are three dimensions of the
same reality, the sin qua non of the Church, that without which there can
be no Church."...$1.00
41. The Form of Holy Baptism Especially in these days of creeping
heresy of Ecumenism, we all need to know why a proper Baptism is
42. The Frequency of Holy Communion The Righteous Elder
Pachomius, Founder of the Skete of the Holy Fathers, Chios, Greece
summarizes the tradition of frequent Holy Communion.…$0.50
43. The Holy Trinity The Holy Scriptures, the Holy Fathers and ancient
church writers speak to us about this revealed teaching of our Church and
the feasts that celebrate it….$2.00
44. The Kollyvades: Keepers of the Faith (Dealing with the
Issues: How Often Should We Receive Holy Communion and On
What Days Are Memorial Services Permitted) This article reviews the
Kollyvades controversy on the Holy Mountain during the 18th century and
how it was resolved…$1.00
45. The Life of Saint Philaret the Almsgiver This pamphlet
describes the compassionate life of our Righteous Father Saint Philaret the
46. The Orthodox Church A brochure for visitors describing Orthodox
traditions, customs, beliefs and worship.…$0.50
47. The Rule for Attending to Oneself for One Dwelling in the
World St. Ignatii Brianchaninov stresses the importance of vigilance
toward oneself…$1.00
48. The Seat of Moses, (Its Powers and Perils) Discover what the
Holy Scriptures, the writings of the Church Fathers, the Lives of the Saints,
Church history and the Holy Canons say concerning the responsibilities of
the Orthodox bishop and his flock….$1.00
49. The True Image of the Father Since God the Father cannot be
depicted, discover what the true image of the Father is…$1.00

50. The Way of Life A brief overview of the Church and the Word as
the way of life…$1.00
51. The World: God's Creation An article by Hieromonk Haralampos
concerning how the living presence of the Truth in Christ’s Church can
make us free… $1.00
52. Valedictory Address by Panteleimon Dalianis at the Holy
Cross Theological School Commencement Ceremony A young
new calendarist shares his thoughts on the state of Orthodoxy in
53. What Canon Law Taught Me About Teen Dating This article
outlines the do’s and don’ts in maintaining moral behavior during teen
54. What Orthodox Iconography Is Photios Kontoglou discusses
Orthodox iconography….$1.00
55. Why Not Abstinence! This article is a short story concerning the
courageous but humble choice of abstinence....$1.00
56. Why Orthodox Christians Prefer the Septuagint Metropolitan
Ephraim has written a series of articles explaining some of the differences
that exist between the Old Testament (Masoretic) text used by most of
today’s Roman Catholics and Protestants verses the Septuagint Old
Testament used by Orthodox Christians since the time of Christ….. $1.00
57. World Orthodoxy's Sister Church A sequel to "Sister
Churches," showing the folly of Ecumenism's efforts to unite Orthodox
Christianity to a spiritually faltering Papacy….$1.00

Published in Greek:

58. ΟΡΘΟΔΟΞΙΑ ΠΟΛΕΜΟΥΜΕΝΗ (Γιατί οι Ζηλωτές Πατέρες του

Àγίου Ὄρους εἶναι ὁμολογηταί μᾶλλον παρά σχισματικοί, ὅπως
κατηγοροῦνται ἀπό νομικούς «εἰδικούς» καί τό Οἰκουμενικό
(English translation) Orthodoxy Embattled (Why the zealot
fathers of the Holy Mountain are confessors instead of schismatics, as they
are accused by legalistic “experts” and the Ecumenical

Especially for the Clergy:

59. New Prayers on the Birth of a Child Taken from the Church's
ancient manuscript tradition, these prayers reveal an attitude very different
from that found in the prayers of many current editions ….. $1.00

60. New The Holy Service of The Slava The history and full service
of a very important tradition of the Serbian people. New converts to the
Orthodoxy Christian Faith also will find this tradition to be of special
significance to them….$1.00

To place an order, please contact us via phone, email or complete the

form below and mail it with your payment.

(617) 323-6379

Pamphlet Order Form

Holy Orthodox Metropolis of Boston

1476 Centre St.
Roslindale MA 02131-1417

To order, place the amount you wish to order to the left of the
pamphlet number below. All orders must include shipping and
handling costs. Volume discounts apply.


Except where noted, packaging charges apply and will vary with the
size of the order. Shipping will be via US Postal Service (USPS) unless

otherwise specified by the purchaser. USPS rates are available online
at If you have shipping and/or handling
questions, please contact us at your convenience.

