Modules in Grade 12: Quarter 1 - Week 1

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Module Code: Pasay-OC - Q1- W1-D1

Name:_________________________________________________ Strand:_____________
Name of Teacher : ____________________________________ Date : ______________



Module in Oral Communication in Context

First Quarter/ Week 1/ Day 1

Learning Objective: Define communication. EN11/12OC-Ia-1

Today’s Lesson: Nature of Communication

This is what I know
This is your first task for your Oral Communication in Context course. It is a semantic map that
will reflect your understanding about Communication. This will show what you already know about the
topic. Complete the semantic map by supplying it with six ideas, concepts, or anything that you associate
with word “communication”. Write on the blank space provided after the number.
*semantic map – It is also known as graphic organizers are maps or webs of words. It visually displays the meaning-based
connections between a word or phrase and a set of related words or concepts.


6._______________ 2.______________


5.______________ 3.______________


Before we even begin to know what communication is, we already have good ideas to the nature
of communication. The ideas and concepts you have given will help you understand this topic better.

References for Enhancement:

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Module Code: Pasay-OC - Q1- W1-D1

Name:_________________________________________________ Strand:_____________
Name of Teacher : ____________________________________ Date : ______________

What I need to know

Checking it from the Etymology Online Dictionary, Communication comes from
Latin word ‘communicare’ which means to share or to make something common.

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, Communication is a process by

which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of
symbols, signs, or behavior

Communication is a process of sharing and conveying messages or information

from one person to another within and across channels, contexts, media, and cultures
(McCornack, 2014).

There is a wide variety of contexts and situations in which communication can

be manifested; it can be a face-to-face interaction, a phone conversation, a group
discussion, a meeting or interview, a letter correspondence, a class recitation, and
many others.

Prof. Robert Anderson of Simon Fraser University has defined communication as

the interchange of thoughts, opinions or information by speech writing or signs.

Communication is the process or act of transmitting a message from a sender

to a receiver, through a channel and with the interference of noise (DeVito,1986).

Communication occurs when one person (or more) sends and receives messages
that are distorted by noise, occur within a context, have some effect, and provide some
opportunity for feedback.
(Human Communication: The Basic Course by Joseph A. DeVito, 12th ed., 2012,

What’s More?

Check these videos on YouTube. They explain

communication and it will help you establish a good
foundation about Communication.

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Module Code: Pasay-OC - Q1- W1-D1

Name:_________________________________________________ Strand:_____________
Name of Teacher : ____________________________________ Date : ______________


Communication is a process of sharing and conveying messages or information

from one person to another within and across channels, contexts, media, and cultures
(McCornack, 2014).

Communication is the process or act of transmitting a message from a sender

to a receiver, through a channel and with the interference of noise (DeVito,1986).

Communication occurs when one person (or more) sends and receives messages
that are distorted by noise, occur within a context, have some effect, and provide some
opportunity for feedback.
(Human Communication: The Basic Course by Joseph A. DeVito, 12th ed., 2012,

Complete the following tasks.

Task 1
Create a Semantic Map that explains your understanding of what
Communication is based on the information, ideas, and concepts that the
module has presented.

Create your semantic map on this box.

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Module Code: Pasay-OC - Q1- W1-D1

Name:_________________________________________________ Strand:_____________
Name of Teacher : ____________________________________ Date : ______________

Task 2

Create at least five (5) of your definition of Communication by summarizing your

ideas in your semantic map about Communication.

Communication is ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Communication is ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Communication is ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Communication is ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Communication is ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Module Code: Pasay-OC - Q1- W1-D1

Name:_________________________________________________ Strand:_____________
Name of Teacher : ____________________________________ Date : ______________

Task 3

Based on your definition about communication, cite five actual examples in your
daily routine where you think “communication” is happening.

Communication is happening when I:


Kudos! You have completed this Module!


Prepared by: Jonathan Baltazar Mangao

Pasay City South High School

Page 5 of 20
Module Code: Pasay- OC - Q1- W1-D2

Name:_________________________________________________ Strand:_____________
Name of Teacher : ____________________________________ Date : ______________



Module in Oral Communication in Context

First Quarter/Week 1/Day 2

Learning Objective: Explain the nature and process of communication

Today’s Lesson: The Nature and Process of Communication I

Let Us Talk About You

Before we continue learning more about Communication, let us have this activity. We are going to
talk about you. Complete the diagram below by suppling the three rectangular boxes with distinctive traits
and characteristics that best describes you. Stick your picture at the center to complete it.