Pamphlet Discounts:
10-15… 10%   41 or more… 20% 
16-40… 15%  One complete set of pamphlets… $40.00 

1. A Brief Explanation 31. The Creed

2. A General Rule for Distinguishing… 32. The Chinese New Martyrs
3. A Harlot Hath God Desired 33. The Church’s Most Ascetical Book
4. A Pastoral Encyclical on Free… 34. The Cross in the Old Testament
5. An Account of the Ineffable… 35. The Disconnect of World…
6. Articles of Faith (Part 1) 36. The Divine Appearance of the…
7. Articles of Faith (Part 2) 37. The Divine Services of Great…
8. Articles of Faith (Part 3) 38. The Dormition
9. Awake, Sleeper! 39. The Eastern Orthodox Church
10. Canon of Ss Joachim & Anna…. 40. The Eucharist, the Word and…
11. Concerning True and False… 41. The Form of Holy Baptism
12. Falling in Love With the Ortho… 42. The Frequency of Holy Communion
13. For What Purpose Am I Coming… 43. The Holy Trinity
14. Homily on the Myrrbearing… 44. The Kollyvades: Keepers of the…
15. How to Raise a Juvenile… 45. The Life of Saint Philaret the…
16. How to Save the Soul 46. The Orthodox Church
17. In Defense of a Little Virginity 47. The Rule for Attending to Oneself…
18. Ladies! Dare to be Feminine! 48. The Seat of Moses
19. Letter on the Calendar Issue 49. The True Image of the Father
20. Life of the Holy Martyr Lucia 50. The Way of Life
21. Material to aid the Preparation… 51. The World: God’s Creation
22. New Teaching on the Virgin Birth 52. Valedictory Address by…
23. On Commemorating False… 53. What Canon Law Taught Me…
24. Prayer of the Heart 54. What Orthodox Iconography Is
25. Praying to Saints / Intercession… 55. Why Not Abstinence!
26. Preparation for the Mystery of… 56. Why Orthodox Christians Prefer…
27. Rationalism and Fundamentalism 57. World Orthodoxy’s Sister Church
28. Reasons for the Change of the… 58. ΟΡΘΟΔΟΞΙΑ ΠΟΛΕΜΟΥΜΕΝΗ
29. Scandals in the Church 59. Prayers on the Birth of a Child
30. Sister Churches 60. The Holy Service of The Slava

Total amount enclosed: $__________________


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Published in English:
1. Dance, O Isaiah (Questions and Answers on Some of the
Differences between Eastern Orthodox Christianity and Other
Faiths) by Constantine Platis: 8 ½ x 11 format, 160 pages....$15.00
2. The Struggle Against Ecumenism The most objective and fair
history of the True Orthodox Christians of Greece from 1924 to
3. One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism A collection of some thirty of the
best and most important articles concerning contemporary Orthodoxy and
the religious issues of our times….$10.00

Published in Greek:
4. ΤΟ ΑΝΤΙΔΟΤΟΝ ΤΟΥ ΘΑΝΑΤΟΥ (Ἀπό τά συγγράμματα τοῦ Ἁγ.
Νικοδήμου περί τῆς συνεχοῦς Θείας Μεταλήψεως, μέ αὐτούσια κείμενα
ἀπό τούς Ἁγίους Πατέρες μας, ὑπό Δημ. Παναγοπούλου) ….$5.00
(English translation) The "Antidote to Death" From the
writings of St. Nicodemus concerning the need for partaking of frequent

Holy Communion with many quotes from our Holy Fathers, by D.

5. ΑΓΙΑΣΜΟΣ ΥΔΑΤΩΝ (Μελέτη σχετικά μέ τόν Μεγάλο καί τόν Μικρό

Ἁγιασμό, ὑπό Δημ. Κοκόρη) ….$5.00
(English translation) The Blessing of the Waters A Study
Concerning the Great and Small Service of the Blessing of Holy Water, by
D. Kokoris….$5.00

To place an order, please contact us via phone, email or complete the

form below and mail it with your payment.

(617) 323-6379

Book Order Form

Holy Orthodox Metropolis of Boston

1476 Centre St.
Roslindale MA 02131-1417

To order, place the order amount to the left of the book name below.
The cost of the books are included in the description above. Volume
discounts apply.


Except where noted, packaging charges apply and will vary with the
size of the order. Shipping will be via US Postal Service (USPS) unless
otherwise specified by the purchaser. USPS rates are available online
at If you have shipping and/or handling
questions, please contact us at your convenience.

Book Discounts:
6-10 copies… 20%
11 or more copies… 30%

  Dance, O Isaiah 
  The Struggle Against Ecumenism 
  One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism 

Total amount enclosed: $__________________



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