(Your picture)

(write your name here) 2.____________

This is a good way of describing your nature and to understand what nature is. You are naturally
what you describe yourself to be. This is very important to establish because this lesson will help you
understand the nature of Communication.

What I need to know

Nature Defined
Nature (noun)
na·ture | \ ˈnā-chər \
: the inherent character or basic constitution of a person or thing : ESSENCE
: the type or main characteristic of something:

Nature of Communication
1. Communication is a process.
Process - a series of actions which are carried out in order to achieve a particular result.
2. Communication occurs between two or more people (the speaker and the receiver).

3. Communication can be expressed through written or spoken words, actions (nonverbal), or both
spoken words and nonverbal actions at the same time.

References for Enhancement:

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Module Code: Pasay- OC - Q1- W1-D2

Name:_________________________________________________ Strand:_____________
Name of Teacher : ____________________________________ Date : ______________

Verbal communication is the use of sounds and words to send or encode a message. Nonverbal
communication is communication without words. You communicate nonverbally when you gesture, smile
or frown, widen your eyes, move your chair closer to someone else’s, wear jewelry, touch someone, raise
your vocal volume, or even say nothing. The essential elements of the process of communication are the
message, the sender, encoding, the channel or medium, the receiver, decoding, noise, the feedback, and the

Elements of Communication
• Message - the verbal and/or nonverbal content that must be encoded by the sender and decoded by
the receiver
• Sender – the communicator, the person who initiates a message
• Encoding - the act of producing messages or putting these ideas into a code that can be interpreted
• Channel – the medium through which the message passes or how the message was sent
• Receiver - or interpreter, the person to whom a message is directed
• Decoding - The act of receiving messages (listening or reading)
• Feedback - a response from the receiver indicating whether a message has been received in its
intended form.
• Context- the setting and situation in which communication takes place
• Noise - anything that interferes with the accurate expression or reception of a message

To illustrate the interaction of these

elements, here is an illustration that
we can consider a “model” of the
process of communication.

(Source: businessjargons)

What’s More?
Watch these videos on YouTube.

It explains how the communication process begins and

how the elements play its role in the process.

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Module Code: Pasay- OC - Q1- W1-D2

Name:_________________________________________________ Strand:_____________
Name of Teacher : ____________________________________ Date : ______________
It explains the role and participation of the
elements in communication in the formation of

Complete the following tasks.

Task 1
Watch this short video on YouTube.
Identify all the elements of communication present in the
short video. Use the table below as your guide in your task.

Elements of Details in the Video/Explanation

E.g. Context The communication took place in the train station (because Context is the setting and situation in which
communication takes place)

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Module Code: Pasay- OC - Q1- W1-D2

Name:_________________________________________________ Strand:_____________
Name of Teacher : ____________________________________ Date : ______________


Human beings are poor communicators but our communicative competence can be improved by learning
and practicing effective communication skills.

Communication has a symbolic nature and is an act of sharing one’s ideas, emotions, attitudes, or
perceptions with another person or group of persons through words (written or spoken), gestures, signals,
signs, or other modes of transmitting images. The transmission of ideas always encounters barriers that
reduce its effectiveness.

The essential elements of the process of communication are the message, the sender, encoding, the
channel, the receiver, decoding, acting on the message, the feedback, and the communication environment.

Both the sender and the receiver play a role in making communication effective. The sender should
encode the message accurately after considering the level, expectations, and needs of the target audience
(receiver); the receiver should listen or read carefully to try to understand the intended meaning of the

The universal, common elements of communication are the communication environment, the use of
symbols, and the presence of mental filters.

Some basic facts about communication are that perfect communication is impossible; the meaning of a
message is in the mind/perception of the receiver; and personality affects the effectiveness of

To communicate effectively, one should develop not only skills, but also a sense of empathy with others


Task 2

Illustrate a scenario in your house or community where the process of communication takes place. It is very
important in this task that you identify the elements present in a communication context that you are going
to illustrate. This is like telling a story about a communication that took place while identifying its elements.
You may write on the labeled boxes to identify your elements or the individuals participating in the
communication process and use note pad on the right for your explanation.

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Module Code: Pasay- OC - Q1- W1-D2

Name:_________________________________________________ Strand:_____________
Name of Teacher : ____________________________________ Date : ______________

sender _________________________________________________________________________
encoding _________________________________________________________________________
message _________________________________________________________________________
feedback noise
channel _________________________________________________________________________
receiver _________________________________________________________________________
decoding _________________________________________________________________________

You have completed this Module!
Sipacio, P. & Balgos, A. ( 2016). Oral Communication in Context Textbook.
DeVito, J. (2017) Essentials of human communication, NY, Pearson.


Writer: Jonathan Baltazar Mangao

Pasay City South High School

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Module Code: Pasay - OC - Q1- W1-D3

Name:_________________________________________________ Strand:_____________
Name of Teacher : ____________________________________ Date : ______________



Module in Oral Communication in Context

First Quarter/Week 1/Day 3

Learning Objective:
Distinguish the unique feature(s) of the elements in the communication process.
Today’s Lesson: The Nature and Process Communication II

Let Us Recall
Before we continue moving on to the next series of lectures about Communication,
let us recall what we know so far on the Process of Communication. Supply the
boxes with the right element of communication to complete the diagram. Clues are
given on the box below to guide you.

1.He/She/it has an idea to share or make common. 5. The Interpreter

2. the act of producing messages 6…like listening or reading
3. idea or thought that you want to share 7. interference
4. ..should I say it or just write her a letter? 8. response
9. .the place, the time

References for Enhancement:

What’s New?
Message, Channel, Context and Noise. Do they sound familiar? Well,
they should! These four are in the basic Elements of Communication. We will
know be learning more about these elements and their roles or influence in the
communication process plus an additional element in communication which is
Effects. This module will broaden your understanding on how the process of
communication works.

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Module Code: Pasay - OC - Q1- W1-D3

Name:_________________________________________________ Strand:_____________
Name of Teacher : ____________________________________ Date : ______________

Communication messages take many forms and are transmitted or received through one or
more sensory organs or a combination of them. You communicate verbally (with words) and
nonverbally (without words). Three specific types of messages need to be identified here:
feedforward, feedback, and metamessages.
Feedforward Messages
Feedforward is information you provide before sending your primary messages (Richards,
1951). It reveals something about the messages to come and includes, for example, the preface or
table of contents of a book, the opening paragraph of a chapter, a Facebook profile, movie
previews, magazine covers, and introductions in public speeches. In e-mail, feedforward is given in
the header, where the name of the sender, the date, and the subject of the message are identified.
Feedback Messages
When you send a message—say, in speaking to another person—you also hear yourself.
That is, you get feedback from your own messages; you hear what you say, you feel the way you
move, you see what you write. In addition to this self-feedback, you also get feedback from others.
This feedback can take many forms. A frown or a smile, a yea or a nay, a returned poke or a
retweet, a pat on the back or a punch in the mouth are all types of feedback. Feedback tells the
speaker what effect he or she is having on listeners. On the basis of feedback, the speaker may
adjust, modify, strengthen, deemphasize, or change the content or form of the messages.
A metamessage is a message that refers to another message; it is communication about
communication. For example, remarks such as “This statement is false” or “Do you understand
what I am trying to tell you?” refer to communication and are therefore “metacommunicational.”
Nonverbal behavior may also be metacommunicational. Obvious examples include crossing your
fingers behind your back or winking when telling a lie. On a less obvious level, consider the blind
date. As you say, “I had a really nice time,” your nonverbal messages—the lack of a smile, failure
to maintain eye contact—metacommunicate and contradict the verbal “really nice time,” suggesting
that you did not enjoy the evening. Nonverbal messages may also metacommunicate about other
nonverbal messages. The individual who, on meeting a stranger, both smiles and extends a totally
lifeless hand shows how one nonverbal behavior may contradict another.
Communication Context
Communication exists in a context that determines, to a large extent, the meaning of any
verbal or nonverbal message. The same words or behaviors may have totally different meanings
when they occur in different contexts. The context will also influence what you say and how you
say it. You communicate differently depending on the specific context you are in. Contexts have at
least four aspects: physical context, cultural context, social-psychological context, and temporal

The physical context is the tangible or concrete environment, the room, park, or
auditorium; you do not talk the same way at a noisy basketball game as you do at a quiet
The cultural context involves the lifestyles, beliefs, values,
behavior, and communication of a group; it is the rules of a group
of people for considering something right or wrong.
The social-psychological context has to do with the status
relationships among speakers, the formality of the situation, the
norms of a group or organization; you don’t talk the same way in
the cafeteria as you would at a formal dinner at your boss’s house.
The temporal context is a message’s position within a sequence of events; you don’t talk
the same way after someone tells you about the death of a close relative as you do after
someone reveals they have won the lottery.

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Module Code: Pasay - OC - Q1- W1-D3

Name:_________________________________________________ Strand:_____________
Name of Teacher : ____________________________________ Date : ______________

Communication Channel
The communication channel is the vehicle or medium through which messages pass.
Communication rarely takes place over only one channel. Rather, two, three, or four channels may
be used simultaneously. In face-to-face conversations, for example, you speak and listen (vocal
channel), but you also gesture and receive signals visually (visual channel). You also emit and
smell odors (olfactory channel) and often touch one another; this tactile channel, too, is
communication. Another way to classify channels is by the means of communication. Thus, face-
to-face contact, telephones, e-mail, movies, television, smoke signals, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest,
and telegraph all are types of channels.

Noise is anything that interferes with your receiving a message. Noise in the context of
communication is not limited to sounds. Four types of noise are especially relevant: physical noise,
physiological noise, psychological noise, and semantic noise.
Physical noise is interference that is external to both speaker and listener; it interferes with
the physical transmission of the signal or message and would include the screeching of
passing cars, the hum of a computer, sunglasses, blurred type or fonts that are too small or
difficult to read, misspellings and poor grammar, and pop-up ads.
Physiological noise is created by barriers within the sender or receiver and would include
visual impairments, hearing loss, articulation problems, and memory loss.
Psychological noise refers to mental interference in the speaker or listener and includes
preconceived ideas, wandering thoughts, biases and prejudices, closemindedness, and
extreme emotionalism. You are likely to run into psychological noise when you talk with
someone who is close-minded or who refuses to listen to anything he or she does not
already believe.
Semantic noise is interference that occurs when the speaker and listener have different
meaning systems; it would include language or dialectical differences, regional language,
the use of jargon or overly complex terms, and ambiguous or overly abstract terms whose
meanings can be easily misinterpreted.


Communication always has some effect on those involved in the communication act. For
every communication act, there is some consequence. For example, you may gain knowledge or
learn how to analyze, synthesize, or evaluate something. These are intellectual or cognitive effects.
You may acquire new feelings, attitudes, or beliefs or change existing ones (affective effects). You
may learn new bodily movements, such as how to throw a curve ball, paint a picture, give a
compliment, or express surprise (psychomotor effects).

Activities: Complete the following tasks.

Task 1: The Easy Test
Identify what is being described. Choose from the list of possible answers on the table. Write the
answer on the space provided before the number

Sender communicare noise

visual communication decoders decoding
message Milktea communication effects
encoders communication barrier physical context
encoding Receiver sender

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Module Code: Pasay - OC - Q1- W1-D3

Name:_________________________________________________ Strand:_____________
Name of Teacher : ____________________________________ Date : ______________

oral coffee olfactory channel

channel context communication

____________1. The exchange of information between people by means of speaking, writing, or

using a common system of signs or behavior.
____________ 2. The use of pictures, drawings, illustrations, graphic organizers, colors, and images
in sending messages.
_____________3. The exchange of meanings between individuals through a common system of
_____________4. “To make common” or “to share”
_____________5. The person or individual who initiates a message.
_____________6. The person to whom a message is directed.
_____________7. The verbal and/or nonverbal content that must be encoded by the sender and
decoded by the receiver.
_____________8. Telephones, e-mail, movies, television, smoke signals, Facebook, Twitter,
Pinterest, etc.
_____________9. The setting and situation in which communication takes place.
_____________10. It is anything that interferes with the accurate expression or reception of a
_____________11. Listeners and Readers
_____________12. The act of receiving and interpreting a message.
_____________13. A response from the receiver indicating whether a message has been received.
_____________14. Speakers and writers
_____________15. The act of producing a message.
_____________16. Changes that are happening in the sender and receiver as they communicate.
_____________17. Inside the classroom, at the gym, at the MOA Arena, inside the Baclaran hurch
_____________18. The receiving of message through the sense of smell.
_____________19. Factors, physical or psychological, that prevent or hinder effective
_____________20. Expressed in spoken form as distinct from written form.


Task 2: The Challenging Task!

Do you still remember this YouTube video?

Watch this short video on YouTube once again. Identify all the elements of communication
present in the short video. With the new set of information that you learn from this module, you
will be able to see and identify those details in the Elements of Communication as they play their
roles in the process. After identifying the Message, Channel, Context, Noise, and Effects, write its
specific type with a short explanation found in the short video. Examples are provided as guide.
Use the table below as your guide in your task

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Module Code: Pasay - OC - Q1- W1-D3

Name:_________________________________________________ Strand:_____________
Name of Teacher : ____________________________________ Date : ______________

Elements of Details in the Video/Remarks/Explanation

E.g. Context The communication took place in the train station (because Context is the setting and situation
in which communication takes place)..the train station is a Physical Context
Noise Maya (the girl wearing a hijab) is wearing a niqab that covers her mouth when speaking
affects their communication in a negative way, I consider it Physical Noise
Message Nonverbal Message – the girl was pointing something in the map
sender Maya, she was asking for directions
Channel Maya, she was asking for directions using Vocal Channel

Kudos! You have completed this Module!

Sipacio, P. & Balgos, A. ( 2016). Oral Communication in Context Textbook.
DeVito, J. (2017) Essentials of human communication, NY, Pearson.


Prepared by: Jonathan Baltazar Mangao - Pasay City South High School

Page 15 of 20
Module Code: Pasay- OC - Q1- W1-D4

Name:_________________________________________________ Strand:_____________
Name of Teacher : ____________________________________ Date : ______________



Module in Oral Communication in Context

First Quarter/Week 1/Day 4

Learning Objective: Distinguish the unique feature(s) of nonverbal codes in communication and
Ascertain the nonverbal cues that each speaker uses in conveying their thoughts to be better
communicators.EN11/12OC-Ia-4/ EN11/12OC-Ibe-11
Today’s Lesson: Nonverbal Communication
What’s New?
Let’s begin by examining Dr. Mehrabian’s 7-38-55 Rule.

Do you agree with what is represented in this figure?

Do you have any observation about how we communicate that is directly explained by Dr.Mehrabian’s rule?
Would you agree that this explains the importance of nonverbal communication?
What can you deduce or conclude from this diagram?

In communication, a speaker’s words are only a fraction

of his efforts. The pitch and tone of his voice, the speed and
rhythm of the spoken word, and the pauses between those The non-verbal elements are
words may express more than what is being communicated by particularly important for
words alone. Further, his gestures, posture, pose and communicating feelings and attitude,
expressions usually convey a variety of subtle signals. These especially when they are incongruent:
non-verbal elements can present a listener with important clues if words and body language disagree,
to the speaker’s thoughts and feelings and thus substantiate or one tends to believe the body language.
contradict the speaker’s words.

The most commonly and casually cited study on the

relative importance of verbal and nonverbal messages in personal communication is one by Prof.
Albert Mehrabian of the University of California in Los Angeles. In the 1970s, his studies
suggested that we overwhelmingly deduce our feelings, attitudes, and beliefs about what someone
says not by the actual words spoken, but by the speaker’s body language and tone of voice.

References for Enhancement:

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Module Code: Pasay- OC - Q1- W1-D4

Name:_________________________________________________ Strand:_____________
Name of Teacher : ____________________________________ Date : ______________

.What I need to know

Nonverbal Communication
Nonverbal communication is communication without words. You communicate
nonverbally when you gesture, smile or frown, widen your eyes, move your chair closer to
someone else’s, wear jewelry, touch someone, raise your vocal volume, or even say nothing. The crucial
aspect is that the message you send is in some way received by one or more other people. Studying
nonverbal communication and developing your nonverbal competence will yield a variety of benefits.

• It improves your accuracy in understanding people, both those from your own as well other
cultures. Increased accuracy in understanding others will yield obvious benefits in social and
workplace situations.
• It increases your effectiveness in a variety of interpersonal situations, including close relationships,
workplace relationships, teacher–student relationships, intercultural communication, courtroom
communication, politics, and health care (DeVito, 2014; Knapp, 2008; Richmond, McCroskey, &
Hickson, 2012; Riggio & Feldman, 2005).
• It increases your own perceived attractiveness; the greater your ability to send and receive
nonverbal signals, the higher your popularity and psychosocial well-being are likely to be (Burgoon,
Guerrero, & Floyd, 2010).
• It enables you to make a more effective self-presentation. For example, when you meet someone for
the first time at least in face-to-face situations—you form impressions of the person largely on the
basis of his or her nonverbal messages.

Nonverbal communication can play five roles:

Repetition: It repeats and often strengthens the message you are making verbally.
Contradiction: It can contradict the message you are trying to convey, thus indicating to your
listener that you may not be telling the truth.
Substitution: It can substitute for a verbal message. For example, your facial expression often
conveys a far more vivid message than words ever can.
Complementing: It may add to or complement your verbal message. As a boss, if you pat an
employee on the back in addition to giving praise, it can increase the impact of your message.
Accenting: It may accent or underline a verbal message. Pounding the table, for example, can
underline the importance of your message.
Source: The Importance of Effective Communication, Edward G.
Wertheim, Ph.D.

Just as verbal language is broken up into various categories, there are also different types of
nonverbal communication and they are kinesics, haptics, proxemics, vocalics, chronemics, and oculesics.
As we learn about each type of nonverbal signal, keep in mind that nonverbals often work in concert with
each other, combining to repeat, modify, or contradict the verbal message being sent.

Kinesics refers to the movement of our hands, arms, face and body to convey meaning. It's how we
position ourselves during a conversation or where we look when we are talking. This can communicate our
interest and confidence in the interaction. During a job interview, your posture communicates a host of

Kari Cameron, a senior lecturer in the School of Communication, said you do not want to seem too
relaxed, or it might communicate overconfidence. But you also do not want to come off as too stiff or
uptight. A happy medium, Cameron suggests, is to lean slightly forward to signal interest.

Haptics is communication by touch. The strength, placement and duration of someone’s touch can
communicate anything from empathy to power to how we define a relationship. Haptics also influence first
impressions. In an interview, a firm handshake is going to readily communicate confidence. Haptics can also
help determine relational statuses. You are likely to spot those who are romantically involved holding hands.
Likewise, you could expect this of a parent and their child.

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Module Code: Pasay- OC - Q1- W1-D4

Name:_________________________________________________ Strand:_____________
Name of Teacher : ____________________________________ Date : ______________

Vocalics is the study of paralanguage, which includes the vocal qualities that go along with verbal
messages, such as pitch, volume, rate, vocal quality, and verbal fillers. Peter A. Andersen, Nonverbal
Communication: Forms and Functions (Mountain View, CA: Mayfield, 1999), 69–70.

According to Dr. Bonnie McCracken Nickels, "Paralanguage is all the ways we can communicate
using our voice — it’s these utterances that aren’t necessarily words coming out, but it’s everything else". It
includes pitch, tone, volume and more. Aside from the words we utter, meaning is based on the change in
these paralinguistic factors.
The way space and distance influence communication is called proxemics. According to
"Communication in the Real World," there are four kinds of proxemic distances: public, social, personal and
intimate. The public space is generally 12 or more feet away from an individual, and the social space is
anywhere from four to 12 feet. Personal space is generally around an arm’s length. Our intimate distance is
reserved for those whom we are closest to. Another aspect of proxemics is territoriality — our desire to
occupy and claim spaces as our own. Although there rarely are assigned seats in college, students still
gravitate toward the same spot day to day. With proxemics, it’s all about knowing the boundaries of each
other's space.
Chronemics refers to the study of how time affects communication. Time can be classified into
several different categories, including biological, personal, physical, and cultural time.Peter A. Andersen,
Nonverbal Communication: Forms and Functions (Mountain View, CA: Mayfield, 1999), 65–66.
If you have an interview that starts at noon, it is expected that you arrive sometime between 11:50-
11:55 a.m. Any earlier, it could seem like you are putting pressure on the interviewer to come and greet you.
Any later, judgments about your character may be made, and they likely will not be good. That is
chronemics — how time affects communication.
Kari Cameron, a senior lecturer in the School of Communication, said that people who tend to be on
time or early for things may be viewed as more capable or higher achievers, where if you rolled in late all the
time, that will be perceived perhaps as a lack of interest, or maybe you’re not doing [your] job effectively.
According to Dr. Bonnie McCracken Nickels, if a student is consistently late to class, the professor
might think the student is disorganized, lazy or lacks time management.


We also communicate through eye behaviors, primarily eye contact. While eye behaviors are often
studied under the category of kinesics, they have their own branch of nonverbal studies called oculesics,
which comes from the Latin word oculus, meaning “eye.” The face and eyes are the main point of focus
during communication, and along with our ears our eyes take in most of the communicative information
around us. The saying “The eyes are the window to the soul” is actually accurate in terms of where people
typically think others are “located,” which is right behind the eyes. Peter A. Andersen, Nonverbal
Communication: Forms and Functions (Mountain View, CA: Mayfield, 1999), 40. Certain eye behaviors
have become tied to personality traits or emotional states, as illustrated in phrases like “hungry eyes,” “evil
eyes,” and “ “bedroom eyes.”

Eye contact serves several communicative functions ranging from regulating interaction to
monitoring interaction, to conveying information, to establishing interpersonal connections. In terms of
regulating communication, we use eye contact to signal to others that we are ready to speak or we use it to
cue others to speak. I am sure we have all been in that awkward situation where a teacher asks a question, no
one else offers a response, and he or she looks directly at us as if to say, “What do you think?” In that case,
the teacher’s eye contact is used to cue us to respond.

Eye contact has specific functions. It regulates interaction and provide turn-taking signals, monitors
communication by receiving nonverbal communication from others, signals cognitive activity (we look away
when processing information), expresses engagement (we show people we are listening with our eyes),
conveys intimidation, expresses flirtation, and establishes rapport or connection

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Module Code: Pasay- OC - Q1- W1-D4

Name:_________________________________________________ Strand:_____________
Name of Teacher : ____________________________________ Date : ______________

What’s More?
To better understand these Nonverbal Codes in Communication, here is a bunch
of very informative and easy to understand YouTube lectures from Patricia Jenkinson’s Channel. Check
them out!

Complete the following tasks.

Task 1
Identify what type of nonverbal code each picture
represents. Write your answer on the box provided below
each picture.





5._______________________________________ 6._______________________________________

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Module Code: Pasay- OC - Q1- W1-D4

Name:_________________________________________________ Strand:_____________
Name of Teacher : ____________________________________ Date : ______________

Evaluation and Application

Task 2
We have learnt that we are using a more nonverbal codes compared with verbal in personal communication.
And we are using them in combos to effectively send the message we want other people to understand. This
task is about YOUR nonverbal codes. In sending positive messages to the people you are communicating
with, list down your most common specific nonverbal codes in your everyday communication. Write your
responses on the space provided in the diagram.

E.g. My chronemic nonverbal code as a teacher is to always be on my class on-time every time.
Reporting on my class on-time is my way of sending the message “I value the teaching-time that I am
going to spend with my students”

haptics______________ ______________________ chronemics___________
____________________ ______________________ ____________________
____________________ ______________________ ____________________
____________________ ______________________ ____________________
My ___________________

____________________ Codes proxemics____________
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
____________________ oculesics_____________ ____________________
____________________ _____________________ ____________________
____________________ _____________________ ____________________
_________________ _____________________ ___________________
Kudos! You have completed this Module! ____________________
DeVito, J. (2017) Essentials of human communication, NY, Pearson.
Writer: Jonathan Baltazar Mangao - Pasay City South High School
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